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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45077669 No.45077669 [Reply] [Original]

>NijiEN Vtuber reveals the truth
>"Oh shit, what happened?"
>"She uh... said Zaion didn't listen to some advice she gave her supposedly... and that somehow made her very wary of people...?"
>"Sounds like a complete nothingburger, but whatever, how exactly can we confirm that's the truth? Because fucking Finana said it is, that means it's true?"
>"Yeah, Niji talent's would never lie (lmao), except for Zaion of course who hasn't had a chance to have her say in the matter while niji dogpiles her"

Do you really believe these lying cunts? Are you really that much of an NPC, /vt/? Or are you enlightened enough to see through the deception and see it for what it really is?

>> No.45077757

Didn't Zaion gaslight Finana?

>> No.45077767

>waits for the dramatranny clippers instead of posting about the live reactions

>> No.45077844

Seems to me like everyone but you is in agreement that Zaion is an irredeemable psychopath cunt, /vt/. Why is that?

>> No.45077867

Wonder why none of those dramafucks have the balls to report on Enna sharing CP with her wavemates while drunk during a collab. https://streamable.com/2qgth0

>> No.45077868

Don't care, nijisanji

>> No.45077993

No no anon, she put her in a literal gas chamber. You see zaion is actually Hitler's great great great grand daughter

>> No.45078026 [DELETED] 

Because if the entire world suddenly decides that suicide is the coolest thing to do because the cool kids do it, I wouldn't do it. It's that simple Nijinigger.

>> No.45078038

I wonder why none of the big name streamers she's been friends with for years have said the same thing? Curious that this only happened right when she got suspended!
Before then she was an angel everyone liked. All throughout her time as her PL she was well loved by plenty of vtubers from all companies, now she just so happens to be evil incarnate.
How strange.

>> No.45078092

As expected of Finana.
If she gets offended over traps and parasocials, a coworker not listening to her advice would make her go ballistic

>> No.45078121

More like How on earth are you so obsessed with Zaion? Did she gave you her coochie or something?

>> No.45078237

>argumentum ad populum
Take Finana's advice and educate yourself you parasocial fuck.

>> No.45078255

They didn't have to work together at the same company it's not really comparable

>> No.45078319

It's just like twittersanji to use a term like gaslighting for something that is demonstrably not gaslighting.

>> No.45078348
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>All her collabs with other niji's she was liked
>Fans loved her
>All throughout her indie vtubing life she's been well liked
>Suddenly big corpo says she said a bad thing
>Now everyone is supposed to hate her.

Peak NPC mindset. Shows just how much trannies worship big corporations, they hang on every word they say like mindless drones.

>> No.45078478

>2 dramafags of the branch going at it against each other

>> No.45078498

She's so spoiled it makes me want to throw up.

>> No.45078582

What does that even mean? They are streamers not surgeons. They can work together without ever interacting.

>> No.45078759

What the hell happened anyway? When I was growing up, the political left hated large corporations for being evil conglomerates that only cared about the profits of the people at the top and fucked over the less fortunate, as well as the environment. There were movements pushing for unions and condemnation for companies that tried to stop them. Now they all deepthroat corporate cock and beg for more.

>> No.45078812

What are the comments saying?

>> No.45078822

Politely palmed her off more likely. What kind of retard would actually take advice from Finana?

>> No.45078897

What do you think? Everyone but /vt/ seems to be in agreement.

>> No.45078905

Not really. It's expected that she participates in company collabs, especially with her wavemates. And getting suspended and having VODs taken down constantly reflects poorly on the whole company

>> No.45078914

The left has always been more fragmented than the right. There being both a neolib corpocuck left and an anti-corp left has been a thing for decade, though neolibs on all sides have gained power and visibility.
t. leftist

>> No.45078980

>the guy that was attacked by anycolor is now riding their dick and going after zaion
uhhh why

>> No.45079018

Corpos are smart, they realized they could just co-opt lefty talking points and get them on their side without actually changing a damn thing
Just put a rainbow on your twitter pfp one month a year and you have free shills forever

>> No.45079195

idpol supersedes other concerns for those retards; they'll support whoever panders to them on it irrespective of their other positions.

>> No.45079219

>Just put a rainbow on your twitter pfp one month a year and you have free shills forever
This but unironically. It's that fucking simple.

>> No.45079269

I hate this idea of getting into dramas when you're not the target of them.
Finana you're an attention seeking bitch, wanting to show the world how much you've been hurt when the story isn't about you.

>> No.45079339
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>the truth
>it's just vague what ifs

>> No.45079365

Might as well name the video "Please go dox and hate on this vtuber even more"
Worthless fucking faggot drama channels.

>> No.45079401

shes entertaining so i dont care

>> No.45079460

Seems like FalseEyeD is taking that angle of Zaion being attacked vs Khyo focusing on dramabait.

>> No.45079643

It only reflects poorly on you if your fanbase is twitter driven and think "no vod = rape joke". Everywhere else, the fandom doesn't care as long as they got their fun from the stream.

>> No.45079762

A lot of people watch VODs though; and I also mentioned getting suspended

>> No.45079812

what you take for the left in america is nowhere close to what's considered "left" basically anywhere else in the world.
from an european perspective, both dems and reps are just two levels of the right. the global americanization of politics post-1991, red scares and assiociating any evil with the left, even nazism, is what led us to think that people who worship corporations are leftist.
"not real communism" is very much real among anyone who's just actually socialist. it's also very real that the left will fight over ideological purity rather than unite under a common banner just to secure seats in their governments., it has its upsides like an actual spectrum but it also has downsides like neverending struggle to achieve anything.

>> No.45079842

Yeah she's my girlfriend duh.

>> No.45080132
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No, see. She was always hated! She was always a cunt!

>> No.45080209

"Once people find that taking offense gives them power, they start taking offense at anything"

>> No.45080230

Suspensions are stupidest shit ever. Not only it disturbs your income, it kills channel growth and morale. Most of the time it's just corpo virtue signaling that can be dealt with while still streaming. The real issues, like Enna's photos, get buried deep and never mentioned.

Also, archives are the thing. Only issue her is monetization that is lost, but I'd say depending on youtube monetization is terrible business model.

>> No.45080304

What kind of "nice person" talks about herself saying shit like "I'm such a nice person people use me Q.Q... This is was so depressing and hard for me. I left staff to handle her."

>> No.45080371
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>> No.45080422

Good people are just good, they don't desperately try to prove it on the internet

>> No.45080590

She could have been the worst person alive but the way they're talking about her without giving her any legal means to defend herself rubs me the worst way

>> No.45080605

Well they don't really have any other option. It's not like they didn't give her many second chances

>> No.45080815
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Nigga better hope Zaion never dumps logs and forces him to feel the egg on his face.

>> No.45080890
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They're literally dogpiling the ever loving shit out of her from all angles knowing she hasn't been able to defend herself since the suspension over a month ago, and KNOWING that she needs to re-debut before most people will give her the time of day, by which point all of the drones will have made their minds up about her already and won't care what she says, they'll hate her regardless of if she is in the right or not.
This entire smear campaign against her has been set up in the most malicious and evil of ways ever. They set out to completely destroy and mindbreak her. Full on defamation. It's downright vile.

And for fucking what? Saying "Sponsored by raid shadow legend"? Mentioning emulation? Really nigger?

>> No.45080909

How many? She spent more time suspended than streaming. You have no clue what goes behind the scenes.

>> No.45081094

I'll believe it when I see some evidence of it. Currently all the evidence I have on her amounts to her being a talentless genshitter and nothing more.

>> No.45081161

I saw how many privated VODs and issues she had first hand and even after her first suspension she would openly say that she didn't care about the corpo rules

>> No.45081207

That's called "lack of code" in my country.
It's a high tier coward action to talk about someone that isn't present and can't defend themselves.
NijiEN truly is filled with people that failed the personality screening that Cover does on their candidates.

>> No.45081244

So, how many chances?

