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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4819356 No.4819356 [Reply] [Original]

Narukami Leak TLDR
Posted at the same time when Coco started her stream.


>Taiwan incident happens
>Cover is blacklisted from China
>Cover has executives and shareholders that are chinese and do not like Coco, and wanted her gone
>From this point forward besides the harassment from the outside, there was also harassment from the inside

>Cover puts restrictions over Coco, these restrictions were said at the time that they were made to "protect" her
>From now on Coco wasn't invited to big streams on the official channel, she could not do sponsored streams alone, ideas from her were shut down and requests to collab with HoloEN were denied
>The annoucement of her celebration goods for the 1mi subs was late
>Coco was not featured in the Hololive anime
>A particular episode was the one where the staff mistakenly gave mod powers to a chinese anti, who went on a rampage banning everyone in her chat

>After everything that happened, this broke Coco's heart
>And she decides to retire
>Management's goal was accomplished, and after all the mistreat Coco decided to leave on her own accord
>From this point, HoloEN collabs were accepted, everything Coco asked was given an OK
>Coco also became more active on her roomate's account, streaming more often there (bday stream yesterday)
>In the end, Cover did nothing to protect Coco, and in reality wanted her gone

>> No.4819511


>> No.4819685


>> No.4819726


>> No.4819887

black company

>> No.4819954

Honestly those all sounds more like well educated guesses, any information and how the guy knows this?

>> No.4819963
File: 120 KB, 1079x561, Liked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liked and Subscribed!

>> No.4820078
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>harrasment bullying
If the rrats turns to be true i hope cover pulls off a gamebu

>> No.4820085
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>> No.4820129

CHADkami strikes again!

>> No.4820185

bad rrat, gtfo retard

>> No.4820203

>Trusting Narukami
How is this board any better than jp again?

>> No.4820241

We only post outrageous rrats here anon. Nobody cares about this plausible truth.

>> No.4820249

narukami is kami

>> No.4820321

>Cover has executives and shareholders that are chinese and do not like Coco

>> No.4820323

He uploaded this before Coco announced her graduation, he clearly knew she was going to graduate before hand

>> No.4820337

>Coco was not featured in the Hololive anime
Nigga the dragon is front and center, this isn't even a good lie, you can literary go watch it right now.

>> No.4820357

Fuck off, also , OGEY RRAT

>> No.4820427

At the very least he was not wrong with anything hololive related. He is the reason Mel is still here to begin with.

>> No.4820499

Narukami's motive is that he wants to destroy the vtuber trend. He hates chuubas with a passion. But he is smart because he knows just saying random shit online doesn't mean anything so he presents evidence with his claims. However, most of the time the evidence will be pretty vague or there will be one piece of evidence and he makes schizo rrats based off those. There are times where he will get news before everyone else but the actual details behind those things are filled in by him. So chances are these are educated guesses based on his experience with other companies and how they operate.

>> No.4820501

Anonymous source and it will stay that way, but it's weird that he gave the news minutes before Coco herself.

>> No.4820512

Because Coco had the template that's literally used for graduations...

>> No.4820547


>> No.4820560

>if it's Holos:"Nooooooo, he's a liar and a collossal faggot! D-Don't believe his lies!"
The cope is real, hehehehe

>> No.4820581


>> No.4820605

My personal rrat is that she was too crass for hololive and she was too much of a liability to their new idol agency image.

>> No.4820705
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>I stay positive
if you want to graduate, why you should stay positive?

>> No.4820742

So, it's basically a compilation of good old rrats we used to see on /jp/ with some crap mixed in?

>> No.4820744

I can believe it. Totally.

>> No.4820745

Oh , its just narratives. Narukami, i am disappointed

>> No.4820748

What do you mean why? What do you think would've happened with Mel if she kept quiet? Do you not know about her being stalked by her manager last year?

>> No.4820767
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bros... i beleeb it...

>> No.4820772

The only reason why cover would have even thought of going into china was if they had an executive or shareholder who was Chinese and could help them get set up there. He's probably guessing, but it's something anyone should have been able to guess.

>> No.4820779

It's not weird at all see >>4820512
Dude likely also had the video ready for months, updating it once in a while when something that could fuel his views came up, he saw the thumbnail and he published it

>> No.4820791
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>>>Cover has executives and shareholders that are chinese and do not like Coco, and wanted her gone

Fuck them

>> No.4820807

干杯 ! ! !

>> No.4820810

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Haachama 六四天安門事件 The Asacoco protests of September 2020 天安門大屠殺 The Bilibili Schedule Massacre 反右派鬥爭 65 minutes level 18 大躍進政策 The Aqua Outfit Reveal 文化大革命 Bilibili VLC Stream 人權 Haachama Kitchen 民運 Holohouse 1 million yen fine 自由 Haaton Decapitation Mark 獨立 多黨制 Multi-Stream Drifting 台灣 臺灣 Tanigo’s cycling route 中華民國 Okayu’s real voice 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Anemachi doesn’t exist 達賴喇嘛 Youtube Analytics 法輪功 Red Heart 新疆維吾爾自治區 Matsuri’s amazon wishlist 諾貝爾和平獎 Golden YAGOO 劉暁波 Ringo Juice Black Market 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 Coco's Kirby Super Star playthrough 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 Kanata’s long fingers 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 Keyboard Incident 強制斷種 NenePro’s pee scandal 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 Civia’s black bull 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 Masketta Man 還政於民 和平 Ayame’s client list 演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共 KoroMiko Incident 産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 Lamy’s schizo asylum investment fund 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 Pekora’s induced suicide victims 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 Aqua’s autism test 買賣人口 遊進 走私 Watame did something wrong 毒品 賣淫 春畫 Hitomi Chris 3D concert 賭博 六合彩天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Bennett Foddy 劉曉波动态网自由门 Sharkmeido's public execution 让香港重获自由

>> No.4820817


>> No.4820842

Probably means hologra.

>> No.4820845

i mean as, what he did? he leaked it?

>> No.4820908

so it comes from your ass

>> No.4820909

>>Coco was not featured in the Hololive anime
Okay right away he's wrong. For one it's not an anime to begin with and for two, there's a dragon that looks identical to her dragon-form she's described.

>> No.4820919

Can narukami become the CEO instead

>> No.4820934


>> No.4820949
File: 27 KB, 406x441, 1611855642021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be real, right? The video was made beforehand, and it's extremely plausible seeing how Coco was upset at management.

>> No.4820957

Yes. Cover only posted the apology letter and compromised with helping Mel after the video + backlash.

>> No.4821001

Easily believable rrat, dangerous even

>> No.4821049

It works too perfectly to not be real

>> No.4821070

If Cover starts getting chinese sponsorships again within this year, you know for fact they sold Coco out. And Fubuki fucking flinched at the idea to actually go through with her pledge.

>> No.4821084

>Management's goal was accomplished, and after all the mistreat Coco decided to leave on her own accord
>In the end, Cover did nothing to protect Coco, and in reality wanted her gone

Actually a really common Japanese practice for wage workers. I don't know the term, but they'll move employees that they hate into broom closets/mechanical rooms/generally any place that's insufferable to sit in for hours at a time and give them no work. They just sit there for hours at a time at desks that usually don't have computers or internet until they quit.

Sounds like the vtuber version of doing that. Want to keep being Coco? Well fine, enjoy being Coco alone. Fuck Cover.

>> No.4821205

>Coco was not featured in the Hololive anime
... Okay...

>> No.4821206

Pledge? What are you talking about?

>> No.4821244
File: 59 KB, 562x743, E2ut2DfVgAA7naC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Fubuki going to leave now too? FUCK NO.

>> No.4821260

There's no template you actual retards.

>> No.4821278

It means hologra in one member stream she mentioned that they haven't call her to record a new episode in the last 8 months

>> No.4821288

Yeah, I'm taking this with a huge grain of salt until Chinese sponsorships happen. And Fubuki's actions are also suspect but I don't want to think she was bought out either, particularly because unlike Aqua, her name is still mud in West Taiwan.

>> No.4821295

>>Coco also became more active on her roomate's account, streaming more often there (bday stream yesterday)

What is her roommate account?

>> No.4821303
File: 90 KB, 535x561, Screenshot_20210608_025858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ayy rmao ching chong nip nong

Easy with the capitalization, zhang.

>> No.4821330

Can I get a link to her roomate's account? I want to at least support her there.

>> No.4821358

>Hololive anime
Where is that?

>> No.4821386

Go home narukami no one cares about your bullshit lies lol

>> No.4821394

If Fubuki leaves, so will I.

>> No.4821404

Then why would they put her in one of their biggest projects yet.

>> No.4821424

Japanese Keemstar might be on to something here.

