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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46041776 No.46041776 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.46041817

Yeah my dick

>> No.46041916

Probably not that many smokers left.
Japan somehow managed to go from 60% smokers to like 20% in only 15 years.
Some of the older workers/managers might smoke in the designed areas.

>> No.46042101


>> No.46042217

Why are her fans directly asking her about holostars ? They are that cucked ?

>> No.46042960 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.46043138

isn't smoking bad for your throat? they were probably forced to quit smoking already

>> No.46043288

The designated smoking rooms are funny because its like you are looking at animals at the zoo through the window

>> No.46043332

Really that bad? I thought they were like small relaxing areas, sometimes even balconies

>> No.46043360

Smoking is bad for your entire body retardchama

>> No.46043453

Smoking is dumb on an individual level and Japan will also have the collective impact where people despise the smell of cigarette smoke and push the diea you shouldn't be inconsiderate towards others. There's zero benefit to smoking, even in the west it's declined even if it's due to cost. Vaping for some reason is still a thing.

>> No.46043494

nah, when I was in Seoul it was litarally a shipping container with airconditioning 3 transparent walls.
They were always PACKED, sardines in a can with a lot of smoke. I unironically quit smoking that vacation because I didnt want to push myself in, tokyo subway rushhour style

>> No.46043550

So that's how they made people quit smoking lmao
Vaping will never make sense to me, atleast zigarettes had some insane marketing behind it

>> No.46043570

Vaping not been around long enough to see the long term effects so that's probably why honestly.

>> No.46043685

Cigarettes had an image and addicts from previous times where people thought it was healthy/harmless. Vaping is just embarassing when you go past some guy covere din tattoos and you smell "strawberry milkshake" or whatever flavour.

We already know it's harmful and gives no benefits. Kinda funny people freak out about unavoidable microplastics but think vaporizing and inhaling chemicals that probably come from China is totally fine.

>> No.46043747


>> No.46043862


>> No.46044017
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You meant "Strawberry söymilkshake"

>> No.46044234

Didn't Korone light up on stream once

>> No.46044263


>> No.46045842

That was cannabis.

>> No.46048045

The benefits of smoking in the west is that it's a social thing and it makes you feel good

>> No.46048153

Vapes were being advertised to kids on Facebook iirc.

>> No.46049259

Listen to this smoka bitch.

>> No.46049408

>ah yeah we are doing an activity but let me break it up every 20 min because I desperately need to smoke
>If I dont smoke I'm going to be cranky and annoying
I dont mind smoking but smokers are often just annoying addicts

>> No.46049730

Anyone that smokes lost my respect so it can't be a social thing.

>> No.46049760

That's hot.

>> No.46049901

>Japan somehow managed to go from 60% smokers to like 20% in only 15 years.
You might be too young to realize this but that happened here too.

>> No.46049931

you couldn't be more wrong lmao. i literally live in Japan and i can personally tell you that if you walk into any bar or izakaya that's open past 10, most people in there will be smoking. and of those Japanese people that "don't" smoke, at least half of them vape

>> No.46049945

It's not cute girls but ojisans...

>> No.46050285

mmm a cramped warm, smoke and condensation filled room with balding bussinessmen

>> No.46050387

you dont know how statistics work do you?

>> No.46050458

Stop, I can only get so erect.

>> No.46050506

>Place let's people smoke
>So people who smoke are there
>This means a lot of people smoke
Come on anon, you can't be this retarded.

>> No.46050678
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>> No.46050758

Qpi started smoking just to get some smoke breaks and socialize with the coworkers.

>> No.46050863

Anon I think we both know why the gyaru slut who is a party girl started smoking.

>> No.46051356

I don't smoke but i sometimes buy nicotine patches for fun. Non-smokers can get a little bit of fun from it without any further problems.

>> No.46051511

Your father doesn't smoke? That's rare.

>> No.46051531

Mori used to smoke cigars. Very old clip and she seems to be on a health kick now.

>> No.46051662


>> No.46051755

Nicotine improves mental faculties and the monoamine oxidase inhibitors in tobacco can improve mood and reduce anxiety

>> No.46051809

Huh? If you don't smoke, your body is more sensitive to nicotine. You can get (questionable) pleasure from patches. Just don't overdo it.

