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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 307 KB, 553x586, Fq5ZyZZaQAEhX2R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46597862 No.46597862 [Reply] [Original]

She's right, honestly. Anime just isn't the same as it was in the 90s. Whatever happened to all the GOOD anime, like Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion, FLCL, and DBZ?

>> No.46599780

Stfu long-nosed cunt

>> No.46600018

rose tinted glasses are one helluva drug

>> No.46600147

SoL anime already evolved into vtubers, and Hololive is trying to take the other types next.

>> No.46600149
File: 167 KB, 423x387, 1680368024979543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know this is a bait thread but honestly its true
modern mediocre isekai and slice of life trite is much worse than medicore anime from the 90s

>> No.46600320

Buy an ad already.

>> No.46600327

nigga stop watching garbage genres

>> No.46600422

People are in denial but the answer is isekai/reincarnation/nu-fantasy. Every story is some variation on "I had a shit life but now my life change/I died and came back and now my life is better plus I have cheats". Sometimes they shake it up with a revenge plot that ends midway through.

>> No.46600480

nigga its like 50% of what they push out

>> No.46600540

The same thing that happens to everything. People find a formula that works and then spam it to infinity until it's the vast majority of it is a soulless parody of what made it unique and special.

>> No.46600710
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50% isnt 100% you inbred stop wasting your breath on shit shows that will very clearly be shit from first glance
all of the famous animus survived the 90s for a reason and so will future titles

>> No.46600747

Older anime was people trying to tell stories through animation. Nowadays it's people trying to make "anime" stories. It's just running its course.

>> No.46600804

recomen me animu then plz
im considering getting into vinland saga

>> No.46600969

You want to know why Vinland Saga is good? Because it's an adaptation of an ancient manga. The only time they make good anime is when they dig deep and find good OLD manga they somehow haven't adapted yet.

>> No.46601015

if you like anything newer than Vampire Princess Miyu, you're an "ironic weeb"

>> No.46601147

People have been trying to make "anime" since the 80s.

>> No.46601490
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We may be on a different page. I mean like the incorporation and rehashing of tropes and settings.

>> No.46601592

That's exactly what I'm saying. There were otaku creators making anime for otaku borrowing from the anime they enjoyed.

>> No.46601709

If you're gonna go that far, then it bears mentioning that one of the first anime ever, Astro Boy, was created because of Osamu Tezuka trying to imitate Disney's style.

>> No.46602169

Found a neat article

>> No.46602183

This is good advice actually. I had a good run of picking up new anime very carefully and it felt like everything I watched was a masterpiece. When I started trying stuff "because I heard someone mention they liked it" I started running into a lot more mediocre crap. If you're careful with what you watch, it will feel like everything new is great. And I suppose that applies to all media, not just anime. You start getting a feel for what makes something good and can tell it at a glance.

>> No.46602247

80-90% of every entertainment media was always mediocre, no matter period of time. From those ~85% half are garbage. Meaning that if we have 1000 anime:
850 of them are 6 or below.
425 of them are below score of 4/10
Only 150 of them are 7+ and 80% of those 150 are 7. Only 30 remains.

>> No.46602378

What are some examples of old shonen anime with an "antagonistic" main character? The article names Kenshiro and Yusuke but both of them are still pretty heroic. I've certainly seen old anime with characters like that, like MD Geist for example, but that's not a shonen. I struggle to think of something in the shonen genre that fits that description.

>> No.46602420

wheres my fucking sports anime at in this list the fuck

>> No.46602461

This board is full of fucking normies, holy shit
>new anime is..... le bad!!!
The fact that you think the industry is mostly releasing isekai or sol series only shows how little you know it. Yes, 80% of anime are garbage, but it has always been like this. Start watching actually good shows instead of bitching about how older series were better.
This is the most retarded take I've seen on this board

>> No.46602527

Can you name even one? People insist anime is still good but I find that when they're pressed they can never come up with any examples.

>> No.46602545

this is the same board where everyone thinks their a /#/fag genuine that knows whats best for the industry do you really think any of them are capable of forming their own opinion instead of whatever reddits top 10 is

>> No.46602551

>cowboy bebop

>> No.46602557

Maybe she should stop watchin seasonal Shounen slop and expand her horizons along with every other braindead normalfag that says this.

>> No.46602654

what genre nigga
i enjoyed symphogear and akiba maid war as of late but those are campy fun

>> No.46602771

Id put money on you just having shit taste.

>> No.46602800

You have to be an actual normalfag or a falseflagger to read and repost this kind of shit
Either way get out

>> No.46602903

How many lbs do you think cumulatively the people in this thread weigh?

>> No.46602970

Happy Early Passover!

>> No.46603168

Cowboy bebop was mediocre
Older anime is more memorable because there was less of it available, especially in the west
Theres always something at least decent every season you just have to at least try to look for it
People complaining about how modern anime sucks are just upset that their attention span is too limited to devote wholly to watching a twenty minute episode and since they don't want to be called ironic weebs they say "well it all sucks anyway and there are too many isekai"

Believe me, finishing a series is a lot more satisfying than having six hrs of Minecraft playing in another tab

>> No.46603299

Sure, have fucking 10

Odd Taxi
Heike Monogatari
Ping Pong the Animation
Bocchi the Rock
Isekai Ojisan
Sonny Boy
Summer Time Render
Ousama Ranking
Wonder Egg Priority

All but Ping Pong aired in the last year or so, all not perfect but are based on interesting concepts and fun to watch, all better than your favorite anime from the 90s

>> No.46603363


>> No.46603434

>hating Cowboy Bebop
Holy shit taste

>> No.46603443

God, she's such a pickme

>> No.46603445

Sounds like you haven't actually watched what is considered mediocre in the 90s.

>> No.46603479

Don't even start. /a/utists are already out of the woodwork with their nonsensical ad hominem. It's time to bail.

>> No.46603504
File: 2.54 MB, 1280x720, 03.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime was still good till like 2010 but it was all downhill from there.

Ghost in the Shell SAC
Black Lagoon
Code Geass
Darker than Black
Fullmetal Alchemist
Gurren Lagann
Rumbling Hearts
Elfen Lied
School Days
Scum's Wish
Welcome to the NHK

These are all heavy hitters from 2000-2010

>> No.46603530

Yeah there was some bad stuff for sure.

