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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 297 KB, 1535x862, HolomeetAmbassadors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46525847 No.46525847 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.46525889

Very cute illustration

>> No.46525913


>> No.46525927


>> No.46525935

Great illustration I hope people get their lucky tickets to meet any of the talent there.

>> No.46525978

Cute art and outfits!

>> No.46526005

date irys is so goooooood

>> No.46526007

Will Irys have a corpo-mandated collab with blue boy?

>> No.46526030

Thank god it's somebody other than Mori or Kiara, why are they always the ones on the official channel or programs?

>> No.46526039

It's nice how they picked one rep from every branch too

>> No.46526041

nice picture, and I'm SURE people won't catalogue bait with it against Irys and Migo... right?

>> No.46526049

>Blue faggot breathing the same air as Miko.
Time to seethe and spam ybdbd memes, unless those are exclusive to the gray faggot.

>> No.46526053

roberu is going to fuck everyone there isnt he?

>> No.46526073

Cool more ammo for unicorn falseflaggers

>> No.46526089

Anons are doing a good job so far.

>> No.46526124


>> No.46526127

anon, his vasectomy...

>> No.46526132

gotta support the cause

>> No.46526138


>> No.46526183
File: 71 KB, 240x240, 1677296884403.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS... you're too close

>> No.46526192

it dont stop him from getting hard tho

>> No.46526204

This is just disrespectful to Miko and IRyS.
Good job Cover.

>> No.46526214

Only two that matters

>> No.46526222

Casual IRyS and Roberu look hot.

>> No.46526247
File: 348 KB, 678x621, nicemigo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys ogey?

>> No.46526441
File: 221 KB, 480x480, 1680367966781972.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

irys' dress looks really elegant
altare's outfit is a nice spin to his og design
roberu looks like a tourist
ollie's outfit is incredibly cute
and miko looks radiant as always

>> No.46526442

>Kiara is the only Myth to deliver shit on time and the one whos tasked to apologize to managers when they fuck up.
Geeeez, I wonder why...

>> No.46526447

wait ollie is the rep for ID? I kinda thought it was Risu or Kobo

>> No.46526530

People forget but Ollie was the golden child before ID3.

>> No.46526544

Nice art. A bit weird seeing Miko and Irys because you know why. But all involved here are professional except maybe, "Muh capitalism, muh for the cause" zoomie. If it were kanata everyone including her would have a fucking meltdown.

Roberto and Migo for me.

>> No.46526556


>The only one talking about holopro is Ollie


>> No.46526580

If Kanata and Pekora did not lose any fans from last week's "yab" then Miko and IRyS won't be losing any fans other than assblasted /vt/ "unicorns" that contribute nothing to Hololive but seethe endlessly at the most trivial of things like this.

>> No.46526622

Honest question for unicorns: If your girlfriend had a (purely platonic) conversation with a guy, would you feel cucked?

>> No.46526635

Altare is very professional with the girls and won’t cause any trouble with them.

>> No.46526762

In Mori's case it's because she was the only EN that could go to the studio until recently (because even though irys could join too she was too busy with recordings at the time).
In Kiara's case it's because in HoloEN only her and irys speak good Japanese.
Also let's face it, most of them are lazy.

>> No.46526768


>> No.46526826
File: 73 KB, 601x483, 1680491446252939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She never cared about you unikek

>> No.46526894

Pekora exchanged all of 1 sentence with a dude. She talked more to a mahjong pro during a promotional stream for some mahjong game in august but nobody fucking watched that because there weren't dudes in the twitter announcement picture so the fucking "anti unicorn" trolls weren't aware of it because they're all EOPS.
Also they don't know Japs don't give a shit about promotional streams.

>> No.46526967

I think, aside from Miko, each member they picked are the ones who don't get picked much.

>> No.46527001

If you told this to EOPs they would pretend as if thousands of Nousagi dropped her for this lmao

>> No.46527056

I dunno what it is about temous, but the mere sight of one of those fags makes me irrationally angry. Maybe it's the fact that tempus fans are some of the biggest piece of shit cunts in the vtuber scene. I don't have that reaction to the JP stars at all, maybe because they went through a lot of hardships and had to prove themselves while the tempus fags were given everything and treated better than the EN girls. God, I fucking hate them so much.

