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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44661346 No.44661346 [Reply] [Original]

Today's drama is people finding what Shondo is all about!
This tweet just got found by the general public today and they are dumping their feelings on her.
The tweet mentioned by Shondo in this clip https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1632576831223201793

>> No.44661372

the lolicon uprising is coming.

>> No.44661381

This thread again

>> No.44661392 [DELETED] 

I fucked up my copy paste, here's what should have been the first link

>> No.44661459

weird drama considering shondo has trans friends and supports trans people

>> No.44661475

Kiwiniggers and Pippas goons arent vtubers
Kill yourself

>> No.44661493

Reminder that fallenshitshow had a very public meltdown over Fauna getting into Hololive and """ghosting""" her and tried to call her out publicly on her supposed "backstabbing" just after Fauna debuted.

Reminder that /vt/ literally memoryholed this and if you remind them they brush it off with "t-they made up"

>> No.44661548

Western Twitter is irrelevant

>> No.44661563


>> No.44661613

I despise you amoral bastards.

>> No.44661626

I hope she doesnt change like most spineless woman because of "drama"
wtf hating on hololive, I like her even more now

>> No.44661627

I hate that my wife blew up. Growth is fine, but it is happening too fast. I worry that there will be too many newfags who think that they don't need to assimilate to the established culture.
>and if you remind them they brush it off with "t-they made up"
They literally did.

>> No.44661661

Assimilation Is for sheep

>> No.44661692

You faggot accept pink cat despite all of what she did.
Fauna and Shondo are nothing compared to pink cat.

>> No.44661705


>> No.44661707

Found the newfag.

>> No.44661714

Even this faggot jumped in

>> No.44661741
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AH yes hate """watching""" the 8th deadly sin that erodes the soul of man
>pic related

>> No.44661750
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meanwhile, in the real world

>> No.44661769

Never assimilate. Only destroy

>> No.44661807

What is the 8th deadly sin?

>> No.44661837

You're just a nigger.

>> No.44661860

And here is where this raid is coming from:

>> No.44661894

No, I'm a Decepticon

>> No.44662278

What will it take to push people like Shondo and Pippa from trenders suck but respect identity to full on transgenderism needs to be eradicated territory?

>> No.44662344

Fuck off shills

>> No.44662468

Anyone remember this https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_yt/status/1105666895678722049?s=21&t=qig6iujJKIzKxOzQHUiTMg

>> No.44662677

Looking at some of the responses Shondo is getting, they’re treating it as if she said that. Some are saying it’s even worse to call them trenders KEK.

>> No.44663202
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Some of these replies are pretty fucking funny though, acting like she vivisected a baby live on stream or something. Literally upset over nothing. No wonder these locusts can only stick to one target every 3 days, if that's all they're so pissy about.

>> No.44663573

It's a damn fourth thread about it.
The only drama exist in your fucking head. Shondo is completely unmoved by this situation.

>> No.44663661

> Completely ignores Shondo appearing in Faunta's chat.
> Completely ignores that Fauna revived her pre-Hololive persona just to say Happy Birthday to Shondo.

Take meds.

>> No.44663738


>> No.44663863


>> No.44664307

considering oshihenning from my "nonpolitical" chuuba to someone who is actually willing to fight the transtrender crybully twitter freak cancer that made Pikamee feel so bad she disappeared from the internet for a month

someone who actually has balls and is willing to take hate for a good cause

someone like Shondo or Pippa

>> No.44664596

The worst part about tw*tter is that it made these retards think anybody gives a shit about their opinion
One of them straight up went
>im a newfag and left after a week cause my feelies got hurt

>> No.44664651

wrong wrong wrong and wrong.
She felt hurt over being ghosted.
She never talked shit.
People mention it all the time.
They have made up months ago.

tldr kill yourself retard

>> No.44664709

So why Fauna made Shondo art she can use for her streams with her previous persona just like a week ago?
So why Fauna called in Shondo birthday and called said she was her oshi and a role model?

>> No.44664765

She literally laughed it off

>> No.44664810

Fucking retard.

>> No.44664814

>1 million views
what in the actual fuck, lol

>> No.44664835

Yes i know, OP is a fucking retard

>> No.44664969
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>> No.44665038

memoryholed? it's brought up constantly despite having no relevance to anything, lol. they're openly friends now.

>> No.44665040

Shondo has publicly talked about how they fought, made up, and are now friends again retard. That's why no one cares anymore.

>> No.44665131

>someone like Shondo or Pippa

>> No.44665133

Retarded gorillanigger, this her talking about this tweet
It had about 500 qrts initially. She talked about it on and stream said something that cultural warriors will consider based. Clip fag made a clip of her saying "based" stuff. Later one cultural warrior reposted that clip and it got massive traction >>44661860

>> No.44665173

>They literally did
But it is true, it is actual, public and verifiable.

>> No.44665230


>> No.44665328

To make (You) seethe

>> No.44665347

Two mistakes right off the bat

>> No.44665410

Does Shondo have the most retarded antis? The only things they ever bring up are months old and were already addressed by her live on stream.
They literally did" was in reference to "they made up". I should have made myself clearer.

>> No.44665525

This is why I will never watch her. So eager to throw her "friend" under the bus for a crumb of the Hololive clout. A truly dishonest person, the kind of girl who will use anyone around her to climb higher without remorse.

>> No.44665632

how is it living in the schizoid world of demantia and same time still being stuck in 2019?

>> No.44665692

They're "friends" again, this schizo cunt literally forced her into it. What was Fauna supposed to do with her publicly throwing a tantrum about how she didn't give her enough attention?
It was never about friendship, it was about forcing the Hololive girl to give her recognition so she could grift.

>> No.44665737


>> No.44665751

No, it was my fault. I’m tired and didn’t read your post properly. I’m sorry for the confusion, anon.

>> No.44665881

Not surprising shitdo fans don't know the meaning of the words they use

>> No.44666005

anons addicted to drama

>> No.44666020

Fauna supports lgbt so I wonder what she thinks of her mocking trannies and pronoun fags

>> No.44666056

>The only things they ever bring up are months old and were already addressed by her live on stream
because she's not retarded and owns up to everything, there's nothing they can use against her

>> No.44666096

yeah i know, they really just must hate each other because some retard on /vt/ told me 3 years ago or something

>> No.44666132

Shondo also supports lgbt

>> No.44666151

twitter retards are gonna forget in a day, don't prolong it when there's nothing more to even say except "damn that sucks she's getting mobbed by schizos online"

>> No.44666207


>> No.44666276

That word doesn’t mean what you think it means. You should just stick to the schizo abbrev.

>> No.44666594

Gross. Dropped

>> No.44666695
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What's wrong with sheep? And yes, I am Welsh

>> No.44666842

these people have influence over the US government

>> No.44666879
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This is so fucking sweet...

>> No.44666916

Fauna would never
I hope she can be made to see how evil cult of transgenderism really is.

>> No.44666965

16 year old vietnamese genshin players don't, actually

>> No.44667142


>> No.44667236

fuck off retard, trannies are a hivemind

>> No.44667275

Shondo said in that clip that it was the trenders that were the problem, clarifying not the transgenders. She also thinks there's nothing wrong with having pronouns in your bio and considered a tranny who was told they weren't valid.
Pippa capitulated when twitter trannies and leftoid influencers came after her. She now says to get out of her community if you don't respect people's identities.
There are no heroes. There are no vtubers who are not under this spell and who do not worship at the altar of identity.

