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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43549033 No.43549033 [Reply] [Original]

is your chuuba fit enough to run for an hour?

>> No.43549094


>> No.43549106

She must have a lot of balance to run on the side of the treadmill like that for an hour.
Also are converses or vans or whatever the fuck those are comfortable to run in?

>> No.43549215

based doggo

yeah if you want to fuck up your ankles

>> No.43549399

Is it even healthy to run non stop for so long?

>> No.43549414

Why wouldn't it be, fatso?

>> No.43549430

>Also are converses or vans or whatever the fuck those are comfortable to run in?
running shoes are terrible for you. flat bottom shoes are better to run in in the long run.

>> No.43549438

Fuck, I gotta go hit the pavement now.
Thanks Fil

>> No.43549466


>> No.43549549

Bitch I can ride my bike for hours but it's not the same when you running that's why I'm asking.

>> No.43549568

Your ancestor died so that you can just type this pathetic shit?

>> No.43549641

running shoes are great for paved roads. zero drop shoes are only good for trail runs.

>> No.43549668

Chubby fingers typed this post.

>> No.43549788

running shoes are shaped in a way that forces your body to run in a way it wasn't designed for. running shoes should never be worn unless you want to fuck yourself up permanently.

>> No.43549793

Your knees. Doubly so if you're fat. Running is a terrible way to exercise.

>> No.43552180

if you run with flat shoes on asphalt you will fuck yourself up way faster.
source: i run 25mi/week for over 10 years now

>> No.43552706

I can smell the lard, i bet you never played any kind of sports in your life, 30 mins it's basically warm up at High school level

>> No.43552803

So which one is right

>> No.43552867

of course this was written in mutt hours

>> No.43552936

>tfw i can't even run for a minute
it's unironically over

>> No.43553177

start by walking for 30 minutes to an hour a day

>> No.43553315

Maybe if you haven't gotten out of your chair in the last 5 years.

>> No.43553363

>trusting neckbeards on 4chan to explain "fitness"

>> No.43553386

SHould I trust you tho?

>> No.43553526

Run barefoot.

>> No.43553586

It's quite literally the best thing humans do over any other animal.

>> No.43553605

Alright I want to be able to run for a long time but I can only run for like 5 minutes before my legs feel like they are about to fall off. What can I do to improve it? I can easily walk 4-6 hours a day, but running is an issue.

>> No.43553652

Big oof moment.

>> No.43553659

Literally nobody can run for an entire hour lol

>> No.43553667

Based on what hurts/tired. Legs? Back? Low stamina?

>> No.43553735

Legs, mostly around the ankles. Stamina might also be a problem but I usually stop because my legs hurt and not because I'm tired.

>> No.43553827


>> No.43553935

I'm not a runner I'm a rider. I had an ankles pain, this is normal cause there's a lot of pressure on that part. Just run more often and get a nice pair of running sneakers. If pain stays then you need to see a doctor.

>> No.43554077

I did cross country in high school we definitely did do hour long runs.
Also wear running shoes you fucking morons you’ll hurt yourself

>> No.43557620
File: 32 KB, 414x596, 1660763085471257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in high school I was able to jog for 30 minutes with no breaks after practicing a couch to 5k program for 2 months, this is starting from scratch, it's definitely possible.

So it's definitely possible to run for an hour straight with enough practice I imagine.

God, I should really get back into lol. I was a lot more fit and stronger back in my college and high school days.

>> No.43557648

You're not wrong, but keep in mind that some of the autists on this website have a fixation on fitness.

>> No.43558283
File: 22 KB, 349x349, 1620227229293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Back in high school

>> No.43558766

there are people that can run for literally days without stopping, and you can't even run an hour?
you're a shame upon yourself and your oshi

>> No.43559036
File: 21 KB, 128x126, yoho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only going to agree with you cause I'm a swimmer more than a runner.

>> No.43559350

peak american post

>> No.43559703


>> No.43559901

You will fuck your knees if you'll be running with stage 3+ obesity. For morbidly obese fellas diet, swimming pool, meds, and special sets for exercises come first. Once your BMI falls below 40, get the fuck on the running court, fatso.

>> No.43559999

Touma Tengu does regular fit streams.

>> No.43560152

She pretty much has a monopoly on vtuber slapstick. You'd think with the success she's seen people would try and replicate it.

>> No.43560300

I don't watch Filian. All I know is that she moves around a lot (ADHD?). Is she actually fit?

>> No.43560395

I know if you're rucking it with a 50 pound backpack long runs can lead to joint damage

>> No.43560570

I don't know how long she was running, but running for too long isn't good for you. It causes some wear and tear on your body if you do it often.

>> No.43560652
File: 9 KB, 250x250, rippetoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you are an athlete (or someone who wants to be in shape like an athlete) then obviously there are much better things you should be doing for physical preparation, such as heavy lifts or high intensity interval training or more sport specific exercises.
Going for a run is better then nothing of course. But low intensity cardio is really the most "I don't want to do exercise" kind of exercise there is. More wear for less gains.

>> No.43560690

>Running is a terrible way to exercise.
Americans ACTUALLY believe this.

>> No.43561346

I could run for 5 minutes at my peak of doing cardio

>> No.43561518

you need to have a certain kind of personality for it i guess

>> No.43561685

I can't believe Fillan's dead...

>> No.43562894

Running for an hour is nowhere close to being a long time

t. gets winded after like 10 minutes on the treadmill

>> No.43567344


>> No.43567392

post shitbucket

>> No.43567842

Yeah she does flips and cartwheels and jumps around a lot. You can even tell by her posture. Probably the most /fit/tuber

>> No.43567974


>> No.43568805

Ask /fit/

>> No.43568902

>for an hour
Hahahahhha....I miss Lulu...

>> No.43569231

holy shit this post is giving me second hand embarrassment

>> No.43569531

is your chuuba fit enough to do situps for an hour?

>> No.43570914

Depends. If you havent exercised in a while, you might pass out or at least pull a muscle.
If you are not sedentary, then its fine.
Doing a lot of exercise at once when your body isn't used to it can be bad.

>> No.43570989

>be me
>Okayu fan
>see this thread
>start laughing
>need asthma inhaler

>> No.43572862

same, brother, same

>> No.43577397


>> No.43578227

god i with she'd snail trail my face with her unwashed vag after an hour long run

>> No.43578367

I doubt it. She's skinny, but doesn't seem fit.
And she plays Apex so she probably hasn't gone outside in years.

>> No.43578454

do you guys run based on time or miles ran?

>> No.43578702

I mean you should be able to do it. But its kinda hell on your knees especially when you get older. Biking / Swimming is much healthier
t. Used to run a lot, and did a bunch of biathlons/triathlons.

>> No.43578863

Go outside every once in a while, anon...