>> No.46603540

Akiba maid is legitimately great unless you're a retard who expects realism in everything you consoom.

>> No.46603558

I still love trying multiple different anime out as much as I've always done, the issue is that ever since I started watching vtubers my amount of free time went down the ditch. Even if I try to put them on a second monitor while I watch anime, there are weeks with too many streams I want to focus on and that makes it hard to find even 20 minutes for anime because I also want to play games. I think she's right after all. Maybe I should use this season as a test and watch the fewest amount of shows I can pick up, mostly only second seasons.

>> No.46603689

I legit haven't heard of some of these, but Odd Taxi was one of the greatest things I have seen in a long time and made me sick because I've struggled to find something I've enjoyed anywhere near that much, and Ping Pong despite coming out 10 years ago was perhaps the last time an anime made me feel that way prior to Odd Taxi. So I will check out these other ones because it seems you have good taste in recommendations.

>> No.46603740

Most of my favorite anime is from the 90s but come on
>when things were different… they were different

>> No.46603753

Half of this list is straight garbage, the rest is decent, only a few good shows here.
You need to be out of your mind to pretend that Elfen Lied or School Days was good in 2023

>> No.46603778

>[thing] used to be good
wow crazy hot take
Really breaking new ground here
I'm fucking kneeling so based

>> No.46603827

I watched a 90s anime once called Tsukikage Ran. Could barely make it through the first episode. That's the kind of stuff people don't mention when they talk about how great anime was in the 90s.

>> No.46603900
File: 329 KB, 1002x1011, History of Anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks moeshit!

>> No.46603922

OP thinks that FLCL came out in the nineties. I think I need to go to bed.

>> No.46603932
File: 158 KB, 1280x720, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easily one of the best anime ever made and not from the 90's. Also like one of the most 2000's anime too. The anime embodyment of the 2000's when for some reason people thought that crossing from 1999 to 2000 meant we were already in the future.

>> No.46603966

she just like me fr fr
but yeah its so exhausting watching anime now days
I only pick like 3-4 to watch
She was wrong on the other take that movies are good
No they are not, they used to be

>> No.46603977

CGDCT sucks ass.

>> No.46603998

To be fair Symphogear has never managed to reach the greatness of the first season, it's almost like they got complaints about Genjuro being too awesome he outshined the girls and then they proceeded to make him never do anything. He gets like one good scene a season.

>> No.46604048

Just mind that:
Bocchi and Ojisan are sol comedies (pretty good ones)
Sonny Boy is directed by Shingo, pretentious af but still pretty interesting
Wonder Egg was literally a passion project which production has imploded at the end, the rest is still pretty good tho
86 and STE are action series based on interesting concepts
Have fun

>> No.46604079

Top Gun Maverick is a better movie than any anime released in 2022.

>> No.46604106

Kuzu no Honkai (anime) was 2017 kek

>> No.46604134

Yeah I agree there are good ones like this and the new Avatar movie
but they are waaaay too rare, like the good animes

>> No.46604178

Did you even watch the video you linked? She doesn't even mention the 90s. The one anime she does even mention is rewatching Toradora, a late 2000s anime.

>> No.46604262
File: 95 KB, 447x447, Shut up jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, same goes for literally loads of hobbies, such as video games. Yeah no shit there is great anime that is timeless and classic, but that era was also full of garbage shovelware schlock that nobody remembers or cares about. Obviously people only remember the good stuff, and the people who have these opinions conveniently forget all of the actual trash from that era and discount good modern anime like Cyberpunk, Megalobox, and Demon Slayer.

>> No.46604269

Every movie and TV show now has disgusting CGI and nonwhites everywhere. Gross.

>> No.46604298
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>good modern anime like Cyberpunk

>> No.46604331


>> No.46604335

These people are homobeggars.

>> No.46604343

>crying about "nonwhites" in an anime thread
You know Japanese people aren't white either right? Fucking clown LMAO

>> No.46604406


>> No.46604460
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They ofc are honorary aryans

>> No.46604544

You are in the minority, cry about it niggers

>> No.46604653

I'm starting to realize I've been sleeping on manga for too long. You read manga and you don't have to worry about garbage animation or the adaptation ending after one season and never getting a conclusion. You get the whole story.
I used to be one of those people who preferred anime for the colors and the voice acting and didn't read much manga, but I'm starting to finally see the appeal of manga. Books too, but most LNs are genuinely awful compared to real books, so you have to choose wisely. I've always been a book enjoyer.

>> No.46604809
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>popular = good

>> No.46604873
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This anon speaks the truth. Even the anime of the same era was better that Cowboy Bebop. GTO, Hajime no Ippo, Kare Kano blows it out of the water. It only had the benefit of being brought in by Toonami

>> No.46604932

>How come the past 20 years of anime are better than this single season
I wonder when they will figure this one out

>> No.46605019
File: 38 KB, 476x687, 1675422227392287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elfen Lied
>School Days
>Fullmetal Alchemist 03

Jesus Christ, this list is shit

>> No.46605062

I see a lot of people saying Cowboy Bebop is bad, but I don't see anyone saying WHY Cowboy Bebop is supposedly bad. What's wrong with it?

>> No.46605071

Anon, in the 90s every bad anime was just some variation on power scaling shounen crap or harem because this was popular.
In the 2000s every bad anime was just some eroge adaption or moefaggotery.
It's called trends, Isekai will die one day and be replaced with something else that's retarded.

>> No.46605127

>It's called trends, Isekai will die one day and be replaced with something else that's retarded.

>> No.46605227

you grew up

>> No.46605288

There's just as much good anime now as there was back then, maybe more, but it also requires more of a filter. In 1997, all TV shows and OVAs combined, there were only 40 titles total. Whole year. 40. Some of the OVAs were only two episodes long. Fast forward 25 years, it's 2022, there's more than 40 shows airing per season, four seasons a year. Averages around 50 shows per season last I checked, not counting net animations or OVAs.

There's a lot more noise now. Filtering through what's worth watching takes longer. Even just listening to other people's opinions, it's hard to dig through all the shit, there's more points of reference to remember. The past isn't necessarily better but it was easier to find "just the good stuff."