>> No.45081369

They don't want another Yugo situation to happen where they end out better off as an indie ever again
Like they are getting better numbers than vox on white day, that is some scary shit

>> No.45081428

Cute of you to consider nijisanji corpo cucks to be leftists.
Ever wondered why after Occupy the culture wars over irrelevant bullshit like M&M and Dr Seuss and rainbow flags became intensified and promoted by big corps? Because when the proles fight among themselves, they are too divided to remember what the oligarchs are doing.

>> No.45081663

maybe we should just rename no true scotsman to no true communist since you've made it your thing

>> No.45081666

the oligarchs arent leftists, their retarded attack dogs are.

>> No.45081810

i can't believe zaion would ask for finana's advice and then not take it. disgusting. so toxic. what a horrible person. she is history's greatest monster. i hope finana recovers from this brutal assault on her personhood.

>> No.45081843

After nijisanji striked their channels they agreed to not say anything bad about nijisanji as a corporation to save their channels, they are cowards and sellouts

>> No.45081934
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Can these creaturas even be considered "people"? Are they even sentient?

>> No.45082286
File: 3.88 MB, 768x440, zaionGOOD[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Faaenxh.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45082551

I'd imagine a large majority of these sorts of people (with pronouns in bio etc) aren't even real people. It's some Chinese/Russian guy or bot on the other end trying to manipulate public discourse because woke shit is destroying the west and destroying the west is in their best interest.

>> No.45082683

I can't believe anyone would ask for Finana's advice.

>> No.45082783

Nah they're tumblr refugees from the porn ban.

>> No.45083032

>NPCs are programmed to think the same thing, that means they're RIGHT!

>> No.45083345

>It's some Chinese/Russian guy or bot on the other end
Anon, I'm sorry to say, but it's actually just the west falling apart.

>> No.45083393


>> No.45083964

Khyo always sides with Twitter.
I prefer 'Rev says des' take on it:

Looking forward to her next stream.

>> No.45084516

I wish Njisanji had been competent for once in their existence. Taking down this channel would have been the only good thing they've ever done.

>> No.45085419

NijiTranny are ballless by default

>> No.45085842

Yeah, she strapped Finana to a chair and forced her to question her own sanity.

>> No.45085975

>Finana said Zaion lied to her
>Nooooo, she would never!
>Pretty much everyone, even the drama channels agree with the termination
>Everyone is just trying to appeal to Niji!
When will Zaionists admit their oshi is a bad person?

>> No.45086036
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Twitter tranny NPC's be like

>> No.45086206

Well then maybe you should be a better bf and have her not stream and just enjoy being with you.

>> No.45086207

Wow you're so stupid.
I can tell you have no friends irl.

>> No.45086302

>They're literally dogpiling the ever loving shit out of her from all angles
only 5 people out of 30 have spoken about it at all and one of them only brought it up to denounce the harassment

>> No.45086363

>dramashizos sockpuppeting

>> No.45086403

Zaion if you're reading this, please stream on YT

>> No.45086445


>> No.45086454

I wish I knew exactly the subject matter of the pic.

>> No.45086535

>implying this is only something troons do
This hobby really is full of the dumbest people alive.

>> No.45086644

They might not have any balls, but I do. If Enna disappears at some point, I guess it really was CP. Time will tell.

>> No.45086752

The world also sees nothing wrong with mass consuming heavily processed foods daily and after cutting that shit out completely I know exactly how harmful it all is.

so sounds like a 'most of society is retarded and apathetic' situation to me, just like normal.

>> No.45086794
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Based anon. Do it for the greater good.

>> No.45086838

Has anyone tweeted about it? Twitter mob doesn't watch streams so you have to shove something in their face if you want them to crusade about it.

>> No.45087042
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FalseEyeD already hot on the case.

>> No.45087225

>someone with the username CharlesDexterWard

>> No.45087588

It's ok if Enna does it. Just report her here. https://www.anycolor.co.jp/en/report

>> No.45087789

For some reason I don't think a JP company cares about pedophilia if they can ignore it. Tweet it instead.

>> No.45087991

comments are starting to shift after being completely one-sided in the termination video

>> No.45088031

Listen anon, reporting her to management is clearly not going to do anything given she's not fired already. If you actually think she showed CP to the other girls, report her here: cybertip.ca

>> No.45088061

Better off sending it to a government tip line. I'm sure Canada has one for child abuse. Then they can take a look and decide for themselves whether it is worth investigating or not.

>> No.45088800

>Are you really that much of an NPC, /vt/?
I dunno, are you?

>> No.45088980
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Oddly relevant Moist/Charlie video on a potentially similar situation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Puobu8NVK7Q

>> No.45088992

What did you cut out anon? I killed diet soda and all dairy, certainly feel better than this time a month ago but I want to see if I'm missing anything.

>> No.45090319

Huh, the comments are way less one-sided than I expected. Some of them are even calling out Finana for using the word "gaslight" incorrectly and questioning her story.

>> No.45090753

The tide is turning, just like it did with the hogwarts thing. No one likes seeing people get bullied for ostensibly nothing. A lot of us are tired of these people who turn everything into the worst thing.

>> No.45090845


>> No.45091022

also report hex the groomer

>> No.45091070

Holy shit bro she literally sent her gen mates cp and they're such a family that they literally don't care. NIJIFAM 4 EVER

>> No.45091215

If Zaion avoids attacking the livers directly and stays vague when she returns, she'll probably have a lot of sympathy from all the sttacks she's getting. She got a SWAT threatened on her for crying out loud. The cards are lined up perfectly for her to come out of this winning.

>> No.45091274

Everyone that received it was instantly an accessory to a crime and worried about their own livelihood. Notice how Nina uncharacteristically shut up? That shit happened on her channel. The panic was real.

>> No.45091408

Always remember actual nice people dont go around telling people how nice they are. So many times I've met shitty people that constantly brag about being nice but their actions prove otherwise.

>> No.45091515

>Are you really that much of an NPC, /vt/?
I dont care, EN are shit

>> No.45091846
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Are they rallying behind Finana against Zaion?

>> No.45092130

I'm still not even sure what the fuck happened.
Which is the biggest red flag those that aren't silenced are just fucking lying.

>> No.45092400

gaslight is just a synonym for lying in the current year

>> No.45092762

The comments are very grounded. I wonder why it's different with Khyo

>> No.45092833
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she just became mutuals with yuko and shondo, also followed another idolEN

>> No.45093220

She's still mutuals with Doppio's PL. Both Doppio and Kotoka still have her on their Channels tab. I wonder what really happened behind the scenes. It'll be fucked up if Finana is the one kicking up a fuss to get her booted.

>> No.45093457

Funny how not a single person in all the time she's been streaming as an indie or in Niji ever had an issue with her until she got fired
Wonder why that is

>> No.45093543

>Literally on one in twitch talk shit about her or have any twitch drama
>Suddenly she becomes evil person when she left black company
Makes you wonder

>> No.45093558

At first I thought it's best for her to move on from all this, but they keep tarnishing her image and unleashing more rabid harassers with no respite. If she's done something "really bad" they could have taken legal action but no, they choose a more insidious method- feeding her to their angry mob and whipping them into a frenzy at every turn.

>> No.45093573

Based Rin lover Sayu. I love the Idol EN girls.

>> No.45093579

W-why would someone from NijiEN publicly lambast her while they're trying to help her behind the scenes? Are you retarded or something?

>> No.45093618

Finana just said that she felt lied to; she didn't really kick up a fuss or make a big deal out of it. She seemed to like Zaion up until her suspension

>> No.45093629

This is purely corporate wanting her gone because they think her making Raid Shadow Legends jokes is what's making their stock plummet

>> No.45093631

>Yuko, Shondo and Rin
Based... so fucking based...

>> No.45093658

Ask Kyo. If that was the "help" offered by Nijisanji EN, you might as well leave, especially if they wont do anything about him.
Still a funny "coincidence" he left one day before this announcement came out.

>> No.45093738

Why would dozens of people not in Nijisanji, who have no incentive to lie, be friends with her and be involved in her graduation video if she's such an awful person

>> No.45093740

Shondo knows what it feels like to be the downtrodden and bullied. She's also not trying to get into NijiEN's pants so she can afford to do this.

