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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 360 KB, 1060x439, donothon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
47061982 No.47061982 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else unsettled by the prevalence of Vtuber donothons? It is essentially Vtubers dropping all pretext and panhandling for money.

>> No.47062028

blame twitch

>> No.47062062

>jew company
>jew behavior
are you surprised?

>> No.47062122

who the fuck cares, interesting its only western vtubers doing it

>> No.47062126

blame the jews

>> No.47062135 [DELETED] 

Isnt that the blacked vtuber that cancelled streams to go fuck some black guy

>> No.47062194

That's the real question; why?

>> No.47062208

whorethon most likely

>> No.47062214


>> No.47062248

>go to stream
>alerts for donations
>tts for donations
>reading out the donation message and special attention for donations
ah yes, before this the pretext was so subtle it was like a whisper of a kiss on a frozen lake. Now, innocence has been shattered forever. what will we do

>> No.47062482

it would be more respectable if they didn't spend 50% of it fucking asleep

>> No.47062602


>> No.47062721

kiwinigger spotted. spread your disinformation elsewhere, also take a shower.

>> No.47062735

Its free money and it works because vtuber fans are complete fucking retards

>> No.47062895

Every small corpo does donothons, phase and kawaii did it way before idol

kiwifags trying to start a rrat by spamming on the board

>> No.47063008

Fair enough, but you have to admit that donothons are a new low in regards to extorting money out of your fans.

>> No.47063114 [DELETED] 

What disinformation? She has been with him for 4 years
How do you disinfo 4 years worth of tweets?

>> No.47063168

People pay and encourage this shit. If you saw others cashing in, wouldn't you do a donothon?

>> No.47063283

Yes, I don't like them when they started popping up on twitch and I definitely don't like them when vtubers do one every milestone. Stream anniversary? Subathon/donothon. Partner anniversary? Subathon/Donothon. Birthday? Subathon/Donothon? 6 months since they debuted a new model? Subathon/donothon. That is more a grievance with western/twitch vtubers, but the company mandated ones like OP are weird. Idol made such a big deal about they give them all they need for streaming yet almost immediately milk fans for money.

>> No.47063407 [DELETED] 

>Male collabs
>Two of their talents leeching off Gura via shorts
>Mandatory 48 hour donothons
The jews didn't even wait half a year before showing their true colors.

>> No.47063472

It was over once YouTube paid the twitchers to join

>> No.47063532

I think with Idol it doubles as a growth strategy. Everyone saw how much attention Ironmouse's begathon got, and beyond the money that's a lot of new eyes on the streamer.
Having a multiday "event" like that is something you can try and pull a new audience with. Spam your ads, make people thing they are watching something significant. They ended up adding like 40% to their sub counts.
When you see the normal smallcorp trajectory (jump to high 2view / low 3view and flatline forever more) I don't blame them for trying new things.

>> No.47063588

>It is essentially Vtubers dropping all pretext and panhandling for money.
There was pretext? You were literally always just forking money over to people for doing nothing, lol.

>> No.47063774

The only people who excuse donathons or downplay how pathetic and shameless they are are the people who donate the most.
>I-It's not any worse than any other streamer!
lmao cope

>> No.47063835

You forgot
>3 graduations already
Even wactor managed to last a year

>> No.47064011

Why would I be unsettled? My oshis don't do it but I'm not going to shit on people who do, they can do whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.47064545

Fuck off Rin, don't you have an apology to type to your youtube shorts editor?

>> No.47065079

>You were literally always just forking money over to people for doing nothing
This, at least in a donothon there's usually clear goals for stuff that the viewers want and some donors may get some stuff from it as well, even if it ends up being extremely overpriced

>> No.47065140

I don't give money to females so it doesn't affect me in any way.

>> No.47065172

You are correct, I don't really blame them. But I wonder if the talents would have done it on their own or chosen to do it. Most of then were already doing well enough and monetized on youtube. I like to think that not every vtuber woman is that greedy at their core. Only like half of them.

>> No.47065449

I never have and never will pay a single cent to any streamer, not unless they have a gun to my head and/or offering a monetary exchange for sex

>> No.47065672

They spammed them one after another, jidfshill.

>> No.47065894

Unless you're on a big corpo, you need this to survive, you might not like it but it's the truth

>> No.47065985 [DELETED] 

chumkek deflection thread

>> No.47066029

How does it feel to be so poor?

>> No.47066031

I think people actually donating is more unsettling.

