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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43150289 No.43150289 [Reply] [Original]

Please DO NOT let Anycolor know. It is SO IMPORTANT that we protect our first amendment rights.

>> No.43150427

Oh fuck him i’m emailing anycolor right now

>> No.43150459

Anycolor has Lost. If they sue, it will become much more public than it already is, and they will look like the Bad guys even more than they do already. I Would just let it go and hope people forget about it.

>> No.43150581

They would also just lose if they sue. They don't have "lobby US government" money and its a pretty open a shut case no matter how good their lawyers are without law changes.

>> No.43150666

the "Anycolor vs. Khyo" lawsuit will be the end of any good press that Anycolor ever gets in the West. They have to either shut him up quick or make this go away somehow.

>> No.43150768

Somebody shoot this clown

>> No.43150805

Wdym? If anycolor manages to make dramatubers shit their panties that's a win in my book.

>> No.43150815

I don't care. I want my Count Scapula back.

>> No.43150817

Anycolor fucked up by abusing their right to strike copyrighted content.

>> No.43150854

ok Khyo.
btw, just sent a notice to Anycolor.

>> No.43150887

Not to mention it will draw attention not from just the Vtuber fans, but content creators as well. This is the end of this I think, but then again Anycolor has proven to be incompetent recently

>> No.43150907

Dramatubers are nothing. I'd rather see corpos like Anycolor crash and burn.

>> No.43150968

After them terminating Count Scapula for no reason I agree with you

>> No.43151004

I hope Anykara teaches this faggot a lesson

>> No.43151174

tick tock, your time's almost up Khyo

>> No.43151269

>good press

>> No.43151281

Khyo would win, easy. They can't get him on anything, and a judge will likely award him damages for a frivolous lawsuit if they push for it. I wish a nijinigga would.

>> No.43151335

absolutely anything, even corpos > dramatubers

>> No.43151398
File: 21 KB, 399x399, 54f624fbf73420be908363d11b134261166704870722223fb3727b0bf99ff02303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crush him and he will fade, get a little bit of bad PR but nobody will care after a few months
>Let him survive and he will get waaaay more popular thanks to the outrage. Makes more clickbait rrats

>> No.43151514

why are dramatuber egos so big

>> No.43151578

pp smol

>> No.43151585

They doxxing him lol

>> No.43151596

Damn Paul Li probably has no hair left after having to do all this shit to defend his shitty sweatshop slaves..I mean "livers".

>> No.43151644

Please Anykara, get this faggot off youtube Doesn't mean I'll watch your shitty vtubers though

>> No.43151702

I'm not on that retard's side. But if anycolor sues they'd lose guaranteed and he could then easily countersue for damages. They can't claim copyright on videos where he reports on events or even completely makes shit up.

>> No.43151738

LMAO? What law is he breaking? They tried to scare him like the thuggish black company that they are, but it's all over now.

>> No.43151743

makes sense

>> No.43151792
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>not a new IP

>> No.43151809

All content creators have huge egos, but dramatubers add onto it by thinking they're journalists, so a double whammy of narcissism.

>> No.43151884

All it takes is for more strikes and he's down. Come on do it

>> No.43151975

Copyright infringement, libel

>> No.43152010

Cope and seethe. The U.S doesn't have dog shit free speech laws like whatever shithole you're from.

>> No.43152030 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.43152061

cover should join in on the fun. these dramatuber faggots are one of the reasons rushia's issue blew up that even ludwig and other twitch reactors tried to chime in despite not knowing shit about what actually happened.

>> No.43152091

drama peddler typical faggot "journalist"

>> No.43152125
File: 104 KB, 236x299, smug1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok khyo, I hope they take down your channel and every other clickbaiting dramanigger out there. you will never be a journalist.

>> No.43152152

It's clear fair use in the U.S, and they won't be able to meet the requirements for libel of a public figure either. Is this your first encounter with DMCA abuse you faggot?

>> No.43152181

You know they're hurting when they pull out the smug1.png

>> No.43152186

How is it fair use?

>> No.43152245

Like I said earlier, I'm not on that fag's side. But you retards are uninformed. Besides for Incredibly short clips the fag doesn't show any copyrighted material and they can't sue him for "reporting" on shit or even making shit up. Those short clips clearly fall over fair use.
Also about the libel thing.
>a public figure must prove the publisher of the false statements acted with actual malice.
Good luck doing that.

>> No.43152300

his channel was already banned once by YT. He made a new one, which is against the TOS. That's enough to get rid of him.

>> No.43152304

dramaniggers deserve the rope

>> No.43152319

>I'm not on that fag's side.
>But I regularly watch his videos

>> No.43152344

Are you gonna cry when he gets away with everything? Maybe you'll get some comfort from other trannies on twitter.

>> No.43152348

Retarded bootlicker

>> No.43152435

do you ever get tired of sucking dick?

>> No.43152467

is this retard delusional?

>> No.43152509

Then report him for it. Not gonna do anything because youtube doesn't care unless they get bad press for allowing the person on.

>> No.43152566
File: 125 KB, 963x539, 1661450320854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you retards act like some random dramafag has the money to sue them or fight a lawsuit. Anycolor can do whatever they want. They're already suing a bunch of other retards why not add this retard to the list
>B-but it'll be public! They'll look like bad guys!
Who cares what about some dramafaggot and his dramafaggot supporters and what they have to say

>> No.43152581

Rare Anycolor W if they just reject the appeal

>> No.43152620

>and they dont decide to strike more

>> No.43152619

>They're already suing a bunch of other retards why not add this retard to the list
You're not supposed to mention reality anon you're supposed to keep ignoring it

>> No.43152622

If sucking cock is enjoying watching nijisanji burn, then no.

>> No.43152642

All this over the Vox dox video? He must be in shambles.

>> No.43152649

>his channel was already banned once by YT. He made a new one, which is against the TOS.
So Mashiro is breaking the TOS as well then?

>> No.43152654
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Same energy

Point is, you're pathetic

>> No.43152666

Khyo may die in a ditch with 7 gunshot wounds by Pacman masked man but it's a cheap price to burn Anycolor to the ground

>> No.43152678

Aren't all his videos done from information and rrats posted /here/?
Why do we hate one of our own again?

>> No.43152685

>enabling dramaniggers equals to "owning" nijisanji
god, you're legally retarded.