>> No.45093801

>Finana just said that she felt lied to
She said she was gaslit which made the harassment worse

>> No.45093920

She thought it will earn her good girl twitter points. Too bad she's too retarded to recognize her fanbase is not from Twitter.

>> No.45093921
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Someone should spread around the clip of Enna making a rape joke and then panicking and saying she is allowed to say it because she's a woman.

>> No.45093979

I see Falseyed is back to his NijiEN shilling. His past couple of videos have been mostly NijiEN news and they are always first in the video. Falseyed, you are never going to make them popular.

>> No.45094017

Not really she just wanted to share how she felt about the situation since it was stressing her out

>> No.45094034

if that's really how they "help" people, then I look forward to see how they're gonna act against the people they want to ruin.

>> No.45094038

He got ass-raped by them I don't think he's trying to make them more popular. Maybe popular for the wrong reasons, yeah.

>> No.45094117

yeah sure 5 minutes of not getting to the point sure beats saying nothing

>> No.45094170

lol, no. There was no reason to insert herself into this if she felt stressed.

>> No.45094392

Her statements about it were pretty clear if you listen to the whole thing
I like when my oshi shares how she feels about thing, plus she was directly involved

>> No.45094423

I wouldn't know since it's in Chinese. And I don't know how they translated it.

>> No.45094640

lol no, she wasn't. At best she was involved behind the scenes since nothing in the notice alluded on her direct involvement. If she didn't say anything, people would assume Zaion was terminated for rape joke (twitter) or over general disagreement with management (here). She also wasn't as clear as you claim, she said she felt gaslit which is both semantically and factually wrong. She didn't say anything about what actually happened or what they were talking abour.

>> No.45094648

How is saying Zaion Gaslit her not making a fuss? She literally riled up a bunch of people to hate her even more. Doesn't even sound like they were friends at that point.

>> No.45094907

The thing she talked about is right there on the termination notice
>Giving false information to other NIJISANJI EN Livers regarding the content of her communications with ANYCOLOR Inc.
Being one of the livers she lied to IS being directly involved

>> No.45094913

No, he is friends with the NijiEN talents cuz they interact with him and Hololive won't. Bottom tier vtubers like NijiEN need to interact with him to get more exposure

>> No.45095167

I feel like Nijisanji and Vshoujo are like the mean girls of the vtubing world and everyone else outside their clique is starting to band together. Pippa and Shondo will lead the way.

>> No.45095196

They're not friends now. They're competition.
Also we have yet to hear Zaion's side of the story so I'm not judging until she's got a chance to defend herself.

>> No.45095494

They got along fine in their Clubhouse collab which happened right before her suspension. The bad stuff all happened after while she was already suspended. I'm a fan of both and it's pretty clear that Zaion had issues with management and other people got hurt in the crossfire. Doesn't make her a bad person but she was not suited to work in a corpo

>> No.45095578

See that's the thing. We haven't heard her side and a lot of people are judging. Even worse, she's under NDA so telling her side puts her at legal risk. That hasn't stopped her former employer from shitting on her though. Unless she wants to try to skirt around the NDA by being as vague as possible, it will be years before she's even allowed to defend herself against their accusations. It's literally bullies hitting someone they know can't fight back. Revolting behavior.

>> No.45095591

>say you'll think about your coworker's advice
>don't because she's a known retard
>this is worthy of being fired

>> No.45095632

Not what happened

>> No.45095888

Didn't she follow the phase girls and fishman too? She needs to go to the sad girl company.

>> No.45095927

Sure buddy

>> No.45096048

this, if she shows a chill/friendly personality when she return streaming, people will start questioning what actually happened on the backstage while at niji

>> No.45096116

and I'm sure you know everything that happened

>> No.45096121

> nijiniggers admit to being bandwagoners
> on 4chan
> thinking this is some form of "win"
the absolute STATE of NijiEN fans

>> No.45096160

>And for fucking what? Saying "Sponsored by raid shadow legend"? Mentioning emulation? Really nigger?
the companies can get in big trouble because of that, if she were independent then fuck it.

>> No.45096247

Not even close. It means she lied, at best, to others what she talked about management. This would be a corpo speak for management being butthurt about being called shit in front of others in any other company. Finana, on the other hand, said she was gaslit, implying Zaion used her to do something, possibly use her influence and put in a nice word to management for her.

>> No.45096255

I know this is bullshit because Finana is the last fucking person anyone would go to for advise if they were in NijiEN

>> No.45096297

What companies?

>> No.45096365

really anon? the company she worked for obviously

>> No.45096390

She lasted longer than Zaion without getting suspended though. Based on the sequence of events it wouldn't surprise me if the advice was on how to stream FFXIV properly. I'm still unsure what went wrong in her FFXIV stream that she had to private it though
She did say that she defended Zaion based on what she had been told from her. I imagine that's where the feeling of being gaslit comes from

>> No.45096457

Really, anon? I was asking what companies you know got into trouble for joking about raid sponsorship or any sponsorship even.

>> No.45096526

The sponsored thing from the termination notice is more likely to be about the time she spent a whole stream saying she was sponsored by Dee's Nuts, complete with a png asset of the nuts.

>> No.45096529

I'm amazed how the main message of Khyo and FalseEyeD in their videos on the topic of Zaion, is "dont send hatred or engage in doxx/harassment despite the situation" and yet everyone in the youtube comments of even these videos themselves, is full of hatred and not even trying to see two sides of a situation or extend any fairness to Zaion

Like the "dont dogpile Zaion" zones are the places where Zaion is getting dogpiled, so what the fuck is the point of these videos? It just fuels even more hateful people a lot of whom never even watched Zaion in the first place

>> No.45096533

>feesh defense force
go back to your secret discord

>> No.45096593

Seriously, how does it fall on 4chan of all places on the internet to actually be the one to extend some level of sympathy and fairness to Zaion

>> No.45096594

Which is even more ridiculous.

>> No.45096605

> *slurrrprpppprprp* oh yeah Anycolor sama, jam that boot right in ther- *goggglflflglglglgl*

>> No.45096672

That's still the kind of thing you can't do in a corpo when the company actually exists

>> No.45096697

Yeah, its definitely raid because you nitpicked the statmeent, not the insubordination of breaking a lot of rules, being warned many times, put in things to try to be better, not getting better, suspended and then terminated.

>> No.45096742

people like (You) are the reason artists like Mick Gordon suffer for years on end

>> No.45096756

Anon, no one should be publicly bullied by their coworkers after being fired.
This is unacceptable and niji EN is going to be held accountable

>> No.45096771

kek, I have never even seen that vtuber nor do I see any Niji, but I had seen a video about that firing.

anyway, while we do think its a joke, companies can try for defamation if they want, perhaps they cant win but theyll have to at least fight it in the beginning.
wasnt she even warned before hand to stop doing that and she continued?

>> No.45096799

Oh, it's a 'feeling' of being gaslit?

Gaslighting isn't a trivial accusation. It's literally - LITERALLY - on brainwashing tier. It happens more in relationships, but it does happen in workplaces where lots of interactions are just face-to-face with no records. The gaslighter will usually go like:
>You didn't give me that document. Why are you lying to me?
>We didn't have that meeting you're referring to. Why are you making stuff up on your own?
>We actually agreed that this color in the design should be purple, not blue. Please stop trying to go behind my back and just talk to me.

And this shit goes on for ages, hundreds to thousands of tiny instances adding up, until the gaslit person is a yes-man puppet who will agree to whatever you want them to say or do because you've convinced them they can't trust themselves. They can only trust you.

It doesn't happen in two fucking months, working online with a job that requires minimal interaction between coworkers, where you don't even necessarily have to talk to the person if you don't want to, where everything important to the job is actually documented or logged just by virtue of using the internet.

>> No.45096815

Again, what incidents you ever heard of resulted in sponsors pulling out? Compare it to things she did.

>> No.45096829

you as a fan can joke but as a streamer under contract, shes held under all of that and was fired for insubordination, the main take of the termination and not willing to change.