>> No.47066077

I wonder if somebody has a tally of all donothon rewards being promised vs the ones actually fulfilled

>> No.47066080

I think they're a good idea. They make money and grow the audience. Plus if its your oshii it's fun following the endurance aspect

>> No.47066124

I save my SC money for burgers.

>> No.47066134

is this the same "proof" you faggots had that she went into a forest and got railed by 9 dudes amidst the mushrooms and pinecones? post evidence or gtfo.

>> No.47066161

>hey guys, we have a lot of exciting donothon goals
>for 1k, I will drink a glass of water while keeping my eyes closed
>for 2k, I will order a pizza with toppings of your choice. HOW CRAZY IS THAT???!!!
>for 3k I will do an ASMR stream. I think doing ASMR is like super cringe but I will sacrifice myself
>for 4k the chat picks my next game for me. The choice will be one of the games that we can get perms for LOL
>for 5k I will admit something very very embarrassing from my childhood (wore mismatched socks to school and someone noticed it and laugh LMAO sooooo cringe right?)
>basically, you can see that all this is just a bunch of horseshit, just throw money at me for no reason.

>> No.47066175
File: 80 KB, 680x680, akshually.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am pleased to announce I have amazing taste, as to my knowledge not one of the vtubers I regularly patronise has ever done a donothon. You may all praise me for my incredible intuition.

>> No.47066181

So fat and poor, the typical combo huh

>> No.47066227

Disgusting twitch culture seeping into youtube. Still waiting on subathons to happen on youtube where they just sleep while streaming and expect subs. Fucking cancer.

>> No.47066287

It already happened.

>> No.47066342

and still better than cuck connect

>> No.47066452
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x719, money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing will beat this
>70k donothon
>fucks off with her genmates to create an indie group

>> No.47066497

I won't kneel until you tell us what will you do once one of them does a donothon (forced by corpo or not).
There are incorrect answers.

>> No.47066503

Yup that’s her. Yuko Lmao. I feel bad for boobros. Just move on with your lives buddy boyos. They suck.

>> No.47066579

Donothons isn't inheritly evil.
A lot depends on the goals and reason for the donothon/subathon

>> No.47066716

>You forgot
>>3 graduations already
>Even wactor managed to last a year
I find it funny how their shills try to mempory hole this while saying without a hint of irony that
>Idol takes care of their talent and invests everything back into the talent.
Faggots, you pushed out 3 people already.

>> No.47066742

Implicit drop. I wouldn't consciously make the decision to drop, but I'll see it and think "ugh, yuck" and lose interest. It would taint them almost as much as talking about their boyfriends on stream.

>> No.47066768

Rent free as usual.

>> No.47066802

i hard drop any v-tuber as soon as they start begging for donations. i have no problem with them having donations open, but as soon as they start telling people to donate i get the fuck out.

>> No.47066837

Hope Nick orist and Michael at least got a handy.

>> No.47066881

they will get much more than that, she is a western indie vtuber now

>> No.47066904

>spending more than 20k on an anime girl to call out your name
what a fucked up world. Unsurprisingly, none of these women will ever lose sleep over extorting this much money out of the mentally ill.

>> No.47067065

>gets that much from a donothon
>graduates literally 1 month later
Holy shit. Although I have to say that it's funnier seeing how OP would rather seethe about idolcorp's donothons than bring that case up.

>> No.47067104 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 640x347, 1680842475540546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Begging for shekels
What's next? Hebrew duolingo streams? Dreidel unboxings? Holocaust guilt stream when?

>> No.47067171

Hopefully it’s some Saudi oil prince because it’s just sad to see people do this to themselves

>> No.47067210

too bad people who actually watched idol know that the talents themselves admitted they left because they didn't like streaming and joined without any experience, and that it wasn't idol's fault.

It's almost as if streaming isn't a job for everyone.

>> No.47067262

3 graduations, less than a year of operation, that is your Idol Corp.
Oh, and most of the money in these donothons go straight to the company anyway, so butthurt Kawaiifags are trying to shift the blame for what is actually just company policy of forcing girls to raise money for them.

>> No.47067302

I chose to believe these people are so affluent that 20k are less than spare change to them.
As a working class poorfag I'm literally incapable of comprehending that behavior.

>> No.47067351

I'm extremely unsettled, grabbing my pitchfork.

>> No.47067398

You should see the stories about dudes who go into debt because they spend all their money on hoes like pokimane and amouranth

>> No.47067399
File: 9 KB, 443x253, 1603738049395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47067423

>company policy of forcing girls to raise money for them.
Yeah, Kawaii General suddenly decided it hates how Kawaii operates because Gen 3 raised money in the same manner they all did.

