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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 590 KB, 1075x1079, 1603679403380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4784062 No.4784062 [Reply] [Original]

No matter what you guys say, Cover losing HoloCN is the single worst thing that happened to the company. Literally nothing in the history of hololive is as bad as losing the whole branch.
>lose a whole market
>lose access to whole selection of games
>attract the worst kind of antis
>ruin discussion for everything

>> No.4784215

Don't worry Coco will be fired soon so maybe that will turn things for the best

>> No.4784291

Why not change coco's va to artia's?

That'd make everyone happy and there would be virtually no difference

>> No.4784306

>attract the worst kind of antis
The chink antis were already fucking things up before CN got axed.

>> No.4784380

I did not believe the rrat that we are being raided by zhangs but these thread proves it. Attacking Calli then Miko. Will you bugs return where you came from.

>> No.4784383

>low income
>half a year to collect the money
>new bilibili totalitarian vtuber rules
holoCN was fucked anyways

>> No.4784444

t. zhang
dont use VPN

>> No.4784462

Were Artia and Yogiri the only good girls from CN? Why do I never see the other ones being posted

>> No.4784517
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Fallen Unicorn gets discussed every so often but less frequently because she only streams on BB now.

>> No.4784550

>Flood the board with 100 threads mocking deadbraps.
>their chink whore still irrelevant.
>Taiwan still an independant country.

>> No.4784664

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门90
t.Zhang, remember your possition

>> No.4784716

hectia doesn't even stream on twitch because of BB commitments.

>> No.4784769

Artia and ciivia had platforms outside of billibilli, yogiri was a fav.

The others had a smaller fanbase

>> No.4784775
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She was doing it before which is why she has (or at least had) more discussion. Dunno what else to tell you.

>> No.4784806
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>> No.4784820

>lose a whole market
nah, they still follow aqua plus EN is bigger
>lose access to whole selection of games
oh no muh shit mobile anime gacha!!!!
>attract the worst kind of antis
yeah like you did nothing before the Taiwan mention don't you?
>ruin discussion for everything
yeah you ruined everything
shut your vpn and kill yourself on a shit and mud sustained elevator you filthy bug I hope your fartia whore gets raped

>> No.4784824

I love that you think this has any affect on chinese people
like the secret police are going to come black bag you if you see a random post on 4chan that mentions a bad word

>> No.4784858

>Taiwan still an independant country
It not because the people who say if places are country don't say it one

>> No.4784939
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not the worst, that would be the copyright saga. but sure, losing china isnt really a good thing but was necessary. like having to remove an infected toenail. at the end of the day toe nails do serve a purpose but losing it isnt going to kill you.

>> No.4785034

>a market that causes huge problems for literally every company they touch when not directly catered too, even if it means denying common sense, historical fact, or even trying not to get political
>Chinese knockoffs mostly, the only real downside were some rhythm games of which there are dozens of better ones
>see first point. Antis aren’t as a result of alienating the bugs, they’re a result of entertaining them in the first place
>discussion here has never been good

>> No.4785140

Nigger, HoloCN isn't even that profitable. Coco literally makes Cover more money than all of HoloCN. What do you think Cover will do? Get rid of Coco? That's retarded nigger.

>> No.4785194

>let go of holocn, lose the Zhang market
>let go of coco, fbk would leave eventually, trust in the brand is lost
holo is fucked anyway either way.

>> No.4785242

Shut the fuck up you Chinkoid nigger. HoloEN is worth more than your shit CN branch anyways. Good riddance.

>> No.4785279

The chinks have done worse in response to more minor "offenses"

>> No.4785312

>let go of holocn, lose the Zhang market.
>let go of coco, become a Zhang company.
The choice was clear since the start.

>> No.4785340

I only wanted to copypaste this kek
I mean, I even know this is a bait thread, but just for fun

>> No.4785365

50 cents have been deposited into your account.

>> No.4785388

bug hangs typed this post

>> No.4785417
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The only thing we lost from Holo CN was Yogiri who is Taiwanese anyway. Fuck Zhangs. TAIWAN IS A LEGITIMATE INDEPENDENT COUNTRY AND WAS NEVER PART OF THE CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY.

>> No.4785420


>> No.4785491

How much social credit do you get every time you post this false narrative OP? Is it enough to keep your family from going on the organ donor list?

>> No.4785536

I wish they would have stayed. I don't even like Coco.

>> No.4785578

I can't believe I'm actually talking to idiots here... They could have kept BOTH. Cover was shit at handling that incident. They could now have the JP, ID, CN and EN market.

