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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43357731 No.43357731 [Reply] [Original]

I like her the most out of all of Vshojo and I like her game choices. Silver is a good girl and deserves better from her corp and friends.

>> No.43357781

I don't much care for her, but fuck those giving her shit because of the fucking wizard game

>> No.43357782

It’s all karma for talking shit about Hololive and niji without knowing shit.

>> No.43357902

I'm not going to pretend I support her simply because she's not as far left as her subversive friends.

>> No.43358354
File: 29 KB, 259x271, doitFroot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree Froot should 41% herself

>> No.43358981

I don't even give a fuck about Harry Potter, never did, but now I'm tempted to buy a copy of the game purely to spite these fucking psycho troons.

>> No.43360518

Mouse is defending Silver right now

>> No.43360553

Silver should join Hololive and reunite with her old friend Ame

>> No.43360612

VShojo is shit! VWhores!
>plays wizard game
Actually, VShojo good!
Do any of you actually watch streams, or do you pick who you like based on drama and groupthink?

>> No.43360959

drama is the real /vt/'s oshi

>> No.43360999

I don't like Silver but I have fapped to some of her mmds

>> No.43361054

Froot is right. I stand with Froot

>> No.43361123

Any vtuber willing to stand against trannies is good in my book

>> No.43362145

You know it!

>> No.43362288

Will never watch vshojo but anyone who fights troons is cool. I am binging tenmas south Park videos now. Top tier shit.

>> No.43362302

She's so fucking weak

>> No.43362332

I want to fuck her mom so much it's unreal

>> No.43362377

Vshojo has always been a mixed bag, it's just that usually the shitty ones make the most noise and get the most attention here.
Veibae is a bitch, Froot is a cheating whore, and Pink Cat is Pink Cat, and Kson turned out to be more of a trashbag than I think most of us suspected.
Silvervale has always been good, Ironmouse is usually alright, Melody has always been based and is somehow the least trashy despite being a literal prostitute.

>> No.43362392

Silver makes me cum and isn’t ashamed of that, so that makes her better than most.

>> No.43362808

I would like her design more without the cotton candy hair.

>> No.43362998

I can't take the suspense, can someone spoil how Silvervale and the Trans Faggots ends?

>> No.43363105

Sorry but the script hasn't even been written yet.

>> No.43363133

Silver goes on hiatus for a month and changes, leaks about Vshojo start coming out, they disband, Silver comes back with a new model, and trys to pretend the whole situation never happened, troons get upset, so attack her again, the rest 41%

>> No.43364045

you just walked right into their trap

>> No.43364105

So according to Mouse Silver's been afraid to sleep because of what the mob said in her dms. That's fucked up.

>> No.43364142

I understand why someone would do a complete 180 because of troons. I had to interact with them.

>> No.43364198

I have to point out the right are being massive hypocrites here. I'm supposed to not give a shit about the women who got this kind of shit during Gamergate, but suddenly now I should be empathetic when the shoe is on the other foot? The hypocrisy is obvious. The fact is people typically don't have empathy for those they disagree with.

>> No.43364233

The difference is those "women" deserved it and worse. Deal with it.

>> No.43364270

If only she would hire good artists to make her porn.

>> No.43364277

Like I said, you don't like them so you don't care if they get hurt. Just don't pretend you're better than the commies.

>> No.43364296

Troons love to play the victim until the find a mildly high profile target

>> No.43364343
File: 45 KB, 477x477, FpNE1G4WAAEZqTd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will literally commit a WC if anything happens to silvervale or pika those PPL hanging on a F string

>> No.43364442

except she's as pro-tranny as she can, she just wants to play the game.

>> No.43364489

silver's fine, I just hate the simps who follow them around.
>want to watch a vtuber on twitch
>have to put up with every me-too faggot in the twitch circlejerk following them around
Fuck 90% of the people they've collabed with.

>> No.43364699

I liked her housewife-themed piece

>> No.43366274
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She's pretty cool desu

>> No.43366382

>Silver gets destroyed by 4chan's most hated boogey man army
>Silver now getting threads outside of VSJ+ about how she's heckin based
I see you

>> No.43366601

It will be decided during the neo-troubles ver USA

>> No.43366790

trannies are on shambles this week

>> No.43366889

Does Vshojo do a worse job hiding identities or something? You don't see Pekora and co getting hit.

>> No.43367315

Pekora's in Japan. This is mostly a western issue.

>> No.43367545

silvervale so boring though .i watched all the vshoujo girls even before nyan and ironmouse officially joined vshoujo and both of them are hard carrrying the brand even more so ironmouse since nyan keeps going on random breaks this past year. 2021 vshoujo was when they peaked but things have gotten stale now.

>> No.43367779

all of them are whores

>> No.43367849

tf has kson done?

>> No.43367863

The narrative was always that she's based for refusing to apologize, the only people who said anything else were people posting bait in /VSJ+/

>> No.43367939
File: 1.41 MB, 874x804, jordanvale[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdxpnxu.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to bully her with my dick

>> No.43367948

Silver's doxx never made it to the public, and Nyanner's doxx is outdated.

>> No.43369105

The women of Gamergate were corrupt journalists and clout seeking feminists who were non-gamers pretending to care about games. Fuck them with a rusty pipe.

>> No.43369207

They lucked out finding a girl forced to be a shut in that loves attention.

>> No.43369938

Then you know who to start hating.

>> No.43370023

I only watch one vtuber and I refrain from having opinions on others unless absolutely necessary.

>> No.43370124

Sickening how Vshojo threw her under the bus.

>> No.43370238

>Melody has always been based and is somehow the least trashy despite being a literal prostitute.
This is the one I understand least.
Everyone swears up and down that Melody is good despite being literal whore, and others call anyone they don't like a whore.
How or why is Melody ok?

>> No.43370289

Rape correction needed for Froot.

>> No.43370415
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I don't feel bad for her. She deserves it. She did it to herself. She cries because she bit the hand (which she herself chose) that feeds her.
Trannoids are doing the same thing. Biting the hand that feeds them.
Both libtards and trannoids lose. I win.

>> No.43370423

>Everyone swears up and down that Melody is good despite being literal whore

Basically she does not cover it up or deceive anyone. The reason why twitch thots are shunned is because they try to pass as regular gamers but they are whores. Melody is a whore who doesn't try to pass as a gamer. Deception is the biggest offense.

>> No.43370738

Because, for the most part, most of these ''whores'' are not unbashed and open about the fact and treat it like its not true.
Melody has turned the fact into a ''selling point" that she's completely aware and not ashamed off.

Kind of like being ashamed of your hobby translates into people making fun of you for it.

Case and point, I litterally watch Vtubers on my 40 inch TV screen and none of my friends and family judge me for it but if I watched it on my phone and tried to downplay it and someone would see it someone would probably try to make fun of it.

TLDR: Not owning up to the fact makes it worse.

>> No.43371032

>I litterally watch Vtubers on my 40 inch TV screen
I would make fun of you for this.
Your comparison is not comparable. But then again you are stupid american

>> No.43371315

You can't understand the comparaison as a non western viewer friend its just impossible.
Western culture treat having a active sexual life as a hobby or an identity more so than... say SEA people.
There is a culture wall you cannot go through I'm quite afraid. If so then this discussion is something you should probably avoid having a horse in because it wouldnt make sense for you to do so.
Or you can say ''whores bad''. Suit yourself.

>> No.43372088

No you are just stupid retard spewing pseudointelectual bullshit to feel better about himself.

There is difference between you being a loser and trying to hide it (right thing to do)
And a streamer not luring you in with fake promises

>> No.43372616

If I had to guess he's talking about the stream in where she gaslighted her fanbase into mentioning the pros of joining Vshojo. Probably because of it colliding with the alleged implications of her forming her own group (KsonGang) back when she was still an indie.

I don't find it trashy or scummy myself, but it did left a sore taste in my mouth for a few days.

>> No.43376322

Does melody not pass off as a gamer also or am I misunderstanding?
So by admitting she's a whore, it's ok?

>> No.43376995

We need a new Hitler. One that kills off Trannies and Jews. Race doesn’t matter, just kill only those two for now.

>> No.43377244

Froot is a backstabbing cunt!