>> No.43152696

>Not a new IP

>> No.43152697

>They're already suing a bunch of other retards
Yeah in Japan where they have a guaranteed win, they can't really do shit to overseas people

>> No.43152730


>> No.43152735

Anon do NOT bring my boywife into this please

>> No.43152743

stop it, you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.43152744

>fingers crossed that they just ignore it
I like that it went from "The-they are abusing the system!!!!" to "pwease don't sue me OwO"
He knows he is fucked

>> No.43152751

Well clearly they can and will.
Again this faggot doesn't have the money to fight this shit, and even if he could POSSIBLY win he'd lose a bunch of money fighting it.
Stop being underage and retarded

>> No.43152752


>> No.43152753

he's damaging milord's reputation

>> No.43152756

>one of our own
wow, what a faggot

>> No.43152784

Go on, do it Nijinigger. Stand up in court and say 'this person put an image of our talents in a video about an incident involving our talent and his reporting was not sufficiently flattering for our liking' and see how far you get.

>> No.43152801

He can easily get a lawyer to do this for free. It will be a quick and easy as the judge will throw the case out for being retarded, and the lawyer will split the counter claim. Even if he can't find one, many free speech places will take him on, easy. Even if all that fails, I will personally fund his lawyer.

>> No.43152817

He exposed our whore livers...

>> No.43152819

>He can easily get a lawyer to do this for free

>> No.43152829

you should give youtubes guidelines and fair use stuff a good read. Because they state the IP holders location is where the law will take place. Wow it happens to be japan

>> No.43152844
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>He can easily get a lawyer to do this for free

>> No.43152869

the account was made with the permission of youtube, also the ban was not his fault, was the sex bots spam in chat

>> No.43152876



>> No.43152877

>a lawyer
>>>>>>>>>>do this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>for free
This thread and this board is literally full of fucking underage dramaniggers who know nothing. Holy shit.

>> No.43152883

>and even if he could POSSIBLY win he'd lose a bunch of money fighting it.
You realize that if he actually does fight this he could easily prove it's a frivolous lawsuit and get his lawyer fees back + massive damages? And that a lawyer might just pick up the case just because it's a guaranteed win?

>> No.43152885

This place isnt a club. There is no norm. There is no culture. If you think there is you are listening to the same handful of anons who don't have jobs and lives and spend their days same fagging in generals and posting baits in the catalog. This is an anonymous image board. Use it as one. This should be obvious.

>> No.43152891

Anycolor and Cover specifically signed a deal to rape Khyos asshole
They already raped 100 dramafags like him, his hole will just be another trophy

>> No.43152925

Even in a loss, they can still get his channel blocked in 100 counties since it infringes in Japan and their treaties will extend the block to many others.
Unless Khyo lives in the USA, then he's even more fucked since Disney paved the way for his ass to get reamed.

>> No.43152928

Anycolor and Cover LITERALLY teamed up to do just that and have been successful so far so ogey

>> No.43152948

You don't mention it because they're suing people in Japan where the laws are completely different. Mentioning it would be a sign of being low IQ, and very embarrassing.

>> No.43152952

Nice catchphase.

Non argument.

You're falseflagging.

Ok so from what I can tell, you hate him because he gets money for peddling your rrats while you do it for free.

>> No.43152961

I'm really impressed how much all these anons know about copyright and defamation law.

>> No.43152967

Youtube ≠ court retards
Do you know what suing actually is? If you want to argue youtube will side with niji that would be less retarded than Niji suing a person overseas, which youtube doesn't have anything to do there

>> No.43152974

the rule is
>do not break containment

>> No.43152978
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>A lawyer to do this for free
You are underage

>> No.43153001

>Youtube ≠ court retards
BASED retard who doesn't know how the YT copyright system works

>> No.43153015
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>> No.43153021


>> No.43153026

Read up about "ambulance chasers". There's lawyers that pick up guaranteed wins for free because it's easy money.

>> No.43153036

The claims can LEAD to a courtroom you fucking triple nigger. Shut up.

>> No.43153040

Why are you faggots debating? Read his tweet. Why is he crossing his fingers hoping they just ignore it? Because he knows his channel is fucked if they actually reapond and hold the claims.

Kyo isn't gonna fight this in court. He'll just make a new account and start over, probably while avoiding covering Niji for a period of time or permanently.

>> No.43153046

God your dumb

>> No.43153075

kek /vt/rannies BTFO
get em khyo

>> No.43153109

I love drama channels because they only ever say nice things about the girls I like. If you find them annoying, that's probably because you're parasocial with the human garbage at ninisanji.

>> No.43153132

I'm sure Kyo will doxx himself just to have a CHANCE to keep his channel lmao
His fucking praying to all gods that Anycolor just forget that he exists

>> No.43153143

>I love dramachannels because I'm brown and underage

>> No.43153155

Yeah, vs no name companies
Google is one of the richest companies of the planet. You would have to be a complete imbecile to go up against them for free

>> No.43153191

Hi Kyo, neck yourself please. And take the pair of wiggas with you.

>> No.43153189

He doesn't wanna be dragged into a frivolous lawsuit because Nijisanji is filled with unhinged faggots?

>> No.43153218

that's why it's important that we all keep this on the hush-hush! We need to protect integrity in the vtuber news industry.

>> No.43153225

So /vt/ shouts that it's based when these corpos fuck over some random NEET anti living with his parents but going after a dramanigger channel is over the line? Also I'm kekking at the post talking about corpo's losing goodwill, what fucking goodwill do they have left? Even VSPO makes you sign a contract or some shit just to clip them. They don't care about looking bad, they've always been bad.

>> No.43153234

this is why they hate pippa as well
just jealous little shits

>> No.43153237

>Even in a loss, they can still get his channel blocked in 100 counties since it infringes in Japan and their treaties will extend the block to many others.
No, they would have to win the case in any international court. They can only block it in only in Japan. This already happened, just look at Toei's case

>> No.43153248

This is probably over all the shit niji has been doing for the past what... month? idk I thought it wasn't bad.

>> No.43153269

>dramanigger outs himself as a doxfag as well
Like pottery

>> No.43153324
File: 82 KB, 604x520, nijigrad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo Khyo, thoughts on this? Where's the video for this?

>> No.43153352

I'll never forgive koeficient for his "she got fired for having a boyfriend!" sperging despite following hololive, he should have known better

>> No.43153354

>The claims can LEAD to a courtroom you fucking triple nigger. Shut up.
Yes, if both parties are ready to fight for it in the courtroom. Which niji would be completely retarded to do considering they would lose like Toei, they would only win in Japan and at most get the channel blocked in Japan

>> No.43153406

>considering they would lose
Ok legalexpert anon, please explain how they would lose in court.
I would love to hear why, other than
>Uh because I think so

>> No.43153417

Bad actor samefagging in this thread. Put the cows out to pasture boys.

>> No.43153442

>So /vt/ shouts that it's based when these corpos fuck over some random NEET anti living with his parents
Where? I saw a hundred thread shitting on the retarded japanese laws

>> No.43153449

None of this would have ever happened if Count Scapula weren't let go for no reason just saying

>> No.43153464

You actually need to kys if you think that's what's happening. You're the dumbest gorilla nigger I've ever seen.