>> No.4785634
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do americans really belieb it? that actually does happen. you can get people killed by pressing ctrl+v in a telegram group chat, under the right circumstances.

>> No.4785640

Hollywood is actively trying to distance itself from china because they know while the potential for money is there with the ccp breathing down their neck it's a gamble.

Either you have stupid shit like John Cena being a pussy or they simply don't pay up because Winnie the Pooh wants the money over you.

Vtubers are in much the same boat, Hololive had too much reliance on them, sure not being able to play some games are a bad thing, but we have so much more and better ones

Please don't use polka like this

The alternative would be to lose both coco AND akai haato, possibly subaru retroactively.

Face it, the CCP said something forcing hololive to pull their whole ass out of there

>> No.4785645


Heil /pol/ka o/

>> No.4785705

Nigger, they made it clear that they will never stop until Cover gets rid of Coco. They're retarded enough to reject an apology.
You're literally a dumb nigger if you think Cover has a choice to keep both Coco and HoloCN.

>> No.4785725


>> No.4785751

I thought ESL posting was just a meme, but I guess not

>> No.4785764

You're aware that it's illegal for you to post here, yes?

Enjoy your free labour camp.

>> No.4785824

nobody gives a fuck about chink bugs. its not like other business. the chink bugs are so poor they dont sc, and why would you worry about japanese companies. they arent your chink insect companies

>> No.4785904


>> No.4785934

Even if they could have, it doesn’t mean they should have. Bugs are the most volatile market you can ever be stupid enough to involve yourself with. It’s always a matter of walking on razor blades just to try and keep them from chimping out over something the entire rest of the world considers common sense. Cutting them out completely was the one rare act of good sense Cover’s made in a while.

>> No.4785944
File: 2.22 MB, 1280x720, CHINKbGONE[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F6e8tfx.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4786105

CN Chinks would have seethed sooner or later for some other stupid shit, they want to control anything they get their slimy hands on.
HoloCn is one of the best things that has happened to Hololive.

>> No.4786142

I don't think it was a sound business decision to pull out of China but it worked out fine for them so you can hardly call it the worst thing that happened to the company.

>> No.4786158
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>> No.4786184

The Chinks will hunt you down and destroy your whole life for saying that "martial arts" are not the best method for fighting.
What marxist University has blinded you anon?

>> No.4786261

>lose a whole market
Which was tiny, and a big hassle to navigate unless you basically sterilized your entertainment to fit a political agenda. And that does not even go in to how chinese companies tend to copy-paste and then eject foreign companies. Who wants to wait around to have their stuff stolen? Better to not deal with such a corrupt place to begin with.
>lose access to whole selection of games
Games which for most parts are copies of existing games from a variety of genres. Chinese game makers are not exactly good at innovation (all their programming is done in english based languages too) - like their general industries, they tend to just copy and undercut.
>attract the worst kind of antis
Those antis were already attracted prior to dropping CN, in fact, cutting that branch helped create some distance. It is sad we lost the branch (and I do not wish anything bad on the streamers), but in the greater scheme of things, it was a benefit to get out of Beijing-land.
>ruin discussion for everything
Like how you just asserted non-sense and then ended with, ''ruins discussion for everything''. I think a place that stifles criticism and allows police batons to ruin political discourse is the only thing that ''ruins discussions''. You sound like Twitter would be a better fit OP.

>> No.4786278

Do you really think that could even be possible?
Do you even see what the chinks are STILL doing?
Just for 1 word fucking months ago?
No, China is cancer and should be cut from the roots from anywhere it grows.

>> No.4786283
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>> No.4786313 [DELETED] 

It does, nigger. Saying one thing wrong that the CCP doesn't like and you're out of a job.

>> No.4786442

No, the worst thing that happened to clover was even getting into the chinese market. They were big enough in china with just the JP branch, and by making a chinese branch they agreed to follow an impossible to follow set of rules.

>> No.4786446

yeah nah, fuck them and fuck you

>> No.4786509
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In your little head cannon, Zhang.

>> No.4786515
File: 64 KB, 852x479, BURIAL_GENERATION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No anon.

You need to understand the proper context of our time. The illusionary egalitarian globohomo dream world that's been most people's experience since the late 80's is about to end. The self-sorting has already begun. It will continue to happen over hard line stances like Taiwan (observe the recent shit with Hollywood over John Cena).

A company diversifies and then cuts the branches that don't work. Holo CN was one such branch that needed snipping. Cover made the right choice. It's all part of the process of success. Nothing of value was lost, because China no longer has anything of value, now that we've passed a point where the loss in control (when somebody capitulates) outweights to loss of financial gain.