>> No.46605377

Its bogged down by its episodic formula with it having great episodes then a shit episode later. It's not bad but it is mediocre and done better by shows like Trigun who did the same formula but used it as good buildup and character development to the final conflict with less episodes no less

>> No.46605414

You retards need to watch megalo box and be quiet

>> No.46605478
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>popular = good
My point still stands, most people disregard all of modern anime just because the majority is shit, this is nothing new.

>> No.46605510

>Bocchi the Rock
Every faggot and his grandmother is shilling this, so much so that I'm skeptical.

>> No.46605531

Isekai is worse because it's literally all wish fulfillment.
>Wow instead of being a 40yo wagie I wish I was a 16 year old princess with laser eyes
There is no hero's journey or meaningful conflict because the story is driven by constant dei ex machinum to contrive a way for the MC to win.

>> No.46605558

Honestly vtubers killed anime for me
I used to watch every single anime that came out, even the shit ones, now I watch maybe 2 series per season

>> No.46605571

People are just too lazy/retarded to filter and just judge the whole anime landscape now. The job of TV syndications was finding the good and profitable in the japanese market to bring to the west. Now that they're gone, its the people's job to find what they like and they're crying about the amount of media they can now freely consume.

>> No.46605587

I don't care much for anime stories because it's often retarded. What I like about anime is the sakuga, and modern tech and techniques allow for more of that good, braindead action entertainment. Rin's sidekick is wrong.

>> No.46605658
File: 201 KB, 356x387, 1679231739873044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do people keep recommending the most current popular thing?!

>> No.46605696

>Brother makes me watch another dumb anime every time I see him
>Says I need to see this new boxing anime since I love MMA
>"It's like the anime version of Rocky"
>Fucking dude hasn't even seen Rocky
>Watch first 2 episodes
>Every important detail is told explicitly to the viewer at least twice
>MC is much better than his opponents and doesn't afraid of anything!
>Literally no understandfing of fighting mechanics is demonstrated, just dudes punching each other (but some can punch faster!)
>Dumb exoskeleton gimmick that does nothing
>This shit happens every single time he shows me something
Last time it was Devilman Crybaby, now Megalovania. How do I get him to stop watching this crap?

>> No.46605842

>le old anime = good!
90% of old anime is also bad, it's just that nobody could be bothered to translate them so you don't know they exist. There are more good anime from the 00's and the 10's than all the good anime from pre-2000 combined.

>> No.46606003

Okay so some of you guys are showing you don't know a lot about old anime because a lot of absolute garbage got translated in the 80s and 90s but you could only find it dubbed, on VHS tapes (is there anyone besides me on this board even old enough to remember these) in the video store. So people didn't get it given to them for free on Toonami and they didn't even know about it. But it did get translated and released officially.

>> No.46606384

my strategy of lagging behind like 6 seasons has some legs. nobody's talking about Spy x Family or Demon Slayer season 2 anymore, so I've deprioritized them on my list.

>> No.46606661
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Outlaw Star > Cowboy Bebop
Ctarl-ctarl vtuber when?

>> No.46606758

Anime was always bad but it became even worse the last 5-10 years. Originals went down the shitter in both quality and amount, and now half of every season is shitty adaptions of soulless isekai garbage, that I'm better off reading anyway. Seriously, what was the last original source anime that took off and people actually got hyped over? I can only think of Kill la Kill, and that ended up being a disappointing wet fart by the end anyway. The best you get now is FOTM meme waifus and WSJ shit, which is pretty fucking grim.

>> No.46606873
File: 196 KB, 1440x810, FqgHWFJWcAEteT1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime sucks? Come watch tokusatsu instead. We've had what might be our greatest seasons currently and the past few years.

>> No.46606923

Oh yeah, I'm sure I'll love watching a bunch of grown men running around in plastic suits.

>> No.46607035

You already watch a bunch of grown women pretending to be kids with sliding pictures. Not too far off.

>> No.46607071

Good anime still gets made, you just have to shift through the shit to find it while with old anime it's already common knowledge which series have stood the test of time
Vivy -Fluorite Eye's Song- was fucking kino for instance

>> No.46607073

??? I don't know what you're referring to.

>> No.46607133

I liked Deca-dence, Akudama Drive and Vivy.

>> No.46607182

Kyo of all people had this Vivy thing in his favorites. I'm not sure what to make of it because I've never seen anyone else name it as a favorite anime.

>> No.46607312

Because during the late 80s and early to late 00s, animation studios still made the effort to target their anime toward a wider audience, not just otaku. That's why you got adult-themed anime like CB, funny stuff like FLCL, action stuff like DBZ, and even harmless stuff like Doraemon. There was money in appealing to a wider audience because those audiences had money.
Then the effects of Japan's bubble economy caught on to the industry. Less and less 'normal' people watched anime or bought merch, and the space was being filled more by otaku who are willing to not only watch but pay for merch. Otaku that prefer fanservice, escapist plots, chuuni-tier lore and such. That's why after the late 2000s, you saw a shift toward these tastes in anime, which repelled 'normal' audiences further.
I'm not saying that otaku becoming the dominant market demographic of anime in the last 30 years is bad; I'm just saying that the quality of anime today reflects the preferences of its audience. Can't blame them for going to where the money is.

>> No.46607318

no idea who this Kyo is but Vivy's very good. Good enough to make me watch weekly back then despite not into following still airing shows.

>> No.46607375

But Dragon Ball was the good show, DBZ was the decline into mediocrity and influenced many other terrible series to come, sorry third worlders and ghetto kids.

>> No.46607405

Chainsaw Man. Genuinely beautiful visuals, incredible directing, great music, great voice acting, and a fun script that knows when to take itself seriously. Arguably one of the best anime to come out in the last few years. Also take note of the people who will inevitably respond to me shitting on it without offering any real criticism. Most hate it simply because its popular.

>> No.46607485

>no criticism at all just "its popular therefore its bad"
Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.46607509

It's kind of surprising that Chainsaw Man is as popular as it is considering its whole thing is basically just shitting on all the anime tropes that people like. It's one of those things where logically everyone should have hated it but they didn't.

>> No.46607560

It's not even anime.