>> No.45096836

Quite weird huh? Everyone else is acting like she's Vtuber Hitler

>> No.45096868

You forgot "terminated and canceled".

>> No.45096877

4chan has always secretly been the kindest social media site, we're just also dickheads that spam racial slurs

>> No.45096880

>Do you really believe these lying cunts?
No, in fact, /vt/ is the ONLY board I've seen that has suggested, even for a second, that things aren't what they seem and if Nijisanji were being truthful they wouldn't have presented that cringeworthy list and immediately ordered their fans to attack her when she legally can't even speak for herself.

>> No.45096903

zaion isnt getting dogpilled on those videos. no one is shitting on her, no one is doxxing her. if anything theres more clear containment breakers in there defending her and shitting on nijisanji

>> No.45096912

We can see through your lies intern-kun

>> No.45096922

It's used more casually than that nowadays. It seems like you're hung up on your narrow definition of the term

>> No.45096957

> Why is that?
Because you get banned everywhere else you can even remotely discuss this if you don't toe the party line and the talenst is purposefully stirring up shit to create blood
where else can you even suggest that Zaion isn't entirely at fault and Niji isn't being fair to her even if their accusations are truthful? Reddit? Twitter? Or here? Because those are your options.

>> No.45096972

None of thosea re lies but things called interpretation of what is the main reason for why she got terminated

>> No.45097008

thats bullshit, theres many comments from containment breakers on twitter and youtube. go to vtbannedmemes and youll see them

>> No.45097017

Nah you're just a humorless cunt, stupid moron. A raid shadow legends joke isn't why your gay stock plummeted, but publicly castigating a talent you recently fired could be a good reason on its own.

>> No.45097028

There's not much disagreement on what Zaion did - just about how they should have announced the termination

>> No.45097049

>narrow definition
More like "specific". Broad definition of gaslighting can be replaced with word "trickery/deception".

>> No.45097053

Feesh's statement is sus as hell. She completely left out the what and why, and by her own admission completely just took the betrayal at face value instead of confronting Zaion about it. It's the kind of statement you'd make if you want to slander someone, but want to keep it vague enough that they can't come after you legally about it.

>> No.45097055

most of the ones on twitter get reported and banned and Youtube is one giant echo chamber of 2views who are all hoping to someday take the next spot in Nijisanji.
There is no discourse to be had there. Except maybe a comment or two on a video that gets hidden.

>> No.45097090
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Keeping the drama going gives Zaion publicity for her redebut and her antis more opportunities to mess up, shifting the moral high ground back to her.
Wouldn't be surprised if she's saving her side of the story for later.

>> No.45097091

lets not forget that, if Zaion continued doing shit despite the warnings, Niji would have to fire her just to set the example for the other vtubers to stay in line.

I dont necesarily agree with it but I understand it. hence I prefer to watch fillian doing deez nut jokes and cartwheels and what not.

>> No.45097093

>Your Honor, I think you're too caught up on your narrow definition of the term 'rape' when I told her "I'm gonna rape you." I only meant I'm going to outcompete her professionally.

>> No.45097097

It's still wrong and used like that just because twitter zoomers have no sence of scale. It's inflammatory and not helping the situation at all. Complete opposite of what a decent company should do.

>> No.45097116

Lurk more. 4chan's primary role isn't evil; it's chaos. It's in the average Anon's nature to play doubles advocate. When the whole world is against something, (a person, in this case) we're still willing to ask if it's really as bad as everyone says. It works the other way around too, which is why we have so many hate threads for the most popular chuubas.

>> No.45097120

There's a ton of disagreement and saying "lol no there isn't" doesn't make it less so.
Things like 'Thinking about possibly pirating' in response to a piracy joke, the raid shadow legends joke, the accusations of 'gaslighting', and the padding of the list to make it seem thicker than it actually is by substance. We've been over this and Nijitards time and time again don't address it, they just do what you just did and say "Welp that settles it, there's no disagreement then".
At the very least you can admit that the treatment is super unprofessional regardless of what happened so there's that.

>> No.45097138
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>> No.45097150

>She lasted longer than Zaion without getting suspended though
because she's part of a clique. Zaion wasn't, and didn't pay protection money which is the main reason she got dunked

>> No.45097197

It wasn't a piracy joke she was just discussing romhacks. You agree that she did it and that it's against the JP corpo's policy.
That's a good example since rape can also be used casually to mean something like 'beat in a videogame'

>> No.45097242

of course it isn't, because you are the only one making arguments about it being a thing you retarded faggot

>> No.45097299

that "thinking about possible piracy" is the stakeholder thing btw. She was openly talking about romhacks for many and many minutes, and that could make the entire agency lose permissions for games.

>> No.45097306

There's a difference between firing someone and putting them in front of a twitter firing squad. The majority of the outrage regarding Zaion stems not from the fact that she no longer works with Nijisanji, but how the termination was handled. The suspension and subsequent termination notice border on defamation. Keep in mind that in Japan, the statement doesn't even have to be false to be considered defamation of character. A true statement that is publicly released can be defamation if it damages someone's reputation.

>> No.45097320

I kinda disagree though, I mean we just had the whole hogwarts legacy drama with silvervale and pikamee
Look at the public reaction to those incidents, on twitter and even with these same dramafags and even more like Hero hei and Rev says desu
The universal reaction on the internet was shitting on the tranny twitter freaks, you even had the dramafags mock the falseflaggers, the tranny cousin faked suicide, the people claiming "this is all a rightwing transphobic psy op"
So whatever it is that characterizes 4chan's reaction to things, it cant just be contrarianism

>> No.45097323

Precisely, no judge would say, 'oh I guess it's not sexual harassment then' and declare you innocent. In a field where people can't even say 'my nigga' on stream you'll think streamers understand the importance of specificity.

>> No.45097384

Any real examples of that?

>> No.45097462

I dont know about you but, I dont try to find out who the tales behind the vtubers are. so if Kanata was roasted by cover tomorrow, I would not know who she is and coundlt care less

the tweet was strong, but then again, it left no room for interpretation as to why she was fired, unlike with Rushia who had unclear motives and people were speculating for months (and still are)

finally, twittter is not the whole world anon.

>> No.45097470

A judge could easily find that it wasn't referring to sexual assault in the context it was said in. Finana talked about gaslighting about 6 different times in her Nier stream the other day. It's just a word that zoomers use for 'lying' and people familiar with NijiEN streams would know that, but you wanted to overanalyze the statements of someone you don't watch to paint her in a bad light

>> No.45097510

tales = talents

>> No.45097588

oops meant, I coudlt care less about who Kanata is IRL, I would be iffed with cover.

>> No.45097764

The gall of bringing up context. It's PRECISELY because of the context that this is so inflammatory. She's not making a joke, she's trying to justify terminating someone's job. That's implies it's a serious offense. Naturally you assume that when a word is said, it means what it means, no more or less.
And she's a public figure who knows full well her statements will be clipped and shown to people with no context - even relies on it - so even that is not an argument in the slightest.

>> No.45097791

Disingenuous faggot. Everything we knew about Rushia lined up with what was said by cover. You can't even tell which streams niji is referring to in their notice. At best you can tell she was fired over disagreement which makes the list obviously padded to validate this decision. And it's not even about that, it's about the behavior of the company. Cover told they are at fault for not ringing her in and try to calm the situation. Niji threw her to the dogs and said nothing as of yet.

The best thing about this is Kyo who could see this shit from miles away and took a vacation to get out of the way. He has better sense of drama that whole niji management.

>> No.45097847

She had 10 privated VODs. The evidence was there

>> No.45097922

Why don't you show me which point refer to which stream if the notice is so clear, then?

>> No.45097961

She wasn't justifying the suspension she was mentioning how it had affected her. You'll also want to look up the merriam-webster definition of gaslight at some point

>> No.45097985

And you still avoided whole point about them behaving like a butthurt vtweerer.