>> No.4786545


Didn't like the formatting, removed the chinese:

Avatars cannot have any sexual expressions, suggestive elements or performances, incl. but not lim. to touching sensitive parts, suggestive clothing, striptease, simulating sexual postures, enticing movements, or other elements and motions that entice the imagination in a sexual fashion.

No exposure of sensitive parts or enticing audience focus on sensitive parts, clothing or items, incl. but not lim. to suggestions of sexual organs, mentions of underwear, removing pantyhose, etc

No furry culture ( :kekw:) or its influence and no mentions of it, or such sexual performance, incl but not lim to crossing tails (??) touching th body and other intimate actions.

No other performance or elements which disrupt public morals. (VAGUE)

Users (streamers) understand and promise that the avatar and its usage do not contain elements that cause the audience to have immoral reactions.

No usage of insects (rip juniper), or phobia inducting elements which can cause ill feelings/reactions in the audience.

No malicious pranks, ill taste, or intentional denigration or mockery of others in elements of design.

No intentionally exposing (Emphasizing?) hand, waist, feet and other sensitive parts (a little confusion on my parts here; I think you can't tease just a body part)

No use of anything else to cause the audience discomfort, overtly or subtly

Users understand and promise the avatar's usage does not violate any of the <<Streamer Attire and Scenery Rules>> incl but not lim to below:

No nudity

No wearing perceptible underwear with a sexual intent, wearing underwear outside, S/M gear or other low and unseemly clothing

No intentionally exposing chest, underwear (?), underwear, pantyhose, suspender underwear, garter belt, (2 kinds of traditional Chinese innerwear its the same idea) etc


>> No.4786577

Good riddance to the tiddlywinks!

>> No.4786586

I only miss Artia and Civia, they were pretty good

The other ones I couldn't give a damn, they were irrelevant to me.

>> No.4786602

Male streamer avatars must not wear 3 point or 4 point underwear (no speedos) and the waist shall not be below the hip bone

Female streamer avatar back exposure shall not expose more than 2/3 of the upper back, above the waist line

Female streamer avatar lower wear shall cover up and over the hip bone; shorts and skirts cannot be above the lower hip line

Female streamer chest exposure shall not exceed 1/3 of chest, lowest point of upper clothing shall not be lower than 1/3 of the distance from top of chest

Other forms of sexual exposure are similarly prohibited.

Users understand and promise no elements of the avatar's usage and design elements violate laws and bilibili platform rules such as blow:

Imitation of or mockery of the country, political and historical figures, heroes of the revolution etc

No depictions of law breaking, violence and shock, sexual, and commercial advertisement in elements of the avatar (they mention earlier to go through bilibili business management for commercial collaborations)

No depictions of national, military or party offices, positions, military uniforms in the avatar design

No use of pre-revolutionary superstitious elements, seditious elements, or forbidden religious elements

No use of gambling tools, sex toys, clothing and other immoral items as props (rip m0istcr1tikal)

No use of content with a sexual nature ( i don't know the examples but you get the point)

No elements that viollate other Chinese law and bilibili platform rules

Users understand and promise the avatar and its use does not contain elements in violation of trademark and copyright.


>> No.4786646

fuck off chinknigger

>> No.4786711

Go back to west Taiwan chink

>> No.4786725

>rip juniper
What's this about?

>> No.4786792
File: 34 KB, 489x627, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No matter what you guys say, Cover losing HoloCN is the single worst thing that happened to the company. Literally nothing in the history of hololive is as bad as losing the whole branch.
>>lose a whole market
>>lose access to whole selection of games
>>attract the worst kind of antis
>>ruin discussion for everything

>> No.4786879


>> No.4786947


>> No.4786970

some sjw trash, part of the loli police twitter crowd

>> No.4786992

Explain how then. You are Motoaki Tanigo, CEO if cover corp, during the time of the great Taiwan yab. how do you go about keeping both Coco and HoloCN.

>> No.4787082

unironically based. Your level handed and thought out opinion may not net you (you)s, but it nets you my respect.

>> No.4787134

Why would someone like that use BB?

>> No.4787136

Fuck China.

>> No.4787270

the original post is by a redditor so it is of course nonsensical, she was probably fotm at the time of the post

>> No.4787323

Fair enough.

>> No.4787351

literally just ignore them, it wasn't even the chinese government that got upset, just some zhangs that wanted to force cover to stop trying to expand into the EN market and keep catering to bilibili. 99% of hololive's problems come from them giving retards what they want and the inevitable escalation that happens every time

>> No.4787476

Are they stopping now retard?

