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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46184655 No.46184655 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the most quintessential Bong Chooba to watch? There can only be one

>> No.46184700


>> No.46184760

Fuck I forgot about the Loli and I also forgot about Neuro Sama she's technically a Brit

>> No.46184789
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Going to post her here cos why the fuck not

>> No.46184952

She doesn't have a bong accent.

>> No.46184971
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>> No.46184995

She puts on a loli accent. Loli is eternal

>> No.46185031


>> No.46185080

Get these whores out of here

>> No.46185156

are the british just the worst in general?
none of those are worth a watch, I'd even say they are some of the worst vtubers adjusted to audience size

>> No.46185192

doesn't matter, she isn't british

>> No.46185265
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>> No.46185266

Rin is the only one who uses her posh manner of speaking to enhance her content, so her.
The rest of them are either SEA transplants (so not actually British) or so embarrassed to be British they don't make any use of it.

>> No.46185338

But Rin weight less than 40kg and is only 5'1 tall.

>> No.46185441


>> No.46185529

Love me fish

>> No.46185539
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Watch a scottish vtuber instead

>> No.46185560

Not watching any slag that lives in on a council estate. Only good upper class Choobas for me

>> No.46185585

Limes barely sounds british

>> No.46185604

Rin is inclining. Seethe.

>> No.46185634

Not the horse, she is half chinese

>> No.46185647
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I like Kilia because she's a nice girl

>> No.46185678

Ebi is good too and routinely gets up to 1k ccv on arknights. But she hides her British accent. But I like her

>> No.46185715
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John Vtuber of course

>> No.46185868

I ilke Rin and Aletta

>> No.46185991
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For me, it's the welsh sheep

I used to watch her, very cute voice

>> No.46186064

Rin, she is British and funny which is an accomplishment.

>> No.46186095

She's so fucking boring, why she cant' be funny like joel and vinny?

>> No.46186097

The girl who talks about feeling like she is torn between two worlds and doesn't fit in either because she is a self-admitted mutt? She isn't British.

>> No.46186137


>> No.46186149

Being not British is the most British thing in the 21st century.

>> No.46186228

Rins a brain damaged toff.
I'm actually shocked her family allow her to live with them, since their kind normally exiles the crippled and mentally damaged.

>> No.46186242

I didn't say she's not popular, I said she sucks
although I have to admit the jews found a way to make her look like a saint compared to the rest of her gen

>> No.46186334

have you seen the state of our economy? No one is upperclass here.

>> No.46186401

If you're an american, this is the most ironic thing i've read all day.

>> No.46186404

Bruh. Rins house has a fucking pool.
Her family is loaded.

>> No.46186452

/asp/ has a bong chooba but he's male and poor. Also a cat.

>> No.46186489

She used to have one it's just gone away over time

>> No.46186592

I don't care about weeb slags, give me a proper Wobbie or Mark Goldbridge in vtuber form.

>> No.46186610

Point still stands. Upperclass is pretty much almost all old people that are sitting on an ungodly pension at this point and live no where near a city in this country.

>> No.46186658

No, it's absolutely still there. You can hear it in certain words.

>> No.46186682
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>> No.46186812

>cheating faggot
true brit

>> No.46186934

Man you just not payin attention?
They're still around. The public schools are still packed year on year and not with foreigners.
The upper class are still having kids because unlike the rest of us they can afford multiple children (or any at all)

>> No.46187486

That's not upperclass, mate. That's upper middle class. Upperclass are the ultra posh people that you will rarely ever meet or speak to (and if they did, they'd talk to you like you're subhuman) and are so wealthy, they have more money than they know what to do with.
There are plenty of upper middle class and middle class around, but upper class are a whole other tier in the UK.

>> No.46187894

Generally speaking I classify the upper middle class as basically the same entity as the upper class since they exhibit the same behaviours, send their children to the cheaper end of the public school spectrum and suck up to the toffs at every possible opportunity.

I'm working class. You may insist there's a difference between these groups of people and you may be right. But functionally to me? There is no difference and all deserve the rope.

>> No.46187992

Aletta and Rin sound good.
The noises Aletta makes is pretty cute too.

>> No.46188132

>Acknowledged the existence of tempus or Luxiem, I forget which
>Adulterous troon lover
>'I'm going travel alone to find myself' cock carousel rider
I think Aletta wins this.

>> No.46188249

so this is the target audience for the retarded awawa ayaya chiken burgar matte matte dayo

>> No.46188335

The whole country has gotten the rope metaphorically anyway thanks to them so it makes no difference to me either.

Anyway to stop this from turning into /pol/, Froot hate, shondo love

>> No.46188428

I will only watch a working class bongchooba
Which basically means I'm stuck with 2view indys

>> No.46188432

>Every single vtuber posted here is a piece of shit
Never, ever trust the anglo.

>> No.46188510

Mate, if you're going to one of the older more famous public schools you are upperclass not upper middle. Members of the royal family and future PMs are your classmates at Eton. Even Ruby and Harrow are out of the league of the kids of a decent lawyer or doctor etc.

