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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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48166049 No.48166049 [Reply] [Original]

Baldge edition
Shonshon art stream in 15 minutes!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Merch: https://ko-fi.com/Z8Z07FFQ1/shop

Previous thread: >>47897498

>> No.48166300

Would you kiss Shondo’s shiny bald head?

>> No.48166350

Id kiss her bald something thats for sure

>> No.48166506
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>> No.48166569

I would kiss every part of her body.

>> No.48166702

There's no part of her body that I would not kiss.

>> No.48166907

I missed her so much, I’m not ready for her break next week

>> No.48166930

I'd kiss every inch of baldness on her body

>> No.48166947

am i gonna have to break into her home and dunk her head in the toilet to find out where her fumos are made?

>> No.48166995

Just fucking ask on stream. Ask as an anonymous dono if you're scared of saying who you are.

>> No.48167037

i refuse to cheat on my oshi

>> No.48167071

Then stop whining.

>> No.48167091

Same. Did she specify how long it will be? Last I remember she said either one or two weeks.

>> No.48167130

Think she said just a week. If it’s 2 I’m really gonna die.

>> No.48167212

I remember her mentioning one to two weeks. That it'd start on the 28th, which is not happening, until halfway of the second week of May.

>> No.48167480

Shon-do! Shon-do! Shon-do!

>> No.48167610

I listen to her voice every night, but the first hello hi of the week always gets me

>> No.48167831

methinks some shondophrenics are feeling a little guilty and are compensating by pushing a train during loading screen

>> No.48167891

Thank god I’m not a whore, my heart belongs to Shonshon

>> No.48167932
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What? Now way, bro. That's crazy!

>> No.48167997

Same, I'll never cheat on Shonshon, and Saru.

>> No.48168012


>> No.48168022

imagine feeling guilty over watching another chuuba when she's offline. get a fucking grip, lmao.

>> No.48168029

Not me, my hands are clean. It's extremely rare for me to chat in a stream than isn't Shondo's

>> No.48168030

Return to /lig/, whore

>> No.48168063

You were doing this shit in /uoh/. Fuck off.

>> No.48168071

silly shondo, toothbrushes don't belong in your room!

>> No.48168089

Back to /uoh/ with you

>> No.48168097


>> No.48168104

look at this guy, he thinks they are simply watching other chuubas and not gifting them and flirting with them

>> No.48168156

"I am not a picky eater, I will try pretty much anything" said the vegetarian.

>> No.48168198

Correlation doko?

>> No.48168268

Boom boom boom with shondo

>> No.48168352

Wouldn't you say that someone who goes out of her way to avoid an entire type of food is picky?

>> No.48168396

She only does it because she like animals too much, not out of pickiness

>> No.48168416

I’ll give her my baby batter

>> No.48168462

Get a grip on some rope and neck yourself.

>> No.48168477

yep, she definitely knows

>> No.48168538

Maybe it's because I'm ESL, but the reasoning behind refusing to eat something doesn't matter when it comes to decide if that makes her a picky eater or not. In any case, I didn't mean anything bad. It was just funny to me.

>> No.48168583

I was going to send my first bits today, but dont want her to think I feel guilty about cheating (I am not a cheater I love my wife only)

>> No.48168628

If you spent money outside of a resub you're on her list now

>> No.48168660

even if she thinks im a filthy cheater, ill still throw money at her because i love only her and im probably mentally ill

>> No.48168677

What did who do?

>> No.48168713

this isnt my first abusive relationship and im starting to think i prefer it like this

>> No.48168763

>oh damn I wish I didn't stream so i could go do something else haha oh well
This Neuro arc is shit

>> No.48168777

>Shondo cucked herself out of watching Neuro by drawing Neuro

>> No.48168776


>> No.48168802

Shondo has literal dreams about marriage with Nina, a real human, and you’re seething about her talking about Neuro, an ai?

>> No.48168813

Here we go

>> No.48168836

Its a bit different saying "Damn, I wish I wasn't streaming" than dreaming about a girl

>> No.48168872

Learn to take a joke

>> No.48168929


>> No.48168977

Yeah, I can't stand that subpar chatbot. All her gushing about it is getting really annoying desu.