>> No.4787536

Yogurt had fans for her singing, the other 3 had basically no fanbase because they were stuck on bilibili and didn't have anything to pull in foreign fans. Rosalyn for example was a TCG autist (still is on her reincarnation) but no one really cared enough for that to deal with retarded bug sites for it.
Also EOP buff for Artia/Civia, at the time they were the only Holos that spoke english besides ID1 and EN0

>> No.4787619
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>> No.4787721
File: 37 KB, 515x542, IMG_9341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically holo-based, take my (you)

>> No.4787722


The entire world is decoupling from you, Zhang. And it's about fucking time

>> No.4787736

Listen closely now. You ignore them. Wow that was hard. It's almost like what Coco is doing right now.

>> No.4787744

>check her twitch
>there are VODs available meaning it was less than one month ago she was still on twitch
once a zoomer, always a zoomer, she’ll come back eventually r-right?

>> No.4787871

Explain why coco is included in government mandated banned words then retard.

>> No.4787921

How do you know that anon? Hmmm...

>> No.4787978

Tourist confirmed, go neck yourself zhang-lover

>> No.4787985

Countries are a meme. What's real is nations, which is a population with shared culture and self identification as a group.
Taiwan is different enough to mainland to be a different nation, even if it's not (currently) a country.

>> No.4788064

mihoyo banned the word coco form chink impact


chink bugs are programmed to kowtow to ccp

>> No.4788207

Whenever I see the rest of the entertainment industry suck up to China, I am so fucking glad some people still have morals and are willing to reject the country.

>> No.4788276
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, nextsuperpower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.4788328

look at you, using the word "meme" with its original definition. Nerd.

>> No.4788364

>internet drama happens
>due to cover instantly dropping their pants and bending over as usual, western fans go ballistic and the yab is all over the normie internet
>winnie the pooh sees this and is given the chink narrative that Coco openly supports the taiwanese government's claim to china
>ding dong bannu

>cover does not kneel to the horde of angry zhangs and lets coco and haachama keep streaming
>their new EN white knights spray any bugs that poke their head out of bilibili
>because reddit is happy, nobody of any cultural relevance ever knows some random nip with a dragon avatar said the word taiwan
>rushia goes bankrupt on stream playing genshin impact

>> No.4788468

Everyone keeps talking about "Le finale yab", but the final yab was already avoided many months ago. Can you guys imagine how destroyed Cover's reputation would be if they decided to fire Coco and keep the chink market ? Not only would they lose the western market, but also various talents would leave Hololive in protest, only a few autistic chinksuckers(like Aqua) would stay and I think with all that, Cover would just shut down Hololive and completely abandon the entertainment business and focus only in tech stuff.

>> No.4788748

>No use of pre-revolutionary superstitious elements, seditious elements, or forbidden religious elements

Would that mean that Rushia (necromancer), Kanata (angel), Calliope (reaper/death god) and Ollie (zombie) would all be banned outright under these rules?

>> No.4788944

Oh sorry I don't go to reddit. You can go back now.

>> No.4789115

i dont use it either but as long as its just an evidence its totally worth reading, and proving the truth has nothing to do with the site. its just a text. and you are denying the evidence, you chinky chink dumb insect.

>> No.4789207

What does this chart mean? Pretty much every developed nation has the 'ageing population' problem. Is it particularly bad in the Middle Kindgom or something?

>> No.4789317

China's population is aging to a significant degree, with no safety net - also look at the male:female ratio for the younger generations. They're in for a bad time

>> No.4789325

See the gender imbalance? its the legacy of the 1 child policy and their male preferred culture. It may result as nothingburger but it also can be an unpleasant extra to the usual demographic bomb

>> No.4789378

Good take, also >>4786545
If they were to actually fully enforce those rules I'd hope that the vtubers there would move to another website, but considering that 18+ ASMR vtubers are still trying to make it work on YouTube I doubt they'd actually move. Sites like YT, Twitch and Niconico can also be anal about streamers acting lewd, which is bs imo, and even then it's usually not because of the model itself (taking down videos for the fan art on the thumbnail is different). The exposed chest thing seems really unenforceable to me unless they plan on banning half the vtubers on the platform including some of the ones they own themselves.

>> No.4789410

OP here. Reading the thread made me realise how pathetic you guys are. The chinks even after getting thrown out still manage to live in all your head rent free. I also like the persistence of these chinks. They never forgave Coco and still shit on her. You guys would have given up a month in.

