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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49633015 No.49633015 [Reply] [Original]

Take your meds.

New ASMR video dropped, GO LISTEN TO IT:

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Merch: https://ko-fi.com/Z8Z07FFQ1/shop

Previous thread: >>49607792

>> No.49633115

This thread will be better

>> No.49633125

perganet wife

>> No.49633145
File: 223 KB, 538x578, 1658474864458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did that!

>> No.49633195

A picture taken a few seconds before she stabs you to death because she went off her meds for the pregnancy.

>> No.49633197
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>> No.49633212
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It's all so tiring...

>> No.49633290
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She needs rape correction
Where is koikatu anon

>> No.49633298
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>> No.49633372
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>Shondo originally used to be taller
>She debuted as a loli
>Shadowmama: "You are never ever gonna grow up ever ever, in fact, I think you're going backwards"
>She plans to have an elementary school aged model
Bros I think I'm onto something

>> No.49633434
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I've been too distracted playing video games, watching wifey, and going to a graveyard. I'll start posting more soon, I still want to make something with the JOI edit that anon made.

>> No.49633464
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>> No.49633490

How do we fix her

>> No.49633554

stop cheating

>> No.49633573

I'm still on an adherent to the replacement shondo theory, but this is also a possibility

>> No.49633658

make her unfollow everyone

>> No.49633686

I'm sorry anon.

>> No.49633709
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Sorry, I worded that worse than it actually is, it was just a regular visit, nothing actually happened

>> No.49633758

>Bros I think I'm onto something
And what would that be? That she is like Benjamin Button?

>> No.49633911

Take inspiration from it and do this >>49631100

>> No.49633996
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Dumb schizo needs a good dicking

>> No.49634027


>> No.49634030

Well, now I know what I'm jacking off to before going to sleep.

>> No.49634039

who's the artist anon

>> No.49634059

This is beyond puffy. I think she is having an allergic reaction.

>> No.49634128

Beyond cheap, really cute style

>> No.49634234

I couldn't remember them offhand but it did look a little familiar, bless puffy lips

>> No.49634336

One of the best OP for this general

>> No.49634475

Those are some sad prices for the amount of work they clearly put in.

>> No.49634914

She's so fucking dumb I love her. God why am I like this.

>> No.49634994

Love this creature
I want to punch her in the face and then kiss her on the lips

>> No.49635017
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I love everything she does, even the things that make me feel bad.

>> No.49635044

someone wrote a whole fucking essay lmao, you guys need to learn to give her space, there's a reason the last she ever posted on shadowchama about her grieving that she turned off replies

>> No.49635280


>> No.49635324

I'm tired, bros

>> No.49635376

shes sorry and calmed down but is depressed about being a hikki

>> No.49635413

i really love being in an abusive relationship
anything for you shonshon

>> No.49635451
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I get her, I'm not one to her degree (and for that matter I guess technically not a full one at all) but sometimes I wish I was less scared of the outside world and could go outside and be normal too before I go back to watching cute girls

>> No.49635455

I want to take her camping to see animals in the woods

>> No.49635599

Ever since those hunting/fishing games I could tell she really wanted to do this. I don't think her body would survive though. A singular mosquito would suck her dry.

>> No.49635726

That mosquito? Me.

>> No.49635736
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If you could push her into it, she would love it. Realistically she definitely would not be able to do it, but, maybe with time.
Imagine sitting on a blanket with her while she bounces up and down excitedly and tries not to yell in happiness as she watches a baby deer through binoculars

>> No.49635827

She actually needs to be kidnapped huh

>> No.49635893

By me

>> No.49635981

I was lamenting not having many guro artists to follow so I went in a search and quickly devolved into looking at hatoba tsugu porn. It's very easy to insert Shondo into those images, especially her second outfit.
Oilers please commission more guro of Shondo

>> No.49636036

exactly. when i saw her play that hunting game and get all starry eyed for the deer and refuse to shoot them i realized she probably hasnt even been around nature at all and she really loves animals. i guess i take it for granted because i see a deer every month practically.

>> No.49636040

Any good artists with their skeb open?

>> No.49636051

This is why I wish that her trip to Paris goes well, she would be so happy and feel so much more confident to go outside to do other things, I'm pretty sure it will be great for her, a 100% hikki life like she has is very miserable

>> No.49636082
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>> No.49636142
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>> No.49636159
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It's really hard to commission really good guro. Tsugu stuff is fanartists, who draw it because they want to. If you can link me some artists who draw good stuff through skeb I will look into it, but I have a lot of issue finding them.