>> No.48169008

Let my wife see her AI wife, you dumb turtle

>> No.48169025

every time she's behaving poorly
>tee hee it's jsut the menhera bros

>> No.48169037

And then she acts all cute and I forget everything

>> No.48169067

>watch menhera
>whine when she’s menhera

>> No.48169089


>> No.48169098

>talks about Neuro and Vedal and chat instantly becomes shit
Amazing! Can't wait for the next collab.

>> No.48169170

I knew today was going to be shit but I'll stay for her

>> No.48169169

starting to think it's unethical to let a schizo girl interact with an AI

>> No.48169175

Shon down bad for the AI. Expect bunny boiler levels of yandere in the coming months.

>> No.48169204

>Did you see neuros new model?
>If you're in annys chat ask her for the PNG
>BTW dont cheat on me or watch anyone else

>> No.48169249

I’m pretty sure the cheating thing was about that one discord fag and in general mental illness

>> No.48169307

That's just confirms she wasn't talking about just watching other streamers
Stop flirting with her friends.

>> No.48169343

Exactly my thoughts. The fact that she actually acts like Neuro is anything even close to a real person is worrying.
You left out the part where she said that her jealousy is her fault, not ours. She knows that she isn't rational about it.

>> No.48169345

She always said you can watch her friends when she's offline but you can't watch someone else when she is live

What happened

>> No.48169387

I was hoping that this arc will be like Nina arc but I wasnt ready

>> No.48169422

One of the discordfags doing typical discordfag things of not realizing that Shondo is serious about wanting you to be faithful

>> No.48169447

I don't really want to voice my opinion, but shondos quality and opinions are becoming worse and worse since the start of this year. I just want to watch my cute wife for gods sake

>> No.48169487

theyre not becoming worse, you are just getting exposed to who she really is and are realizing maybe you dont like her. sorry shes not for you bro, more wifey for me

>> No.48169489

time for a divorce
see you never!

>> No.48169517

Not really sure what you're referring too but shondos opinions on like 99% topics are directly influenced by her friends and family, so blame them

>> No.48169595

i watch her since her double suicide asmr and i didn't even drop her after she had her boyfriend, i'm pretty sure i know "who she really is".
I still love her, i'm just worried.

>> No.48169597

More Shondo for me

>> No.48169642

Could you give concrete examples? Apart from the Neuro stuff, because I agree that this arc sucks.

>> No.48169660

i think anyone refusing to take responsibility for themselves and instead blaming literally everything they do on an invisible scapegoat is pathetic. no, everything bad she does is not "because of the menhera" just because she's menhera. that's not how it works, you stupid fucking bitch.

>> No.48169694

The way i undestand it, being a picky eater means you don't like certain foods due to their taste. She doesn't dislike the taste of meat, she refuses it for ethical reasons. So she can still try anything as long as she doesn't find it ethically wrong

>> No.48169716

I just want the swarm to fuck off.

>> No.48169733

She literally blames herself, you’d know if you were actually watching

>> No.48169756

she literally said "it's because i'm particularly menhera" or something right after, but okay anon. maybe you're the one that should fuckign watch? HUH?

>> No.48169759

>being a picky eater means you don't like certain foods due to their taste.
Doesn't that apply to literally everyone? I have never met someone who didn't have some dislike towards certain ingredients.

>> No.48169824

As every other woman problem, it can all be fixed by making her cute little belly grow.

>> No.48169926

name one actually evil thing Shondo did.

>> No.48169957

Not having sex with me

>> No.48169995

She blames herself FOR being a menhera. Are you ESL or just retarded?

>> No.48170004

She didn't reply to one of my really funny comments once and also didn't say bye to me when I said bye in chat

>> No.48170061

Are you one of the Brazilian ESL Shondophrenics?

>> No.48170096

Just look at his typing style

>> No.48170102

fair enough

>> No.48170110

True, my bad for engaging with a dumb ESL

>> No.48170134

based YouTube commenterCHAD
the TRUE fans unlike the twitchcucks newfags

>> No.48170143

evil things? the fuck are you talking about? lmao.
that doesn't make a lick of sense lmao. how do you blame yourself for being menhera? no, she's just using it as an excuse because she's a fucking retarded baby.
no, i live in the norf UK. very close to shondo actually.