>> No.43153472

khyo wants to be popular /here/ so bad

>> No.43153488

They have to get a judge to not point out the hypocrisy of the copyright claim, which is impossible as other channels exist, and use similar material. They can not prove it.

>> No.43153510

What's their argument? The dramafag's content is clearly transformative.

>> No.43153525

that guy is just a clipwatcher like the rest of the dramawatching faggots here. what did you expect? i wish coco never acknowledged that guy. she was the only reason his channel grew.

>> No.43153534

He will never be Count Scapula

>> No.43153640

Yes. Anycolor is going to get Google to sue him for them because they're just so big and important Google just does their bidding, everyone who says otherwise is delusional...

>> No.43153642

>He can easily get a lawyer to do this for free
I actually snorted out loud reading this.

>> No.43153648

I dont understand how dmca works. If niji rejects the counter claim does that mean he's done? Where does the suing part come in

>> No.43153675

I hate nijis but I'll stand by them to defeat the clipnigger and dramawhore

>> No.43153702

If Khyo survives this he might incline hard because of it and just make even more outrageous rrats into “new” since he’ll feel untouchable at that point. I hope he does get terminated

>> No.43153750

IRL Khyo is Jewish, of course he can

>> No.43153789

Don't bother, Niji talents are in this thread desperately trying to save face. You can tell because they have no understanding of U.S law, and are probably from failed states like Canada and China.

>> No.43153792

>Niji (anyone) claims the video infringing copyright
>YT takes them down and strikes their channel
>The uploader has to appeal the strike(s) to YT to say they're fair use
>They get Forwarded to the original striker (Niji)
>If they original striker decides they're still not fair then they can deny and the videos stay gone and channel stays about-to-get-deleted. At that point the only way to save your channel is to sue who's striking you (him suing Niji)

Bonus point:
>They original striker (niji) can sue at any time. They showed mercy on this retard and just flagged him to get his channel deleted. They've already sued like 50 people without doing this whole dumb system

>> No.43153815

Before nijiEN blow up this retard make his content from Holo talent
People like this just using anyone 'big' for money

>> No.43153877

He got enough traction on Twitter to get a real person at Youtube to look into it.
They sent Anycolor a message that said "you have 10 days to demonstrate that you are taking legal action against Khyo or we're throwing the strikes out."

>> No.43153885

They literally have a fucking Clip use guideline in their terms of service you mongoloid niggers. They own the models and streams and everything about the talents under law same as Cover.
Cover can AND HAS done the same shit for just mentionning their talents and have gotten channels nuked (vtuber historian for example).

This isn't a mystery you dramaloving retards. Read for once in your lives

>> No.43153889

ok pack it up nijinigs, you already lost. All he has to do is cry antisemitic and see how fast niji folds.
If i were that fag, i'll just call any random jew lawyer and send riku's corp to bankruptcy

>> No.43153932

Rejecting the claim means that they're gonna sue him. They won't do it because it's an obvious frivolous lawsuit. He called their bluff and now they're gonna crumble.

>> No.43154002

>japanese company
>american """rights"""
lmao even

>> No.43154026

I don't care who wins, i just hope that False faggot becomes their next target

>> No.43154031

Wrong, the video stays up and Niji will have to sue him.

>> No.43154071

Libel laws are ridiculously strong in Japan. You can be sued just for telling the truth.

Fortunately, we don't live in glorious Nippon and have real laws.

>> No.43154093

Your terms are not law dumb fuck.

>> No.43154096

>They won't do it because [retarded reason]
They've LITERALLY already sued people you fucking moron

>> No.43154118

Fortunately Nijisanji doesn't have to remove the copyright strikes so you get fucked no matter how much you bitch and moan here

>> No.43154119

If it is such an easy win and easy money, why is he so afraid?

>> No.43154137

God bless

>> No.43154153

>muh bluff
You cocksuckers are desperate huh?

>> No.43154161

So there’s a very real chance he gets away? Please Anycolor finish him off…

>> No.43154191

anon is eager to display his lack of knowledge about how international lawsuits work.

>> No.43154221

they have sued people outside of Japan before? no? then shut up, faggot.

>> No.43154231

They sue people in Japan where the laws are completely different you mongoloid.

>> No.43154234

Because we're all insufferable cunts

>> No.43154264

>(vtuber historian for example).
That was kson retard.
Besides that they arbitrarily nuked only the clips which showed niji in a negative light which could very well be as a point that there's no consistency in their copyright strikes. Look up the toei case

>> No.43154283

>The cocksuckers will now pretend like there will be every difference

>> No.43154292

Well someone call legal eagle, because this is a question for the law nerds

>> No.43154310

It's almost certain that he wins.

>> No.43154314

>That was kson
...with the help of cover retard
You literally do not know what you're on about

>> No.43154330
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>He can easily get a lawyer to do this for free

>> No.43154332

Ok so niji can just reject the counter claim and leave it at that. The only move left is for him to sue niji is what im getting. But then this anon >>43153932
says no niji cant leave it at that and must show that they are actually suing him if they reject the counter claim.
I dont know which is which

>> No.43154344

Anycolor cannot win in the US because the murica law values freedom of expression more, especially when it comes to "journalists"

>> No.43154367

Please don't namedrop Cover in these threads, they aren't this scummy and actually have some class.

>> No.43154414
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>ITT: Anons samefagging and LARPing as if they know Japanese and American law while also simping for some brownskin containmentbreaking doxnigger dramafag

None of you know what the fuck you're talking about. Literally none of you.
No one's even posted Niji's usage ToS which is very applicable and will be used in this situation. You're all just LARPing.

>> No.43154416

>murica law
So leaving the copyrights up and fucking his channel?
Damn you sure "owned" us

>> No.43154433

That's just giving cover too much credit, they striked one video and way before kson baited him into making videos about her

>> No.43154443

It literally won't. Youtube already reviewed the claims and determined that they don't seem to violate their terms/the law. Niji has nothing besides the threat of a (frivolous) lawsuit now.

>> No.43154444

Cover has done the exact same thing before

>> No.43154477

This dick privating his playlist video about hololive

>> No.43154486

Proof next thread?

>> No.43154603

No they didn't. That Japanese dramatuber you're thinking off got banned because an indie vtuber went through youtube's support and reported him for harassment.
There was no abuse of the copystrike system involded.

>> No.43154613

You've been btfo how many times now? Show me a case comparable to what niji does in the U.S. Your whole branch is gonna crumble Enna.

>> No.43154616

>he doesn't know

>> No.43154618

Anonchama ToS has never meant anything, companies can only refuse to give you the service if you break them, they can't actually sue you

>> No.43154623

Khyo has to pursue Nijisanji/Google claiming that his channel doesn't violate any legal requirements and was improperly DMCA'd.