>> No.43377293

Its more that Melody is chill, knows her stuff and isn't trying to build a pretend with her audience that shes anything but your local friendly prostitute where everyone jokes around while wanking it, she's pretty much just a zany zatsu streamer of a hornier kind.

>> No.43377793

I mean to be fair what's ok or not is mostly decided by (you) but lets put it this way.
Would you rather be lied to about something you know about or would you rather be told the truth and possibly be put into context about whats going on? Most of Melody's fan would go for the latter if I had to say.

>> No.43378639

Yeah, I like Silver but I have to admit her blatant unicorn baiting is a bit offputting for me.

>> No.43381111

>Western culture treat having a active sexual life as a hobby…

The fuck are you talking about? Why do you think people are called whores and retarded in the west?

I thought your original comparison was dumb, but I understood what you meant.

And unbashed? Silver has said some of the most lewd things and turned for a moment to make sure she was heard and say “Oh no chat! That’s not what I meant seriously! Oppsie!”
Silver is boring imo, but playing a wizard game shouldn’t have led to this level of pushback

>> No.43382888

There is much more pushback to this sexual freedom movement in the East and Europe than there is in NA and why I mentionned this part. Also I'm answering about Melody in this specific take not Silver.

I do get that flexing my tastes to people that actually love me for who I am doesnt fit in the context however. These girls are mostly putting themselves in a context where people will shit on them endlessly with a single faux pas. A bit like how Silver is taking shit atm.

>> No.43385299

Good for you, Anon.

>> No.43386261

I don't watch the streams of any girls. I like Silver because her model is attractive and from the clips I've seen her persona has the right amount of 'kick' for me.

I knew when this drama started that /vt/ would cope about how "I'm not gonna defend her because of <past insignificant thing she did>"

However bad you think she is the people attacking her are worse and will only have an easier time ruining this hobby after this.

And it's not that you WONT defend her. You can't. You know you can't. Which is why you're on this board seething when you're not coping and coping when you're not seething

You have no power at all. Precisely because nobody would ever trust you.

it's simple: you can have your misogyny when you've had your racism and transphobia for the day. Literally the only way society works is by following this very clever stack I just made

ah yes, the trad paradise of...southeast asia.

4chan anons don't know anything about the fucking world lmfao

The West is trad compared to SEA my friend.

>> No.43386591

it is fine to change your mind when the subject is something as ephemeral as someone's reputation on an imageboard anon

>> No.43386786

TL;DR on Ironmouse's comments on the Silvervale situation from today's stream.
>Mouse understands that people are upset, but feels disappointed and upset by how they chose to respond to that.
>Silver is apparently having some kind of anxiety/paranoia/PTSD episode over this, being afraid to sleep.
>Everyone is entitled to their opinion
>Mouse disagrees with Silver's decision to stream HL, but seems disturbed by the harassment she got
>Mouse feels that it's unfair to try and force someone to comment on a situation when they may not be mentally capable of handling it and the attached emotions
>Implies she is referring to herself/Vshojo
>Says that " sometimes you're gonna get crucified either way." But that "You need to choose what way you're gonna get crucified"
>Last statements may possibly allude to Silver's response stream, perhaps Mouse views her rushing out a response/responding at all as a misstep?

>> No.43387222

>Mouse disagrees with Silver's decision to stream HL
Well that's all I needed to hear to know she's a fucking retard. It's a video game about 19th century wizards from one of the most popular IPs on the planet. There is no reason not to play/stream it.

>> No.43387248

Mouse honestly sounds like a bitch in this situation.

>> No.43387250
File: 252 KB, 800x1200, Screenshot_20230218-230039_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck

>> No.43387315
File: 207 KB, 800x1181, Screenshot_20230218-230216_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It got worse

>> No.43387386

Although i guess i shouldn't be surprised given how her boy toy conner expressed his disdain for the game.

>> No.43387498

>troons complain they get bullied to death
>begin bullying streamers over a video game
delusional troons need to be hung

>> No.43387594

>one matters more
Hahahaha lmao

>> No.43387685

Why isn't anyone putting an end to these cunts?
>Those ratios
Fucking kek.

>> No.43387687

>one matters more
I wish all axe wound havers a very merry 41%.

>> No.43387777

>delusional, ugly, sterile lives matter more!

>> No.43387953

She does know that people have killed themselves over such harassment and bullying, right? What would she do if, God forbid, Silver or any other streamer commits suicide over this shit?

>> No.43388007

probably would think silver or whoever did it deserved it

>> No.43388042

Based quad.

>> No.43388068

True,and would consider it a victory most like unfortunately

>> No.43388571

When is she going to stream? At this point I've played her more in Koikatsu than watched her content

>> No.43388581

>troons literally self-fulfill their own prophecies of peoples fanbases

>> No.43388752

Well according to >>43386786 she's going through a mental and physical breakdown, and i don't think any of her coworker care to comfort her or give support.

>> No.43389002

To be fair, she never actually named Silver, and most of the exact comments could be referring to Froot for all we know

>> No.43389026

why are the members of vshojo so unfriendly to one another? why has not one of them told the delusional, doxxing, death threat sending troons to hit the noose?

>> No.43389051

Here's the full transcript:
>But here, here's what I have to say, because, I've been processing and digesting stuff that's been going on, uh, these past few days, and, here's what I have to say.
>I think that everybody is entitled to their opinion
>And I think that is entitled to support whatever the fuck they wanna support
>And, y'know what? That's on you, whatever you want to support, however, I believe that no one deserves to be harassed, and no one deserves to be attacked, and no one deserves to be bullied, and no one deserves to feel threatened, no one deserves to live in fear every day of their life, that is not right. That is not right.
>And I think there's a lot of positive ways to get a message across, without having to make somebody feel bad
>Sometimes, when I think about things, I think, "Is this going to make somebody feel bad?" And if I find out that it does, I don't wanna do it.
>Is it-I don't know, but everybody operates differently and everybody does different things, and that's what makes humans and society so great.
>That's what makes being alive so great, you have the choice to do whatever the fuck you wanna do.
>But that's all I wanna say, all I wanna say is, Would you wanna live in fear every day of your life? And be afraid to close your eyes? You wanna be afraid to go to sleep? No. Why would you want to do that to somebody? Why?
>And that goes to everyone!
>I think there are ways to support what you wanna support, in positive ways, unfortunately, a lot of people feel that, unless you do things in a negative way people aren't gonna respond, or, nothing's gonna change, unfortunately that's how society has trained us.
>Sucks. It sucks, cause that's how we've all been led to believe. That niceness doesn't work, and meanness does.
>I just hope that, in the future maybe one day, people are just a little kinder to others, you know what I mean?
>I wish. But you know that's not how life goes, that's not how the world goes.
>But listen man, sometimes people make choices on their own and they wanna choose to do stuff, and, I may not necessarily agree with certain choices that people make, but no one deserves to be...
>*long pause*
>*Another pause*
>Humanity is fucked up.
>And that's all I'm saying on the matter! The end! Womp womp wa!
>Will I get angry messages for what I've said? Tune in tomorrow to find out!
>Sometimes people don't say anything at all, you can't fault someone for saying they're not going to speak on an issue and not say anything.
>You can't do that, at the end of the day it's their choice.
>Some people can't handle stress, and anxiety, and pressure, and anger, some people just can't handle feelings.
>So I think that it's kind of fucked up to push somebody, to force them into dealing with something that they're not equipped to deal with, not the right tools, y'know? Am I, am I making any sense? Probably not, I'm very dizzy right now.
>*in response to a chatter* Nah man! It's just, sometimes I see comments floating around on the twittiler, and people are like "the silence is deafening!"
>It's like, Bruh, alright, go ahead, you say something then. Fill up the void, say something. Some, sometimes, people need time, to collect their thoughts.
>Listen a lot of times people rush into things and they get very emotional and, they say things or they do stuff, and, you just gotta sit down with yourself, reflect, and think about what you're gonna say and do.
>And it's okay to take time off to just, reflect and think! Don't rush into shit, y'know? People think that stuff is so urgent.
>Either way, listen, sometimes, either way, you're gonna get crucified either way.
>You just need to decide, what way are you gonna get crucified, you know what I mean?
>*In response to a chatter,* Listen man, I've just been through a lot of shit and I, *starts shaking head* I've seen a lot of shit and I've been through a lot of shit and I just know that sometimes you just need to take a step back and relax and think!
>Think! Think first please!
>It's it's just you start to see stuff and you get a sense of urgency inside you and you're like "Man I-I" and then you start panicking and then you-
>Take some time. Reflect. Come back later.