>> No.45097988
File: 136 KB, 1080x893, ZaionMarried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Froot allegedly cheated on her then boyfriend during deployment - she basically never returns here over that
>Nyanners dates some literalwho vtuber - gets called a whore
>Towa has a male voice in her chat - has to take a vacation over it
>Mori has to pre-screen her superchats for months because her mom posted a pic of her with her bf
>Zaion outright states she dates men for their cars and is married - /vt/ cucks pretend like it doesn't matter
Something about Zaion causes all of these retards to just act different
By all accounts she should have been done and dusted but they just keep simping

>> No.45098012

all are hypothesis anon, we dont know for sure.
people like to believe it was because the whole discord thing and fans got pissed, other sayt because Rushia was disclosing compny and talent information to outside parties.
those are all supositions but we dont really know.
since there was a guy who actually said it was his fault for saying stuff Rushia personally told him in on of his videos (which Rushia told him to keep secret) then I do believe Rushia might have told him company secrets and was fired due to tht

>> No.45098029

This sounds serious as well. Seems to be even greater grounds for termination. https://streamable.com/2qgth0
Sounds like she's making up shit. She has a history of being manipulated by people to say what they want, I'm not trusting her even if she says anything positive about the situation. All she is is a terrible mouthpiece.
Game and console modding is illegal in Japan. How are they streaming 3DS games? Probably emulation.

>> No.45098037

Ever so conveniently, all of her streams are no longer available, so no one can show any receipts and it's entirely he said she said, except one side doesn't get to talk

>> No.45098045

There's already a word to be used in that meaning
> she lied to me
stop twisting words to mean what they do not

>> No.45098062

I'm glad Yugo is doing well. Are they seething about it?

>> No.45098098

Being married is a good thing and should be encouraged
Jumping from cock to cock is bad and should be shamed

>> No.45098108

Let's not forget Vox started dating a co-worker (probably Reimu) then cheated on her too.

>> No.45098130

No, we know. The involved parties all put on the statement. Even Rushia admitted to contacting krkr befere her manager. Only thing unsure is how much she shared.

>> No.45098153

She did both anon, cock sleeve with a former ring on her finger, now back to cock hopping

>> No.45098179

>genuinely awful people get no consequences
>Zaion gets her life potentially ruined because someone THAT WASN'T HER made a queen of the Jews joke

>> No.45098188

and this justifies the harrassment, swat threats, and doxxing how?

>> No.45098196

I always thought it was another niji talent/staff for Reimu

>> No.45098207

after how many months?
I saw many video days/weeks after the whole ordeal, even saw Rushias comments afterwards, basically just saying she was sorry but not saying exactly of what

>> No.45098222

>Source: it was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.45098227

Nijisisters will hide behind ANYTHING to not admit that bullying an already terminated talent is absolutely vile

>> No.45098244

>the tweet was strong, but then again, it left no room for interpretation as to why she was fired
You didn't read the actual notice very hard then. Not when the majority of the supposed violations have previously been done by other livers that have not only not apologized, but stated they were not suspended for them. Not when some of them were literally things she did AFTER it was clear she was fired(her streamlabs page was taken down early whoopsie). Not when some of them were the vaguest possible shit "She said something that could possibly lead to speculation". That means NOTHING HAPPENED.

Did you consider applying critical thinking when it mentioned she lied about a sponsorship deal? You do understand that people aren't like comic book villains in real life, right? People actually have motivations to do the things they do. People aren't just evil for the sake of itself. That would be a waste of time when they could be doing something that would actually benefit themselves. Now give me one good reason why someone would unironically try to fake a sponsorship deal. How does doing that benefit her in any possible way? She's not going to trick the "sponsor" into paying her for a deal that doesn't exist. She's not going to trick her employer she's in a collab and avoid trouble either. So did you think that maybe, JUST maybe... she wasn't serious and actually stated an obvious joke that everyone who actually watched the stream understood?

>twittter is not the whole world anon
No twitter is just the people currently doxxing her full name and address right now.

Now address the fact that dragging a person's name through the mud is defamation and a normal termination reads like "Due to irreconcilable differences between talent X and management, we have decided to terminate their contract as of today". And while we are on the topic, address how pointing to their private social media accounts is an encouragement for the reader to go track them down.

>> No.45098278

Because it's safe to express an unpopular opinion here. You get cancelled elsewhere for not toeing the party line.

>> No.45098285

That's a nice argument Senator. Why don't you back it up with a source?

>> No.45098295

this nigga bought the rrat about being on bad terms with Yuzu... Anyway, proofs or gtfo

>> No.45098310

You can condemn someone for being shitty without condoning harsh reactions

>> No.45098320

Gee, it's almost as if the main thing that people take issue with is how egregiously she got fucked over. Like the behavior displayed is so shit that people are willing to turn a blind eye to stuff they normally dislike or even condemn. Maybe the sheer contrast of that, how much people grit their teeth to make an exception for her, should clue you in to the severity of how badly NijiEN fucked up.

But of course "people" who will blindly support a corporation like that expect everyone to act like them.

>> No.45098348

>it’s another deflect episode
When will this end?

>> No.45098356

Word meaning evolves with time
>First statement
She played Kotoka's cover at the end of her stream knowing that she would have to cut it out from the VOD
>Second statement
She mentioned that they had Hogwart's Legacy perms but were still deciding if they should be allowed to play it because of the controversy in her last Good Job stream
>Third statement
Hinting at her graduation with her PL account
The Karaoke rape joke
don't know what that's about specifically
Romhack talk in her debut 2.0 stream
Don't know
Happened off stream
don't know the specifics
The Dee's Nuts thing in her Cats Organized Neatly stream
We've all seen her liked comments during her suspension

>> No.45098435

Rushia's termination was after the proof she contacted krkr went public and Cover was clear about that. The later info only proved it correct.

>> No.45098437

When the fuck is she going to stream again

I'm getting tired of waiting, I dont care if its as Sayu or reincarnated or whatever, there's just too much silence from the person herself in such an active ongoing situation of interest

>> No.45098556

You are too invested in this anon, your sentiments are clouding your judgement.

if you work for someone, you have to adhere to their rules (as long as they follow the law) if you want to be cute and do things your way, you risk getting reprimanded or in worst case scenariios fired, or if youy are very lucky maybe someone in your job will appreciate it but its almost never the case.

so because a lemming jumped off a cliff you will too? I dont watch Niji, but I can tell you that if they dont put their foot down at some point, their employees will not respect them as their boss.
who know perhjaps Niji had enough and since Zaion was new they thought it would affect less, I dont know.
you need to take those rose tinted glasses you are wearing and look at the real world for how it is. it sucks but we make it work somehow,

>> No.45098560

>Towa has a male voice in her chat - has to take a vacation over it
Towa had to take a vacation because she lied and said it was a manager. Lying about management is grounds for suspension. Cover doesn't care about what talents do in their private life. As blatantly proven when they posted a notice regarding Rushia when she initially had the discord yab and people were trying to harass her over it. https://cover-corp.com/news/detail/20220214b/

Unlike that black company Anycolor, Cover actually believes that people shouldn't be treated like shit and signed that joint-statement on combating harassment and defamation with good intentions. https://cover-corp.com/news/detail/20221205_announcement_en/

>> No.45098568

zaion was in niji where male collabs are a norm, why are you comparing her to holo that built a unicorn fanbase from overwhelmingly not interacting with males, it's about being consistent with your product
still don't see what that has to do with the issue at hand, unless you're implying that somehow your morals just go out the fucking window because you took issue with something else

>> No.45098585

Literally no one asked, she didn't owe any apologies to anyone. She butted in a drama and then added fuel to the fire.

>> No.45098634

You mean the first definition that is the most serious one, or the second which is:
> to grossly mislead or deceive (someone) especially for one's own advantage

I want you to imagine Finana saying these words instead, on stream, and tell me how that would be any better, any less inflammatory, or any less exaggerated. In some senses it's actually worse. It is difficult to imagine a lie so large, a deception so heinous, that it warrants the 'grossly mislead or deceive' term. There's a reason the two examples given are political.

>> No.45098646

>Kotoka cover
Wtf, the copyright over is niji, why is this shit even here?

Anyway, which of these deserve her RM getting doxxed and canceled?

