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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 14 KB, 251x262, 1603399368699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.4291298 [Reply] [Original]

Why did things have to work out the way they did, she was my oshi. I miss Civia too. I get that it was good for the rest of Hololive, but it just isn't fair...

>> No.4291324

She caused it.

>> No.4291333

Her fault for being chinese

>> No.4291346

Blame chinese dog

>> No.4291355

She's my oshi, too. I understand your pain.

>> No.4291377

Well, I feel sorry for all them, but Artia really shouldn't have stirred the shit further by supporting CCP ganging up on other VTubers.

>> No.4291403

She tried to play both sides by supporting the chinese harassing hololive then streaming on twitch and appealing to eops. Can't blame her for thinking about herself but it just led her down this shitty path

>> No.4291422
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Would you have sex with her as she desperately asks for your touch due to overwhelming sadness?

>> No.4291442

Chink judas

>> No.4291445
File: 75 KB, 658x272, unknown[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Oshi is fucking mental and need medical treatment.

>> No.4291448

I would not take advantage of her loneliness in such a state by having sex with her. But I would comfort her.

>> No.4291475
File: 497 KB, 941x1497, 20210528_161448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Civia too

Ciyana just isn't the same...

>> No.4291492

this is why you're a virgin cunt

>> No.4291542

I'm not a virgin, anon!
She's a bit of a menhera, but you could levy that accusation at literally 70% of Vtubers. You don't enter the field if you're normal and mentally well.

>> No.4291572
File: 199 KB, 427x381, 1603755032222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would fuck her so good she'll turn a new leaf, I'd tell her she should continue her vtubing career with a new avatar and I'll support her through it,
as I say my sentiments and state my proposal, she'll asks how realistic and pragmatic the decision is, simply by saying


>> No.4291591
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You dad doesn't count anon

>> No.4291592
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>> No.4291607

anyone got a screenshot of that Artia greentext?

>> No.4291615

I would have sex with any girl Im lonely

>> No.4291619



>> No.4291664


>your neighbors kid

do it anon

>> No.4291690
File: 203 KB, 850x1169, artia_hololive_drawn_by_kupa_jesterwii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was young and being a cog in the Chinese machine meant she wasn't very objective, although she was getting likes from her fellow countrymen for being anti-West she didn't consider that she was biting the hand that feeds her, not in any serious way.
Along with the wider circumstances at the time it's a massive shame it turned out this way. She was fun, as were the others. Civia and Yogiri's final streams were heatbreaking and even Artia seemed regretful after it dawned on her that her actions had such destructive consequences.

>> No.4291692

>I would fuck her so good she'll turn a new leaf
she'll move to canada?

>> No.4291724
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>> No.4292642
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Her model's face looks like pic related kek

>> No.4292701

Because she chose her country over her fans.

>> No.4292780
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>> No.4292787

You don't get it she said mean things to the Taiwan president social media account when she was 16 years old and she didn't actively insult her own people for the sake of the reddit dragon. She deserved everything!

>> No.4292875

Based and patriot pilled.

>> No.4292902

new leaf, same tree

>> No.4293370

She has an even bigger forehead on twitch!

>> No.4293589

Hard to believe she regretted anything given what she did during her new vtuber debut stream

>> No.4293861
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it is said that zhangs are like a tree. It's roots lie in darkness while it's leaves wave in the sun. You can prune away it's branches, even cut the tree to the ground but it will grow again, ever stronger. Such is the nature of heresy and why it is so difficult to destroy. Some may question Yagoo's right to condemn a branch of six entire chuubas, but those who understand realize he have no right to let them live. No sacrifice is too great; no treachery too small.