>> No.44667278

This is just trying to distract you from the fact that Shondo LIED about not having played GTAV before. It is over shondokeks, your oshi got exposed.

>> No.44667292

I thought this faggot got chased off the internet?

>> No.44667372

All of that is fine. Shondo and Pippa are right. If you actually want to hurt people with gender dysphoria, fuck off and die.

I'm here to stop the Twitter freaks only.

>> No.44667397


How do we get people to stop bullying her without looking like Lolicons though?

>> No.44667399


>> No.44667414

Most of these idiots have no actual gender dysphoria or plans to undergo transition but like adding this shit to their twitter bios because they can't be assed to develop an actual personality. These would drop their "support" when it would require them the smallest effort or sacrifice.

>> No.44667452

Shondo is probably far more anti tranny than Pippa ever could be. Tenma wants them to rope themselves and Pippa would never even hint at that in a tweet.

>> No.44667490

such control that anti-trans laws are being proposed and going through

>> No.44667567

That tweet from Tenma was aboout the harassers of Pikamee, not trannies. Didn't she even collab with an actual troon?

>> No.44667583

>anti-trans laws
lol. lmao. you gaslighting piece of shit.

>> No.44667639

what pink cat?

>> No.44667643


>> No.44667646

You hurt people confused about their gender by allowing transgenderism to continue. You help people confused about their gender by putting an end to it, with the complete eradication of the ideological cult of transgenderism.
Do you seriously think that this medical salvation that reduces vulnerable people and children to permanent infertility and something that superficially resembles a Frankenstein version of the opposite gender is helping anyone, but evil ideological cunts?

>> No.44667669

shh, literal highly coordinated psy-ops corroborated by massive email chains with monied interests is okay if I like the outcome
stop suggesting there's more than one power at play in the world I need simplistic answers like da jooz or else my brain can't comprehend the complexities of it all

>> No.44667807

anon are you ignoring how anti-trans is a big mover with conservatives right? you know the group with the control right now

>> No.44667837

>evil cult
most of them are just transtrenders, with a very small minority of them actually having legitimate dysphoria. it's dumb but the satanic panic shit that people like you subscribe to is a million times more retarded. take your meds

>> No.44667839

you don't know anything about shondo or tenma

>> No.44667870

God bless Ron DeSantis and God bless Tennessee.

>> No.44667935

You'd get your message across better if you weren't so maliciously obtuse. I don't want to "help" people in the way you want to help people (forcing your beliefs on them). Adults should be able to do whatever the fuck they want with their bodies if they believe it makes them feel better.

I'm not a moralist like you and like the Twitter freaks. If they fuck up their own lives, that's their business. I don't. I just want to be left the hell alone and to leave others the hell alone.

>> No.44667977

I just don't recognize transgenderism as a valid identity. I don't hate trans people but I feel sorry for their mental illness and that society affirms their sickness.

>> No.44668102

What else to you call it when an ideology encourages kids and other vulnerable people to cut their genitals off and replace them with non-functional cosmetic grafts and then enforce social norms that say that anyone who doesn't validate these science projects as the gender they're imitating needs to be punished? What can you call this other than satanic?

>> No.44668189

So a robotnigger

>> No.44668191

Anon meant the same sort of satanic panic that cancelled Harry Potter in the 2000s for promoting witchcraft to children.

>> No.44668356

They will not leave you alone though. They are parasites that will infest every aspect of your life if you don't push back. Just look at the places where it is already happening. Parents get arrested for trying to prevent their kids from getting castrated. People get arrested for misgendering some freak.

>> No.44668362

It's funny that nowadays even most Republicans disagree with the anti trans laws
chuds lost and will continue to lose

>> No.44668387

Nobody supports cutting off kids' genetals except jews. 99% of trans people keep their junk in tact because they're not THAT dumb. You're spreading misinformation.

>> No.44668435

My wife and my daughterwife are so cute together.

>> No.44668440

The same sort of satanic panic that accidentally promoted wicca and goth in the 90s and 00s because when you call something satanic instead of lame and stupid, you actually encourage teenagers to do it out of rebellion.

>> No.44668530

Are you talking about the laws preventing pornographic material from being shown to children in public school, or are you talking about the laws preventing children from being mutilated?

>> No.44668541


>> No.44668551

>most Republicans disagree with the anti trans laws
They are either RINOs that need to be R to win in red districts or they are cowards.

>> No.44668589

That should be red flags not a win.

>> No.44668590

That's a position that's completely blind to the last 10+ years. When it was just a fringe group of adults getting body modifications on their own dime to satisfy whatever whim they had nobody cared. It was enough just to laugh at them.
Now transgenderism wants you to allow them to groom kids and to put as much pressure as possible on you to validate them by using their language and calling X y and man woman. They also want to do it all and cut their bits off on taxpayer money as an essential medical service.
If you support this, or are even complacent to it then you're either as evil as them, or are dumb and don't know what sort of ugly world is coming /is already here.

>> No.44668639

Is transgenderism lame and stupid then?

>> No.44668674

The American-originated activist mindset and the more benign "gender values" explorative mindset occuring all over including in Japan are very different things

>> No.44668922

This is what troonoid media calls the truth. From what I'm seeing, 13% already have it and 54% would like to get it. That also taking into account "trenders" who haven't fully fallen for the transgender meme and are larping.

>> No.44668927

Sounds like you're just against educating kids about current social norms and calling it "grooming" to try and stir panic. That's just the reality we live in bud. If you don't like it then homeschool your kids.

>> No.44668952

Capitalists profiting off the gullible. Same Capitalists will profit off Christianism next as solution to liberal excess.

>> No.44668968

Shut up faggot

>> No.44669038

Holy shit your fucking lost aren't you. Well and truly gone.

>> No.44669093


>> No.44669107

never-ending culture wars have been insanely profitable for those with real power
can't beat'em may as well try to join'em

>> No.44669141

Is a man a woman lol

>> No.44669188

Faggot lol

>> No.44669210

This doesn't end until transgenderism ends.

>> No.44669214

I just understand the difference between what you call "transgenderism" (the militant crazies) and the ones who just want to play dress up and leave other people alone. You're throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Stupid. Fuck off.

Gaslighting. Open your eyes and look at what's been happening. Literal grooming. You fuck off too.

>> No.44669217

>1046 quote tweets
geez poor Shondo...

>> No.44669393

correct, Tenma did indeed play BROFORCE with a certain shark tranny

>> No.44669486

That's just conservatives, they always do this shit. 10 years from now and will be saying they are the real Americans who actually support trannies, not like those liberals etc etc.

>> No.44669596

There is no fucking baby here. Crossdressing was never under fire because until the last 15 minutes there was no mass delusion that they were actually women. Ask 100 trannies now if they'd be okay with you not validating them as women by denying reality and you might get two if you're lucky. This is not live and let live anymore. This is you attempting to make me live under this charade that has me using certain words and acting a certain way to validate you. It's about you attempting to groom kids into transgenderism by telling them that medical salvation is at hand. It's about that evil and it's because of that evil that it needs to be eradicated as an ideology.

>> No.44669795

It's always nice seeing schizos get BTFO so hard that they can't reply back.
Anyway it's nice seeing Shondo give zero fucks about those people. They're even still QRTing everything she does like there's no tomorrow.

>> No.44669816

Its funny that wizard game breaking sales records shows that behind closed doors, nobody reaaaaally cares about troons.

>> No.44669902

It’s just a grift like pippa. She’s only pretending to be based for her 15 minutes of twitter fame.

