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45093806 No.45093806 [Reply] [Original]

How it ended the first time:

How it ended the second time:

What should Sayu do upon redebuting as 真黒?
Bottle it all up? Never speak a word about all the pain, the shame, the disgraced reputation?
Speak up and share her side of things, cautious not to break NDA?
Speak up and share her side of things, going all-out and breaking NDA? Threaten to subpoena Nijisanji livers for defamation?
Anonymously drop a pastebin somewhere, then redebut as if nothing happened?

>> No.45093859

Scorched Earth strat

>> No.45094340
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Initially I thought it's best to redebut and not speak of anything, but evidently it's no longer possible with the severe smear campaign going on. I really don't know.

>> No.45094478

I really want her to redebut.

>> No.45094769

Kind of sad all the dramatubers are siding with Niji even though they tried to kill their channels only a few weeks ago. Surely the company trying to sniffle free-speech would never mistreat their employees and slander them...

>> No.45097547

Yeah just noticed a new video from that sheep dramafag about Zai's "gaslighting", and of course he's liking comments supporting Finana
Absolutely mental, not a single one of those retards looked at the situation critically

>> No.45097704

Despite everything people are saying I feel so convinced that Sayu is a good person. It feels strange that everyone sees her as this horrible and toxic streamer, yet I have never seen this present anywhere. Other Indies seemed to love her before, she freely interacted with her fans in the discord and is just fairly chill on stream. Think that has bothered me the most since this drama started.

>> No.45097775
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colony drop NijiEN

>> No.45099790

I mean yeah, me too. I meant the part about her speaking about stuff. Nijisisters will continue hounding her until she gives an actual defense.

>> No.45100026

Why don't YOU look at the situation critically? NijiEN has 29 other livers that are able to stream multiple times a week without having to private their VODs or run afoul of management. Hpw anybody can honestly, non-shitpostingly believe that the problem is with the company and not the individual - who signed a contract to abide by certain terms and conditions, btw - is beyond me.

>> No.45100344

Why are you people always trying argue why she was fired (which no one really has a problem with) instead of how she got fired?
She got tarred, feathered, demonized and doxxed by everyone around her with no way to defend herself.
So fucking disingenuous I swear

>> No.45100859

>She got tarred, feathered, demonized and doxxed by everyone around her with no way to defend herself.
So providing a reason for her termination is tarring and feathering now? It's called closure, and they did it for the sake of transparency, for the fans that aren't terminally /here/ or suckling at the teat of dramatubers.

As for doxxing, pleasure show me just ONE example of ANY of her co-workers or management doxxing her. Do you even know what doxxing means? She was fully doxxed before she even graduated from her PL.

>> No.45101422

They would have terminated Zaion earlier, but they needed to use scare tactics to bring the dramatubers to their side first.

>> No.45101504

Monitoring for more Sayu activity.

>> No.45101847

Not that many of her VODs were privated. Millie had worse troubles with bad actions and privating during her early days and Kyo is still privating his VODs when his inflammatory dramabaiting backfires. A good chunk of Zaion's VODs, the ones not in her initial streams, were only taken down after her suspension was announced, when the awful and vague phrasing attacking her for unstated jokes lead to a witchhunt that combed through her VODs for things to be mad about, leading to more getting taken down.
>reasons for termination
They tacted on completely bullshit, petty things that were obviously not contributory. A joke about raid shadow legends sponserships was enough to make the list according to NijiEN and some of the bulletpoints are just vague statements about other infractions which must be even less notable than that or else they'd have tried to mention them as directly as well. The entire thing is laughable. They also tried to cite things she started to do in preparation for her exit after her leaving NijiEN was already decided, just to try to kick her while she's down. Unbelievably petty.
And even the things that seem more notable are hypocritical as they are seen in many, many other streamers in NijiEN. Throwing her to the wolves for jokes? Ones that her coworkers have already made? Disgusting.
>As for doxxing, pleasure show me just ONE example of ANY of her co-workers or management doxxing her
lol nice goalpost moving. He didn't even say that. But it is funny you go to her coworkers because we do know her coworker had joined in the attacks against her even during her suspension, before she decided she needed to leave NijiEN. So much for NijiEN being against harassment.
>Do you even know what doxxing means? She was fully doxxed before she even graduated from her PL.
Lurk more, rabid NijiEN fans were posting her full name, address, phone numbers etc. What the hell more do you want, them to post her SSN too?

