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43533147 No.43533147 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it always Kiara for this main channel stuff?

>> No.43533175

the other lazy retards can't speak japanese

>> No.43533180

Because she's actually great and the only reason she looked bad in myth is because they all suck ass Mori is trying to better herself

>> No.43533193

hi, Charles

>> No.43533201

Speaks fluent Japanese.
Integrates herself into jp culture.
Outspoken enough about wanting to join.
Excels in networking.

>> No.43533217
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Because the only 2 ENs that are fluent in Japanese are Irys and Kiara. And out of all of them Kiara is also the best at shilling products.
Anyone that contradicts this is fucking retarded.

>> No.43533308

Why is Ina the only one who gets to be on Hologra?
Why is Gura the only one who is literally in every HoloJP 3D concert?

>> No.43533325

She probably loves to appear in stuff like this while the others don't care as much and might even consider it a bother.

>> No.43533366

>Why is Ina the only one who gets to be on Hologra?
Because she's the only one that had an official 3D debut. The rest will be in hologra once they get theirs. Same thing happened with HoloID gen 1.

>> No.43533394

Retarded fuck, all her hologra SPAM happened before her 3d """debut""" (they didn't even call it that because it isn't one)

>> No.43533402

because she speaks japanese and isnt an asocial autist

>> No.43533409
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>> No.43533429

>rejecting free interactions with HoloJP senpais and IDbros
Yeah that sounds like the trinity alright

>> No.43533986

Once Anya get her 3D. You will all learn.

>> No.43534020

>top earner in EN
gee, i wonder...

>> No.43534202

>why did they invite Kiara to the cat show
gee I wonder.

Seriously though, they always invite the same people, not just Kiara, but Iofi, Reine, Fubuki and Okayu are all recurrent guests to the main channel.
Maybe because they are reliable, do their homework in time, can speak Japanese and are good at being dynamic on variety shows. Just a guess.

>> No.43534269

Mel is there a lot too

>> No.43534424

She's nihongo jozu and has the volunteer buff.

>> No.43534952

Couldn't say better myself.

>> No.43534982

That didn't happen.

>> No.43535338

Calliope Mori can speak Japanese.

>> No.43535388

and she lazy

>> No.43535393

but is deeply lazy if it doesn't advance her music career. she doesn't volunteer for shit and openly scoffs at her holo responsibilities on stream.

>> No.43535421

Mori can't act for shit, and she doesn't understand Japanese humor. Kiara and Ina (if she ever learns to voice act) are the superior choices.

>> No.43535485

this isn't a nijisanji thread, you can't just reject reality.

>> No.43535488

I've never set foot in Japan and my Japanese is better than hers.
"Mori can speak Japanese" is cope. Her Japanese is almost toddler level.

>> No.43535624

She speaks jap.
It'a unfortunate, because the main channel is about comedy, and Kiara, while decently parasocial, is awful at comedy, but what can you do?
And besides, the others aren't really any better at it.

>> No.43535641

fluent in Japanese, knows how Japanese style comedy works, eager to collab with others = kiara

fluent in Japanese, distracted by her roommate career, doesn't care much about collabs with others = mori

functional but stilted with Japanese, not too interested in JP collabs, kind of shy = ina

doesn't know Japanese but wants to learn someday, and even if she did speak it perfectly she's socially retarded and anxious = gura

I don't watch the blonde bitch

>> No.43535692

Link to the clip?

>> No.43535818

Get it together, Charles.

>> No.43535911

>I don't watch the blonde bitch
stfu nijinig

>> No.43535910

Mori was in a couple too, they can speak nip and are more available

>> No.43535957

sorry your oshi is a thinskinned coont. i hope you feel better soon.

>> No.43535966

I have watched less than twenty minutes of nijisanji content in my entire life, teakek

>> No.43535997


>> No.43536089

>Assumes the Japs want Western style humor
I think Gura's pretty funny, but it's a totally different audience you retard. Someone like Gura who's good at making humor on their own is absolute shit when it comes to the type of comedy they want on the main channel and it's why you see so many fags bemoaning Kiara during Myth collabs, they don't like her style. She was basically raised and groomed by Japs, so she's got a really good handle on their bantering and comedic timing/style.

>> No.43536432

Damn this is even more cringe than I thought.

>> No.43536533

Pekora must unironically hate IRyS.

>> No.43536552

Not she can't, retard. Watch streams

>> No.43536559

At this point, I just feel bad for her.

>> No.43536642

You realize that she doesn't know Japanese for her songs she just rehearses it. Just like Gura. It's all muscle memory. Which is even more lazy than not even trying.

>> No.43536727

JPs think she's nice and cool. JP bros also like her. All the hate comes purely from a discord run by an obsessive group of trannies.

>> No.43536791

>In anus
>the brown one who graduated
Half of EN speaks Japabahamal.

>> No.43536799

I don't even like the pink wigger but if Mori doesn't know Japanese then how does she do her all-Japanese zatsu streams where she talks in Japanese to a Japanese speaking audience

>> No.43536891

Which part of "fluent" do you not understand? Also.
>Speak Japanese

>> No.43536923

Ina can't shill for shit.

>> No.43536930

You know how Subaru can speak toddler level English? Imagine that but worse.

>> No.43536943

The extent of her knowledge is her saying arigatou mr roboto or quoting rap songs. She has never held a single conversation with holoJP members.

>> No.43537011

this shit is getting dumber the more extreme it goes

>> No.43537061


>> No.43537067

Ina is great at shilling, she's the second most popular EN.

>> No.43537089

literally the only Japanese word Calliope Mori knows is 'ni hao' and that's not even Japanese, it's Korean

>> No.43537162

Those streams are all scripted as fuck and Mori can't even do it properly. Watch her streams with the JP girls.

>> No.43537330

The least delusional takodachi.

>> No.43537351

I eouldn't say it's just them, the general EN sphere is less receptive to Kiara because of the ESL and blunt Germanisms. There's also plenty who got whiney/pissy because she mogs the fuck out of anyone who doesn't come to collabs with high energy, so their feefees get hurt because their Oshi gets pushed around by her.

>> No.43539603

