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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44264620 No.44264620 [Reply] [Original]

Sushi edition

Previous thread >>44244410


Himea D'Almaria

Miu Hizuki

>> No.44264705

Fuck off

>> No.44264715

Good afternoon, I don't watch brown choripaneras

>> No.44264734


>> No.44264909

Marry me Jimena

>> No.44264936

I think anons are very cute~

>> No.44264959

Good afternoon, I don't watch fat feminist twitch thots

>> No.44265000

Friendly reminder that Lia was never an indie


>> No.44265270

I'm sorry but if neon is gone from wactor why she can reactivate her old cover channel? I though the videos was archived, or the manlet really makes her delete it all?

>> No.44265513 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44265630


>> No.44265642


>> No.44265732

I don't know but with the recent separation of talents in projects I think that /wactor/ doesn't make sense anymore but I don't like /E-Stella/ either, also the poll is tied

>> No.44265751
File: 78 KB, 960x960, 1650300084128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said on an old insta video that the channel was gone for good.

>> No.44265761
File: 667 KB, 1079x1916, Screenshot_20230303_190908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the plans of the manlet? What is he going to force her to do?

>> No.44265839


>> No.44265863

But the channel still there with the 50k subs thats why i'm asking, i wonder if theres a reason on why she can't get it back on the road

>> No.44265919


>> No.44265969

It's better to keep it like Wactor, just add the branches names in the description so people can identify them, /E-Stella/ only includes the spanish branch and will let the other girls out

>> No.44266013

I think shes gonna delete her account, by orders from Akira. That fag is evil, don't do it himea, dont throw all your effort like that

>> No.44266055

thread theme

>> No.44266243

How about not posting that especially with all the shit that's going on?

>> No.44266263
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"Lo siento mi querida horda, yo solo sigo lo que maid-chan me ordena"

>> No.44266350
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>> No.44266358

submisive slut

>> No.44266393

I think everyone Here needs to know that She's being forced to do it when the time comes so draculones here doesnt feel disappointed

>> No.44266401

if it is about deleting the account she should know that you can suspend it not permanently

>> No.44266442

Oh Nono Yuri don't look

>> No.44266456

Kyaaaa~ don't look dracucklon, I'm being forced~

>> No.44266515

I'm sick of this, fuck Meica, fuck Eru

>> No.44266552

i don't understand why she didn't kicked all the guys that followed her in those days from the beginning

>> No.44266555

but we are supposed to be bros, peruanon...

>> No.44266599

But peruhermano in argentina we doesnt hate peruvians, we see you as a brother

>> No.44266692

>Implying Himea isn't the poster
Don't be so naive

>> No.44266713

Not their fault that you born in a grayname country tho

>> No.44266795

Enjoy it while you can anon, she'll kick you out from there very soon
while you can check her followings, they where increasing by a lot since the incident so you might find something interesting

>> No.44266857

She will probably be forced to talk about the graduated girls in a bad light and affirm her loyalty to the company.

>> No.44266908

nice try larper
fk off go to suck Chilean dick or something
I understand that they use Mexico as an example because it is a different time zone, but that they use that socialist shit hole instead of Peru makes me angry, we are the second to donate the most and do they treat us like this? Fk Meica fk Eru good luck making profit with that meme currency

>> No.44266922

It's the same time that Colombia retard

>> No.44267025

well, now you are being a little bitch peruANO. go eat some pigeons.

>> No.44267027

Recruitment of new talents(victims).

>> No.44267096

Argentina time is one of the most popular time zones among sudacas, I can't blame them for using it
t. mexichad

>> No.44267106

You bastard! But it made me kek

>> No.44267116

Now the mexicucks are trying to falseflagging?
Good try mexisimians but the major cucks are you

>> No.44267142

I hate her
I feel like she plays with my heart
I can't abandon her in these difficult times
Damn it

>> No.44267166

Does this mean that Eru is also into argie dicks?