There's three layers to the problem here:
1. The country Khyo lives in and what jurisdictions are relevant.
2. Khyo is breaking the content creator's terms for Anycolor IPs, but what this means in outside jurisdictions is uncertain. If its the USA, he's probably fucked thanks to Disney precedent.
3. There is a cost involved, not just a monetary one but also a cost in time. Even if he does something like sue or seek public recourse, his channel will be remain in a terminated state while it crawls through the systems. Anycolor will claim Covid concerns, citing their concert delay as evidence, as to why they can't attend court in SEA for the next 3 years.

The minimal outcome is the channel being blocked in Japan and some other countries with treaties, with the videos returned for other counrties.
The maximum outcome would be him paying the court fees for both Anycolor and his own lawyers, his channel terminated, and his name in public records.

>> No.43154664

Alright I'll bite since I actually agree everyone here is retarded, what do you think is likely going to happen now?

>> No.43154665

>Call the youtube kike lawyer who sells cheap suits.
lmao even.

>> No.43154733

Ruh roh.

>> No.43154736

Hoping he gets terminated.

>> No.43154740

Yeah, call the lawyer that sells lockpicks instead

>> No.43154788

holy khyo simps are retarded

>> No.43154823

Is this Khyo’s only source of income? He’ll probably fight it if he has to because he’ll have to flip burgers at mcdonalds or something if he gets terminated

>> No.43154826

DMCA abuse isn't a new thing. Look it up on youtube, the people making the claim have to sue.

>> No.43154886

I don't care about any dramafag, I just hate companies more than any individual

>> No.43155026

A tos gives you the freedom to infringe on their copyright, it can't be used aggressively. Your lack of understanding and the confidence in your claims is embarrassing. Consider kysing.

>> No.43155109

If a lawyer can do it for free and Khyo can 100% win, then why is he not doing it? go, do it

>> No.43155141

The Terms of Service is exactly that, the Terms of being able to use the Service. Breaking ToS only means you will be denied that service.
One of us went to law school and the other posted a picture of Gura while pretending to know shit. I don't see a Gura picture on my post, so guess who is who.

>> No.43155195 [DELETED] 

post your degree or fucking off
better yet post your hand so that we can see your skin color

>> No.43155208

You're wrong. Read the thread or cite any precedent. Japanese companies have already been told to fuck off, famously in the Toei case.

>> No.43155286
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>ToS has never meant anything
Thanks for proving me right you underage fucking morons

>Anycolor will get his appeals
>They'll deny and sue the fucking moron (because they're already suing other retards NOW)
>If they win, he's fucking beyond finished. If they lose, they lose fucking nothing because Vox will make the money back with a bfe cumplay ASMR via the chinese. Khyo will lose a bunch of fucking money because of the suit, Anycolor will drop the Gamers gen to distract from the """"""""""""backlash""""""""""" of dramafags crying that they sued him
>Anons will spam the catalog and yell into the void
That's probably gonna happen

>> No.43155354

Cope faggot. You pulled that shit out of your ass.

>> No.43155364

Has it happened ever again since then? cause IIRC YouTube only did it ONCE, and it was because the guy was backed by the biggest content creators of the plataform

>> No.43155370

Please god take each other out, you are so close to doing it.

>> No.43155435

>>ToS has never meant anything
>Thanks for proving me right you underage fucking morons
Show me one (1(uno)) example of ToS being held up in court

>> No.43155484

Nawww the dickriding crazy

>> No.43155549

Post literally any precedent for any of that happening before in the U.S. You can't, because you made it up, retard.

>> No.43155555

>If they lose, they lose fucking nothing because Vox will make the money back with a bfe cumplay ASMR via the chinese
Anon I...
Maybe you're the reason why anycolor specifically targeted Vox's video
Also their stock will tank for bringing shame to the japanese if they lose

>> No.43155584

one the one hand i hate these faggots and i wish they would die
on the other hand cover and anycolor grew by streaming games without permission and it pisses me off when they pretend to have any moral high ground
even today cover allows tracing and anycolor accepts pirating porn (b-but it was 1 month before debut!) and then they start going on about fucking copyright

>> No.43155613
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>their stock will tank
their stock has always been just a money laundering scheme.

>> No.43155683

It doesn't happen because most companies know it's a waste of time. Look up any DMCA abuse cases.

>> No.43155733
File: 112 KB, 324x214, 1659060301272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine defending this faggot

>> No.43155750

why do people wash money? its just gonna get dirty again anyway

>> No.43155878

Completly different situation

>> No.43155889

So his videos will probably just get blocked in Japan(I doubt people there watch his videos) and that's it? He basically got free twitter followers from this debacle, if he makes a video saying he "won" against Anycolor then he might blow up as well in popularity.

>> No.43155917

They abused the copyright system.

>> No.43155973

Yes, that's pretty much what's gonna happen. Many such cases.

>> No.43156011

That's just him statting facts.
Don't side with nijiniggers to protect Gura of all people.

>> No.43156024

>DO NOT let Anycolor know
>YouTube has forwarded 19 of the videos to Anycolor to be reviewed

>> No.43156096


>> No.43156184

This is gonna turn funny if they do sue him after so many anons were sure they wouldn't.

>> No.43156264

>so many

>> No.43156374

QRD on what happened?

>> No.43156531

A dramakike was bringing to much attention to niggersanjay's latest series of yabs, so they decided to take him out. But their legal department is run by chinks, so they fucked it up bu using a copyright abuse method that, win or lose, will just leave them looking that much worse in the end.

>> No.43156625

I don't like Khyo or his content, and I would honestly rather see his channel fall.

But not by having a major company abuse copyright strikes to clean up unflattering coverage.
That's not only a bad thing in a vacuum, but if Anycolor gets away with it, it sets a very bad precedent for all other channels that have or will mentioned Nijisanji and their less-than-stellar moments.

>> No.43156722

Pretty much every content creator on youtube hates copyright strikes, even the popular ones. If the big channels gets wind of this and does a video on it, their reputation in the west will go into the shitter

>> No.43156940

Wait Youtube is now the United States Government? I mean the Megacorps got a ton of sway but I'm pretty sure AnyColor is not the Government of the United States of America.

Read the Constitution before screaming MUH FURST AMMENNMINT! as if it was magic

>> No.43156963

Khyo isn't high profile enough and this is still isolated within the Vtuber community which isn't a community that large drama and news channels really pay attention or report on.

