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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46473036 No.46473036 [Reply] [Original]

Because of your horse fetish and making Mori listen to AI audio of her sucking off a horse you faggots forced her to have a car instead of a horse as the sheriff prop. Are you happy with yourselves?

>> No.46473082
File: 90 KB, 1242x675, 142286262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46473098

>Are you happy with yourselves?

>> No.46473102


>> No.46473159

YouTube took down the audio

>> No.46473166

>she keeps acknowledging the things that bother her
Mori is truly retarded.

>> No.46473245

>have some taste
I don't want to hear this from someone who eats stallion galleons

>> No.46473284

You really haven't learned this after the 20th BTFO the haters song she's done so far?

>> No.46473332

Haha that's our whori

>> No.46473365

She should lean into the horse cock meme. Model's literally built for it.

>> No.46473400

>the one being bullied is at fault
You are a cancer on the world.

>> No.46473449

Why are mori antis always so degenerate? Wtf are you guys drinking to consistently be so gross and awful?<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46473477

either way, she loses
if she kept it, it means she at the very least knew about the meme or knew what would imply
if she didn't, that means it bothered her enough that she changed it

>> No.46473525
File: 14 KB, 251x201, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you faggots forced her to have a car instead of a horse as the sheriff's prop
That's literally her lack of creativity. She could've went for a motorcycle

>> No.46473583


>> No.46473596

Mori fears the horse cock

>> No.46473601

Spergs take away from that is that she's triggered or some shit? The mental gymnastic is Olympic tier.

>> No.46473643

She handled this well. There are many things she handled badly, but not this.

>> No.46473660
File: 1.58 MB, 3072x4096, I saw this looking for art on Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46473720

>Because of your horse fetish and making Mori listen to AI audio
Go suck a horse cock. We didn't bully her, clippers and grifter trash that come here to get clicks on their own sad garbage do this while also completely removing or distorting the context. At the end of the day this is a hobby site not a fucking cult. None of the AI threads were intentionally malicious
Educate yourself next time Philip and stick to your Cheezburger shithole

>> No.46473772

>Had to make a new catalog thread because the previous one bullied him

>> No.46473800

EXTREMELY presumptuous of you both think this actually bothered and this isn't just banter
But I suppose expecting catalogfag thread to actually know something about the person who's the subject matter is expecting too much

>> No.46474316

Yes this is funny.

>> No.46475894

>masturbating to loli
they're just drawings normie

>masturbating to woman x horse


>> No.46476267
File: 478 KB, 640x735, 1jypd5anlaj91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original outfit reveal stream got age restricted??

>> No.46476467

I somewhat agree, but the end result is probably going to be more horse art.

>> No.46476571

She handled it okay but it was probably best to just ignore it than to "handle it."

>> No.46476587


>> No.46476641

She obviously had time to process it but I wonder what her initial reaction when she found out about it and probably listened to it

>> No.46476673

AI voice of her fucking a car's exhaust incoming

>> No.46476732

car meme when?

>> No.46476768

Shock that someone found out.

>> No.46476799

Shut up and play the theme song instead:

>> No.46476879
File: 665 KB, 764x1021, 1651014428038410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she needs to do a cover for this song

>> No.46477099

Who gave the horse hentai protagonist hair?

>> No.46477351

the rare occasion were im actuallly proud of VT . like watching your autistic son get his first raise, brings a tear to your eyes lol.

>> No.46478462

Very much so, its amazing ngl

>> No.46479439 [DELETED] 


>> No.46479512

Mori drew deviantart furry commissions for a living. I highly doubt she is triggered by the horse stuff.

>> No.46479701
File: 46 KB, 246x225, mari lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Deadbeats coping well with this? I say neigh!

>> No.46480036
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>> No.46480129

Her models built for my cock. Dont need some horse making her holes bigger than they already are.

>> No.46480237
File: 115 KB, 1024x768, sd-aspect-1492444661-gettyimages-157944941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horses do be like that sometimes

>> No.46480324

If you're interested in a seeing a woman jerk off a horse, I can recommend the uncut version of "Emanuelle in America". And I hope no one takes that scene and puts Mori's head on the equestrian girl because that would be wrong.