>> No.43389185

They're cowards, and women (but I repeat myself). They have no opinion other than that dictated to them by the zeitgeist

>> No.43389236
File: 506 KB, 653x405, depression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But that's all I wanna say, all I wanna say is, Would you wanna live in fear every day of your life? And be afraid to close your eyes? You wanna be afraid to go to sleep? No. Why would you want to do that to somebody? Why?

>> No.43389309

other corpos girls tend to stick together and support each other though...

>> No.43389406

>troons sent this poor girl death threats and doxxed her

>> No.43389429

>and women
Not zen lmao

>> No.43389468

What the hell are you talking about? Silver got mentioned multiple times in that post.
Unless there's more to come this is not as bad as the original greentext made it out to be.

>> No.43389499
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She actually deserves the bullying and so does pikamee for being a traitor the Holojihad marches on.

>> No.43389570

"Boo fuckin hoo! I fucked around and found out!"

She literally knew this would happen.

She brought it on herself.

She got exactly what she was hoping for.
Then she doesn't understand why people aren't rushing to her defense.

Cope and seethe more.

>> No.43389670

Tranny or trolling?

>> No.43389696

VERY MANNISH hands typed this post

>> No.43389756

trancel hands typed this post

>> No.43389767

>That's what makes being alive so great, you have the choice to do whatever the fuck you wanna do.
Except for the big EN corpo VTubers who're forced to stay silent by tranny management.
>You just need to decide, what way are you gonna get crucified, you know what I mean?
Well i know how Froot would like to get crucified.
But seriously, the VTubers who support this shit are the ones that need to be crucified.

>> No.43389777


>> No.43390267

She could have just tried to ignore the twitter mob and go about her business but the problem is fucking Froot came and picked at what was a little cut and ripped it open into a nasty wound.

Froot saying Silver made a mistake basically = twitter mob is now basically justified, they aren't ragging on her just externally but feel validated doing so because another vshojo said she fucked up too - it's effectively sharing the blame on attacking her with someone "official" whose opinion really-really matters vs a bunch of faceless randos.

If this wasn't bad enough Froot is now raising money for trans kids charity as if in a giant fuck-you to silver and again sharing the blame for the bitter, divisive politicization of a group that really fucking wasn't designed or trying to be like that. froot should be fucking suspended. if they wanted to try to placate both crowds I guess they'd just suspend both girls maybe. but the thing is vshojo doesn't do that. they have no fucking standards, no code of conduct really, NOTHING is too far for their "management" essentially. "Talent freedom" also literally means "the talents also have the freedom to fuck up and we won't help try to address it or make up for it."

>> No.43390364


>> No.43390492

holy fuck, fuck that cheating WHORE froot

>> No.43390498

You forgot iron mouse throw her out to the sharks

>> No.43390692

heck flavor and voms is more of a corp than vshogo

>> No.43390752

even PC sad girls tend to stick together
fuck that whore mouse too

>> No.43390878

I will we know that froot donated the money?

>> No.43390965

The original greentext made a lot of assumptions

>> No.43391044

Can I get a quick rundown on what that mermaid charity did?
I keep hearing troons go on about how nothing bad happened and that nobody ever read past any headlines but I'm pretty sure they're lying out their axe wounds.

>> No.43391108

What she actually said isn't nearly as bad though

>> No.43391110

This whole thing just proved to me that the only good people in vshojo are the ones that suffer.
Hope she ditches them and goes indi or tries to apply to a real company. You know, one that'll have her back when this shit happens.
I knew froot was a terrible person, but I expected Mouse to be better. Hope my darlings from other companies learn and start distancing themselves for their own good. I'm talking to you, Calli. They're going to backstab you as soon as it's beneficial to them.

>> No.43391160

There's a lot of controversies but the big one is that the founders and leaders of the organization have been outed as child molesters years ago.

>> No.43391228

I feel like Silver loves the character she plays too much to want to join a corpo that would make her leave it behind.

>> No.43391233

Considering that Mouse is Conner's bitch i'm not surprised that she'd take his stance on the game.

>> No.43391263

Pedos at the helm, covers for them.
Also in favor of transitioning minors without telling their parents.
I think they're also being sued by detransitioners for grooming them into transitioning.

>> No.43391353

And i feel like she loves Harry Potter and Hogwarts Legacy too much to join a company that would force her to disown it.
And yes, even after everything that has happened, i believe that she still loves the game even after all of this bullshit.

>> No.43391372

Suisei got an exception. She could get one too for the right company. Probably not for Holo, ironically.
What did he say/do?
I've only seen him say that he doesn't stream games often anymore and doesn't care about the game, which sounds reasonable.

>> No.43391421

Past Froot or current Froot?

>> No.43391422

She’s not going to do it… it’s mainly for clout.

>> No.43391433

TL;DR Mermaids don't give a shit about trans rights, they just want to have orgies with minors.

>> No.43391548

both froots are cheating whores

>> No.43391578
File: 728 KB, 680x965, Clown in this Muthafucka (Facebook).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its always a tribalsitic "us vs. them" game with girls. The other corpos like Holo and Niji are unified by the fact that they belong to a bigger tribe that looks out for them so they do so in return.
Vshojo's mantra of talent freedom makes it so every girl has to look out for herself instead of helping each other.

>> No.43391583

Well, yeah, we know she had an abusive childhood, no one in her family talks about her dad to this very day, and, according to her, HP was an escape from all that, so of course she has love for it. The problem is that people are trying to bully, doxx and harass a woman over her decision to share a childhood love that helped her cope with abuse and trauma and wound up driving her to tears and possible PTSD if >>43389051
is anything to go off of.

>> No.43391588

>What did he say/do?
Basically he gave reasons why he doesn't want to play the game really empathized the drama as being a big reason for his disdain towards it.
Basically Mouse shares his exact opinions on the game so it wouldn't surprise me if he influenced her on her opinions.

>> No.43391698

>Silver is apparently having some kind of anxiety/paranoia/PTSD episode over this

>> No.43391704

It'd be a damn shame if the trannies managed to connect Harry Potter to her abusive dad and instead of it being her escape it becomes another trigger for her PTSD.

>> No.43391742

"kson gang" is a collab group which still exists and was never supposed to be anything more than that you fucking moron

>> No.43391746

Don't disagree with you but I think I need more context.
Not wanting to play the game because he doesn't want to deal with the drama sounds reasonable.
Not wanting to play the game because he agrees with the drama would be horrible.

>> No.43391767

Little known fact, but Silver actually does do keyfabe, it's where the airheaded, cheery part of her stream persona comes from. Mask off Silver seems to be more low-energy with a sarcastic streak, which comes out when she's pissed at someone and thinks she can get away with it.

>> No.43391850

I'd watch her but coombaiting is a hard filter for me.

>> No.43391856

>froot went into silvers chat and told her 'it's okay, everyone makes mistakes, it's only human.'
smaller corpos like PC stick together too though, even the jewba corp does

>> No.43391861

Hope your axe wound gets infected

>> No.43391997

>froot went into silvers chat and told her 'it's okay, everyone makes mistakes, it's only human.'
That has to be one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen a vtuber do. She comes off as a cult member that's trying to brainwash you into coming back to the cult.

>> No.43392020

It wasn't in Silver's chat, it was her own. We don't know who or what exactly she was replying to, but a lot of chatters were talking about Silver at the time.

>> No.43392065

>froot went into silvers chat and told her 'it's okay, everyone makes mistakes, it's only human.'
That was just vile. Pure and delusional evil, desu.
>See "friend" crying and breaking down because people are harassing, doxing and sending death threats
>Blame her for it while trying to "console" her
Seriously, how can that bitch be so heartless?
I hope Silver gets back at her in some way.

>> No.43392142
File: 110 KB, 800x800, C1B05019-8F17-44AE-8314-5DC30B1797DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa and Tenma are the ones that have the balls to tell everyone to fuck off with their gender and drama. She should learn from them, and have a backbone to tell the troons to fuck off.