>> No.4294470
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>> No.4294486

What'd she do? Haven't done my reps since I stopped watching her altogether after the shit storm

>> No.4294524

Had her old avatar eaten by a big ugly dragon during her debut

>> No.4294546

>she was young
Nigger it hadn't even been a year, this isn't some ancient event from her foolish youth

>> No.4294602

>orange woman says bad word
>get mad
Love that part

>> No.4294706

she was zhanging hard and talking about how she will not give up her fight and she thanked everyone on her side. it wasnt interesting enough or outright controversial so it is kind of boring. I am sure someone will post screenshots or something.

>> No.4294780

>40k reference


>> No.4294876

Holy shit, how you can whiteknight so hard? I would understand if CN shit happened like, three years ago or something. Have you checked her new persona? She is still spregging about glorious China and hates holoJPs and COVER.

She literally used all of you as paypigs, nothing more. You don't remember her mental breakdown bilibili stream? Find yourself someone else.

>> No.4294899

I start to think this is a bait thread , coz if there are a real fan , they should had know to check /ogg/ or /tia/ for their twitch stream at this point.

>> No.4295736
File: 46 KB, 293x600, Ayunda-Risu-40cCLNYNH-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she chose her country
Except that she's not. She chose the yellow cock of an insecure dictator, and to be a slave of the regime.
China != Pooh and his niggers. Fuck the CCP and fuck the bugmen.

>> No.4295776

>China != Pooh and his niggers. Fuck the CCP and fuck the bugmen
Prove it. Show me Chinese citizens who are openly against Xi and the CCP.

>> No.4295864

They can't because if they do they'll be sent to the chink gulag where they'll be killed and have their organs harvested.

>> No.4295925

You can't be an open opposition in a fucking dictatorship, but you can choose to not be a slave. A slave for a fucking nothing.

Karma works even if you don't believe in her.

>> No.4295956

I liked Civia.

>> No.4296009

>disrespectly enough for me
Right, as if this traitor whore deserves any bit of respect. Even mud on the side of the road has more worth.

>> No.4296119
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I liked the Holo CNs more than Coco.

>> No.4296186

Holy Based!

>> No.4296200

She was being patriotic. Which is better than western women who the only thing they are loyal to is tranny dick and BLM. I wish at least one US holo would say God Bless The USA, instead of of wishing ill upon their own country. It took balls to do what Holo CN did. Coco is annoying anyway.

>> No.4296268

It's their system and it works for them, they were eating dirt nit even 50 years ago, at least they are honest about what they are. In the US we say we have freedom yet the second your bussiness doesn't wanna promote tranny shit the federal goverment jumps on your ass.

>> No.4296363

>A Kiara thread died for this
Stop created thread for the bugs when most people here don't even follow them anymore. I rather have about thread for my Tenchou or any indie at all.

>> No.4296447

>You can't be an open opposition in a fucking dictatorship,
Of course you can, you fucking spineless coward.

>> No.4296571

This comment reeks of bug.

>> No.4296611

>China of all places
Kek'd. She's just doing it to boost her social credit score, bugman.

>> No.4296613


>> No.4296617

Almost everyday I go wishing that Tia and the others stayed stayed silent and continued playing the victim without spurring the antis. She was getting more popular at the end anyway both in China and in the west. In the end I guess they got what they deserved for their retarded actions. I honestly believe she regrets it but she can’t really do much about it now.

>> No.4296656

>I honestly believe she regrets it but she can’t really do much about it now
She can always do https://streamable.com/asizmp

>> No.4296901

No retard, i love the USA. It pains me to see how much this country is being hurt by its own people, trash like the NYT and their anti america propganda, we need way more patriotism but instead we have shit like BLM and tranny pushing. Fuck the progressives for hating America and for their tranny pushing and fuck the conservatives never doing anything but sucking corporate dick. God Bless America the greatest country in the world.