>> No.44267169

the less tsundere anon

>> No.44267206

Sezia is online and no one said anything

>> No.44267217

She's only using you anon

>> No.44267237

learn english first deeplanon

>> No.44267251

> tries to include as many timezones as possible
> anons still find some reason to bitch about
You faggots are so insufferable sometimes.

>> No.44267269
File: 63 KB, 475x475, 16320214458521236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Himea, why does that faggot have to stay but not me?

>> No.44267274

I don't watch fat femitards

>> No.44267279

>Getting annoyed at obvious shitposters

>> No.44267286

Akira's lapdogs are shitting the thread again

>> No.44267303

Of course
She's into mine

>> No.44267335

I'll go and make a /meica/ thread right fucking now in hopes of getting rid of these motherfuckers. What do you think?

>> No.44267349

>T. Bolivian

>> No.44267357

Bc you surely used a fake account, i used a real one

>> No.44267383

Were you following any of the other girls? You know on Instagram you can see "followed by X" contacts, right?

>> No.44267412

Himea my love, please disable marshmallows and curiouscat before doing whatever you have to do.
Just this time, ok?
I love you.

>> No.44267449

She probably thought you were one of akira's bitches

>> No.44267503

argentina won the sa cultural war, you cant change it, it will be always a reference for things

>> No.44267546

Maybe in South America but here in Mexico we don't anything about you other than Soda Stereo and you being insufferable cunts about your worldcups.

>> No.44267565

Peruano Anons? Salaverde, Luis Enrique, Saga Geminis? I just know those 3 SC's donors.

>> No.44267572

Himea must have been following the other girls and the other girls must have been following him for that

>> No.44267583

Hahahahahha, who gives a fuck about mexico?????

>> No.44267589

We don't know anything*

>> No.44267609

I thought she would feel uncomfortable seeing one of her viewers as follower...

>> No.44267616

As time passes /wactor/ becomes just a circlejerk, this why you refuse any renaming or splitting even if Wactor no longer exists because this is like your own little discord server.

>> No.44267643

Tesla seems to

>> No.44267689

Time to make a "Pikamee".

>> No.44267716

I don't watch unprofessional choripanegras so she doesn't know me

>> No.44267725

>Sezia casually telling that she riceived death treats from Meica trannies

>> No.44267730


>> No.44267771

she is using me as a living dildo and i'm okay with that

>> No.44267783

Where is it fag?

>> No.44267802

I don't get how people can be so retarded to send hate to a girl who has been with the company for 2 months...

>> No.44267806

exactly you can tell that most of the cancerous faggots are ex-chispatards and some twitter clowns, hope that these threads die for good soon.

>> No.44267951

Well since nobody mentioned I'll have say it.
To those anons that were insecure that she still loves them or not because her lately weird behaviour.
It seems she's behaving that way because of that thing she has to say and is mentally preparing for that.
Nothing to do with not loving anons anymore.

>> No.44267954

we are not going to let the manlet successfully rebrand, /wactor/ stays

>> No.44267964

maybe is not true at all and thats what hime is talking about
they are ordered to say that kind of stuff so people calm down

>> No.44267977

Are you retard or something?

>> No.44267983

twitter retards are in twitter. they fear entering le evil 4chan because of dross videos.

>> No.44268051

It's funny how the baldy just left the Discord server but he doesn't want to drop his blue name

>> No.44268066

>even tough he hates her, he took the effort to go and follow her
what kind of mental illness is this? You are even more obsessed than any of her gachis

>> No.44268146

Most Hina haters watched all her streams from start to end.
I wonder what mental illness is that.

>> No.44268155

mmm sezia, being sincere at all times, do you think she's lying?

>> No.44268157
File: 344 KB, 1080x2230, IMG_20230228_182706~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we know that meicacucks are jerks of biblical proportions, no surprise to see that they are attacking the girls that remain

>> No.44268174



>> No.44268261

>Since I don't use IG at all, my real account looks like a fake one
Sad, nothing to do.

