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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46646282 No.46646282 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a reason male audiences don't like NijiEN?

>> No.46646568

Why would they stay when they're actively pushed away at every opportunity?

>> No.46646663

I will never understand what's the appeal of a male vtuber if you're not homossexual or a woman.

>> No.46646775

I don't see how the thread subject is related to that pic

>> No.46646865

Because nobody wants to watch anime girls talking about sex and politics

>> No.46646937

Nijien is for the worst kind of women imaginable and women who wish they were them

>> No.46647023

>every stream with a nijien girl will be interrupted by a male at some point
>sometimes they will just get in voice chat and flirt

>> No.46647066

They chose to not be liked by male audiences.

>> No.46647134

That’s literally the entire /MANS/ and tempiss fanbase. Just a bunch of kikes, faggots, foids, and troons - the worst demographics to have in a hobby.

>> No.46647377

Social rejects, feminized omega males who have not only never had a girlfriend, they've never had a male friend either, so they can only relate to cartoon males

>> No.46647640

Didn’t you guys recently have a whole makeup and girl’s talk stream where Kiara talked about her birth control and period? Keep telling yourselves that watching cute anime girls doing cute things is the epitome of manliness, no one outside of your echo chamber /here/ will ever believe it.

>> No.46647657

Rip the band aid off at this point, I'd watch a vtubers were were a real couple.

>> No.46647767

Why would I tell anybody out of /here/ that I like anime girls? I'm not that retarded, anon.

>> No.46647821

You jerk off to anime men, faggot.

>> No.46647830

>"we're not friends"
>"educate yourself"
>pomu's constant involuntary jabs at her chat because she just can't hide her disdain all the time
hmm i wonder

>> No.46647855

I see NijiJP, so I'm not interested in EN.

>> No.46647888

Poor brand management. Niji's literal floods of talents have spread their base too thin without the chance to grow.

>> No.46647926
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>> No.46647972

They did until Luxiem debuted.

>> No.46648133

>every stream with a nijien girl will be interrupted by a male at some point
>sometimes they will just get in voice chat and flirt
reminder that some lad was publicly shamed for pointing this out to the main person that does this and was publicly shamed by chat and the nijien gen

>> No.46648151

Kiara wasn't the best to use in supporting your argument. She tries so hard, yet is behind because of reasons like this. Though it's not that bad, she'd has her RM account to vent more intimate matters. She's used to Europeans being more open, while US are still prunes. Kids twerking is no big deal there...jk

>> No.46648245
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>> No.46648272

Just keep shitting on the nijinegros and eventually they'll all fuck off to their not-chan, because even if they shame men for not wanting to be cucked by "chad", they're still cowardly women who cannot take the voices in their head calling them a dirty whore.

>> No.46648304

But can't deny it's profitable for the shareholders.

>> No.46648364

I used to be a huge NijiEN fag but they have done so much shit recently that has just soured me on the whole EN branch. I'm an Irysfag now. Just her and JP thats it.

>> No.46648369

No, the constant yabs have driven away people who aren't deep in the cult, even sisters have gotten tired of it.

White girl ascends to riches, decides she's better than people she would have been friends with just a year earlier. Many such cases.

>> No.46648425

That must be why austria's under 18 population is 50% slavic and turks, because europeans are 'more open'.

>> No.46648529


Not in the long term. 2434 has been treading water for years, while cover blew up from nothing and lapped them.

>> No.46648578

>cute autist
>cute and funny rat
>big tits and nice voice
>literally who
>literally who
>literally who
>literally who
>literally who
That's why male audiences don't like nigien

>> No.46648605

curious, can you cite some examples of the last one?
i kind of agree though
the air around EN vtubing in general just feels more standoffish than before like people, talents and fans, are beginning to question themselves, and the merits of the illusions

>> No.46648942

>curious, can you cite some examples of the last one?

stuff like this happens way too often for it to just be a slip of the tonigue

>> No.46649015

>vtubing stops being horsehead guy and miku-knockoff doing weird things for fun
>becomes CORPORATIONS trying to pump their share price and golddiggers and twitch groomers trying to milk simps and get teen girls to carve hex haywire's name into their skin
>"wow why do people hate it when ugly canadian bitches want to steal all your money and call you an incel"
These problems don't exist in most small companies.

>> No.46649275

that just made me like her more and view her as even more literate
thanks for nothing asshole

>> No.46649314

if you liked her you'd be watching her streams

>> No.46649440

you dont get it
i want to not like her so i can spare myself future grief

>> No.46650148

Niji EN has always been female focused.
>Bitches and whores as role models for them to grow up with.
>BFE male vtubers galore

>> No.46650291

Bandwagon effect. Something that's insanely popular draws more people. Reminds me of things like Golden state warriors or Pewdiepie. Just have to be lucky and NijiEN was late to the party.

>> No.46650551

>admitting liking female vtubers is something to be ashamed of

>> No.46650906

Yes, sorry you had to find out like this.
It is also true for male vtubers too by the way.

>> No.46651012

Most men don't watch female Vtubers to see other men.

>> No.46651029

Liking anime in general has always been something to be ashamed of, you fucking retard.

>> No.46651051
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>> No.46651219

Why would they watch? Why should they?