>> No.44669994

just like everyone calling them grifters you have no idea what either pippa or shondo actually said

>> No.44670003

A good way to see that is seeing how many straight males who are allies actually fuck them. They will say they are women but they won't actually have sex with them. There is a very clear line in their mind, between "women" and women. Transsexuality could be properly argued against but with conservatives being the main opposition its not gonna happen, because conservatives are the boy who cried wolf when it comes to social movements.

>> No.44670051

Name someone who is always based then. I swear everyone and everything is a grifter to you morons

>> No.44670056
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its sad because you can tell how young and impressionable these people are from the way they write

>> No.44670180

no she's just a retard that doesn't think about what she says, usually she gets away with it because her fans know she's dumb and doesn't usually know what she's talking about, and she's not milked this shit in the slightest like pippa changing her mind about playing the wizard game just to make people mad

>> No.44670216

Go on, what did they actually say then? What did Pippa mean by don't attack people's identities?

>> No.44670386

if you actually read it is says don't use ME to attack peoples identity's AKA pls dont use me as the face of TTD

>> No.44670394

What social movements have conservatives been wrong about?

>> No.44670489

Almost all of them.

>> No.44670504

So she doesn't want to be associated with anti-trans posts because she herself respects people's identity. What other interpretations are there?

>> No.44670517

Yesterday literally seeing rts of people getting called incels over watching shondo why is that the only insult they use?

>> No.44670563
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>They will not leave you alone though. They are parasites that will infest every aspect of your life
I have never once seen a tranny in my day to day life that has tried to infest or infect some aspect of my life, they're normally all just push overs and that's if I have to interact with them. The only places that is infested are vtubers with le based troons and chuds are bringing their terf war to vtubers suddenly.

>> No.44670565

>Go on, what did they actually say then?
fuck twitter in various ways. she never said anything anti LGBT
>What did Pippa mean by don't attack people's identities?
attack their actions not their identity. seems pretty obvious to anyone who isn't in a twitpol bubble.

>> No.44670585

Name one so I can tell how much such you're talking. BLM? antifa? Planned Parenthood?

>> No.44670600


>> No.44670640

When's Zaion's graduation? This drama is boring

>> No.44670644


>> No.44670708

Hopefully soon. Bitch supports Hasan.

>> No.44670785

LGB movement they freaked put about it, only to lose. The blatant progressivism in LGB is partly fault of conservativism for their hard oppression of them. Early feminism, feminism and women's rights is a good thing and needed to properly represent the population. Also planned parenthood provides more than abortion they provide things like birth control and general women's health services.

Just some things opposed to by conservatives.

>> No.44670789

>she never said anything anti-lgbt
Therein lies the problem. In fact it was a pro-gender identity statement.

>> No.44670831

Why would you ever want to be the face of some other random retard's views, whether they broadly aligned with yours or not? You have no control over what they say.

>> No.44670875

I don't understand why this tweet triggered so many trannies? Not only is it harmless, it is very clearly made in jest. Can trannies just stay in their own fucking bubble for once and leave the rest of us alone?

>> No.44670882

All women support LGBT rights. The more empowered women are, the more the country is lgbt-friendly

>> No.44670942

Trannies hate lollies, and other petite body types because they will never be able to be that themselves.

>> No.44670943
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My heart, so precious.

>> No.44671044

I'm sure people have used her image to advance many types of views. Why the need to address it this time with a statement telling specifically people who attack identity that they in particular aren't welcome? Could it be that the based rabbit supports gender ideology and gender identity, or is it very conveniently a general statement.

>> No.44671102

How come there are some women who don't though?

>> No.44671160

Watch the shills reply with the cope post of "fishman forced her to do it since harassing people is illegal in canada my reddit rabbit is actually based!!"

>> No.44671174

see >>44661392
a huge portion of it now is backlash at her comments about transtrenders, orders of magnitude more than the some 300 QRTs on the booba tweet (still couldn't tell you what the hell was wrong with that one though)

>> No.44671199

>Therein lies the problem
yours, not hers. do you have any clue what grifting means? she never said anything she didn't believe

>> No.44671235

>a couple red states are passing red laws
Wow total control of the US government

>> No.44671257

The issue here is that people think, both wokefags and polfags, that just because someone expressses some questionING of one side or agreement in something with one side, then that means they are 100% against or for something, and that's just not how people work. The cringe based meme has made people think in retarded ways.

>> No.44671259

How about being against clean air, livable cities, reliable public transportation, and literally every attempt ever to make society better just because "we can't afford it", meanwhile conservatives can't stop throwing all our money at Israel/military/NRA and literally nothing else.

>> No.44671311

Twitter telling a schizophrenic girl that's cut herself before to kill herself and they think they're righteous for it
At least she can laugh it off

>> No.44671337

I mean she turned on the /here/chuds she was courting to appease some big leftoid influencers and try hopelessly to get them to not hate her anymore. Couldn't imagine what that means.

>> No.44671360

Because theres nothing more pathetic than being an undesirable man who not one of the 4 billion women on this planet would fuck
Even some trannies are able to get pussy

>> No.44671400

Theyre not real women

>> No.44671430

or you know, you retards were making her look bad to literally everyone outside of your bubble and she had to pull the reins. also it's not her fault you continue to not take her at her word when she says she doesn't believe this stuff, she has reiterated it plenty

>> No.44671435

those are all bad things though, you should go back to twitter

>> No.44671442

Name one time she was courting the "/here/chads"

>> No.44671457

Pippa has always pandered to kiwifarms and never to 4chan

>> No.44671468

Sure, taking more and more money from the private sector and out of the pockets of ordinary people in order to fund shite quality public services totally works out. The private sector is just a drain and creates nothing of value lol.

>> No.44671527
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>people are STILL seething about Pippa and misunderstanding everything she says

>> No.44671578

Because they are perverted losers, who can't comprehend that there are other things in live besides whoring around.
>LGB movement they freaked put about it
Look were we are now thanks to fags. The slippery slope is real.
>Early feminism
Destroyed the nuclear family and drove down wages.
>planned parenthood provides more than abortion they provide things like birth control
That's bad too.
>clean air
Calling out the global warming hoax isn't being against clean air. Tell me, how clean is the air in LA? How about New York?
>livable cities
Detroid, Chicago, LA, etc.
>can't stop throwing money at Israel
That is a problem, but sadly this is not something that only conservatives do.

>> No.44671599

Anon the LGBT movement was always the LGBT movement. You're on hard copium if you're trying to pin trannies on conservatives

>> No.44671625

When she literally sang a song about her and us /pcg/ after a time fraught with RL kiwi rumours. How about all the other times she's defended us on stream and in tweets. Oh and let's not forget the birthday videos that were shown on the stream recently. The yubicraft tour, despite it being against managements wishes etc etc.

>> No.44671638

The guy who runs kiwifarms is a total tranny death white supremacist
Appealing to kf is appealing to chuds either way

>> No.44671648

There's a lot of things the private sector has no interest in developing and will never have an interest in to due the investment/reward ratio, but developing such things would still be beneficial to society. Why can't we have those? Oh right it's because we need more money for Israel and the gun lobby. Conservatives have no problem taking money away from people to fund those.

>> No.44671669

Does she or does she not support transgenderism and gender identity?

>> No.44671726

Liberals in congress support money to Israel just as much as conservatives do, voting records are public.

>> No.44671754

I hate this website sometimes

>> No.44671798

Is anyone sane not in favour of TTD?