>> No.44268288

In my case? That's because I used to really like her until I discovered she's a liar and I traitor, now I'm became her most fervent hater.

>> No.44268294

Sezia could have do the same as Neon but no, she threw her friends under the bus just to keep her position at Wactor.

>> No.44268345

Her rm is depressed af
>Everyone has broken my spirit, I no longer have the will to fight.

>> No.44268352

> dude just take the 5 million yen fine lmao

>> No.44268405

You're speaking about Hina right?

>> No.44268435

if akira wants money he just need to leave the remaining girls in peace but he's too retarded

>> No.44268440


>> No.44268461

Hina is starting on Twitch. Watch if you want and don't watch if you don't like Twitch but either way SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT.

>> No.44268494

After he doxxed Hina, the producer he had hired resigned, so Akira is doing his retarded shi again.

>> No.44268507

Where did she said that?

>> No.44268513

Sorry I meant Meica.

>> No.44268529

you have a thread dedicated exclusively to her, nigger retard faggot. Fuck off.

>> No.44268546

they are getting hate for sure, but akira knows that the only voice that matters right now is the one of the girls, maybe he wants to use it

>> No.44268557


>> No.44268588

Of course, I bet you can understand that my hate is justified, meanwhile there is no reason to hate a nice girl like Himea, the choripanera schizo hate is just a whim.

>> No.44268617

>Implying Akira could do anything against mexichad legal system

>> No.44268669

image spammer kill the thread pls

>> No.44268675
File: 562 KB, 1080x1970, IMG_20230228_184353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't learn right? stop harassing the remain girls

>> No.44268701

Timestamp or this is just bullshit

>> No.44268705

> reporting wactor's channels is harassing the girls
You'll have to come up with new material.

>> No.44268726

The channels are wactor's property dumbass.

>> No.44268827

>there is no reason to hate a nice girl like Himea
>t. never have watched a single stream from Himea

>> No.44268836

There are human beings using them.

>> No.44268961

They should leave the company.

>> No.44268981

And those human beings are being abused by their company
Girls will be better if Wactor dies, it's that simple

>> No.44268992

I wish that you mentally retarded would only report the channel

>> No.44269014

3k watching Meica right now on Twitch.

>> No.44269038


>> No.44269041

>lets demolish that house, it doesn't matter it is rented

>> No.44269049

They'll leave when time is due. Don't force things.
The only ethical thing to do is to prevent more girls to join, not harass girls into leaving to accelerate things.

>> No.44269052
File: 796 KB, 652x700, 1632023252562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha? I've been watching her since her debut, and the more I watch her the more I love her.

>> No.44269069


>> No.44269090

Is this how you justify harassing girls?

>> No.44269114

>Tenants can just go rent somewhere else
>Landlord is the most fucked over
I don't see the problem.

>> No.44269157


>> No.44269223

ahaha fuck off Akira bootlicker, go lick the yeast out of nana's putrid roastoid.

>> No.44269251

It's clear he's a discord mod trying to keep his job lmao

>> No.44269268

Reminder that Meica goes to bolichear every weekend and dances perreo with random CHAD argies.
Sooner or later one of those will take her to a telo.

>> No.44269314


>> No.44269343

There is no fucking way Meica is still "innocent" at this point anon, if someone is still a meicagachi I don't know what to tell him.

>> No.44269365

>7 boyfriends

>> No.44269370

anon Akira went too far honestly, I want to bring down the rest of wactor to free Sezia and Himea if himea is lucky and akira is desperate he might sell her model (I don't think so).

>> No.44269408
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That's actually high for the shit platform that is twitch

>> No.44269425

They're working extra hours like in a black company LOL!!!

>> No.44269475

>Can't even go over that literally who chuuba at first place.

>> No.44269481

Why can Lia leave and Himea don't, manlet piece of shit?

