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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.42 MB, 931x872, 525222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44470509 No.44470509 [Reply] [Original]

>fixed entertainment value bug
>fixed ASMR bug
>fixed animal exploitation bug*
>fixed voice
>increased nerdiness
>design improvements
>small optimizations and fixes

>> No.44470790

do you wanna fuckin fight?

>> No.44470801

Found issue
>increased sexual attraction towards domestic canines

>> No.44470899

that's a feature, not a bug

>> No.44470941

I will now watch your oshi

>> No.44471409 [DELETED] 

Has the bf bug been fixed yet?

>> No.44471435

Our team have looked into this issue and unfortunately this is a third-party library bug found in 0xfff_brit.dll, a dependency required for accurate countdown timings.

>> No.44471645

>>fixed entertainment value bug
Yikes...she is literally boring and annoying as shit.

>> No.44471841
File: 301 KB, 385x298, 160515340420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's even better that just certifies that she's actually white.

>> No.44471959

but enough about fauna

>> No.44472258

Haha, I see saplings are not that faithful after all. So much for being unicorns.

>> No.44472425
File: 179 KB, 480x480, 1634313612587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's falseflaggers, real saplings wouldn't cheat on Fauna

>> No.44472551

Speak for yourself, i'm cumming to Riifu while saplingposting at the same time.

>> No.44472635

Alright, sell me on Scottish Fauna. I already know about the accent, but that can only get you so far.

>> No.44472653
File: 185 KB, 480x480, 1678128672334463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44472710

Well... >>44470023

>> No.44472747
File: 182 KB, 529x851, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from her 18+ account and uuuuh she is better at ASMR than Fauna Prime
She seems quite dorky too, she is planning to play lego stars wars on may 4, assassins creed on Ezios birthday etc

>> No.44472826

There are a lot of Saplings that post in the general and I've seen some UUUUUUUs in their chats. Fauna is probably still their oshi but if these girls don't fuck up, they could climb quickly on the EN side. They're genuinely good, especially Skye and Kiki.

>> No.44472870
File: 173 KB, 480x480, 1678129473116153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's too late

>> No.44472893

Because Riifu is just better Fauna in every way, even best Fauna in her ASMR game. That's embarrassing.

>> No.44472895

Such a based drawfag

>> No.44472954
File: 638 KB, 1088x626, 1677959432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna ASMR is unironically targetted to a differenct audience, always have been

>> No.44473011

Here, the video that saved both fanbases

>> No.44473045

HOLY BASED lll be sure to cancel my fauna membership and switch to hers.

>> No.44473056

I visit the EIEN general and I don't see these saplings. I see Gabe spamming his sapling emote edits though. They appeal to very different audiences I think.
Also their personalities are nothing alike so I have no idea why people are comparing the two. Might as well compare her to fucking Millie.

>> No.44473076
File: 10 KB, 270x138, 1678132534158739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is just unhinged

>> No.44473168

Why is lemon the only one hanging? Shondo, you're scaring me

>> No.44473185

Riifu is better at ASMR just as someone can play the guitar better. She is better technically, it doesnt mean that she tries to do exactly the ASMR performance that Fauna does

>> No.44473263

it's ok, fauna liked this art herself

>> No.44473462

If they're not doing the same type of ASMR then the comparison is pretty meaningless.
Riifu shills please don't become like Yuko shills, the obnoxious retards who spammed her on the catalog by shitting on other unrelated girls are part of the reason I never warmed up to her and preferred the other IdolEN girls.

>> No.44473463

Pretty hypocritical. Unicorns are basically "rules for thee, not for me". It's not okay for their oshi to interact with men, but it's totally okay for unicorns to go for another girl and shit on the previous oshi while she hasn't done anything wrong. Pathetic.

>> No.44474112

I will now watch your oshi.

>> No.44474150
File: 259 KB, 498x421, 1661017038348345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devs are shit. Revert the patch.