>> No.4789491

Counter point: pink cat

>> No.4789512

>artia image OP meant to provoke a response
>antagonistic posturing of HoloCN
This is not a zhang, it's just some shitposting thirdie looking for (You)s. You people need to realize you're being played.

>> No.4789521

Op is a faggot~

>> No.4789622

You guys don't harass Nyanners. You just don't want her here. You need to make Nyanners regret abandoning 4chan.

>> No.4789722

They aren't being played and I'm not a third worlder. Fuck off.

>> No.4789723

Literally indisputable. Even leaving aside what you've already mentioned, CN had some of Hololive's best streamers.

>> No.4789773
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Fuck those chinks, better everything you said than bend the knee to filthy commies, also TAIWAN IS A COUNTRY

>> No.4789776

>Attacking Calli
Nice try

>> No.4789797
File: 24 KB, 279x279, 1612981501323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you smoking??

>> No.4789811
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Because of the drama that followed. Cover gave antis fuel and after it became big enough authorities could no longer ignore it and shit happened.

Honestly we have no idea how much it's going to affect Cover in the long run but they already lost permissions to play some of the most popular games due to this bullshit.

>> No.4789852

>They never forgave Coco and still shit on her.

the chink bug brain and their authority dont work like that. you dont know shit bout chinks. in the end of their shitfest the unstoppable chink insects are always forced to self-censor and driven away from the mainstream scene by their regime, because they also start to harm their own society, and become absolute losers. the ending of cultural revolution was also like that. theres a bunch of losers in chink history.

>> No.4789870

It's chink games lol. Who cares. They can just play better japanese games.

>> No.4789889

She's not getting spammed or anything.

>> No.4789921

Soon half of major companies will be owned by chink money. And Genshit is literally the biggest game ever.

>> No.4789985

Retards did BTS got scotts free after ignoring the chinks retard? yes? no? cause last i checked even the bug minister got involved

>> No.4790004

HoloCN wasnt popular. They were just a tiny bitter than ID, and not ID now, ID back then.

>> No.4790033

>And Genshit is literally the biggest game ever.

Not even close my dude. GTA V is the most profitable entertainment product in all of human history at $6 Billion in profit.

>> No.4790035

The only chink game I'm waiting for is that Monkey King game. It looked good and it would be ashamed if holo cannot play it.

>> No.4790050

Yes, but it was a new branch with a lot of growth potential.

>> No.4790084

genshit is already going down. it was much faster than gook mmos like ragnalok online, tera etc

>> No.4790096

GTAV was making those money over 8 years. Give it few years. Genshit had the largest launch in history. It beat Pokemon Go by 50%.

>> No.4790131
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It's not going down in players, people are just saving for Inazuma.

>> No.4790135

No, zhang. It was the correct move, because now Hololive no longer has to tiptoe around the mentally ill Chinese audience in any official capacity, they can quite literally just say "fuck you zhang" and there's nothing they can do about it.
The Chinese is a very difficult thing to manage, they are high maintenance, they force all of your talent to be micromanaged and trained to not say things that make them seethe and the actual financial incentive is likely not there, because China has a massive problem with the "why should I pay for something I get for free" mentality. Piracy in China is a genuine concern and these absurdly conservative spending habits also impact the vtuber market.

Of course all of this is just issues that come with dealing with the Chinese people. The government and government adjacent corporations are a whole different can of worms to deal with. You can't easily turn your Chinese money into other currency, China as a whole is designed so everyone is guilty of doing something wrong all the time and their video platforms are no exception to this. Every operation in China is a ticking time bomb, it's just a matter of time until another yab happens that forces yet another concession out of you until you're done.
China is tempting, but the more you interact with it, the more you realize it's not worth it. There's nothing in it for you.

Of course it's all a shame, because some of their talent was genuinely great. This is what Zhang took from you:

>> No.4790184

Is it even legal for you to access this site? Wouldn't it be bad if you learned about what happened on Tiananmen Square in 1989 here?

>> No.4790204

I don't know anon. Did BTS also say taiwan and lose all of china?

>> No.4790225


>Largest launch in history

>> No.4790235

Don't care about political shit you wrote, love Yogurt, love CN girls, miss them.

>> No.4790270

>Genshit had the largest launch in history.
Sure and Genshin has Chinks knifing people at the Mahoyo office over a bunnysuit in an exclusively overseas event.
The Chinese are insane. They are not worth it.
They are never worth it.

>> No.4790301

A not-insignificant amount of them are chink diaspora studying at western universities on daddy's money.