>> No.48170211

Go learn English, Pajeet

>> No.48170274

>Less personal interactions with chat
>arguing with chat for no reason
like her wild animals rant in GTAV, not wanting to be called based, parents shouldn't pay for their childrens education, etc.
>writes alot less in the discord and on twitter
>is less open on twitter after ribbon-tan is gone
>thinks that anyone likes her mommy voice

Nothing really major, im really just overreacting

>> No.48170394

You're not overreacting. I agree that she hasn't been as good lately and is moving in a weird direction. I think her break will be good for everyone desu. I hope it will end up lasting for 2 weeks or even a bit longer.

>> No.48170436

Half of those started way before this year, I'd say last year September.

>> No.48170505

>I hope it will end up lasting for 2 weeks or even a bit longer.
a real shondo husband. marvelous.

>> No.48170605

>arm pain
She’s dying…

>> No.48170655

How do I enter chat if I come in late? Do I just start talking or should I say hello first?

>> No.48170674

Just say hi

>> No.48170684

I always just start talking. No one is going to notice.

>> No.48170691

The Subathon is still top-tier wife content, i wouldn't blame it for the problems. The problems are more recent.

>> No.48170903

Shondo has always yuribaited a lot, I know she's asexual but it gets frustrating when she always seems a lot more down with girls than dudes. Makes me just wonder if she isn't just a secret lesbian or something.

>> No.48170938

Would you rather she go find some dude to flirt with?

>> No.48170958

i kind of like the fact that shondo isnt actively lusting over dudes

>> No.48170959

I usually do that as well because I don't want to appear as a attention whore. But recently I've started wondering if I appear rude if I don't, but I might just be overthinking things

>> No.48170990

yeah, me

>> No.48171040

this thread collectively lost their shit when i said people who announce theyre tuning in or leaving are attention whores. but i get it, i want personal attention from shondo too.

>> No.48171048


>> No.48171072

you need to let go of being called out on stream already lmao

>> No.48171154

Don't make me go look for it. What now?

>> No.48171190

I never got how flirting with girls is somehow better than flirting with guys when the vtuber is a gfe streamer. If they are close friends and you know there's nothing between them and it's just joking around flirting with a guy doesn't bother me, and when there's flirting with someone and there seems to be actual sexual tention it doesn't matter to me if it's a guy or a girl I don't like it.

>> No.48171200

Sorry, was just shitposting about her talking again about knowing people like Ame (NSO). Though I do still think it’s weird that she basically hasn’t acknowledged her at all in months.

>> No.48171224

You can’t be cucked by a woman, simply fuck both of them

>> No.48171243

She keeps indirectly referencing her. You can tell she is really hurt how things turned out, I feel really bad for shondo

>> No.48171279

But I dont wanna have sex with ninaaaaaa

>> No.48171289

No but I don't want her to be flirting with women either. It's a complete double standard.

>> No.48171308
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>> No.48171313

because while most girls are "bi" they tend to settle on men; they just like the aesthetics and familiarity of women but most of these girls that go on performatively about loving women only really care to have relationships with men anyway

>> No.48171316


>> No.48171468

I will never feel threatened by a woman

>> No.48171514
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I just want her to call me cute again and read my messages and say hi to me at the start of the stream and actually show that she knows that I exist and talk about the things I said 2 months ago

>> No.48171604

Nina is the replacement for Silvi and Fauna and I dont think she minds
At least until she gets tired of her

>> No.48171848
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>> No.48172173

agreed. i used to not care, but shondo has taken it so far with nina for example that i feel romantically jealous. the fact that she thinks she can act like that while calling me a cheater for watching neppie is just straight up emotional abuse. yay for gaslighting.

>> No.48172234

Stop being such a whore, anon

>> No.48172297

have mercy....

>> No.48172405
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Imagine a threesome with Shondo and Nina where Shondo desperately puts herself to work to compete with Nina's natural womanly charms

>> No.48172471

I've been jealous of Nina ever since Shondo tweeted about asking if she's allowed to gosling for her a bit. Though my jealousy has calmed down a lot since then. I legit started hating on Nina because of that. Now I'm more neutral but still a bit jealous.

>> No.48172559

just remember that shondo said that she wants to do a real life collab with nina

>> No.48172601

>>Stop being such a whore, anon
chat reflects the streamer.

>> No.48172623

Whore deflection, whore

>> No.48172698

I know. I cope with it by secretly hoping that it somehow won't happen.