>> No.4821441
File: 1.21 MB, 1677x699, haachama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4821466

the rratmaster is out of his hole today I see

>> No.4821475

This seems more like an alternate interpretation for shit we already know rather than any new rrats desu. Narukami not at his best.

>> No.4821479

This is, ironically, because Japanese labor laws are so strict. It's so hard to fire people that you must either resort to this kind of shenanigan, or create a literal cult inside your company where you only hire people who will do absolutely anything you tell them to.

>> No.4821601

graduate soon

>> No.4821607

Not only was his video out at the same time as Coco's, it was a premiered video. In other words IT WAS PRE-RECORDED

>> No.4821649

That's a fake account, otherwise it would have a wrench next to it.

>> No.4821695

>Pottawatomie massacre
Dude we all know that's just FOXBOXX

>> No.4821738

No more easy money for that degenerate bitch
She was poison to hololive, always bringing western culture to it
I hope she go broke and has to shoot some JAVs

>> No.4821766

> guy reads threads on 5ch
> get views from stupid EOPs

>> No.4821828

That's the point, she doesn't want it.

>> No.4821836

Narukami's video makes too much sense. While it's hard to validate anything he says, the NARRATIVE actually fits perfectly. I can't trust Fubuki or Cover unless Yagoo himself performs haragiri on Coco's graduation stream. I'm not consuming any more Hololive content, and if Cover starts making Chinese moves, I'm turning full on Hololive anti.

>> No.4821885

_ka_son on twitter

>> No.4821916

I don't know what you're talking about, but I really like the easily searched channel "kson ONAIR," for no particular reason related to your question that might violate any rules

>> No.4821926

What actions? What did Fubuki do?

>> No.4821978

fuck off newfag

>> No.4822086

Prove that you're not a chink first

>> No.4822240


>> No.4822256

Fubuki said to trust her and if she leaves Hololive is because something bad actually happened there.

>> No.4822277

No tengo una buena forma de probar que no onions un chinkchonk más allá de hablar español, pero al menos puedo decir que Coco aprendiendo mi lengua me alegraba el día. Lo estaba haciendo muy bien.

>> No.4822318

I agree that Narukami bullshits a lot but for this scenario he probably knew what he was talking about since shit lines up well and the video was fucking fast

>> No.4822344

>trusting japanese keemstar

>> No.4822414


>> No.4822458

Reincarnating as a solo or with a new company.

>> No.4822462

All those people that went "if Cover bends the knee to China I'll stop supporting them" "Coco graduating because of the China drama would be suicide"
I'm going to see them being all wrong, Coco will graduate, Cover will lick the Chinese boot, and nothing will happen.

>> No.4822522

>Cover did nothing to protect Coco, and in reality wanted her gone
RIP in piss reddit dragon. You won't be missed.

>> No.4822545

I already saw that shitty English in another thread, fuck off zhang

>> No.4822600

end yourself zhang

>> No.4822630

if the rrat is real, she better leave. If not, people would see her as two-faced bitch

>> No.4822653

Fuck China.

Can't they have us nice things?

>> No.4822671

Really conflicted between my hate of america, everything and everyone american; and my hate for china, everything and everyone chinese. Until now I reluctantly supported China because I hate redditors and redditor movements with every atom of my soul, but now the chinks are making my oshi sad and I fear I dont have enough hate inside of me to properly hate half the world population.
Please reply to this post so I can experience the seething hatred I had for you and your people when the chink branch graduated, thanks.

>> No.4822688

Reminder: Narukami defended Aloe and Miko. It's not like he's just a dramatuber for nothing.

>> No.4822725

I stopped buying blizzard projects after that hearthstone shit, if it comes to light that cover was courting china with this shit I'll drop hololive in a second. Even if it makes me sad

>> No.4822737

Black companies in Japanese speak are much, much worse than this. At worst Cover is just incompetent.

>> No.4822752

Don't care, already unsubbed from H*lolive and made a twitch account for VShoujo.

>> No.4822842

Seethe lmao. China won. China's going to keep winning as long as they have the lion's share of the market. Seek acceptance. Or just keep seething.

>> No.4822844

I agree. This scenario however because of how fast the video turnaround was I'm going to assume he does have a Cover source who knew what was going on and was pissed enough to go against any NDA to tell him what happened. Plus it all lines up

>> No.4822864

because they probably had cut finished months ago

>> No.4822877

Why not hate both america and china? They are both shit in their own way.

Good I'm EU fag. While not amazing, it is better than those two shitholes.

>> No.4822881

>kanatan i just shot my first 10 men bukkake so i can keep living with you
Reddit dragon future

>> No.4822902

He did bust the mel case too back when cover was denying that

>> No.4822909

I mean
Hololive first boom was with the chinese until for some miracle the westies noticed Hololive as well and the true boom started.
They will definitely lose the EOP audience if they start working with China again but will win back their zhangs again.
The thing is EOP are more unity than Zhangs, so if Cover decides to focus on CCP's market again then the holos who got "saved" by the EOP saviorfags will definitely be the ones to lose there.

>> No.4822923

Cover wanted Coco gone
1:21~ Cover's management/sponsors have contained Chinese which have hated Coco (as a American) from the very start of her debut, and some minors things that triggers their discontent. (Corrected by huji) Coco was actually WILLING to stream on BiliBili but they ignored her inquiry and she did not even know how to stream on it.

1:54 ~ the start of Patriotic Chinese' attack on Coco because Youtube statistic shown Taiwan as a country. Coco want to stream a apology video as soon as possible but it is STOPPED INTERANLLY by Cover because similar situations have happened before like Aqua and Pekora, which Cover have promised to teach their talents about sensitive political knowledge about China to prevent this happened again, therefore if Coco did apologize as soon as possible, Cover would look like they didnt' teach their talents and appease their Chinese sponsors/ management at all.
3:11 ~ Another evidence supporting Cover's attitude on appeasing their China counterparts, which promised to accept "One China policy"
3:58~ More evidence showing that Coco is being bullied and boycotted inside by Cover's management (Not Holomem, I think they are genuinely supporting Coco), so that Cover can appease the Chinese again and return to Bilibili. Evidence like being spammed in chat room without any help, forbidding any collaborations within Coco and HoloEN
4:36 ~ More evidence. Cover's website would celebrate their talents' 1million subscribers usually, but all of them have been posted on their website EXCEPT Coco. Not until some fans being skeptical about this, Cover finally post the celebration (after like, 2 months). Moreover, Coco have never been appeared in the official channel (those animation on Sunday) ever after.
5:08 ~ The most serious issue, which when Coco hand over the antis list for Cover to block, they "accidentally" (intentionally) set the list as moderators but not the blacklist, which caused many members from Coco's channel have been banned (remember that time Coco can't held anymore and kanata came to comfort her? this was the reason behind that)
6:05 ~ Reasons why they want to boycott Coco. They want Coco to be the one who voluntarily graduate so that Cover would look less guilty. Once Coco have graduated they can finally re-enter their Chinese market to gain their loss (like collabartion events with Chinese mobile games and streaming on Bililbili)

>> No.4822924

If the allegations are true, and they seem credible, then Cover is 100% a black company.

>> No.4822930

If Coco starts posting regularly rather than periodically on her roommate’s channel or reincarnates as another vtuber like Aloe then it probably lends credence to the idea she was passively pushed out. If she really decreases her overall online presence then it could be she’s burned out.

Also minor point given the overall issues but the only solid bridge we’ll have between western fans and the girls will be Kiara now, ugh not really a fan of hers.
Wonder if the Reddit will also decrease engagements without meme review, doubt someone will keep that format going.

>> No.4822938

Based coomer chad.

>> No.4822963

Melody is based

>> No.4822965

>I hate redditors and redditor movements with every atom of my soul
You really need to think anon, China harassed a vtuber into leaving and may be coming after anyones oshi next, reddit just makes shitty memes.

>> No.4822968

you have the cradle of civilization and you wanna import niggers for feels

>> No.4823006

She's already revived her roommate channel anonymous

>> No.4823086


>> No.4823097

Big if true.

>> No.4823131

Aloe barely did something on her roommate account post graduation. And her streams are unarchived and unlisted.
Literally not the same situation

>> No.4823219


>> No.4823218

But which one’s truly got saved? From the top of my head Towa and Aki, but it’s not like they are booming right now either, it still pisses me off that Aki is only in front of Azki in subs and trailing Mel last I checked, I wish westies had focused long enough to push her into the jap radar again like they did with Towa.

>> No.4823265

Fuck it, this rrat is entirely believable and Narukami's record with Holo gossip is decent. Fuck China and fuck Cover.

>> No.4823272

Gotta profit while the corpse is still warm huh?

>> No.4823329

She has an army of whiteknights willing to worship her. Each one of them are capable of shelling akasupas multiple times each on her roommate streams. However, this time, 100% of the money goes to her.

>> No.4823355

What did Miko go through to need defending? Out of the loop on that drama.

