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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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48107054 No.48107054 [Reply] [Original]

Two months ago everyone here was all over her...
What happened?

>> No.48107128

She stopped bashing trannies.

>> No.48107236

Underage catalogfags and dramafags don't watch streams.

>> No.48107463

Fuck off retardnigger I watch her when she streams

>> No.48107717

She changed her model and looks again and I can't fuck with that. The one she had before was god tier.

>> No.48107781

I don't use Twtich but I'm subbed to her Youtube

>> No.48107813

no streams

>> No.48107864

she's back to her nanoless model actually

>> No.48108085

I liked her based arc against Twitter freaks.
But that's just it. I appreciate her but the content isn't for me

>> No.48108223

I didn't drop her because I never watched her but I'll nod in her direction as a show of support to her. Froot still hasn't donated shit btw.

>> No.48111090


>> No.48111908

whore with daddy issues

>> No.48112076

I cant tune into all of her streams but I saw her Dead Island 2 stream a while ago.

>> No.48112160

she bent the knee to trannies
simple as

>> No.48112215

what? first time on /vt/?

>> No.48112250

You may have confused us for people who watch vtubers not in Hololive, it's a common mistake

>> No.48112302

But I'm still watching her and so are many others? Just because there isn't constant drama around her means /vt/ forgot her?

>> No.48112385
File: 215 KB, 1200x1378, silvervale nanoless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about her until she does paizuri JOI

>> No.48112499

She dunked on trannies, which angered /vt/. There were countless threads about it.

>> No.48112548

She is the most boring member of Vshojo and nobody ever really cared about her in the first place aside from coomers. The whole Hogwarts yab was the highlight of her career.

>> No.48112986

>people stopped watching the that with the personality of a used condom after they nutted

It'll forever be a mystery.
I'm so sorry for your lack of taste. I hope your father comes back from the liquor store soon.

>> No.48113265

/vt/ only ever gave a shit about her and pikamee so far as they could use them in their culture war bullshit and try to /pol/ify this board.

>> No.48114109

There is a dedicated Vshojo general. Or do you expect a new Silvervale thread every time she streams that also ANNOUNCES how those are the new fans that she gained from the tranny drama?
In other words, how stupid are you?

>> No.48116530

I don't even watch corpos outside clips but I'd say she's far from the most boring, she just has this cheerful energy that makes you smile

>> No.48117885
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- She stopped being in the drama spotlight.
- She downgraded her model's style.
- I don't watch Twitchtubers.

>> No.48119068

Poor Silver was never one of the big ones in Vshojo despite being the nicest one

>> No.48119263
File: 2.32 MB, 258x498, benny kills you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread was not made in good faith
stick your head in a blender

>> No.48120883

>vt is one person
you made this low quality thread with your mind already concluded on the matter.

>> No.48123268

her early model was a big debuff

>> No.48124073

Retarded newfag, for the longest time Pikamee was the most relevant non-holo on /vt/. Hundreds of reaction pics were made of her and could be found at random in many threads. She only became more or less /voms/-exclusive once the corporate EN chuubas began multiplying.

>> No.48124089
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Not that I was ever into her, myself. I found her to be boring. Good at acting slutty though. Par for the vshoujo course, really.

>> No.48124139

>was all over her
That was coordinated shilling

>> No.48124347

he's literally literally not wrong though
>all the newfag dramawhores and polniggers didnt even know who gyari was, thought he was just some corpo intern giving a cope PR statement about her graduation

>> No.48124498

He said /vt/ didn't give a shit, he's only right if you consider newfags the real /vt/. It's not like the board's ever going back and surely it'll only get worse like all things do, but I'll still never agree that the newest and most cancerous parts of a board are THE board.

>> No.48124651

/vt/fucks dont watch even vshowhores anon. it just silvervale standing up against troonies is their FOTM and then they forget she even exist.

>> No.48125325
File: 156 KB, 2880x1514, Mmm Lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. We are always watching out for you.
We are always ready to sign Thee.
The fun. The lolz. The heart-
I want her heart. Look at her hair
her flowers
her Skyrim mods
As long as that heart exists
As long as you have that love for boys on you
You'll always be free. You will always belong to US.