>> No.44269482


>> No.44269496

stop that bullshit anon you can't control the whole internet and report Luna,Hina and Neon's channels it's not harassment anons are talking about shutting down channels if you want to fight with someone do it in twitter

>> No.44269498

>me dicen que hablo como peruana pero no me identifico
perubros. . . .?

>> No.44269511

i think kids use twitch a lot

>> No.44269553

>Estamos hablando de argentina???

>> No.44269567

>youtube premium

>> No.44269572

Even if the manlet offers Himea to buy the model, right now she doesn't has the ammount. All her savings from the last year went to her mic, her pen and her new PC

>> No.44269619

Lia obviously didn't buy her model.

>> No.44269645

Dude it happens all the time. Most normal thing in the world of vtubing.

>> No.44269695

This stream is making me hate A.H. like never before.

>> No.44269712

I hope that at least she got a deal to get the model and keep her name in exchange of staying another year.
If that whore could, why can't Himea do the same?

>> No.44269715

Nateyo bought her model from her black company. And all the ex-Natamos bought theirs from Natamo.

>> No.44269785

>Tengo un muchacho asi

>> No.44269808

I don't see the point of reaction channels, more so in vtubers.
This isn't vtubing anymore.

>> No.44269836

I am explicitly referring to the girls who are still active, I don't care if they report the dead channels

>> No.44269862

twitch chat is usually cancer, but giving these retards ammunition in the name of accents is like giving a child 2 kg of sugar and a set of indelible markers

>> No.44269880

>Iré a mear.


>> No.44269905

That aesthetic warning shit has the same feeling as dank memes from years ago, or curifeos posting from the spic world.

>> No.44269926

No twitch whore will ever a vtuber. Not Nimu, not Ironmouse not even that bitch kson. They are all just regular whores with animuh avatars.

>> No.44269927
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Hmmm yeah, let me see what other Wactor talent got the same treatment

>> No.44269932

She should honestly sell that.

>> No.44269957

>No one using the /Meica/ thread

>> No.44269974

>Even if the manlet offers Himea to buy the model
>Implying Lia bought her model
The only way she could pay for that is with blowjobs, what the fuck are you saying?

>> No.44269987

>Leave company
>Become 1000% more vulgar
Why does this always happen?

>> No.44269997

anons want to be comfy and cozy together.

>> No.44270032

>Miu is the only survivor on this whole pic
Yeah, she is not evil at all, no sir.

>> No.44270050

>>44269836 you eat the bait and fight with the wrong people the 30 anons that are talking here aren't the ones that are harassing them.

>> No.44270097

>Comparing Natamo and the other broke company with Wactor
Is this how we cope liacucks bros?

>> No.44270180

Hey, another thing, Ito doesn't seem to have renewed the contract, so the theory that Himea and Miu can't leave because of the contract is a lie.

>> No.44270233

>all broke black companies that mistreated their talents
Do you see a difference?

>> No.44270236

>off topic spam

>> No.44270257

Lia survived too, she kept her name and everything and also disassociated from Wactor's bad name

>> No.44270273


>> No.44270328

Ito was suspended, her contract is still up. Do you really believe Babu is willingly staying?

>> No.44270337

Keep seething

>> No.44270373

I'm with you this time, Laila

>> No.44270398

Unless we can somehow get that manlet's ass on a court to force him to disclose the content of the contract, there is no way to know for sure what kind of bullshit is written on it.

>> No.44270413

Well this is officially an anti thread then.

>> No.44270438
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>no old mods

>> No.44270478

Who's Faka?

>> No.44270485

I wonder how much they make for that job.

>> No.44270528

regadera_de_meica, obviously.

>> No.44270552
File: 12 KB, 586x94, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never liked this larper...