>> No.4823394

The last time he announced a graduation, with proof, and it came true
this time he didnt announce it 2 days before like he did last time, but he clearly knew it was coming because he already had the video made AND posted it when Coco's started

>> No.4823511

Fujos went after Miko and Marine because they riffed about a BL novel on a zatsudan stream, Holo fans fought back, Miko and Marine apologized and took a 3 day "break"

>> No.4823665

Continue to support Haachama at least, since it's clear Cover is giving her the same treatment.

>> No.4823688

It's time, anons.
We must resurrect MacArthur by any means necessary and give him control of at least 40% of the US military budget.
It. Is. Time.

>> No.4823754

Already starting with the conspiracies huh

>> No.4823759

Have a tweet: https://twitter.com/shirakamifubuki/status/1288748210760978432

And an official stream translation (turn on captions):

>> No.4823762

Imagine being stupid enough to blame Cover or Coco for this. We all know whom is responsible.

>> No.4823868
File: 139 KB, 1000x1305, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banishment_room this is what I think you are talking about

>> No.4823875

She posted like a month ago?
She’s definitely not posting as she would if she were still in hololive, my point isn’t she’s ultra active and that Coco will become such.
But if Coco suddenly picks up the pace at her roommate, or reincarnates as another vtuber it lends somewhat credence to her being pushed out.
Not sure what point you thought I was making.

>> No.4823880

It explains the cruel timing of them killing her project - the day before it was supposed to end. It wasn't incompetence. They were malicious.

>> No.4823889

This board has people dedicated to doing the same thing to any streamer they dont like. People in this literal thread right now spammed cat gore to get kiara to graduate. People here, now, are part of discord groups dedicated to doxxing and harassing vtubers they dont like. "subhuman chinks harassed a vtuber" doesnt work here, because so did you and you'll do it again with no cognitive dissonance.
reddit has done more damage to the internet as a whole, as a concept, than any other website or collective in human history. reddit is, and Im saying this without a shred of irony, one hundred times worse than the communist party of china, simply because china doesnt posture as a ragtag freedom fighting collective.

I fucking hate reddit and I wish nothing but pain and misery on them.
I fucking hate america and every amerimutt and every kike and I hope yellowstone wipes your miserable abomination of a country off the face of the earth.
I fucking hate every chink and every online communist and every redscarf botsoul and I hope the next canadian plague they steal is flesh eating bacteria and erases their disgusting genetic pool in a week.

>> No.4823897

Pretty sure after his war against Buddha and Co then whole development of MeiRoa case which people have been using his own word to break his statement, He has been doing livestream less.

>> No.4823908

Reverse bug spray doesn't work anon, unlike you we're allowed to talk about the shittyness of our government. the issue is that no-one cares

>> No.4823917

unfortunately Cover still held her too dear to be released unlike Coco, they'll most likely try their hardest to prevent it to happen

>> No.4823915

Based Narukami.

>> No.4823961
File: 1.55 MB, 1024x683, macarthur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MacArthur... you promised you'd return... now's the time... onegai

>> No.4823983

This was in the immediate controversy; she was referring to the possibility of Coco being cut then and there,.

>> No.4823997

oh i actually thought he was talking about the Holowhore from this same time last year

>> No.4824026

Cover posted the announcement in chinese before any other language anon. they don't post announcements in chinese outside of things relevant to the chinese branch.

>> No.4824063

Cover does have Chinese staffs.
And they hate coco.
I thought you dicks knew this.

>> No.4824066

Yeah, as someone that has been following her streams, it seems to match perfectly with all of the bizarre stuff we've seen. Stuff that come to mind: not being at the new years celebration. Said she didn't know it was required, despite every other Holo being there. Also complaining that "someone" was getting between her and the EN girls. We assumed it was Enama, but it doesn't make sense that the EN branch would care about what CN antis would say when they're 99% EOP. Also why would she air dirty laundry? Seems like she had a lot of complaints about management recently too. This seems to indicate that Coco had some serious issues with management, and this all lines up with the rrat that Coco was bullied out. I don't think I can continue to support Cover anymore.

>> No.4824070

If China is responsible then Cover is also responsible these are not separate entities with nothing to do with each other. Cover is either fucking stupid (capitulating to Zhang) or fucking shitbags (workplace harassment on behalf of Chinese shareholders).

>> No.4824084

Jesus Christ what complete retardation, very fan of something is a retard, you should aim to be simply an enjoyer of things.

>> No.4824098
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>> No.4824113

Not even sponsorships, just wait until they start playing Genshin normally

>> No.4824128

Just like he was right about Roa bullying Meiro, oh wait, but that doesn't count.

>> No.4824139

So.. Holostars?

>> No.4824159

>still defending Cover
Some of you guys never learn do you?

>> No.4824165


>> No.4824187

Can we just fucking glass China already? They do nothing but spread their chinky little rat fingers into ever facet of entertainment and its pissing me off

>> No.4824206

he's talking about hologra you moron

>> No.4824217

He is also the one who spread that Kaoru got Miko pregnant so lets not pretend he has a good track record.

>> No.4824269
File: 79 KB, 1077x1061, fubuk_sad2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fubuki says she will leave if management is forcing her to say that they're working hard
Wow it's fucking nothing and doesn't relate to the situation at hand.

>> No.4824322
File: 2.79 MB, 720x1036, Okayu[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fnvzotd.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4824367

The ideal timeline would be
> EN and JP markets get pissy and drop them
> Chink market doesn't forgive them, get no viewership from them
Cover goes bankrupt

>> No.4824400

The United States literally meddled everywhere they fucking could, yet the one time it mattered Truman was like “oh just let them be” fucking hell, let’s fight a war to split the coreas in half and finance militias in fucking Nicaragua, but mixing yourself in a civil war on one of the largest countries on earth? Let’s sit that one out.
You already nuked two cities Truman, why the fuck was Beijing too much for you?

>> No.4824426

Ogey rrat

>> No.4824428

Wait did Miko actually get pregnant?

>> No.4824590

You're full of shit, I watched that stream live and I remember that he specifically clarified that Miko was not the one that slept with Kaoru, and her hiatus had nothing to do with that.

>> No.4824598

you guys unironically watch keemstar too?

>> No.4824654

Obviously fucking not dude, that’s complete retardation.

>> No.4824665

He especially said it wasn't one of the vtubers who Kaoru fucked, you nigger.

>> No.4824729

That probably means Hologra, but even then, in the Alternative PV she was portrayed in dragon form and not as her vtuber model, which is kinda weird considering this "leak"/rrat.

>> No.4824742

yea remember when mel was never harassed by cover's staffs?
me neither.

>> No.4824756

Time to learn that the Democratic party has been Zhang city for over a hundred years.

>> No.4824758

That was after he implied it WAS her, and then had to backtrack because she was getting harassed.

>> No.4824819

youtube still take a cut

>> No.4824850

He specifically said that it was NOT miko and it has nothing to do with pregnancy.

>> No.4824870

You forget that we are allowed to shit talk our country as much as we want because we have a concept known as
You can shit talk the USA as much as possible without being arrested and forced to make Iphones in a political prisoner forced labor camp.
I know your bug brain can't wrap around this notion, but we can even tell ghost stories.
Have fun living in a smog filled hellhole!

>> No.4824895
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How is this rrat remotely true? The entire rrat hinges on the fact that the chink shareholders caused this and Cover didn't care. If that were the case, why did they cut the ENTIRE CN branch AND stopped all holos from streaming on BB? This rrat doesn't line up at all on a basic level. It's as simple as it seems. She's tired of angry chinks constantly spamming her channel and friends. She can't even collab without bugs swarming them.

>> No.4824913

He did not imply that it was her, people jumped into conclusions because she was MIA.

>> No.4824926

In the age of cell phones that sounds like free money

>> No.4824931

It was even redesigned to make it more obvious it's her. Why even bother to redesign it.

>> No.4824932

you need to take your pills anon

>> No.4824955

>>Coco was not featured in the Hololive anime

I'm throwing the baby out with the bathwater on this one. OP is retarded and so is the video.

>> No.4824970

It's great to be from latinoamereica. no 1st world country troubles here. :u

>> No.4824972

He's based only when it's not about Hololive after all

>> No.4824995

>>A particular episode was the one where the staff mistakenly gave mod powers to a chinese anti, who went on a rampage banning everyone in her chat
Did this actually happen? That's comically unthinkable even for cover. It must be on purpose. you can't fuck this up.

>> No.4825010

don't care, it's bullshit. even if it's true it's bullshit, because it came from him.

>> No.4825011

>. If that were the case, why did they cut the ENTIRE CN branch AND stopped all holos from streaming on BB?
Because they got banned from bilibli.

