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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45576713 No.45576713 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Reddit making such a big deal out of the horse memes?
Stop being antifun you fun-hatin twats.

>> No.45576774

bestiality is usually a step too far for most people

>> No.45576844

see there's your problem anon

>> No.45577107

It's like Boku no Pico for zoomers

>> No.45577112

>website agressively moderated by SJWs
gee I wonder

>> No.45577150

You don’t even need to go as far as Reddit. Hololive Global gets their panties in a knot over the Mori horse audio but the pisses their pants in laughter at “quaso”. literally a Reddit colony.

>> No.45577267

it's less about SJWs and funposting than the fact that the meme is about calli deepthroating a horse

>> No.45577297

Global pretends to be the "real discussion hub." The reality is that's only true on /jp/ this boards global is full of redditors and twittards.

>> No.45577321

Because cuckbeats are redditors and discordfags.

>> No.45577438

True deadbeats think the Mori horse meme is hot.

>> No.45577445

that you like asmr of your oshi in a blacked gangbang or doing bestiality doesn't mean that others like it too retard

>> No.45577477


>> No.45577590

They're secretly unicorns themselves and that's why it's unbearable to see Mori giving her attention to the average Spirit.

>> No.45577678

i remember looking at the comments of some loli x horse set and one of them was "tiktok brought me here", wtf are zoomers doing

>> No.45577697

go back to /mlp/

>> No.45577713

>reality is that's only true on /jp/
Isn't /jp/ global image dumb thread?

>> No.45577765

it's a forced meme born out of nowhere, it has no foundation in any of her actions. you're pushing it as hard as reddit tried with the shaggy god shit.
korone literally did a song about horse riding at the fes, where are the ai voice memes?

>> No.45577935

Can somebody post it? I've not actually heard it yet. Only seen people talk about it afterwards.

>> No.45578092

These are real pure blooded stallions thought, no cartoony shit dawg

>> No.45578138

>forced meme
No one forced it, people found the contrast funny. You may not be a fan of absurdism, but the more you make posts like these about how much it bothers you, people who think it's funny just to make people mad will post it.

>> No.45578246

stfu horsefucker, go back i said

>> No.45578859


>> No.45579279

Hold up where can I find this audio? For research

>> No.45579448

Do you newfags really not know how to use the archives?

>> No.45579829

>Plays Minecraft
>gets horse
>Named Adam Saddler
>Mori only talks about her undying love for Adam Sandler and Shrek
>Adam Saddler dies
>Mori quits playing Minecraft out of grief
>Continues the Cowboy Sheriff act for a while to hide it
>gives in
>loves them horsies Texas style
It's not really too far fetched, really.

>> No.45579842
File: 7 KB, 160x160, horse-face_1f434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair humans just can't compete with horses, they're bigger, stronger, we have larger cocks, they're more useful for labor, if horses could speak then human men would be obsolete.

>> No.45580010

>ITT : Nijifaggots desperate for a Mori yab

>> No.45580187

link the thread so I can laugh you faggot

>> No.45580256

are they? that's hilarious is no different than any other type of porn

>> No.45580273


>> No.45580309

White women went from dogs to horses...

>> No.45580451

I highly doubt that these are "deadbeats" being bothered, its more of the antis copium by sweeping the fact that they jack off to bestiality revenge porn under the rug

>> No.45580745

>I highly doubt that
How many times in your life have you thought that exact line?
I'm asking because I've never seen a person say that without being habitual
