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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45513170 No.45513170 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think it's even possible at this point for Pomu to join Holo EN in the future? Or has the door really closed forever?

>> No.45513277

She still can, just apply again.

>> No.45513281

They 100% have a non-compete clause that probably extends for a while if you leave either corpo.
Not that this matters because Pomu is an AnyColor bootlicker to the core and won't leave that sinking ship even they pull 3 more Zaions and axe some more concerts.

>> No.45513308

stop begging

>> No.45513315

Just do it pomu. I know it's scary but it would literally be the most kino moment in EN vtubing history. It would be a shame about the model but we can trust cover to deliver; as long as you are flat I'll support you.

>> No.45513391

why do you think she's been orchestrating the final yab? nijiEN has its days numbered

>> No.45513460

Zaion and Yugo knew how the company was behind the scenes, so they jumped off the ship early on.
I mean look at the state of their concerts, fking cancelled.(Still no refunds btw).

>> No.45513476

god i hope not

>> No.45513507

Pomu literally just renewed her contract with the rest of Lazusydia. Will you stop posting these threads or are you going to keep this up for another two years for the next renewal?

>> No.45513541

Do you still have a non-compete if you're fired?
Not just in vtubing but in general employment.

>> No.45513545

Fuck off holofaggot

>> No.45513607

I don't think so but its definitely a red flag for the next companies they're gonna apply to.

>> No.45513657

Yes (in general employment)

>> No.45513716

Unlike Luna she actually likes playing with her friends. Now she has Selen, Rosemi and Doppio.
She can still do MLP and Lazulight too.
I don't get why you guys want her so bad. Do you think reincarnating will give her a clean slate or something so you feel like you can watch her again? I really don't fucking understand. If you like her, support her now as she is. She will get a concert eventually, meanwhile she does all kinds of different fanservice for her viewers, more than almost any Holomem.

>> No.45513785

Do you think it's even possible at this point for /vt/ to get even shittier in the future? Or has the door really closed forever?

>> No.45513865
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>> No.45513866

i pray every night this is the worst it gets

>> No.45513997

You can but they're only enforceable for certain jobs and under very strict conditions. Extremely broad non-competes like "you can't do the same job you're doing now for anyone else" aren't enforceable. It would have to be something like "You can't work as a specific type of server maintenance engineer for my direct rival in South Atlanta for 1 year" because that company invested time and money into training you. It's completely non-applicable and non-enforceable for vtubers. At a stretch you might be able to apply it to the key 3D technical people, prohibiting them from directly switching companies and instead making them go work outside the vtuber industry for a moderate amount of time.

>> No.45514060

When she got rejected it was a sign that holoen didn't care about idols. Nijien has all the good singers while holoen has all the normie women.

>> No.45514113

uhhh holokeks??

>> No.45514209

>She will get a concert eventually
yeah considering the concert got cancelled because some of the other livers were too lazy to practice and improve Im highly doubtful about the concert happening this year or even next unless they cut off the lazy members of the concert and we know who those are

>> No.45514219 [DELETED] 

I watch her now but it would be nice to not have to skip every collab she's in. Would also be nice if she could get more back for her time and effort. That said, if she wants to stay I got no problem with it, it's just I would very much be in favor of her switching if she could.

>> No.45514295

Hilarious because what her branch ended up doing was catering to a bunch of ironic weeb SJWs+Fujo CCP drones who hate Japan and who mostly only give a shit about luxiem and would likely celebrate if NijiJP got fired just like they celebrated when Zaion got fired. Not that this is her fault, the people that came after her (except obsydia) are responsible for this.

>> No.45514313

She obviously enjoys the collabs and people she works with though? She talks about them all the time

>> No.45514400

Non-competes aren't worth the money they're printed on

>> No.45514405

yeah everything went downhill after luxiem unironically

>> No.45514411

the sad thing is you actually think this way

>> No.45514434

this entire word salad instead of saying "I never watched nijisanji"

>> No.45514449

Why though? shes like discount kiara but for twitch

>> No.45514510

Do you retards just spout off everything you see in the catalog? None of this shit is even true

>> No.45514511

I mean the people in Prism Project enjoy their collabs too, it doesn't mean that's the best place to be for the rest of their career.

>> No.45514514

>this entire word salad instead of saying "I never watched nijisanji post obsydia"

>> No.45514599
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>She obviously enjoys the collabs and people she works
wasnt that the same stuff they said about zaion?

>> No.45514603

No, she revealed her true nijicolours

>> No.45514641

literally the same and doesn't absolve you of being ignorant

>> No.45514657

who said that?