>> No.48126771

i still watch her.
comfy streams.
as for /vt/ probably the lack of drama

>> No.48126863

I still follow her.
She's pretty much the only big EN agency VTuber who's brave enough to stand up for what's right.

>> No.48126995

Assuming this isn't bait, you are so retarded.

>> No.48127056

>angered /vt/
/vt/ was supporting her.

>> No.48127130

Why are you obsessed with the culture war boogie man?

>> No.48127202

Still more big than Froot thankfully.

>> No.48128171

Frankly, I was celebrating when the catalogue dramafaggots STOPPED paying attention to her. You dicks are cancer.

>> No.48128953

There's a difference between drama and justice.

>> No.48130499

Whatever, as long as you fuck off back to your holes and leave our whores alone.

>> No.48134737

what timing

>> No.48134948

Kek, the fucking timing.

>> No.48136709

Is she one of those types of twitch vtubers that hate their audience?

>> No.48136980

Don't think so. She just hates the fake friends she had at vShojo who didn't have her back when it counted.

>> No.48137609

Yes lol

>> No.48138514

this board mostly watches hololive nobody heard about some of the other vshojo drama until it became big news

>> No.48138610

This is a win for trans people everywhere

>> No.48139305

not at all, I think she really loves hers

>> No.48140315

What happens now?

>> No.48140851

grab some popcorn and enjoy the fallout

>> No.48140981

If anything, she loves them too much for her own good

>> No.48142445

>Why did /vt/ drop Silvervale?
not today

>> No.48143425

She's comedically parasocial for them, assuming she's not making it up.

>> No.48143839

So, um, can you give me qrd on her? Was she dropped by vshoujo or something? What games she usually stream? The only thing I know about her is she was bullied by twitter trannies for playing Hogwarts Legacy. Might give her a try as indie.

>> No.48144029

After all the other girls at the company she works for threw her under the bus for playing Harry Potter and letting her take the full brint of the troon hate mob, she decided to not stick with the cunts and move on

>> No.48144809

Don't worry, i just want the trannies to get punished.

>> No.48146773

Silvervale has always been ugly both on the inside and out. For a while it was nice because Vshojo helped her become tolerable with that model upgrade to something that wasn't just a roblox prostitute. However, they can't do shit about her ugly ass soul. She's just a gross human being and a dumb fuck on top of it.

>> No.48147579

Time to pick her back up

>> No.48149172

Because apart from playing wizard game and sticking it to twittertards she's just not that interesting to watch.

She's ultimately a basic-as-it-gets-bitch with an anime avatar.

>> No.48149904

picked up

>> No.48149937

she a hore

>> No.48150133

Did you not pay attention to the HP troubles at all?

>> No.48151510

she'll make it as an indie

>> No.48152820

never did

>> No.48152951

I still love Silver...

>> No.48155058

She loves you back

>> No.48155090

I masturbate to the porn, but don't watch her.

>> No.48155399


>> No.48157168

Made this thread too soon huh?

>> No.48158887


>> No.48161059

>shes back to /lig/

>> No.48161184

So whose boyfriend did she fuck?

>> No.48161287

Tits too big

>> No.48161779

If you don't support and follow her after hearing this truth bomb i don't know what to tell you.

>> No.48161883

Damn she called out half of /vt/ there.

>> No.48162032

I actually watched her less after she joined that grifting circle. Actually stepping up and leaving them after they stabbed her in the back is all the more reason to tune into her again a bit more.

>> No.48163989

Being a grifter and being a sellout are both pejoratives but don’t mean the same thing .

Who exactly do you think the Vshojo whores are grifting?

>> No.48164061

She lost the attention of the culture warrior tourists who were using her as a pawn in their shit. They never cared about her. They just spammed her out to virtue signal

>> No.48164065

Dramafags are demented faggots who just follow wherever shit is being stirred the hardest.

>> No.48164252

The sad thing is that people will use this against her, even though there's literally nothing malicious about it. It's just an awkward truth that everyone knows.