>> No.46055576
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Let's say hypotheticaly I'm a cute girl. Will the balding ojisans molest me if I visit? I don't even smoke.

>> No.46058863

A-Chan not being a smoker would be surprising to me.

>> No.46062917
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>> No.46064396

cope smokelet

>> No.46064444
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>> No.46069351

She knows

>> No.46069413


>> No.46073431


>> No.46076705

now how many of them do shisha/hookah?

>> No.46076754

>smoking tobacco
old and broken
new world

>> No.46077053

this thread made me want to buy a zippo. havent thought about em in years but now i kinda want one again. should i drop 30-50 bucks on one? could just use a bic but zippos have cool designs.

>> No.46077550

no, stupid

>> No.46077571

if you smoke theyre alright, works decent when there is wind. Though you will refill it pretty often.
If you dont smoke, just keep a bic in your backpack. Otherwise the zippo will have dried out the 2 times you need use it a year

>> No.46077747

i know exactly how shitty zippos are. used to have one which was lost years ago. still kinda want one for the hell of it.

>> No.46077905

and at least 2 other JPs.
We know Mori smokes because she's admitted to smoking cigars as Mori and hookah as RM. I'm sure a few of the ID girls smoke as well since apparently it's still the 1960s there.

>> No.46078069

nta but my dad only smoked weed back in the day. That's been decades though.
Smoking tobacco is passé and lower class. Vaping is new and cringe.

>> No.46078228

Too much demerits, not enough benefits. Nicotine is also observed to be carcinogenic all on it's own so even vapes contribute to cancers.

>> No.46079344

Girls in ID rarely smokes

>> No.46080194
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buy a zorro 912/912s from aliexpress for like 20 bucks. holds fuel for a month even if you just leave it somewhere, and the hinge is machined into the case so you don't break it like with zippos. you won't get the lifetime warranty like with zippos but they're built like tanks anyway

>> No.46080245

>ID girls smoking
Nah people here were so misogynistic, that women would not allowed to smoke at all

>> No.46080560

the only confirm chuubas that smokes are towapi and suisei

>> No.46081097

I own a zippo but don't smoke, I figured it would be good for camping. The fuel evaporation is insane and they are inferior to bic.

>> No.46082320


>> No.46082757
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or you can just buy a cheapo zippo and put a butane insert it in. at that point it just becomes a fancy bic lighter though, but the fuel won't

>> No.46082894
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Aki confirmed it

>> No.46083098

it came to them in a dream
towa has the famous clip of telling people not to smoke and asacoco
pekora has impression recently saying she smokes as a joke
korone has long been rumored to smoke
botan ive got nothing on this origin

>> No.46084062

I just heard that SEA smokes a lot, teenagers included.
So it's a guy thing. Means less women smoke so I see that as a positive.
Only a hunch but there was a stream clip where it sounded distinctly like Korone striking a lighter.

>> No.46084760

Botan just looks like she's a smoker. That's all. Also the binge gamer types sometimes take up smoking as something to do between matches.

>> No.46084824

I think it was a incense stick

>> No.46085506

Yea, my cock

>> No.46086351 [DELETED] 

the strongest idol did hookah and tried to hide it from us.

>> No.46086445 [DELETED] 

the strongest idol did hookah and tried to hide it from us.

>> No.46086480

I want Botan to use me as her chair and put out her cigarettes on me.

>> No.46086523

the strongest idol did hookah and tried to hide it from us.

>> No.46086564

Smoking is one of the best ways to improve mental activity and thats why the Jews highly discourage it
>b-but muh cancer
The optimal lifespan is 70 years beyond that you're useless anyway

>> No.46086663


>> No.46086688

Eating meat is carcinogenic. Going to stop eating steak, cuck?

>> No.46086712

Jewish hands wrote this

>> No.46086773

>Smoking rate decreases
>Autism and anxienty rates go through the roof
Smoking is the lesser evil. Lack of casual tobacco use is what contributed to the rise of the snall souled bugman

>> No.46087031

>Someone unironically arguimg smoking bad because it means people take too many breaks and aren't as productive for Mr Goldstein >>46049408
>He thinks Jews are pro tobacco

>> No.46087123
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>> No.46087189

But that was a jork right?

