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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 110 KB, 1080x471, 1682490192069644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
48139504 No.48139504 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.48139637 [DELETED] 

Sure you are you Cheating ass Whore! You never stood out and never will them leaving means more spotlight for your whoring ass

>> No.48139700

After the backstab???? Is she for real having a woman moment and thinking anyone will believe her?

>> No.48139771
File: 577 KB, 700x678, froot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder how many tweets will be dunking on her this time.

She could do with this as a tweet reply:

>> No.48139786

Vei has her own deal and was leaving regardless but this bitch had a direct hand in running Silver out with her tranny shit in the middle of Silver being harassed.

>> No.48139830

>m-maybe I'll get picked for a sponsorship deal now!

>> No.48139861 [DELETED] 


>> No.48139906
File: 40 KB, 419x333, 2evghup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was on a break when Froot did her apparent backstab shit, no one is repeating what she said though. She shit on Silver for playing Hogwarts or something?

>> No.48139971

Someone asked how she felt about it
She said "everyone makes mistakes"

>> No.48139985

Backstabbers covering their tracks

>> No.48139991

So what's the over/under that this is vshoujo staff logging onto their twitter accounts trying to pretend they're a living supporting family

>> No.48140025

>I will support them all the way
shame she couldn't do that when they were still in the group

>> No.48140067
File: 357 KB, 836x465, TELL ME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.48140242

Immediately opened a charity to support the cause and virtue signal when Silver is still heavily under attack from the trannies

>> No.48140580
File: 742 KB, 693x861, 1676616562047374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch is absolutely shameless.

>> No.48140658

More like LeechVtuber amirite

>> No.48140711
File: 332 KB, 1000x1107, 1656841243816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is she a real person? How does she keep posting shit like this with a straight face? She's the most shameless person I have ever laid eyes on. What the fuck is wrong with her?

>> No.48141058

What a cunt, being such a hypocrite after letting the trannies harass Silver.

>> No.48141078

>silvervale plays the silly wizard game
>Vshojo's fanbase of twitter troons lose it
>harass the shit out of silvervale including doxing her
>silvervale has to go on hiatus
>Froot tweets out that she'll donate to a charity supporting "gender diverse children" mere minutes after the hiatus announcement
>this "charity" is literally about to lose their charity status in the UK because multiple employees were arrested for being paedophiles
>silvervale comes back
>tells twitter faggots to fuck off while crying
>person in froot's chat tells froot that silvervale is having a meltdown
>froot replies "everyone makes mistake" in chat (she wasn't talking because she was doing a silent art stream)
>implies that playing a silly wizard game was "a mistake"
Also the best part:
>meanwhile trolls are spamming likes on froot's charity tweet because she said she'd donate X amount for every like
>never actually donates the money
And that's what happened.

>> No.48141522

There's nothing wrong with playing Hogwarts, but Silver made a huge mistake by making a massive deal about crying on stream. The adage "don't feed the trolls" has existed for decades, dating back to the days of Usenet. I don't know what the fuck she was thinking when she decided the best course of action was to give them attention.
Literally all she should have done was banned them in chat and ignored them. So yes, Silver made a massive fucking mistake and has herself to blame.

>> No.48141589

I don't think I've ever really cared about vtuber drama but she really is one of the worst e-celebs to crawl out of the sewer.

>> No.48142288

Why are Anglos allowed to exist?
Island jews deserve the rope

>> No.48142391
File: 128 KB, 1280x1440, Who-Killed-Hannibal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate this bitch

>> No.48142643

fucking backstabbing whore

>> No.48144469

Silver has always been a prime candidate of being an internet woman that doesn't know "not to feed to trolls".
However, in this instance, her meltdown caught the wind of Asmongold who then used her as prime "content" as he's aught to do. And according to Silver's stream just earlier, there's more "Asmon collabs" to come.
In Silver's eyes, this "ordeal" is gonna give her the fame she evidently craves.

>> No.48145884


>> No.48146067

Everyone makes mistakes, but froot especially made one here thinking people will just forget about the harry potter shit.

Did she ever even wind up making that big donation for the likes-whoring tweet? I'd guess no.

>> No.48146945
File: 400 KB, 751x592, smugrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still gonna jerk off to that one picture of Froot eating the leaking cum out of Silver's ass.

>> No.48147157

>After the backstab???? Is she for real having a woman moment and thinking anyone will believe her?
Yes. The funny thing is vshitshow fags will take this fake nice act are more genuine than Silver being blunt as fuck about what happened but honest. To them, the superficial appearance is more important than the reality of the company, which all turned their backs on her in favor of appeasing the troon mob.