>> No.45098651

yes but how much time after? there were dozens of videos covering her but no one knew for sure why.

>> No.45098649

you know this only points out how stupid the statement is when you can't even tell what 4 of those supposed infractions allude to

>> No.45098674

You are an unironically bad person trying to make light of a black company that publicly shamed a former employee, drug their name through the mud and painted a target on their back, all while knowing she couldn't respond with her side of the story because she's under NDA. And you still won't address any of that because you would rather keep making it about the fact that she was fired and not the manner of how she was fired. I hope you are being paid, but I also hope you aren't being paid well. Because you suck at damage control.

>> No.45098742

It means I don't have a perfect memory of everything she did or said in her 8 hour long Genshin streams that I was only paying half attention to.
I never said she deserved any of that

>> No.45098744

You remember krkr stream before her termination, do you?

>> No.45098794

> playing a copyrighted song = Kotoka's cover
Why is this a big problem? It's their own company cover, i.e. they already got perms to cover the song... why would just playing it be enough to serve as a point for TERMINATION? Fucking Uki kept a Disney karaoke up and BLATANTLY challenged them to take it down and didn't even get a slap in the wrist for it.
> revealing information that could potentially cause issues for stakeholders = hogwarts perms
Holy fucking kek, it just confirms that the stakeholders of nijisanji and THOSE people
hahahahahahaha, the absolute fucking state
> Making statements that could lead to speculation = hinting at her PL after getting fired
Niji official policy allows them to operate PL accounts, several active chuubas do so. The only thing they're not allowed to do is to criticize Nijisanji.
> comments that can be considered offensive = Romhack talk in her debut 2.0 stream
Any liver playing a 3DS game is using a hacked version of it. This was more likely to have been her calling a Genshin Island as "AIDS" and management misunderstanding the context.

>> No.45098921

>Holy fucking kek, it just confirms that the stakeholders of nijisanji and THOSE people
I'm more willing to believe that the Japanese and Chinese investors would be pissed as fuck knowing that an entire branch wasn't allowed to play the most popular streamer game because they were pandering to the mentally ill. All those potential profits lost. The chinks especially would not be amused by pandering to what amounts to "feminine men". Which the CCP already objects to.

>> No.45098935

Song perms are complicated and just because you have permission to release a cover of it doesn't mean you can play it randomly in a stream. Anyway it's something she knew she was not allowed to do.

>> No.45098990

then think about it
if you can't even recall those points then are they REALLY that big of a deal? You're the one defending niji's statement here that all those are infractions are considered severe enough to make into a public list.
These supposed "infractions" should be immediately indentifiable because they are supposed to be termination worthy yabs, yet even you, a staunch defender of niji can't recall them?

>> No.45099000

I guess you are a dumbass.
try doing whatever you like in a job after being warned not to what you did and see how it goes.
seen people fired because they wanted to do stuff their way even if it was more efficient.
heck ive been fired for complaining to do a sloopy job all because the company didn't want to spend more money.
you know like having to answer emails in foreing languages using google translate to read the emails and then use google translate to write my answer in the target language. or people refusing to do simple things like move a desk because it was not in their contract, etc.
if you want to do whatever you want, make your own company and let your workers also be free. I bet you wouldnt let them do as they please.

I dont, I only saw the aftermath.

>> No.45099067

So three minor infractions and a deez nuts joke. All of the past life shit was between her knowing she was fired and it getting announced so it's just there to add more reasons to harass her, not to justify the firing.

>> No.45099073

It's a big deal to the company. I don't know what their policies or permissions are like exactly and don't care either, but Zaion needed to be more careful about that.

>> No.45099173


Nothing pisses me off more than people who get offended when their advice isn't taken.

It's advice. It's your perspecftive on what someone should do. If the person decides not to follow it even after asking you for it, there is nothing wrong with that.

I'm not surprised though since its coming from someone who considers her viewers "parasocial fucks".

>> No.45099177

Yeah, and a company can try doing whatever it wants and see how their public image changes.
If a worker is beholden to a public entertainment company, the company is beholden to public opinion. It can be 100% correct under its own internal rules - hell, it can be a 100% correct decision strategically regardless, like the Depp firing - and that would not stop people from shitting on it or undermining it. If you want to do things that are correct in your eyes but not in the eyes of some of your fans, then you simply have to suck up the result.

>> No.45099209

There's something wrong if she gets into trouble for not following it, says she followed it and implicates Finana in the whole thing because of it

>> No.45099211

Bullshit. Corpos hire army of lawyers to make sure the assets they use are their own. Niji holds the copyright. Showing the cover would fall under the allowed promotion and if niji doesn't have it they are even less competent I thought.

>> No.45099237

You completely failed to respond to anything I said. Why did you even reply to that message? I'll give you one last chance on the assumption that I'm just somehow not being clear enough. Unjust firings happen, sure. I'm not arguing that. It sucks, whatever, we move on right? That's not my point.

I bet they didn't defame you all over the internet when you got canned though, did they? They didn't go out of their way to make sure you couldn't be hired anywhere else by slandering you, right? Because if they did, that's both unethical and illegal. THAT is my point. You don't ruin someone's life just because you want to fire them. That's sick as fuck.

>> No.45099247

>I dont, I only saw the aftermath.
You're an idiot. Why do you argue if you know nothing?

>> No.45099263

Did your employer also make a public statement about you that was purposefully left vague so as to allow people to make assumptions that you were fired for being a rapist and anti-Semite and then do absolutely nothing to curtail the harassment you received?

>> No.45099309
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Reminder, this is what we failed to protect. Realistically nothing could be done because the floodgates came crushing down with Luxiem. There's nothing to gatekeep when there's no gate.

>> No.45099324

No it woulnd't. thats not how any of this works. The permission is granted only to the person who asked for it, because they dont own the cover, they have the permission for Kotoka to cover it.

>> No.45099337

Have you seen the witch hunts going on outside of here? to openly support zaion or merely just question our glorious and resplendent leader nijisanji's choices of termination is enough to get you added to the same hitlist as she's on and mobbed by literal actual psychpaths who want both her and anyone who supports her dead.

Reddit is filled with its dogshit karma system where anybody can be silenced by a mob for the most milquetoast of opinions such as 'don't harass and commit crimes guys it's wrong', and twitter is the lions den where you will be hounded day and night if you step out of line.

4chan is one of the only places on the internet you can safely voice support and question this, hence why it's also the only place that openly supports zaion. make no mistake some of the support is tourists scared of the mob.

>> No.45099358

don't go hard on chink officesisters they're trying their best

>> No.45099372

It's a shame she threw it all away since her diary posts were very fun to read

>> No.45099439

>trying to save the world
>the king of jews (jesus christ)
>persecuted by the masses
Eerie coincidence

>> No.45099449

Right, but you're erroneously equating the originating chaos with the contrarianism that resulted. That's probably my fault, due to how I phrased things, sorry. I should have said "When the whole world is against something to the point that it's practically mandatory to be against it."

The mandatory part is the important bit. Contrarianism isn't necessarily the result of the chaos. It depends on circumstance. In all of the situations we've discussed thus far, the throughline has been an intolerable excess of order, specifically in the form of a mandated opinion. You MUST hate Zaion, and you MUST hate anyone associated with Wizard Game.That's why the chaos response to these events is contrarianism, and dissemination of contradictory information and also alternative ways of thought.

Whether or not there was a sizable number of relative normies who were "on our side" is irrelevant to that response. None of the dramatubers you mentioned would have trumpeted the idea that we should gas the trannies. Basically everyone outside of 4chan played the safe angle of "oh but most trans people are super cool though you guys :( ", but on 4chan that wasn't the case. This isn't because everyone on 4chan is inherently in favor of gassing trannies, or automatically opposed to the popular sentiment that trannies are good, but because people on 4chan are typically opposed to mandated positions. In addition, the site itself inherently invites outlier opinions by its structure.

>> No.45099472

Guess who asked for it, genius. The cover involves lot of people and all of them get paid by niji. Obviously, the permission to create cover is needed too, but not being able to promote it by others would be a massive failure on a management side during negotiation.

