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43460785 No.43460785 [Reply] [Original]

>go to indonesia
>say indonesian food are tastier
We won.

>> No.43460905

Unironically, as a Brazilian who's been to Europe, their food sucks. And USA is even worse. Third world countries experiment the most with their food, which is why they're usually better

>> No.43460968

It varies from dumpster to dumpster

>> No.43460989

asian cuisine is full of msg

>> No.43461141

Yeah, but you're uma delicia tier, so it doesn't say much.

>> No.43461308
File: 1.17 MB, 600x800, YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO SPEAK ENGLISH [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fktkedb.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>indonesian food are tastier

>> No.43461534

>ends every sentence with "or so"
She should use the kfp bucks for a dictionary.

>> No.43461562

Yeah I love Indomie, saved my life when I am broke.

>> No.43461681

Sorry OP, she meant to say Indonesian women are tastier.

>> No.43461709

But enough about Filipino cuisine

>> No.43462042
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>> No.43462211

She was in Italy this year so I don’t think indogs will win anything at all, any time soon.

>> No.43462483

This is wrong, POOR PEOPLE food in Europe sucks. I traveled most of the world for work, and more expensive restaurants in the EU are still by far the tastiest on average. (~$40-50 class not that avant garde shit)

>> No.43462487

Europe basically has no natural spices, all they traditionally had was an overabundance of meat and vegetables. European chefs barely had the chance or need to experiment.

>> No.43462567

Italian pizza sucks, its just a small amount of half assed tomato paste on some badly made badly shaped dough with cheese and maybe some herbs thrown on top.
I have legitimately had better pizza for cheaper from pizza hut.

>> No.43462624

I havent had a lot of Indonesian food, but I have had rendang. It was insanely good.

>> No.43462700

"that food you bring is a fucking shit"
ever happened?

>> No.43462851

That just means you like flavor enhancers and fat. Not your fault, you probably got fed with this shit as a child and can't get away now.

>> No.43462902

>are tastier
Your ESL is showing.

>> No.43463004

I heard rumors that rendang originally contained cannabis in its recipe as "flavor enhancer," and some traditionalists would still put them in even though it's illegal now.

>> No.43463091


>> No.43463148


>> No.43463383

spices are for covering up the taste of shit ingredients

>> No.43463521

You have to be actual delusional to think german food is tasty.
We have bread, cake and sweets that are the best in the world but our food is actually garbage. Somewhere down the bottom only beaten by east europeans actually eating lamb heads and shit.
Ohne Scheiß jetzt, unsere beliebtesten Speißen sind Schnitzel, Currywurst und Sauerkraut. Es ist traurig.

>> No.43463661

Currywurst mit selbstgemachter Soße ist geil.

>> No.43463743

Hey now, to this day I am thankful to you Krauts for inventing sauerkraut. I think it's much better than pickles really.

>> No.43463863

I think so too but it's extremely sad when your country has a rich history and it resulted in like 40 different world reowned cakes and yet when it comes to normal food we managed to make some Lettuce a little tastier. . .
Aber wenn man sich schon die Soße selber macht, kann man auch was vernünftiges Kochen :D

>> No.43464909 [SPOILER] 
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Look here you little shit, That fucking manileno poverty pornography is a exception than the rule,
A fucking rural town in bumfuck Ifugao wouldnt go that low as the average church go-ers of that shithole city. Shit indonesia fucking has more of those than Flipland. Prepare to be shovelled 10 kilos of Dinuguan you fucking mongrel

>> No.43465117
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South Americans are second only to North Koreans with the absolute bald-faced lies they spout about their shithole countries.

>> No.43465560

Dumping salt and msg to cover questionable meats for generations does lead to superior sauces and broths

>> No.43465623
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shush monkey, I'll never let you insult my wive's cooking

>> No.43466265
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>seething pagpag eater
To this day, pagpag is the only thing i know about that country and refuse to learn about that country more.

>> No.43466370

I've only tried Adobo chicken and sisig and it's pretty good but I won't even consider to try other things especially balut


>> No.43466721

You know what some of us Indonesian says about rendang? It's overrated. There are way tastier food than rendang. If you think rendang is insanely good then you'll have an adventure the next time you explore Indonesia.

>> No.43466886

"gang badang mang bang gak lang wang dang gadang bang bang" - you

>> No.43469144


>> No.43469337

>*loses 80 percent of their talents to the ravenous Austrian pussy hunter*
>*Austrian pussy hunter likes the food all her new concubines will make her*

>"I-ndochads, we can't stop w-winning!"

>> No.43469381

she didn't say it because she knows when to use "are" and when to use "is"

>> No.43469411


>> No.43469540

Interestingly those restrictions forced them into developing fancy cooking techniques to extract as much value as they could from what they had available leading to modern fine dining.

>> No.43469710
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>Literally got Moona into the kitchen cooking for her the second the game ended.
The secret of a good anschluss is to have the submissive party happy that it happened.

>> No.43469721

Is roti canai Indonesian food or Indian food, because that's the only thing I feel tasty

>> No.43469740
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>goes to indonesia to eat shit with

>> No.43469968

now say that again without cumming as mooner feeds you her 15-inch elder wood

>> No.43470277


>> No.43472571


>> No.43476449


>> No.43476637

Based sopa de macaco enjoyer.

>> No.43476769
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>> No.43476859

Europe isn't a country you retarded third world waste of oxygen

>> No.43477344

>He says while their food gives them literal diarrhea

>> No.43477441


>> No.43477758

everything about this post is wrong, other than most varieties of italian pizza having few toppings

>> No.43478263

Enlight me, then.
What are the best european foods?