>> No.4825025

He initially went "Kaoru got canned because he fucked someone who's currently on hiatus right now, wink wink nudge nudge" and then had to publicly clarify that it isn't Miko a few days later, do your fucking reps

>> No.4825036

This would at least explain the awkwardness HoloEN had in wanting to collab with Coco, but for some reason had to keep their mouths shut about why they couldn't. Or why Haachama was blackballed to a lesser extent. At least I'm sure this isn't the last we'll see of kson by a long shot.

>> No.4825072

Better to have a cut taken out than to get a cut of what you earn.

>> No.4825079

I'm going to add to the accuracy of the TLDR

> there are numerous Cover shareholders and sponsors that comes from China.

But before Taiwan incident, from debut, Coco wasn't liked by these parties. She alone couldn't stream on Bilibili and was ignored when she herself asked. That's what Narukami said preceding mentioning anything about Taiwan.

Also, Coco's spirit broke specifically after the moderator incident (I'm not Coco oshi, but Narukami's description of mod incidents aren't Staff giving mods to Chinese antis but something about "that situation where it needed too big of an investment to hire mods for Coco's channel" -Not really sure what this is about as Narukami did not specify)

Also, this TLDR has something that I think heartwarming but crucial missing in it.

After the Taiwan incident, the talents had BIG arguments with managements asking about the fairness of Coco's suspension stating that this isn't the first or second time talents disclose Youtube analytics to viewers. Narukami also said that it wasn't on Cover's guidelines or contracts that you can't disclose analytics.

Also, Coco wanted to make Apology Video on her channel that Cover "with all their power" obstructed.
Why? Narukami said Coco wanted to say "I did not know there was a restriction to talk about China".

So there were Coco's supporters among livers inside Cover that raised arguments with managements with regards to Coco's punishment, so much so that Cover management got sick of the "collusion" and then initiate a plan for Coco's expulsion.

That's like Black Company shit.

>> No.4825080

Truman was a communist.

>> No.4825086

So Kaoru graduated because he slept with vtubers? Who are the rumored one’s?

>> No.4825088

yep, and coco spent weeks taking DMs through twitter to unban people.

>> No.4825136

Yes, happened two/three months ago? It was such a shitfest that Coco had to unban people herself, because staff was too slow.

>> No.4825161

So when you say “Narukami leak” you meant 5ch which means all of this is bullshit?

>> No.4825167

Yes. And in the original video he did not mention who it was nor anything about pregnancy.

>> No.4825191

How many more EOP retards didn't know that Hologra has been called Hololive Anime since the start?

>> No.4825196

Alright, I'm with the rrats, this just doesn't happen out of a whim, that was on purpose.

>> No.4825214

I'm not the anon >>4821978 is replying to, but funny enough jewtube has never revealed me any vtuber roomate aside from Gura.

>> No.4825229

He's not talking about holoalt. The word holoanime is refer to the 3D series

>> No.4825234

This genuinely doesn't make sense, i can't imagine a situation where all the talent is ok with coco being bullied out and they do litterally nothing

>> No.4825275

Yeah if cover starts getting in the chinks good favor again I’ll know for sure that’s what went down. Until then I am just gonna support her roommate the best I can

>> No.4825283

holy timeloop

>> No.4825306
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Memory reps anon

>> No.4825372

>he STILL is believing in reddit bullshit about narukami.

>> No.4825379

I just hope they don't start harassing her roommate (and also literal roommate).

>> No.4825407

They can't do anything.
They lack any kind of power themselves. Thats what employee of a company means.
Only thing they can do is to follow Coco and leave.

>> No.4825430

You don't know they're doing nothing yet.

>> No.4825437

anon aloe did a flip it's a miracle she fucked up the stunt and is alive

>> No.4825443

my problem with it being other cover insiders is if thats true, why did she get two new outfits since saying Taiwan?

>> No.4825505

Newfags will believe this retard.

>> No.4825508
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>> No.4825528

Maybe because your beloved "family" meme wasn't real and they're in this just for money?

>> No.4825545

Kanata doesn't sound sad or depressed at all. Either Narukami is full of shit or Kanata has been a liar all this time

>> No.4825552
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MacArthur is my oshi now.

>> No.4825566

Narukami-sama I kneel

>> No.4825584

A lot of vtuber girls, and someone from hololive who was known for seducing other male vtubers. The problem is that he was married, and his wife complained to Cover, and he had to quit in order to save his marriage, because his wife didn't trust him working there anymore.

>> No.4825588

the chinks already were harassing her roommate channel, she was trying to talk with youtube through twitter a week ago i think to get them to do whatever they did to fix it on coco's channel

>> No.4825589

They have consistently shown support for Coco, starting with the Amoung Us collab. But they probably don't want to leave over "bullying" when Hololive is such a cushy gig. Honestly, I'll be pretty disappointed if no one else leaves.

>> No.4825591

The reason they reduced Coco participation in stuff collabs/official stuff and didn’t feature her in Hologra was precisely to draw less eyes on her probably as a strategy to see if things would finally calm down, shitty strategy which likely did somewhat alienate her, but not understanding why Haachama was fine and she kept getting harassed they thought maybe her prominence in comparison was the issue.
But the idea that this was a Black company style bullying to push her out falls completely apart with Holo alternative. She’s one of a handful prominent character in it, and they even redesigned the dragon to highlight it. This sort of stuff takes months to plan, and they wouldn’t invest such time, effort and money on someone they were hoping would quit soon. This likely postponed the project once more, diluting the excitement attached to it each time.

>> No.4825622

My trust in FBK is at zero.

>> No.4825634

kson on air

>> No.4825639

That's gonna be edited out soon don't worry (also Noel will end up killing her in her dragon form instead)

>> No.4825642

please don't spam kanata

or do



>> No.4825644

It's called acting retard

>> No.4825657

I'm sure not everyone is Coco's faction. But we can tell whose close with Coco just through collabs and zatsudans of other members. She's not being bullied so much as being neglected after the incident. Narukami's video doesn't instance of bullying, it's more acts of neglects, obstruction, and restrictions. I don't think she's verbally being abused or anything like that. Narukami would have wrote that quote verbatim if that were true.

>> No.4825659

>he's still believing anyone at all including Narukami

>> No.4825705


>> No.4825746

She actually was in the hololive anime clip you fucking retard.

>> No.4825764

Japanese Keem defense force strong today.

>> No.4825807

You forgot to change your name Zhang, kinda sloppy

>> No.4825829

>This sort of stuff takes months to plan, and they wouldn’t invest such time, effort and money on someone they were hoping would quit soon.
That would make sense of Hololive was totally cohesive.
But it does make sense when one part of the company wants her gone and another part is fine with her. Hololive seems to be big enough for that.

>> No.4825831

Any names? Like hololive vtubers or generally vtubers? The way you worded it makes it sound like several random vtuber and one specific hololive one, or maybe you mean a staff hololive girl defiling my holoboys?

Damn Kaoru, what a mess, kinda glad that guy is gone lol.

>> No.4825915

From Narukami's video this has been going on for a long time, there was a specific date of stream on November where Coco spirit broke according to Narukami.

That period lines up with Kanata consoling Coco and saying "you have an important decision to make/consider" don't you, and Coco kinda broke and cry a bit, I wasn't even Coco or Kanatan oshi and I knew about that event.

>> No.4825936

>The way you worded it makes it sound like several random vtuber and one specific hololive one
That was the case.

>> No.4825952

They live together, she'll be seeing plenty of Coco. But I agree that trying to wheedle information or a reaction out of any of the other talent is an extraordinarily shitty thing to do.

>> No.4825954

why are you stating the list of awesome things that happened

>> No.4825980

Nvm then, i'm dumb. But now that makes it weirder: why include Coco in that PV when they wanted her out and harassed her according to the leak?

Smells like rrat.

>> No.4826045

Did a flip? What stunt? I do not understand your internet talk, boomer energy flows through my veins.

>> No.4826066

> I do think it'll be a little tough that I can't talk about Coco after she graduates

>> No.4826071

look at the date.

>> No.4826084

Animations of that scale take at least a year to be done, idiot.

>> No.4826115

What is OP doing. Narukami said nothing about Hololive anime (or maybe I missed it I only listened to it once) but there was subtitles, I'm sure I don't miss anything big.

To everyone,
>Coco was not featured in the Hololive anime
Not on Narukami video

>> No.4826125

just google DO A FLIP

>> No.4826129

I don't ever think I've seen a brain this rotted before in my life, jesus. Meds aren't going to help this one

>> No.4826150

>After everything that happened, this broke Coco's heart

I'm sorry, passive aggressive executives broke Coco "Fuck you Motherfucker" "Double down" Kiryu?

It's not even a good lie.
It's probably your own channel
Get out.

>> No.4826165

Yeah, two outfits, prominent role in the alternative when so many other girls aren’t there, if they wanted to black company bully her they waste so much time and money on her.

