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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44080350 No.44080350 [Reply] [Original]

Seems like Mori inspired Vesper to own his haters! Predictions for homo lean arc?

>> No.44080378

I can't wait for this menhera retard to sperg the fuck out on stream

>> No.44080399
File: 94 KB, 814x813, emperor-palpatine-main_d6632d0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He keked us.
Motherfucker dared to kek us.
Will you let this insolence slide, /vt/bros?

>> No.44080417

>alright all you newfag NIGGERS I was browsing somethingawful before you little faggots even knew what an 'internet' was when your mommy crapped you out of her pussy now you're gonna stop this yabba dabba bullshit right now

>> No.44080454

>”kek” in stream name
I didn’t care for homos before, seeing this made me dislike them heavily

>> No.44080507 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 480x720, clownballs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sheer amount of butthurt he generates makes me want to member him out of spite. You did this to yourself, /vt/

>> No.44080629

KEK stands for Kill every kike. Report him.

>> No.44080794

It might be first time I will visit his chat, just to spam YABBA DABBA DOO of course "kek".

>> No.44080803

Just wait until he hits you with the ultimate combo of "kek lel doge, you faggots suck nigger penis, zozzle"
The final yab is upon us

>> No.44080893

>can't wait to hate watch him and boost his ccv!
>also to send his hate supas to show how much I hate him!!
Good luck with that!

>> No.44080937
File: 6 KB, 224x225, johnny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44080960

>Simplified Chinese
Zhangs still shitposting on /vt/

>> No.44081003

I believe you may be retarded.

>> No.44081049

ESL-Chama...Your 漢字rep...

>> No.44081114

Man what a fucking naive dumbass. If he responds, people will just bait him and bait him until he loses his cool and goes on a rant about how it's his right to cuck Hololive fans and he's gonna do it and he doesn't give a fuck what those millions of fans think - and at minimum does fucking irreversible damage to StarsEN's image, or beyond that either gets suspended again or worse.

>> No.44081206

That's a good thing, Mori is like Donald Trump where she gets a free pass for all the corrupt and dumbass things she does, but the moment anyone else follows her footsteps, they get slapped down immediately because they don't get the same immunity.
At this point unless Vesper brings something big to the table or kisses the management's ass a lot, he's not getting his contract renewed.

>> No.44081254

whats with the knives?

>> No.44081427

>being THIS new
nu-4chan sucks

>> No.44081433

>and at minimum does fucking irreversible damage to StarsEN's image, or beyond that either gets suspended again or worse.
Yeah that's fine.

>> No.44081481

Between that leaked members post saying it would be fun to provoke the weirdos and this thumbnail it's safe to say him and Mori definitely get on behind the scenes. I wonder how Ame feels about being a fill in for a collab and him immediately going off to farm drama from it.
To be honest a homo using a collab with her to troll is giving her a taste of her own medicine after what she did with Altare karaoke shit

>> No.44081537
File: 21 KB, 540x489, 12ic6x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off
i wanna know why he put it there, is he gonna talk about the yabba dabba do shit or the kronii shit

>> No.44081558

Congrats, you found it. You're still a newfag. Lurk more :^)

>> No.44081578
File: 331 KB, 818x632, yabba dabba doo[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F03fqxe.mp3](1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Nowa, but I like to shitpost more. I wish he has meltdown on stream/own haterz just so I can shitpost about it more
Also as I'm anonymous, I can shit on people shitting on Vesper when it becomes cringe

>> No.44081742

He needs to give like 10 takes on yabba dabba doo for future catbox clips and mashups.

>> No.44081768

Not the one throwing a shitfit over some guy collabing with a girl.

>> No.44081781

He’s been using kek forever, dudes pushing 40 and an old school WOW player. Obviously he’s /here/, but yeah, he uses it in schedule and member posts all the time. Image and title timing are just to generate clicks, doubt he’ll sperg out
t.t3 member’s fiancee, am invested in the whole thing kek. He conceded to someone commenting telling him to calm down about the spite, he is a terminal numberfag though

>> No.44081864

Anon he's asking why he chose that image for the thumbnail, also it's lurkMOAR fgt

>> No.44081904

/vt/ can't do a goddam thing about it. This is the most worthless powerless board on 4chan.

>> No.44081911

This is on par with the magging meme. Was meant to shit on the fugly models, to only make them more popular congrats /vt/ you've done it again!

>> No.44081934

I'm already ybdbd in his chat

>> No.44081968

Kek was a WoW thing. He explained it for his chat before if I'm not mistaken.
Man, how young are you guys.

>> No.44081973

The magged thing came about from people feeling sorry for them as underdogs because of the models and trying to find some way to hype them up as the little guys who got a raw deal. Not "magged" = lmao ugly. Yabba dabba doo directly refers to a strange thing Vesper is actually-doing that both his fans and antis dislike.

>> No.44082021

Pffft hahaha nice samefagging faggot.

>> No.44082023

Yes but also Koreans playing Starcraft 1 say kek or kekekeke as their version of lolololol. So in WoW when orcish is translated as "kek" when they say lol that's what it's referencing. However yeah basically it only got popularized because of WoW to begin with.

>> No.44082052

>These spears are so short kek
Only anons ever use this word

>> No.44082231

>he doesn't give a fuck what those millions of fans think
Might want to tone down the delusions there m8.

>> No.44082338

>hololive girls suddenly don't have millions of subcribers

>> No.44082398

Give it a dislike for the algo.