>> No.45103067

>A good chunk of Zaion's VODs, the ones not in her initial streams, were only taken down after her suspension was announced, when the awful and vague phrasing attacking her for unstated jokes lead to a witchhunt that combed through her VODs for things to be mad about, leading to more getting taken down.
Nice headcanon but that's simply not true lol. Also, Millie and Kyo obviously learned from their mistakes and stopped doing whatever management smacked them down for, Zaion clearly did not.
>They tacted on completely bullshit, petty things that were obviously not contributory
I didn't know we had a company insider that knows the ins-and-outs of managerial decisions posting among us. How else would you know for certain what was contributory and what was not?
> A joke about raid shadow legends sponserships was enough to make the list according to NijiEN and some of the bulletpoints are just vague statements about other infractions which must be even less notable than that or else they'd have tried to mention them as directly as well.
So you're criticizing them for vague statements while deriving her sponsorship joke from... a vague statement. OK.
>They also tried to cite things she started to do in preparation for her exit after her leaving NijiEN was already decided
You don't know when it was decided.
>He didn't even say that
>>She got tarred, feathered, demonized and doxxed by everyone around her
Who else would "everyone around her" imply, retard?
>rabid NijiEN fans were posting her full name, address, phone numbers etc
Not disproving my point, all of this info was known before Zaion even existed.

Try again.

>> No.45103075

>Speak up and share her side of things, cautious not to break NDA?
I think weaving in her perspective and some truths P.T.-style in her new lore would be enough to tell her side of the story
Anything more concrete would just fuel the harassment campaign again and she would not hear the end of it
I also highly doubt she wishes any real harm on Niji people
She has direct contact with them, she can clear up misunderstandings privately if need be and ask them to stop sending their rabid fanbases her way
I trust her to make a right call and to move forward after the debut

>> No.45103370

I accept your concession. I know it is tough to admit you were wrong, but the important thing is that you learned from your mistake. I'm glad you agree that Zaion was an innocent victim that did not deserve the treatment she received (and is still receiving).

>> No.45103449

It will happen.

>> No.45103503

Why would they? Dramatubers just want to keep the drama going for as long as possible.

>> No.45103507 [DELETED] 

Nice try, Holobrony but you need to lurk more before you attempt to argue with me again. Back to the cuckshed with you, I’m sure it won’t be long before some new “””yab””” draws you out again.

>> No.45103560

Retarded Nijifans won't care about the truth. They don't know, why would they care if she said it?

>> No.45103607

Continue playing your part in her future success nijisis

>> No.45103648
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She have friends in many places

>> No.45103689

Yeah, me.

>> No.45103747

>Zaion clearly did not.
Show me the repeat offenses

>> No.45103754

>Nice headcanon but that's simply not true lol. Also, Millie and Kyo obviously learned from their mistakes and stopped doing whatever management smacked them down for, Zaion clearly did not.
Yeah she should have been fake like Enna and waited for a bit. https://streamable.com/51juoi
>So you're criticizing them for vague statements while deriving her sponsorship joke from... a vague statement. OK.
It's ok if management does it.
>You don't know when it was decided.
Her Streamlabs went down days before the notice was posted. If you take away her rice bowl it's a clear indication.
>Not disproving my point, all of this info was known before Zaion even existed.
Just because she has been doxxed before doesn't mean she can't be doxxed again.

>> No.45104464

>Nijisisters will continue hounding her until she gives an actual defense.
The weird thing about all this is that she has not really been accused of anything worth hounding anyone about. So she can't really give a good defense when everything against her is pure innuendo without substance.
>Muh gaslighting.
Uuuuuhhhhhhhh, you mean about her own personal business when asked? Why would anyone care?
>Muh jokes.
Not targeting any group unlike Enna the chicken eater. They tried to pin her for a few passing comments but they don't stick as actual joke sor steretypes attacking any group of people.
So what is this actually about in the end? Tribalism, literally just us vs. them. Zaion was labeled an outsider and must be destroyed to protect the group, that is all.

>> No.45104557
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latest mutual

>> No.45104778

It's scary when you think about it. You don't even need to break any of the "unwritten rules" of being online for a hate campaign to happen these days. Any comment that is at worst "in bad taste" can be spun as the spark to ignite a fire that a corporation or group wants to happen.