>> No.44270578

She hasn't streamed and no announcement has been made so there's the possibility that she'll be dissapeared as well, or suspended without announcement. Why do you want to rush and conclude that anyone who stays in Wactor doesn't want to get out or agrees with the midget? Tbh, between Himea and Miu, only the latter seems to want to stay in there. Himea has even given "us" hints that she doesn't. Remember the midget has their data and a fraudulent contract, man.

>> No.44270596

Wactor's stuff have more quality, are more popular, their mamas are better and their numbers are stratospherically larger, the biggest talent from those companies barely reached 10k subs and Natamos mama was Nateyo retard

>> No.44270645


>> No.44270648

who is faka?, username tw?

>> No.44270685
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>> No.44270708

I kinda like this dude's videos...

>> No.44270710

Those are discord-tier nicknames. You cant' know for sure, but most likely they aren't the same, specially Nico, Ofed, Simpatico or Loyal. I bet one of them is Tamiel tho, which I personally don't mind desu. idk about other meicafags tho

>> No.44270731

Another groomer enters the race...

>> No.44270761

How does she find these posts?

>> No.44270767

Where did Ofeb go? I've been gone awhile

>> No.44270860
File: 35 KB, 598x400, rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THE groomer, he used to comment on Hina streams on Japanese being a spic, and she used to read everything he wrote. And reply him on Japanese.

>> No.44270919

>People so new they don't know about Faka

>> No.44271013

he is one of the reasons why spics are so insufferable, kiddish and artificially edgy over anonymous boards

>> No.44271014


>> No.44271024

If she haven't change it, it is up to her, she is already free.
She probably haven't open YT in a while because of the shitstorm tho.

>> No.44271241


>> No.44271250

Meica has alters

>> No.44271273


1 hour
Someone better archive

>> No.44271276

Will she say something?

>> No.44271302

The world wouldn't suffer if Mexico and Mexicans were erased from the face of Earth.

>> No.44271354

This is new for me. I'm new

>> No.44271379

The entirety of Latin America*.

>> No.44271382

whatever happened to archiveanon?

>> No.44271399

He was one of her mods.

>> No.44271428

the valentine's day incident..

>> No.44271443

Someone has to feed your oshi. Monopoly money just won't make it.

>> No.44271455

Retu knows what happened to old ex members

>> No.44271735
File: 186 KB, 1280x720, endurance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hana doing endurance to 180k

>> No.44271774

I feel that something bad is going to happen

>> No.44271882

of course asshole
just look

>> No.44271900

> hana talking about meica

>> No.44271962

Also Eileen in Hana's chat

>> No.44271984

I'm still not watching putiglota

>> No.44272058

what an attentionfag whore

>> No.44272079

Arturo is busy organizing DDoS attacks on the Wactor site.

>> No.44272132

borracha y sucia, como me gustan a mi...

>> No.44272340

I like how Meica tries to bring UNITY among spanish speaking people, but sadly most of them act like fucking schizos everytime accents are in play.
If she does that "react" of the differences between mexican/castillian dub, the chat is going to be cancer incarnate.

>> No.44272354

>el que no quiere a su patria no quiere a su madre


>> No.44272531
File: 6 KB, 363x90, 2023-03-03_18-24-54_firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do these people have to exist on this world?

>> No.44272584

he is right, tho.

>> No.44272614
File: 6 KB, 258x59, 74575478498474895678761464579467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44272636


>> No.44272733

> hana was blacklisted by wactor

>> No.44272756

People need to accept the fact that many Vtuber fans, including plenty in Latam, have yellow fever, and that's why Akira told them to hide their nationality. With Hina it kinda worked, with Luna it didn't. That's everything there is to it. Some retards want to blame it on meica for some reason, as if she wasn't ready to reveal it herself once she got out of wactor.