>> No.43392216

Tenma is japanese, she doesn't give a shit about western drama.
Pippa is just too based. She also owns guns so she's not scared.
So yeah, everyone should be more like them.

>> No.43392269

You misspelled Lumi

>> No.43392276

One wonders why transphobia exists...

>> No.43392386

Once again, Vshojo is dedicated to INDIVIDUAL talent freedom. They may be on the same team but they're not working together.
most other corpos, even small ones, have the girls focus on the brand while Vshojo has the girls focus on themselves.

this is part of the reason why vshojo is so fragmented and how none of them can ever come to a unified agreement on anything.

>> No.43392388

So what's the point of making this thread?
She isn't going to get sympathy here.

>> No.43392415
File: 3.69 MB, 3902x3733, meanwhile, in angleterre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think there are ways to support what you wanna support, in positive ways, unfortunately, a lot of people feel that, unless you do things in a negative way people aren't gonna respond, or, nothing's gonna change, unfortunately that's how society has trained us.
>Sucks. It sucks, cause that's how we've all been led to believe. That niceness doesn't work, and meanness does.
>I just hope that, in the future maybe one day, people are just a little kinder to others, you know what I mean?
>I wish. But you know that's not how life goes, that's not how the world goes.

Groups of people who want to win, beat groups of people who want to be left alone, 100% of the time. Even with 10 to 1, or 100 to 1, differences in numbers.
You might not be interested in power, but *they* are interested in power. They will *never* leave you alone.

Unless you deal with them first.

>> No.43392453


>> No.43392476

>She isn't going to get sympathy here.
She was bullied by trannies so she will get sympathy here.

>> No.43392571

Veibae is my favourite Vshojo because at least she doesn't pretend to be a good person like the rest of the whores.

>> No.43392726

she's the same WHORE who cheated on her husband while he was in the army

>> No.43392772

Honestly, I'm not surprised, she's snapped at chatters before, and has a bad habit of interpreting what other people say, including other vshojos, to her in the worst possible light, even if their intentions were completely inoffensive. We know she had at least one abusive ex who threw things at her, and had multiple relationships which failed for unknown reasons. Her stream persona is extroverted and bubbly, but she's admitted to having a hard time talking with people offstream, with reaching out to people to introduce herself or talk unprompted being a specific difficulty. She gets very upset by the idea of being left alone, or her chat leaving her. Speaking of her chat, she's also very emotionally attached to them. She's shown signs of possibly having hypersexual tendencies, towards chat and other streamers, and has repeatedly voiced a desire to be seen as sexy and desirable by others. During a breakdown about her father she mentioned that she hates herself. She once said to herself during a minor breakdown over a puzzle in a game that "if I'm not good at this I'm not good at anything". While the VOD has long been deleted, I once heard an anon say that during another breakdown, this one over being spawncamped by mobs in minecraft, she started crying out of frustration and got mad at herself for it, and apologized for "not being a good waifu" or something else along those lines. She also apologized during her response stream to the recent drama for making chat see this side of her when she wants everyone in her streams to be happy, complained about feeling left behind by Vshojo, seems to fall out of relationships in general easily through a lack of communication, and, during a Mouse outfit debut, tweeted that "someday I'll matter too" before instantly deleting the tweet.

TL;DR: She's broken. Not in the tragic, beautiful, princess-in-a-tower way, but in an ugly, real, brutal, menhera way, where she's arguably just as much, if not more of the tower than she is the princess. It hurts seeing her like this and knowing how hard she works to push it down and make people happy.

>> No.43392837

Are any/many of the people in this drama even trans?
Just a thought but if you misdirect your anger the group you actually hate won't stop. Then the group you think you hate will justifiably think you're just being assholes that deserve to be cancelled.
This is how the instigators operate and they can count on dimwitted anons and ecelebs to be their pawns at the expense of marginalized groups.

>> No.43392838
File: 493 KB, 1600x900, FD29C380-352F-4993-B869-E50555B027A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, let’s sweep that under the rug… She needs to apologize to Lily.

>> No.43392878

connor cant fix her

>> No.43392926

Playing the wizard game was a smart play. Even if she got the backlash, now at least more than two people pretend to care about her.

>> No.43392969

Okay but like half of humanity is female and they have problems too. Less excuse-making for gfe Vtubers that make money off sympathy and horniness.

>> No.43393012

>Probably not for Holo, ironically
Yeah something tells me she wouldn't really mesh with the rest of the EN branch. Can't put my finger on it. https://kemono.party/data/01/36/0136d0e27296fbfb31ee0c447bdabaa1dcc68f4ee8e5106c06fa799b2181a1c3.mp3
Also evidence is stacking higher and higher every day that HoloEN's HNIC is a troon anyway

>> No.43393018

You will never be a woman.

>> No.43393021

They're either trans rights activists or transtrenders. Very, very few people with gender dysphoria are vocal or outspoken- they don't want to be trans, they want to be the opposite sex. Beyond that, they just want to be left alone and live their lives.

>> No.43393075

go for it if you want, game is also pozzed as shit. the only winning move is to ignore it all and enjoy troons an heroing

>> No.43393158
File: 109 KB, 1847x494, oiler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, an ex-oiler who had a mild sexual relationship with her over discord showed up in /vsj/ recently and talked about his experiences and times she had conflicts with other vshojos in picrel. I'd take everything he says with a pinch of salt since in his twitlonger he basically admits he tried to manipulate her into dating him by threatening to leave if she didn't, but I feel like what he said does support what we already knew. When asked to describe her he said that
>"She is hyperfocused on receiving what she lacked in her childhood."

>> No.43393168


>> No.43393308

>apologize to Lily
If by "apologize to" you mean "voice raunchy selfcest erp with" then I completely agree. Womp womp.

>> No.43393348

>Also evidence is stacking higher and higher every day that HoloEN's HNIC is a troon anyway
And even if they are, they haven't shown any alarming signs yet. So they might be "one of the good ones."
Also, the girls (and boys) seem to have a direct line to Yagoo now, so as soon as that person gets out of line they could easily dogpile them.

>> No.43393353

You can't save her, the closest anyone can come is trying to understand her for what she is and encouraging her to seek help for the problems she tries to shove down. But that's such a personal thing that no chatter will ever be able to do it, so all we can do is hope for the best for menhera wolf from the sidelines.

>> No.43393375

England is the most retarded country in the West.

>> No.43393424


>> No.43393490

Vei is a cunt that likes to cause drama. What’s there to explain? She’s just as bad as the rest of them or far worse.

>> No.43393604

link to twitlonger?

>> No.43393731
File: 51 KB, 349x468, top notch banter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So a bin lorry has crashed into 100 people in Glasgow eh, probably the most trash it's ever picked up in one day that

>> No.43393793

When is Shylily going to pay reparations to Vei and the rest of the Polish people?

>> No.43393819

Online yea, irl pippa would fold easy

>> No.43393865

Which is my point. The trans outrage machine never ends because it's not actually tans. It's easier when you have no legitimate stake in an issue yourself.

>> No.43393917

>hey haven't shown any alarming signs yet
You don't find it curious that not a single one of them is playing wizard game? There are 10 girls in HoloEN and I think 10(?) in HomoEN. With those numbers it is nearing statistical certainty that at least 1 of them is a potterfag and wants to play it and yet none of them are. I find that very curious and I don't buy that it's all down to external social pressure.

>> No.43394018

which is why Pippa is smart enough to stay online
10ma would unleash her alcoholic OL rage on you

>> No.43394053

It's a google doc, my bad

>> No.43394061

The thing is, Gender Dysphoria is a fraction of a percent of the population. It's a serious medical condition that virtually no one will EVER encounter. Adding the T to the gay block was purely political and the lack of gatekeeping is intentional. Also note how there are virtually no FtM trenders or activisits, they're always non-binary or one of the other mushroom labels if they're female.

>> No.43394065

I think Pippa is just a retarded pick me (not like the other girls uwu) whore. Such unrepentant grifting is the opposite of having a backbone or even an opinion. She literally just says what edgy dumbasses want to hear and that's how she gets paid.