>> No.4790310

Gonna be honest with you anon. You are absolutely right. I saw the thread with Artia face and decided to make this thread. Honestly, why are you the only person to notice this?

>> No.4790322

its going down in japan, cant even compete with a moe horse game, and the west will follow suit. i dont give a shit about the mainland chink market. most of the sales are/were from mainland. the globohomo leaning anglo media always only covers sales numbers, due to their globohomo nature like hollywood, but what does matter when a chink game is just selling well in mainland? nobody gives a fuck about whats going on there.

>> No.4790364

I dont know anon, can you actually offer a rebuttal? because hololive didnt lose all of china, HK is still around and mainlander who wished to support their oshi can still do so with vpn and buying concert ticket.

>> No.4790374

>its going down in japan, cant even compete with a moe horse game, and the west will follow suit
Imagine believing this lol. Yeah, the game that the holos shill are the more popular than genshin. Hahahaha.

>> No.4790403

>some of the most popular games
Shitty chinkoid games that are only popular because retarded zoomers don't have standards.

>> No.4790423

Uma Musume is a phenomenon. It's the best selling anime ever made. And GI was doing great in USA too. In reality about 1/4 of the revenue was from the west.

>> No.4790458

Are you really saying this when most popular vtuber games are MC and Apex?

>> No.4790500

What I got from you is that BTS didn't lose china. Thanks.

>> No.4790532

no argument, chink insect. why would one have to give a shit about the chink market where only chinks are playing chink f2p phone games produced by chink companies under chink rules. its like talking about some islamic stuff that has nothing to do with a western or japanese trend/market

>> No.4790541
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>China ranks as the No. 1 market for spending in the mobile version of Genshin Impact, generating $302 million to date, or 29.5 percent of global player spending, via iOS alone (Sensor Tower does not track third-party Android store spending). Japan ranks No. 2, accumulating $278.3 million, or 27.2 percent, while the United States ranks No. 3 for revenue, picking up approximately $189 million, or 18.5 percent of the total.

China is less than 1/3. I live in eastern EU and most of my friends play Genshin. Even complete normies who never watched anime beyond Naruto before. You just want to hate it because Hololive can't play it but in reality shit is the new Pokemon.

>> No.4790553

>Losing the Zhang market is a bad thing
China is WAY more trouble than its worth. Zhangs are the pettiest and most sensitive people on the planet. Trying to appease them would require you to walk on so many eggshells that you'd just alienate the viewers from every other country.

>> No.4790603

>Zhangs are the pettiest and most sensitive people on the planet

LOL nope. Burger twitter warriors are. The biggest difference is chinks have way more retarded haters simply because they have fucking 1.5 billion people.

>> No.4790622

You dumb retard. Why do you think Disney and megacorporations bend the knee to China? It should be patently obvious why a market with one billion people matters. And China's apparently full of mega-otaku. You can put two and two together.

>> No.4790665

China is the main reason why so many anime are getting second seasons these days. Bilibili streaming money is enough to save series that would be complete flops without it.

>> No.4790710

Losing Aloe was worse to be honest

>> No.4790849

>chinks are living in your head rent free
>chinks haven't forgiven Coco


>> No.4790890

Because they think it's a market, but the key thing to understand about the Chinese "market" is that it isn't one. Piracy is rampant, dealing with the Chinese government is nothing trouble and WILL alienate the rest of your audience.

>> No.4791000

Ah yes, Disney and megacorporations. Known for being unable to afford hiring an accountant competent enough to realize that they aren't making any money in China.
I agree that Hololive should have left China, but fuck, did the voice in your head not sound retarded as fuck as you typed that?

>> No.4791069

Nobody said "any money". I said that the Chinese billion people market is an illusion. It's not really real.

>> No.4791075

Let's say, quite charitably to say the very least, 80% of China's population EXCLUSIVELY pirates media. That leaves 280 million people who will not pirate media, which would be a country larger than Indonesia, the 4th largest country on Earth. And you're grossly overestimating the effect courting China will have on alienating people. First, most people care very little about China one way or another, because most people don't care about global politics. Second, most consumers don't have the spine to take a principled stance on a company that has business practices they don't like.

>> No.4791128
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Aqua collab soon
changs seething
winnie is a joke
mom's spaghetti

>> No.4791216

The corporations aren't the only players here.

>> No.4791261

disney is mutt stuff, you fucking anglo obsessed globohomo cretin. what euro entertainment company is pandering to chink insects? or what japnaese company is actually censoring their own content to cater to the market?
the world doesnt give a shit about you chinky chink insects. only mutts obsessively give a shit about the chink market and are all in on it like gambling.

i dont give a shit about anglo globohomo trash kowtowing to chinks either. they are also absolutely going down with their woke bullshit.