>> No.44082439

>millions of people share the same delusions of this shithole
Not everyone are as retarded as you guys.

>> No.44082447 [DELETED] 

Don't worry i report the kek for hate discrimation.

>> No.44082453

I like how he's slowly leaving behind the friendly boomer persona to become a typical western male streamer

>> No.44082479

>outing yourself for everyone to see
Into the spreadsheet you go!

>> No.44082503

I thought they were all deadsubs?

>> No.44082526

>t. Smartest newfag

>> No.44082612

What is this yabba dabba do shit everyone keeps talking about? I haven't been around only for a month and can't understand these zoomer lingo.

>> No.44082636

Say what you want about chink but at least they were able to graduate that whore.
/vt/ can only talk.

>> No.44082659
File: 2.09 MB, 2388x946, 1670722371147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vt/ did jack shit when Millie making fun of you. It's the normiest board on the entire site

>> No.44082821

he needs to make up with Altare already so he can colab with the rest of the boys.

>> No.44082830

Get your toaster ready anon.

>> No.44083015

Vesper started wearing a Fred Flintstone wig and hollering it randomly, sometimes several times in a row with no warning and at varying pitches and loudness. It is quite the conversation lately..

>> No.44083056

Issue is that unlike 10 years ago containment breaking whores nowadays would love to get stalked, raped and stabbed so they can farm clout out of their "traumatic experiences with the evil darknet"
So by bullying them you are helping them. It is better just to ignore nijiEN

>> No.44083088

She seemingly got suspended or something because she simply disappeared for a clean 2 weeks without a trace almost right after. We didn't have to do much besides just point and laugh at the own-goal that stream was.

>> No.44083281

>/vt/ did jack shit when Millie making fun of you
What did you even expect to happen? Doxxing her? Spamming her chat and twitter with your retarded board memes? Yes, that just makes you guys seem so much better and make people dislike her!
>coping this hard

>> No.44083862

Take it easy sister

>> No.44083875
File: 1.71 MB, 1440x1824, 1651431092271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i hit a nerve millie ? go back

>> No.44083980

Just giving an honest answer.
Is this millie in the room with us, anon?

>> No.44084026

/one of us/ making it is a victory in of itself.

>> No.44084591

I know you're memeing, but I've worked with a guy named John and his teeth looked like a chess board from all the powder he sniffed. And you can't get a decent conversation out of him

>> No.44085308

>Predictions for homo lean arc?
same views he always gets

>> No.44085351


>> No.44086427
File: 2.09 MB, 2000x1922, 1674845835293878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44086675

Sisters I can't believe he's LAUGHING at us... We're supposed to be legion! We're supposed to bring the wrath of a thousand suns to our enemies. Surely we can teach him to never mess with the unicornCHADS again, can't we? ...Sisters...?

>> No.44086856

>does irreversible damage to StarsEN's image
>implying they wouldn't be hated anyway

>> No.44087159


>> No.44087268

Vesper is based and every holopony will eternally dilate over a homo

>> No.44087271

>incoming depression arc
yeah you're winning sister

>> No.44087291

I respect it. This is why Vesper is the only homofag I enjoy, he's just a poaster and a goofball and he hates all the other homos.
He's just like me frfr.

>> No.44087977

>A-any day now

>> No.44088370
File: 1.92 MB, 1552x1406, vespermeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this nigga does is make shitpost titles an thumbnails and you act like he cracked the fucking voynich manuscript.

>> No.44088741

Fuck off you goddamn homo

>> No.44088883

And orcs

>> No.44088912

Ok... so any ideas?

>> No.44089362

what happened to this guy. he started off with the super passionate and enjoyable FTL streams, and i thought maybe the brotuber dream could be real.
did the corpo contract and managxers really crater his dreams immediately or is he just a bigger cunt than any woman.

>> No.44089763

I heard it's a popular emote on Twitch too

>> No.44090285

Another /ourguy/, now it's Magni left

>> No.44090623

Truly tranny behaviour

>> No.44093622

Vesper is trolling the unicorns but don't you see that it's the girls that keep asking him for these collabs?

>> No.44093797

>lean arc
we already know he's a druggie who can't function without downing his pills

>> No.44095138

Even troon aren't this delusinal m8

>> No.44096471

His meltdown started because of Xcom perms so I guess kinda?

>> No.44097702

>if I can't shoot aliens on-stream I will KEK EVERYONE
umm based

>> No.44098045

It's literally just Mori at this point.

>> No.44099378


Honestly just so ready for him to graduate and fuck off forever. This constant Vesper-posting is just getting retarded at this point. Yeah, he's a spergy schizo who doesn't stream with his male gen-mates and makes awful content.

>> No.44099565

>He keked us.
Wdym? I'm not a cuck who watches the whores he's collabed with.

>> No.44099649


>> No.44099689

>Seems like Mori inspired Vesper to own his haters!
I actually don't have any issue with this. People are assholes online, and the nice ones (see: Pikamee) will get trampled on and beaten down if they "wrong think" just once. Let the VTubers bite back, because it's just easier to say "if you don't like it, hit the x button in the top corner" then getting weighed down by shitty high school gossip while you're trying to work.

>> No.44099700

>like Donald Trump
go back

>> No.44099770

>when he keeps hurting StarsEN every time he gets a chance
You're not very bright, are you?

>> No.44100839

His best friend is Magni though