>> No.45514830

All I know is that when I looked at the zaion termination tweet I lost count if the amount of "people" with troon flags in the replies celebrating. If you fags want to proudly be affiliated with the current nijiEN fanbase you're likely troons too, I fucked off when luxiem was announced and am glad I did when looking at the current state of that dumpster fire.

>> No.45515079 [DELETED] 

I can't never hate pako even tho he a homo lover, truly a unity dad. Fuck sana.

>> No.45515224

Will you still watch her if she gets Sana's model?

>> No.45515284

We don't want her.

>> No.45515872

her true anycolors you could say

>> No.45515950

That sounds like a horrible idea if you actually care about Pomu. She'd be painting a target on her back for slighted Nijifans and they'll have the strongest ammunition ever. She'll be blacklisted from Niji collabs. She'll be instantly under Kiara's umbrella no matter how hard they try to avoid it. Everything she built up as Pomu will be deleted. She'll still have her Holo antis and the possibility of her collabing with Homos will make them more mad. Also she has to flip the coin on a new Hololive model.

>> No.45516015

I think the issue would Pomu trying to survive on a non-compete agreement, which is usually one year, but sometimes can be up to 2
I doubt Cover would be willing to buy Pomu out of her contract.

>> No.45516181

Usually not. If you're fired, then the contract is usually nullified.

>> No.45516250

I feel like Cover is going to keep their hands off of talents from Niji because of their semi-working relationship they have. The only exception I could see if if a talent quits and applies to Cover after like a year or so of their Niji persona.

Essentially, they're not going to poach each others talents even if those talents want to go work for the other company.

They literally don't because those were deemed illegal in Japan. Likewise, if they truly had a non-compete clause, then we wouldn't see so many of them with "roommates."

>> No.45516680

Don't you dare bring logic into this, Nijisanji is a black company and my honorary Holo needs to be in my favorite company.

>> No.45516730

She can buy herself out of it. You can't just put "you owe me one billion dollars if you quit!" in a contract and think it will be enforceable. It has to be commensurate with costs associated with employing you. I.e. pro-rated model costs, advertising ect. She's easily made enough to cover any contract fee. Someone like Zaion, if they quit after just joining, could under some level of debt.

>> No.45517117
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I'm really not even sure they are planning a HoloEN3 at this point.
She should just tough it out in niji hoping her coworkers yab so hard that the branch gets folded into main niji. Or go back to the ghost maid.

>> No.45517528

Non-competes are actually illegal/non-enforceable where I live.

>> No.45522304

please do it pomu

>> No.45522884

No way. She already got rejected from Hololive. She's an open whore and talks about political shit. Cover doesn't want that.

>> No.45523591

If you belong to an agency, there is probably a one-year ban.

>> No.45523942

>and talks about political shit
Like what??

>> No.45523953

Not even Niji beg for your orange woman

>> No.45524056

The Cold War, nuclear warfare, the role of PMCs in the 21st century, stuff like that.

>> No.45524145

Imagine simping for a company instead of the talents in it. I've yet to see nijifags want or even care about any holos

>> No.45524182

Nice narrative tourist, tell me how many en members she had a collab with

>> No.45524218

>all metal gear topics
So do the hologirls just plug their ears and not aknowledge the games they play

>> No.45524237

Oh, not about modern politics, that's cool then

>> No.45524331

The stench of Niji is already on her. Keep her away from hololive in case her shittiness spreads and contaminates the company

>> No.45524460

No wonder she hates her life

>> No.45524553
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well you're clearly wrong because this has already happenned in the past with a niji making the correct choice and joining hololive.

Pic related. One of this bitches victims

>> No.45524789

so that didnt work out

>> No.45529423

Yes, but why?

>> No.45529513

>the sisters begin to gaslight on cue

>> No.45529554
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What's with the holobeggar threads lately?
You know you can always watch Pomu and Selen and Rosemi without them being hololive?

>> No.45529671


>> No.45529684

The irony for holobronies is that Cover suits terrified of risk would be reason #1 for Pomu never joining if she tried to switch teams. There is -zero- chance they'll ever do a Luna again, that kind of spunk isn't a thing anymore when a company has grown this big.

>> No.45529866

If pomu is American this might change with proposed law changes

>> No.45530033

There's a reason even the JP nijiniggers want nothing to do with NijiEN fans. You know things are really bad when even they want nothing to do with you.