>> No.44474212

No, I will not watch Lidl Fauna no matter how many times you shill her here

>> No.44474301

She is Tesco Fauna, Lidl is a german brand

>> No.44474355

Hey, its Fauna, but a porn star wannabe.

>> No.44474482

boy you must not know much about fauna then

>> No.44474594

Please give Peony a chance.

>> No.44474634

This. Peony is actually entertaining and not degenerate

>> No.44474839

Already subbed to her, but she either streams at like 2 AM for me or when I'm at work or uni. Being EST is suffering.

>> No.44475091


>> No.44476084

What gives you ASMR is very different from person to person, and it can be affected by how you feel about the performer as well.
Even buying your guitar analogy, I'd rather listen to a decent guitarist than a great one if the former performs a genre I like more.

>> No.44476186

The only thing they have in common in being green. Even their idea of ASMR is completely different. But of course, the only way these literally who corpos get traction here is to try and leech off holoEN.

>> No.44476351

remember when pippa got more viewers than fauna? and still continues to get more than fauna? I'm sure bronies would rather sweep that under the rug, just like everyone collabing with males

>> No.44476361

Wake me up when she's part of a big vtuber group that has 3D concerts, other events and a creative community.
There's plenty of e-girls whose only appeal is mid streams already.

>> No.44476400

You're pretending to be a retard now? I don't get it

>> No.44476421


>> No.44476455
File: 129 KB, 1400x1400, 1648188471657898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its time to let him go anon

>> No.44476571

Finally I can watch Fauna. Jeez took you long enough.

>> No.44476606

Fauna sticks to a niche within hololive.
Pippa tries to appeal to every single faggot on the planet by collabing with flesh streamers, doing react content, reviewing shitty reddit memes, constantly baiting with provokative stamtements, etc.
Take your pink rabbit and shove her up your ass faggot. Phase fans are cancer.

>> No.44476643

Learn not to take the bait, newfriend

>> No.44476700

wtf they ALL have an alt accounts?

>> No.44476913

its for NSFW art so it doesn't show up on their main twitter account since elon is weird about that sort of stuff

>> No.44476974

No I'm literally asking: they ALL have it? I know only Riffu and apparently Skye now.

>> No.44477022

Kiki also has one but isn't as active as Riifu and Skye. Kilia doen't have one.

>> No.44477053

Why do hot white girls have to fuck their dogs? What do they have that I don't?

>> No.44477060

why would you decrease the entertainment value?

>> No.44477236

A working penis and a lack of speech.

>> No.44477247

I've been asking that of Cover since they first debuted HoloEN...

>> No.44477920

Anon, it's not legal to own niggers like this anymore.

>> No.44478241

Who the fuck are you quoting.

>> No.44478441
File: 472 KB, 751x730, fauna overlap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna timeslot has been packed lately

>> No.44478482

Now this REALLY makes me think.

>> No.44478596

Fauna Prime vs Tesco Fauna vs Lidl Fauna

>> No.44478692

its lamy and wannabe lamys

>> No.44478794

Fauna >>> green bitch

>> No.44478930

I thought >BECOME was just a meme...

>> No.44479101

For me it's green Fauna.

>> No.44479677

>seems dorky
>googled "nerd calendar"

>> No.44479692

Pippa gets nowhere near as many viewers as Fauna

>> No.44479760

Pippa has peaked at 6+k CCV which is in the range of Faunas CCV

>> No.44480803

Fauna with braps.

>> No.44483807

Did she even brap on stream ?

>> No.44484136

no, neither did

>> No.44484164

I hope Fauna polishes my balls

>> No.44484796

I'm going to need a demonstration of this feature, preferably with timestamps

>> No.44486647

How can you tell this is another retarded shilling. This coomer avtuber probably the opposite spectrum of fauna. It beyond retarded that the only similarity is that she is green.

>> No.44488157
File: 2.22 MB, 360x202, Town Talk Fauna.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, anons?