>> No.45099489

> question our glorious and resplendent leader nijisanji's choices of termination
theres nothing to question. They are the employer, they control the contract and the management controls the branch. thats all their decision if they want to retain a member or not. you can question how it was dealt with in public, but thats just a company deciding if a employee should continue
and theres plenty of supporters out there on drama channels defending her and on twitter on places like vtbannedmemes, so stop acting like you cant say that out there

>> No.45099547

>blic statement about you that was purposefully left vague so as to allow people to make assumptions that you were fired for being a rapist and anti-Semite and then do absolutely nothing to curtail the harassment you received?

I dont know, I moved on, I absolutely never talked nor mentioned rape nor anti-semitic claims so I doubt it. I no longer work there so nobody can contact me so I dont know if I ever got harrased., but I doubt it.

heck the company implemented the suggestions I made after they fired me XD. at least my ex coworkers got to reap the rewards of my firing,.

also what ive been trying to tell you is that if you face the bull you get the horns.
I read the original tweet and didnt see it all that defamatory, it was just a checklist of infractions which you seem to take to heart to much.

have you not read? I was using the Rushia situation as an example of a tweet that was vague and left people speculating what exactly had happened, many video were made about the topic but none knew for sure, as opposed to the Zaion tweet that while strong its clearly states why she was fired. theres nothing else to discuss

>> No.45099564

That's not a massive failure because litearlly no one shows covers from other members on stream on japanese agencies. Have you ever seen covers on holo streams? At best original songs from the company or other vtuber but not covers, because they don't own that to show it like this, they own the right to make a cover and thats it, not the right to stream that cover.

>> No.45099733

As I said, you know nothing. The example was bad. You watched clips from EOP who fell for twitter narrative that she was fired over having boyfriend. Everybody here and in japan knew she got fired because she went nuclear, started suicide baiting and talked to korekore. People could watch it all live and then she got the boot.

>> No.45099751

Does your boss allow you to talk about how Zaion is being publicly hard doxxed right now and Anycolor is partly to blame? Or are you only allowed to speak vaguely about your own "past experiences" in a way that weakly justifies her being fired. Go on, reply to me mentioning how Anycolor signed a joint-statement with Cover to combat defamation and harassment and then defamed someone on their termination notice. That's all you have to do. Just say it.

>> No.45099767
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> She had 10 privated VODs

>> No.45099833

Defamation usually refers to false statements

>> No.45099840

Not in Japan it doesn't.

>> No.45099844

> drug
it's "dragged" btw, just for future reference

>> No.45099952

I think I mostly agree with your analysis; it makes a lot of sense why 4chan seems to mostly hate leftie stuff, it's probably because nowadays lefties have all the social control and you can feel it even in the vtubing community with the hogwarts legacy drama
>None of the dramatubers you mentioned would have trumpeted the idea that we should gas the trannies. Basically everyone outside of 4chan played the safe angle of "oh but most trans people are super cool though you guys :( ", but on 4chan that wasn't the case.
This is a really good point and I'm forever frustrated that again, even during the situation BOTH with silvervale and with pikamee, it was ONLY 4chan that was calling out the trans community itself, which was obviously the root cause of the drama in the first place
I mean for gods sakes, the exact same people bullying pikamee had trans flags or pronouns in the bio, this is not a "actual trans people dont actually support this" type of phenomenon
Somehow it's only people like shondo who can explicitly say "transgender 12 year olds and 'transtrenders' and people with pronouns in bio" were the ones harassing her, like cmon why does it fall on shondo and 4chan of all places to tell the truth about these things and weirdly be some kind of unique moral voice

>> No.45099953
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>Using a copyrighted song in her stream without prior authorization
Luca has not apologised. >>/vt/thread/S23331437
Uki fucked around and finds out. >>/vt/thread/S25840152#p25842536
>Revealing internal information that can potentially cause issues for stakeholders during her stream
Everyone in here revealed how assblasted they are. Zaion's probably inside too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg2XZDyi7Vs
>Making statements that could lead to speculation or leaking of internal information using social media accounts that she personally operates, during her activity suspension time
Streamlabs was deleted at this point if this refers to the liking of comments.
>Offensive remarks regarding discrimination and sexual assault
Finana gaslit (no I'm not misusing the word this is what it means now) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaNA4YlM8Bo
>Several infringements of the Rules pertaining to the use of games defined by ANYCOLOR Inc. (including intentional infringements) and repeated false justifications given to ANYCOLOR Inc. regarding these infringements
Zaion fucked up.
>Expressing her will to perform streams using illegal games (also referred to as pirate games)
You can't capture footage from a 3DS without a third party capture card or software which requires custom firmware. Game and console modding are both illegal in Japan. Not sure about emulation but going by Nintendo's track record?
>Comments that can be considered offensive to the rights holder of a game during a stream
If the rights holder were such pussies then they should shut the fuck up and delete their game.
>Giving false information to other NIJISANJI EN Livers regarding the contents of her communications with ANYCOLOR Inc.
Zaion fucked up. But based.
>Falsely claiming to have received permission from ANYCOLOR Inc. after a viewer commented on Zaion performing an action prohibited by the Rules
Zaion fucked up if true.
>Falsely claiming to be sponsored by a brand during a stream
Sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends and deez nuts jokes. Nothingburger. Management is out of touch with the world.
>Giving "likes" to comments falling under defamation of NIJISANJI Livers and ANYCOLOR Inc., using social media accounts that she peronally operates
Streamlabs was terminated at this point.
>Numerous other actions and comments infringing the Contract and Rules
Incapable management thinking etcetera is acceptable. If putting someone on blast at least do it like this: https://twitter.com/nijisanji_app/status/1318898278059053057

There was also a moment when Pokemon considered Nuzlocke challenges as emulation but they backpedalled real quick.

>> No.45099963

> started suicide baiting
And I was there for it too, first time seeing that happen from a Hololive talent, I actually couldn't sleep during the night that the stream happened.
Later checked her thread and the crumbs led me to understand she does this REGULARLY in her PL.
Dropped her right then and there.

>> No.45099998

there is a critical flaw with your argument, you assume everyone is an absolute fan and watches everything. Im talking from having watched many vids by different youtubers I even saw a vid from korekore and audio from Rushia aftermath, it was not clear for the people who are not into Rushia.

is that your defense now? gonna cry shill or something? fyi, Im on sick leave right now and just bored out of my mind, so here I am.

btw, now that you mentioned doxxed, was Zaion doxxed? I remember hearing about a vtuber being doxxed by the company that employeed her, but I believe it was a different vtuber, I didnt see any doxing in Zaions termination tweet.

>> No.45100046

I watched the Enna soundpost and the Finana deez nuts clip and think they devalue your whole post

>> No.45100067

> "Comments that can be considered offensive to the rights holder of a game during a stream"
> If the rights holder were such pussies then they should shut the fuck up and delete their game.
It was a joke about a certain Genshin island being "AIDS", which is a well known in-joke in the Genshin community and everyone laughed at it.
I feel like management got fed a bunch of bullshit by some of the talents that snitched on Zaion.

>> No.45100111

>you can question how it was dealt with in public
hello intern-kun, having a good day?

coincidentally your reply proves my point, we've all noticed your overt efforts on social media these last few days especially /here/. can't just vote our posts into oblivion like you can on reddit so instead you just spend all day bootlicking pathetically.

no skin off my back though, and long term your efforts to destroy zaion after leaving will likely fail as well. all you've done by going full scorched earth to intimidate anybody thinking they can be more successful outside of niji than inside after yugo's success story is put off every single talented applicant from joining your pitch black company.

in time nijisanji en will crumble as its insane psychotic brand-loyal fanbase turns on every member and the only people who apply will be drama stirring assholes.

>> No.45100137

Which is why she should have stayed indie and the termination is not a surprise

>> No.45100172

So the Nijis legit turned on her and convinced management to get rid of her with some bullshit claims.

>> No.45100239

Excuses. You were wrong, used wrong example and tried to construct a narrative that Cover did the same when the opposite is true. I'll give you benefit of doubt and say it was a mistake.