>> No.49636238

Forest tree please take some weight off of her shoulders you're her only realistic hope

>> No.49636258

Wish I knew

>> No.49636350
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I wish Giru drew just some slightly more intense stuff. Not asking for porn, but he draws her in a way and in situations sometimes where it feels like there should be just a little more, like he stopped himself midway.

>> No.49636540

some of you must've not been around for the vod deletion era, sometimes she gets emo and schizo, there's nothing you can say to convince her of anything, you just wait it out
when she's back in the right mind she appreciates the concernfag reassurance but it means nothing at the time
don't let your emotions get too wrapped up in hers, she'll be fine and when she's able to be on stream again she'll feel a lot better

>> No.49636767

You're right, it was a little hard on me when I first started seeing her meltdowns firsthand but I've slowly gotten my head on straight. I definitely wouldn't want to hound any of you for perceived slights over what she's schizo-ing out over at any given moment

>> No.49636819

I know, I was already watching her back then. I just panicked a bit due to only being able to watch small bits and pieces of today's stream live. Just some bad timing

>> No.49636882

I understand this. I know to have patience with her and dont expect to fix her with a tweet or break down over hers. Still want to be supportive during her outbursts so she knows im listening and care

>> No.49636902

I desire those vods like nothing else in this world, I want to see her when she's the most vulnerable, I want to see her raw emotions, I want to know everything about her

>> No.49636940

yeah I guess "just wait it out" is a little calloused, really I mean just don't write out paragraphs about how she's wrong about herself and about how you'll never leave her and so on, just be understanding and supportive and leave it there I think

>> No.49636945

Even if I wasn't her back then I am aware of that. I still want to say anything even if they fall on deaf ears. I am just being selfish.

>> No.49637057

That someone punching her? Me, of course.

>> No.49637168

this is also fair, it makes you feel a little better that you said something
there's an extent to where you do it just to feel more at ease, and there's some of her fans which will ruin their whole night over it

>> No.49637217

God I hate that vtweeter

>> No.49637239


>> No.49637520

amazing he still manages to cling to her to spite pippa even when shon's even less supportive of his burger politics

>> No.49637533


>> No.49637602


>> No.49637667

I hope she's having fun

>> No.49637673

i dont even know him from shondos circle i just know he used to do all kinds of cringe shit that went viral

>> No.49637863

>haha hit me, figure it out haha

>> No.49637866
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>> No.49637887

I got what I signed up for it

>> No.49638007

you took a schizo meltdown too seriously, just take it out on her physically and feel better

>> No.49638013

She is definitely making me feel a little violent tonight
Could definitely rape her as violently and horribly as I’m capable of, choke her to death and throw her body in the trash, in a loving way.

>> No.49638100

What am I gonna do? I'm Shondo's top guy. She chose me to punch her in the face.

>> No.49638156

she really wants us to be a hivemind with no ego

>> No.49638309

It's the only way she can marry us IRL

>> No.49638355

>gets punched by males at young age
>becomes schizo from the trauma
>wants to get punched by more males to ease her schizo
do not enable her addiction she is a punchaholic

>> No.49638365

Anon it’s a joke

>> No.49638377

I will enable her as long as she enables me

>> No.49638488

wasn't it genetic.

>> No.49638600

schizophrenia is a genetic predisposition mediated by environmental factors. you can have the genes and not become schizo if you have a safe and supportive environment

>> No.49638625

I'm sure she has some very tempting punching areas

>> No.49638698

sorry im addicted to punching

>> No.49638765

if i was gonna punch her it would be the stomach. no ruin wifes pretty face

>> No.49638806


>> No.49638843

This, stomachs are the perfect area for punching. Nice and soft, cute bruises, if you hit the right spot you can also knock her out instantly and have some fun with her before she wakes up.

>> No.49638878

Anyone else think when she gets like this she comes here and lurks knowing this is where she'll find the most degenerate talk about her?

>> No.49638906

bruises and blacc eyes are cute though idgi..

>> No.49639086

id have to see it later and be reminded what i did

>> No.49639133

Anon looking back on your work and admiring it is a good thing

>> No.49639135


>> No.49639192

if wifey loves me more over it, i dont get the problem? i get how she feels, being punched rlly hard in the face sometimes is really nise, id only love my husband more if they did when i asked them

>> No.49639259

That’s the point
Bruises are like hickeys, they’re markings. You’re branding her as your territory. You know it, she knows it, everyone else who sees her knows it.