>> No.46651415

Men are natural entertainers because they're actually funny. There's no difference between a male vtuber, facecam streamer, or faceless streamer: funny is funny regardless of what'sbeingfunny. Women's only asset is appealing to coomers. There's no shame in watching a real woman because she's hot, there is shame in jerking it to a drawing.

>> No.46651611
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because of shit like this

>> No.46651640

Pomu's always bantered hard with her chat, pomies who've left her over the absolute state of NijiEN did so more or less entirely because of her branchmates.

>> No.46651698

Because all the girls are just accessories for the boys

>> No.46651787

I'd rather not get cucked

>> No.46651806

I guess Pomu's 24/7 break VOD relay has more viewers at times than Aia. Also, Enna fell off hard, wonder what this is all about.

>> No.46651865

You don't understand anon that dude was behind them

>> No.46652025

Do you understand the appeal of a male streamer if you're not homosexual or a woman?

>> No.46652312

She already knew what was up with that superchat, because that guy is a regular.

>> No.46652564

Fun and entertainment. Most male flesh streamers stream for fun, does their own thing and barely panders.
Female flesh streamers aren't even anywhere near as popular and... well, see who's the most viewed, then you'll know.
Most male vtubers I have seen are faggots or sex pests, mainly NijiEN and Tempus.

>> No.46652619

The same reason the best comedians are male, men are and can be funnier than women

>> No.46653786

I do. That’s why when I feel like watching males I watch male fleshtubers. I literally just could not keep up with Tempus for the two weeks or so I tried. The streams were fun, but it didn’t feel all that different from watch fleshtubers.
I don’t even have an oshi. I only have preferred vtubers. I switch between them and tend to pick genmates from the same corpo and watch streams based which funny anime girl I want to watch that day. Several of my favorites have collabed with males before.
In theory, I should be the perfect target audience for the kind of “HoloPro” unity bullshit they’re trying to pull. I couldn’t find a reason to watch because I’d literally rather watch Moist or Ludwig or something instead of someone who has a similar appeal, but with an anime avatar.
The only reason to watch Tempus is precisely if you‘re personally attached to that vtuber in a way that’s not conducive to this forced unity thing, or if you’re sexually attracted to males.

>> No.46654244

I liked Zaion and still like Pomu, Selen, Rosemi, Meloco, and Kotoka.

>> No.46654394

annoying SJW whores

>> No.46654510

>Also, Enna fell off hard, wonder what this is all about.
She's in Japan so not her usual streaming hours when more aloupeep's are able to watch which is during the morning hours EST and PST times. For her it's still morning hours. I can also say after sometime her numbers picked up a bit more but not much.

>> No.46654722

kino streams
good at games
fellow males

>> No.46654808

Damn luxiem got them all

>> No.46655549

>sex pests
If we're comparing Tempus and NijiEN to flesh streamers, the sex pest thing really isn't a fight you want to take, anon. The Minecraft community alone mogs the entirety of the vtuber community in sex scandals.

>> No.46656074
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I still enjoy some NijiEN talents but there's a few good reasons for why the branch is like it is today..

First is that it turned into Manjisanji just like the JP branch, females make up a good portion of the audience now and while there are some that do support female talents, it's not as much support compared to the male livers. Which isn't bad but NijiEN pretty much traded secure growth for instant success, and now some of those female fans are either leaving and taking their money or at best are watching other talents in the company, leaving them all competiting with each other.
Second is that even if people were indifferent towards male talents in the branch and their rare collabs with the EN branch prior to Luxiem, they sure as shit lost their patience with everything that happened over the course of the last year. With all the shipping and impromtu collabs, it wasn't like what they were lead to prior to Luxiem or even Ethyria where it was a relaxed mood. So they left and looked to other people that did fulfill that need.

Of course the most damning thing more than male collabs is that there are some female vtubers IN the branch that are just magnets for drama. Now that's not true for all of them as there are even new talents that are grateful for the opportunity and their fans and keep things calm like Aia/Scarle/Maria/Kotoka/Meloco. But then there's a few like Finana/Enna/Millie (when influenced by Enna) that just do the dumbest shit constantly, and you can't help but looking at them wondering
>Bitch what the fuck is your problem
And people ultimately want relaxed entertainment when they watch streams after long days of school or work. When they don't get that, they look elsewhere. And they have, if even some Phase/IdolEN talents are able to compete with NijiEN's females now.

>> No.46656135

I only watch blockgame autism when it's streamed by a cute anime girl so I wouldn't know because I never played it myself. And even then, I don't really 'watch' it, as its just in the background since the streams associated are just glorified zatsudans for the most part.
Though I'd say it's expected. For a game predominantly played by toddlers, it sure is weird, at some points, to have grown adults hanging around.

>> No.46657816 [DELETED] 

Complete nonsense anon, she is down even when she was streaming in japan before her break. She lost a lot of popularity.
Also what you are describing is the chinese women inflating her numbers, that's what happens when she streams in the early morning. So she doesn't even appeal to males mostly to chinese women.

>> No.46657902

Complete nonsense anon, she is down even when she was streaming in asian-hours before her break. She lost a lot of popularity.
Also what you are describing is the chinese women inflating her numbers, that's what happens when she streams in the early morning. So she doesn't even appeal to males mostly to chinese women.

>> No.46658482

baby duck syndrome and holobrand consoomerism

>> No.46663802

He should have been shamed for not doing it sooner
The guy in question had stopped imposing himself on others for months at that point