>> No.48164282

she's a retarded drama whore

>> No.48164509
File: 42 KB, 994x625, 1636040843060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm always skeptical of girls flirting with their chats if they're not visibly and overtly mentally ill.

>> No.48164968

These sluts don't even stream lol
>1 month break
>tweet something
>Another hiatus

>> No.48165051

She's a stupid bitch and from Vshojo, why would we actively support her apart from that single 1 moment?

>> No.48165669

to be fair, that sounds exactly like holoEN

>> No.48165997

Lol she rly cant stop herself from throwing shit around can she

>> No.48167982
File: 53 KB, 1087x717, 1676022432437648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love Pikamee
Hate bullies
Never forget

>> No.48168197

You should watch Miori

>> No.48168329

another transphobe down kek

>> No.48168357

pikamee did not quit because of harry potter you retard

>> No.48168386

The one in the OP looks great. Is this the new one?

>> No.48168569

she disappeared from the internet for about one whole month
immediately after the bullying happened.

>> No.48168589

If anything I'm picking her back up since she's no longer associated with that shitty elitist clique of snakes

>> No.48168619

>even though there's literally nothing malicious about it.
>namedrops competitor who isn't related to the situation in any way
>implies the holos aren't entertaining enough to watch on their own without the name attached
idk if you're just naive or trolling but that is malicious, it's just passive instead of overt.

>> No.48168621


>> No.48168909

Pika wouldn't support this. Don't put her face on that.

>> No.48169208

I find her hot since the ancient fiship commission but I don't watch vtubers. That said I honestly have taken inspiration from her balls to stand up to the twitterati fucks, because if some fox* bimbo cherryblossom slut can do that why the fuck shouldn't I.

* yeah she's a wolf but I like the idea of teasing her as being a fox.

>> No.48169511

she's a bitter asshole. Even though she made a stand against the troons, it doesn't take away the fact that she's a huge dick.

>> No.48169917

Yeah, this right here proves that /vt/ doesn't care about ANY non holo vtuber until drama/graduation comes. VOMs threads stopped being the mainstay as far back as magnet graduating in 2021.

>> No.48170397

catalogfags don't watch youtubers, they just shitpost on /vt/.

>> No.48170478

>it's malicious because of my overly sensitive schizo projections
she was calling out all the retard fucks that only watch people because of the brand they're attached to not because they like them. You can find tons of people in this very board who watch chuubas they're not really interested in because they're part of a "box"/brand they worship and will drop or even turn on them them the moment they become "outsiders" no matter the terms of the departure.
Holofags are just the most numerous and thus the most visible to pick for the example, but they're far from the only group filled with consoomer faggots like that, just look at nijiniggers and phasecucks. I'm sure Vshoujo also has plenty of them. Let's face facts and be self-aware enough to admit that this hobby is positively infested with brand bootlickers.

>> No.48170591


>> No.48170819
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>> No.48171223

She didn't shit on Hololive, she shat on brand tribalism.

>> No.48171670

>stupid whore cant resist being a bitch to a bunch of people for no reason when all eyes are on her

>> No.48172241

I reported SilverVale for linking her patreon to her JOI. It explicitly states you cannot link any website that distributes Sexually explicit content. Including ASMR and pornography.

I only wished people weren't thinking with their dicks. I want to see those that experinced success become downtrodden poor. It is my only life mission to do so.

>> No.48172648

Send me a link I'll report it too

>> No.48172705

what do you mean? I still fap to her

>> No.48172736

Just google SilverVales Patreon + Kemono. You will find her (My first JOI)

>> No.48173233

Pippa knows what's up


>> No.48174231

>Come across Silvervale clip in recommended
>Think "I keep forgetting how good her design is."
>Look up fanart
>Crank one out to wolf titty paizuri
>"Should watch her more."
>Next day she quits VShojo
I think the universe is telling me to watch Silvervale.

>> No.48176084

>Two months ago everyone here was all over her...

All /v/ and /pol/ tourists.

>> No.48176159

>believing menhera zoomers

>> No.48176218

That's already 75% of the board

>> No.48177097

She's boring and vapid. Her only schtick is a weak gfe

>> No.48177349

Holy based.