>> No.46188593

What did Rin do?

>> No.46188608

Do we know which public school Rin went to?
She has the voice.

>> No.46188642

She likes holostars Yes this is her worst offence, besides being british

>> No.46188674

Chicken burger, yes.

>> No.46188729

>clipwatcher too
all the pieces finally fall into place

>> No.46188775

>clip -> short
I had a brainfart but that doesn't make your taste in vtubers any better

>> No.46188778

But was Rin going to a school like that?
Because if so, then yeah, probably upper class.
I just don't really consider a pool in your garden upper class. Like, you're well off, but you're not elite.

>> No.46188813


>> No.46188978

C'mon anon, her gunpla building stream was at least a mildly entertaining zatsu. DESU I don't even watch her that frequently, just when she appears on my YT feed, but she's a nice girl.

>> No.46189103

The upper class is a much wider band than people realise.
Lot of civil servants are in the lower end of the upper class.
Plus the whole pool thing is a dead giveaway. Barely anyone has a pool in this country as the amount of land required is prohibitively expensive and the planning permission is nigh impossible to surmount without money or clout.

>> No.46189538

My perception of upperclass is probably outdated then.
When I think upperclass, i'm thinking royalty, friends/relatives of royalty, ministers (most likely Tory), bankers, owners of high tier companies, etc.
I knew someone who had a rich dad who had a pool, but he always considered himself upper middle class at most. He was rich but not fuck you rich.

>> No.46189618

I didn't know this bitch was even british lol must be masking it like shondo I guess

>> No.46189766

It's not just always about money, it's about how long you have had that money. Joining the Upper class costs money.
You have no idea how much money these upper class people REALLY have. They are past the point of showing off. Rich to the point of being normal again.

>> No.46189788

What did Kilia do?

>> No.46189844

Oh man hideously outdated.
You do realise that Labour is dominated by the upper class too right?
If you're in parliament at all you're probably upper class or got in tight with someone who is.

It's not just a question of money but also of social circles, who you can associate with, where you can go. Plenty of people in the upper class live on fairly low incomes living as professional protestors or activists. But they can only afford to do so because they have wealthy families or are heavily connected to the rest of the upper class who pay for them to do so. And when they get bored of it they know there's a gig at a bank or in the civil service waiting for them.

>> No.46189908

i dont watch any of them but i like middle left because the other ones look like turbo dykes

>> No.46190021
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Utano Pandora. very connected in the indie scene and being groomed by Kiara for a potential EN3 candidate. Also hunts cunny for orange woman's insatiable appetite

>> No.46190329

This happened with Ebi too, hard to detect her accent usually

>> No.46190432
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She made me fall in love with her

>> No.46190617
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Sorry to be the one to tell you this mate.
But her skin is as orange as a carrot with the texture of an old leather sofa.
Her cunt is a rotten stinking mess constantly dripping cum.
She hasn't been sober since she was twelve.
And she's fat.

This is the average bong woman.

>> No.46190713


>> No.46190735

Rin love!

>> No.46190787
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You forgot this one.

>> No.46190830

I did know of it being the case in Labour and it was spoken about a lot in the Tony Blair era, but didn't know how deep it ran.
There was me thinking like I knew shit and then it turns out there was a bunch of shit I had no idea about.

>> No.46190848

What's up with all bongs having the same color scheme?

>> No.46190889

I subscribed to her a couple years ago, what in the fuck happened

>> No.46191029

Bruh Jeremy Corbyn is strictly speaking part of the upper class. His parents were both political activists and marxist intellectuals.

>> No.46191049

this comment was written by imphands

>> No.46191161
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Bitched about not getting clips and attention yet was actually getting decent views on twitch.
Got a big titty model that never made her grow (hell it can be argued she lost numbers over it).
Whined that she didn't want to put on a voice when being the panda yet she puts on some shitty voice for this new model.
The Shizukou thing is a sad tale when all she had to do was get a more older looking panda model instead of make a huge fuss about it.
Seems to just post cosplay on Twitter these days. I do wonder how long it will take before she realises the model change hasn't worked and either reverts back, gets something that isn't too controversial, or just go corpo as she would easily get accepted anywhere.

>> No.46191169

Oh I knew about Jeremy Corbyn, that much was obvious.

>> No.46191277


>> No.46191306
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Also she hates how the only attention she gets with that model are memes mocking her for changing from a good panda model to that.
She wasn't even a cunny tuber and told people to watch fallenshadow if they wanted loli. She drove people away because instead of trying to figure out a new way to stay relevant and keep getting views, she went for the vshojo coomer tuber look thinking she'd get clipped, it's a failure.

>> No.46191338

Shizukou what is you doing
Just do what you wanna do and do it for fun
The second you start doing it for money and only money, people can see through that so quickly.

>> No.46191475

Is jewcorp tiktok girl actually good or just gaming the tiktok algorithms

>> No.46191529

One of the decent ones there, yes. Idol actually scouted her as well.