>> No.44672145


>> No.44672214

Except it doesnt. Appealing to kiwifarms means you support doxxing (which she actively participates in)

>> No.44672288

what does a train sim from 2004 have to do with any of this?

>> No.44672387

You start from somewhere, you retarded peabrained blackpilled moron.

>> No.44672567

Never happened, you can’t prove it.
Puppy has always hated right wing 4chan /pol/ bullshit and never courted it for a moment.

>> No.44672583

>Reminder that /vt/ literally memoryholed this and if you remind them they brush it off with "t-they made up"
Because they made up, wtf else do you want?

>> No.44672640

>5k qrts
Finally, she did it

>> No.44672695

I think in this case they had streams overlapping which is why she didn't appear live.

>> No.44672724

This has even hit my normie twitter timeline today

>> No.44672751

Same here, i have like 5 normies talking about shondo

>> No.44672826

Call me a collab beggar but when are they going to do it?

>> No.44672989
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This is your reminder that the terminally online freaks actually help in normalizing the term "pedo" by throwing it like popcorn instead of going after actual pedo baiters.

>> No.44673003

she gonna talk about it next stream?

>> No.44673035

Not even pippa got this many people upset. How the fuck?

>> No.44673046

If she decides she wants to. The option is clearly open and it's not something that's blocked. But she seems happy to stay focused and not split her activity or do anything outside of the corpo. For now at least.

>> No.44673101

Never because Shondo would be too scared to collab with someone from Hololive even if she was a close friend. She freaked out when the clown girl followed her on Twitter.

>> No.44673235

I'm a chud and I usually wouldn't, but I feel the need to defend Shondo against the nigger onslaught that's staring her right down a barrel.

>> No.44673271

Pippa doesn't try to act cutesy. Even if a bit over-the-top, Fallenshadow acts cute, and that triggers the freaks.

>> No.44673317

It's sad that you're willing to forget all that. I won't, which is why I can't accept current Pippa.

>> No.44673370

Maybe she just needs to do the Neuro one first and maybe she can try with Lemonleaf next

>> No.44673470

It'll change when she eases into a 4view mindset

>> No.44673471
File: 259 KB, 1920x1080, 1675995531814852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shondo is very young, beautiful, the palest white girl in existence, cute and feminine and traditional, avatar could not be more clothed
>being harassed by niggers and troons and fat jealous roasties
This whole thing reeks of jealousy and seethe. Like fat ugly women trying to claim she's a decade older than she is and has a bad relationship with her parents when her mom can't stop gushing about how proud of her she is and was on stream doing just that

>> No.44673498 [DELETED] 

>List Of Racists, Bigots, & Far-Right Extremists Who Are Also Paedos, Child Molesters, Child Pornography Aficionados, Child Groomers, & Child Sex Proponents:

-Bradley Daniel Alford - Tommy Robinson supporter & convicted paedophile/child groomer/child pornographer.

-Kristopher Allen: SDL member and child rapist

-Angel Almeida: this 22-year-old Queens, NY resident and member of Order of Nine Angles (a Satanic, neo-nazi cult) was charged with firearms offenses and the sexual exploitation of minors after spending months grooming two children into committing sex acts that he could use as material for child pornography. Almeida, apparently proud of his crimes, posted photos on social media of himself in front of a computer whose screen saver read “ADDICTED TO HARDCORE CHILD PORNOGRAPHY” while wearing a t-shirt that read “KIDDIE FIDDLER”

-Alexander Andersson: this 21-year-old nazi and active member of Sweden’s nazi Nordic Resistance Movement and nazi bonehead gang Svea Skins is also a serial child rapist, having kidnapped and raped three girls aged 12 to 14, as well as blackmailing another 12-year-old girl into making child pornography. All told, Andersson sexually exploited 15 children as young as 4 years old.

-Luke Atkinson: the Retford, UK EDL & UKIP activist is also a convicted child groomer who blackmailed and raped girls as young as 13, as he admittedly during his trial.

-David Ray Barker: Texas Patriot Network supporter and convicted repeat child molester

-Joshua Barnard: Self-proclaimed Boogaloo Boi, facing 11 counts of third degree sexual exploitation of a minor.

-Matthew G. Barszcz: this 26-year-old self-identified QAnon conspiracy devotee was charged in 2022 with possession of child pornography & sexual exploitation of a child by distribution of sexually explicit materials after police raided his Couer d’Alene, ID. home. Barszcz “told police he knew it was illegal to possess images of child sexual abuse but found the images ‘intriguing,’”

-Luca Benincasa: This 20-year-old Welsh incel and self-styled leader of a neo-nazi terror group banned in the UK has now been twice-convicted for downloading and possessing pornographic images of children as young as four. Police noted Benincasa’s internet search history included terms like “rape games” and “child porn T-shirt.”

-Carl “Sargon of Akkad” Benjamin: failed UKIP candidate, noted racist and homophobe and, based on a 2014 video where he says “"I can be quoted as saying you can fuck young boys. It’s actually not as controversial as you think,” a pedophilia booster.

-Robert George Bierer the 3rd: Self-described Proud Boy; state-described convicted child pornography fan.

-Robert Jesus Blancas: This 33-year-old “Boogaloo Boi” was in a militia group with Steven Carrillo - who murdered two police officers in California in separate ambush shootings in 2020. While investigating the militia, police undercover text conversations Blancas had where he was attempting to groom a teenaged girl into having sex with him.

-Benjamin Bogard: Atomwaffen Division member, alleged neo-nazi mass murder plotter, and convicted child pornography aficionado.

-Alan Boulter: EDL supporter caught in a sting operation when he arranged to met someone he thought was a 13-year-old girl for sex.

-Tino Brandt: this German neo-nazi ringleader turned police snitch received a 5.5 year sentence for sexually abusing and pimping out children from 2011-2014.

-Paul Broomfield: “Regional Commanding Officer” of Britain First as well as a registered sex offender and convicted child pornographer.

-William Bernard “Billy” Charlton: 55-year-old close friend & supporter of Tommy Robinson whose previous stint in prison was for stirring up racial hatred against migrants. Ironically, Charlton’s defence on those charges was that he was only trying to “protect the women of Sunderland from rape and sexual violence."

-Michael Coates: North West Infidel and serial child molestor.

-Frank Collin: National Socialist Party of America leader and convicted child molestor.

-Christopher Cook: this American nazi and convicted terrorist is also responsible for both sexually and ideologically grooming a 15-year-old girl in the UK, leading her to both send him nude photos and becoming the youngest person in the UK to be charged with terrorism offenses.

-Matthew Demetrius “Deme” Cooper: Videographer for Patriot Prayer and convicted pedophile/child rapist.

-Bruce Cordwell: EDL member & convicted child groomer.

-Michael Cowen: National Front member and prolific child pornographer.

>> No.44673505

Shadow is literally mentally ill so she gets one(1) get out of schizo jail card.

>> No.44673534 [DELETED] 

-David DePape: The QAnon supporter, online anti-semite, rabid conspiracy theorist best known for nearly murdering Nancy Pelosi’s husband in a hammer attack at their home also, according to his stepdaughter, sexually abused her and his sons when they were children.

-Josh Duggar: the upstanding executive director for the political wing of the virulently homophobic Family Research Council & also a serial child molestor and child pornography collector.

-Charles Allen Dyer: ex-US marine known online as “July4Patriot,” this member of both the Oath Keepers militia and the American Resistance Movement - who friends called “the poster boy for the militia movement - was found in possession of a stolen 40mm grenade launcher when police arrested him for raping and sodomizing a 6-year-old girl. Even after his conviction on those charges, the grifting continued, with his mother writing fundraising letters to “the patriot movement” on behalf of her son. Dyer was kicked out of the Oath Keepers - not because of being a child rapist, but because he was delinquent in paying his membership dues.