>> No.43156975

Cover already got away with doing this and nobody cared >>43154616

>> No.43157006

>abusing copyright strikes and crying to internet jannies is cool if it makes the mean man saying bad things about our favorite companies go away
the absolute utter state of this thread

>> No.43157012

good job outing yourself as a tourist

>> No.43157086

Exactly. The damage to their reputation from abusing copyright will outweigh the benefits of winning and shutting down the negative attention the dramafag coverage will bring.
But Khyo probably won't be the straw that breaks the camels back. He's not big enough, and he has too much questionable history (ie outright fabricating thumbnails for clicks). But they won't stop with him. They'll keep going after bigger targets, and eventually it will back fire in the broader court of public opinion.

>> No.43157116

>caring about ventichama
Gura ghosted her and the retard kept trying to poke her, of course the corpo struck.
In the Khyo case, the faggot isn't even "directly" targeting the talents.

>> No.43157120

Pretty much everyone hated Venti or considered her a clout chasing troll so nobody gave a shit.

>> No.43157143

Shut up you third world monkey.

>> No.43157230

Unironically dramaniggers don't deserve the courtesy of being defended against by big corpos.

>> No.43157260

>it will back fire in the broader court of public opinion
We'll see about that. More people hate dramaniggers than you expect.

>> No.43157285

And nobody likes this dramanigger either

>> No.43157402

the only person saying it's bad is the guy himself

>> No.43157436

you mean the retard who has himself launched frivolous lawsuit after frivolous lawsuit and given horrendously bad legal advice on numerous occasions?

>> No.43157516

I thought I had sufficiently implied my expectation hat Anycolor will eventually move one from dramafags to a less despised target group. Clearly, I was too subtle.

>> No.43157579

>Le slippery slope

>> No.43157622

>it sets a precedent for all other channels
get a real job faggots

>> No.43157690
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He made shit up for clicks. The hate is deserved.

>> No.43157735

But you're still mistaken anyway. There is no reason to believe Anycolor would target a "less despised target group." Every group that has a chance of losing goodwill with Anycolor are already despised in some capacity by the overall community.

>> No.43157744

Barely any Americans actually know anything about how their rights actually work
for instance, I would bet 99% of us don't know the First Amendment also includes the right to free association

>> No.43157831

if these drama vtubers weren't making videos using /vt/ as reference and posting rrats then i would say something against these companies, so yeah, i hope they perma ban khyo

>> No.43157955

Cover should be going after him for revealing rm info. You would've thought a vtuber himself would understand that it's inappropriate and disrespectful

>> No.43157990

>There's no way an unaccountable megacorperation back by zhang investors would do something retarded.
lmao even.

>> No.43157999

They didn't, Venti won the claim

>> No.43158068

Still nothing worthy of having his life ruined by nijiniggers

>> No.43158160

This dude is gayer than the company with a literal rainbow in its logo

>> No.43158170

Nigga, just don't give them money if they do something. Tell others not to give them money. One easy trick to cripple corporations lmao. Even a monkey can figure this out.

>> No.43158178

He has the thin veneer of being a "news" channel so some people are trying to bat for him.

>> No.43158183

How the fuck is Anycolor going to win? “No, you can’t report on our actions because it makes is look bad!”

>> No.43158218

>>43150666 (checked, satan)
>Anycolor vs. Khyo
it's like Aids vs Cancer

both sides are shit

>> No.43158250

why is everyone shitting on anycolor for something cover did even if they failed

>> No.43158529

Because barely anyone even knew that cover did that, and barely anyone knew what venti even did so there was no way to defend her if she did nothing. They would have gotten shat on if anyone actually discussed about it

>> No.43158761

Pretty sure more people knew about the Venti thing but because Venti came after Gura first AND continued to make videos about her people just ended up hating her more and couldn't care less if she got copyright struck to oblivion.

>> No.43158780

like hololive
hate nijisanji
simple as

>> No.43158915

kys amerifat
Glory to our Supreme Leader Jong-un

>> No.43158984


>> No.43159177

Or, and get this. Anycolor can just ignore his request for review and just strike his channel down one more time. Youtube to protect their position from litigation will comply with Anycolor's request and nuke Khyo's channel. The only risk for Anycolor if they do this is possible reputational damage (assuming any and that it outweighs letting drama channels target them) or risk Khyo suing them (LOL).

>> No.43159383

HoloEN crumbling aged like old milk.
I'm against copyright abuse, but using Gura was going too far. Let him burn.

>> No.43159669

No, Youtube has already ruled against Anycolor. Anycolor has to sue now. If they do this shit again, lawsuits will be inevitable.

>> No.43159851

No. If this is his only source of income the "wise" move is to keep his head low and wait out the 90 days for the copyright strike to elapse. Unless he has already talked to a lawyer who gave him great odds of winning a potentially expensive and time wasting lawsuit waiting 90 days is the easy out.

>> No.43160086

>niji so rent free in his head he sides with rrat fags

>> No.43160113

Cover also killed that Historian fag (with Kson's help) cause he used Watame's image in a couple vids.
Either way, not like Anycolor is the first to do this. Vshojo goes after people who say negative shit about them way more aggressively.

>> No.43160207

She also stopped talking about Gawr Gura which is what Cover wanted.

>> No.43160333

That video aged like my bedridden grandpa who had cancer.

>> No.43160362

What are the chances he gonna try to rally Holofags to his cause?

>> No.43160391

It's just so funny to see many fags /here/ and in the comment section of dramanigger's echo chamber crying about le bad precedent.
Cover and Vshojo did that multiple times, and nobody made a fuss. There are so many clueless newfag pretending to know shit in this fandom, which is probably the reason why they would be a dramanigger's bootlicker.

>> No.43160450

Ah yes the EOP Dramatuber telling the Japanese fan base and Chinese yumejos not support their oshis.

>> No.43160560

as a fan of hololive, i support this dude whoever he is.

>> No.43160654

>Vshojo did that multiple times, and nobody made a fuss.
In what world, they get shit on here for that all the time.
And no one knew about Venti, otherwise they would have gotten shit on too

>> No.43160729

I honestly had expected some twitter tranny to try to go after gura and get beat down by cover first not some female ben shapiro culture warrior after clout.

>> No.43160860

The jap fanbase straight up refering Khyo as "oversea Narukami", so every response to this drama is basically hoping he is gone for good.
Now you know, can you shit on them too?

>> No.43160960

you are not a fan of hololive

>> No.43161028

The videos with over 500k views talking about how stupid Venti begs to differ in terms of people "not knowing about it". People genuine just thought Venti was shit and proceeded to not care about what happened to her.

>> No.43161042

>cover should follow anycolor right down the shitter
There's a 70th time for everything

>> No.43161058

he watched all of the otakmori clips, he's a real hololive fan

>> No.43161189

Google does not give a shit about this, they are just taking down the videos because that's what they are supposed to do when they get a DMCA request. If there is any lawsuit it would he with Anycolor and the Youtuber.