>> No.48147524

When your brain is mush because you clearly have the train run on you behind your partner’s back you end up with no sense of self awareness. Please undastndo

>> No.48148282

lmao no

>> No.48148357


>> No.48149415

Does anyone?

>> No.48149480

Oh she didn't just say she was going to donate to any charity, she picked the one that had an actual nonce on the board of directors.

>> No.48149658

Once a traitorous whore, always a traitorous whore

>> No.48149734

Comedy gold

>> No.48150191

I don't think she's mentioned it since saying she'd look for another charity

>> No.48150370

post it pussy

>> No.48150420


>> No.48150431 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 637x514, froot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only foot image I have saved

>> No.48150746

If I was into anal, that would be hot as fuck, but unfortunately I am not. Happy for you though!

>> No.48150906

lying whore

>> No.48152054


>> No.48152093
File: 203 KB, 1502x960, rtyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48152117


>> No.48152183
File: 907 KB, 3422x2364, Silvervale's_Twitch_followers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at these numbers. It was far from a mistake.

>> No.48152227
File: 1.95 MB, 2248x2318, tjhtrg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Twitter knows what's up.

>> No.48152998

Can you also post the one with froot LOOSING followers during that period? just to show it.

>> No.48153066

Did froot ever donate the money she promised?

>> No.48154761
File: 111 KB, 1008x697, Froot's_Twitch_followers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48154819


>> No.48155147


>> No.48156890

I didn't expected much from vtuber whores but the audacity of this bitch is something else

>> No.48159148


>> No.48161130

>Is she for real having a woman moment and thinking anyone will believe her?
Is it working?

>> No.48161222

Every controversy has at least someone defending the hated one... Not this time, this whore has gone too far.

>> No.48161277

donation status?

>> No.48161396
File: 166 KB, 1920x817, yd6pchi29g351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its not about the money, its about sending a message

>> No.48163515

What are you on about? She played the game then cried after knowing the consequences. It’s pretty obvious why she played it anyway given how much she went viral on Twitter. Literally couldn’t be more obvious than that besides spelling it out

>> No.48163730

because she likes harry potter and the game was good so she wanted to play it and make money?
Game BTFOed the "boycott" making 250% more money than expected and all the top streamers were dumb enough not to cash in on it, hope they've learned something.

>> No.48164142

These people aren't trolls you absolute muppet.They aren't doing it to get a reaction or to have fun, their goal is to cause people to either be removed from their job (VShoujo "agency" in this case) or to have them self terminate. It's true that it's better not to give them any reaction, but that won't make them stop. They'll just harass the people you associate with instead in an attempt to make them go against you.

Something they actually were vaguely successful at in this case.

>> No.48164192

Bitch please... Try being less of a backstabber

>> No.48165581

English people actually believe they are the real Jews


>> No.48165942


Froot deserves being a cum toilet.

>> No.48166017
File: 35 KB, 428x383, 18345685215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pledges or promises to donate money
>never does
If she was in the US that'd be an EZ tip off to the FTC and/or IRS.
But since she's in the UK, I dunno who the fuck is the equivalent for that shit.

>> No.48166080

No donation yet.

>> No.48166302
File: 938 KB, 638x845, A7E152B1-3BC5-4780-9A09-7046BF9E7654.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

>> No.48166311


>> No.48166374
File: 3.74 MB, 2480x3508, Vishky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this bitch. Maybe I should have listened to the /k/ommandos.

>> No.48166426

who quote

>> No.48166486

Actions have consequences. Support transphobic trash like Hogwarts Legacy, and you see people withdraw their support pretty quickly. Funny that.

>> No.48166722

That’s because people like her get a kick out of it, as other people’s suffering make froot orgasm wIth delight. She has a history of doing such things so it’s not a surprise.

>> No.48166938

Achieved 256% to plan sell-thru at launch and exceeded 12M units in sales in first two weeks earning $850M+, secured additional 1.8B impressions through a WBD gaming 1st of its kind Fusion program, and broke all-time Twitch record for most peak concurrent viewers ever for a single player game with 1.3M views.

know another fun %? 41%! help raise it anon

>> No.48167069

I think it's higher now? I saw a meme at 50% with the chorus from "living on a prayer"

>> No.48167180

Not to mention the plans they have on further expanding the series with an HBO show and future games.

>> No.48167355
File: 11 KB, 363x125, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48167387

what is this for?