-Alan Thomas Ellis: EDL member and convicted child groomer.

-Peter “Naughty Doctor” Entwistle: Former UKIP chairman and convicted child groomer/(prolific!) child pornographer.

-Robert Ewing: EDL/BNP member and child rapist/murderer

-Axel F.: three years before being arrested by German police for planning a terror attack on a Hildesheim, Germany mosque, this violent Islamophobe had been grooming a 15-year-old girl online, sending her dick pics, and then calling her mother to threaten to stab her daughter to death and burn her corpse after the girl cut off contact with him.

-Matthew Fairfield: enthusiastic Oath Keepers miltia member who, when the police raided his home and seized napalm and IEDs, was found to also have quite a cache of child pornography on his laptop.

-Ryan Fleming: National Action terrorist, member of the neo-nazi Satanic cult Order of Nine Angles, and serial child rapist.

-Darren Francis: British National Party member and child rapist.

-Matt Gaetz: The Rupublican congressman and die-hard Trumpist has had rumors, innuendo, and investigations around various allegations of him having sex with teenaged girls, but this written confession from his friend Joel Greenburg really throws him under the bus.

-Peter Mitchell Gaughenbaugh: Florida Hammerskin hang-around and convicted sex offender/child pornographer.

-Christopher Gamlin: Britain First! member and convicted child groomer.

-Michael Scott Geiger: Raping a 13-year-old back in 1992-1993 would have been enough to land this proud member of the United Aryan Brotherhood prison gang on our list. But Geiger really outdid himself in April 2022 when, after being released from prison just a month prior, he lured a two-year-old into his motel room, raped her, strangled her, and then threw her from the second-floor balcony into the motel pool, where she drowned.

-Ben Gibson - failed Louisiana gubernatorial candidate, avid QAnon conspiracy advocate, and according the the police, child pornography aficionado.

-Martyn Gilleard: Neo-nazi, convicted child pornographer, and paedophile

-Peter Gillett: EDL speaker & serial child rapist.

-Wesley David Gilreath: Boulder, CO. resident, author of an online guide to killing people at synagogues and mosques, who the FBI arrested on child pornography charges.

-Phil Godlewski: This big wheel in the QAnon conspiracy cult was also convicted of corruption of a minor in 2010 when he groomed and fucked a 15-year-old girl on a high school basketball team he was coaching. Hilariously, when a local newspaper mentioned the case, Godlewski sued (after raising money from his followers, of course!), As of this writing, his case is not going well for him.

-Alejandro Richard Velasquez Gomez: this 18-year-old self-described “incel” who left Nick Fuentes’ “groyper” movement when he found it not anti-semetic or extremist enough was found to have child pornography on his cell phone during an FBI investigation into his threats to attack a student gathering in Florida.

-Adam Hageman: this former Trump aide and Turning Point USA event coordinator is now serving a 5.5 year prison sentence after being busted as part of a ring of child pornographers sharing their filth via an encrypted Telegram chat, where he told other paedos he “preferred children aged 12 to 16;” was frustrated when COVID shutdowns prevented him from seeing children at urinals in public restrooms; and suggested to the group that they “find a dad with a young kid he will rent out to us” so that he could begin “crossing out fantasies.”

-Benjamin Hannam: This 22-year-old former Met police officer is facing charges for belonging to National Action - a proscribed terror group - and (of course!) for also being in possession of child pornography. He trial is set for March 2021.

>> No.44673583

>-David DePape
this guy was a blm supporter

>> No.44673592 [DELETED] 

-Ian Hargreaves: 66-year-old Leeds resident and avid child pornography collector who got caught policing investigating death threats he made against BBC presenters peppered with racially abusive language.

-Andrew Hazelton: this 28-year-old Portland, Maine resident and shining member of NSC-131 (National Socialist Club/Anti-Communist Action) pled guilty to child pornography charges after being found in possession of dozens of kiddie porn photos after police detained him for pointing a stun gun at a co-worker. Oh, and then there was also the time he tried to get nude selfies from a 10-year-old girl.

-Jonathan Hernandez: the 21-year-old chair of the Oklahoma College Republicans, active Christian evangelist, MAGA-loving Trump supporter, COVID conspiracy theorist, and according to Oklahoma police, child rapist.

-Nigel Hesmondhalgh: British National Party member and convicted child pornographer.

-Dale Hewitt: EDL supporter and convicted serial child rapist.

-Ian Richard Hindle: British National Party member and convicted child rapist.

-Kane Hutchinson: EDL member and convicted child molestor

-Eliot Jones: EDL member and convicted child groomer.

-Michael Alan Jones: This Patriot Front heatscore, Proud Boy, and January 6th insurrectionist likes to participate in so-called “Save The Children” rallies, which is a bit ironic considering his prior charges for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old and a 15-year-old, which he pled down to felony “crimes against nature.”

-Mervyn Jones: North West Alliance member & convicted serial child rapist.

-Shaun Jones: This Scouse Nationalist was convicted of grooming and raping a 12-year-old girl.

-Michael Kinnear: EDL member, British National Party member, convicted child groomer, child rapist and child pornographer.

-Jonathan Charles Koch: child pornography enthusiast whose other hobby is to dress up in a Pepe hoodie and harass women’s marches in Iowa City.

-August Kreis: Aryan Nations leader & convicted child molester

-Warren Jeffs: Racist Christian extremist & convicted child rapist

-Scott Langton: This Ferndale, WA. cop didn’t do a lot for his career when he tried to join the far-right terrorist militia the Oath Keepers a month after their failed insurrection on January 6, 2021. That got him put on “administrative leave.” Apparently not content with just attempting to join a treasonous terror group, Langton then got brought up on attempted child molestation charges, which was finally enough for the city to fire him.

-Nathan Larson: 37-year-old Virginia congressional candidate, Hitler-worshipping white supremacist, admitted pedophile, pro-rape advocate, and creator of several online chat rooms for pedophiles and misogynists, who was arrested in 2020 for grooming and kidnapping a 12-year-old girl.

-Thomas Leech: this self-professed nazi from Preston, UK “filled a void” in his lonely, pathetic life by encouraging acts of violence against Jews and Muslims online. His other hobby? Making and collecting “indecent images” of children.

-Gavin Leist: British National Party member and dedicated child pornographer.

- Aylson Proenca Doyle Linhares: a 58-year old multimillionaire, Holocaust denier, homophobe, and obsessive collector of Nazi memorabilia and firearms is arrested in his home after being accused of raping and molesting multiple children in his Rio de Janeiro neighbourhood.

-James Mason: Decades-long self-described neo-nazi, author of white supremacist terrorist manual, spiritual leader of white supremacist terror group Atomwaffen Division, and child pornographer, who was convicted of such in 1991 and then again convicted of menacing in a case involving child sexual exploitation a few years later.

-Sean Michael McHugh: This Auburn, CA. Proud Boy’s shameful past came to light after he was arrested for participating in the January 6, 2021 Capitol Hill insurrection. Turns out he has a long rap sheet with including auto theft, fencing stolen cameras, and drug possession. Oh, and then there was that time in 2009 when he took a plea deal after being charged with drugging and raping a 14-year-old child; McHugh wound up pleading guilty to “Unlawful Sexual Intercourse with a Minor” and “Contributing to Delinquency of a Minor/Threat on a Minor” and spending 210 days in jail after prosecutors agreed to drop the “Forcible Rape” and “Rape by Use of Drugs” charges he was facing. Which made his comments to the Capitol Hill police he was assaulting about them “protecting pedophiles” more than a bit ironic.