>> No.46607590

>drawn and animated by Studio Trigger and directed by Imaishi
It's anime.

>> No.46607595

Wrong. chuubas that have never watched anime or read manga need to get out
you also don't remember all the shit ass garbage from the 90s and 00s so it looks great

>> No.46607705

Sure and I bet you think Castlevania is anime too.

>> No.46607812

Kyo is basically Eminem but a VTuber. This is his full list of favorites for reference:
>Steins;Gate, Vivy : Fluorite Eye's Song, Noragami, The Promised Neverland, Charlotte, Your Lie in April, Psycho-Pass, Kokoro Connect, Orange, Naruto, Clannad
Still I'll check it out and see what it's all about, I'm curious now.

>> No.46607917

>made and drawn by americans
>animated in Korea
Its a cartoon.

>> No.46607987

as far as lists go, that's pretty good.

>> No.46608062

Anime shows have increased to death. Compared to the 90s now the amount is probably more than three or four times. So automatically garbage increases plus modern audiences don't watch serious shows. A mecha anime show called Obsolete was so fucking good with very realistic geopolitics, decent criticisms of the modern society, and great characters but nobody watched it. No western media gave it attention despite it being so international without cheesy globohomo garbage. So ofc the project was probably cancelled.

>> No.46608137

So it's all semantics with you then. Fucking hypocrite.

>> No.46608183

>Tsukikage Ran
>90's anime
>First aired January 26th 2000

>> No.46608212

Nope. If the primary team is in america, it's a cartoon. If the primary team working on it is in japan, it's an anime.

Cyberpunk Edgerunners is anime.
Castlevania is a cartoon.
Simple as.

>> No.46608228

Simple as what? Finish the sentence.

>> No.46608246

>worse than CLANG tier dogshit 3d
I wonder why no one watched it.

>> No.46608247

>90's anime

>> No.46608278

>Obsolete was so fucking good with very realistic geopolitics, decent criticisms of the modern society, and great characters but nobody watched it.
Concrete Revolutio is probably way better than whatever that is.

>> No.46608316

Simple as.

>> No.46608363

this has to be bait

>> No.46608381
File: 442 KB, 1440x1080, 1652182045862593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey dudes check out this cool """anime"""
- You

>> No.46608453

cowboy bebop isn't even that good. its solid but nowhere near as good as people hype it up to.
and don't get me started on evangelion.

>> No.46608497

Obsolete doesn't have typical Anime characters. Its much closer to serious shows like Patlabor 2, Akira, Ghost in the shell etc. Mecha genre wise it's similar to Votoms and Front Mission.

>> No.46608519

Name one anime that's better than Evangelion.

>> No.46608591

NTA but I liked this one

>> No.46608593

Gundam 079

>> No.46608652

oh no the /m/ brainrot has gone too far

>> No.46608666

You didn't watch it. Don't know at all about the stories. Its a show with low budgets obviously, and redditors like you never watch it since its not a blockbuster show.

>> No.46608722

>good anime
Kindly kill yourself.

>> No.46608830

Even on /m/ people will shit on great shows with great writing just because the budget was poor. I thought Argevollen was excellent but it was impossible to discuss on /m/. And of course everywhere else people dismissed it as "generic" (a criticism that makes no sense, and of course nobody could answer which anime it was supposedly ripping off). People use "generic" to mean "I don't like it" even when the series is genuinely breaking the mold. I won't spoil it but try it out if you're looking for something different.

>> No.46608870
File: 2.19 MB, 1920x1080, 1680406177458346.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I watched fucking Hikari no Ou and watch plenty of 2d shit with dogshit animation.
I'm not going bleed my eyes on worse than Berserk 2016 tier 3d garbage. I don't care how good the story is.

>> No.46608903

Please tell me this is a far off shot that is massively zoomed in.

>> No.46608905

Read a book if you don't care about the visuals.

>> No.46608924
File: 2.24 MB, 960x540, 1675240857638092.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not. The show is actually that jank.

>> No.46608945

90s had
>Gundam(Wing,Victor, G, Afer War X)
>Golden boy
>Outlaw star
>Yu yu hakusho
>His and Her Circumstances
>Slam dunkj
>Initial D
>Big O
>Shin Chan

2000s was pretty good but doesn't reach this level
2010-2020 doesn't even come close

>> No.46608967

That's unfortunately what most anime looks like these days. Anime simply doesn't look as good as it did in the 90s and that's because they moved to soulless computer animation.

>> No.46608978
File: 657 KB, 626x896, witch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to push Cardcaptor Sakura as post 2009 by using the blu-ray rerelease cover
Fucking zoomer hands made this bullshit trying to larp as an oldfag. Get the FUCK off my lawn you piece of shit.

>> No.46609007

Look very closely at the lower left corner of the image.

>> No.46609018


>> No.46609037

Jesas. I'm all for stylistically jank animation (Ping Pong is my favorite anime), but this is just sad.

>> No.46609040

Okay. Then by all means, continue to look like a retard.

>> No.46609055

Gets me every time

>> No.46609072

gona give it a watch and if its shit i will hunt you down and break all your kits

>> No.46609085

ping pong isn't stylistically jank

>> No.46609118

>I thought Argevollen was excellent
It had interesting themes and was slightly more intelligent than the shows of it's surrounding seasons but it was still typical anime bullshit

>> No.46609120

Sad to see people just talk about isekai and ignore the change in artstyle, digital and now cgi are fucking cancer.
We need more vtubers with models that look like they are from the 90s and early 2000s.

>> No.46609164

The team was a bunch of industry veterans too. Pretty sure it was passion project on a starvation budget.

You might as well say Aku no Hana wasn't stylistically jank.

>> No.46609166

Censorship of course. A lot of brutal scene from original Saint Seiya would be force to delete these days. Even Ghibli complain about it. Creative freedom is being limited more and more.
The only loli ecchi anime in the last season is the tranny one. In better times you can have legends like Kodomo no Jikan or Moe tan

>> No.46609236

2000s and 2010s had extremely popular and iconic anime, moreso than 90s but not necessarily better overall as a decade in terms of storytelling or animation

Aku no Hana wasn't stylistically jank either, they thought the rotoscoping would look better than it did and it didn't

>> No.46609241

Aku no Hana was a hideous rotoscoped monstrosity. Ping Pong had an unusual artstyle but it was actually very well animated, almost entirely hand drawn animation.