>> No.48167497

The game's playercount

>> No.48167532

I love how it is proof how irrelevant they are - besides they had representation... wonder if the developers will bother with it for the sequel, ruining all their good will...

>> No.48167542

Yeah, it's a single player only game, this is a pretty normal drop off.

>> No.48167547

someone posting player count of a single player game like that means it was a failure, despite most people having played through its content that wanted to by now

>> No.48167604

>insults trannies for clout, then holds a mermaid fundraiser for clout
>throws silver under the bus for clout, then pretends she's sad to see her go
Everything about this women is fake. She holds no actual beliefs and just does whatever she thinks will benefit her.

>> No.48167612
File: 3.03 MB, 600x338, L+RATIO+DIAL8+YWNBAW+JOINTHE41%[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fb6jbbt.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normal for story games, people wont play it forever, now wait for the switch and consoles sales to dilate again.

>> No.48167617

Wtf? 99% less people watched Star Wars: The empire strikes back this week vs release week, what a failure of a movie!

>> No.48167656

>this cope
Meanwhile Skyrim still does well. Curious...

>> No.48167721

It's not curious at all, that game has the most active modding scene of all games, it's easy to pick up new content (including multiplayer content) all the time.

Also sex mods.

It's ok to be wrong, anon.

>> No.48168325

How does she cope knowing in a corp where one of the girls literally doesn't stream, and another talks through TTS, she's still the least liked.

>> No.48168339

yep, thats totally a woman, pretending that nothing happened after shitting on the entire company, if at this point they dont fire her its because she is fucking the staff.

>> No.48168568


>> No.48168874

The boycott so successful that the game they boycotted made +250% over projected sales and is launching a whole-ass Hogwarts Legacy spin-off show and sequel games.

It's like boycotting coca cola by bullying pepsi drinkers into switching to coke.

>> No.48168964

Skyrim is a sandbox, Hogwarts legacy is a fairly traditional action-rpg all things considered so it's got an actual ending where most people stop playing.

That's like comparing Elden Ring and a Telltale Game.

>> No.48168986

This has to be the fakest bitch online

>> No.48169376

/k/ must be enjoying this backlash against her.

>> No.48169392
File: 57 KB, 900x693, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This you?

>> No.48169391

what do you expect from a woman who literally cheated on her deployed fiance? dude is lucky he didnt tie the knot the army would make him pay for her shitty behaviour too

>> No.48169981

How many editions of Skyrim there are vs Hogwarts? How many mods are there for Skyrim vs Hogwarts?

>> No.48170083

Helps us reach 43%

>> No.48170245

>there's no bullying! she's overreacting!
>she knew the consequences!!
so which is it, disingenuous fuck? why is it that all you morons claim simultaneously that nothing happened AND that she deserved it?

>> No.48171062

Not a good argument since trooning out has the consequence of suicide.

>> No.48171074

you are not curious at all you disingenuous cunt. you know full well that the people playing skyrim at this moment are jacking off to their ZZZ cup waifu being double penetrated by a werewolf and dragon

>> No.48171474 [SPOILER] 
File: 43 KB, 1000x669, shutterstock_98501069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She a gun control advocate or something? Why does /k/ hate her?

>> No.48171634

She got her start on /k/ drawing gunwaifus for the spergs there, her and her shitbag husband scammed a bunch of /k/ommandos over patches and shit.

>> No.48171787

>we all make mistakes
does cheating on your husband count as a mistake

>> No.48171948

what is it with vshoujo and hiring people that have a history of pissing off 4chan boards

>> No.48171979

How did she scam them? Did she never sent them the merch? Thanks for spoonfeed btw.

>> No.48172215

nah she got away with it so it was all ok in her mind

>> No.48172349

Her own mother was defending her over it a while back too. Went as far as to call the guy a loser.
Which is stupid cause it just confirms she was married and makes the situation much worse.

>> No.48172512

modern women - but we're drifting into pol territory if we keep analyzing this whore

>> No.48172590

What does support mean here? I'm rooting for you in my head? Or is it anything actually real?

>> No.48172909

It's the same as when people offer thoughts and prayers in disasters and think they've done their part, instead of actually doing something, like donating.

>> No.48172952

>further expanding the series with an HBO show
the HBO one is a remake pretty much instead of some dumb expansion like SW/LotR shows, but will problably have woke bullshit on it, expect black Hermione since her description on the books are just about her shitty hair and not skin, so they will pull the "she can be any race"

>> No.48173038

She took orders but never delivered

>> No.48173070

why are gingers always the ones being replaced by blacks?