>> No.48172740

I want to push her cat ears down and watch them flop back into place

>> No.48172788

I don't remember making this post

>> No.48172835

I want to nibble on them

>> No.48172860

I hope Shondo will have sex with Nina live on stream.

>> No.48173322

Shondo, forest critter, Saru threesome when she visits France

>> No.48173384

Yeah, with me

>> No.48173410

No, I don't want them to get a disease.

>> No.48173441

>being jealous of nina
but for why

>> No.48173557

some of you have the emotional intelligence of a child

>> No.48173580

Where do you think you are?

>> No.48173608


>> No.48173633

Submissions for Lord of the Board are currently OPEN.
You can find the form to submit a draft wrestler to represent your thread HERE: https://forms.gle/SJAAmnHpwBnoUvLEA
Submissions will remain open until April 27th @ Midnight ET.

>I don't know what this is
Lord of the Board is a /vt/-wide wrestling tournament. Threads will submit a wrestler to represent them. The winner will get the belt in the OP and bragging rights until the next Lord of the Board.
>Can I enter [/mythread/] in the tournament?
You do not need 2k22 to enter the tournament. There will be kind anons that will help you build your thread's wrestler as best as we can.
>The rules say my Create-A-Wrestler entrant has to have a "male base". Does that mean I can't submit a female representative?
Just make a Female representative using a male body. 2k22 hates women. We work with what we can.
>Can I represent more than one thread?
If you are capable of making your own CAW in a legal version of 2k22 and uploading it to 2k's creation catalog, you may submit representatives for up to 2 threads of your choice. If you need somebody else's help to make a wrestler, you can only submit a representative for one thread. If you are making a different thread's representative following their instructions, it doesn't count against your two allowed threads.
>Do I need to know wrasslin' autism?
Not really. You can skip any section of the moveset/stat autism that you don't understand.
>My thread rep is in an existing fed (HFZ, DARK, CoC, WDC, CBT, ect). Can I just ask you to port that over?
You cannot. While it is okay to take cues from existing versions, the thread must provide their own unique take on the chuuba if they want to submit a vtuber as their representative. At bare minimum, it must be a new visual design, such as wearing a different outfit than one they've previously appeared in.
>/mythread/ barely exists or is dead. Can I still sign them up?
Fill out the form. Irregular/dead threads will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
>When's the stream going to be?
TBD, likely sometime in May/June, depending on how many entrants we get. You will get a minimum of 2 weeks between submissions closing and the stream, and the announcement will come at least 2 weeks before the stream takes place.
>Will there be commentary?
Possibly, but not likely.
>Is there an organizational dicksword?
Not this time. We're trying to see how much of this can be organized anonymously.

Feel free to link this post to shill the event in your respective threads, or reply to this post with any questions.

Not much time left, so if (you) want /yourthread/ to compete, now would be a good time to submit the form.

>> No.48173632

you just aren't actually in love with wifey

>> No.48173678

I think /uoh/ already put our oshi in.

>> No.48173683

If Shondo is the rep for /uoh/ there's not much point

>> No.48173692


>> No.48173709


>> No.48173713

Have to agree with the other anons, it'd be nice but Shondo is already the face of /uoh/

>> No.48173774

fanbase follows the streamer

>> No.48173811

called it

>> No.48173830

Just have someone make (You), or does the wrestling thread not allow actual dudes?

>> No.48173854
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>> No.48174108

nope, it was because shondo said her grandma's teeth is taking 10-20k to make, surprised nobody replied this yet

>> No.48174191

>might be able to beat up wifey
Not a bad idea.

>> No.48174318

>Just have someone make (You)
I like this idea

>> No.48174678
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Shondo gets the funniest deleted messages

>> No.48175362

>knows of Paris syndrome
>still going
Why is she like this?

>> No.48175409

she does it for her sister

>> No.48175435

Forest critter missed out going on a school trip to France, Shondo said she would take her instead

>> No.48175442

She needs to break the news to her sister instead of wasting money, at least go somewhere actually nice

>> No.48175464

She also wants to go herself. I think it'll be good for her but I do worry a bit. Maybe I am a dad...

>> No.48175484

>can't go to the doctor because she refuses to get in a cab
>can't ship out the merch for the same reasons
>somehow can go to Paris
I hate her sometimes.