>> No.46527088

Those are words she could have said to me

>> No.46527092

Plus, she pretty much just did light trashtalking to the dude. So at least, if people wanted drama they could just say that she leeched off the dude's popularity in JP Minecraft, or something.

>> No.46527122
File: 111 KB, 534x894, Iryfol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She always followed Holostars. She doesn't follow anyone from Tempus. Not making a case for anything. Just pointing out the weirdness.

>> No.46527155

I think it's more likely related to you being a threadreader.

>> No.46527171

>OFFICIAL illustration of males next to NO MALES girls

It's over unicorns.

>> No.46527184


>> No.46527195

As usual /vt/ incels sperg out because of males

>> No.46527205

I would suggest that you stop coming to this board. This can’t be enjoyable for you either.

>> No.46527238

Sounds like a (You) problem

>> No.46527241

AMAZING, every word of what you just said is wrong.

but you're allowed to believe that's like your opinion man.

>> No.46527248

meanwhile in reality, the MC event probably cause 0 (zero) nousagi to drop Pekora and might have made 1-2 heimin have a legitimate melty at most out of Kanata's thousands
tho the heimin were pretty wild until Kanata explained the whole situation

>> No.46527297

>1-2 heimin
Both EOP retards from this shitboard kek

>> No.46527300

Isn't Hololive Meet basically just one on one panels? Looking at the site IRyS's profile had
>It is extremely fun as a talent to be able to talk to you guys one on one through hololive Meet events and to interact with you guys through panels and concerts, and I hope it is as fun of an experience for you as well! I’ll do what I can as an ambassador to liven up hololive Meet as a whole, so please come along with me on this fabulous journey!”
Seems pretty inoffensive.

>> No.46527352

Yes. EN "unicorns" are just looking for the smallest shit to seethe about.

>> No.46527407

reddit cucks and twitter trannies won

>> No.46527417

sounds like you have an easy life if this is the biggest issue you have

>> No.46527473

does anyone know what the previous merch was?

>> No.46527545

Unicornbros.... Not like this....

>> No.46527727

EN management strikes again, how fucking incompetent can they be to fuck up a fucking simple art commission

>> No.46527762
File: 116 KB, 1100x650, 2023-04-02 23_39_15-MomoCon Guest List 2023 - Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Momocon a good con?

>> No.46527826

I was expecting Axel.. would Regis "gotta support the cause" Altare be alright? lol

>> No.46527866

>ITT: another thread where the "anti unicorn" discord fags construct a unicorn strawman and attempt to "troll" "him" with an event where holos and homos won't interact at all
Don't you faggots get tired of trolling people that don't exist?

>> No.46527922

Take your meds and estrogen, psycho.

>> No.46527929

cover is pushing homos x holos too hard these days cope all you want but it's true

>> No.46527979

Because EN "unicorns" are a mockery to actual unicorns since they only read the catalog and bring their /pol/ garbage to the table instead of buying merch and whatnot

>> No.46528072


>> No.46528133

God bless Robe-san.

>> No.46528310

Upvote brother, and have this poorman person gold

>> No.46528326

>Everyone I don't like is /pol/: the reddit/twitter tourists guide to posting on /vt/

>> No.46528487

uh oh irystokeks

>> No.46528499

>t. Election Tourist

>> No.46528762
File: 99 KB, 400x400, 1679249994684124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at this point, I'm absolutely convinced that Yagoo gets kicks from pissing off unicorns by doing shit like this. Can't blame him tho, shits hilarious and so easy to do.

>> No.46528824

Migo and Blueboi collab kino

>> No.46528877 [DELETED] 

kill yourself tranny

>> No.46528894

she just finds Japanese men hotter, anime Japanese men especially.

>> No.46528962

Actual unicorns don't care about a drawing made by Cover Corporation using Cover Corporation intellectual property. They're more interested in comparing pictures of plates and cups their oshi's roommate posted to some eceleb male and question her if they're dating.
EOP """unicorns""" will report you and get you banned if you tell them that their pure oshi has a boyfriend.

>> No.46528983

Oh no IRyStocrats, IRyS is going to meet m*les.

>> No.46528990

Someone in management needs to get fired for this.