I guarantee that if the tide changes so will her entire so-called personality. Guaranteed.

>> No.43394188

Absolutely incorrect. Gender dysphoria at various levels is widespread into the normal population but only a fraction of the population are actually trans. Adding the T was because they were at the frontlines of those early protests before it became accepted.

>> No.43394202

I want to fold Pippa over the table.
Could be as simple as them being busy with other stuff. Not saying it's impossible that whoever is in charge of EN put a ban on the game, but it could be as simple as doing so to avoid controversy and not because the manager of the branch thinks it's a transphobic game. In the end, we're speculating a bit too much.
Hi Nyanners.

>> No.43394232

So this is what parasocial relationships do to a mf

>> No.43394256

One VTuber who supports the harassment is a man who uses a female model.

>> No.43394274

What. Faggot I would do anything to be in his position

>> No.43394356

>Gets told she doesn't want to enter a relationship with him
>"Your husburrito respects your boundries"
Lmao this dumbass

>> No.43394380

So he's larping as a trans?

>> No.43394427

I don't know what that has to do with nyanners. They're both the same like that.

>> No.43394437

>Gender dysphoria at various levels is widespread
Gender dysphoria is defined as wanting to be the opposite sex. Anything else is just post-modern sophistry. Monkeying around with definitions is how we got from there to here.

>> No.43394471

Support or at least pretend to Support silver ok nyanners t. Concern fag

>> No.43394501
File: 219 KB, 1300x766, dumbass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw reading this

>> No.43394607
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>> No.43394612

Why do companies hire 41%ers at all
If I was in HR and an openly mentally sick person with a fragile psyche walked in for an interview I'd call security not hire them on the spot

>> No.43394703

Nyanners called pippa a pickme, it filled up the general for a few days, pippa said she didn't really care and if she hated it then she would be a hypocrite since she sang Pomf pomf

>> No.43394721

Suck a tranny cock to own the libs instead

>> No.43394730
File: 31 KB, 639x146, hopenot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had a former coworker and friend who was beautiful and thicc like yourself

>> No.43394750

Failed grommer incredible

>> No.43394754
File: 1.31 MB, 840x7804, social contagion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering pretty much everyone in the rest of the company is playing magical n'gubu adventure, I don't think 'its just a coincidence' holds much water in this case. EN management alone is putting xir thumb on the scale.

>Gender dysphoria at various levels is widespread into the normal population

>> No.43394774

She did have the balls to tell troons to 41% themselves before any other Vtuber.

>> No.43394830


>> No.43394838
File: 381 KB, 446x423, 1676684621822465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Froot is the real problem, not silvervale.


>> No.43394881

The forth horsemen… has arrived!

>> No.43395217

ok so, to be clear: not only did she lie about getting doxxed but also faked her crying? like i have no problem with her playing the wizard game but it really sounded like she was pretending...

>> No.43395221

Imagine dealing with this shit on a daily basis >>43392772 and then you turn off stream and this dumbass is waiting >>43394607

>> No.43395272

According to you but the wider population passes various diagnostic criteria and questionnaires which is not according to your opinion. Oof.
The criteria is too broad and it's actually natural to feel some dissatisfaction. Just as defining a male and female brain also turned out unclear. The social contagion part is interpreting that as qualifying and inclusive to the category of transgender, which is mistaken. It's like including everyone with some normal symptoms into the category of heart disease or everyone with cell division as cancer patients.

>> No.43395298


>> No.43395361

That's just pot and kettle stuff. They obviously both are. It's not like nyanners is actually totally different now or a good person or something.

>> No.43395362

I'm confused about Froot.
So she's in england.
She married a US(?) military husband
And cheated on him right while he was deployed right?

>> No.43395386

The real problem is Vshojo itself. Froot is a faggot that disserves the rope. While silvervale got what she disserves for associating herself with a bunch of backstabbing troon apologists. I hope this dumpster fire teaches people a lesson.

>> No.43395401

Rent free beta cuck

>> No.43395438
File: 805 KB, 1289x907, polka youkoso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Why do companies hire 41%ers at all
The HIV positive dick of the state will fuck you in the ass if you don't. As a member of a higher status social class than you, they have the privilege of calling the guns of the theocracy on you, not you on them.
>If I was in HR and an openly mentally sick person with a fragile psyche walked in for an interview I'd call security not hire them on the spot
HR departments *are* the tentacle of the sovereign bureaucracy stuck up the backside of any organization of non-trivial size. The people who run HR departments are not there to help the owners, they are there to hold them hostage, under threat of destruction via lawfare. 21st century political officers.

>> No.43395474

shylily should apologize to vei for copying her speech

>> No.43395476
File: 70 KB, 453x599, The Tired Priest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Well, Mr. Anon, it looks like you expressed some dissatisfaction with how hirsute your body is and the excessive width of your shoulders. Sounds like you're suffering a little gender dysphoria!"

>> No.43395594

You sound a bit jealous. Your whore is a cunt. Admit it!

>> No.43395595

Total Frigger death

>> No.43395598

I like how with the words she used this could be seen as supporting either side of this. Spoken like a true politician and not protecting her friend at all. If she doesn't directly say she disapproves of how silver was treated then she should just say nothing because she will embolden the people attacking her

>> No.43395647


>> No.43395712

Is there a clip of Froot saying that on this pic?

>> No.43395739

>Can't put my finger on it

That six and a half minutes is gold and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

Also, you find it kinda funny how the two least problematic VShojo talents are a literal camgirl and one that has big tits and does GFE content? Wild.

>> No.43395749

The sheer fucking determination he has to get her to call him is the funniest part of all of this

>> No.43395827

That's a life of literally every vtuber simp whop who is actually seriously treating them as waifus and real life love potential partners. You either watch them for entertianment/fake friend simulator or you should just invest in AI waifus or better yet find a real life GF in a dating site or other place

>> No.43395914

>hah! I think I might just play this game to own the libs
>b-but I probably won't, but only because I don't want to
either Pippa does, or she doesn't play the game. If she does actually stream the game, then more respect to her for it.

>> No.43395976

>bin lorry


>crashed into 100 in Glasgow

Aaaah, casual anti-Celt racism. Thought you weren't gonna stick the landing, but ya did.

>> No.43396014

Why are you respecting people for playing a boring game? Find other reasons to respect people.

>> No.43396237

Parasocial andys can be people of commitment, focus, and sheer fucking will when they're within reach of pussy, anon.

>> No.43396266

Damn. Reading this reminded me of her Bendy and the Ink Machine stream and looking back at certain parts of her playthrough with this context just really makes it more heartbreaking.

>> No.43396384

I think they should make a kissing ASMR session

>> No.43396543

I missed the Bendy stream, what happened there? And yeah, it bleeds through a lot, even though she's constantly trying to push it down. I feel bad for her, but at the end of the day only she can try and make it better.

>> No.43396545
File: 118 KB, 323x244, shion cool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I respect people for not validating the depredations of mentally ill faggots.

>> No.43396702

Here's the stream where she talks about her dad, for context

>> No.43397791
File: 742 KB, 1476x2687, Wolf_Boris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Silver plays Bendy
>Having a great time
>Gets to chapter 3
>Meets Boris
>Silver near instantly falls in love with him
>Refers to him as her boyfriend
>Very protective of him
>End of chapter 3
>Boris gets kidnapped
>Throughout chapter 4 Silver now has to wonder the studio alone in search of her new husbando
>Is shown to be worried for Boris
>Gets to the end of chapter 4
>Finds Boris turned into an abomination and forced to fight him
>Silver is upset
>Boris attacks her by charging and throwing stuff at her
>Boss fight ends
>Boris dies
>Starts coping and wondering if she can have the "new Boris"
I don't know what it is about Boris but Silver fell in love with the cartoon wolf and she was very upset with having to put him down.

>> No.43397927

is there any evidence she got doxxed?

>> No.43398052

I completely agree with you. Every time I happen upon it posted somewhere on /vt/ I have to stop and jack off to it. It's like a compulsion. Holofag or not that's just top shelf stuff. That doesn't change the fact that this and other things about her make her completely incompatible with HoloEN which was the point I was making by posting it.