>> No.45104856 [DELETED] 
File: 3.75 MB, 720x470, sayucute[Sound=Files.Catbox.Moe%2F7ud844.Mp3.Mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so full of hope and optimism back in 2021... we failed protect this smile. Please let us hear your laugh once more...

>> No.45104936 [DELETED] 
File: 3.75 MB, 720x470, sayucute[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F7ud844.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so full of hope and optimism back in 2021... we failed protect this smile. Please let us hear your laugh once more...

>> No.45105102

She's so full of hope and optimism back in 2021... we failed protect this smile. Please let us hear your laugh once more...

Fuck I can't get soundposts to work https://streamable.com/gmgnyo

>> No.45105755

i love zaion but she fucked up and anons have difficult to accept that. she clearly didnt like being in a corpo and thats why she wasnt willing to change, because it means she would need to change herself

>> No.45105797

>Speak up and share her side of things, cautious not to break NDA?
What are the actual, real world implications of her breaking NDA now she's no longer with the company? Niji is a JP company and she's an American (I assume) citizen. Can they sue her? Would such a thing even go to court or have any ramifications?

>> No.45105860

Fuck off sister. Seriously, just fuck off. Nobody wants your scripted therapy here. You have zero justification to keep running this hate campaign against her. She was fired, time for you to stop.

>> No.45105870
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none of you faggots gave a fuck about her till you thought you could use her as ammunition against Nijisanji

>> No.45105880

Japanese corpo lawyers are as slimy as their american counterpart, they can find ways to fuck you over even outside their jurisdiction. The public humiliation is just the first step.

>> No.45105926

Black companies fuck themselves over sister. They had a slam dunk firing and they made her into a martyr instead. Hilarious.

>> No.45105939

We literally had Zaion threads here right when she debuted.
She was clearly the most liked of the new gen here.
Not sure why Nijisisters can only lie and gaslight.

>> No.45105972

>actually started getting into Niji because of her
>was never against it before, just not really interested
For awhile I was watching exclusively other NijiEN streamers (including males) whenever Zaion wasn't streaming. When pressed to choose between her and them, though, the choice is obvious. I'll follow her wherever she goes.

>> No.45106080
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They're all kpop stans prior to finding out about nijiEN, of course they're attuned with the ways of deception and disingenuous arguments. The next time their Luxnoc oshi gets fucked in the ass by the company, see how quickly they do a 180 and promptly Kyoani the anycolor HQ.

>> No.45106110

Soon reality itself will crumble under the force of your own denial.

>> No.45106214

They all follow the same script even when they pretend to be her former fans, the whole female obsession with therapy and corporate slogans shines through:
>I am totally a fan of hers, but everyone offered her help, help I say! She was a bad fit for our corporate branding. She needs to revalue her life choices to change and grow from this career experience.
They are soulless automatons.

>> No.45107322
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Times have been rough for her throughout 2022.

>> No.45107355

fake Pomie kill yourself

>> No.45107362

No one gives a fuck about EN VA.

>> No.45107683
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What did she mean by this?

>> No.45107794

She thinks her community is adorable and humorous

>> No.45108180

Keep coping sister. Maybe you'll get a gift card if you try enough.

>> No.45108185

>Speak up and share her side of things, going all-out and breaking NDA?
Yes. She should tell us whether she's a nijispy sabotaging and responsible for most of the recent yabs or nijiEN is really incompetent and she's just icing on the cake.

I'm not surprised if the answer is both.

>> No.45108282 [SPOILER] 
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I don't about him, but as a day 1 pomudachi I share the sentiment. Lazusydia was magical and then we got utterly replaced and terraformed. I have no interest in NijiEN anymore with the amount of bullshit both in-corp and in-fanbase it has currently.
My only hopes are eventually NijiEN has so many waves it segregates itself into cliques that don't interact with each other like in NijiJP (and Pomu drops Enna and the other assorted pieces of shit), and the newfag wave number 12345 fanbase becomes "Pomu who?" so I can enjoy Pomu in peace. That or waiting for her becoming indie again.

>> No.45110204

She'll be back and better than ever.

>> No.45111168
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sure thing, anytime soon