>> No.4791322
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Now that Aqua has disrespected the zhangs too, once Ina's other contract has ended Cover can just ignore China forever and never ever have to deal with them

>> No.4791460

No one cares

>> No.4791465

Nobody said "any money", but you said that Disney and megacorporations think they're making a lot of money, enough to where they think it's worth it, when in reality they aren't and they don't realize it because piracy.
So no, you didn't say that they make literally $0.00 a year on the chinese market, but you said something just as retarded you buffoon.

>> No.4792987

Still seems weird they would let bugs be vtubers anyway

>> No.4793131

There is no contet for months, its just gambling simulator. Hell, even rolling for new character's is pointless, because every thing is piss easy. I dont understund obsessions with this game.

>> No.4793164

Pokemon never had good gameplay either.

>> No.4793205

Ina wants to make designs for chinese gacha games. I doubt she's going to stop.

>> No.4793255

>its just gambling simulator.
That's the obsession with the game.
It's specifically designed to do just that.

>> No.4793257

Are there any actually good Chinese games? The only Chinese games I can think of are gachashit that are just worse versions of real games

>> No.4793324

I wouldn't call it good, but I played Conqueror's Blade for a while, I'm pretty sure that's chinese.

>> No.4793771

China had no video game industry until recently and since gacha games are the most profitable type they jumped right in. And to be fair their gacha games are the best. Arknights, Honkai, Genshin, they all beat the shit out of Japanese games.

But now chink companies have enough money to try making AAA games and few are one the way.

>> No.4794000

>they all beat the shit out of Japanese games.
which is a lie, chink bug. the trend cycle of phone game is fast and drastic. those chink games were just in the cycle with a huge ad marketing campaign and a massive localisation with popular japanese VAs. several years ago, puzzle dragon was dominating the market, and now umamusme.

now none of them are popular in japan

>> No.4794002

That doesn’t take away that it’s still de-facto a separate state.

Official declarations don’t directly change reality. If the UN agrees that the moon is a tree, that doesn’t suddenly magically turn the moon into a tree.

>> No.4794030

Even within those games, their versions of Azur Lane and Genshin have more content removed than the Global versions kek.

>> No.4794056

>fbk would leave eventually
This is a poorly thought out meme that people need to stop regurgitating.

>> No.4794118

Seethe, West Taiwanese.

>> No.4794144

Did no one here cared about Echo?

>> No.4794257

Both Mihoyo and Yostar also prefer catering to the JP and global markets. Chink fans lose their minds over anything those games do to the point of harassing the staff and I'm pretty sure they hate their Chinese playerbase.

>> No.4794466
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>> No.4794646

Pandering to the chinese bugmen would always backfire, the most retarded thing cover has done is to create a cn branch in the first place.
The chinese are eternaly assraped since Nanjing and Mao, anything and everything can anger the hivemind drones.

>> No.4794698

>losing the worst and most entitled fans
>losing the fans that cause Hololive to censor all of their vtubers
>losing the fans that still harass a girl to this very day because she spoke the word “Taiwan”

Oh noooooo, what will we do? As we all know, chasing the Chinese audience has made Hollywood so much better! It’s a shame Hololive won’t do the same...

>> No.4794707

How many times does /vt/ have to shit on HoloCN(aka holosnakes excluding Yoghurt) for you to finally stop posting them?

>> No.4794771

Excep that it's confirmed that she is dropping the chinese gacha and she'll be focusing in the japanese ones, seethe zhang

>> No.4794789

Telling china to fuck off has been the best thing they've ever done

>> No.4794794

I'm pretty sure the chinks know best that chinksects aren't worth dealing with.

>> No.4794837

Imagine a world without chinks

>> No.4795075

the chink trend is coming to the end. it will never pick up, like gook mmos/online games like sa2, ragnarok online, han game etc that used to be popular af in japan all sunk while japanese online games like ff14 were slowly recovering. the chink phone games dont even have any contents/systems to keep players playing the game for a long time, so the end will come faster than gook games.

funny that gooks were so confident about their games back then like chinks are now. i just happened to find this article from 2008. read it with a translator if you have time

"The Japanese online game market failed", Professor Wi from Seoul University talks about the crisis of online games.