>> No.46480331

Isn't she like some kind of spirit possessing a body? If the horse blows open her holes you can just destroy the body and make her just jump into a new one, right?

>> No.46480701

I found the way she reacted funny, which for Mori is extremely rare.

>> No.46483205

Absolutely pleased

>> No.46483357

yeah they also took down videos of accidental face reveals and you can still find them
believing youtube taking down things works
lol id ask if you also believe presidential campaign promises but youre clearly not old enough to vote

>> No.46483719

It's clear she thinks the horse stuff is funny, even laughing about it, but is upset that it affected her actual streamer content negatively.
Too bad that Shotacon Mori AI audio didn't take off instead huh?

>> No.46483962

i agree with this. it wasn't a bad response, but giving it any attention is going to fan the flames of it a bit. new people are going to be looking into it who had not heard of it before. it just makes the meme grow. maybe it won't matter, maybe it will.

>> No.46484039

She handled it like it was a horse.

>> No.46484711

Yeah I think she got a laugh out of the whole situation. Addressing it was funny so it's worth it. I still think retweeting the cuck skeleton comic was funny as shit too.

>> No.46484872

she probably drew things much more degenerate than horsecock, which is like a 2 on the 83 point scale of furry degeneracy

>> No.46484928

>I still think retweeting the cuck skeleton comic was funny as shit too.
It is bad form to insult your fans and always gets you a bad reputation. The entire situation was funny to me but when your fans are already getting called cucks, publicly spreading it further is a bad, bad idea.

>> No.46485277
File: 402 KB, 645x850, Sequential Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's funny to remember that her degree was a BFA in Sequential Art, meaning she basically went to school and got a degree in drawing comics.
It is pretty common for people with that degree to take up teaching English in Japan.

>> No.46485687

The horse thing is fake, you are trying to gaslight me by making me think i am not in the in group.

>> No.46485772

now i want to see some of it

>> No.46485805

>Are you happy with yourselves?
her knowing about and reacting to the shit people do is what makes it worth it in the first place.

>> No.46485820

Of course it is fake audio, but it is a real meme.

>> No.46485843

AI voice of Mori deepthroating and choking on a muffler doko?

>> No.46485889
File: 114 KB, 1125x852, FsmWUAtacAACiqR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, in tempus:

>> No.46485900

>he doesn't know

>> No.46485911

That's what she gets for calling Mumei horse girl. Who's the horse girl now bitch?

>> No.46486118

Hey I remember this comic from like a decade ago.
Wait, the artist isn't Mori is it?

>> No.46486279

Haha reach 18 first faggot

>> No.46486278

Nope, just a funny coincidence.
Lotta people that go to college for a degree in drawing comics are weeaboos that like manga and so they often also go to japan to teach english because there isn't a lot else that degree lets them do without connections to the industry. Mori was basically in the same boat, although she also got on a japrap kick.

>> No.46486304

I know it's supposed to be AI generated, what i mean is that it was never made and you lot are trying to mess with me, get out of my head, GET OUT OF ME HEAD MAN! GET OUT OF ME HEAD!

>> No.46486307

win win for me. her design is pure sexo after all. u can ignore her annoying voice with it

>> No.46486311

Bot post

>> No.46486322


>> No.46486335

Well, I guess it's a lifepath.

>> No.46486339
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>> No.46486358
File: 128 KB, 557x1200, Calliope Iroha Shota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're gonna be a degenerate hate some taste
Mori, I'm sorry you only got the one Shotacon AI Audio and it didn't take off like the horse ones...

>> No.46486377

>Best solution is to say nothing
>Proceeds to acknowledge it

>> No.46486387


>> No.46486445

Wait does Iroha really like shotas?

>> No.46486481

Taste? Nah.

>> No.46487119


>> No.46487488

i just want more audio of her gagging on shit, idc what it is that was fuckin hot man.

>> No.46487556
File: 388 KB, 1785x865, Calliope thinking about dem Shota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori admitted to liking Shota in a stream to an awkward silence, with Iroha admitting she likes shota too in a show of support... right as Mori began an awkward forced laugh and play it off as a joke.
Then Mori winked and said "not joke"