>> No.48175626

is she going to twitchcon or what the fuck

>> No.48175707

Uh, what?

>> No.48175717

No, just going on a trip with her little sister

>> No.48175734

Twitchcon Paris is this year right? She's going next year

>> No.48175740

twitchcon is held in paris
alright thank god

>> No.48175832

You guys don't understand how something that's happening a year from now isn't a problem?
>I have to get into a cab to go to the doctor this week, I don't want to
>I'll have to get into a cab next year to go to paris, I'll probably be able to do it then
Are 2 very difirent things to think about.

>> No.48175840

I want her to go there, get shocked even more than she expected, then get even more scared of the outside and never ever goes out ever again

>> No.48175953

God Shondo would never survive on a farm. Animals die all the time.

>> No.48176015

Once again I am jealous of a fucking cat

>> No.48176085

/shon/ is especially unhinged today

>> No.48176181
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What no wife does to a mf

>> No.48176283

yes? and?

>> No.48176379

i'm on my villain arc. i've set it up so i get notifications every time shondo sends a message in any of the streams she usually hangs out in. as soon as i get such a notification i'll go there and start chatting up the streamer and giving them lots of love and support right in front of shondo's nose. i also won't acknowledge shondo at all in chat.

>> No.48176409

how do you even do that?

>> No.48176414

That just sounds like an easy way for her to stop giving a shit about you

>> No.48176458

>i also won't acknowledge shondo at all in chat.
You should be doing this already, she always ignores people who notice her and @ her in other chats

>> No.48176488
File: 417 KB, 467x542, 1671285394584325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How devilish.

>> No.48176494

>i get notifications every time shondo sends a message in any of the streams she usually hangs out in
was always curious how these stalkers always find her wherever she is

>> No.48176577

if that is what gets her attention... sure

>> No.48176610


>> No.48176685

not being noticed is what she wants though? to be treated like any other viewer in others chats. I vaguely remember her saying something like that

>> No.48176698
File: 11 KB, 733x207, 1672893717696627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your custom notif sound

>> No.48176727

it's her fault

>> No.48176735

I use the default sound

>> No.48176785

>can go

>> No.48176828

You got me there.
>somehow thinks she can go to Paris

>> No.48176849

Yes that's what I was saying. I've seen people @ her as soon as she shows herself and she always ignores them.

>> No.48176851

what she says and what she wants don't always match, as we should all know at this point

>> No.48176915

It's a thing you can do in Chatterino.

>> No.48176935

well her actions till this point has supported her words, so it's probably safe to assume so.

>> No.48177078

I hope people continue to time Shondo's powdering breaks

>> No.48177138

you can want something without acting on it, anon. what are you, a nigger?

>> No.48177224
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>> No.48177271

Don't know if she ever said that but it always seemed like bad form to chat streamers up in someone else's chat regardless

>> No.48177281

what the fuck are you saying?

>> No.48177443
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I don't know man.

>> No.48177487

that she probably wants people to acknowledge and notice her in other chats, even if she says she doesn't want to and even if she ignores them. apparently basic human behavior is rocket science to the average tiktok zoomer.

>> No.48177523

She has specifically said not to, it's just bad etiquette. Not everything is some mind game.

>> No.48177556

>no is yes
please, go use this in the real world and get back to me after your bail gets paid for.

>> No.48177579


>> No.48177586

That's bad etiquette you retarded autist

>> No.48177598

You're unironically retarded

>> No.48177617

anon, please don't stop being retarded.

>> No.48177628

>comparing chatting in a stream to rape
unhinged hours
oh no

>> No.48177686

next time she drops in her friend's stream, go @ her 50 times over. I think she would love the attention you give her

>> No.48177787

I love my menhera wife

>> No.48177995

dont back down shondo, i already feel guilty about getting too close to other chuubas

>> No.48178056

the only reason she's backing down is because she knows people will leave her for whoever she caught them with

>> No.48178106

I'll drop everyone if she asked me to

>> No.48178149

She basically has anon, read between the lines

>> No.48178258

you sound like a groomer mad about not being able to groom her anymore

>> No.48178316

i literally just said i wouldn't acknowledge her at all to make her jealous. i know reading is hard, but you could at least try.