>> No.43398480

That's hard to watch ngl
Maybe there was genuine sadness, but it kind of sounds like a bit desu, as someone who didn't see it.

>> No.43398566

>Here's the stream where she talks about her dad, for context
Can you give us a timestamp when she starts talking about him?

>> No.43398692

Fuck off you gotta know that is not true

>> No.43398900

Except... it is true.

>> No.43398907

Starts as soon as the intro ends

>> No.43398922

NTA, but wasn't one of the central conflicts a female indie dev fucking a journalist who then reviewed her shitty game favorably? Because that kind of sounds like what anon is talking about

>> No.43398992

It sucks that the majority of male streamers she interacts with act like perverts. Except for Rob. Rob's cool.

>> No.43399010

Actually she fucked five journalists for good reviews while she was already dating another man.

>> No.43399155

Yes. Zoe Quinn fucked multiple game journalists for positive reviews of her "game" Depression Quest. This would have been business as usual for 4chan- everyone knew that the game journalism industry is a sick joke- and would have blown over in a weekend, but they went full damage control, released a bunch of "gamers are dead" articles in tandem across multiple media outlets, and even pressured the jannies on /v/ to start banning any threads about the subject.

Basically, gamergate happened for the same reasons Potter is blowing up right now. Instead of leaving well enough alone, the activists just had to keep poking the bear until they got mauled.

>> No.43399205
File: 375 KB, 480x576, sachi invents silvervale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come home, Silver. You still can't play the wizard game but at least no one will put a dagger in your back.

>> No.43399321

I don't know what this means, but it feels weirdly wholesome

>> No.43399357

Zoe Quinn also caused the death of the Night in the Woods creator if I remember right. She said that he had sexually abused her and "wore her like a shoe". Due to his mental issues and the stress, he killed himself once Zoe's brigade came for him. Of course they cheered when he died and Zoe locked her account for a bit after that.

>> No.43399505

Reminder that anybody who calls Hogwarts Legacy "wizard game" is a tranny, no exceptions

>> No.43399619

God I hate women

>> No.43399731

Past life Ame told her what a Vtuber was IIRC

>> No.43399819

I grew up watching Harry Potter. I remember watching the first movie as a small child in my cousins living room late at night. I always loved it.
Now that is makes trannies seethe, I love it 100 time more. This is amazing.
I never liked Silver or Vshojo. But good for her. I hope she breaks down and tells everyone to fuck themselves. Maybe this will redpill her and make her realize how fucked up her "friends" are. And how all this LGBTQ shit is mental.

>> No.43399906
File: 186 KB, 1002x1190, its_not_a_knife_v2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's what tipped the boulder down hill at any rate.
What needs to be understood first of all is that game '''journalism''' has always been a potemkin village from pretty much the beginning anyways, but what made 'gamergate' a thing that popped-off the way it did was that this time around, the shills-for-hire dragged the state religion of identity politics into the equation to protect themselves from censure, which basically escalated the scope of the issue by entangling the rest of the theocracy's official(ly unofficial) priesthood into the mess by default. Which was like lifting a seemingly innocuous rock only to find a writhing mass of bugs was hiding under it which start scurrying everywhere.
And that's how 20something shut-ins trying to play video games in the occident suddenly found themselves on the front-lines of the culture war.

>> No.43399922

Anorexia is more common.

>> No.43400014

You'll see all sorts of justifications people give. What it amounts to is my side good, their side bad. Anons really care about Harry Potter all of a sudden but a few decades ago they were making shows out of spoiling it because fuck Harry Potter and fuck Harry Potter fans.
The consistency is nothing more than anyone that hurt a perceived enemy is good. The GG debacle ended with a bunch of douchebags being told what they did was illegal and then released without pressing charges. It blew up in anons face and it was characterized as proto-incel harassment, ethics in game journalism became a fucking meme for intellectually dishonest and stupid cover story for harassment.
It's highly doubtful it will end up that way in reverse because I doubt anyone has any real commitments to Harry Potter out of all stupid things.
The ones angry at trans or whatever are just retarded and don't know what they're talking about. They've probably never met one and have no concept of what one is like. They probably have a lot more in common with them than any of these faux-anime egirl fatties they watch and donate to.
This was a lost cause from the start.

>> No.43400038

No you don't, stop lying to yourself. You're just being a dumb idiot.

>> No.43400134

>Search: Alec Holowka murdered by Zoe Quinn
>Alec Holowka, the composer, developer and co-creator of Night in the Woods, died this weekend, four days after he was accused on social media of emotional abuse by the developer Zoe Quinn.
>emotional abuse

>> No.43400285

Man, your narratives are out of control.

>> No.43400328


>> No.43400343
File: 157 KB, 1300x720, clown world war1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I grew up watching Harry Potter. I remember watching the first movie as a small child in my cousins living room late at night. I always loved it.
>Now that is makes trannies seethe, I love it 100 time more. This is amazing.

Which is a pretty ironic turn of events when you consider how harry potter formed basically the whole identity of a lot of these bluetribe urbanite faggots in the first place.
I can't begin to tell you how many times i've seen these kinds of 'people' compare literally everything they take note of in life to analogies with wizard book. 'X is literally voldemort', 'Y is literally the order of the phoenix', 'this is just like harry potter', et cetera et cetera. Atomized, deracinated, and dehistoricized modernes with no toolbox of cultural touchstones besides a handful of embarrassingly facile consumerist narratives with which to interpolate Creation.
Well, now they don't even have that, so it's like they're left with less than nothing - and by their own hand!
There's a lesson in there.

>> No.43400368
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>> No.43400375

vtuber board pls stop posting your twitch whores

>> No.43400392

I skimmed through this thread. Is it just me or do we have a lot more trannies here than usual?

>> No.43400466

Definitely seems like it.

>> No.43400487 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 237x206, shion (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dick is literally inside your ass right now and you love it so much.

>> No.43400504

It seems to be global, I've had that experience on multiple boards lately.
I blame the whole "trans incel" trend that /r9k/ jumped into.

>> No.43400564

Watch out, you're gonna catch their illness if you do that.

>> No.43400610

Haven't heard about it, what is it?

>> No.43400689

Bunch of incels realized they can just transition and date each other.

>> No.43400849

Well gay sex is not real sex so they stay incel

>> No.43400945

It's probably a raid. Trannies have been really fucking active since the Harry Potter thing kicked off- they've been going after the New York Times recently, too, of all things.

>> No.43401137
File: 222 KB, 1333x1009, gnosticism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A great deal of it simply comes down to the fact of people's monkey brains instinctively sensing an easy way to get status, power, and going after it.

Imagine for a moment you are - may Allah preserve us - a white male. You are surrounded on all sides with messaging to the effect that you are worth less than the dirt you walk on. More pertinently, you are surrounded by different classes of *people* who can say this to you face, and you can't clap boo about it back without them calling The Power down on you for it. The body instinctively senses that it is at or near at the bottom of a pecking order, bringing profound senses of humiliation, emasculation, and depression, even if the conscious mind is purposefully deluding itself about it's status as a bottom bitch.
They are told that they are born to be this bottom bitch, and that the cruel hand of nature has written it into the stone of the cosmos that they can never escape the original sin of being what they are...
...but what if there was a way they could?

Enter trans ideatology. That which once felt doomed, trapped, in despair, could now revel in the heady lure of promised potential. The notion that it is in the realm of real possibility for them to be Other than what they Are, represents a profoundly attractive proposition to this status conscious mind. All of a sudden, the Hunted can become the Hunter. That which was once low status, can now arrogate for itself the highest status of all. And that all this takes, is a mere voluntary act of will? A mere public signaling of verbal declaration?

Who would leave such a convenient weapon lying on the table, when it is so easy to pick up?

>> No.43401170

I don't care enough to remember the details but it started way before HPL. After the NijiENs did something.

>> No.43401443

>>Sometimes people don't say anything at all, you can't fault someone for saying they're not going to speak on an issue and not say anything.
>>You can't do that, at the end of the day it's their choice.
>>Some people can't handle stress, and anxiety, and pressure, and anger, some people just can't handle feelings.

If the issue is your so called friend and colleague being harassed it very much is a fault to stay silent. The anxiety shit doesn't fly. If your friend is being harassed you defend them even if it puts you in the firing line, that's literally what being a friend is. Not sitting around deciding which way the wind of popular opinion is blowing before making a comment.