>> No.43161195

nah fag, I prefer my corporate overlords to choose for me what I can and can't watch

>> No.43161216

They wouldn't lose. Anycolor has the rights to all the models

>> No.43161761

>The jap fanbase straight up refering Khyo as "oversea Narukami
Proof? Because if so then that's retarded, no one on the western scene has anything on Narukami

>> No.43162081

On Shirataba's Niji thread, I can't find the archive because there are too many of them though.
No one on the jap Twitter are now aware of this, and all those who care enough to dig just think this dude is nothing better than Narukami or drama site like P2y

>> No.43164036
File: 181 KB, 850x1586, 1655300024651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google is untouchable because Youtube is just the platform, and platforms are not held liable for the actions of content creators on their platform, per Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996. As an example, they are SO untouchable that in Bungie v. Nicholas Minor, Bungie's request for exploration (Minor filed a bunch of fake DMCA claims, claiming to be Bungie) included documentation that Bungie would very much like to also sue Youtube (for allowing such a low-security process that some dickbag could pretend to be Bungie with nothing but a fake gmail account and copystrike dozens of people), they could not because of Section 230 and the DMCA giving Youtube absolute protection.
To clarify that: Youtube's process in accepting a DMCA claim from ANYBODY that even vaguely appeared to be the Copyright Holder directly and tangibly caused Bungie damage, but because they were just following orders, Section 230 protects them from liability. Youtube could not even be attacked when they were the ones actually causing the problem in the first place.

At best, Google is the go-between, and only if a court tells them they have to play that role. AnyColor would be suing the dramafag directly, and vice-versa. And he's probably a SEAnig anyway so this is all out the window the second that comes to light, because laws do not exist in SEAland. Or at least, that's what I assume based on how they act.

Anyway, legal nonsense aside, AnyColor is based for trying to kill a dramafag, but copystrike spamming them is asking for bad press, because it means "any Niji content they don't like will get torn down and get me banned", which means you scare off the dramafags, the news channels, the fan projects, and most importantly: the clippers. Niji already suffers from poor clipping compared to Hololive. As much as clipfags are insufferable, they are part of the "ecosystem" of corporate vtubing, and an important part of it. Niji's already fighting for relevance in the West, and it's largely fighting a losing battle if the numbers are telling the truth.
Even if AnyColor were to win in the court of law, it might not be worth losing the court of public opinion for one dumb dramafag that isn't even that big. I never heard of this faggot before 2 days ago. Why does /vt/ care about him now?

>> No.43164138

mucho texto

>> No.43164179

Copyright, using images of copyrighted assets and works while violating the TOS that comes with the use of those copyrighted assets.

>> No.43164277

>People are defending this faggot just because Niji is involved
I sincerely hope every single one of you gets crushed by a falling jet engine.

>> No.43164359

The amount of corporate cock sucking in this thread is absolutely fucking disgusting. I don't care if this faggot said Gura is a lazy whore that deserves to graduate, if he's an american it's his goddamn god given right to say this kind of shit and little yellow nip men can blow it out their ass.

Keep deep throating tiny little jap dick you cunt. Faggots like you don't deserve rights.

>> No.43164370

>Either you're with Niji or against them
If Riku and this faggot were both hanging on the same rope, I would cut the rope.

>> No.43164430

I want them both to die

>> No.43164428

So he's basically fat nagzz?

>> No.43164452

ok khyo here's your (You)

>> No.43164547

>scare off the dramafags, the news channels
The best thing any vtuber agency could imagine.
>and most importantly: the clippers
Everybody know you will be fine as long as you act along their ToS.
>Niji's already fighting for relevance in the West, and it's largely fighting a losing battle if the numbers are telling the truth
If you think current NijiEN is anywhere near irrelevancy, you're beyond delusional.
And Vshojo fucked up on their case vs Nux, and it hardly has any effect on them. It's not like the dramanigger community that is mainly drama addicted holofag will care about Niji anyway.

>> No.43164595

>if he's an american it's his goddamn god given right to say this kind of shit and little yellow nip men can blow it out their ass.
As long as he doesn't lie.
If AnyColor can prove he's lying and knew he was lying in bad faith, then his ass is grass. MAYBE.

>> No.43164616

For you fucks who think YouTube gives a fuck about copyright abuse, just look up quantum vs act man drama. They don't give a shit if you copyright abuse.

>> No.43164654

There is a difference between "Irrelevant" and "not the most relevant", which Niji obviously wants to be. They're not winning that fight now, and they certainly won't be if they scare off content creators.

>> No.43164780

>Everybody know you will be fine as long as you act along their ToS.
Their ToS is basically "If we don't like it we're bringing it down", it's completely subjective
>And Vshojo fucked up on their case vs Nux, and it hardly has any effect on them.
They had to completely scrap their auditions forever, that's hardly nothing.

>> No.43164815

Nah, if the issue is IP, then all videos on the internet should be covered. Turns out, they only took down critism or bad news coming from their own talents. Selective and abuse of copyright.

>> No.43164971

Khyo should contact the JP dramatubers. Apes together strong.

>> No.43165067

>dramatuber getting shut down

>> No.43165091

People don't do research, it's why they watch drama channels to get spoonfed. Anyway they'll attribute everything to this instance if Cover/other corpos decides to go for a Drama channel now

>> No.43165157

>Everybody know you will be fine as long as you act along their ToS.

Unitl you clip something that could be bad press for them.

>> No.43165322

>Their ToS is basically "If we don't like it we're bringing it down", it's completely subjective
>Unitl you clip something that could be bad press for them.
The same goes for Cover's.
And Cover did copyright striked a clipper for clipping shit out of context and mistranslated

>> No.43165388

Is deliberately spreading misinformation under the guise of "news" a sue-able offense? Can Niji fuck him for intentional defamation?

>> No.43165474

Go away Stew

>> No.43165582

I doubt they'd care about the public perception of a foreign language, EN managers over there are just flagging everything and have no oversight

>> No.43165640

Explain this position as if I don't understand vtubers at all, why are you mad?

>> No.43165672

If he's American, Defamation requires the following:
>Evidence that the defendant made a statement they knew was a lie
>Evidence that the defendant made this lie knowing that it would hurt the plantiff
>Evidence that the defendant's statements had a tangible impact on the plantiff, usually either financially or socially
Defamation is really fucking hard to prove in Burger courts.

>> No.43165716

The sisters are attacking him

>> No.43165833

>one of our own
If he was one of our own then he'd know that the second he does some stupid shit and gets caught, he's reduced himself to a mocking greentext for the rest of his days.
Anybody that expects anything different is a tourist.