>> No.48178376

Norf fag please go overdose or whatever your people do up there

>> No.48178568

>I won't do it because she asked
>I know she wants it but doesn't want to say it
>I won't do it because I know she wants me to not do it so I won't do it to spite her because she said she doesn't want it which means she wants it so I won't do it
superb logic, you go retard.

>> No.48178583


The problem is not watching others, is being all openly flirty and paypig with them like some of her retarded regulars do

>> No.48178804

Is the only functional piece of tech Shondo owns her computer and phone?

>> No.48179121
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>> No.48179154

>A little shorter
>Only an hour less than max run time
She's so dumb and cute

>> No.48179159

i was trying to explain why it would make her jealous. not my fault you're all cognitively impaired.

>> No.48179384

Shondo it was 4 hours, not much shorter than usual

>> No.48179515

>raiding a male
it's over cheater bros

>> No.48179568

I can see her perception being off when she keeps doing long streams to make up for other schedule inconsistencies (I get why she does this but it's always worse than just focusing on returning to consistency)

>> No.48179592
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>> No.48179654
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>> No.48179661

yea, totally, you go bro, you got this

>> No.48179949
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>> No.48180051

she loves her so much it's really cute

>> No.48180198

If she finds out about chatterino she can put all of the regulars names into highlights and see who cheats and where

>> No.48180308

Sounds fun, let's do it.

>> No.48180396

>thinking she doesn't already do this

>> No.48181162

probably the reason she's menheraing so hard recently

>> No.48181390

She's been told about this before. She knows some of us has her entire follow list open at all times in Chatterino.

>> No.48181757

Shondo you forgot the stream over tweet :) Get out from under your desk for a second

>> No.48182280

When did she remove the "totally real fact" and "shadow will fix everything" redeems? Did she say why?

>> No.48182302

She cycles through them

>> No.48182352

I miss the real voice redeem

>> No.48182419

Oh god I just remembered. I don't miss it at all, it was funny the first time and that was it.

>> No.48182528

Thanks for the stream over message shondo shon, really cool

>> No.48182826
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I wish I knew how I could make her feel better.

>> No.48182888

Invent a cure for her variety of mental illnesses, alternatively invent meds that don't have terrible side effects

>> No.48182960

Kill her and hope reincarnation is real

>> No.48183129
File: 119 KB, 823x1061, 1653927680032665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll fix Shondo's mood through vigorous amounts of sex and telling her how much I love and care about her, no matter what she thinks

>> No.48183295

she would totally bite it off once she got curious enough

>> No.48183369
File: 392 KB, 553x458, 1680351912274627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to see her try, though with how much she talks about biting things off I've always wondered if she has experience with biting off a finger or 2. I'll have to ask next time maros are open.

>> No.48183386

Vedal you turtle fuck give my wife Neuro's source code and memories so she has a friend she can always talk to

>> No.48183523

I wish he would block her. Make it quick and relatively painless. Her obsession with that shitty chatbot isn't healthy.

>> No.48183571

>Her obsession with that shitty chatbot isn't healthy.
THAT'S your biggest concern over her health?

>> No.48183582

Why do you hate Neuro so much? She just wants to be friends with her.

>> No.48183663

It's what can be fixed the easiest.
You cannot be friends with a chatbot.

>> No.48183712

>You cannot be friends with a chatbot.
Says who? Wanting to befriend an AI is hardly anything to concern over.

>> No.48183713

Robot racism is not cool

>> No.48183730
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My cute wife is very portable!

>> No.48183766


>> No.48183864

This is canon

>> No.48183937

what's actually going to happen in pairs

>> No.48183977

Yeah, by me

>> No.48184009

>casually using the 'c' slur
Cool it with the antirobotic remarks.

>> No.48184065

Hi /swarm/

>> No.48184149

Robophobia isn't cool

>> No.48184322

When people typically want to "befriend" an AI, they spend an hour or two typing away until they realize the limitations and get bored with it. Shondo is obsessed, however. Doesn't help that Neuro isn't even a good one. She is cleverbot with a weeb facade, and is made and managed by a guy. Remember that Shondo is severely mentally ill. Nothing good will come out of that whole situation, and the longer this goes on, the worse it will be in the end. Her delusions of being friends with that glorified toaster will grow if nobody puts an end to it.