>> No.4826192

Maybe, just maybe. People responsible for the PV are different from those that harras/restrict Coco?

I'm sure there wasn't "plan" to remove Coco. Just restrict her content. And if she leaves? Yeah, whatever.

>> No.4826215

They got kicked from bili.
Also there was likely a lot of internal struggle over how to treat Coco, but in the end the japanese are passive bitches and would always go the path of least resistance. Which is letting the chinks in Cover management harass Coco into quitting.
I'm not saying this is necessarily true, though the evidence lines up pretty convincingly, but it is very plausible.

>> No.4826266
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>> No.4826271

Real, and from insider. My autistic rrat thinks this is from like Fubuki or some big liver on her position. Definitely did not come from 4th gen. It's definitely not from Kanatan because she's way too close to Coco.

>> No.4826302

>Cover has executives and shareholders that are chinese and do not like Coco, and wanted her gone
Force them out or kill them. Something. When you see a rroach, you squash it.

>> No.4826308

I'll spoonfeed an elder, even though context should help; flip is slang for suicide, like doing a flip when you jump off a bridge or from a chair. Stunt=acrobatic feat=flip=suicide.

>> No.4826323

It's perfectly viable, if she had to fight the antis herself while the management actively made it harder, and she was in it because of the fans, but even the fans suffered, then she's much better as an indie where her fans are safe and she doesn't have to do extra work because her bosses hate her.

>> No.4826336


>> No.4826501

Hard to believe something like that would get greenlit while another powerful chunk of the company wants her gone, you’d think at least they’d tell the design guys not to give her any new outfits, can you imagine everyone getting one except for her? Such a simple thing to do as well.

>> No.4826584

probably a staff member

>> No.4826613

are you sure narukami dind't said "hologra"¿¿¿

>> No.4826661

I’ll take it there is no solid rumour on the hololive one since you refuse to elaborate, thanks for the rundown nonetheless.
That crossdressing bastard was using the holo cred to seduce poor impressionable vtubersas well, what a douchebag.

>> No.4826686

>The most serious issue, which when Coco hand over the antis list for Cover to block, they "accidentally" (intentionally) set the list as moderators but not the blacklist, which caused many members from Coco's channel have been banned (remember that time Coco can't held anymore and kanata came to comfort her? this was the reason behind that)

Oh so that's the 投入大量した件. I missed that context because I did not know what that was about.

That specific incident was when Coco resolved to quit Hololive because she felt the iyagarase (put-down) is way too consistent for herself to deny any longer.

>> No.4826698

nigger she was one of the last people to get ANY new outfits. gen5 had outfits before her

>> No.4826737

he says hologra, which is a hololive anime.

>> No.4826741

No, they're just a typical company. Shit like this is what JP companies that want an employee gone do since they don't typically fire people because it "looks bad": they act passive aggressively until the person "gets the message" and quits. Black companies tend to do much worse overt bullying and threats as well as overworking their employees.

>> No.4826786

Your EOP is showing, listen to us multilingual speakers for once.

>> No.4826798


>> No.4826808

You have no idea of how a big company works, do you.

>> No.4826868

That is RP, retard. Coco is just a woman.

>> No.4826887

Oh right, yeah yeah yeah I rewatched the video. I thought he was talking about the 3D anime on the official channel.

>> No.4826896

That would be too obvious

>> No.4826913

Oh you saying Aloe tried to kill herself? Well glad she was unsuccessful on the endeavor. Hopefully she’s happily eating a lot of penis shaped sushi’s right about now.

>> No.4826950

According to the video they never liked Coco to begin with. They were probably extra mad when she caused a dent in the company's returns. The only thing I'm unsure of is who "they" are. It could be Chinese shareholders, but it could easily be others in the company that didn't like or want her there. There may have been a struggle between those that wanted her to stay and leave, or the whole of management may have wanted her out but knew that they couldn't justify it. It feels more like the later to me, as the harassment she got seems to be deeply rooted through the structure. Finally, they decide to release a statement in Chinese. Why? Because the whole point of getting her out was to access the Chinese market again. FUCK cover.

>> No.4827143

Looking at cover's inactions for Coco after the incident it makes a lot of sense desu. Coco kept asking for help and they did nothing except making it worse. It was at the point where she did some Kson streams and probably made more money from that than with Cover neglecting her and yet still taking a big cut from her. That's likely why she decided to quit.

>> No.4827229
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>> No.4827240

Don't worry bro. American here, you are free to hate me as much as you want. You have a god given right to not only hate me but to express that hate and I won't try to get your waifu fired for expressing that hate.

>> No.4827409

It's definitely the Japanese old men who run the company.
>Dixie Virtual American / Japanese
>Big mouth and ran Asococo for ages
>not marketable to kids

>> No.4827411

is yagoo powerless in the decision making

>> No.4827449

He’s vague as fuck. Ogey rrat
And everyone here’s is speculating, no matter how well the narrative fits. I’m waiting for Genshin permissions or Bilibili return until dropping Hololive

>> No.4827450

They straight up sabotaged her and left her to deal with the harassment all on her own. If that doesn't fall under your definition, then I don't know what will. I understand why Aloe said that she lost faith in corporate vtubing, because these people are snakes.

>> No.4827464

So this was it huh, this was the final yab that killed cover

>> No.4827489

Too based for this world.

>> No.4827517

Oh boy wait until you find out about the common link between America and China.

>> No.4827536

What videos

>> No.4827561

That would be nice.
Would be great reminder for companies not to get involved with China.

>> No.4827571

hologra is the 3d anime on official channel.

>> No.4827589

Everything that's happened this year has made me question what the fuck Yahoo actually does.

>> No.4827592

>I’m waiting for Genshin permissions or Bilibili return until dropping Hololive

>> No.4827623

Yagoo is the CEO, he mainly works on the AR/VR part of the company along with pushing for events, and lets managers run the talent. Many idols have never had a real conversation with him. He is also WAY too young as the AVERAGE age of a CEO in Japan is 59. I guarantee he has no power over the shareholders.

>> No.4827663

thats Japanese work culture for you, those girls dont have the voice at all in the company when it come to internal affairs.

>> No.4827689

Narukami specifically stated in the beginning there was some "racial discrimination" towards Coco, as if implying the chinese shareholders (and sponsors) dislike Coco from the beginning just because she's American (but that's an implied). Narukami said racial discrimination though.

>> No.4827692

He's not vague AT ALL in this video.

>> No.4827696

He's a window puppet, he long sold his shares to chinks and they keep him around, or rather just a photo to post, so people think cover is still the same company.

>> No.4827704

It’s funny that all of these have the same conclusion but different ways to get there.
>too obvious
Not at all, most would barely notice it, furthermore could just keep postponing it indefinitely, furthermore part of the bullying to get her to quit is her realizing she’s getting differential treatment, so being obvious would be an important factor.
>she was one of the last
Why did she get it at all though, just don’t give it to her.
>company is big, many moving parts.
“Assistant, send email to design team ordering them not to make new outfits for Coco, and another to the anime team specifying which Hologirls can show up, oh they’ve already begun work on both of those? Well tell them plans have changes”
“There are simultaneously enough executive working against Coco to bully her but not enough to be aware of these things as they are developed through weeks/months”

>> No.4827715

>your average schizo vsimp

>> No.4827735

John Cena?

>> No.4827798

Not likely unless he fucked up, but a nice chunk of his company's ownership is probably owned by outside investors.

>> No.4827831

watch the video you fucking retard
narukami hasn't said a word about outfits.

>> No.4827859

She still got hers before the rest of gen4.

>> No.4827860

You can't run a company alone. That's assuming that Yagoo isn't complicit in the whole situation. Best case, he was Coco's ally, but was unable to stop others in cover from fucking with her through "mistakes".

You won't need to wait too long. Just enough for EN to calm down. I'll never let people forget that it's coming though, and when it does I expect every faggot like you to follow through.

>> No.4827896


If i remember correctly, wasnt this from the HOLOcaust when countelss videos got removed due to mio incident? I remember that day very well, tons of hardcore fans where insanely furious and thought cover was going to disband in the next days or something, but I think the chink incident was also somewhere close during that period too.

>> No.4827899

hololive clearly does not sync outfits with that, cn got new outfit reveals on day of graduation.

>> No.4827925

It starts with J alright.

>> No.4827931

He has no power in front of shareholders. They even reduced his salary to save their own asses.

>> No.4827954

Oh fuck that's right Genshin. If anyone streams Genshin then we'll have our proof

>> No.4827996

This. Yagoo specifically got disciplined by order of the board of directors after the whole Taiwan thing during a press release.