>> No.44673622

nobody is reading all that shit

>> No.44673640 [DELETED] 

-Leigh McMillan: 46-year-old EDL leader, presently serving a 17-year prison sentence for child grooming and serial sexual assault of a prepubescent girl, beginning when she was just 10 years old.

-Michael McQueenie: This EDL member was caught in the act of raping a 14-year-old girl with learning difficulties by her father.

-Brett Moses: This EDL member travelled all the way to Canada to meet the 13-year-old girl he had been grooming online, only to discover she was really an undercover cop.

-Mark Nolan: This English nazi was arrested by Irish police in Dublin, who found him in posession of bomb-making materials and over 250,000 images of child pornography.

-Stephen Parshall: 36-year-old Boogaloo Boy, suspected terrorist currently facing terror charges, and according to materials found by the FBI on his cell phone and an interview with his step-daughter, a child rapist and child pornographer.

-Stephen Payne: SDL member who groomed and raped a 13-year-old girl.

-Liam Pinkham: North West Infidel, British Freedom Fighter, child rapist.

-Enoch Powell: former UK MP, racist firebrand, and accused paedophile network member

-Richard Price: EDL founding member and convicted child pornographer who Tommy Robinson famously defended after his child pornography conviction.

-Jack Renshaw: 23-year-old National Action member/white supremacist terrorist currently on trial for plotting to murder British MP Rosie Cooper who was also under investigation for, and later convicted on charges of, child sex grooming at the time of his arrest.

-Jarl Judson Rockhill: before his recent foray into attending neo-nazi rallies in the PNW, Jarl was charged with Sexual Abuse in the First Degree in 2002, and with Using a Child in a Display of Sexually Explicit conduct in 2003. He is registered as a sex offender as of 1-7-10.

-Michael Roles: Britain First supporter and convicted serial child rapist.

-Roderick Malcolm Rowley: British National Party candidate and convicted child pornographer.

-Mark Ryley: Proud Britain First, Infidels, and Nick Griffen supporting, currently serving a 30-year prison sentence for raping girls as young a six over a period spanning decades.

-James Shand: Now that this convicted child sex offender is no longer able to groom 13-year-old girls on the internet (or adult police officers posing as 13-year-old girls!), James has taken to attending secretive events held by the white supremacist Patriotic Alternative.

-Jesse Shenk: This 31-year-old splits his free time between hanging anti-semitic banners from highway overpasses with the Goyin Defense League and grooming 14-year-old girls online. Well, grooming police officers posing as 14-year-old girls, as Shenk found out when he was arrested after traveling to Klemeth, CA. to fuck the person he had been sending photos of himself performing sex acts to.

-Simon Sheppard: This notorious Holocaust denier, racist, and far-right extremist is now also a convicted paedophile for attempting to trick four teenagers into having sex with him in what he described to them as a “sexperiment.”

-Ian Siree: British National Party candidate whose child pornography collection was discovered by police searching his home in connection with the murder of a takeaway delivery driver by Siree’s son James.

-Chris Simcox: Minutemen Militia leader and accused child molester

-Mark Sleman (a.k.a. Archie SLEMAN a.k.a. Archie SLIMAN a.k.a. Stuart HOLMES a.k.a. Mark HOLMES): you’d probably have as many aliases as this EDL member if, like him, you kidnapped and raped a 10-year-old girl.

-Kevin Strom: National Vanguard leader & convicted child pornographer

-James Andrew Swindlehurst: North West Infidel, White Man marcher and serial child rapist whose sex crimes against children spanned a five-year period.

-Dave Todeschini: this QAnon stalwart has some strong opinions on which politicians and celebrities are/are not pedophiles. He himself pled guilty to sexual assault in 1999 for sodomizing an 8-year-old boy.

-Alexander Hillel Treisman: When police were called to investigate this upstanding citizen’s van, they found it packed with five guns, ammunition, explosives, and over $500,000 in cash. They also found notes about assassinating Joe Biden, drawings of swastikas and planes crashing into buildings, musings about committing a mass shooting, and - yes, you guessed it! - child pornography on eight different devices.

>> No.44673653
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Why are /pol/chamas like this?

>> No.44673692
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>this guy was a blm supporter

>> No.44673694 [DELETED] 

-Ruben Verastigui: when Ruben wasn’t busy designing social media ads for Donald Trump’s 2020 re-election campaigns or doing digital media work for anti-choice groups and the GOP, he liked to unwind by collecting and watching videos of babies being raped. Videos where the babies screamed while being violated were “his favorite” he told fellow pedophiles in an encrypted Telegram chat group. Verastigui is now serving a 12-year-prison sentence for possession of child porn.

-Trevor Vinson: Trevor was as devoted to supporting the EDL, Britain First, and Jayda Fransen as he was to repeatedly raping a three-year-old girl over a period of months and recording his sexual assaults on his phone.

-Andrew Paul Wells: This British National Party member’s rape of a child was uncovered when the girl’s mother discovered pornographic photos of her child taken by Wells.

-Paul Whiteside: 47-year-old Lincolnshire EDL leader & convicted child groomer & child abductor.

-Matthew Stephen Raymond Woodward: This EDL member was sacked from his job after his child pornography collecting hobby became public knowledge

-Amos Yee: The Singaporean blogger and apparent friend of Andy Ngo got in hot water with authorities for posting Islamophobic rants but also for grooming a 14-year-old girl, receiving a six-year sentence. Yee has also posted several pro-pedophilia missives online, prior to being incarcerated.

-Milo Yiannopoulos: Transphobe, anti-immigrant trash bag, & (while not convicted of child molestation) on the record as a pro-pedophilia advocate

-Beate Zschäpe: This member of the German neo-nazi terror group NSU had her child pornography charges dropped after prosecutors concluded that they were not nearly as significant as the charges she faced for murdering ten people in a string of terror attacks across the country.


>> No.44673705

I will enjoy seeing this random schizo babble when scrolling through the archive

>> No.44673719
File: 102 KB, 680x537, 1665538645678812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the mentally ill people I'm surrounded by.

>> No.44673786

would hold hand unprotected

>> No.44673816


>> No.44673818

Shit like this is why nobody likes you, Eunice

>> No.44673826

The trannies don't see anything wrong with telling a girl with self harm scars to kill herself?

>> No.44673871

OK child rapist defender

>> No.44673916

Eh, she's not supporting penile mutilation, so fuck her.

>> No.44673946

I mean they don't see anything wrong with telling a girl with those same issues to lop off her breasts and mutilate her forearm to sculpt and attach as a now penis, so what made you think they'd have a problem with that?

>> No.44674010

liking loli bad

actually grooming little boys into cutting their dicks off and killing themselves good

>> No.44674054

>posts walls of text no one will read a word of and simply scroll by
you just got owned righty

>> No.44674081

Where's the fun in this? throw a pie for christs sake.

>> No.44674168

You people are going to have to come up with an answer to the lolishit condemnation that isn't just denying that she's acting like a young girl in a sexualised manner.
She obviously is. I don't have a problem with it, but this like doesn't hold water.
Anime and vtubers are built from foundation on this shit and you need to know how to defend it.

>> No.44674196

>Calling out the global warming hoax isn't being against clean air.
Is not a hoax anon.