>> No.46191609

She's great

>> No.46191713

She and Fuyo got scouted and they are the best of idol.
She's very entertaining but i would lie if i said that she wasn't gaming the algorithm.

>> No.46191820
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The best kind of Brits are the ones that no longer live there, because they were smart enough to get out
also she is actually Irish but has a bong accent for reasons

>> No.46191940

I want to leave but cannot afford it

>> No.46191982

>follow trends
>be veibae number 32193814
lmao lol

>> No.46192007

Thanks to brexit, getting out isn't exactly easy.
It took my brother fucking years to get out and that was considered easy because his spouse was from another country.

>> No.46192053
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>> No.46192112

Well getting out to the EU is fairly easy.
Go to the republic of ireland, live there long enough to get citizenship there. Then you can go anywhere in the EU.
Going outside the EU? Doesn't matter either way as brexit changed nothing there.

>> No.46192178

Vox. He's funny like British people tend to be

>> No.46192402

I could do that, but the amount of faff just to move where I would have liked to have moved is a massive headache.
At the moment, my only option is New York because of where I work. And I honestly do not want to move to America at all, it's no better than the UK right now.

>> No.46192542

I was some of these dorky white people names back, they're so quaint

>> No.46192721

>blahaj fanatic
>creamed herself for a niji male on stream
>unironically donated to a charity that helps child molesters
>fish tits
>boyfriend mod

>> No.46192811

I thought that was her ex

>> No.46193933

Mysta by far

>> No.46194011


>> No.46194785
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>unironically donated to a charity that helps child molesters
Froot said she was willing to change the charity (thinking this was the only reason she got backlash over it) but either way there's been no proof she has actually donated anything...or vshitshow footed the bill.

She is however taking part in a very topical collab one day after Pikamee's graduation.
Talk about being tone deaf....she still doesn't get it.

>> No.46194844


>> No.46195079

I like her rimworld and DF streams.

>> No.46196773


>> No.46200911


>> No.46201298

It's not tone deaf my guy, she only responded to the criticisms of the specific charity because those are the only criticisms she cared about, she supports trans people, she's not gonna be like "oh dang, transphobes exist, I better not donate to a trans charity then"

>> No.46201440

You watch Imakuni when you want an entertaining femvinesauce you dummie

>> No.46201568

/brit/ when

>> No.46201656

Hopefully never.

>> No.46201735

which would you rather have SEA hours or Brit hours? Spoilers, they're the same thing

>> No.46201905

I'd rather stream to SEA and JP than my fellow brits.

>> No.46202224
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>> No.46202313

>gets gangbanged
>gargled cum
>has the clap
Ah yes the typical english girl. God I hate this country.

>> No.46202534

She's Polish. and therefore a true Brit

>> No.46203212

her mother is polish, she's only half polish, she can't even actually speak polish

>> No.46203338

>Mr. Gino, the founder of wimpy

>> No.46203390

Can barely speak English either

>> No.46203442

I’d be very surprised if Shondo wasn’t working class. I don’t think she said it outright, but Shondo heavily implied her mother had her as a teen. She called her mother a millennial, and we know she was born around the turn of the century.
Also, just listen to Shondo’s mom when she appears on-stream. That’s a pretty chav-y accent. Idk what it is exactly because my burgerlander ears aren’t great, but I’m pretty sure it’s that Essex chav accent working class people near London have.

>> No.46204373

She gives me middle low class to mid class. You know the typical alt girl who is a menhera. The one that went to a community sixth form and took a bunch of btecs to get to uni,, decided to do a uni degree in something like arts, media, English, phycology and then dropped out

>> No.46205375

I thought her creator was Aussie

>> No.46206193

Yes, it's her ex. I'm also pretty sure they never even met IRL and dated very briefly. Regardless, she's a confirmed KHHV (unless you count women), and may legitimately be asexual. So I really don't care about the ex bf thing, personally.

>> No.46206287

>creamed herself for a niji male on stream

>> No.46206299

out of these I like Kilia the best, Rin is also good, hate Froot, and don't know the other one

>> No.46206434

Have you taken a look at Britain lately? The average Brit is probably more of a mutt than she is.

>> No.46206596

Do you have proof she donated 50k+ to a random trans charity or just that tweet? Oh you just took her word for it well I know oil Baron in need of a cash advance. And really I don’t care either way if anything not donating is doing more good because trannys are mentally ill and/or child molesters.

>> No.46206683

Was deflecting to Shondo derogatory or a genuine recommendation? Cuz as someone who actually likes the newer model better, I would totally watch her if she was cool with Shondo, and had a similar style of content.

>> No.46206907

What could you possibly hate about the U.K. and America that doesn't also apply to the rest of the EU/Western Europe?

>> No.46207412

Currently the fish is the best one of those but Rin isn't bad either, I can see why she's skyrocketing.

>> No.46207422

I NEED to cum on Aletta's ears

>> No.46212944

all bad

>> No.46218334