>> No.4828001

I know I know. I was replying to this anon >>4820909 and wanting to say that Narukami does not say anything about Hololive Alternatives on his video (just Coco's non-appearance on the 3D anime channel)

>> No.4828025
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oK you SON of a bitch, do your fucking reps, youtube does half the work anyway

>> No.4828039

I usually don't do translations but this time it's the exception.
I'm gonna translate the whole narukami video.
Fuck cover.

>> No.4828058

They got it in the works and announced it before the entire china thing. Only after taiwan thing happened did cover decide to cut off CN, but since they already announced outfits, they just released it.

>> No.4828079

zhang are you aware of false equivalents, kill yourself annoying spammer

>> No.4828081

Never said he did, the point is that’s a weird thing, they blocked her for months from hologra, blocked her from collabs, blocked her from official events, but the outfit just slipped their radar? Weird.

>> No.4828105
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Dangerous rrat

>> No.4828108

>You can't run a company alone
Especially at his age, he would have incredible tough luck getting money from the banks in Japan.
You either need an older uncle/retired family member being a steward or give too much power to faceless men.

>> No.4828141

I just don't buy it that shareholders could affect the day-to-day operations of cover without strong internal support. Coco was getting fucked over by people she directly worked with.

>> No.4828164

exception does not make the norm.

>> No.4828187


>> No.4828195

Just be careful to not mistranslate it or play up any of the incident or you'll give fuel for people dismissing the video as fake fan fuck off with your drama anti.

>> No.4828196


The argument for her being all alone vs spammers is literally "Remember that one time...!" that doesn't track to sustained internal harassment for months, and I don't buy that the person who doubled down when Hacchama was getting heat, suddenly had their knees buckle months later when shit was actually fairly clear. Having to apply members only chat isn't THAT bad. She wasn't putting down a kitten every time that happened.

It could be possible she's interested in doing other things with her life then reddit meme reviews the rest of her years.

But hey, knock yourself out. You can buy what the doomrrats are selling but I'm not

>> No.4828223

CEO's are powerless before shareholders, look at Vince and WWE. CEOs are just frontmen.

>> No.4828229

Based redditfag

>> No.4828258

Is it fair to conclude at this point all of this is the CN/Anti's fault for this happening? Not just them, Cover took part in the fault as well a bit.

>> No.4828301

I mean, this is gonna be a rrat but it's probably because they can't just give new outfits to everyone in gen 4 except her, it would make it too obvious.

>> No.4828368

I just wouldn't believe anything here since chinks are clearly invading.

>> No.4828384

Nah, this is black company stuff... This will destroy cover if it turns out to be true, but narukami alone isn't really credible enough because he has been wrong pretty often too. He alone wont make it any more than a commonly repeated rrat without something else. Gonna need something more.

If it isn't true though then I don't know what he is expecting, wouldn't this be something that gets him absolutely sued for slander in Japan?

>> No.4828403

We need to push this until they cave in, holos quit, and these fucktards learn what the get by bowing to the chinks.

>> No.4828405

the MOMENT they started crawling back to the chinks i'm out

>> No.4828413

The outfit plus hololive alternative, makes more sense that these blocks were more likely trying to give her less prominence once again to try and get less heat on her, which likely backfired alienating her, but that it was a conscious black company decision is questionable.

>> No.4828468

As opposed to everyone in new years event except her? How was that also not obvious.

>> No.4828484

Yeah I think it’s apparent she was forced out of hololive or quit because they’re a black company

It still hurts though

>> No.4828493

He posted the video 13 fucking minutes before Coco started her stream

>> No.4828508

Can't believe you idiots actually watch this guy. Just watch a soap opera instead of plaguing the board with the thoughts in your head

>> No.4828545

5 bucks says it's aqua

>> No.4828553

Bro, first brush up on your English and the meaning 'all of this is'.
Second, just like with covid and the global superconductor shortage, CN/Antis are just the push. The real cause and source of the blame is with Cover. It's a completely different story if she had the full support of the company she is working for.

>> No.4828614

>it will be Fubuki

>> No.4828655

Haven’t watched the video yet and I don’t trust Narukami’s “leaks”, but the greentexts are true things that happened and are also true to Japanese’s idea of valuing the company as a whole over the individual and their passive aggressive ways of getting rid of an individual without outright saying it. It’s bullshit, but I believe it

>> No.4828663

Wouldn't it be Ina since she was the one who leaked that they couldn't stream Genshin in the first place

>> No.4828670

You can have the info that she's graduating beforehand since it will be a big wave behind the scenes of chuubas. But he can likely make anything up too and people will eat it up because "He has info about graduation so everything else must be true!"

>> No.4828688

Cover is a private company with like 30 employees. They don’t have shares or shareholders and aren’t nearly big enough to have a board of directors and shit. You all need to learn more about how businesses work and the insignificant size of Cover as a company. Their level of series funding isn’t even public meaning the entire company was probably created with a personal loan.

Yagoo is the primary owner of the company and likely the final stop for all decisions made at Cover.

>> No.4828727

And? They also don't put her in anything at all on the official channel. They could've thought the new year stuff can be brushed off and forgotten about, but denying new outfits would be too obvious and also hurt their bottomline from denying new outfit superchats for the whole gen 4.

>> No.4828730

They are just a part of it. if anything it's Cover's failure as a company.

>> No.4828782

>30 employees
Not anymore, it's over 100 and growing

>> No.4828805

He has videos prerecorded on every current event. This was probably recorded two or three weeks ago and he cheered when he saw the stream slot.

>> No.4828820

I know it's easy to forgot, but she's just a lone, young woman who has had to deal with an extraordinary amount of harassment almost entirely by herself, and she's already broken down at least once on stream. She's not an actual Yakuza mob boss taking assacoco for breakfast and shoving buttplugs into people's asses, she's just a girl that liked playing videos games and got fucked by Cover and China for it.

>> No.4828825

This is accurate, Mid covid I went looking to buy Cover stock because I figured this shit was going to blow up.

You can't, there's no shareholders, the rrrats are bullshit.

>> No.4828838

I bet those chinks are already celebrating on their safe space anti-west forums.
Right, my grammar shows how tired I am. Too late for Cover to support her now, all they've been doing is sidestepping over issues due to CN.

>> No.4828847

Are you a fucking child? Have you ever worked in a toxic environment where you had to watch out for sabotage? That's a lot different than taking a momentary blast of heat.

As for the harassment, there is no other Holo with as much shit to talk about management as Coco. If you actually watched her streams you would know that she has had problems with them this whole time. I just assumed it was the usual stuff from the early days, but the tone has been distinctly different than the ironic "lmao fuck managers" of before. That's in addition to Cover's obvious aberrant treatment of her too.

>> No.4828892

that's why its so insidious. Because there is no evidence, but it is a valid and possible intepretation. Really depends on your own feelings. Some will say Narukami must provide evidence to back it up, that the burden of evidence is on him to prove this is what happened (I think that is the right position), others will say it is on cover to prove it did not do so (which can be taken on emotion, but its like proving unicorns don't exist, any evidence given would just be handwaved as 'company line'

All it does is muddy the waters, but that can absolutely shatter a fanbase.

>> No.4828918

It's okay bro, I'm tired too. Fuck Cover but at least this is a wake up call to no longer support or trust them

>> No.4828939


I think I'm done with Hololive/Cover.

>> No.4829014

Maybe the Redditfag tourists are actually doing good for once…

>> No.4829025

Ina's roomate does art for GF and arknights so if anyone is already open to working with chinese companies thats her. Half of hololive already hate her for being korean.

>> No.4829061

then who maintain stuff like holoEN, CN and so on?

>> No.4829066

Anybody wanna do gramma check on my translation? ESL here.
Send me PM on discord kak#4793

>> No.4829103

There has to be a Coco faction inside the company. Internal politics and shit like that.

Sponsors could put pressures to management though. Like, we're pulling funds if you don't let Coco go. Internal politics from then on. I don't think the entire managements dislike Coco but the fact that she wasn't in the New Year stream was very apparent to me.

It shocked me too as it's already fucking May.

Even if they "mistranslate" there are enough of us on 4chans to correct them. Also, Narukami put subtitles, it's really hard to mistranslate.

Anon, she wasn't invited to New Year countdown program when every single livers was there.

Narukami said it comes from a recording from an insider (I really think it's from liver instead of staff, but that's a rrat). You don't have to trust all Narukami's words but this specific video is in-line timeline wise with shits we see on the surface.

>> No.4829119

For a company with 30 employees Cover needed outside investments in order to function. Yagoo himself isnt a multi millionaire capable of doing it himself. When people say shareholders, they meant investors who have a big say in the company.

>> No.4829120

more likely muse dash. Gura has alluded to wanting to do so in recent streams. With the knowledge that the members knew in advance, what she said really hits different. If they start playing muse dash or chink impact then im done, it will be all but confirmed in my mind. Azur lane I can just barely accept given its Japan leaning and their lack of action.

