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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44459402 No.44459402 [Reply] [Original]

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.44459452

>getting oneguyed

>> No.44459521

The one who can't take reasonable criticism and tries to make everything an effort to "clap back" the haters.

>> No.44459565

why are chinese people so thin-skinned?

>> No.44459567

Enna is such a lulcow. Only a matter of time until she messes with the wrong troll and gets her own lean arc.

>> No.44459582

She sounds really upset about that 5 dollar superchat.

>> No.44459589

The donator isn't wrong, but Kyo is painfully unfunny and obnoxious, so latching on to someone else is the only way anyone is going to watch him.

>> No.44459625

Kyo is a faggot.
Enna is a cunt.
Donator is correct and based.

>> No.44460136

I got so used to call him a backstabbing snake that I forgot he's actually a leech.

>> No.44460221

national pastime

>> No.44460294

Can't he be a backstabbing leeching snake?

>> No.44460414

Feel like it'll be much worse than that. Eventually the house of cards will come crashing down over her entire cliques head.

>> No.44460496 [DELETED] 

She's basically purged her old audience completely and is now relying on chink OL money leftover from the males. She'd have to piss them off specifically to hurt her career now I think.

>> No.44460505
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>same person that did this also did pic related

>> No.44460522

>invades your hobby
>"lmao loser get a hobby"

>> No.44460563

She's literally a vtuber, how is she invading YOUR hobby?

>> No.44460652

by being a vtuber

>> No.44460666

hello enna

>> No.44460761

Maybe Enna should get a hobby and touch grass instead of having /vt/ and her haters live rent free in her head, kek

>> No.44460927

>double-digit IQ

>> No.44460980

These bitches just can't help themselves with the "uhhh get a life you loser incel". It's literally a reflex for them.

>> No.44461001
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>> No.44461085

Fuck off, Enna.

>> No.44461176

The way Kyo and Enna gang up make me think that Enna would 100% also throw Zaion under the bus in the future (or has already and we don't know)

>> No.44461289

Enna's Friend 2: Electric Boogaloo, lesgoooo

>> No.44461571

>donator points out Kyo is too reliant on Enna
>Enna is the one to defend him
Didn't she just prove the SC right?

>> No.44461648

They need another century of humiliation until they learn to handle the banter.

>> No.44461892

Doesn't matter. She is afraid that her "bestie" will finally realize how people view him and leave her

>> No.44462047

Enna is retarded

>> No.44462597
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>> No.44463099

Wait wasn't her "bestie" Millie? I'm so out of the loop on niji

>> No.44463283

I mean the faggot is both, i dont care he fucks that used up chink, i hate that he and the "bestie bunch" are probably one of the reasons Zaion wont come back

>> No.44463453

Anon is right. Be original and stop simping/bootlicking.

>> No.44463503

How the fuck has their manager not stepped in and just told them to ignore this kind of shit? How many times are they going to get one guy'd into retarded twitter posts before they learn that they're not obligated to respond to every dumb shitpost? If you just don't respond then they're LITERALLY giving you money for free

>> No.44463543

>having managers
Whos going to tell him?

>> No.44463698

You are missing Elira's sperg out

>> No.44463805

Anon, even nijiid dissing their management and said nobody in management even watch them talking shit about them.

>> No.44463978
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no vtuber manager in the industry does this

>> No.44464142

I really fucking hated the Lean arc, but looking back a lot of the content created from it is still funny.
Also happy she's in a much better place mentally now

>> No.44464160

>held hands live on stream
Is "bestie" some kind of code word slang for someone you have hardcore sex with?

>> No.44464286

Friends with benefits

>> No.44464752

There will come a time when she rarely collabs with Millie, and it's all Kyo.

>> No.44464938

Millie and kyo are close now, they’re a trio

>> No.44465009


>> No.44465071

>Who was in the wrong here?
About everyone, including OP, /vt/ and every single person who replied to this post. Me as well.
Exposing yourself to Enna and Kyo content in any form, including simple screenshots, is bad and you should feel ashamed.

>> No.44465089

This stupid cunt can't be removed from vtubing soon enough. Disgusting retarded cunt

>> No.44467457

Enna's nose dive from "semi-normal Nijien girl" to full blown "NTR parasocial freaks" has been such a joyous trainwreck to watch.

>> No.44467545

I thought "Enna's friend" was Millie. Is Kyo trying to make her even more irrelevant?

>> No.44467649


>> No.44467711


>> No.44467774
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>Enna refers to Millie AND Kyo as her bestie

>> No.44467933

Enna is an actual fucking retards

>> No.44469932

Yeah it was Millie, I don't really get this shit

>> No.44470490

just marry alreadn and fuck on stream and make a new niche as a married couple channel

>> No.44471141
File: 417 KB, 2048x1073, FahhsMsXEAArNNO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get a hobby
Literally just proving why gatekeeping is important. Once they take over a hobby they want to change the rules and tell you to get a new one, and the cycle repeats.