>> No.49639341
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>> No.49639420

look its a mod

>> No.49639497

no sorry, just average anon lurker

>> No.49639550

The break really made us all even more menhera huh
Never seen a thread get like this because of one of her episodes

>> No.49639662

is joke

>> No.49639664

plenty of messes were made in /uoh/ and /lig/ in previous episodes. this feels par for the course

>> No.49639687

it is what it is

>> No.49639731
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The break lowered our tolerances, causing us to overdose on her upon the return.

>> No.49639813

sort of, desu. i had massive issues sleeping for 2 weeks, and now that she's back, i can finally hav normal sleep again. so yeah, it made me realize im much more dependant on her than i first thought

>> No.49639867

what in the fuck i did not type desu, why is that there

>> No.49639918
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>> No.49639974

how new?

>> No.49639982

are you serious rn
holy fuck

>> No.49640076

I wasn't sure about this split at first but it's probably for the best, now our outbursts are contained and other fanbases don't have to be subjected to it

>> No.49640148

Thank you skeb Anon

>> No.49640224

You know that's an underage girl right?

>> No.49640332


>> No.49640384
File: 642 KB, 1922x1922, 1668334681978584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my imoutodaughterwife!

>> No.49640472

absolute newfaggot

>> No.49640671

OK I GOT CAUGHT pleas no buly i only started posting a year ago ;~;

>> No.49640787

Her mental illness is rubbing off on me

>> No.49640889

out of 10!

>> No.49641420

just remember, dont become her, become someone that can support her

>> No.49642766

I miss wifey

>> No.49642784

if something happened to her, how would we know? would her mama or brother tell us somehow?

>> No.49642863

She said her brother would say something

>> No.49642946

/preg/GODS win again! also that's my child inside her

>> No.49643265

wheelchairuser69 will tell us

>> No.49643386

nobody asked but I figured someone would be curious

>> No.49643956

Me and Shonshon

>> No.49644090

>80,000 husbands taking turns cumming inside shondo
>running gamba predictions on whether or not shondo will get pregnant *this time* when its not your turn
believers stay strong

>> No.49644144

shondo will birth triplets for me and die in childbirth forever altering the course of my life

>> No.49644309

All her husband's would have enough cum to fill a bathtub, so my AI art of her in a bathtub of cum is lore accurate

>> No.49644683

>No Sayadou wife to mindrape a woman into our brainless pet
Why even bother?

>> No.49645510

>80,000x3.5ml = 280 liters
>bathtub can hold about this much
actually true and real

>> No.49645627

>They did the math
>We did it reddit!
>Take my gold

>> No.49645758


>> No.49645949

kek the shading on the neck makes it look like theres just an empty collar sitting there and the head is floating

>> No.49646030

my dullahan wife

>> No.49646173

I wonder if this episode was just another ploy to make us worse, just like she said she would.

>> No.49646271
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Shondo is grooming us into becoming actual axe murderers and I'm perfectly ok with it, I hope she continues to ruin me

>> No.49647128

It was funny how she tried being violent to ellie at every opportunity, silly shondo

>> No.49648119

I was there at the time and this feels different. I've never seen her lash out and say something that's clearly intended to hurt her hardcore fans like that. An idle threat to leave you for some irl guy strikes at the biggest fear of all gachikoi.

>> No.49648146

>violent to ellie
so confusing

>> No.49648294

Damn that's so hot

>> No.49648302

if shadow of all people were to betray us like that, then there really is no hope. i wouldnt even be mad, just hurt.

>> No.49649163

What even triggered this? Did she notice some former regulars who weren't around anymore?

>> No.49650047

It's like if the president started hovering over the nuke everyone button

>> No.49650455

that's the thing, now we know that it's a thought that she entertains, even if she says she'll never stop streaming, she might just drop everything and leave whenever just to find someone real.

>> No.49650495

why is she having a silvi-tier spergout on twitter? i just got back

>> No.49650592

women never change
they will abandon you as soon as they find something "better"
i hate this

>> No.49650722

Good job wifey, shoggers are still up in arms over this. She really has us all wrapped around her tiny loli fingers.

Check the tweet after that tweet shoggers, she knows it'll never happen. It's just these 1% of the time when she wishes things were different, the rest of the time she fucking loves what she does. Let her have a fucking moment, jeez. It's not like you shoggers aren't acting even more mentally unstable on a regular Wednesday

>> No.49650726

Not sure what I'm going to do with the art I'm working on right now. Not in the mood to work on it

>> No.49650819

thank you for the sanepost
i know what you say is true, and its not like i cant relate to her hard, but just like she has her moments, so do i

>> No.49650875

just wait to see what she has to say in the next few streams, if she ever threatens us with cuckoldry like that again, it's time to leave.