>> No.46609256

>Laziest bait post of the month and we're just starting the month jfc

>> No.46609286

Nigga don't you even know the most tragic isekai ima, soro boku ni iru? And super depressing Bokurano. Current anime these days no longer tackle those hot social problem anymore

>> No.46609320

Judging from what happened with Sana, we absolutely do not need that

>> No.46609327

webgen animation killed anime

>> No.46609380

Real Steel >>>>>> Megalobox

>> No.46609457

I find it hard to consider Now and Then, Here and There isekai because it was made long before the "isekai boom". When people are shitting on isekai I completely understand that they mean modern isekai where literally every anime is interchangeable and they have obnoxious titles with "isekai" in the title because they insist on being self aware about it, and there's always some dumb video game mechanics involved in the premise. And NaTHaT doesn't do any of that, it really is just a story about a boy that gets pulled into a post-apocalyptic world and what happens as a result.

>> No.46609491
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>censorship brutal scenes
thank god the new Bleach season was brutal as fuck, no censorship heads rolling and such

That said I kinda agree with the "old anime good new anime bad". Roughly since Madoka only bleach, vivy's fluorite song and cyberpunk edgerunners had caught my attention.
But most of all I miss experimental and arthouse anime like you wouldn't believe. Genius Party, Lain, Haibane Renmei and so on.

>> No.46609547

Agreed, there's a huge difference between old isekai and modern trend isekai. Just look at .hack compared to SAO.
It's like comparing Persona 2 to Persona 5. Appeal devours all semblance of depth.

>> No.46609651

>I find it hard to consider Now and Then, Here and There isekai because it was made long before the "isekai boom"
I agree but it falls under the connotation/denotation distinction
Isekai as we think of it now is stereotypically just a power fantasy, a guy coming to a new world after probably dying and then leading a life as the strongest overpowered person there with a harem.
However Isekai as a term simply means another world, as in a character ending up in another world from where they started (the other world being a completely separated universe or timeline otherwise Inuyasha and others would qualify as Isekai)

Both Escaflowne and NaTHaT fall into Isekai

>> No.46609681

>tfw we never got Jinrui season 2 but the stream of isekai never ends

>> No.46609689
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My favorite isekai

>> No.46609708


>> No.46609727

I enjoy the CSM manga but as an anime adaptation I found it to be a little disappointing. Chapter skips apart, I'm just not a fan of all the ugly 3D.

BTR is one of the best SoLs to come out in recent years. Genuinely fun to watch and you can tell how much the animation studio enjoyed it too given how much they add on to the original 4-koma source material. I actually enjoyed watching BTR more than K-On.

>> No.46609928
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it's an abstract kind of hell

>> No.46609930

Easy. Cowboy Bebop. I could list another twenty off the top of my head too, eva isn't even good. muh hedghog dillemna much deep very sadge. It's only interesting for all the meta stuff surrounding it.

>> No.46609941

2011 alone had Fate/Zero, Steins;Gate, Madoka Magica, Nichijou, anohana and the K-ON movie.
Also Gundam Wing is shit and I say this as Gundam fan.

>> No.46609949

>Cowboy Bebop is bad
>Cowboy Bebop is good

>> No.46609976

Whatever we say you would respond with
>its popular therefore its good

>> No.46609988

Try Golden Kamuy too. If you get past the ugly ass CGI bear in the first episode the rest is great.

>> No.46609999
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you forgot Mawaru Penguindrum.
That year was stacked as hell, plus the tsunami and fukushima happenings greatly enhanced the madoka experience.

>> No.46610009

You should mention Kaiba also

>> No.46610019

>Elfen Lied
One of my first anime purchases were Elfen Lied and Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu back in 2003/4, not sure why I bought em maybe I saw a review in Newtype magazine, but yeah I wouldn't put Elfen Lied in the pantheon of good anime, however I liked the gore and tittys so there's that

>> No.46610025

Anime peaked with K-On!

>> No.46610027

What is your opinion of Witch from Mercury? I'm curious about it but I'm hesitant because it's written by Ichiro Okouchi, who has quite possibly one of the worst track records in anime, I've never watched a show from him that didn't turn out to be a complete disaster. I keep seeing people recommend it but I worry it's one of those situations where a mecha series pulls in non-mecha fans who then proceed to act as if it's the greatest thing they've ever seen, like Code Geass (another Okouchi show, what a surprise).

>> No.46610060

you see she's not jew, she just works for jews like any other american

>> No.46610061

On the contrary I didn't finish Madoka for like a year because the tsunami caused it to be delayed so that nearly ruined Madoka for me.

>> No.46610103
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oh for sure, I fucking loved Kaiba too.
I just named a few, there's also SZS and so on

>> No.46610121

Elfen Lied isn't amazing but it does have one of the coolest OPs in anime history.

>> No.46610164

NaTHaT introduce clash of ideal between modernism and dictactorship. The boy don't has more power but he receive help from the goddess, not much different from re zero or konosuba mc

>> No.46610202

I think it's still too early on to give an impression but the last couple episodes finally went somewhere other than school so I'm hopeful.

>> No.46610213

Harem isn't wish fulfillment?

>> No.46610243
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that delay period was kino though, all the /a/ speculation and edits were gold

>> No.46610267

>having a bunch of women in love with you and you have to choose one of them but the others will hate and/or kill you if you don't choose them
Sounds more like a nightmare to me.

>> No.46610301

Before that they have Army of Darkness

>> No.46610319

>Dying and finding out the afterlife is being reincarnated into a medieval society with slavery and monsters
Nightmare scenario too if you think about it.

>> No.46610341

I remember before isekai it was battle highschool harem or "moeshit" that was "all anime is now". Now zoomers see it as a golden age. You paid more attention to curating for ones that weren't what you don't like back then and now you are too lazy or busy, that's all that changed.

>> No.46610492

I'm pretty sure that's not what he meant. he probably meant it references its own tropes too much.

>> No.46610500

Of course idiots who watch english twitch streamers don't know anything about anime. You probably watch trash taste too.