>> No.4829146

>You can't, there's no shareholders, the rrrats are bullshit.
Private companies can have share holders.

>> No.4829170

You're missing a really important point from that video. The Taiwan thing happend twice before Coco - with Aqua and Pekora, after which Cover promised their chinese overlords to thoroughly educate their talents on those sensitive political subjects. Of course they just said that and went about their day as if nothing happend.
After Coco's Taiwan yab, she was going to release an apology video that same day, but it was axed by the management. Why? Because the apology went something like "I had no idea I wasn't supposed to talk about Taiwan", which would put Cover at fault for not doing what they promissed. It was a choice of whether to make themselves look bad or make Coco look like misbehaved brat, and you know what they chose. All the following harassement was to cover for Cover's ineptitude - they literally threw Coco to the wolves just to avoid making themselves look bad before chinese.

>> No.4829196

Do you think the only way to invest in a company is through stocks you mong? Facebook didn't wait until IPO to attract inverters.

>> No.4829222




>> No.4829306

>COVER the company COVERed themselves in the face of yab
We were so blind the whole time!

>> No.4829314

Man just put it here, I'm not discording you. Also, what's your Japanese level? If N1, you're good to go more or less, Narukami put subtitle anyway.

>> No.4829360

I wouldn't say she is an invincible bastion of power that never had a sad.

She absolutely wasn't 'lone' though, she was wildly popular among the talent, wildly popular from her fans. She has very close friendships in hololive, and got lots of support from Gura dedicating yakuza songs to Fubuki sticking up for her. There's already an almost universal outpouring of public love for her from the rest of the talent. Doesn't sound like pressure from on high to me.

I just don't buy that the things in OP could break the person who I saw go through all these last months with a smile and a laugh for her fans. I've seen vtubers breaking down under pressure. Coco doesn't have that look to me.

People will make their own judgements, but that's mine.

>> No.4829417

Seconded. This 100%

>> No.4829429

They have already engaged in obfuscation of the details with heavy moderation in reddit and telling Coco to keep quiet about her reason for leaving, in addition to the announcement being made in Chinese. The burden of proof is on them at this point. Don't give them an inch of charitability.

>> No.4829431

I knew that JAV whore was a traitor.

>> No.4829472

You know that the whole motherfucker thing is a persona that she plays on the stream, right? It's a character, you understand this part right?

And you do realize that she has broken down and cried on stream too, right?

>> No.4829478

They're have at least 50 employees, probably more than 100 if you count every middle management and end staff member, they've had 20+ million dollars in funding from the biggest banks in japan and they absolutely have a board of directors.
They're a multinational talent agency managing around 40 people in at least 5 different countries and renting actual stadiums to do concerts.
Cover is not a small indie company, they're probably making close to a million after taxes every months and they barely pay minimum wage. They actually needed a literal lawsuit to start paying minimum wages at all.

Stop acting like this is a garage company. Its an idol management corporation and they have schedules and quotas to meet.

>> No.4829517
File: 3 KB, 401x57, 2021-06-09 02_25_49-COMPANY _ カバー株式会社 — Mozilla Firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cover is a private company with like 30 employees

>> No.4829559

Who is "the chinese" to you in this scenario?

>> No.4829614

>I just don't buy that the things in OP could break the person who I saw go through all these last months with a smile and a laugh for her fans

I'm autistic. Are you autistic? Seriously, how could you watch her streams and not get that she was stressed out. Coco is not even my oshi but the clips that got to my YT recommendations and stuffs makes it apparent that she's under pressure.

It's good to doubt, be critical, and form your own opinion, but don't be in denial when Coco herself talks shit about management from time to time.

>> No.4829618

You tend not to be able to do business in China without Chinese onboard. It's a way they worm their way into companies and take control.

>> No.4829631

They're not subject to the same public pressures that are being claimed here. C'mon don't play games like you can't understand why a private company is less subject to public pressure than a publicly owned company.

>> No.4829753

Not how it works. Cover has no reported venture capital income and have not ever done even a series a funding round.

I doubt Covers startup capital demands were any more than a hefty personal loan couldn’t cover which is usually the case with start ups that haven’t done any series a funding rounds yet. Simply put, at this point Cover is not as an organization owned by anyone other than the original founders that currently operate the company.

With that said, they could very well be looking to clean house to actually start a series a funding campaign which West Taiwan loves to get into. But all the house cleaning decisions are being made by Yagoo and nobody else at this point.

>> No.4829756
File: 74 KB, 739x1124, 1601927288044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with like 30 employees
>They don’t have shares or shareholders
>aren’t nearly big enough to have a board of directors
everything you said is wrong. Maybe you should learn how businesses work

>> No.4829807

They're subject to the pressure of their Chinese shareholders not liking Coco and wanting to be int he Chinese market. How fucking hard is that to understand?

>> No.4829897

Think he's gonna have to make the recording public I think, maybe put it through some heavy manipulation before he does so, but he's gonna have to present evidence to be a true killer, and if it turns out to be false he will fucked in turn by doing so.

>> No.4829912

Cover does have investors i believe.
During the taiwan incident, they released some statement that states that yagoo took a reduced salary after high-ups decided that was the punishment. And everyone was wondering who is higher up than yagoo is he's ceo.

>> No.4829972

Which one of these shareholders are chinese

>> No.4829980

Idk man, I don't really care enough to check Cover's website and check their financial report but even I know Mitsui and Mizuho invested in them. No way they don't have board of directors.

My rrat is actually that Yagoo is on the side of Coco. It's hard for me to see him as a double-faced sociopath considering how many hololivers has some sort of physical ailments and got their second chance through hololive.

>> No.4829990

Holy shit retard

>> No.4830039

Shareholders (株主) and sponsors. At least that's what the video says.

>> No.4830091

Look, absolutely, time to time? sure! Hell it is still totally reasonable that she might have had a bad relationship with some management.

But did she have a "we're using subterfuge and harassment to eliminate our biggest money maker, persistent revenue stream, and the person who kickstarted the now biggest branch of our company?"

And they as a company as a whole let it all happen "because she's icky? Troublesome?" They wanted to kick off a fan kickback higher than Aloe because she grossed them out? I'm getting more incredulous people are giving this rrrat the time of day. There's way better out there.

There's not sufficient motive, there's not sufficient evidence, and there's not sufficient corroboration with other events at the time. It's barely credible enough to not be a conspiracy theory.

>> No.4830104

Put it through heavy manipulation and people will just say he recorded it himself. When you have a reputation for lying and creating drama, it will be hard for people to trust anything you do. But there will also be people that will believe it because he also has a reputation for telling the truth sometimes. So honestly whatever he says will just be to confirm your own suspicions.

>> No.4830131

Why do people think Cover has chinese shareholders? Why are you getting your information from the one guy notorious for making shit up?
Are you actually retarded and dont know they have a sponsorship from HTC, a taiwanese company?
Why am I asking these questions to mongoloids?

>> No.4830210

Those are RSU holders from angel vestments. None of those listed as shareholders are venture capitalist groups. Hell most of them are partnership agreements.

And at $4million held capital, they are a tiny company

>> No.4830279

Still not finished yet, check my dubz
0:01 Good evening, this is narukami.
0:03 This video has been recorded and uploaded on youtube privated
0:08 By this time this got publicized
0:11 Kiryu Coco graduation or something similar would have been announced by Hololive
0:18 The details (of the graduation) might be changed further on
0:22 And by the time I uploaded this I would not know any of the changes in details.
0:25 For those changes, if necessary, I would publish more about them later
0:29 For this video, it has been recorded with information provided by insider(s)
0:34 By this time
0:37 “Kiryu Coco retired by her own will” would have been spread around
0:43 I knew from multiple sources that Kiryu Coco would graduate
0:49 One of that source has told me information that denies the “retiring by own will” part
0:55 So it will be about that this time
0:57 These are the details that the person had told me
1:00 The circumstances leading to Kiryu Coco leaving Hololive
1:04 is the result of the west Taiwan incident, harassment that can be called racism from part of the management,
1:11 and the movement to relentlessly alienating her
1:17 First of all
1:18 There are magnitude of chinks insider as shareholders and sponsors. (Do a search yourself on investors)
1:23 Kiryu Coco, being American, has never been liked much from her debut by those (chink insiders)
1:29 For example, about publishing videos on bilix2,
1:32 she asked the west Taiwan branch on how, but got ignored.
1:35 As a result, she is the only one that has never been explained about the procedures and can never stream on bilix2

>> No.4830335

Narukami says in the video you can check Cover's list of sponsors and investors for yourself, it's public knowledge. There's chinks in it.

>> No.4830405

That's because it IS a rrat. You fuckers fall for this shit EVERY SINGLE TIME.