>> No.49650888

>Check the tweet after that tweet shoggers, she knows it'll never happen
sure, but saying "if only" only makes it worse if anything. it doubles down on saying that this is what she actually wants and the only reason she's here with us is because she can't do anything else. we're literally being called her 2nd choice.

>> No.49650942

you know, some of you are really overthinking this
just get a good rest tonight and come back tomorrow, things aren't as deep as they seem

>> No.49651034

every post in that alt has been as deep, or even deeper than what they've seemed.

>> No.49651076

no, it really hasn't
wordsoups are wordsoups, dumped into existence and forgotten not long after

>> No.49651108

Get some sleep and come back to it when you are in the mood again. Wifey will love it a d love you even more for it.

>> No.49651178

I'm genuinely going insane. Just the possibility of her leaving us is giving me anxiety all day.

>> No.49651233

remember when she told us about the conversation she had on this topic with saruei a few weeks back? it's uh... yeah. i don't know if it's her new friend group or whatever, but someone in her proximity is normalizing these ideas

>> No.49651312

She clearly talked with inis based on what she said after the raid, so she probably talked with the barbie girls as well, if she is talking about this with her friends it's probably really bothering her

>> No.49651350

I didn't follow the raid, what did she say

>> No.49651438
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I don't like entertaining the thought of leaving her but if she's entertaining the idea of leaving me I don't know what to think.

>> No.49651486

she's testing you

>> No.49651522

yeah, to see if you'd still follow her even if she cucked you

>> No.49651529

You will NEVER be enough
because there will always be a guy that will leave, and she will seethe about that everytime
and no matter how dedicated you are to her, how reassuring you try to be, she wont listen, you are powerless
because she is right, someone will always leave, time and time again shes been proven right
until one day, you wont be able to take it, and you'll leave, and prove her right once again and cycle will continue
and this cycle can only be broken when she stops loving you because at that point, it wont even matter if you leave
you find the best oshi you could ever dream of but that just means she will hurt you the most

>> No.49651545


>> No.49651579

wait I didnt even register that at the time what the fuck

>> No.49651595

thats what you signed up for if you can't handle a menhera better leave its only going to hurt both of you

>> No.49651601

this is one of those rare times where i genuinely have no clue what happened that triggered her so badly

>> No.49651607

It's pretty obvious shondo talked with inis about people leaving her

>> No.49651670

i just wonder if she (and others who do this shit) realize how much they're hurting their supporters by talking like this? or do they not care? i used to watch meru a lot and she was like this but on steroids which is why i dropped her. it's just so fucking disrespectful

>> No.49651714

I've been here for a while but this is the only time something she's said has dug deep and actually hurt

>> No.49651746

please dont turn a half sentence tweet into huge drama and make her regret it

>> No.49651789

just send her something nice she didn't mean it

>> No.49651829

I slept and missed the shadowchama tweet, but still feel like shit after her threatening to leave. Hopefully by the time she streams my heads on straight but I won't lie, this is going to be a source of major brainworms for a long time

>> No.49651833

a half sentence tweet? it's a thread

>> No.49651995

you are overreacting. i don't think she'll ever leave or cuck anyone. at least not while she's still physically capable of streaming. i doubt she has that option, and i think her devotion to viewers is genuine.
but with that said, you really should've known better. not to ruin the illusion, but this kind of relationship isn't the same, and isn't a replacement, for an actual romantic relationship, nor just plain human closeness. neither for her, nor for you. although whether you even want an actual relationship, or are satisfied with just this, is a different question. but then if you claim to be satisfied with this, you have to understand what this relationship even is, and what it entails.

>> No.49652034

She wasn't asking for a real relationship she wants to stop working her ass off and marry a rich guy

>> No.49652092

shondo corrupted me, I want a loli wife now

>> No.49652129

You have one

>> No.49652152
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>this kind of relationship isn't the same, and isn't a replacement, for an actual romantic relationship, nor just plain human closeness
but all I want is to be close to someone like shadow...

>> No.49652259

Take solace in the fact that she can never have this option due to her mental illnesses

>> No.49652264

that's the opposite of corruption. you've been enlightened. healed. and saved.

>> No.49652308

yeah, i know that feel too.

>> No.49652396

she can though. she has already had it at one point. all she has to do is reach out her hand and someone will be there to grab it.