>> No.46610565

review Devilman Crybaby, too.

>> No.46610605

Trigun is clearly better than Cowboy Bebop but you ain't ready for that conversation

Also Evangelion was an experience. You had to be there at the time. Zoomers will never understand it

>> No.46610668

I find Outlaw Star more comparable to Cowboy Bebop.
I'm not sure what Trigun is comparable to.

>> No.46610672

People seem to gloss over the harem and weebshit in Steins Gate beyond the self referential stuff
At it's heart it's still a dating sim
Not even in the running for one of the best anime of all time
Too many plotholes to be considered one of the best animes of all time
>K-ON movie
CGDCT was never good, only pedos liked that shit

>> No.46610717

>CGDCT was never good, only pedos liked that shit
Vshojo cuck detected

>> No.46610736

>CGDCT was never good
extremely wrong, things like Hidamari Sketch are gold
>weebshit, pedos
are you an old shonenfag or a toonami normie?

>> No.46610742

Gundam Wing is the benchmark which all other Gundam shows are measured by.

>> No.46610771

>I'm not sure what Trigun is comparable to.
Gun Frontier? Desert Punk kinda?

>> No.46610773

your point doesn't make much sense, the characters and "hype" moments seem like they'd draw people in well enough.

>> No.46610785

The worst thing about K-ON is that it was right after KyoAni had pissed off a bunch of people with Endless Eight. Its success singlehandedly saved KyoAni from bankruptcy.

>> No.46610804
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>tfw zoomers will never experience watching Bubblegum Crisis, Gunsmith Cats and Patlabor on VHS
I pity them honestly

>> No.46610823

Oh yeah I can't wait to watch all 3 episodes of Gunsmith Cats. That is a manga.

>> No.46610826

kek, no. some people just require more than "cute". humor, for instance.

>> No.46610828

>out of nowhere
>le pedos

>> No.46610890
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>Thinks he is above CGDCT
>Watches vtubers which are entirely based on the CGDCT genre
Who the fuck do you think you're kidding? Unless you watch some absolute trash like Veibae you're watching live Idolmaster

>> No.46610903

Anyone who uses the phrase "you ain't ready for that conversation" here wasn't here for that. You are a larper.

>> No.46610956

I would say the same if it was guys instead
all "healing" anime and SOL anime featuring all girls cast are literally designed to appeal to pedos and guys who've never interacted with women before
They're not good, don't have interesting writing, don't have engaging dialogue, don't have unique characters, and don't have well crafted narratives.
At best you could say they have good direction, but that's it and that's not enough to make a series good or even great if everything else is lacking

In terms of sheer volume, Hidamari Sketch values comedy and humor over cute for cute sake. K-On/NNB/etc. all prioritize cute girls for the sake of seeing cute girls
Hidamari Sketch doesn't fall in line with K-On
>are you an old shonenfag or a toonami normie?
Shounen encompasses more than battle, including Death Note/Bakuman/Slam Dunk etc. but no I prefer narrative/dialogue/plot driven shows over SOL however SOL isn't bad inherently it just depends on the intent

The same crowd of people who will shit on western kids cartoons and western kids media but has no problem watching equally low substance ridden anime
No need to pretend to be obtuse, CGDCT viewers are pedos at worst and weirdos at best

>> No.46610957

4chan did not exist at the time Evangelion aired.

>> No.46611009

Getting big femcel vibes off this post

>> No.46611024
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Anime as a storytelling medium is subpar and limited. Most of the works anime fans parade around as "the classics" are just kitsch.

The only good anime is escapism. It doesn't pretend to be something it's not. It doesn't lie. That's why generic isekai from 2010s and 2020s > 90s anime.

>> No.46611032

That's only if you watch Hololive and ignore that 99% of their content is just playing games

>> No.46611057

>guys who've never interacted with women before
I've interacted with women
they're nothing interesting or worth pursuing

>> No.46611063

I'm laughing at how blind he is. Oh look he used double standards.

>> No.46611073
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>That's only if you watch Hololive
Why would anyone watch anything other than Hololive?

>> No.46611091

Many reasons

>> No.46611102

yet you will watch SOL anime about their uninteresting lives in their uninteresting situations
it doesn't add up

>> No.46611108

Based Holostars watcher.

>> No.46611112

There's nothing that will redpill you faster on the worthlessness of women than interacting with them. On the contrary it's only the desperate who put them on pedestals as something worth spending time and money on

>> No.46611134

Name 5.

>> No.46611139

Who do you think provides the voices for the girls in your precious SOL anime?

>> No.46611205

no, I watch anime about an ideal version of a woman that doesn't exist, without all the retarded cringe shit
that's like saying "you like medieval fantasy yet you wouldn't like to actually shit in the woods and die of the bubonic plague"

>> No.46611215

Well, this thread has turned from interesting anime discussion to brain damaged people praising garbage moeshit and spouting off /r9k/ bullshit, so I'm out of here. Thanks to those anons who provided the actual good recs earlier in the thread, that should tide me over for a while.

>> No.46611256

>Y-you guys are stupid, I-I'm leaving!

>> No.46611297 [SPOILER] 
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Don't lump my boys in with him.

>> No.46611327

Yet worshipping fake women is good?
No different than the harem watchers they despise because at the end of the day both are wish fulfillment, but they take superiority because their wish fulfilment isn't a bunch of women going after a self insert guy, their wish fulfilment is women who aren't whores/sluts and act like innocent trad maids.

>that's like saying "you like medieval fantasy yet you wouldn't like to actually shit in the woods and die of the bubonic plague"
You're mistaking the effect for the cause
You're not a pedo because you watch CGDCT, you watching CGDCT is just an indicator you are one
Yeah you watch SOL to escape from real life whores to pure women?
Why would that matter in a fictional show?
As you said with your medieval fantasy hypothetical, you can separate right? But you can't, it's all based on your real life views, not your views of the media in terms of writing
You are literally drawn to these shows because it fills your need for pedo content of pure women are retarded like children

>> No.46611352

wtf? Where did that shit come from

>> No.46611374
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ITT: Middle aged foid coping with being unwanted

>> No.46611412

You brought that upon yourself the moment you gave K-ON unprompted and ignorant criticism.
No mention of the quality music, saying there's no humor. You seriously thought it was tremendously popular in Japan for people of both genders by pulling a love live and pandering to guys?