Regarding age, it's most likely for legal reasons lmao, and also enforced by Akira

>> No.44272769

Double KEK

>> No.44272780

>join stream
>she's talking about getting sexually harassed
>Her friend tried to get her poached to wactor
>it got her blacklisted
>once she got big Akira removed her from the black list

>> No.44272781

>hana spilling beans the wactor

>> No.44272825

God... these days have killed many ratts

>> No.44272842

All in the span of 2 minutes

>> No.44272848

Is something inherent from latinos being xenophobic, it's in our blood, and nothing will change that

>> No.44272893

>she still drinks more than 3 liters of water a day and take shower 2 times a day because she feels dirty because of what happened to her in her childhood
>one of the reasons why she left wactor because they wouldn't let her do what she wanted
>another reason Akira didn't want to leave Lia to go out with her
and people /here/ really believe that she sought professional help

>> No.44272915


>> No.44272917

Based spics

>> No.44272924

Anon don't be delusional, she picked the accents topic to bring morbo and viewers.

>> No.44272947

Akira is a worldclass numberfag.

>> No.44272985

I hope you're saving the timestamp

>> No.44273004

>another reason Akira didn't want to leave Lia to go out with her
what the fuck does this mean? think befote you press the post button, anon

>> No.44273045

No she always said she was hafu and she also said she wasn't 15 that would be like saying Marine is fooling us by saying she is 17.

>> No.44273082

What the fuck are you trying to say, negro estúpido.

>> No.44273165

Watch the stream faggots

>> No.44273189
File: 63 KB, 539x530, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this stream
jesus fuck, women really need to be leashed

>> No.44273199

>giving meicaca a view

>> No.44273203

The Meica groomer race ended btw. The winners are her current mods and "managers"
They won't let anyone new get close to her and challenge their position.

>> No.44273233

I was watching but my wife Hana started streaming.

>> No.44273266

I'm watching Poli
>She's menstruating rn

>> No.44273268

Menstruation anon???

>> No.44273275

>Mieca singing faraon love shady


>> No.44273279

ogey akira

>> No.44273312

You'll never be Tamiel

>> No.44273411


>she says just got menstruation
>1 week ago excusing himself that
it is confirmed that she is lying clearly

>> No.44273418

Is someone going to save himea's stream?

>> No.44273434

I might. What time is it?

>> No.44273502

/here/ don't even care about sezia who has been streaming for more than 1 hour kek

>> No.44273580


>> No.44273583

Notice that their numbers went from 300 to 150 after the doxxing.

>> No.44273613

It will be in 16 minutes.

>> No.44273734

I hope someone does it

>> No.44273737

>best twitch channel just went live
Thank god, this fucking zoomer karaoke was insufferable

>> No.44273778

Anon she said she has tumors and /here/ only cared about the death threats drama

>> No.44273785

I totally forgot to say it she had a constant flow of 350~400 and now it is at 110~130

>> No.44273846

wtf, really? sezia...

>> No.44273893

A cyst is not necessarily a tumor.

She said she has to do routine medical tests to see if the cysts are not malignant. And when she got home from those, she saw a lot of hate messages.

>> No.44273926

>3k cv


>> No.44273949

Hana and Meica were streaming, Sezia and Himea got a good buff because they basically had zero competition for the last moths

>> No.44274001

Or she has cervix cancer.

>> No.44274067

my fault, sorry.

>> No.44274089

a cyst where?

>> No.44274095


>> No.44274125
File: 1.46 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based nurgleCHAD

>> No.44274131

>Mate mate mate mate

she really loves mate right?

>> No.44274196

I don't think she specified. Or I didn't hear at least.

>> No.44274296 [DELETED] 
File: 253 KB, 1440x960, 469003_656627327697440_1732185262_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, all I could dig up. No idea how to archive fb pages when web archive and .is both failed. Fullscreen capture maybe idk I'm tired

rentry /Akira_Oishi_Barros

>> No.44274331

See? Meica had to come out and tell you not to re-upload the whole fucking live in clips

>> No.44274402

hope no one edits something into that board...

>> No.44274515

Who're you talking to?