>> No.49653037

I think my response was bad, I was sleep deprived and said what my gut reaction was. Wish I could have said something different but it is what it is

>> No.49653105

She saw saru took a 2 month break and have a handful of loyal bfs stay loyal the entire time and wants the same

>> No.49653255
File: 1.23 MB, 2700x2025, 1667310317738326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its time, start posting your shondo tattoos to one of her tags or something

>> No.49653298

I'm waiting for my 1 year (sorry im a newfag subathon husband)

>> No.49653743

I don't want to drag it out but I wish she would acknowledge making that statement instead of just going 'teehee punch me' and brushing it under the rug.

>> No.49653841

Im sure she'll will subtly reference it during one of the streams this week. My moneys during the pregathon since she gets a bit silly the later streams go

>> No.49653979

Every time there's some drama here she addresses it in some way, I'm sure she will talk about it and probably apologize as it made a lot of people upset.

>> No.49654291

I doubt she cares when 200people, half of which arent even husbands saw that

>> No.49654604

If twitter stats are to be believed, over 1000 people saw the first tweet

>> No.49654883

wow, child bregnancy :DDD

>> No.49654929

Shondo said the only way she could be canceled is if she gets a bf, she has to know that threatening to get one is very close to that

>> No.49655114

Shondo antis must be incredibly lazy. There is so much fuel against her in just the last few days that would be so easy to use against her

>> No.49655195

I guess they don't actually watch or follow her

>> No.49655282

That's a mix of menhera and "woman testing her man" phenomena.
If you whine and worry that makes you lose points in her eyes. You need to not give a fuck, stand up to her and ignore her threat. Then randomly kiss her passionately later, but we can't do that.

>> No.49655436

Obviously this triggers in woman when they feel insecure. You need to show stability and strenght, as opposed to her menhera so she feels she can rely on you. That's why worry-simpy behavior makes you lose points.

>> No.49656058

I won't leave because of a menhera episode, and I'm not going to go "UwU I'll be sad but if it makes you happy please cuck us" like some. But I'm also not going to not say that I'm not happy with it.

>> No.49656392

The punching she desires follows a similar "reasoning". It means "shut up bitch you're just being insecure, everything's fine, chill" (also means "I'm strong and take no shit therefore reliable"). Also works as a "snap out of it" sort of thought interruption.

Of course you wouldn't be happy. It's meant to be a provocation. That's the point of a woman shit-test, to rile you up. You need to show reliability. If you can't deal with your inner turbulence, you can't deal with hers either.

I'm not an internet tough guy /pol/fag larper, just oldge and know that's just how it works. Normally when woman feel fine there's no need for that, but when they get emotional and insecure this is how you handle it. Think of it as tardwrangling. No need to be 24/7 epic tough guy, you just need to know when and how to apply it.

>> No.49657801

I need to stop being such a women and just (lovingly) beat the shit out of her when she does stuff like this

>> No.49658061

still on this? having a longer episode than she did?

>> No.49658729

if this is a relationship there's gonna be feelings being exposed on both sides. if you're not into the parasocialism, find another community

>> No.49658877

Don't need to project your own mental health problem to the whole "community", my shogger

>> No.49659012

so you're gonna pretend that shondo isn't a parasocialtuber? alright then. you do you, buddy

>> No.49659080

mucho texto

>> No.49659102

Why do you think anyone cares what the community thinks, I am here for shondo. I dont give a flying fuck about what anyone in the community feels about me. I'll be nice of course because thats what she wants but I'm not here to make friends

>> No.49659272

Love when she threatens to cuck me! I'm a strong male so that doesn't bother me lol

>> No.49659369

this is it! I like your sigma mindset lmao

>> No.49659546

either you follow her into the abyss and let her consume your soul or you fuck off its that easy

>> No.49659640
File: 70 KB, 625x626, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49660183

bold statement anon but learn to moderate your own emotions and learn to deal with her literal schizo outbursts without walls of concernfagging

>> No.49660297

Imagine justifying your concernfagging by saying "ugh but parasocial uuuu" I think you should kill yourself

>> No.49660435

Who wants to bet whether today's pre-stream will get flooded with donations?

>> No.49660532

I hope not, its bad to reinforce this behavior

>> No.49660607

Not from me, I'm pissed

>> No.49660627

That would be a extremely fucking retarded thing to do since you arent supposed to know about that account

>> No.49660660

how new?

>> No.49660671

I already know who will donate lmao

>> No.49660730

don't mind me just dropping a "post stream love message" in the discord, apropos of nothing

>> No.49660769

This is the first time she outright threatened to cuck us. I dont know how you cannot be upset about it

>> No.49660794
File: 60 KB, 811x901, 20230224_193105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You stupid fucks are so fucking funny holy shit

>> No.49660801

because its not my first time dealing with a menhera i know that she didn't mean it

>> No.49660803

The ASMR was like someone chewing their food loudly in your ear.