>> No.46611439

Don't bother with him anymore anon. He's just desperate to demonize people as pedos. Signs of an actual pedo.

>> No.46611504

>dating sim
Why are normalfags obsessed with calling things "dating sims"? It's a genre of its own and they are extremely rare.

>> No.46611512 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46611609

The CGI is awful and it even worse than Kado

>> No.46611624


>> No.46611625

I’m not gonna lie, I don’t even remember what the last honest to god dating sim was. To be fair, I haven’t checked lately, but it still feels like the small niche they have basically fizzled out and got taken over by games with very light dating elements.

>> No.46611629

Yeah I prefer samurai champloo. More style

>> No.46611648

Go back to /a/ you guys

>> No.46611659

Vtubers are anime

>> No.46611665

>Whatever happened to all the GOOD anime
Ironic commentary reflecting on something a Jew corp owned vtuber says considering anime, like all artistic endeavors, became worse when artistic vision and skill took a backseat to just making money

>> No.46611666

Legend of Galactic Heroes

>> No.46611697

Not what western vtubers with feelings and autonomy said

>> No.46611716

Woke tranny detected

>> No.46611743

This dumb bitch calls them "animes", the plural of anime is just anime.

>> No.46611767

Most eroge start with dating, chud

>> No.46611788

Anniemays and mangoes

>> No.46611833

How do I even shill this to a modern fan who is neutral to space opera

>> No.46611845

The irony being normies stuck in the 2000s where everything is tokimeki

>> No.46611860

they're not strictly based on that, retards, some of them are actually funny (even in Hololive). maybe you should try to look beyond that?

I'm not a fan of vtubers who are only cute, but anime that only or mostly tries to be cute is worse, since it could try to be good art, but wastes the opportunity.

>> No.46611865

Fruits Basket was good, and I liked Lovely Complex. My little monster seemed like it was going somewhere but never got another season.

>> No.46611911

I'm looking for a good old stat raising dating sim, what's a good one?

>> No.46611971

>Fruits Basket was good
nta but Fruits Basket was gay, basically Twilight except Zodiac animals. I have no opinion on Lovely Complex or MLM since I don't watch romcoms

>> No.46611990

I’m really more thinking of a specific game style, but like I said I’ve hardly checked. I think the most recent kind I’ve played was EraToho and it’s mainly text based.

>> No.46611996

It's impossible to recommend LoGH to someone who likes modern anime. It is so completely different from anything that is being made these days. They simply will not enjoy it and will call it boring. Only recommend LoGH to someone who doesn't watch anime because they are the only people who have the potential to appreciate its greatness.

>> No.46612081

The Trigun remake literally just came out a few months ago

>> No.46612134

I want to see how people would react to Otoyomegatari

>> No.46612142

NTA, but I've been meaning to watch it, how does it hold up to the original? ngl the art style threw me off of it at first.

>> No.46612192

It's actually pretty damn good.

>> No.46612275

>how does it hold up to the original
A complete bastardization. Its good as its own thing but lacks the spirit of the original.

>> No.46612279

Alright, I'm hard, and sold, time to go binge it.

>> No.46612286

Anohana is just Kanon with less likeable characters

>> No.46612317

>Its good as its own thing.
At this point I'll take that over them remaking something to a T and it still being bad, at least it should be a fun watch..

>> No.46612367

Stop posting the blacked whore.

>> No.46612399

I hate the look of 3D CG animation especially in close/tight shots with a lot of movement, doesn't exaggerate stuff or blur enough of the details to give fuller feel of animation. Great for games, still images, and enhancing hand drawn stuff but when it's majority of the animation in a scene it just looks really stiff to me.

>> No.46612457
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Nijisanji > Hololive

>> No.46612534

Isn't the thing with Trigun that it had an original Trigun manga, just called Trigun, and that's what the original anime is based on. But not long after the original anime he started something called Trigun Maximum which is a completely different thing and doesn't resemble the anime at all. So I'd imagine people would still find it pretty different if it were a faithful adaptation of that one.

>> No.46612535

I'm actually laughing at this list. Truly a perfect example of rose tinted glass, especially the obvious ones like onizuka, cardcaptor, ranma, and slayers.
I like those shows but it's literally just "unique teacher", "mahou shoujo", "genderbender", and "weeb-ish fantasy"

In a more modern setting, that's just assassination classroom or denpa kyoushi if you want more human teacher, Prisma Illya (lol), ayakashi triangle, and DanMachi

>> No.46612603

Gundam 079 is not very good.
A lot of what it did was very novel and it had a real influence on the medium, but onlike many classics that are remembered not only for what they did first, but for what they did well, Gundam merely did it first.
Dagram does the same thing, but better, and Eva is in a league of its own.

>> No.46613005

It's 0079. And yeah, the problem with Gundam 0079 is that it ended up having a lot of executive meddling and it got canceled so they had to rush an ending. If you want to read something interesting, there's a novel of 0079 called Mobile Suit Gundam: Awakening, Escalation, Confrontation that has a lot of the things Tomino wanted to put in the actual anime and it's very creative, things were done in that novel that have still not been done in Gundam to this day.

>> No.46613295

watch kyousougiga

>> No.46613674

Novel or manga?
And there were so many spelling mistakes in my post that missing a 0 was the least of them.

>> No.46613781

The spelling mistakes didn't bother me but the fact that both posts said "079" made it seem like that was intentional to me so I had to correct it. Anyway, it's an actual novel. There's probably a PDF of it out there somewhere.

>> No.46613850

Serial Experiment Lain.

>> No.46613973

Didn't it do very poorly in Japan?

>> No.46614022

I finally watched the Eva rebuilds recently and was told by one of my old friends that I wouldn't understand the last movie and that I would hate it because "it hates you for enjoying the original series".
I watched it, felt like it made perfect sense and really enjoyed it. I loved the original show too, so I don't really have any idea what he was getting at. He told me to watch the rebuilds so that I could get mad with him about them, but I honestly liked all of them. I especially enjoyed the third and fourth ones.

>> No.46614079

That would make a metric shit ton of sense.