>> No.43478675 [DELETED] 

Who said it was? Did the third worlder stole all your oxygen and you grew up a total dyslexic?

>> No.43478745

Who said it was? Did the third worlder stole all your oxygen and you grew up a total dyslexic?

>> No.43478829

You lost, you live in Indonesia

>> No.43478911

sieg heil!

>> No.43479450

the best piece of German food I had was a ball of bread stuffing. Even the Brits make better food than the Germans

>> No.43479920

guide to europe:
>mediterraners are making tasty food
>slavs are fixing potatoes, cabbage and guts so you can cheaply eat
>germanics making shit like pumpernickel or surstromming that is just as disgusting as their bloodsoaked souls, but also it doesn't rots when war is prolonged

>> No.43480897

Seethe harder thirdie.

>> No.43481543

She's licking ID cunnners

>> No.43483198

I love this stupid gif so much

>> No.43483299

Where do French people fit in the taxonomy?

>> No.43483326

Yeah brits have some tasty breakfast options.
But that's the only thing. Meanwhile a ton of worldwide known cakes, sweets and breads are from germany.
Brits have cheese that doesn't even taste the right way if you buy it outside of europe.

>> No.43483377 [DELETED] 

Food as in indonesian passes.

>> No.43483460

Don't be mad when it is true.

>> No.43486050

Wrong. American pizza is better than 3rd world rice

>> No.43486228
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>Yorkshire Pie
>Pork Pies
>Scotch eggs
>Victorian sponge cake

Im sorry Detschue anon but the Brits have you beaten. It's over

>> No.43486238

better? maybe
healthier and therefore better for you? hell no
There’s a reason asians live longer than us
t. Burger

>> No.43486274

The SEAniggers are laughing at us argue, we should make a united front.

>> No.43486469

SEA food is way better, dish wise. If you like just fresh, simple ingredients, more northern style of cooking is also good. Both have their advantages, but essentially >>43462483 is right. If you're poor, southern food is always better, basically anywhere.

>> No.43486492
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The United States could have switched to barley instead of wheat. But noooo, we had to decide to "encourage" wheat, corn, and onions production.



>> No.43486541
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Why did I type onions instead of onions?

>> No.43486592

F@ck I'm an idiot.

>> No.43486707

Northern Europe and Southern Europe have completely different food cultures because of their different climates.

>> No.43486827

This capuchin has never been to Dixieland. C'mon boy, I'll fix your man-monkey ass some barbecue that'll make you wish you were born as a human.

>> No.43486902
File: 53 KB, 801x600, Chicken Rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEAchads rise up. Slap some chicken on rice, call the dish Chicken Rice, and it's fucking delicious immediately. I do want to go to burgerland to try all their greasy heart-clogging stuff though, its always been a dream of mine to get to eat at all those cowboy western restaurants/bbq joints.

>> No.43486923

ok burger
outside of some highlights angloid/germanoid food is generally worse than viet/thai/indog/malaysian food so they're right

>> No.43487009

>Indos think slapping a pallid piece of sliced chicken breast on top of rice is "fucking delicious"

>> No.43487422

>Calling herbs and spices "flavor enhancers"
Britbongs need to be barred from ever posting about food online. There's a reason your country is the laughing stock of the culinary world.

>> No.43487458

Knew some retard would say that. Guess what? The rice is chicken flavoured too. Your taste buds simply cannot comprehend it.

>> No.43487522

Let's trade places, anon. I'm in Texas and I can't find an Indonesian restaurant. My local barbecue joint is killer though.

>> No.43487561

she meant indonesian pussy is tastier, and she's not wrong

>> No.43487581

>he doesn't know

>> No.43487598 [DELETED] 


>> No.43487654
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Would absolutely love to visit Texas for BBQ. We don't exactly have the luxury of sitting down and ordering some huge rack of ribs in a lot of places. I think SEA food is great, but it's that whole thing about craving what you can't have.

Most chicken rice places in other countries and tourist districts are overpriced as fuck. If you ever come to the region though, you can get a plate for $2-3, it's a classic meal. Some people see the white colour and assume it's literally just boiled in water or something ridiculous. But it's been poached and marinated already, with the broth being used to flavour the rice. Spicy and sweet chilli to dip it in on the side.

>> No.43487788

hey fuck you buddy, Kiara adding "or so" to the end of her sentences is one of her cutest ESL idiosyncrasies and I hope she never changes it. I bet you don't like it when she says eye-ron or bi-omey as well.

>> No.43487896

Fermented foods such as bread, cheese, yogurt, and wine are common all around Europe. Every country and region has their own bread and cheese.

Europe is also great for pastries, especially those that are baked with butter. Most of pastries around the world are based on European ones.

>> No.43488714

I respect that stuff for sure. I love cheese and charcuterie boards. Very rarely get to eat them here in SEA, only on special occasions with certain people. I love when chuubas get enthusiastic about food, I don't recall any who talk about this kind of stuff regularly though.

>> No.43488815

If you don't like spices and fat, your taste buds are broken. It's literally instinctual.

>> No.43488976
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>Put chicken stock in rice
But..I can do the same thing at home.

>> No.43490271

True, also buckwheat. I never really ate that until I was older, but shit's actually delicious. I like it much more than oatmeal.

>> No.43495019

They eat food?

>> No.43495244

>chuubas come from western countries
>yogurt and wine are common where they live anyway

>> No.43495431
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>Frankfurter Kranz
And there are like a 100 more. No country in the world has better Cake or Bread than Germany.

>> No.43496291

Brown hands typed this