>> No.43166184
File: 959 KB, 491x500, 1557018622687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think a lot of you guys should be baiting this fight to happen.
If it goes to court, Khyo wins 100% of the time.
If Khyo wins a court battle against anycolor, it sets a precedent that it's completely legal to cover anything that would hurt the brand of these companies irregardless of local JP laws.
This isn't really a Khyo issue as much as it's a internet historian and co issue, doxxing a voice actors/mascot is not something recognized by the United States legal system.

If anycolor pursues legal action, you'd have every drama channel on youtube signal boost the shit out of the story because they all stick together due to the same laws protecting them.
See H3H3 and Sargon's legal battle, every drama channel supported them and covered it to shit.

Egging this kind of thing on will only do serious damage to corpos, it could cause them to completely abandon the west.

>> No.43166233

Under american laws no

>> No.43166290

I don't really like khyo either, I think he's personally insufferable, but niji is taking a huge L on this, they can't win the court battle

>> No.43166365

Lower than the chances of people like the quartering and keemstar getting involved
That's where this is headed

>> No.43166472

This is so exciting! This is probably the first (vtuber specific) case of international law. JP doesn't care about US laws and US doesn't care about JP laws.

YouTube is US based and any claims have to settled in US court. NijiEN doesn't have a case for US law so if Khyo can get a lawyer he has a good chance of winning.

>> No.43166549

>If Khyo wins a court battle against anycolor, it sets a precedent that it's completely legal to cover anything that would hurt the brand of these companies irregardless of local JP laws.
Yes that is how freedom of press works. If you don't lie and report the facts, and the facts make people look bad, those people do not get to sue you. Don't do shit that makes you look bad if you don't want bad press.
Note that I am not saying Khyo is covered under that we don't even know if he's American, but since defamation is really hard to prove, and he's liable to use the Press defense, that's the angle to consider it from.
>doxxing a voice actors/mascot is not something recognized by the United States legal system.
Exposing personal information is considered a violation of privacy in most cases. In many states that is considered a form of harassment, a crime. There's also other potential "badwrongfun" laws that can be brought to bear, depending on the state or federal laws that a prosecutor feels like dredging up. Again, I'm not saying this applies to Khyo, but it's worth clarifying.
>it could cause them to completely abandon the west.
Don't say that like it's an inherently bad thing. I was here when we were on /jp/. That was not a bad time, although /jp/ probably disagrees.

>> No.43166575

Dramaniggers would turn on those girls the moment they smell blood in the water

>> No.43166605
File: 152 KB, 680x542, Outrage-Farmer-Brittany-Venti-Gets-a-Copyright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cockroaches always survive Brittany Venti won against Cover during the gura pedo saga too

>> No.43166612

It's not exciting you fuck, all it will do is make the hobby shittier
What if english speakers in nijisanji get treated the same way hololive treats china, bae can't even speak her own native language for fucks sake

>> No.43166620

As much as I hate weaponized copyright strikes, trash dramatubers deserve to lose their income stream. Literal parasites.

>> No.43166622

I’m sure you definitely have a legal degree.

>> No.43166694

>Now the world will know westoids are the same as the chink they hated
Good, and this fandom can finally die for good. Western vtuber is a mistake

>> No.43166719

No. Niji has to prove a lot of shit for defamation to go through. And for copyright the US provides a lot of protection for fair use.
This feels like trying to sue someone in China for copyright infringement, their courts have different laws.
In this particular case JP is the one with tighter rules than the US. Khyo has a good chance IF he can afford a lawyer that's half competent.

>> No.43166732

This is "exciting" in the same way that the death cloud in Ohio is "exciting": It shouldn't be happening and it's going to make shit worse for everyone, but godamn if the consequences aren't potentially interesting in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.43166735

>Exposing personal information is considered a violation of privacy in most cases
Against private citizens, not employees of a company that have significant public presence, this has many precedents in the US legal system due to paparazzi, favors journalists

>> No.43166809

Paparazzi still get nailed for criminal acts periodically. They're not totally immune, and there's a stern argument to be made that "farming rrats from 4chan" isn't exactly journalism.
It's an uphill battle for sure, but I wouldn't completely count AnyColor out. They have more money than one faggot running a drama channel does. For now.

>> No.43166894

If you don't like don't watch it. It should be simple enough for your monke brain. (I say this respectfully. I also have a monke brain). Freedom of expression.

>> No.43166916

See >>43166605
This is one of the small, insignificant drama channels, they have audiences in the 20+ million all together and they all signal boost this shit and do nothing but cause bad press to corporations that infringe of freedom of press and fair use rights
I remember when MxR had a korean k-pop corpo threatening them and then the internet brigaded the company until they relented because of the drama channels.

The drama channels are much bigger than vtubing as a hobby, if you make khyo a target they will go after the corporations out of self-interest

>> No.43166982

>and there's a stern argument to be made that "farming rrats from 4chan" isn't exactly journalism
Look up the national enquirer and all the failed lawsuits against them

>> No.43167066

just delete your goddamn stupid channel khyo you fucking cancer. you're just causing trouble to everyone you twat

>> No.43167094

People say this like Niji has infinite money. They don't. Even if you think this is "pocket money" for them it's money and resources spent on a fight they shouldn't have picked to begin with.
Plus you don't know if Khyo has someone who could defend him for free/cheap. And you can bet your ass at least one interested party will make that offer.

>> No.43167164

He's right that Khyo does very likely win this if it comes down to a straight legal battle in a US court. There's too many protections and it's very difficult to prove tangible losses from one guy's youtube videos. The burden of proof alone would be pretty high, and you can't call devil's proof in a defamation case. You HAVE to prove something bad happened to you because that faggot said mean lies about you on the internet. And this all goes out the window if everything Khyo says is provably true.
America's legal system will not let you brute force words you don't like off the internet. Not by court order, anyway.

>> No.43167188

As there's now precedent law in a US-ally to protect VTubers from harassment and negative exposure (-> harassment), if the whole situation got pushed hard, new rulings may just as well fuck over dramafags exploiting others while choosing to protect the "individuals".

Not to mention being in the middle of the age of cancel culture's rage-induced witch hunts could push things towards the creation of laws that target the sources of harmful and misleading information. And Khyo's channel would be labelled as harmful and misleading source in any appraisal.

>> No.43167334

I don't watch the dude but unless he's literally and explicitly calling people to bully the talents the courts will rule in his favor.

>> No.43167373

>As there's now precedent law in a US-ally to protect VTubers from harassment and negative exposure
>affecting US laws
Anon you are retarded, all of the US allies have abortion protections but that has zero bearing on the US

>> No.43167490

Threads like these remind me of how much of a bubble the vtuber community is in

>> No.43167571

>being in the middle of the age of cancel culture's rage-induced witch hunts could push things towards the creation of laws that target the sources of harmful and misleading information.
That's a Legislative issue, not a Judicial issue, and if you think Congress is going to do jack all about Internet Safety & Security in 2023, you're either underage, genuinely retarded, a foreigner, or all 3.