It doesn't excuse the company either, does Vshojo itself have anxiety? fuck no. If you can't support your talent when they're being attacked whilst streaming you're not fit to be an agency.

>> No.43401577

>Some people can't handle stress, and anxiety, and pressure, and anger, some people just can't handle feelings.
Why... how are they even alive?

>> No.43401746
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>> No.43402106

I remember mouse jumping at the occasion to take pink cat's side during the Nux thing. I guess silver just isn't worth much to her.

>> No.43402294

No need to post this shit on here, she is the one VShojo people on here don't tend to have a problem with. If you want to support her, do that shit on Twitter. Not gonna do shit all on /vt/.

>> No.43402371

give me ideas for a (non-rape) erotic Silvervale fanfic

>> No.43403021

Yes, and she did it all as a teenager
And after she failed to deliver diy military badges to /k/ posters
Actually wait I'm sure that latter part has nothing to do with the accusations, ignore that

>> No.43403073

it's a tacit implication to consider hololive, which realistically will never happen but still

>> No.43403115

love her JOIs

>> No.43403152

>none of her coworkers have defended her
>vshojo itself hasn't even condemned the harassment
>cries on stream about how alone she feels in all of this and goes MIA
talent freedom...

>> No.43403239

post your favourite one

>> No.43403240

I can never tell if 4chan's opposition to trannies is because of contrarianism/schadenfreude or genuinely coming from a moral place
Sometimes it feels like both, if I'm being honest

There are anons who simply hate how freakish and annoying trannies are and how they ruin everything they touch and think its hilarious how the 41% statistic maintains itself, but then you'll also see tons of anons who call out groomers and sometimes make some real arguments and even some empathetic posts; it's interesting
It's like bad people and good people both uniting against this one movement

>> No.43403327

silver goes to fucking SPACE

>> No.43403341
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>> No.43403446

>i think she fucked up by not listening to transgender folks but please do not harass her any more she's learned her lesson
i mean i suppose it's better than nothing but barely

>> No.43403461

Get back on your meds, please.

>> No.43403494

I just don't think we have the technology yet and people are irreparably butchering themselves over it
I have no moral issues with the concept just the execution, give it a few hundred years
Also I'm a twink/tomboy enjoyer and implying that anyone who strays outside the gender binary needs to do some drastic transition is both gross and ironic

>> No.43403505

Is there a single good, non-cowardice reason why she wouldnt mention Silvervale by name here?
Like is there any evidence Silver would tell Mouse not to mention her explicitly? Cause "it sucks people do mean things" as a general statement doesn't really sound like the caring defense an actual friend would make

>> No.43403557

Silver doesn't have friends in VShojo, like Ironmouse said she only brought it up because she was being made to look bad by people saying that "her silence is deafening"

>> No.43403635
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omg SO true

>> No.43403815

And I hate Silvertale and I am not afraid of saying it out loud. She is epitome of garbage woman. Physical manifestation of someone who only thinks of herself, does not give a single fuck about anyone else, especially men who would care for her. She feels entailed to everything and she does not deserve anything in return.

As she said herself, men should do everything for her and other women, and if not they can go and f off. She is garbage, I hate her and I am tired of people saying she is a really nice person. What she said in last 2 years has more red flags than cows in the World.

>> No.43403940

It is both, though I wouldn't say people here are being contrarian about this specific issue, simply more outspoken (given this is an anonymous board). The schadenfreude, yes, but it is rooted in knowing trannies are a bunch of whiny bitches who are fucking up their own lives and those of the people who they've brainwashed.

>> No.43403947

lol phoneposter

>> No.43404117

Got any clips? Her old model + her community turned me off so I never really watched her.

>> No.43404121

Silvervale has already gotten sympathy here. The Twitter mob's blackshirt behavior is now widely recognized for what it is.

>> No.43404158

Normally I would agree with you but the problem is "the concept" you and I are thinking of is different from what's going on with this whole thing
If it's just about magically turning from boy to girl or girl to boy, I'm sure that's a relatable curiosity for a lot of people and even as just a sexual fantasy/fetish thing I don't think that's such a bad thing
But for the trans movement, I think the concept is "the execution", they want to radically redefine "gender" and control language so that "identifying" as female validates you as female, so does wearing makeup and girl clothes

It's so far off the rails into insanity, when I think if you were to just talk about what sucks about being a boy/girl and what you're curious about or want to try about being a girl/boy, I dont think people would have much trouble with that and if a magical machine made that happen without the identity/language stuff I dont think people would mind either (and honestly they might secretly want to try it themselves for a day who knows (as long as you could turn back of course))

>> No.43404423 [DELETED] 

>> 43404158
I think what's even worse is that for the majority of them, the thought of changing genders is rooted in self-hatred, as if going through the process is somehow going to improve their whole lives.
Guess what, running away from your issues don't make them magically disappear.

>> No.43404590

I think what's even worse is that for the majority of them, the thought of changing genders is rooted in self-hatred, as if going through the process is somehow going to improve their whole lives.
Guess what, running away from your issues don't make them magically disappear.

>> No.43405232

>Melody has always been based
Did you completely miss her tweeting about Roe V Wade when it got overturned?

>> No.43405393

Is that an American thing?

>> No.43405411

If you look at the statistics, "trans" people are overwhelmingly MtF and white. There's also a strong overrepresentation of autism, as well. We see this for the same reason that some white Americans pretend to be black.

>> No.43405811

Is it hypocritical to not show empathy towards those that don't empathize with you?

>> No.43405850

Yes, but indicative of a person's personality.

>> No.43406137

I don't like the fact that they act like a fucking cult.

>> No.43406272

>Melody has always been based
If you consider siding with Froot based.

>> No.43406353

It's a bit. Donate to her for support.

>> No.43406427

I guess to be fair, this person's job is to be some kind of virtual pornstar, right?
Not to justify taking dumb political positions on controversial situations but I don't see a world in which someone who's a prostitute for a living, advocates a government policy that promotes personal responsibility for sex
Even if some moral part of her could, I still don't see a world where she's able to articulate that position on twitter while still being what she is

>> No.43406585

The move is not to state on your entertainment account your views on things like this, regardless of what you believe.

>> No.43406754

Truer words have never been written in this shithole

>> No.43407112

>the right
Try again.
>The fact is people typically don't have empathy for those they disagree with.
Yes, that's the point. It isn't about "empathy". This time, it's people with an actual rational leg to stand on. Also they aren't misrepresenting "kys" as a "death threat".
Go back.

>> No.43407191

I just don’t get it at all. Why do they want this sort of thing to seem desirable? I mean, I get the idea of feeling outcast and isolated. But there’s a good and a bad way of dealing with it, and they just went hard into the other direction. If you don’t accept them, they want you to feel alone and isolated like they have. And this transitioning stuff doesn’t even fix their core issues, they still feel like shit in a lot of cases. It’s like they want to make other people as miserable as they are. It’s so odd how hard the shift was. It just ramped up over the past few years, seriously what the fuck happened?

>> No.43407365

>Give me just one generation of youth,

>> No.43407369

>It just ramped up over the past few years, seriously what the fuck happened?
This happened

>> No.43407420

Who is this and why should I care?

>> No.43407525

>Being doxxed for playing a game
False flag, he slipped up here

>> No.43407534

The craziest symbolism to me, is Bridget from Guilty Gear. Not long ago on the early internet (within our generation even), Bridget used to be seen as the ultimate trap and was beloved for that exact reason, combined with trolling people and being like ITS A TRAP! But in the past few years, Bridget has been turned into some new "trans icon" and they denounced the whole "trap" stuff he was known for.
If you search "Bridget" on literally any webpage now, whether it was the original polygon article or a guilty gear fan wiki or even fucking wikipedia, it's all "she" and "her", which is crazy to me because absolutely everyone understood what Bridget was just a few years ago and somehow it's all gone upside-down now

>> No.43407652

They thought we were angry at the trap and not hyped as fuck

>> No.43407796

Because they knew their efforts were paying off, they built up a strong community they always wanted and were united enough to literally influence western media positions and gaming with their rhetoric, along within positions of education, health and nag politicians enough for changes.