>> No.44274529
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>> No.44274596 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 219 KB, 1772x1181, 342424242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do your thing anons

>> No.44274616



>> No.44274654


>> No.44274670

I'm the fag with the mustache.

>> No.44274695

Anon the other week we were discussing how Himea Sezia and Meica had different audiences because in spite of everyone else they still had their 300 views now you're back to say it's because she was streaming? please the daculones and the brotesitos are always fighting here.

>> No.44274717


>> No.44274731

What’s rentry?

>> No.44274741

Is she saying it because she's streaming at the same time Eru premiered her cover?

>> No.44274780
File: 127 KB, 312x295, 1624927330024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Miu is next to the midget

>> No.44274789

es el amiga de la infancia...

>> No.44274845

i don't think

>> No.44274853

>como estan mis amigos!!!!

>> No.44274871


>> No.44274899

Stream didn't start yet

>> No.44274898

hope miu is the cutie sitting down on the left

>> No.44274931

To the cliperros that are always here

>> No.44275021

search the archives for the times she mentioned what happened to her in her childhood
she really wanted to be a twitchwhore and now she is
During her days as Misora she said several times on stream that she had become closer to Maid I'm not going to spoonfeed you search in the archive and ask those who have the streams that are already deleted to pass them on to you
then she had a mental breakdown when Akira couldn't stand the way she behaved anymore
After her "break" she published a story on Instagram dedicating the song that Shakira wrote to Pique to him Akira
Now she sang that song at the top of her lungs again with special emphasis on the part that says "a ti te quede grande y por eso estás con una igualita que tú" and giving hints that she dedicates it to him Akira (again)

>> No.44275072

i don't know what you want us to do anon

>> No.44275228

when Misora raided Luna and vice versa the numbers would go up for a minute and then go down to what they had believe it or not every girl has her own audience

>> No.44275244

>then she had a mental breakdown when Akira couldn't stand the way she behaved anymore
>After her "break" she published a story on Instagram dedicating the song that Shakira wrote to Pique to him Akira
What a way to lie, and I hate Meica.

>> No.44275304

is Sedai mistreating their talents? Is la Larpera their Lia?

>> No.44275331
File: 386 KB, 844x844, 0079Slowpoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to be cryptic to show himself as a slowpoke with the same rrat of 2 1 month ago

>> No.44275369

It's the same girl with a fake hahaha laugh from the video that I have :0
I knew I had found her

>> No.44275387
File: 297 KB, 400x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is so clean

>> No.44275417

>do your thing
we don't do anything, you'll gave more luck on fb

>> No.44275483

but I thought Miu was undoxxeable...

>> No.44275490

Which one?

>> No.44275501

The worst thing is that this anon has all day talking and saying things that we already knew.

>> No.44275515

confirm which one please anon

>> No.44275517

A common tactic of Meicucks is to lie and pretend things didn't happen. here an example >>44275244

>> No.44275522

>search for a word you want people to know by your likes
>like the first thing you think is the best for transmiting your thoughts by said likes

>> No.44275546

What does Sedai have to do with it? it's not mentioned anywhere, they haven't had any drama and their talents seems to be fine

>> No.44275564

>Audios March 2022
>Hina break December
Sure thing lying faggot

>> No.44275603

"terrifying surprise"
By himea. (I don't know how to put green :c)

>> No.44275636

Nobody is indoxxeable nowadays your information is online whether you like it or not, almost every country has it, someone in your family could upload a picture without you uploading it, twitter, IG and facebook algorithms give you away, bank information is leaked, Your school published your name on the applications etc etc etc etc.

>> No.44275647

>Aspired to be a pilot -> found himself in a position where he plans to work for an IT company.

>> No.44275658
File: 125 KB, 234x348, akiwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek he is so small look at those legs lol
You think he drives that little yellow car?

>> No.44275693

anon you are saying something that was already discussed months ago are you bringing something new or are you a newfag?