>> No.49660845

virgins that have never been in any relationship getting mindbroken by 1 (one) instance of toxic behaviour is fucking funny
please keep going

>> No.49660885

if you were in more then 1 relationship, you're a fucking whore, get shot

>> No.49660917

to be clear, this is far from the first time she ever said she wished she could just be normal and have a normal relationship

>> No.49660930

>new ip
>immediately blames virgins
strange that

>> No.49660987

this but newfags won't know that

>> No.49661012

you could at least have interacted with a woman before regardless of sex, or even have just interacted with this one for longer than a couple of months

>> No.49661057

This was just a 2hr mental breakdown where she said she just wanted to be normal, everyone needs to calm down. This is par for the course every few months

>> No.49661061

if my wife jokes about marrying a richer man whenever we're in a rough spot, I'm going to have serious second thoughts.

>> No.49661075

It’s a toxic relationship for both of us really. She’s hurt over and over, has to keep questioning what she’s doing wrong, we have to suffer through it until we leave too and prove her right.

>> No.49661081

Theres twice the regular amount of ips

>> No.49661083

Actually it's worse than that. It's not that you're her second choice it's that you're the best she can get. It's like how you hear those stories of fat people losing weight and becoming more physically attractive and then dumping their significant other for someone more attractive.
What makes someone "good" is the fact they have the opportunity to be "bad". I'm not saying she'd be "bad" for living a normal life with a dude but the fact she's making it clear that she'd drop you for someone else if she could isn't really a great. Especially for someone who was supposed to be some self proclaimed GFE "I would never cheat on you" girl. That being said I saw this coming considering how she seemingly only excludes males on stream but openly expresses her attraction to girls without batting an eye. Feel like a true GFE wouldn't be openly expressing any interest in anyone else.

>> No.49661143

we have some pseudo love guru here that watched one too many youtube shorts on relationship advices.

>> No.49661154

Go back tourist
She isn’t GFE, doesn’t want to be GFE, hates being called GFE. Quit pretending you know jack shit about her.

>> No.49661212

>self proclaimed GFE
Fuck off tourist.

>> No.49661259

then leave, christ

>> No.49661295

She is your wife not girlfriend

>> No.49661301

What can we actually do to help her?

>> No.49661321

and i always thought I'm the most mentally unstable person in this general

>> No.49661323

asking christ to leave your house is basically inviting the devil in.

>> No.49661469

Help her find a rich husband
It hurts but it's our job as low value men to serve as a stepping stone for our queen to find her king. It's an honor really

>> No.49661516

You missed the entire point of everything she said, didn’t you?

>> No.49661528

Looks like trolls found the thread I'm closing it until the stream starts

>> No.49661557

cucks really can smell blood in the water

>> No.49661603

taps the sign
nothing we can do but be supportive and try to be the collective voice that tells her what she's worth
over time it chips away at her, she used to be much worse about taking care of herself, her eating disorder, keeping her mood in check on stream
sadly, her friends and family are the ones that are gonna be crisis support more often than not, and we have to just let go and do little more than voice our support

>> No.49661668

I hope she’ll be okay today.

>> No.49661682

Threads have been mostly shit ever since her break ended. Should we go back to having them only when she is live?

>> No.49661726

Why even have a thread at that point

>> No.49661761

don't let the cucks win

>> No.49661802

we should go back to /uoh/

>> No.49661817

she'll be fine, she already got past it yesterday, if she's still a little gloomy today she won't make it obvious, and an hour into zatsu she'll say how she was feeling cruddy but is good now because of streaming

>> No.49661823

To actually talk about her streams like we did before she went on break you fucking retard.

>> No.49661895

She even calls herself cute lately.
I think being responsible for sustaining her family is doing her good, when she buys the house her self-esteem will probably reach the highest in her entire life.