>> No.46528991

unicorn lost kek

>> No.46529058

Should've use Fubuki and Ame / Mori
now watch as Irys and Miko SC and audience crumble

>> No.46529061

t. nijisister tourist

>> No.46529072

so the rigger notification was a bigger real unicorn yab for irys than this since it implies adding him when she didn't have to and playing with him when he's not even in the company

>> No.46529101
File: 193 KB, 981x949, Untitled6_20230403102905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blue faggot tranny in official art with miko

>> No.46529111

shitposting with migo...
not even number do that

>> No.46529145

>Holostars is not Hololi-

>> No.46529300

>shared the new year countdown for stars and live
>HolostarsEN become Hololive Expo tour POV
>Sudden increase Niji JP and Holo JP collab
>now This

>> No.46529301

ogey this jab was based
good one

>> No.46529303

At the bottom they have a leaf, Singapore and a pretzel. Where is pretzel country, Belgium?

>> No.46529449

Must be more than that since they begged her to do main channel stuff (which she’s recording today) that she initially turned down.

>> No.46529529

Retardchama they're not physically traveling to where this event is let alone interact together on stream when this event is clearly for the fans.

This board's IQ is literally in the single digits.

>> No.46529800

Fuck the whores.
Stay single anon, that is the play.

>> No.46529822

>miko in the same official art with sharts
that's the big problem prepare for more holos and sharts collabs in future

>> No.46529944

It's the same with him to his fans, the company and his genmates/branchmates. He knows how to read a room.
It's like before I saw a clip of him talking about wanting to play the wizard game but didn't want to cause any more trouble with company.

>> No.46530025

>the tempus fags were given everything and treated better than the EN girls.
what can I say? men get the job done. Simple as

>> No.46530034

die tranny

>> No.46530176


Translation: homobeggars acting like they are 'unicorns' who are upset about this so they can then reply to themselves to 'own unicorns'.
Estrogen poisoning. Fatherless behavior.

>> No.46530283

it's the same as the unicorns posing as homobeggars who are also upset and end up replying to themselves as well
Yes, there is no difference.

>> No.46530349

when will you niggers learn that people don’t actually give a shit and just want to cause trouble by shitposting about whatever position is most controversial

>> No.46530367


No they are good and virtuous while you are evil and useless.

>> No.46530959

Prove it. This is a fucking poster you're crying about.
Yeah it's a very disingenuous kind of falseflagging and it bothers me.

>> No.46531135

the problems must be removed as early as possible, if chuubas like miko and irys are in the same artwork as the boys, they'll get suddenly influxed by stubborn beggars and bicorns even if the girls already said that they don't want to be associated with the guys
remember, prevention IS better than a cure

>> No.46531235

>implying unicorns are good people

>> No.46531290

A real unicorn can not even understand the concept of 'acting like a homobeggar'. (Homobeggars don't actually understand unicorns either, which is what makes them obvious, but that doesn't stop them from trying anyways.)
What would a homobeggar even be upset about here? 'Aiieeeee females in the same picture as my precious males'? There's none of that here. Rather, than exactly what they want, because crossing the streams in any case is what serves their goal of crashing this plane with no survivors.
Also we should just step back and take note of the fact that nothing like that is actually happening here anyways. It's a brand wide promotional posters. Meaning every poster performatively making mountains out of molehills like equivocating it with roasty shit such as talking about past sexual relationships on stream or simping for a (real life) male together on stream is in spirit a homobeggar intentionally falseflagging.

>> No.46531294

It's a fucking poster.

>> No.46531335

I thought everyone loves MiComet....

>> No.46531354

>spending their entire days complaining on /vt/ about how Hololive is "dying" and that all of the girls are whores
>good and virtuous

>> No.46531375

I want to rape the blue twink.

>> No.46531399

nice to know hololive is supporting the cause ;)

>> No.46531412

keep coping they're shoving down homos in your throats more and more and you know it they even got fucking miko

>> No.46531443

That’s not a problem for JP. They’ll just ignore the beggars because they know EOPs’ opinions don’t mean shit. It might be a minor issue for irys, but she knows how to brush off people without acting like a bitch because she has the JP mentality.

>> No.46531502

You know, we were having a nice thread before you showed up.

>> No.46531539

When we go shopping, I push the beta cuck out from behind the register and ring up whatever we’re buying (except tampons, she has to take those to self checkout). Don’t need some wagie homo talking to her when I can operate a register just fine. Same with restaurants.