>> No.44471643

She probed the guy right

>> No.44471759

Man if only I could get a dommy bitch gf like kyo has. ;(

>> No.44471888

get some pussy, incel-kun.

>> No.44472102

If I did I wouldn't watch vtubers.

>> No.44472536

I've unironically stopped watching Enna because of all the shit she does with Kyo.
Not because "LE MALE ON STREAM" faggotry, no, because Kyo is a terminally online retard. Same with Finana.
Shame, Enna was funny when she didn't become a turbo retard who caved to the professionally offended types.

>> No.44472752

SC isn't wrong.
Though kyo was always a zoomer wigger at least he had balls before he became Enna's cumdumpster for her futa Chinese cock.

Now he joined in on canceling Zaion on his PL because she and Hex bullied him too hard in a collab.

>> No.44473184

fucking IRyStocrats

>> No.44473234

Kyo. I hate wiggers so much and if there is an opportunity to shit on him I'm all for it

>> No.44474412

This counts as a diss? It's advice to help him not kill his fucking channel. No one wants to watch a fucking couple's channel.

>> No.44474731

So the guy who sent the SC?

>> No.44475137

Qrd on the lean arc im a mewfagg.
I know yhe tweet but yhe events that led to it seem intriguing

>> No.44475558

>feeding the troll
women truly are retarded

>> No.44477639


>> No.44478295

>calls direct criticism "lowkey dissing"
zoomers are doomed

>> No.44479626

Is this the reason why i don't see any Enna vs Irys threads anymore?

>> No.44479753

Is she actually a zoomer?

>> No.44479935

If she was born between 1997 and 2012, yes.

>> No.44479965

This stream really showed how bothered they get

>> No.44480070

Yes, he's a little bitch.

>> No.44480086

Guy is a lost cause, he’s gonna be fucked once Enna dumps his ass for some new meat. She’s already barking up Lucas tree.

>> No.44480165

Many zoomers don’t even realize that they are zoomers.

>> No.44480223

With how many that watch regular streamers you'd think they would know to ignore that shit

>> No.44480315

>low key dissing my bestie
sounded more like a one sided dissing of Enna (you)

>> No.44480373

why does enna say "lowkey" or "not gonna lie" every other sentence?

>> No.44480403

I know, right?

>> No.44480452

No cap bestie, but sometimes ya girl needs to put on the rizz fr fr

>> No.44480465

>Now he joined in on canceling Zaion on his PL because she and Hex bullied him too hard in a collab.
He deleted his stream of that collab, he must have been mad as hell that he got called out for muting his voice to complain about them to his chat.

>> No.44480469

queen of spades

>> No.44480797

Enna and Kyo for existing and the donator for watching their stream of flowing diarrhea.

>> No.44481000
File: 225 KB, 851x673, 1656357398377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not much about the Twit, as much as what came afterwards. The basic gist was she fucked up admitting she drank it on Twitter. Then doubled down. Then fucked up again on top of that putting "defending" Connor over her fanbase, then double down on that too, then overfucked once more (pic related) and somehow, against all odds and logic, tripled down on that too.

At least she learned afterwards and embraced her dumbass personality, and for the better.

>> No.44481146
File: 64 KB, 721x418, 6C467235-CD96-4F8F-9C3E-5B7E94D2F21E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calliope was getting mocked for clout chasing with nonvtubers. She had gotten caught lying to defend them and had even donated some money to them after someone sent her mocking troll superchats.
She liked some cuck troll art mocking her and her fans on twitter and retweeted it, breaking it down like it was a masterpiece. Even her hug box fans got mad at her over that as well as her response saying she just wanted to have some fun. She claimed she had been hitting the Lean too hard and then tried to quickly backtrack by saying she didn’t know what Lean was and thought it was just alcohol instead of an opioid cough syrup soda mix that is extra illegal in Japan.
She has never lived it down.

>> No.44481163

>Get bullied
>Bitch about it like a woman
Fitting. No wonder why Enna has to fight his battles.

>> No.44481251

Zoomers worship black people and love to mimic ebonics.

>> No.44481276

Zaion calling him out for him muting himself to bitch was the “bullying”.

>> No.44481284

Mori took the bait, and a bunch of extraordinarily shitty people spent the rest of their lives yukking it up.

Also, she didn't drink lean. She thought lean was a synonym for booze.

>> No.44481353

women flip flop their 'bestie' like a christian girl on prom night flip flops her virginity

>> No.44481444
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>who lowkey dissing my bestie

>> No.44481477

>>44481284 (me)
For an actual answer, a guy sent her an SC during a member's stream about how she shouldn't talk to the TT hosts, because it meant endorsing every dumb thing they're accused of saying. She told him to fuck off.

Later, someone sent her an SC that said "condom money for Connor." She donated that amount of money to Connor when he was playing jump king, in accordance with her new policy of donating every time she gets an SC badmouthing her friends.

