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43540820 No.43540820 [Reply] [Original]

Are transpeople taking things too far?

>> No.43540904


>> No.43540969

trannies will assassinate themselves before anyone else

>> No.43540995

if you don't think cutting off your genitals is taking things too far, then you need some help

>> No.43540996

yes, they cut off their dicks

>> No.43541000

Trannies took it too far when they embraced the LARP and forgot about reality.
On one hand I envy them, I wish I could be 6 again and run outside with a huge stick pretending to be Gimli.

>> No.43541018

Smells like a flaseflagger to me.

>> No.43541036

i still remember the days roughly 2010-2013 when we all thought this brainrot was mostly just a tumblr thing. the spillover in 2013-2014 caught so many of us by surprise.

>> No.43541051

They won't do shit.

>> No.43541070

History tends to repeat itself.

>> No.43541088

the only people they will kill is themselves, if they considered as people

>> No.43541155

this reminds me the kpop fans when you say something slightly bad about random male kpop group and as this anon says >>43541051

>> No.43541229

they cut off their own dick, so yeah...

>> No.43541237

What did he do lmao, defend silver?

>> No.43541274

Still pretty tame. Still just a war between the special snowflakes of the internet that will never take a step outside their basement.

Give it around 10-20 years until it the brainless children they're grooming turns old enough to actually kill people on the streets for no reason like with racism.

>> No.43541528

trannies think this is going to create goodwill for them among the normies

>> No.43541564


>> No.43541568

>will be assassinated
>kills themselves at a 50% rate
lmao yeah you're real tough bro

>> No.43541671

Way to admit it was you.

>> No.43541791

Oh yeah? Well, trannies should be castr- oh...

>> No.43541855

ASS ASS inated
Fucking homos

>> No.43541861

Bring MaID to the state, Ayy

>> No.43541916

They still do that? I thought it was all about being proud of having the "feminine dick" these days.

>> No.43541963

That and covered the topic of whether Vtubers should *shock* remain apolitical and just be entertainers. Cue the howling of trannies and ‘much genocide’

>> No.43542016

obvious jew-painting-a-swastika-on-synagogue moment

>> No.43542050

Not far enough, talk is cheap just do, when bodies actually start pilling up people will take them seriously.

Also weird attack EyeD he was pretty neutral on the Silver/Froot thing

>> No.43542067

I can’t comprehend why they are doubling down on purity tests. Like congrats, you just realized your cause has a lot more lukewarm support than you realized, go cry about it elsewhere.

>> No.43542134
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>> No.43542207

Not pictured: a long history of violence, harassment, and lies against trans people by transphobes. Also not pictured: all the times literal whotubers like OP made shit up hoping to go viral on it.

>> No.43542225

It's probably about his latest video

The vtweeter at the beginning who is criticizing "being political" is basically making a veiled attack on the other vtweeters who came out in defense of silvervale over the past week of drama
The consensus in the comments section, and pretty much in the follow-up tweets false chose to feature, seems to be that politics is too controversial for the vtuber world but they should still be allowed to say what they believe

In other words, it's not about false defending silvervale directly or anything, he's just not demonizing the vtweeters who came out and made statements supporting silvervale and criticizing the tranny angermob

>> No.43542235
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No, but he did make her look like the victim.

>> No.43542286

Man these people are braindead
Because she is?

>> No.43542340

well maybe because she is the victim.

>> No.43542343

Honest question. Why go transgenders pretend to be female?

>> No.43542374

They realize this is going to turn away the people who were trying to give them some sympathy? Like women, gays, lesbians.

>> No.43542377

Are they? Or are almost all just sitting on their couch or at their desk minding their own business? What do we mean by transpeople in this context? Do we mean people that take medication to transition? Or do we mean anyone that bitches and whines on twitter? These are all very different and unrelated things.

>> No.43542383

>too far
You're a bit too late to question their sanity, OP. You're supposed to ask them that question when they hit you with "I think I'm gonna chop my dick off."