>> No.46614091
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>> No.46614103

Sounds like he was mad about The Last Jedi and tried to apply the same criticisms to Evangelion LMAO. TLJ is shit but sometimes people are just contrarians to everything new and think everyone is out to get them.

>> No.46614123


>> No.46614188

Psychopass s1

>> No.46614229

I don't think you're really off base here! It was like he was describing a completely different movie than the one I watched. I've never felt threatened by a movie before, let alone to the degree he was implying that I would. His insistence that I wouldn't understand the movie just kinda made me realize how god damn dumb that guy is.

>> No.46614260

Every time I see someone complaining about TLJ and start ranting about characters I wonder if there's something with me that the main thing I don't like about the movie is it's structure and wasting at least 30 minutes of the movie with the casino segment for the weakest Aesop I've ever seen as the payoff.
The Tatami Galaxy

>> No.46614297

If there's something wrong with you, it's the same exact thing that's wrong with me. I actually liked The Last Jedi aside from the casino planet B plot. I really loved everything they did with Luke and love the ending shot of the movie.

>> No.46614326
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>no mention of Hellsing or the remake or Inukami
the absolute state

>> No.46614424

Basically that. And how the movie was directed, specially how they sequenced the scenes and how fragmented the whole story was when it didn't need to. The themes, characters, photography, score, all good.

>> No.46614520

This happens in all genres in all countries. Though Anime still manages to keep it's own quality compared to western entertainments that are full of woke garbage, soulless computer generated trash, and shoddy remake shit.

>> No.46614609

Is there a reason why you posted a picture of Shigofumi while not mentioning it by name?

>> No.46615166

The east has fallen.

>> No.46615408
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>And DBZ
And you consider that good? Pfff

>> No.46616654

The funny thing is the remake is faithful to what the author originally intended unlike the original which didn’t follow the source material which makes this comment even more bizarre

>> No.46616723

So it's kind of like FMA Brotherhood but for Trigun?

>> No.46618836

the editing is obnoxious

>> No.46619105

>female lead

>> No.46619560

Men are worthless. Women get shit done.

>> No.46620503

>BTR is one of the best SoLs
Skipped. I have no time watching shit with no plot.
Thanks for reminding me about Ping Pong. Been planning to watch it since forever.

>> No.46623298

Its K-ON but it takes liberties adapting the source material and adding trippy visuals to it. Its nowhere near as good as people make it to be but in a current industry in which crunching "1 to 1 faithful manga panels as still frames" its fun seeing the studio have fun with it.

>> No.46624169


They simply don't make anime like this anymore.

>> No.46625325

DBZ was an unbearably bad anime, it's the manga that was good. Citing it as a good anime is sufficient evidence of your complete inability to assess the quality of a series to ignore your opinions on all forms of media.

>> No.46625484

I think Dragon Ball Z was a good anime, but I also think it's a show for kids. The Dragon Ball anime was pretty good too.

>> No.46626043

There's still stuff like Vinland Saga and Inuyashiki coming out nowadays though

>> No.46626414

You guys know that in Japan the anime is not called Dragon Ball Z at all, the Z was added for the English dub. This is because it was dubbed first with the original "Dragon Ball" not dubbed until much later, as it was thought to be more appealing to western audiences.

>> No.46626461

People like Inuyashiki? 200 episodes of him yelling "KAGOME!" and this is your idea of a good anime?

>> No.46626704

KYS Schlomo

>> No.46626756

Spam more threads to raise those numbers, pedoanon.
Surely 100k within this year.

>> No.46626782

I dont like her but based

>> No.46626830

You haven't heard? Rin already passed 200k. It's over. Idol won.

>> No.46626848

No, the anime actually was branded as Dragon Ball Z. The anime that adapts everything up until Chi-Chi and Goku's wedding was called Dragon Ball. The manga was only ever called Dragon Ball.

>> No.46626873

Then why was the remake called "Dragon Ball Kai" but the dub of it was called "Dragon Ball Z Kai"?

>> No.46626934

Because they showed Dragon Ball Z on TV over here before they ever aired Dragon Ball, and Dragon Ball Z has more brand recognition over here than just Dragon Ball. Please believe me; I was alive for all of this. I watched these shows when they were on TV.

>> No.46626939


>> No.46627007

You're right. People forget just how much trash was produced. It's easy to remember all the real good shit, and there was plenty of it in the 10's as well. The peoblem is everyone posting here has easy access to just about everything released now with either fan or official subtitles and sometimes dubs. Back then you had a much slimmer selection as an EOP so you just enjoyed what you could get and didn't have to get a ton of the chaff that got left on VHS's that are burried on some guys collection or in a shop in Akibahara.

>> No.46627048

Are you genuinely retarded?

>> No.46627071

Here you go, dummy.

>> No.46627078

He's not wrong...

>> No.46628585

trannies attach themselves to anything popular, it's part of their grooming strategy

>> No.46628801

I had hoped that the remake would help but they fucked it up completely.
Nowadays I just consider the dated animation as a way to gatekeep braindead "muh graphics" folks.
I reccced it to one of my friends along with Code Geass, and stated all the animation caveats beforehand - and shilled it as a better version of Code Geass, which he liked.
He's into like episode 35 or so right now, and he said he got used to the animation eventually.

>> No.46628953

If you were a new Star Wars fan without any of the baggage of the old series, I could see why you might have liked parts of it - especially Luke's arc.
But "Luke Skywalker" was not a new character created for just the sequel series. He was an already established character, with a huge fanbase of old star wars fans who watched the movie to see the version of Luke from the original.
The version of Luke in the sequels was basically akin to Fat Thor from Endgame. Completely out of character, and doing shit that "Luke" would never do. You might find him funny if that was the first movie you saw him in, but for people who saw the old version of the character, it would be a spit on their face.

>> No.46628985

I can't believe a stealth /a/ thread reached bump limit on /vt/.

>> No.46629335

Never doubt the power of autism and necrobumps.

>> No.46629668

I forgot I was on vt for a while desu.

>> No.46629957

>Isekai Ojisan
>Sonny Boy
>Wonder Egg Priority
>Summer Time Render
Half of the list is objectively dogshit the rest is up to personal judgment.