>> No.49661933

yeah, we should go post the same exact thing in /uoh/ or /lig/ instead, im sure that will go well

>> No.49661963

the trick is to not interact with the other threads at all

>> No.49662006

people are going to post about this no matter what. if not in this thread, it'll bleed elsewhere

>> No.49662115

unironically other fanbases telling us to shut up when we namedrop chatters or vaguepost resulted in better posting quality
the floodgates opened here and there's no going back to before the threads became half chatter gripes half talking about rrk

>> No.49662121

she seems to have gotten over the situation entirely

>> No.49662151

I know but what I meant is that it's in a similar vein in that she encourages a parasocial relationship and has even admitted to being parasocial with her chat like noticing when some people leave or haven't chatted in a while.
Yes she wants be "your wife" which is an even stronger bond which makes it even more fucked up that she'd say that shit. I mean anyone who tries to form a paraosocial relationship with a streamer likely knows that it's true she'd probably leave for an actual guy that fits her standards but she must know she's shooting herself in the foot saying it out loud and breaking the immersion.
I meant GFE in the same way people call her a vtuber despite not streaming on twitch. I meant it in the sense that she encourages parasocial relationships and reciprocates them. Also last time I browsed this board nobody went ape over calling her GFE so I guess shit changed.

>> No.49662172

you just wished /uoh/ wouldn't die instantly because we're not there anymore.
just go back there and post about the cunny you like.

>> No.49662243

>1 comment on 1 tweet

>> No.49662360

never forget the 36 people that liked that tweet about marrying a rich guy.
those are the real yes-men that would agree with literally everything she has to say. even if she got into a relationship and abandons everyone.

>> No.49662407

I just treat liking as "I read it, I'm here"
fuck off sperg

>> No.49662447

i like every tweet to tell her i read it. have fun being a cuckfag though

>> No.49662468

There was never anything redeemable about /uoh/, but were still told off about discord drama and namedropping at least. But no, I hope /uoh/ dies regardless, I mostly mean going back to /lig/. In a year of talking about her on /lig/ there was never a point where we'd liken someone to our favorite chatter to dismiss their statements.

>> No.49662470

I just treat liking as "I hate this tweet, fuck you"
fuck off sperg

>> No.49662469

no you just didn't understand her tweet and shouldn't follow this account

>> No.49662495

Stop responding to bait

>> No.49662519


>> No.49662543

You really don’t understand what she was saying at all, do you?
Americans and their obsession with cuckshit need to be nuked

>> No.49662548

>cuck posting
>shitting on other vtubers
>soft doxxing other vtubers
>talking about other generals
I think it's time for the thread to take a break, everyone seems way more retarded than usual

>> No.49662583

Imagine not just liking every other tweet besides that one like any of the other sane(r) husbands

>> No.49662623

stop using this to push your own agenda to go back to lig, just have it in another tab

>> No.49662660

Maybe we should create a set of rules to post in the OP

>> No.49662665

I read, I did not like what I read, I do not like tweet. Simple as.
Also I have alzheimer's and often forget to like at all even if I meam to

>> No.49662742

Might aswell go to fucking reddit?

>> No.49662824

People wouldn't follow them and would instead just argue about them too.

>> No.49662829

I think most people use the like button as a "seen" button. It's why people "like" videos about children starving in Africa and such.

>> No.49662837

I really think going outside a little more would be good for her. Aside from shipping merch and emergencies, the last time she went outside and did something fun was when her whole family went to the zoo, which was august 2021.
Just once a month or something would be good for her. Girl’s going stir crazy.

>> No.49662839

When you think that this community managed to grow a little, they manage to go back to how things were before and shit up the entire place. Good job.

>> No.49662877


>> No.49662883

We're having an episode, please be patient

>> No.49662897


>> No.49662922

The chat really does reflect the streamer

>> No.49662926

to be fair, not our fault this time.

>> No.49662953

I missed everything what the fuck happened

>> No.49663029

Read this thread and the last, though it's mostly just anons fighting.

>> No.49663052

faggots can't handle her menhera episodes

>> No.49663111

It has been 14 hours, she would be laughing at you idiots for getting this worked up. It's just a standard menhera attack.

>> No.49663134

shondo felt hurt by people leaving, made her question why she works so hard at this rather than leading a normal life
she got over it many hours ago and anons are still somehow more hurt over it

>> No.49663147

Hey I'm ok I'm just laughing at the situation

>> No.49663174

I tried and halfway through all the retard shit flinging i gave up

>> No.49663222

Can't blame you and it's probably for the best.

>> No.49663226

people would actually just laugh anything off
oops shondo stabbed me in my second kidney this time, oh silly shon shon, just on another one of your menhera attacks again? let me just punch you real quick.

>> No.49663235

this is another reason I fell in love with her. watching her schizo happenings live made her feel human and real to me, like I was actually there in the room with her struggling with her own mind. strangely, I find it comforting which is why I went so menhera yesterday trying to find it kek.

>> No.49663267

jokes on you i want her to stab me

>> No.49663286

This is also why I like her, she's not a character she's a real human with flaws, but even then she's so precious and sweet I love her

>> No.49663385

This response is in proportion to how she would respond if her regulars suddenly told her they should drop her, that it would be easy to find another stream and never watch her again.