>> No.45530127

Which is funny since they are as toxic and as retarded as the NijiEN fans they hate but act
way more holier than though even though their branch is slowly becoming irrelevant and while the en branch gets more and more relevant

>> No.45530399

Terrible bait. Pomu never wanted to be in Holo EN in the first place.

>> No.45530699

I do not understand this obsession with Pomu joining holo. IMO, there will be more backlash than benefit from it. Luna still gets called out when she left Niji as Moruru

>> No.45530746

Luna would be miserable if she was still in Niji. She'd probably be a 1-2k streamer.

>> No.45530792

you know nijisanji is bad when the main argument against leaving it for another corp is "nijiniggers will hound you for life for betraying the gay pacman"

>> No.45530812

WWE had 90 day no compete clauses if the wrestler gets fired to stop them showing up elsewhere right after

>> No.45530895


>> No.45531200

>I feel like Cover is going to keep their hands off of talents from Niji because of their semi-working relationship they have. The only exception I could see if if a talent quits and applies to Cover after like a year or so of their Niji persona.
I see this brought up often, but there is no source. Just wishful thinking? Forget that they are competing with each other? Such a deal only benefits one side.

>> No.45531238

But Luna is really popular.

>> No.45532117

Did they ever take anyone to court over it? 90 days is short enough I imagine nobody bothered to test it out. In reality you can't tell people "do not work at your given trade for 3 months if you are fired", it would be tossed out in court.

>> No.45532142

Rather than a non compete, hololive recruiters will just not want her in because of the possible drama around poaching talents.

>> No.45532387

Okay listen:
Cover hands over Zeta to save NijiID and turn it profitable and Axel cause he also has a Kobo stigma on him and now Selen too.
Niji gives Pomu in return to unite with Kiara.

>> No.45535009

Does she even want to do that?

>> No.45535470

I used to disagree with this because I thought the Luxiem talents are pretty neat themselves but now I realize the fans they bring in are absolutely cancerous... to the point it's affecting the entire branch. In hindsight Ethyria was pretty bad (aside from Nina) because they bring in people who would spout their political opinions and woke shit.

>> No.45535986

You can't apply to Cover if you are still under other company contract now.
So it's not possible to jump to Cover.

>> No.45536878

Remember when CCPsisters mad about the gorilla yabs?

>> No.45537130

>because Pomu is an AnyColor bootlicker to the core
Not the phrasing I would use but this is the real reason she won't ever switch or leave the company. if she ever left I wouldn't be surprised to see the company implode from unprofessionalism within the month.

>> No.45537173

nina spouts political shit too, tf you on anon.

>> No.45537180

Pomu and Scarle are probably the best off they'll ever be while in Nijisanji and though they'd both get a number bump and more care put into their careers in general it's not worth throwing away what they already have to hope they're one of the five out of 100000 people Cover picks every two years.

>> No.45537256

Yes you can, they even ask you if you are under contract elsewhere on the application form, and have a disclaimer that you are applying under your own risk.

>> No.45537600

Pomu is Nijispy??

>> No.45537726

No stop begging and kill yourself you and Pomu deserve Nijisanji

>> No.45537734


>> No.45538720

Why would she want to? NijiEN is bigger than HoloEN and Pomu out-earns every HoloEN girl. Jumping ship would be a straight downgrade for her.

>> No.45538924

Of course she can't. Vtuber fanbases are full of tribalists schizos, and she in no way brings anything that would be worth the headache it would cause Cover and their existing talents.

>> No.45538985

>if I lie often enough and flagrantly enough people will start to believe it
The soviet playbook is quite apt for the company favoured by twitter retards

>> No.45539610

Holo has never poached talents from other companies while they were still employed there. Kurone, Moruru etc. were hired after they graduated.
Recently their audition requirements also changed and now state that if they have any existing employment contract they should specify in their application.

So unless Pomu suddenly announces her graduation, I don't think she's ever getting in.
Not that I think she wants to at this point. She's basically the Mito of NijiEN, and is entangled with way too many members. If she goes, what's left of their company will just collapse.

>> No.45541153

Looking at what NijiEN was supposed to be vs what it became I honestly feel bad for her

>> No.45541253

lol no, if you want Kiara and Pomu unite bullshit so much, Kiara should be the one to join Nijien she is a niji-lite anyway.
Maybe Mori too, she fits niji's culture.

>> No.45541401

So how many NijiJPs did she "help" in the last 2 years?

>> No.45541720

You are mistaking Pomu for Elira dainsenpai

>> No.45544694

Can't even bait correctly, LMAO. How retarded do one have to be?

>> No.45544726

we do not want her