>> No.44674230

If Shondo pointing out the people harassing her and telling her to kill herself have pronouns in their bio is transphobic, is these people telling her to kill themselves by the thousands ableist? She’s schizophrenic and open with it, so surely by their own rules they’re being bigoted, correct?

>> No.44674236

Why, let it burn

>> No.44674299

Anthropogenic global warming is overblown. The doomsday alarmism does no good in winning over skeptics. Neither do the plans to make society live on it's knees chasing a solution.

>> No.44674325

>acting like she vivisected a baby live on stream
Killing babies might possibly be one of their favorite things, however?

>> No.44674322

What would answering your question do to help Shondo?

>> No.44674364

Who are you?

>> No.44674370

Lolis placate a natural desire that explodes if left unchecked
No wonder anglo countries have such dastardly child sex abuse rates

>> No.44674399


>> No.44674464

I kind of agree with you.

>> No.44674574

Why defend it? I like lolis she presents herself as Loli don't like it don't watch it people will move on if she just ignore

>> No.44674586

call me a retard but I have no idea why this tweet offended anyone
breast envy is literally in every single anime

>> No.44674616
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Why defend it? Although you could make the argument that her and Gura are saving millions of kids from being molested while farming their audience in the process by working as bait, not ideal but the lesser of 2 evils.

>> No.44674627

post shondo cunny

>> No.44674649

Ever seen the translation for FE:Engage? Even shit like "Oh, I ate too much, I'm probably gonna put on a few pounds" was replaced for unrelated inane stuff.

>> No.44674658

You don't realize that engaging with them at all is a waste of time? You could have the best argument backed up by facts and logic and it would not make a difference. The best defense is ignoring them entirely.

>> No.44674694

None of that means its a hoax.

>> No.44674730
File: 723 KB, 1920x1080, 1678383089904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satellite /pol/ thread

>> No.44674736

It being such a major issue is a hoax.

>> No.44674751
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>> No.44674770

It's because it's fake and gay

>> No.44674783

Exactly, I suggest learning about infosec privacy so you avoid becoming a target.

>> No.44674798
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>> No.44674832

I like how there's already some people in her stream tweets going " please address this, have you seen this" the people go schizo if you ignore them

>> No.44674845
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>> No.44674882

She should promise to address in a member stream to milk them further.

>> No.44674936

>by the general public
oh you mean 2 discord trannies that you follow

>> No.44674946

Shondo if you're lurking this thread please do this. It'd be totally epic and for the win.

>> No.44674955
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So here's the things about doxxfags: despite claiming they know everything about a rm and having the power to "expose" them they're actually pretty shit at doing so. 99% of the time doxxfags just peddle things that is essentially an open secret and most people don't give a shit about. Since doing something more than loading the doxxsite is too much, you end up with them basically repeating the same shit over and over again as if it's some grand revelation that will destroy vtubers forever.

It's kinda like those doomsday cult keep claiming that the world will end at a certain date, and when it doesn't they make up some excuse and say that it will happen some other time, except doxxfags don't even do this much. They just yell cope and repeat the same thing over and over again. Even with face with proof that their rrat has been long slain, they will just... deny it. They simply can't move on because that would require them to admit to themselves that they ultimately have no power. So this is why you will more or less forever see Fauna and Shondo being enemies even when/if they ever collab.

I can't believe I was actually worried about these niggers doing any kind of harm to these girls at one point.

>> No.44674979

>and you need to know how to defend it.
You make fun of them for getting upset over cartoons. That is how you change public perception. I always cringe when I see lolicon retards trying to own them with facts and logic. Social media isn't a place for that, its for emotionally charged reactionaries

>> No.44675041

>>>>>wow this bitch is an annoying pedobaiter
>>>>yeah well you're friends with people who want to fuck dogs
>>>well you said n*gga on twitter 7 years ago
>>um you're literally endorsed a problematic genshin ship. fischl is literally a minor. clean up your act
>acting like you didn't play harry potter just last week LMAO istg these people
Anglo Twitter discourse sure is riveting stuff

>> No.44675061

Yeah, but then they just hit you with cartoons of what and post an image of the rock raising his eyebrow. How are you supposed to beat that?

>> No.44675071

twitter freak distinguishing LARP from reality challenge
they don't even know their own gender edition

>> No.44675147

jesus christ

>> No.44675176

I legitimately don't give a shit whether or not some normalfag on Twitter thinks it's creepy I jack off to children

>> No.44675185

dont engage with the retards in the first place, problem solved

>> No.44675227

what's with these weird South Park stan accounts in her QTs?

>> No.44675235

what the fuck is this

>> No.44675357

Try hard like sissy captions

>> No.44675384

There isn't any "defense" that would work against someone who's already decided you're guilty. The best thing you can do is have more strawman image macros than they do so when they spam you with their dumb shit, your dumb shit outlasts them. That's all Twitter discourse is anyways.

>> No.44675436

now post the catbox stuff

>> No.44675479

I don't really have that much to be honest

>> No.44675616

doesn't need defense and the fuckers still arguing and prolonging this need to fuck off, normies and the terminally online alike have short attention spans if you just don't keep instigating and reminding them about it

>> No.44675837


>> No.44675911

We started with the idea that children taking hormone blockers not even being in the publics mind. Now its base pillar for liberal society

>> No.44675991

holy based, when will twitter trannies learn

>> No.44676036

Reminder that the "people" that post shit like https://twitter.com/loomyloomi/status/1633700659005468674?s=20 are the same kind of people that post https://twitter.com/loomyloomi/status/1633826316695879680?s=20

>> No.44676053

Love how this shit-stirring schizo got BTFO so hard LMAO.
Kill yourself, cunt.

>> No.44676074

just be funnier than them without calling them a nigger or tranny and people will side with you

>> No.44676093

pretty good T u T

>> No.44676708

A) It’s moe
B) Art history has had several movements involved in addressing the difference between drawings and reality
C) All anime girls have child-like proportions to begin with
D) Doom, Slenderman, and Catcher in the Rye didn’t cause acts of violence, the people that claimed any of these things were the source of inspiration were mentally ill to begin with. This is a debate that’s been argued to death and the outcome was exactly as I stated.

>> No.44676721

i still have no idea why people call her shondo

>> No.44676811

Oh NONONO drama bros she is laughing

>> No.44676907
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CommonsenseGOD from before retarded social networks and culture wars here.

I don't hate real trannies, I see them as having a mental illness, which coincidentally it's similar to what shondo had, anorexia. That is, your mental concept of self mismatching the reality of your body. It's the same shit except with sex instead of body weight.

That said, there's a breed of eternally seething people lacking meaning and goals and subsituting it with retarded culture wars along with political grifters and bandwagon trendchasers and those definitelly need to be shunned and told to fuck off. Tenma and Shondo were right on calling specifically these kind of retards out.

>> No.44676999

All of the studies about videogames and violence are complete bogus if you actually read them.

>> No.44677050

With how widespread gaming like Call of Duty is on kids, if those caused violence on a % even remotely close to what, say, the covid vaccine causes clots on people, by law of numbers we'd see millions dead by mass shootings.

>> No.44677066

>Try hard
Oh sweet summer child.

>> No.44677306

Counter-point: many people joined USA army because of CoD.
It's not about psychotic mass shooters, but rather about someone's ability to commit violence and how much they value others people's lives.