>> No.46531544
File: 227 KB, 638x717, giga cunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes. They are real human beings who are valid while you are dirt under the sole of my shoe that requires disposal for the benefit of society.

>> No.46531597

…you’d BETTER be a homobeggar falseflagging, you fucking schizo.

>> No.46531639

a poster that miko is hanging out with homos

>> No.46531696

You tell 'em sis! Miko is a whore because she's on the same poster as Altare!

>> No.46531743

You let them take an inch, they'll take a mile

>> No.46531788

>Miko is a whore because she's on the same poster as Altare
unironically yes that's a bad image for her

>> No.46531810

>they won't be at the event in person
>they won't be on the same stream
>it's LITERALLY a fan meet where fans get to meet their oshi 1 on 1
But you're a falseflagging homobeggar anyways so what do you care about my oshi?

>> No.46531813

I'm more surprised they didn't use Axel over Altare with Axels JP being essentially fluent.
But I guess thats not exactly a requirement with Gura being an ambassador last year.

>> No.46531825


>> No.46531848

You seethe when an inch disappears because of the wind, and no one will take you seriously when someone actually comes to steal a mile since you’re already known as that schizo who seethes at the wind.

>> No.46531897 [DELETED] 

Go raid their thread then, sisters

>> No.46531902

delete this

>> No.46531958

It’s mostly promotional, and Altare’s the leader of Tempus in lore. I’m pretty sure these kinds of promotional material lean on their lore more than their actual streams.
…Especially since they also want to instill mindshare in people who might not watch these specific chuubas

>> No.46532004

>even miko got forced to collab with homos
what's next? homos in holofes?

>> No.46532024

ITT: anons accuse each other of being “falseflagging homobeggars” back and forth while actual fans of the people in the poster are pleased to see their oshis

>> No.46532107

Smells like Homobeggars and Nijisisters in here

>> No.46532130

Not defending him, but maybe you should look your favorite archive site for the word "slipkochi".
/#/ has no redeeming points.

>> No.46532133
File: 283 KB, 1329x757, uwu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's next is my dick in your ass cutie :)

>> No.46532179

Eh, in my case I'd be pissed if I would have to buy plane tickets and book a hotel on short notice if my oshi were at a city not mine.

>> No.46532187

Miko will be collabing with homos soon mark my words

>> No.46532233

With posts like this...not raid required I assure you.

>> No.46532241

I'm not gonna find some indie or small corpo vtuber to fall back too. This form of entertainment is stupid, and I'm done with it. 5 years have I wasted on this crap, and what has it all come to? A bunch of e-thots all pretending to be waifus just to taunt me. I should've just stuck with anime. Women ruin everything which they gain control of.

pasta from other thread

>> No.46532263

This. HoloPro is real and coming.

>> No.46532337

>least obvious samefag

>> No.46532417

For 35p and Irystocrats on this thread,
would you mind your oshi being ambassador with holostar? Surely they will chat at the holomeet event, right?

>> No.46532434

Risu was last year's ambassador for ID

>> No.46532464

They won't. You've never been to a Holomeet.

>> No.46532483

It's not a samefag. I just have the tab open on the side. I don't know why you're being delusional about this. I wouldn't be surprised if next year's MC sportsfest had 3 captains.

>> No.46532488
File: 273 KB, 608x597, 1679867892045855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey unicorns.

>> No.46532541

>I wouldn't be surprised if next year's MC sportsfest had 3 captains.
Retardchama last year's had 3.

>> No.46532593

what you talk about?

>> No.46532643

So true sister!

>> No.46532654

My bad. I am retarded. I'll cut the shit. I mean Roberu will be a captain.

>> No.46532782


>> No.46532929
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x720, __nice animated.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope every homo kills themselves!

>> No.46532968

Translation: you got BTFO numerous times.
Ogey, nobody asked tho.

>> No.46532978

Proof next thread?

>> No.46533006

Slipkochi is just a meme, you talk about a thread that watch more jp than en. Even # hate homobeggar

>> No.46533069

>doesn't understand what a unicorn is?
Are you that retarded anon? I guess pekora or kanata is unicorn anymore based on your retarded logic.

>> No.46533073

Proof as soon as Christmas time this year and the likely increased level of unity activity.

>> No.46533088

Your ESL issues are inexistent to the JP side and the rest too if we are being honest.
They even made a picture for you to get the hint already.