>> No.45100241

>Giving false information to other NIJISANJI EN Livers regarding the contents of her communications with ANYCOLOR Inc.
>x: "hey zaichan did you resolve the thing with manager-san already?"
>z: "yeah don't worry about it i'm all good now" *i don't want anyone else to worry about my situation*

Has anyone ever considered this?

>> No.45100249

It's very likely that Enna is the Ara Chae of NijiEN and no one knows it yet.

>> No.45100367

How dare she
Clearly this is deserving of getting doxxed and threatened with SWATing

>> No.45100369

It's likely something like this but it doesn't mean that the people she interacted with can't feel hurt about not being told the truth

>> No.45100370

>oh no nijisisters look at her liking comments under her video
>nijisister retweets dox
soooooooooo truuuuuuuuue siiiiiiiiiiiiiis

>> No.45100401

Oh fine have this then. https://files.catbox.moe/oucrjs.mp4
I think Enna saying she likes her women vulnerable is extremely problematic, though less problematic than keeping photos of random kids on her phone.

Even more baffling then. Mihoyo already sponsored her roommate to go to hoyofest. I quit Genshin when Inazuma came out but if Tectone is still streaming the game then I don't see how they would lose Genshin perms over this. Wouldn't be surprised if people called it AIDS directly on the hoyolabs forum.

>> No.45100464
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They've been gunning to get her terminated since early January or whenever she had that stealth suspension aka """family trip/meeting.""" You can tell from her tone she's so done with it already. They've been hounding her non-stop with every minor perceived infraction to the point that she finds it hard to continue any longer. Whenever someone in the NijiEN "family" "tries" to ""help"" her, it's just them preventing her from leaving because it'll directly affect the reputation of their company and their income. Only Ren, REN, has the gall to stand up, even for a little bit, because he's how wholly reliant on NijiEN for money. This fucking den of snakes can rot in Chinese hell.

>> No.45100486

because vt is full of contrarians AND holofags who take any opportunity they get to shit on niji, simple

>> No.45100515

*because he's *not* wholly reliant on NijiEN for money

typo my bad

>> No.45100565

How are they even supposed to know about any doxx or harassment when it's happening deep in random Twitter threads or Youtube clips?

>> No.45100577

This shit all literally boils down to unironic bugman mentality and they clearly can't even understand why people aren't buying it because they keep blithely trying the same shit, it's fucking disgusting how huge the cognitive blind spot is.

Zaion broke the rules
>She betrayed the tribe

Zaion could have fixed her behavior
>She spat upon the generosity of the tribe

Anycolor doesn't hold any responsibility to protect her
>She's no longer part of the tribe so fuck her

All the NijiENs said she's bad
>The tribe condemns her, that's more than good enough

Whole list of PL 'sins'
>See? She's an enemy of your tribe too, fuck her

You never liked her anyway
>She's not part of YOUR tribe, why are you defending her?

Some of her defenders are holofags
>It's the ENEMY tribe, nothing they say is true

She's going to be a nobody
>Don't you want to be with the large and successful tribe instead of a loser who's alone?

>> No.45100582

what ive been saying is that COVER was not clear with their tweet, people who are into rushia perhaps know but other vtuber fans didint, the tweet was not clear and was discussed by many on youtube.
on the other hand, with Zaion we know exactly why she was fired. it was harsh though

that's it, that's my whole argument, nothing really deep, don't know why you make such a fuss out of it.

in any case, good night anons, enough arguing for me.

>> No.45100610

>happening deep in random Twitter threads
ndf pls

>> No.45100647
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>> No.45100657

t. holofag

>> No.45100674

> They've been gunning to get her terminated since early January or whenever
That one guy's rrat about how all this started because they named her "Zaion" and her chat took up the "Zaionists" joke gets more and more legs every day.

>> No.45100777

Her chat didn't outside of that one stream right after her debut where she dismissed it. We were happy being zaimons / zaibatsu

>> No.45100835

You're wrong and still trying to push that narrative. Stop doing that. People in this thread are arguing why exactly Zaion was terminated since nobody knows what these bullet points mean, you have proof right here. Nobody speculated about Rushia's reason for termination, only about what exactly she shared.

>> No.45100960

Chill the fuck down Millie, ugh, cringe...

>> No.45101081

Listen, I can tolerate waxing your testicles on stream, or masturbation jokes from Finana, or Enna's scat fetish, but when you mention emulation, that's when I cross the line.

>> No.45101154

Are you a Japanese corporation?

>> No.45101371
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>> No.45101420

I'm sure all of her supporters here will watch Zaion when/if she re-debuts under a new identity, right? Surely nobody here is a drama tourist who is attracted like flies to shit.

>> No.45101490
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>> No.45101499

4chan doesnt believe in 'insensitive comments'

>> No.45101535


>> No.45101633

I love how you can fucking tell you're a fucking twitter newfag tourist that got his info about this board from twitter troons because one of the things you're blaming /vt/ for happened before /vt/ even existed.

>> No.45101667

ironically it's the rabid antiing and astroturfing against her that's driving genuine interest towards what she will do

>> No.45101757

Why do you think so many people watched Magni at the start?

>> No.45101781

Seems like a petty list tht is extremely vague
I'm pretty sure if niji explicitly said a "raid shadow leagues" joke was one of the termination reasons they would've got twitter backlash so they lie by omission
considering they would list that it seems these are all very vague statements which purposely said worse than what they were (i.e copyright sond is a song they own, rom emulation etc)
Considering how this directly led to doxxing and harassment by admission of twitterfreaks who said this justified them, I can definitely say this statement was the cause. as no other statement by niji or hololive directly led to harassment like this

>> No.45101885

Pretty much, because the claims are unbelievable. I mean, /vt/ screams graduation when someone makes a random tweet on their RM and for Zaion there wasn't a peep. So something weird is going on. Either she's innocent and it'll be pretty poetic to get her to surpass all her shittalkers, or she's guilty in a special yab way that everyone will have their eyes peeled for. Either way there's enough dramatic tension to watch for months

>> No.45101915

That's an oversimplification of the situation. The harassment and doxxing is more likely to be because both sides of the Hololive/Nijisanji divide decided to use her to wage a proxy war

>> No.45101964

There aren't any outlandish or unbelievable claims in the termination notice for anyone who used to watch her

>> No.45102038

>aren't any outlandish
Bullshit, claiming a joke about raid shadow legends sponserships is an actual attempt at falsifying sponserships is absolutely outlandish.

>> No.45102054

Sure, but all the hubbub is doing a bang-up job of marketing her like that now to the people who didn't watch her.
"The woman too radioactive for Nijisanji."

>> No.45102097

>I'm sure all of her supporters here will watch Zaion when/if she re-debuts under a new identity, right?
Yes, I will be watching her when she re-debuts. Yes, even when she plays the wizard game. Yes, even when she streams genshin after that.
>Surely nobody here is a drama tourist who is attracted like flies to shit.
Glad you agree that what was done to her was shitty. While I don't need the world to agree with me to know my moral compass works, it's still nice to see others that feel the same way.

>> No.45102123


>> No.45102212

I explained earlier that the sponsored stuff was about the Dee's Nuts company since that was the VOD that was taken down

>> No.45102403
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>> No.45102752


>> No.45102779

No sane person believed that she's actually sponsored by Dee's Nuts.

>> No.45102847

the more I think about it the more curious I get about the advice she gave. I need to know how wrong it is

>> No.45103280

What island is that? I want to look into it. Surprisingly searching Genshin aids doesn't bring up the right results.

>> No.45103392
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>>45103280 (me)
All I got was that mihoyo doesn't actually give a shit about the word

>> No.45103700
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bug people just can't understand why you would protect someone who is not part of your tribe. heads up bro there will be another taiping rebellion soon

>> No.45103752

wrong, the doxxing started during the suspension. it got amplified by the statement. nothing to do with your console war that only matters on /vt/

>> No.45103878

>only matters on /vt/
so the main discussion hub for vtubing

>> No.45104930

Like I've mentioned in the past, she can actually sue Nijisanji and a bunch of other people for defamation and win.