>> No.44481497

Enna is a deadbeat.

>> No.44481539

It's what convinced me to give Enna a chance.

>> No.44483411

Kyo for being a faggot
Enna for being a cunt
SC sender for watching NijiEN

>> No.44484145
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>> No.44485601

This image NEVER fails to trigger at least one roastie, it's just too accurate to ignore

>> No.44485933

Tell em Enna, now proceed to have hand holding sex with kyo on stream.

>> No.44487692

This faggot is both

>> No.44491026

i seriously wonder how the Connor condom money supa guy feels to this day every time he wakes up KNOWING he carved a place in moris head to live rent free

>> No.44491088

>not gonna lie
>not gonna lie
>not gonna lie
>not gonna lie

>> No.44493418

The blasted quartet of EN, hallowed be thy names, I kneel before thee mighty, and offer 10k from yours truly, in exchange I ask for mald and seethe, animate my shell with salt like strings to a puppet, feed me lies from dusk to dawn and break them all over for my corpse to come to life once more.

>> No.44500923


>> No.44501383

The guy trying to help Kyo. Let him fail and figure it out on his own; they're never going to listen to you and only resent you trying to change them.

I don't even agree with his actual premise, but messaging him directly is a stupid way to do it if you want results.

>> No.44506079

Truly Enna's cocksleeve

>> No.44509804

>spend 5 bucks on one person
>make 2 people mad
what a deal!

>> No.44510641

Enna. Cause a superchat that would snipe me that accurately is one I couldn't be mad at. How did Kyo react?

>> No.44511046

The cherry on top is the Lean tweet left her audience and spread all over twitter, reddit, tik tok, ifunny, basically any site where people could post images to make fun of her. She pretty much became the face of lean.

>> No.44511622

that was also the last time she followed through with the donation thing. either she realized it herself or someone told her how incredibly stupid and easy to exploit it was

>> No.44513734

Aye, Kyo is a close contender with Finana for literally being the worst.

>> No.44513922

Ill buy all of those except Lia, she is an actual mentally ill femanon, she has no place to talk.

>> No.44516029

How did this fat drunken cow get hired. Out of all of the people that applied she was picked? Did she get picked solely because she lives in Japan or tricked them into thinking she was a real rapper?

>> No.44516456

Everyone in Hololive was somebody before joining, there is not a single member who got picked up at random except for maybe the Gen 0s. For Mori, she already had a middling japanese rap career, a few videos with high views and connections to japanese hip hop groups.

>> No.44520254


>> No.44520367


>> No.44520490

>ugly bitch hiding behind anime anime avatar
>0 knowledge about anime

>> No.44520518

>my bestie
I thought that Millie was her bestie?

>> No.44520522

this is not funny anymore, time to leave niji for good.

>> No.44521029

Now it is
>Daily Enna drama thread
Nijisister cant use Enna to shitpost anymore or they will get replied with “cucked” every time

>> No.44521141

She means to say ''boyfriend'' she just can't outright say it.

>> No.44521732

>tries to talk shit
>get made fun of in front of thousands
>"waah muh yab!!"
Fucking idiots, you are.

>> No.44521777

>>Enna is the one to defend him
Proof you idiot don't watch their streams. Don't like it, then watch something else.

>> No.44521800

Bonnie and Clyde of the vtuber world

>> No.44521818

>kyoshill has arrived

>> No.44521951

I hate everyone involved. Kyo is a piece of shit leech, Enna is a dumb whore, and whoever sent that sucks just as bad for watching the two worst vtubers on earth.

>> No.44522049

Isn't Enna a chink? If so, she's probably a leftover woman or shennu, so please be understanding

>> No.44522255

Why would I watch Kyo and Enna? I'd rather drive a nail through my knee

>> No.44522378


>> No.44522914

Enna isn't wrong for wanting to defend Kyo but she isn't right either with her words as there's no malice in the person's critique. The person has his opinion on his content then proceeds to mention more originals and solo content that he would like to see out of Kyo which I would see as encouraging him to be creative which he isn't. This coming from an aloupeep and I don't like Kyo.

>> No.44522968


>> No.44523064

It sucks that Hololive never takes any real chances for a diamond in the rough, everyone already has a career that's useful for Vtubing, or was part of a small corpro.

>> No.44523417

Get real you aren't even watching. Stop the delusions.

>> No.44523721

Crazy how a mongolian basket weaving forum can have so much real estate

>> No.44523750

She can't, she meeting luca next month for an all out buck wild yeehaw.

>> No.44523968

Hi Enna!

>> No.44524203

Seeing how zaion is silent, her roommate is teasing, and managment put her on suspension it definitely has

>> No.44526265

Seeing what happened to nijisanji when they took a shot at getting diamonds in the rough I'm inclined to agree with hololive's way of doing things

>> No.44529437

no one