>> No.46533179

Not a falseflagger btw

>> No.46533339

Can you say that in English please?

>> No.46533341
File: 1.53 MB, 1062x1508, Screenshot 2023-04-02 221101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get your eyes checked anon

>> No.46533523

based miko supporting homos and trans

>> No.46533636

rent free

>> No.46533669

>literally ROBERU'D

>> No.46533703

They are just pushed really hard so it becomes annoying

>> No.46533713

>he doesn’t know that Japanese vtubing is THE hobby for homos and trannies

>> No.46533745


>> No.46533807


>> No.46533863

Go to sleep pony kid, school starts soon.

>> No.46534001

Anon, I frequent /#/, and that fucking thread schizo central used to shit on fucking Sora

>> No.46534064

Most evenly popular EN across both branches, and the only EN who can speak Japanese. Obviously they'd want Gura but she's too busy playing Minecraft and lying to her fans

>> No.46534309
File: 22 KB, 701x397, 51cd26247d54d7bc4d98916ade038b3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46534339

"talk to you guys", aieee she's talking to males.

>> No.46534721

they need a new name to differentiate from us actual unicorns.

>> No.46534820

aren't you a homo?

>> No.46534841

>now miko
So is there any true pure holos left?

>> No.46535043

none hololive is the new nijisanji

>> No.46535115

I hate the homos with all my soul but ambassador stuff is literally just an excuse to have the members face glued to merch or in the walls of a convention, annoying? Sure, these girls will now make the stars part of their channel? Nah

>> No.46535481

Yeah, Gura she will never betray us.

>> No.46535913

Falseflaggers new fag

>> No.46536025

??? Hololive??? Is that not different from EN’s “Holopro”

>> No.46536701

Picking the two girls who don't even follow the male branch on Twitter is definitely a choice. There's no doubt that there won't be a collab coming out of this but this definitely tries to sell the dumb HoloPro "unity" and they couldn't have chosen worse candidates for EN and JP.

>> No.46536731

Based. No streams >>> collabing with homos.

>> No.46536873
File: 275 KB, 1500x1500, 1680498767686320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gen anniversary? I'm on meds
>meet up with girls? YBDBD

>> No.46536951

And I'm sure her "I just want to chill" means she'll start collabing with the faggots tomorrow, right?

It's insane how before Tempus not a single Stars fan could give a fuck about people shitting on them and just stayed on their thread, but after last July it feels like in every single thread they have a defense force ready. Completely organic development.

>> No.46536957

Management fault forcing again and again homo. It's just a pain in the ass now just to be clear if anyone of them is watching, disolve holopro thank.

>> No.46537053

take your meds

>> No.46537080

Don’t care about your girls. I just think that outfit makes Regis look like a girly twink that requires mating pressing.

>> No.46537148

nobody asked you homobeggar

>> No.46537358

Wait why, other than the bag I dress like that...

>> No.46537487

Original reply #187

>> No.46537953

everyone should kill themselves. No one here ever watched a vtuber and they are just fanning the flame on purpose. Not your board, dramaniggers.

>> No.46538138


>> No.46538243
File: 26 KB, 480x502, 327378652_5833021000113881_7855889752682842472_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46538479

considering that Ollie using "Hololive Production" is what spurred the blind anon to say something in the first place... no

>> No.46538620


>> No.46538742


>> No.46538871

i would love to know how they picked those characters.
Gura, Sora and Risu made a lot of sense. Maybe they are the most subs from their gens too

>> No.46538959

she is the kind of girl that pretends something for the cameras, but is another thing behind them

>> No.46539064

she is really close to her rigger and other males behind the scenes

>> No.46539117

You're still salty that she told you beggars to fuck off, huh?

>> No.46539136

they already chat everyday over their discord

>> No.46539218

she was playing games with her rigger dude

>> No.46539269

K, and she still won't collab with your "boys".

>> No.46539284

Honnestly why altroon? Like he is not only disliked a lot, but he is also honnestly not the best character with litteraly being the only one having a political slit (and on an very stupid position on top of that) yet he still get preferencial treatment rather than suspensions to me it's inimaginable if he don't send nude to someone high placed, or maybe if that person is not a fag he send them picture of his underage fans or something like that?