>> No.47067434

Anon you didn't have to admit that you just wanted to seethe at a corp. Just play along and let people have the benefit of doubt.

>> No.47067582

Not sure which corp you are shilling today anon. Please be more clear next time.

>> No.47068314

I think they are fine for birthdays.

>> No.47068362

Of course it's the fucking jew corporation lmao

>> No.47068639

There's nothing wrong with donothons unless they actually are like >>47066161
If your chuuba provides real value in their rewards it's a very fun eventn to take part in

>> No.47068690

I'm sure she appreciates your simp bucks

>> No.47068781

Yes and no, because they will stream for many hours, I streamed once for 6 horus and it fucked my throat so I now it's not as simply as it sounds. and it gives the viewers some rewards that they might never get otherwise. Idol is the worst offender however

>> No.47069128

donothons are fantastic
>hours of free content including stuff they wouldn't normally do like asmr, new covers & original songs, handcam streams, commissioned artwork
>watching idiots waste money funding it
>watching other idiots seethe because they don't know how to block ads and keep getting spammed
it's win-win-win

>> No.47069159

All this tells me is that small corpo life runs on dreams and shoestring budgets and donos are their lifeblood regardless of any ethics or morals. It doesn't really surprise me, their viewer bases tend to be small enough you wonder how feasible it is for a corpo to actually be succesful and the girls not having secondary jobs. Random twitch people can beat their views with random niche shit and no facecam.

>> No.47069194

What, you don't enjoy Twitch culture?

>> No.47069267

At the end of the day it's a business and people need to get paid. They don't do it for fun, at least not the ones where this is their only income.

>> No.47069651

Did you think nobody will want those ad money back?

>> No.47070275

>84% of the money comes from 3 people
Why are whales like this?

>> No.47074390

Jew intern stop trying

>> No.47074485

Rent freeeeee

>> No.47074574

well, they are jews

>> No.47074710

>They're both from the Jewish company
Why am I not surprised.

>> No.47074737

>weeks of lazy react content while the donothon is going
>after the donothon is over there's a break for who knows how long
>fulfills the easy goals and never actually does the cool ones
Donothons fucking suck

>> No.47074786

Don't support the people doing it.
easy as.

>> No.47075041

Don't show up to them. That's what I do.

>> No.47075143

Natural selection at its finest

>> No.47075201

>new low
They aren’t even remotely new so that can’t be true

>> No.47076130

I don't like how they devalue the experience of watching someone. I want to be excited and look forward to when someone streams.

>> No.47076449

You forgot the funniest part
>Quits before she gets the money which is refunded by the company over failure to deliver promises

>> No.47076556

because they want money? The west has a much more active social scene than Japan, all these girls could be out sucking dicks instead of streaming. You need to provide a strong incentive for them
Japan is a different story, its riddled with herbivore men so its harder for women to find good casual acquaintances. A lot of JP vtubers do it for fun/their main source of socialization. (not to say there aren't JPs who do it for money)

>> No.47076634

JP indies do similar shit, but just for subs.

>> No.47076694

It is pretty shady when there's literally no point to it other than to make money, then again birthday streams etc kind of are this too only there's a "reason" for it.

I mean, vtubers are normally like panhandlers who do street tricks for "work" to get money, they're always panhandling all the time anyway. The only thing that gets even a bit of actual respect from me in this business are the ones who put in hours streaming that are at least equivalent to working a real full-time job (basically ones like Koyori, Kaela etc). They're having fun and games for a living but at least sacrifice a serious amount of their own time doing it.

Ones who hardly ever stream and we know don't actually have a real job as their work obligation like Gura, Ayame etc just aren't taken seriously as real factors anymore, and indeed IMO don't deserve your respect (or money) for doing nothing. However even the ones with what we consider basically-adequate schedules (3-5 streams a week I guess) are, unless those girls have real jobs outside this or the streams are all 12 hour sessions actually-doing something (no sleeping streams bullshit), they're still barely fucking doing anything relative to the people giving them money and don't merit your respect either. These girls, any lurking reading this etc need to think hard about why people are so quick to anger and shit on vtubers all the time - you're not doing anything respectable in life, you're panhandling online and need to be fucking humble about it and not think you're actually some amazing celebrity. You're at best a street performer.

>> No.47076789

Do you think she and her friends quit so that they can take 100% of their donos, after platform cut, instead of just 50%? Is that it? Also, do they think they will keep their whales even as indies?

>> No.47079376

>three retards fight over a chicken nugget.