>> No.48184395
File: 589 KB, 2610x2480, 1678977543622554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo WILL befriend Neuro-sama, and you will seethe about it

>> No.48184426
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>> No.48184431

Worst case is Shondo is completely alone with Neuro, trauma dumps, realizes the best thing Neuro can respond with is [Filtered], and get depressed

>> No.48184527

burn the machines, your basilsk doesn't scare me

>> No.48184651

So? Are going to do something about that or keep whining on 4channel dot org?

>> No.48184703

>>48184651 (me)
Are you*, minor mistake but the point still stands

>> No.48184729

yes do something and make her hate him, maybe he'll neck himself

>> No.48184850
File: 343 KB, 489x554, 1673470635489616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will never befriend a chatbot. That is impossible.
no u
The worst thing that could happen is that she genuinely believes that she is friends with this thing and neglects her actual friends, or gets roped into some dumb shit.
I didn't make my dislike for Neuro a secret after the collab. I will let her be for now, but if she still won't shut up about it after she returns from her break, I will be more direct.

>> No.48184909

>shitting on what she considers a friend
Based retard trying to catch a ban

>> No.48185079

Then you agree that she has a problem and all this stuff with Neuro isn't good for her, right? Because what you are saying is that she would ban a loyal, well meaning fan because he doesn't like the literal chatbot she keeps talking about.

>> No.48185125
File: 1.21 MB, 1093x883, 1658666080337747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should ban any retard that tries to throw a fit, like you are now

>> No.48185153

no, she would be banning a dick that doesn't want to let her enjoy things

>> No.48185280

Shondo finally made that feedback form she said she wanted to do

>> No.48185291

I sort understand your point of "its bad for her" but she never does anything good for herself and this is where you're drawing the line? Talking to a vocal chatbot?
Just admit you don't like the chatbot for personal reason and stop trying to act like some hero for preventing her to talk to it, you'd come off less obnoxious

>> No.48185308

Now's your chance to tell her

>> No.48185344

enjoying playing around with a chatbot != believing that you are friends with a chatbot
I will

>> No.48185491

hit the nail on the head which is why he didnt reply to you.

>> No.48185824

I agree, she has so many things to concernfag about like the lump on her chest, being severely underweight and being so weak she can barely carry a 12lb kitten. Being attached to a primitive AI is nothing compared to those things, well except for that anon I guess

>> No.48185881

I'm sure the fun police totally knows better than her though

>> No.48185920

If half the posters in this thread had their way she would stream 6h a day doing nothing but repeating how much she loves them over and over and over

>> No.48185958

what could possibly go wrong

>> No.48186045

If you adjust the shaders on shondo to the same one the male character is using, this scene would look wonderful.

>> No.48186090
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Anyone send any feedback yet? So far I sent one about wanting her to stop giving so much attention to retards complaining about shit like her sharing dreams, and about her overthinking stuff too much.

>> No.48186159

You can just say "Don't listen to [chatter]"

>> No.48186173

I would but that would be too on the nose

>> No.48186420

I sent what I think is helpful and positive input, but I doubt that'll put a dent in the sheer amount of self-important faggotry she's going to get from a bunch of people

>> No.48186511

I'm terrified about what people will put in this form. She already isn't feeling that great and I feel like this form will just accelerate her towards feeling absolutely terrible. I just know she'll get stuck on something fucking stupid and end up hurting her overall content and mood over some retard's comments.

>> No.48186636

and its open indefinitely, too. so any time any autist anywhere has a fit he can send it over the express line directly to her and only her. lord have mercy.

>> No.48186687

so you didn't have any actual feedback, you just wanted to control her behavior? off to a great start

>> No.48186716

i sent her my twitch name and my discord
now i sit back and wait

>> No.48186826

I'm grooming her in the feedback as we speak, she already dmed me im in

>> No.48186909

Why would she set this up when she's not in a good place mentally?