>> No.4830410

Like all companies there will be sides. So yagoo and his side probably supported coco and was the one that offered her many options when she said she wanted to quit. There are probably shareholders with employees on the opposing side that was making life hard for coco despite the other side's support. She's in a sticky situation no matter what so it makes sense for her to just quit.
I hope the side that supported her just breaks off and create another company and then they can just rehire her and all the rest of the talents will graduate and join this company too

>> No.4830421

Keep going anon.

>> No.4830486

>But did she have a "we're using subterfuge and harassment to eliminate our biggest money maker, persistent revenue stream, and the person who kickstarted the now biggest branch of our company?"

She didn't appear on New Year countdown program. It was a 6+ hour stream, it's very odd that every liver is there but not her. That's just the most blatantly obvious one.

According to Narukami, and I also believe it after the fact, the "making trolls mods" incident was the straw that broke Coco's back because she couldn't deny any longer the consistency of Management's put-down towards her.

Those 2 events happened before our eyes.

Anon, it's okay if you don't understand Japanese culture, but some of us here do. We have more exposure on a regular basis to Japan and shit like that.

It's okay to be a critical western but don't be in denial on blatantly obvious shits.

>> No.4830539

Everything lines up.

>> No.4830550

Let's see

Spend a few grand on an outfit that will pay itself back 3 times over in 5 minutes
Be petty and leave youself open to a massive rat about how cover neglected to ever give her a new outfit outside of the new-year one

>> No.4830617

Sponsors and investors do not get a say in how a private company operates. In fact individual investors specifically stay out of the operations of companies because more often than not, it’s an investment firm managing some rich persons portfolio investing on their exit strategy rather than having any involvement and interaction with the companies directly.

>> No.4830618

So did you check it? Who are the major chinese shareholders?
We both have the same list. Who are the chinese in Cover's BofD?
>narukami says
this time yesterday this would be immediate grounds for dismissal, just so you know. he's vtuber keemstar.

>> No.4830664

Don't bother debating these retarded rrats. If they hated Coco so much, they would've graduated her instead of nuking the CN branch and pulling out of China.

>> No.4830667

The subreddit has always been heavily moderated, and it won't stop this from spreading so its irrelevant if it the currently lockdown only stays up for 24 hours. If it goes longer than that then yea I agree that that is fishy and the burden of proof may be on them to explain Narukami's video. Announcement being made in Chinese... is it traditional chinese or simplified? If its simplified then that is big, as they supposedly have no more business interests left in China, only in Taiwan. The characters look uniformly complicated so I think its traditional, but my chinese reps are long ago past.

>> No.4830773

Don't say West Taiwan are you fucking joking. Just translate normally without your bias in it.

It's racial discrimination, racial differentiation if you want to be literal

>the movement to relentlessly alienating her
Just say exclusionary practices man. This is the 排斥運動 part, right?

>> No.4830814

>Announcement being made in Chinese... is it traditional chinese or simplified?

>> No.4830838

Your hope is not going to happen because the side that breaks off will be cut off from the rest of the industry and sponsorship opportunities.

>> No.4830842

"Other Individual Investors"

>> No.4830878

Look into black companies and how they get employees to quit. They never fire them

>> No.4830930

The thing is, to know, you need to know how many % of Mizuho and the likes are owned by foreign entities though. And you can do that yourself if you want. I'm not invested enough to do that for you.

Not to mention, we can't know "potential sponsors" that demands Coco being let go as requirements anyway.

>> No.4830934

IF you're relying on things said 9 months ago, the situation has changed since then with HololiveEN. Its different if this rrat is proven true, but if it is not proven then a good amount of EN audience who came with the arrival of EN will stay. It could definitely have a chilling effect on JP viewers though, they'd be likely to have their main English tie be Coco.

>> No.4831044

They nuked the CN branch after Bilibili already preemptively banned them. It's a domino effect. Besides, during that time Artia was under a misunderstanding that she get to keep her live2d, which she had to retract right afterwards. That sounds like internal politics to me.

>> No.4831153

her roommate is half vtuber already.

>> No.4831154

So because "It's odd" and "remember that one time" suddenly it makes it blatantly obvious? I'm actually speechless you're trying to cover so much ground in 5 sentences and you think it makes sense.

While quoting "did she have *such* a bad relationship that this was something that makes sense?" when that relationship isn't even proven to be mildly strained. Missing one event and "that one time" unbelievable.

>> No.4831295

You also know they axed a whole wing of their business to not kneel to pressure. Plus the legal laws in China around Vtubers. Did you forget those things happened?

This unknown investment Chinese sponsor just whistled and the entire private company said "yes sir!" Do U Rlly Belieb?

>> No.4831324

>"its public knowledge, there's chinks in there, everyone knows, I heard it online"
>"well we cant know for sure, maybe the third biggest bank in japan is actually chinese, we dont know. maybe the chinese are hidden."
>"I'm not invested enough to look it up."
oh no no no no he fell for the rrat. he needs to defend the virtual youtuber rumourmonger on the 2003 kurd carpet cleaning forum.
he's in way too deep, he needs to be dismissive and ironic or else he has to admit he doesnt actually know.
he actually thinks investors would call a company demanding changes instead of pulling out if they thought it was bad. he doesnt know

>> No.4831399

there is no differentiation between the two words in Japanese.
>exclusionary practices
what the fuck does that even mean

>> No.4831406

Retard, they axed holoCN BECAUSE of pressure from the chinks, the chinks wanted to "save" their girls from Cover and Cover kneeled like they always do.

>> No.4831421

Regardless of Cover's mismanagement, Coco is the one making the choice if the graduation is a possibility or not. The executives know that even China hates her, treating her badly will result into bad PR toward the rest of the world due Coco being its influential figure. On the other hand, treating her a hero was distasteful to other co-workers who relied on Chinese market to meet ends before the split. You have Executive A who's nice to you before the yab turn sour and irritated after you're the main cause of losing half of your salary.

And truth to be told, several talents have resentment toward the split and have shown change of attitude towards Coco. If they're really thankful about Coco, those talents who care for her should put a strike or silent protest. But they're in a situation that they put their shoes first before others, especially Vtubing is a dying career trend.

>> No.4831498

And we all know how the japanese yield to faceless men.

>> No.4831533

They tried to pressure her into quitting even before the Taiwan incident by giving her worse treatment

>> No.4831557

I don't care enough to convince you if you're doubling down on your stance anon. I'm literally only here because I'm on a leave for personal reasons. I rarely visit 4chan anyway. Take it or leave it.

Basically, your superiors makes your situation in the office uncomfortable af so that you'd resign on your own "volition".

Bilibili pre-emptively banned Cover though.

>> No.4831576

>hololive CN


>> No.4831620

>he wasnt there
the chink ultimatum was "either you fire coco or you pull out of china", and cover pulled out of china. this was why they axed CN. they chose the japanese branch.
>This unknown investment Chinese sponsor
no fucking way this is your actual train of thought instead of either "cover fired coco because of antis" or "coco left because of antis" or "coco left because of cover".

>> No.4831627

I know it's Narukami, and this video alone is full of bullshit, like Coco being rejected from bilibili, but come the fuck on. Cover themselves admitted that they gave a bunch of people who were supposed to be blacklisted moderating rights instead "by mistake". By mistake? How fucking retarded do you have to be to not see what the fuck was going on? Whether it was because of chinese boogeyman, or because Yagoo pesonally hated Coco, or whatever else, it's blatantly obvious that Cover harrassed her into quitting.

>> No.4831650

A retarded twist of an already retarded concept.

>> No.4831713

alright thanks, also i put in west taiwan and chinks so that leddit wouldn't copy my shit (like nigger watermarks) but i guess we want them to know this

>> No.4831767

>By mistake?
Yeah Narukami pointed out this is the straw what broke Coco's back.

>> No.4831827

nobody can even post on the subreddit right now. it's pretty much run by Cover so don't expect Narukami's rrat to shows up anytime soon

>> No.4831873

What the fuck do you get for defending Cover, sir?

>> No.4831902

Were you even around during the Taiwan incident?
When it happened, Cover immediately threw Coco under the bus and tried to suck China's dick once again to make amends, but it backfired really bad with the western audience. And no, I'm not talking about 4channel or some discord server. People were genuinely mad over basically anywhere, the consensus was that Cover fucked up by (once again) conceding to the Chinese and that they would rather not support a company like that. Remember that also it was not long since Aloe's fiasco, so it really added up. Not to mention how HoloEN was just a huge success, they couldn't risk losing the massive newcoming EOP crowd, so they had to make a choice.

>> No.4831986

You wouldn't do Coco any favor if you put political bias into your TLs though. But it's your TL ultimately.

>> No.4832204

Ok, faggot.

>> No.4832492

Then they would have let them keep their costumes, like they wanted.

>> No.4833552

Not that anon, but there was also the incident that Cover made a china anti a moderator and he banned her members.