>> No.48173077

>skyrim has 10+ years of modding
>steam is not the only platform to play hogwarts but PC is the only place you can play mods on skyrim

>> No.48173123

>instead of actually doing something, like donating
to be fair it's probably for the best she didn't donate to the nonce charity

>> No.48173191

because despite being something different they are just seen as regular white people
So scrubbing any ginger representation have no backlash since any ginger protesting will be called a racist

>> No.48173469
File: 167 KB, 473x471, really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She better never show her face in an overseas convention

>> No.48173488

She literally cheated on her husband, what did you expect?

>> No.48173579

An entire generation completely forgot there was a time period the irish were treated just like black people. The phrase "beat you like a red headed step child" exists for a reason.

>> No.48173622

They are bitter hags who project the men who shun them for their neurotic, degenerate personalities as evil 4chan incels. They guilt this strawman for every reprehensible choice they make IRL so that they may remain innocent victims who did nothing wrong. TL;DR They are your average fatherless women.

>> No.48174585

Didn't he also cheat on her or something? I don't follow this shit, all I know is she still hasn't ponied up on her "donations" which gets funnier with every passing day.

>> No.48174665

Did Froot ever donate that money to that charity?

>> No.48174734

I wouldn't put it past him but I dunno

I do know she got her mom to run interference for her on twitter again for the charity lies which is fucking hilarious

>> No.48174783

What a fucking snake lmao

>> No.48174833

>her mom
Christ, why would you ever willingly involve your family in internet drama?

>> No.48174904

Backstabbing bitch is a backstabbing bitch. News at 11

>> No.48174917

No, she cheated on him, while he was on duty

>> No.48174986

Go read the shit her mom types, you'll figure out instantly where froot gets it from

>> No.48175842

Other way around, she cheated on him while he was on duty.

>> No.48175877

Still less than Silver.

>> No.48178495

Well how about that

>> No.48179535

>black shadman

>> No.48179644

What was the backstab

>> No.48179863

>pic not related

>> No.48179979

No. Isn't there some UK law for charity fraud?

>> No.48180097

But I thought VShojo has no downsides so what opportunities could open up that weren't already open?

>> No.48181381

Are you posting this to show it has less drop off than most single player story games? Or is this some sort of 'gatcha' you didn't realize was another positive?

>> No.48181384

Yes, but not if the material loss to donators was the time taken to like a tweet.

>> No.48184157

Can someone tell me why she's called Froot, Apricot and Lich? Can she just pick one

>> No.48184502

>selling your soul to asmongold
fucking why

>> No.48184614

Threw Silver under the bus to farm brownie points from the twitter squad.

>> No.48184847

>never actually donates the money

>> No.48184983

Silver honestly threw herself under the bus let's be honest, Froot DID capitalize on it though.

>> No.48185032

>>meanwhile trolls are spamming likes on froot's charity tweet because she said she'd donate X amount for every like
>>never actually donates the money
If Froot had instead made a donothon for Mermaids and then never donated, she'd be based, desu.

>> No.48185214

Now now, no need to make things up.

>> No.48185234

>Literally all she should have done was banned them in chat and ignored them.
That's part of why this shit started in the first place, wizard game drew in a little resistance to her stream but troons got ULTRA butthurt that the word 'trans' was automodded in her chat and that is when the harassment (on twitter) got kicked into high gear.
Most people don't realize how much undeserved power trannies have in online spheres, if she was actively banning them in her chat then twitch would have for sure tossed her a mandatory 3 day vacation or an outright perma ban on the grounds of """hate speech"""

>> No.48185302


>> No.48185384

This is the reason anon will never get married always acting like a bitter ex that can't move on

>> No.48187186

>get married with her
>she cheats on you
enjoy I guess

>> No.48188081

fuck off

>> No.48189045


>> No.48190210


>> No.48195118

No, I don't believe, OP

>> No.48195998

while we're at it, does anyone have a collective text paste of all of the vshitjo whores' crimes? I need the receipts for further usage

>> No.48196436

Silver literarily baited the controversy so she could cry about it.
Either it was crocodile tears for views or she actually got in deeper than she wanted.
Either way it was on her.

>> No.48196900

okay tranny

>> No.48198014

one of the few instances where nobody watching her would have been a good thing. I'm glad they got the likes up so high

>> No.48200141

Why the fuck is Haruka friends with that bitch?

>> No.48204182

I don't buy it.

>> No.48204243

trans is one of automod's default no-no words tho

>> No.48204573

Eh... if he's on duty, like a 75% chance he cheated too.