>> No.48177522

Her JOI made me cum

>> No.48177685

If your mom breathed into a mic you'd cum

>> No.48177767

Ew no that's disgusting
I only fap to based individuals
And Silvervale is one of them since she took a stand against trannies

>> No.48179199


>> No.48179318 [DELETED] 

Awh whats wrong troonfag, sad you'll never be a real woman even with that surgical dick-scar between your legs?

>> No.48180361

Silvervale plays warframe too so thats pretty based

>> No.48182349

Wait, she was VShojo?

>> No.48183154

The only Vshojo girls who stream are ironlung, and the two VshojoJP (VshojoNEXT) girls kson and nazuna

>> No.48183790

she barely took a stance. she'll be begging for their views when pride month rolls around like most of the other whores. you're being played

>> No.48184037

Playing Hogwarts despite malding troons seething and coping, is pretty based. More guts than any Nijicuck or Holobronie

>> No.48187011

I hope she does more porn and shit

>> No.48187520

Namedropping Hololive is random but it's not untrue what she said. This doesn't even apply to Hololive only but to all members of a popular organization from idol groups like AKB48 to football clubs like Real Madrid. It's the brand that most people are a fan of.

>> No.48187704
File: 175 KB, 850x850, B40982E0-9E2C-4DB8-B40F-04FE81522452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t watch, but I did nut hard to her lewds just last night. It’s interesting how I hate trannies, but I love the girls that use their flag’s colors.

>> No.48188095

The duality of subhuman filth

>> No.48190719

>she was calling out all the retard fucks that only watch people because of the brand they're attached to not because they like them
you realize you're just proving my point, right? it was malicious and implies the girls only have fans because of the brand, not their own talents.

>> No.48191164

Don't give me that shit, she absolutely has an axe to grind against Hololive. Especially since that stupid interview she did with that hack journalist last year.

>> No.48191294

Is this actually what she left Vshojo over? Or are you just speculating?

>> No.48191349

No. That bitch was one of the vtweeters that dogpiled my poor lemon-stealing whore.

>> No.48191478

Looks like it was taken down. Anyone know if it got archived somewhere?

>> No.48191582

Vei had sighted the contract changes but strangely for some reason during the announcement stream Silver dodged that and instead used the time to vaguely talk about VSJ members.

>> No.48191758

I wish Silvervale was still streaming so I could ask her if she got her consciousness loaded into thousands of purchasable clone lovers for her fans to buy and keep, would you be scared or find it hot, how different people used her buyable gf clones, and how each one had her memories so they all adapted as she would have. And so she’s getting images sent to her of loveydovey Silvers, Okayodon Silvers, fuckmeat Silvers, Mommy Silvers, etc. or maybe not sent it just constantly aware that a majority of people watching her are having sex with versions of her at the time.

>> No.48191899

Is the announcement stream still up? I can't find it. Or was it on the Dead Island 2 stream?

>> No.48193290
File: 507 KB, 2560x1440, boobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish this bitch would do paizuri JOI

>> No.48194700

Does she own the model?

>> No.48195827

How quick things change

>> No.48195949

Op had bad timing

>> No.48196135

I would never pick up a western slut as an oshi to begin with. Only grorious, clean, hard working nip oshis for me.

>> No.48196183

Vod dead

>> No.48196410

Looks like she's getting more attention again

>> No.48196636
File: 755 KB, 506x500, 1676839470805430.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here before they call her a pickme

>> No.48196839
File: 1.31 MB, 1161x624, Screenshot 2023-04-27 120457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded? It looks exactly the same now as before.

>> No.48199914
File: 279 KB, 2560x1707, Naval_ensign_of_the_Empire_of_Japan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, be sure to spot their lifting that antihuman and depopulist Federal Reserve war loss consequence society they got from the brutal glowmo.
As you fight them.

>> No.48201018

Lol that stream was gold.

>> No.48202066

You could say this about every vtuber lmao, but your oshi is different right?

>> No.48202141

They're all sluts anon, that's why I only give my Prime Sub to the biggest pickme of all, shondo. She deserves it.

>> No.48205504

AI her voice