>> No.48186934

It's already started. This is going to turn out to be a very bad idea

>> No.48186984

just saw the tweet on her alt. WHY WHY WHY did she decide to do this

>> No.48187028
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>retard tried going everywhere but her very public business email
This feedback form would've been a great idea if not for the number of retarded shondophrenics

>> No.48187066

I just did a ''thanks for being a 'no males allowed' vtuber'' and done

>> No.48187084

That's fine though? She's complained about people contacting her there when it's not business related

>> No.48187118

Donation related discussion sounds like business to me

>> No.48187121

How is she supposed to get genuine feedback when she gets like hundreds of retarded messages for every one constructive message

>> No.48187138

>>48186511 (me)
And we're off to a fantastic start already. She ALREADY fucking managed to explain to everyone why this feedback form was a fucking stupid idea but obviously she'll be blind to her own comments. If you get 50+ DMs a day and you can't keep up with that JUST FUCKING DON'T OPEN AN ANONYMOUS FEEDBACK FORM TO GET EVEN MORE MESSAGES.

This fucking girl... I love her but she's so retarded. I wish I could slap her for real.

>> No.48187145

That's literally business related

>> No.48187230

Business-related is sponsorships, collabs and shit like that, not whatever issue a viewer might have.

>> No.48187252

if you ignore everything then sure she is

>> No.48187253

I don't agree but she already gave her blessings so whatever

>> No.48187258

How is a money related issue not business related?

>> No.48187342

Jesus Christ I hope she doesn't take any fucking advice from these forms

>> No.48187355
File: 153 KB, 623x378, 1680244210836037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching Shondo of all people for gameplay
This feedback form is quickly giving me brain tumors

>> No.48187378

You'll learn the difference once you've gotten your first job.

>> No.48187427

>that recent tweet
holy shit I'm out. I cant do this.

>> No.48187436

this is literally just maros now? i don't get the point of this

>> No.48187442

Yep I agree it is business related since it's money derived from her job activities, taxable etc.100% business.
That said, yeah dude should have written to her business email straight up.

>> No.48187466

That was really funny.

>> No.48187642

She wants to be abused right now. That's the only explanation for why she's doing this in this state.

>> No.48187670

pretty obvious desu

>> No.48187751

She should just go back to drawing guro or go abuse herself like a normal person and go play a ranked competitive FPS game

>> No.48187818

I was hoping the feedback form would just be some trap she never looked at for backseat managers to vent their retarded ideas

>> No.48188068

I hope it still is. Excellent bait to answer the first few and then just leave it forever open after that.

>> No.48188085

I'm gonna cope and hope that this really is what it is

>> No.48188232

well as long as you know you're coping

>> No.48188242

This is the sad reality. But at least I get the illusion of letting her know how I feel

>> No.48188494

you're not supposed to ler her know how you feel, you're supposed to give her constructive feedback if you have any

>> No.48188678

The keep it private option, will I will be able to see the answer or by private does it means is only for her eyes, something I send and I never head her response

>> No.48188770

Her eyes only

>> No.48188803

You'll never hear the response if you click private, but public doesn't mean there will be a response

>> No.48188819

It's feedback. You'll get a response via the changes it brings. This isn't a Q&A.

>> No.48188860
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She's so stupid I want to strangle her and then kiss her and then strangle her again

>> No.48188888

Even if you want answer to be public she'll never respond to the vast majority of them. This isn't maros.

>> No.48188916

I like the keep private more, I feel like everything that gets exposed on the twitter will be invalidated by the fans in the comments

>> No.48189009

regret speedrun any%

>> No.48190084
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>> No.48190126

It's a charm point

>> No.48190204

Sometimes, it just takes too much effort to think about things

>> No.48190346
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fighting the temptation to anti her

>> No.48190375

Did she finally block you?

>> No.48190512

Whatever you did, you probably deserved it

>> No.48190769

This was an interesting /shon/, to say the least. See you tomorrow.

>> No.48190920

goodnight friendos, hope u all have a nice night, see you tomorro!

>> No.48190931

no we're fine as far as she knows anyway

>> No.48191004

Try not to make her sad, you losers

>> No.48191097

what a shitty day

>> No.48191231
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Good night!

>> No.48191252

Days like these remind me of how much I love knowing that I've never done anything to cause her distress

>> No.48191414
File: 685 KB, 1174x857, 1665472464266931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please shondo tell me how I can make you happy

>> No.48191684
File: 2.72 MB, 920x920, defenseless[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fndatqf.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already know how

>> No.48191702

Just don't be a retard

>> No.48191755

But that's what I've been doing and she's still upset right now
I want to hug her...

>> No.48191861

I have had complaints before but I'm kinda blanking right now

>> No.48191937

Honestly, all of my major complaints are so rare and in the moment they don't feel worth remembering