>> No.49663423

it's all new IPs

>> No.49663455

If she doesn't twist the knife she never really intended to hurt you.

>> No.49663458

I know who you are
You are on The List

>> No.49663478

say my name

>> No.49663519

dm me

>> No.49663528

dm me

>> No.49663539

that's ok everyone knows that i'm here

>> No.49663547

Drop the list now

>> No.49663567

I'm not baking a new thread until stream starts. Take this time to cool off.

>> No.49663579


>> No.49663616

Did you at least manage to find it?

>> No.49663619

the thread is going to last until the stream you dummy

>> No.49663986

/uoh/ here, don't come back

>> No.49664037

most of you shouldn't even follow that account if you are going to lose your shit over a simple breakdown of hers

>> No.49664114

I better be on there you fucking nigger. DM me.

>> No.49664130

You shouldn't be here if you can't handle a simple breakdown every once in awhile

>> No.49664453

nah just woke up and been catching up with thread, I've managed to piece more clues together though so I'll eventually find something.
>my own personal shondo ARG
I dont think I'm ever going to be able to stop thinking about her bros.

>> No.49664511

Good luck, you'll find it sooner or later.

>> No.49664579

I wish I could give you some hints but I don't want too many people finding it, if you do your reps you can do it I believe in you anon

>> No.49664642

If you dont know what that account is yet then you are a retarded tourist that doesn't belong here. Her shitty discord clique still doesn't know about it and 100% of the people following are from /here/

>> No.49664745

I believe the hint's I've gotten are sufficient enough, I also wouldn't want too many spoon feeds for the same reason as you.
I also like the idea of going completely schizo trying to figure this shit out.
>I'll make an alt so I dont out myself again
you are retarded

>> No.49664846

neppie posted another guro art for you guro lovers that only follow her alt for that

>> No.49665008

This thread is for Shondo. Fuck off.

>> No.49665074
File: 18 KB, 112x112, 1678589917889604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know who's baiting who anymore.

>> No.49665219

>going completely schizo
you're exaggerating this way too much. all it takes is one single 10-30 minute trip through one single website if you aren't completely new to the internet and have basic searching skills. not even tangentially schizo.

>> No.49665338

Sometimes I just want to fuck her stupid mouth to shut her up

>> No.49665377

that's the fun part about anonymous image boards

>> No.49665505

Maybe today was a bad day for a zatsu focused game.

>> No.49665585

I could not have worded that better, thank you

>> No.49665695

I hate shadow

>> No.49665756

turn off all the lights then.

>> No.49665779

shondo never lies.

>> No.49665783

yeah sonic is way better

>> No.49665882

Am I retarded if I really thought that Shondo doesn't use voice changers? There are videos where she sounds like a normal girl? Or does she really not use voice changers and just does like a really good loli voice? I'm going to continue watching regardless, I'm just confused on what's going on here.Big picture it doesn't matter! I like her as a person and will continue to support her.

>> No.49665939

There's no voice changers.

>> No.49665978

Why are you wasting your new ip bait on page 11

>> No.49665994

That's her actual voice, it gets a bit higher when she's excited but otherwise its how she actually sounds, and it is really pretty and cute

>> No.49666001


>> No.49666021

she's currently lying in my bed though

>> No.49666040

That bed? Me

>> No.49666076

Can verify this because I didn't know about it and I just found it in like 10 minutes of searching using nothing but clues from this thread.

>> No.49666212

>followed all 3 accounts and neppies alt
You are retarded

>> No.49666262

here's your (you)'s
please understand I am very retarded it will take a long time to find

>> No.49666280

>go to bed
>thread fine
>wake up
The fuck happened

>> No.49666288

I would hate punch her any day

>> No.49666352

That is a anti falseflagging
Its too obvious

>> No.49666358

>that account name

>> No.49666366

Can somebondy make a new thread ? I want to ask something

>> No.49666407

this is what you guys get for scattering so many crumbs

>> No.49666441

Wrong person anons, I haven't followed any of them.

>> No.49666584

sometimes i get embarrassed being a part of this "group". you guys are actual fucking retards. sometimes you are alright though. hope you come back to your senses when the stream starts

>> No.49666618

Ask here fag

>> No.49666698


>> No.49666801

almost cool digits.
glad they're not though. fuck any more unnecessary attention.

>> No.49666877

How new are you
There are no dubs

>> No.49666959


>> No.49666998

other boards newfag