>> No.43167658

>fair use
doesn't exist in Japan, Anycolor is a Japanese company.
There's a reason Toei can strike all One Piece related videos and have fuck all happen to them.

>> No.43167679

>being in the middle of the age of cancel culture's rage-induced witch hunts could push things towards the creation of laws that target the sources of harmful and misleading information
Anon that would have affected much more important people than your anime girls employed by a japanese company who aren't even in the top 50 streamers in the world

>> No.43167709

Would be a shame if Youtube ever realized it.

>> No.43167721

It was retarded in the first place. This nigga has no actual malicious shit like narukami so, engaging with his dramafaggotry was already a big loss to nijiEN/anykara

>> No.43167791

>If it goes to court, Khyo wins 100% of the time.
then he should follow, why is he crying on twitter over his account? if he wins he will come back more powerful

>> No.43167805

Youtube is US based. And you're a deluded fool if you think Niji has as much leverage as Toei over the US companies.

>> No.43167814

If it goes to court it's not based on Japanese law, the world would turn upside down if any country could sue a citizen of a foreign nation for not following a foreign counties laws
Anon please have a functional brain for a second

>> No.43167902

Both h3h3 and sargon of akkad's lawsuits ended favorably for them but it took around 5 years of litigation
5 years of being in youtube limbo until your court win is annoying

>> No.43167965

then that would be a big comeback then

>> No.43167984

I'd like for Khyo to get away with it just to see everyone on the board get mad.

>> No.43168046

>it sets a precedent that it's completely legal to cover anything that would hurt the brand of these companies irregardless of local JP laws.
We already have this. It’s called the SPEECH Act and it was signed into law in 2010. Too many American journalists were being sued in British courts for libel and after winning there, they would seek to enforce the judgment here. In response, Congress made all foreign defamation judgements unenforceable unless the foreign court provided at least as much speech protection as the First Amendment provides here. Essentially, if you wouldn’t be convicted in the US for that same action, then US courts cannot and will not enforce any judgment.

>> No.43168092

The lawsuit would include damages Khyo sustained to his channel growth and opportunities which could net him a lot of money as well
The issue is that it would be terrible for vtubing as a whole if this shit goes down, normalfags will flood the hobby to shit on vtuber corporations for violating american laws

>> No.43168098

Get false eye first then why this rando?

>> No.43168224

The precedent I mean is more in a community sense, if vtuber corporations realize they have no actual power to stop what they deem is defamation, they might stop interacting with english speaking audiences in general and shutter branches to protect their mainland income

>> No.43168317

>There's a reason Toei can strike all One Piece related videos and have fuck all happen to them.
Toei straight up lost a case since they abused the system, they only managed to ban the channel in Japan

>> No.43168339

If they sue in California, where Youtube is based, you can only recover legal fees for winning if the other party is also given that provision, per California Civil Code, Section 1717. So, basically, Khyo and AnyColor would have to agree that legal fees are a "Loser is stuck with the whole bill" scenario. Good luck with that.

>> No.43168373

then they shouldnt start shit up with false DMCA claims, right? What's stopping anycolor to just emailing the guy "Dude, we like freedom of expression an all, but could you take it down please? You are lacking critical information that we are not allowed to disclose this way"

Hell, they could even word it in a way that could guilt trip him into taking it down himself.

>> No.43168519

That they didn't send a cease and desist first boogles my mind. What was EN management thinking??

>> No.43168562

Japanese companies don't like freedom of expression, the issue is that they don't know what else to do in this kind of situation since they are a publicly traded company and have a duty to their shareholders to cut down on bad PR, their go to is to send cease and desists in japan any time people talk about drama

>> No.43168673

There's plenty of evidence that long-established "VTuber covering" channels fall off, so they'd just pull that out of their ass and cite those as proof of negative growth and natural loss of profit.

>> No.43168773

I'd say that's some good PR management from Cover since they went after an acceptable target.
This guy is a dramafag and hated /here/ but he's also not a Brittany Venti who is an outsider to this culture.

>> No.43168829

The quartering lost access to a single convention and won over $100,000 from his lawsuit for damages, the court is generous when it comes to damages inflicted in the content creation sphere

>> No.43169183

First they came for the Drama fags
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Drama fag
Then they came for the clippers
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a clipper
Then they came for the Nijifags
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Nijifag
Then they came for the Twtterfags
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Twtterfag
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

>> No.43169348

There's nothing indicating that they didn't.
Khyo didn't mention whether they contacted him beforehand or not, and there's still no announcement from Anycolor.

>> No.43170360

>then they came for me
>and I asked: "are you sure you got all the dramafags, clippers, nijifags, and twitterfags?"

>> No.43170454 [DELETED] 

TotallyNotMark is an American YouTuber who was sued by Toei for copyright infringement for his reviews of dragon ball. He was sued in Japan despite never setting foot in the country and didn’t find out it was even happening until he received the judgement, and YouTube accepted the judgement and terminated his channel. The YouTuber location has nothing to do with it.

>> No.43170518

Did you forget the part where everyone including YouTube called Toei out on their bullshit and fucked Toei in the ass for DMCA abuse?
Mark's still around and still doing stuff on the same channel.

>> No.43170654

>Omits the part where he counter sued, won, and fucked Toei in the ass
Toei won in Japan and Japan only

>> No.43170820


>> No.43170908

Curious to know, what would happen if that guy would set foot on Japan for any or other reason (like vacations) and Toei gets wind of it? Can they still bring lawsuits to him for a second round?

>> No.43171005

>How is it fair use?
Please go look up the four pronged test for fair use on Wikipedia or something. This isn't hard to understand.
As much as I hate faggots like this, they're allowed to make videos talking about other works, especially for criticism, if their use of material is minimal.
For example, posting a clip from a Hollywood movie in your video essay is not an infringement, but posting the entire movie would be.

>> No.43171117

Unless he has commercial assets in Japan, they can't really do anything. It's not like they'd be able to throw him in prison or something until he pays his judgement to Toei.

>> No.43171245

>slippery slope fallacy
>comparing some dramanigger eating shit to Nazi Germany

>> No.43171281


>> No.43173092

still think slippery slope is a fallacy when apllied to a trend without an internal limiting principle... you never read up on chinese PoW conversion methods, did you?

Probably still think Dunning-Kruger effect is real and not a statistical artifact as well...

>> No.43173453

That all sounds like a win for me

>> No.43173527

Careful you're going to hit your head on the ceiling fan.

>> No.43173601

Wow that sure is a lot of buzzwords!

>> No.43173632

Rule 1 | You don’t talk about /vt/