>> No.4795185


>> No.4795213

>Hololive have no idea what they are doing, they should have hired me, Winnie the poo, to guide them beyond and beyond

>> No.4795293

Become the most hated country in the world RTA

>> No.4795332
File: 696 KB, 2867x4096, 1605638536892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know she had it coming, but I love this little nigga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.4795774

Chink games are essentially FGO without the Fate and Type Moon brand name carrying them. At least FGO for all its failures as a game is still just a side project in the greater Fate franchise.

Chink games have nothing else to carry them. Also find it hilarious that virtually everyone prefers the Japanese voice versions of those games

>> No.4795926

I love her too. God damn it I miss her.

>> No.4796074
File: 26 KB, 128x128, 782112777485025283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you still love her after this audio of her having sex with one of her moderators was leaked?


>> No.4796236

I think because Ollie shows no bone she miiiiight be okay? But yeah Fandeads and Deadbeats are DOA

>> No.4796331

can the roachmen go extinct already

>> No.4796438

Getting out of the China market has done nothing but catapult Hololive to the top. If anything, Chink chubas are being boycotted by the rest of the world.

>> No.4796560

We don't care enough about chinks to put any effort in insulting them.

>> No.4797072

Imagine the sex. Wew.

>> No.4797631

Now this is delusion. FGO is complete trash even for cheap mobage standards. So many years later and they still don't have a working auto or NP skip. FGO is a complete joke compared to Genshin or Arknights. Or Uma Musume for the matter.

>> No.4797810

Even if the whole leak and doxing shit hadn't happened, Aloe was a time bomb due to her roommate.

>> No.4797895

Cover went from kneeling to the bugs to telling them to fuck off when the realized that EN was a success beyond their wildest imaginations.

>> No.4798333
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>> No.4798378

Yeah, EN made them realize they don't need to pander to China.

But long term this can give them problems. Especially with chinese companies getting more and more powerful in the west.

>> No.4798438

They are not getting boycotted they don't even try to pander to rest of the world. Because they don't need to, China has the largest internal market on Earth and it's still growing fast.

>> No.4802677

Read my post again retardchama, where did I say FGO was a good game? I said despite being a failure of a game, they are still carried by being part of the Fate franchise. Merchandise and anime adaptions alone can keep them alive for years.

>> No.4803101

>lose the whole market
Literally the world's biggest blessing, every country in the world would be better off if it didn't have the albatross of China on its neck

>> No.4803164

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.4803689

>attract the worst kind of antis
Chang antis are baby mode compared to Jap antis,

>> No.4803731

Getting out of China is the best thing that happened to them.

>> No.4805767

Yogiri was Taiwanese? How'd she deal with the shitstorm as it happened?
I know she's already reincarnated, but doesn't she still stream on Bilibili despite all that's happened? QRD please

>> No.4805981

idk about that taiwanese vtubers, but taiwan and mainland doesnt have a conflict as long as the taiwanese are pro mainland/ccp. plenty of old taiwanese are still pro mainland and chinky as hell. the previous taiwanese president was a massive pro chink faggot


>> No.4806012

As long as you don't say something bad about Winnie, you're ok. Remember to the mainlanders Taiwan is just part of China.

>> No.4806292

zhangs rationalize it as a money thing as well, when really that's copium the reasoning is probably closer to >>4785034

I hope they find success separately, and don't really think the split needed to go down so painfully, but if it wasn't this an ass biting was inevitable.

>> No.4806584

Fubuki cut half of her fanbase in half because how much less of a shit she could give to Zhang money. This is the girl who is the epitome of DD and "for love of the job not the money". Just how cancerous of a branch and audience you have to be for FBK herself to have such a cold blooded reaction.

Also EN made more in one month than the entire existence of CN did for all time. No one cares, and to this day is still probably one of the most based company decisions ever made and made me actually respect YAGOO despite all his mishaps

>> No.4806739

You're either a Zhang or an idiot redditfag. In China, you get social credit points for being an anti against those who are perceived (not proven) to be anti-chinese. The moment Coco showed Taiwan (and she wasn't the only one who did this fuck up) was the moment the anti's realized they could get some sweet sweet social credit. Staying in the Chinese market is too volatile for it to be profitable. The risk is not worth it.

>> No.4807228

>Also EN made more in one month than the entire existence of CN did for all time
there is no money in china.

>> No.4810392

>Do Tatsunokeks really
Copy and pasting this is a bit disingenuous. Meme review is once a week so that's at least 4 already. In addition, there is UsaKen Summer Festival project going on and the company has 7 other members. When you run the numbers, it actually isn't that mind boggling.
I'm really looking forward to it and will watch all 10! If it all actually happens.