The problem is they've reached the tipping point of the silent majority, and anons can be generalized in that pool of the population. People have had enough of their bullshit, especially when their views don't mean shit and they demand respect.

>> No.43407825

The company officially retconned her to be a tranny, I'm not even kidding.

>> No.43408034

Doesn't that make his backstory really fucking abusive? He was literally groomed into being a woman via mental abuse

>> No.43408045

These sorts grab at even the thinnest of connections they can imagine.
For more recent /vt/-related examples just look at Gura's shark, Aqua's colour scheme, and the crazies who thought Stellar Stellar means that Suisei is a tranny.

>> No.43408105

Also, the lockdowns led to a lot of parents being exposed to what the teachers talk about with their children.

>> No.43408112

They basically swept it under the rug/pretend it never happened.
Here's the gist of it

>> No.43408143

There's also the respectability factor. Like it or not, being perceived as polite, well dressed, clean, and well groomed is a big part of winning hearts and minds. That's why the gay rights movements were so keen on presenting a sober, calm demeanor in public and representing themselves as "just like you."

Then we get into the early 2000s and pride becomes vogue and, overtime, we're forced to watch as the LGB+T backslides into every harmful stereotype created over the last two hundred years. It's honestly kind of heartbreaking and ultimately self defeating.

>> No.43408171


>> No.43408178

I think what sums up this whole Trans debate in recent years is the decision making process with Poison from Final Fight to Street Fighter and how Capcom dealt with the situation. They literally repeatedly change their stance to make a small LBGT campaigning group happy. But in the end they pass on Poison for apparently Bridget making their own retcon of it.

>> No.43408227

Question is, is that just shitty localization or what they're like in the original? Regardless, it's somehow fitting that a victim of grooming and childhood abuse is now a trans icon.

>> No.43408268

It's in the original too.

>> No.43408276

I'm afraid it's terminal... We're gonna have to put him down. Sorry, Anon.

>> No.43408277
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Fuck me, didn't even notice. This really goes to show how much the propaganda is widespread.

Not only is it in the original JP dub, the company also made a statement specifying that yes, Bridget now does identify as a woman.

>> No.43408672

>trans ideology takes over the minds of anons on 4chan who hate trannies
>trans ideology takes over japanese media, which people always felt secure would never be affected by western political sensibilities
is there nothing sacred left....

>> No.43409040

Not if you choose to bend over and get assraped at every opportunity. As for Japanese media: look up the activities of burger funded Temple University.

>> No.43409122

> There was a reason for this: Bridget's hometown had a superstitious belief that male twins brought misfortune.

So Bridget basically got coerced into the opposite gender at birth because of superstition, and that's supposed to be a positive thing

>> No.43409216

Basically our current reality. Except instead of twins bringing misfortune the thinking is that chopping up their children will bring fortune.

>> No.43409255

Yes. Trannies are for grooming as long as you don't call it that. Any connections to pedophilia or human trafficking are purely anecdotal, you understand, and not indicative of the movement as a whole. Any individual incidents of trans people suffering violence, however, are not anecdotal and are signs of systemic oppression. Very simple to understand- heads they win, tails you lose.

>> No.43409327

I mean...
>I've gained an autogynephilic fetish over the years
>I wake up with a stiffy imagining myself as a cute pretty princess girl every morning, but also dream about what life would be like if I was reborn as a cute girl, every night
the trans ideology has taken over me too, anon
I don't know if anything even exists that can save us at this point

>> No.43409433

Are you sure you're not just a sapling?

>> No.43409585
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Celts have always been white.

>> No.43409678

Idk, feels they mostly dream about chopping themselves, not others. They'll also never have children, so we should be safe on that front.

Bad apples are one thing, but considering how small their actual representation is.. I do agree the number of incidents seems excessive.

>> No.43410506

This line makes her sound so disingenuous.

>> No.43411009

>she fucked up
>she's learned her lesson
that's the same shit the troon antis said about pikamee, doesn't make it any better coming out of ironmouse's mouth

>> No.43411059

Why would you do that to a poor homeless cat? That's cruel. He was so happy to be given water...

>> No.43411151

congrats you now learned there's no unity and they're not friends just acquaintances under the same brand
reminder none of them actually defended Silver they just decided to hide their heads in the sand until public pressure was too high to ignore on them saying something
make no mistake, Mouse didn't want to say anything on the matter untill her hand was forced
and even than she made it as bland as possible and still worded it in a way that made troon harassment seem okay

>> No.43411272

Honestly, in Vshoujo the only people who are kind are Silvervale, Kson, and maybe Haruka. I don't know enough about her to say. Pretty much every other woman and Zenn are trend chasing backbiters. They're like any other group of coworkers, only worse because of the industry they work in and the utter lack of professional standards.

>> No.43411530

You don't get it because you're an outsider looking in and you've never known a trans person or cared enough to actually find anything out beyond being spoonfed memes and opinions, same as most people ITT

>> No.43411605

it's crazy when you think back to how other members of hololive reacted to coco's harassment
>kanata rushed into the room when she saw coco crying and took her to lunch and asked the chat to forgive them for ending the stream early
>flare was getting flooded with spam when she was doing a minecraft collab with coco, and she told chat she was going to keep playing no matter what because coco is her friend and she intended to support her
>the minecraft festival was one gigantic show of solidarity, with everybody risking harassment and spam for supporting her but doing so anyway, a gigantic collab with almost all holo members participating and all of them were willing to member-only their chats if that's what it took to support coco
>mio admitted she tried to stop coco from quitting behind the scenes, many others I cant remember tried to do the same
>including the freaking ceo yagoo, who admitted he cried when coco informed him she felt like she had no choice but graduation
>fubuki straight up claimed that if cover made any decisions that betrayed its own integrity or its members then she would be the first to leave
it's not like the topic of china was any less threatening than the topic of trans people, and it's not like the harassment was any less vitriolic, yet somehow almost everyone in hololive had the guts to give coco direct (not indirect) support as opposed to throwing anyone under the bus

>> No.43411971

So when does she say this?
Can i get a timestamp?

>> No.43411986

Do you think like that about people who think they're lizards? People who say they're transage?

>> No.43412067

around 34:40
>i think there are ways to get message across wtihout making somebody feel bad
bascialy she's saying trannies were right to harass people but they shouldn't have been so harsh

>> No.43412165

Oh my god, shut up you fucking ugly trannie
How long are you cunts gonna hide behind the "you've never met a trannie" excuse? That would've cut it 10 years ago but now do your incessant need for attention you're everywhere and bc of it more people have to deal with your bullshit and now the tide is turning.
You're literally the most obnoxious demographic in fucking existence and if you were all gone the only real change is that other insane people would have to find a marginally less crazy political football

>> No.43412299

Seriously? That's it? You're just putting words in her mouth at this point.

>> No.43412365

>and even than she made it as bland as possible and still worded it in a way that made troon harassment seem okay
No she didn't. She made it clear that what they did was not OK.

>> No.43412524

This really makes me wonder what KSon thinks of this situation and how Silver is getting thrown under the bus like this.
Also, too bad HoloEN isn't the same considering how they're forced to be silent about Hogwarts Legacy, including those who are big Harry Potter fans.
Honestly feels like EN management is betraying its own integrity and members.

>> No.43412854

I don't think that's a fair comparison; both in Silvervale's case and Coco's case, a member got thrown into the middle of "political" controversy and the comparison is about how other members in the group reacted to give their support
As long as nothing related to hogwarts legacy has happened in holoEN and no harassment is happening, I disagree that there's a betrayal of integrity or members at all

>This really makes me wonder what KSon thinks of this situation and how Silver is getting thrown under the bus like this.
As for this, if they were truly friends, I really think this mirrors what Coco went through and Kson should consider stepping in like everyone else did for her, especially Kanata
Kson isn't even afraid to stand up for herself when it comes to nijisanji; even as she's blacklisted for "political reasons", Kson's not afraid to say she never actually made any politically charged statements and that nijisanji is lying about her and basically bullying her
If the people at VShojo really are friends, someone ought to stand up for Silver directly cause otherwise it's just looking really ugly and disgusting, letting her take the fall with no one to stand up for her when she's at a weak moment
