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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46685586 No.46685586 [Reply] [Original]

No straight man with even an ounce of self respect watches male vtubers. Prove me wrong.

>> No.46685635

that's a dude you gay, faggot

>> No.46685648

You’re absolutely right, OP

>> No.46685682

it's better to watch vtubers as entertainment than as your online girlfriend

>> No.46685691
File: 26 KB, 486x632, 95183723-EC40-44A0-B6A1-B48C2033753E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine I’ll start it

>> No.46685734

No need to prove you wrong. Just check /mans/, full of homosexuals and fujos

>> No.46685749

Go back.

>> No.46686045

I don't mind them. The really faggy ones like Vox and Altare I do mind. I still don't watch them, even though I do watch normal streamers.

>> No.46686382

What about Peanuts-kun?

>> No.46686448


>> No.46686464

>Vox and Altare
Kek, anons here call any guy who women like faggy and then get shocked when they’re the ones getting all the pussy.

>> No.46686662

Manipulating fujos isn't getting pussy. They themselves won't even pick up fujo pussy. Do female vtubers that aren't dirty fujos themselves go for Vox or Altare? Thought so.

>> No.46686702

>85586▶>>46685635 >>46685691 >>46685734
we get it man, you're such a faggot that can't even watch a dude without getting a boner, no need to project that hard
also Ui rape

>> No.46686743

>he GENUINELY does not know

>> No.46686847

I just remembered the rumours of a NijiEN girl involvement. I don't remember her name or want to say it. Is she not a dirty fujo?

>> No.46687097

what does watching male vtubers have to do with self-respect?

>> No.46687156

What is the difference between male vtubers and male streamers?

>> No.46687259

Do you genuinely think anyone who watches vtubers has self respect? I know none of you faggots do, or you wouldn’t be spending your time watching anime girls talking about their birth control and makeup.

>> No.46687269

Male streamers are exponentially better content creators without a faggy anime avatar. If you watch a male vtuber, you’re watching them for the avatar, which implies that you’re either a woman or a faggot.

>> No.46687274

It's the other way around, only those with zero self respect left can't stomach to watch any male because it reminds them of how worthless they are in comparison.

Any man with any worth of self respect won't have trouble watching any male. Specially just vtubers, since you don't even need a the amount of self respect to be able to watch someone more manly than you when they're just vtubers.

>> No.46687311

why the fuck I should watch Dude in anime avatar when there is whore who I can groom?

>> No.46687319

You’re jerking off to male vtubers, faggot. Kill yourself.

>> No.46687326

But let's say i watch rpr for his Apex streams.
He's nowadays mostly using his vtuber avatar

>> No.46687422

Rpr is actually good at the game so he gets a pass.

>> No.46687511

Rpr is not a vtuber same as pewdiepie

>> No.46687524


>> No.46687643

I watch male streamers no problem
Male vtubers are for faggots though

>> No.46687766

If being a faggot is the first and foremost thing you have in your mind when you see males, then you are most likely a faggot.

Remember, it's always clockwork.

>> No.46688121

Are you illiterate? I just said that I watch male streamers without any issues. In fact most of my twitch an YT subs are males.
Faggots hiding behind anime avatars are not males though. Why are you so desperate to equate the two? Are you a 2view faggot?

>> No.46688592

No amount of denial will change what you've said and the conclusions from them.

You have a problem and it's that you're a faggot yourself. Seek help before you kys when you're head finally catches up to the fact.

>> No.46688756
File: 89 KB, 640x590, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watch male vtubers and I respect myself

>> No.46688797

>N-no u!!!
I accept your concession.

>> No.46688848

Pic unrelated

>> No.46688905

Fans of Arurandeisu fans say hi.

>> No.46688919

I dont watch male vtubers but i watch male youtubers what the problem?

>> No.46689022

You don't have a problem. Enjoy talented and entertaining men creating content.

>> No.46689595

I agree but I wouldn't call them faggy, they're just trying to appear sensitive and romantic. Like the male equivalent of GFE. I suppose if I was a straight woman I would dislike watching cutesy female GFE vtubers for the same reason.
I'd still watch Altare and Vox in collabs though.

>> No.46689704

After watching the hololive general try to groom and gaslight an autistic dumb anon to crossdress as Aqua I think everyone here is gay.

>> No.46689792
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I don't watch male Vtubers but I want to fuck men. What does that say about me?

>> No.46689970


>> No.46690028

Dude was like Aqua tier size in the first place, he's better off that way. They did him a favor probably.

>> No.46690109

U r gae

>> No.46690181

Only sane person in this thread.

>> No.46690232
File: 794 KB, 607x839, 1654257386239714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way that happened

>> No.46690606

this has to be one of the most retarded incel threads ever created on this board

>> No.46690638

I am sorry reality offends you so much

>> No.46690888

kek, your daki that you dry hump every night doesn't count as a real women

>> No.46690968

Holy projection lmao
I am not some weeb to own a hugpillow

>> No.46691336

He needs to come back and embrace his tiny, pale frame as the Hololive cosplayer he was meant to be.

>> No.46691696

show your proof first

>> No.46691788

The guy was super skittish, so vtmemes probably scared him off and we will never get out own tiny trap hololive cosplayer.

>> No.46692081
File: 3.34 MB, 3000x3000, akuamaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He still bought the costume so maybe he will return to us... fucking Twitter niggers actually took the "4chan users are rapist serial killers" meme seriously.

>> No.46692130

>male vtubers are faggot
You retards just chose the wrong one to watch

>> No.46692373
File: 101 KB, 334x271, 1658150202854909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No man with even an ounce of self respect cares about what you think

>> No.46692432

We can only hope and then hope he does some lewd stuff

>> No.46692510
File: 62 KB, 1080x784, 1677392374338086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be cool too, but I really just wanted to see him deliver. Nobody actually groomed him, he literally asked people to convince him to buy an outfit. Fucking tourists around here goddamn.

>> No.46692521

How would you know what men with self-respect care about

>> No.46692532

Ok I think 4chan unicorn is just a closeted gay after reading this thread kekw

>> No.46692655
File: 219 KB, 591x735, 1656775983334161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He might have been autistic and a tad dumb, but no one was grooming him. I'm sad since he would have done other girls too.

>> No.46693085

I think the best thing is wait a week or two and see if he pops up again. Hopefully his outfit arrives.

>> No.46693336

Yes but i don't feel the need to brag about not watching it.
I do both

>> No.46694606


>> No.46694663


>> No.46694855

You gay bro, you would probably fuck that anon.

>> No.46696129


>> No.46696978

I thought you unicorn hate faggots