>> No.48204831

everyone always says "oh she got doxxed, her family got doxxed" and never actually provide any proof of it happen. never seen a twitter account where it was supposedly, never saw it talked about here with links to report. literally nothing.

>> No.48204895

it ran like fucking shit, is your usual triple a garbage thrown out with mediocre gameplay. you dont have to lie, anon

>> No.48204972

If he cheated on her while she cheated on him that just makes them both cunts in equal parts

>> No.48205687


>> No.48205829

her simps are also incredibly desperate to spread the narrative that "throwing her friend under the bus" is a euphemism for "supporting trans people"

>> No.48205970

Actually disgusting
I get liking ass , but can't understand why people are into actual asshole -related anything

>> No.48206058
File: 45 KB, 720x424, phase connect tenma rope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knowing the consequences.
The fact that there are even consequences in the first place is why tenma was right

>> No.48206146

i hate froot too much to jack off to her
really the only anal-related stuff i'm not into is scat/farts

>> No.48206866

They're tight, that's the mainstream appeal

>> No.48207812

I still cant believe they let her stay despite the backstabing she did towards silvervale and being a grifter by lying about donotion toward mental illness charity.

>> No.48208134

>pledges or promises to donate money
>never does
that's why I hate sjw, they are all hypocrites

>> No.48209658

which is only a problem for either small cocks or whores, both of which should not have any influence upon public opinion

>> No.48212771

>Maybe I should have listened to the /k/ommandos.
Why didnt you listen before?

>> No.48213472
File: 2.76 MB, 343x258, 1670102777375336.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gender diverse children
In a world where children are dying of hunger, abandonment, cancer... a fucking woke charity...

>> No.48213534

What the fuck, Froot is literally eating her feces... that's fucking hot.

>> No.48214298

I never mentioned a problem, tightness in general is desirable, it will feel tighter than the pussy regardless of your cock size

>> No.48215436

It's tight only for the first couple of inches dickletchama

>> No.48216441


>> No.48216779

>tells twitter faggots to fuck off while crying
>person in froot's chat tells froot that silvervale is having a meltdown
Okay see.
This part, I've never seen brought up before.
And it might actually recontextualize the entire fucking """mistake""" she meant.
What exactly did the chat comment she replied to say? Cuz if it's "I'm here cuz Silver was mean to me :<" without context as to how or why that sounds like a very standard response with no dogwhistle connotations necessary.

>> No.48216851

Also FTR I don't know shit about either Froot or Silver, other than what's been reported & reposted re: Potter drama. So this isn't Oshi cope; if I sound like a fag it's purely from ignorance, correction needed.

>> No.48216861

ITT transphobes and mouth breathers

>> No.48217100


>> No.48217151

i can just imagine the guttural triple chin neckbeard noises you made as you said that

>> No.48217163


>> No.48217186

Nunca serás mujer

>> No.48217263


>> No.48217292

Don't you have an axewound to dilate?

>> No.48217313

D-d-d-dawn't spewou hwave wan waxound tah dahlate

>> No.48217351

Tranny that pedotalks too? Imagine my shock.

>> No.48217384 [DELETED] 

troon dat pwedotawks? Himagine muh shawk

>> No.48218555

Thanks, everyone should wish death upon trannies

>> No.48218578


>> No.48218611

This is not for underage people. The door is this way! Thanks

>> No.48219118

Δεν είσαι γυναίκα και δεν θα γίνεις ποτέ γυναίκα.

>> No.48219428

They banged Yuko, they know what they are doing.

>> No.48219810

stop trying to show kids to your door

>> No.48221200

dont think anyone does

>> No.48221319

Green leech

>> No.48223993

Are you doing something for those kids dying of hunger?

>> No.48225379

yeah donating clothes, food and money to children who need live saving surgery, immigrants running from war and orphans
These woke ""charities"" are a waste of resources by proclaiming themselves as "live saving dick and tits cutting"

>> No.48225658

Those charites are life saving for the surgeons doing the child butchery.

>> No.48226263

>tries to validate a point that froot wasn't even making
Anon, why do you do this

>> No.48226481

Skyrim has sexmods

>> No.48226662

this is the most template PR tweet if i ever seen one
vurtue signaling bitch

>> No.48227932

One of the reasons we went from gays being pushed to trans shit being pushed is because most charities are scamming faggots that need the next new “issue” to raise money for

>> No.48227948

>the consequences for playing a video game
>being harassed and doxxed by twitter troons
??? Nigger what

>> No.48234001


>> No.48234204

Silvervale is transphobe and drama Queen. Good riddance
Vive la trans

>> No.48239290

never liked froot