>> No.44677331

Some retards are impressionable and will be influenced, but most will be turned away from it due to the "Outlet Effect" (I made it the fuck up, it probably has an actual name).
Media being used as an outlet for some questionable, evil or bad topics has always resulted in those things dropping in numbers considerably.
Violent media dropped crime rates considerably when you adjusted for poverty, piracy, etc.
It's just retards that go full sperg the instant "sex" is brought up. So, in other words, Americans and the American-infected. (Canada, UK, Aussieland to some extent)

>> No.44677387

lol no way in fuck i would waste my time against someone so stupid that they think jerking off of their online engagement somehow saving real child. as long as she can legally consent, it is legal to fuck her no matter if she looks and act like literal toddler. yes it is disgusting, as dusgusting as their mutilated genital, maybe thats why they hated lolicon so much.

>> No.44677440

except this has been debunked over and over and over again. it was about laws against kids transitioning in texas. stop letting yourself be brainwashed by grifters and ideologues, you dumb retard.

>> No.44677453

You can't find some forgiveness in your heat?

>> No.44677497

Ok so? There’s still no proof that fiction influences reality.
Those people were predisposed to violence to begin with. If a school shooter listens to metal does it make it the fault of the music? No because that’s retarded.

>> No.44677527
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I'm amazed that vtubers finally managed to give women a platform to compete in the male dominated streaming scene while at the same time protecting the privacy of the girls and somewhat the woke crowd still manages to have a problem with it. The biggest western female streamer is a literal prostitute waving her tits in a rubber pool while getting pimped by her bf and these retards are still seething at vtubers, when most of them need actual talent to be succesful.
Yeah perfect example. It's the same as saying that vidya and other violent media will make you violent. There is no real cause here or argument in good faith, it's simply a niche hobby that doesn't appeal to them so they find any sort of excuses to shit on it. Just like was happening 10-20 years ago with vidya and comic books before they became mainstream shit and now everyone loves them. The woke crowd literally acting like Reagan era conservative grandmas.

>> No.44677633

Women love male fags anon

>> No.44677672

Counter-point: That only happened in USA, because of the cultural mindset and the war on terror, it wasn't the violence (like say, Far Cry) but rather the reinforcement of the Cool Marine Hero of the Country archetype for loser kids kind of thing. Just like nowadays the way to be cool is to be a twitter SJW troon bernie warrior.

>> No.44677726

buzzwords. 99% of troons are from social pressure and/or abuse, actual gender dysphoria is very rare

>> No.44677803

>it's similar to what shondo had, anorexia. That is, your mental concept of self mismatching the reality of your body. It's the same shit except with sex instead of body weight.
The difference is that people don't pretend that it would be beneficial to support the delusions of anorexic people. I don't think anyone has a problem with the actual mental illness behind transgenderism, they have a problem with the response to it and with the actions of the mentally ill.

>> No.44677801

No such thing as a real tranny. There are people who are confused about their gender for dubious reasons and that's it.

>> No.44677850

Loli is not a real thing, it only exists in anime/weeb circles. There are no "irl" lolis. There's your defense.

>> No.44678153
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twitter is a place for mentally ill women and retarded men to fling ad-hominem at each other for the sake of their own ego. Nobody is engaging in actual arguments because it would require research, knowledge or the mental capacity of applying reason and logic

>> No.44678165

The nuclear family is kind of anti family, the normal family is actually extended family.

>> No.44678173

Honestly they should just be classified as a mental illness again. They can have their HRT and surgeries paid for by government gibs and the normal people can have children not getting their genitals mutilated and self-ID will be thrown out the window. The process for getting diagnosed will go back to being more strict and there will maybe even be interest towards looking for an actual treatment instead for this stupid affirming care.

>> No.44678212

Don't say that, that will just make them retaliate these are real children. Don't say anything.

>> No.44678372

>require research, knowledge or the mental capacity of applying reason and logic
Not even true. People don't even care about research anymore, it's all narrative.

>> No.44678409

>The process for getting diagnosed will go back to being more strict
Do you really believe that? They are already handing out diagnoses for mental illnesses out like candy.

>> No.44678500

>Yeah perfect example.
You are literally me.
This only happened in USA, because USA has an actual army. EU armies are much smaller and it's harder to observe those behavioral patterns (on the similar scale). And language barriers obviously play into obscuring that information.
People influenced by cod seek legal excuse for violence which is even worse than actual mass shooters.

>> No.44678601

I'm a hardcore leftist and left 4chan 4 years ago when it pretty much became a /vpol/ echochamber just to return when I got into vtubers. The American "left" and SJW crowd is an abomination and a mess of contradictions and mental illness. I even ended up in some feminist circles and somewhat they agreed and even had enough humor to laugh at themselves. Social media is designed around sensationalism and creating strong emotional responses no matter which side you are on. It's a den of mental illness and even the most just ideal will be turned into a clown shitshow.

>> No.44678618

>joining the military is worse than shooting up a school
Baffling post.

>> No.44678760

well pathetic incel pedophiles is a niche that's untapped I guess. Someone was bound to appeal to it

>> No.44678774

yea, ruining other countries for oil is worse than shooting up your own retarded country's children, at least you're saving them from a life of debt lol

>> No.44678791

The point is to repulse.

>> No.44678805 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44678870

A single white kid is worth more than all the dirty goatfuckers in the world.

>> No.44678955

You don't need to join army, lol. French riot police is absolutely fucked in the head.

>> No.44679053

say that again after he shoots up your child's school

>> No.44679217

Did you reply to the wrong post?

>> No.44679419

>random throw away booba joke people have seen a thousand times
>1.1 million views
jesas. twitter people are the biggest online spergs by far.

>> No.44679469

shondo is cute and I think she should collab with fauna

>> No.44679739

Fiction converts potential violent criminals to harmless. We've seen this with violent video games. We've seen this with combat sports enjoyers. We will see this with loli.

>> No.44679882
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>Reminder that /vt/ literally memoryholed this
bro that was my introduction to shondo lol

>> No.44680127

Fauna always came off as a snake to me. Seems like they are on friendly terms again but never trust Fauna. The was she numberfags is also disgusting.

>> No.44681525

>The age of consent is 18
not in most countries/states lol

>> No.44681776 [DELETED] 
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Daily reminder that she disowned /vt/ publicly and also has a 7 foot boyfriend. Stop being a beta cuck bitch for her.

>> No.44682207

Methadone is to heroin as loli is to CSAM.

>> No.44682397

/vt/sisters always in denial and forgetting about crucial information like shondo publicly disowning /vt/ and also her a 7 foot boyfriend. Nothing but redditor beta cuck bitches around here.

>> No.44682525

>her a 7 foot boyfriend
Yeah, me.

>> No.44682938

I can't believe she played an entire civ campaign roleplaying as Hitler without a peep and THIS is what freaked people out.

>> No.44683351

I think it's pretty obvious why. Right now transgender issues are forefront in amerimutt politics, not to mention the hogwarts beehive that's been kicked. I don't know why Shondo's pettan joke tweet pissed off the transtrenders so much but in the end she'll come out just fine.

>> No.44683952

But she even played the wizard game and absolutely nothing happened.

>> No.44684311

I saw the clip where she reacted to the black paint joke and it was really funny

>> No.44684362

She literally celebrated the fact that she finally got "cancelled" on Twitter, it was one of her goals listed in her redebut

>> No.44685171

check again

>> No.44685228


>> No.44685650

Shondo is feminine, unlike Pippa.

>> No.44686013

This is a bit much.

>> No.44686443
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i know this is 4chan but even i have a limit jesus christ

>> No.44687122
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>quote retweet got 90k likes
will she survive?