>> No.46539533
File: 206 KB, 640x480, 1633763974353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yagoo is not happy with Cover's IPO, that's why he is pushing for the homo market.
Riku has the homo market and the Chinese market, that's how Niji manages to make big profits.
Mark my words, Yagoo will keep pushing homos and will try to regain China within the next few years

>> No.46539783
File: 257 KB, 480x406, InfantryMelonn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Holopro not dildosanji tho

>> No.46539830

you know why

>> No.46539859

only hers?

>> No.46539891

he used to be omegatron

>> No.46540055
File: 2.01 MB, 1080x1920, 1667363379817037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IRyS is an ambassador alongside Roberu

>> No.46540088
File: 234 KB, 1280x720, yegoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOU ILyStoclats werr getting a bit too cocky I believe it was time to kick you down a notch

>> No.46540174

At this point I couldn't gave less of a fuck about what she does as long as it makes you beggars seethe. Just go back to Nijisanji if co-ed collabs give you such a hard on.

>> No.46541874

Migo love

>> No.46543350

man i love this board

>> No.46543566

Momocon is one of the bigger and popular conventions in america so yeah this is a big deal

>> No.46544026

>official advertisement with art of Irys and Miko going on a date with Holostars
Honestly, I am so glad I am not a big Hololive fan anymore. This shit just blows my mind.
Is it really that hard to not mix together both the female and male branches? You dont need to do that shit for anything. In fact, that will just put off unicorn fans, which are usually the biggest paypigs too.
I bet they do these kind of things without telling the vtubers too, who are the ones to deal with angry fans.

>> No.46544286 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 600x155, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck came here and straight up copied my post? What kind of terminally online creature even does that?

>> No.46545022

It's not, but it is Holopro

>> No.46545190

Holyshit people like you really are got mind broken huh, stop projecting ur cuckoldry fetish to other people

>> No.46545664


>> No.46545779

>as long as it makes you beggars seethe
but..youre the one seething

>> No.46545876

>with migo and irys
it's fucking over...

>> No.46545925

you don't watch anime. you're a parasite.

>> No.46546006

I sure am, and IRyS will collab with your homos at any second now, right?

>> No.46546011

yes, in japan young girls and young boys going anywhere together is seen as a very sexual thing unironically

>> No.46546027

Migo used to collab with guys, like Subaru she realized her #s did better without them.

>> No.46546257

especially if they're idols or celebrities of some kind, seen in public together = had sex

>> No.46548271


>> No.46548761

there's a mikoschizo in number who's been there for at least a year.

>> No.46550487

How exciting!

>> No.46550654

sorry but hololive panders to ironic weebs now please look forward to more homos collabs

>> No.46556514

God he is so cool..

>> No.46556553

>I'm on meds
he wasn't that was the problem

>> No.46558800
File: 665 KB, 800x800, 1605594984770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one, more ammos for homobeggars.

>> No.46563337

not my problem

>> No.46563752

what has the blue guy done at all to earn that spot

>> No.46566677

you can still have sex idiot, you just can't produce sperm cells anymore so you can't have kids

>> No.46566882

honestly it's just sort of sad seeing holostars pushed next to the girls because then that invites us to directly compare them, and it becomes clear how few people care about holostars (i'll admit that fujos make good paypigs and they get good donos, but it doesn't change the fact that their viewership sucks and tempus will be surpassed by en gen3 within a week)

>> No.46566959

The worst Stars is still in the top 0.01% of male streamers desu. Just because their numbers don't cover favorably to the literal biggest vtubers (Hololive) in the world doesn't mean they're unsuccessful.

>> No.46567322

JPs are herbivores, i don't care if they interact with girls

>> No.46567396

As opposed to testosterone-filled alpha males like Magni?

>> No.46567411

Miko is 100% against this. I'm surprised Cover is willing to disrespect her like this by having her appear in the same illustration as males. Shes either the most important or 2nd most important talent in the entire company. Somebody is getting fired.

>> No.46567429

EN gen5***

>> No.46567485
File: 98 KB, 1313x441, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again.

>> No.46573279

Maybe it's because you know it'll never be you in the picture

>> No.46577968

It's oger

>> No.46578173

Good, the japanese grammar gatekeeps her. I hope the next time she brags about learning japanese, they do remind her she can't even get the JLPT5 properly.

>> No.46578685
File: 118 KB, 959x720, ShieN[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fch5ddp.mp4].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The coolest