>> No.46087930

Just straight up nah. When I lived in Okinawa (if you even consider this Japan lmao) for 3 years I actually picked up smoking because the culture there was so into it. Same thing when I went to Osaka and Tokyo as well. Lawsons, family marts, 7-elevens, etc. have a huge selection of cigarettes, vapes, and cheap cigars. Their selections are legitimately better than at some small tobacco shops in the US. And a ton of young people smoked there and my base was right next to one of their colleges so I know.

The only ones I ever saw were at the airports and those were pretty nice. Decently clean and everyone was being talkative and friendly.

These people haven’t actually been there bro

As for the smell thing it depends greatly on what brand you smoke. Black American Spirts and Japanese unfiltered Lucky Strikes smell great. Stuff like Marlboros, camels, Winstons, (any cheap ass brand really) smell terrible. And young people in the US are smoking a LOT now lol. Ever since I got back from Okinawa I’ve been hitting up college girls and it crazy the shit most of them have done. Almost smoke weed or vape (once that vape runs out here comes the cigarettes), a ton have done shrooms and there’s now a cocaine epidemic at 2 of my local colleges lol

>> No.46089266
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>> No.46089272

Juden are pro any negative vice pushed on the goyim: alcohol, porn, gambling, pro sports, and big tobacco. They profit off all of the above.

>> No.46090867

did nothing wrong

>> No.46091249
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I miss my boys at Camp Hansen :(

>> No.46091724

my dad died of lung cancer in his 50s due to excessive smoking
I live in a shithole where young people act smug and think it's cool and funny to blow someone else's face with smoke
My nose is more sensitive than your typical twitter user and I get minor headaches whenever I smell smoke/cheap perfumes
I fucking hate smokers they're all cunts, literally the niggers when it comes to vices
whoever invented smoking has a special place in hell

>> No.46091859

I hate vapeniggers more than smokers. At least smokers would typically go outside. Vapeniggers will just fill the room with tropical blue raspberry smoke

>> No.46092124

They just did the same thing that the US did and made smoking undesirable, which isnt hard to do because cigarette smoke smells to high heaven

>> No.46092802

smoking bad

>> No.46095988

We need to go back.

>> No.46096737

Just listen to Towa speak. She definitely smokes or was a jeavy smoker at some point.

>> No.46100221

the best ship

>> No.46101832
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When did
Get taken down? Does anyone have it saved

>> No.46101983

so, like drinking? curious how one is frowned upon more heavily in Japan.

>> No.46102662

drinking is frowned upon more everywhere in the word because if you drink too much you are a burden and even a danger to the people around you.

>> No.46102752

For some reason, I’m less of a burden when I’m drunk. But I also hate alcohol. Sometimes it feels like I was made wrong as a joke.

>> No.46102826

izakayas are still huge in Japan, unless I'm misinformed. is it simply because they serve food as the focus? on the other hand, this clip and the non-existence of places focusing on "food and cigarettes" makes me think drinking is seen more positively overall. not denying that maybe some level of alcohol addiction is frowned upon, but on a comparative level, smoking < drinking?
>inb4 "passive smoking"
but yeah, drinkers can also get violent. is it because it's not guaranteed to happen?

>> No.46103009

Nah, it happened here too but not that extreme.
I know my mother used to smoke in the super market and noone said a thing.
Nowadays you can't even smoke in the local parks lol

>> No.46105034
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>> No.46105882

id girl didnt smoke. people will socially condemn them if they do. even if they do it prolly is just kiddie sized mild cigs or strawberry favored vape, personally im not gonna call this kind of people a smoker, i call them daddy issues.

>> No.46106009

Mori smokes lean.

>> No.46107086

Statistics lie? Youre basically saying
>japan doesnt have an aging problem, I went to a preschool and there were kids everywhere
Just because you saw a lot of smokers doesnt mean that smoking is still prevalent in the whole of japan

>> No.46107936
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In Japan there are cigarette vending machines everywhere. It's one of the countries with the highest ratio of smokers but also one of the longest lifespan.

>> No.46108203

That's because Japs chug medications like candies.

>> No.46110555

Matuli's roommate smokes too.

>> No.46112506


>> No.46113088


>> No.46114887

since when?

>> No.46119029

I thought that was a drink?

>> No.46119184

>korone has long been rumored to smoke
hard to buy when we've seen how good her cardio is

>> No.46123315