>> No.44275694

You are kinda cute so I'll spoonfeed you newfren.
>You have to put an ">" before your text.

>> No.44275723

>Those numbers

Man all that menherating really nerfed her numbers...

>> No.44275734


>> No.44275733 [SPOILER] 
File: 346 KB, 1000x1000, FqVkOq9WwAAHzc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44275737


>> No.44275761 [DELETED] 
File: 512 KB, 720x1600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44275792

so cute

>> No.44275810

lmao he really is a midget, how tall is he 1'50?

>> No.44275818

cute!! where is this from?

>> No.44275864

Please someone tell us if Himea says something
I don't want to watch choripaneras

>> No.44275872

check her twitter

>> No.44275890

Anon we are not your doxxeo space give it to Ozuni or sargento you are going to get the thread deleted.

>> No.44275924

It's already on bump limit, newfag.

>> No.44275964

you will watch the choripanera

>> No.44275990

taller than her father

>> No.44275992

Anons had that info more than a year ago.

>> No.44276008

she's the one down on the left isnt she?

>> No.44276014

This isn't something new
Maria Olga published another girls of Wactor

>> No.44276055

his voice changes a bit but his laugh is unmistakable, if you really have the video just compare the photo and that's it
I'm not going to post anything /here/ knowing that fags like ozuni or akipt are around only if Akira does something against Nisha or Eric then I will share everything I have

>> No.44276057

>calling me a newfag when he doesn't know what I'm talking about

>> No.44276062

I know, I just find it pathetic how his mom shills wactor to other senoras on facebook.

>> No.44276117

Don't make another thread

>> No.44276120

cute anon chu~

>> No.44276133

I hate you

>> No.44276164

I know but the jannis don't one of these days they're going to kill the thread.

>> No.44276203


>> No.44276210

Don't write like that anon or i will want to rape you

>> No.44276259

New thread


>> No.44276265

I have no sympathy for thread watchers

>> No.44276294

don't do it, on twitter they will use it to harass them leave it to yourself or they will blame us later.

>> No.44276308


>> No.44276386

>>44276055 (me)
fucking spell checker changed "she" to "he" and Eru for Eric kek

>> No.44276438

Am i threadwatcher for not wanting to watch choripaneras? I don't think so

>> No.44276489
File: 971 KB, 1705x740, EVIL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44276566

is it Aya-chan?

>> No.44277005

last message

>> No.44277054


>> No.44277153

>a picture of an anime girl near to a gallow
>yo en un rato


>> No.44277169

Meicago en chuchumeica

>> No.44277326

Empanada is Eru's boyfriend?

>> No.44277460

he was there when Neon was on the beach doing stream and /here/ he was said to be in a bungalow

>> No.44277513

i feel like a cuck rn...

>> No.44277591

Himea stream
Eru Space


>> No.44277634

I can't believe I was so retarded to not follow her...

>> No.44277828

do you really think empanada is eru's boyfriend? i hope not, i though they broke up like a year ago

>> No.44277918

Empanada is eru herself, retard.

>> No.44277961

No, i mean, yes, but the account is runned but someone else

>> No.44278010

Sup Loyal

>> No.44278013

this was for this >>44277918

>> No.44278132


>> No.44278192

Empanada is our "El hermano" and "La amiga"

>> No.44278322

true final message: Jimena, te necesito en mi vida. Mwah

>> No.44278410


>> No.44278456

She's already married to me.

>> No.44278484

>no se si escucharon esa moto
oh nono she's in argentina too

>> No.44278533

Fuck off Fer.

>> No.44278591

i wrote this

>> No.44279094

so it's Eru's hype ?

>> No.44279189

She reached more than 500cv

>> No.44279284

Himea stream
Eru Space


>> No.44279484

Empanada is Sezia
it's pretty obvious
shes gonna leave wactor soon

>> No.44279794

entonces Himea es la única pelotuda que se queda?

>> No.44280055