>> No.43542462

I doubt "they" even realize this is a thing that exists. Very low IQ opinion to think such an intention exists.

>> No.43542466

Yeah of her own ignorance

>> No.43542529


>> No.43542535

Are you transitioning? Did you take the jab?

>> No.43542537

Trannies do this shit all the time. Go look up pictures of troon rallies and pretty much half the signs there will be about how terfs should be raped and murdered. Not at all shocking that severely mentally ill men would be extremely violent.

>> No.43542594

The answer to this is actually somewhat known
>Males: 90% autogynephilia - the fetish of visualizing yourself as a woman, likely exacerbated by porn and anime, combined with a fantasy that life would be better if you were born fundamentally different
>Males: 10% homosexuals - they grew up with feminine interests as children, have an effeminate psychological temperament, and will eventually grow up acknowledging that they're just gay if they don't go down the tranny path
>Females: autism, plus internet social groups of like-minded people, ex. discord servers

>> No.43542597

Are you pretending trans people aren't the ones behind all the ruckus and harassment surrounding the potter game right now?

>> No.43542626

>straight woman on youtube: die cis scum
>4chan: lets harass the trans and gays in retaliation
>straight woman fucks her boyfriend and forgets her lgbt phase

This is a constant time warp.

>> No.43542684

They're probably playing Harry Potter games and not giving a fuck. What do you expect? You're terminally online and don't understand reality.

>> No.43542689

When did the boards become infested with so many tranny faggots? I have seen more whitewashing of the harassment and support for trannies in the past week on the boards than I ever have.

>> No.43542714

>straight woman
is this what we're calling men who dress like women now?

>> No.43542753

My assessment is that 95% of the ruckus comes from right-wing rabble rousers. Very curious how this ruckus coincides with a rise of anti-trans rhetoric in right-wing media and politics.

>> No.43542758

Just call Wyatt, and they'll all go crawling back their troon bunkers

>> No.43542759

Oh I thought it's about more tax discounts. Gays really tried to push same sex marriage because they want to have benefits too. Thanks for the reply!

>> No.43542777

because troons have to constantly gaslight in order to stop people from bashing their heads in if they dont outright end it themselves

>> No.43542791

Now that's a good one coming from a tranny.

>> No.43542790

You're such a fucking newfag zoomer I am shocked you don't get the reference.

>> No.43542806
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We run this board, incel, and we run your oshi's company too.

>> No.43542821
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You shall not pass.

>> No.43542864

>oh noes he figured us out
>quick, deflect with memes!

>> No.43542871
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good luck

>> No.43542903

At most you're talking about a small group of angry Harry Potter fans, most that aren't even trans. You're stupid and more delusional than anyone you're dissing now if you don't think that's the case.

>> No.43542946

>we run this shit
>the suicide rates go up each year

>> No.43542949
File: 57 KB, 640x358, 1676612070601435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ANY woman online: tee hee
>4chan oh hot
>ANY woman online: I got your back allies
>LGBT you infact lied and do not have our back whore

>> No.43542977

You could say it is like PETA crying over animal abuse in Animal Crossing, while many vegetarians or vegans enjoy playing the game just fine. And there was no big backlash of vegans trying to cancel streamers for playng the game. It is just PETA being crazy. Here it is on a completely different level where the visible majority acts crazy.
On the other hand I believe transpeople who would speak up in support of the game would receive death threats too, so they are too afraid to speak their minds.

>> No.43542993

The insight on this is from ray blanchard (focused on males) and abigail shrier (focused on girls), they're both controversial but you could look them up if you need more info

>> No.43543008

>run my oshi's company
you presume I'm a EN watcher, seen how many JP been streaming it? Get fucked

>> No.43543016

/vsj/ is a split you know

>> No.43543022

NTA but I've never supported creepy incel stuff and I've been using basket weaving bulletin boards since 2003. I don't know what gave you the impression that this was a new trend.

>> No.43543061

I forgot acknowledging reality is delusional to trannies who live in a fantasy.