>> No.4296951

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Haachama 六四天安門事件 The Asacoco protests of September 2020 天安門大屠殺 The Bilibili Schedule Massacre 反右派鬥爭 65 minutes level 18 大躍進政策 The Aqua Outfit Reveal 文化大革命 Bilibili VLC Stream 人權 Haachama Kitchen 民運 Holohouse 1 million yen fine 自由 Haaton Decapitation Mark 獨立 多黨制 Multi-Stream Drifting 台灣 臺灣 Tanigo’s cycling route 中華民國 Okayu’s real voice 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Anemachi doesn’t exist 達賴喇嘛 Youtube Analytics 法輪功 Red Heart 新疆維吾爾自治區 Matsuri’s amazon wishlist 諾貝爾和平獎 Golden YAGOO 劉暁波 Ringo Juice Black Market 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 Coco's Kirby Super Star playthrough 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 Kanata’s long fingers 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 Keyboard Incident 強制斷種 NenePro’s pee scandal 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 Civia’s black bull 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 Masketta Man 還政於民 和平 Ayame’s client list 演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共 KoroMiko Incident 産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 Lamy’s schizo asylum investment fund 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 Pekora’s induced suicide victims 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 Aqua’s autism test 買賣人口 遊進 走私 Watame did something wrong 毒品 賣淫 春畫 Hitomi Chris 3D concert 賭博 六合彩天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Bennett Foddy 劉曉波动态网自由门 Sharkmeido's public execution 让香港重获自由

>> No.4296965

Im gonna need some context as to what the fuck is going on there, also the two girls fondling each other so casually was pretty hot.

>> No.4296989

Im not chinese faggot.

>Black bull
Fucking black obsessed gringo. You people think more about black dick than black people do.

>> No.4296998

Such a shame. I found artia hilarious and always wanted a collab between her and Ame, but I guess it wasn't meant to be

>> No.4297065

I found her hilarious too but after what she did, I can't stop think she's pretty two-faced in the back of my mind whenever she does anything

>> No.4297071
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You missed the thread

>> No.4297086 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4297089

>I'm not chinese
Careful there Zhang, you don't want your social score to drop in your quest to defend "patriotism"

>> No.4297099

>we need way more patriotism
I thought beating the police to death with the American flag WAS patriotic to you people.

>> No.4297109

The context is just the same video with a different rrat anon. Gonna need some thing more here.

>> No.4297137

>spoonfeed me!
No. Do your reps, newfag.

>> No.4297149
File: 167 KB, 850x1080, sample-3323ce04c54c9240217bd062f0200831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, it's the seething zhang containment thread.
Coco says hi. Taiwan forever.

>> No.4297158

Have you ever considered the possibility that you shouldn't believe everything you read online? Especially really obvious smear campaigns that got ousted like half a year ago?

>> No.4297205

Unless I missed something, it seemed really damning that she supported that dude that was harassing coco

>> No.4297212
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>> No.4297220

Fuck the Xi faggot. Is that enough you gringo schizo?

Exxagerated bullshit by the left wing media. The blacks do way more crime amd always resist arrest then cry to the left wing media when they don't get tgeir way. Places like the NYT are more than happy to suck their dick to push Anti Americanism in the country.

>> No.4297257

I don't know how a video of them literally beating up the dude with the american flag is exaggerated at all.

>> No.4297259

Pretty much everything claimed about her was shown to be a chink falseflag smear campaign back in fucking November or something, I very much doubt that anything that's emerged since is any more credible.

>> No.4297266

Wait she revealed her ugly face ?? Where ??

>> No.4297293

Cherry picked bullshit. Maybe blacks should stop commiting so much crime if they don't wanna get arrested.

>> No.4297301

>Exxagerated bullshit by the left wing media.
It's literally on video

>> No.4297306

She tried playing both sides and ended up on no one's side

>> No.4297350

So cherry picked media means the whole country does the same shit? So the massive amount of crimes committed by blacks doesn't matter? Whites are cucks, that's your problem, you rather kneel down to black dick them ever ever speak out agaisnt the commies.

>> No.4297352

How much can the goalpost move

>> No.4297363
File: 412 KB, 1140x1200, 1613060036278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those people at like, the thing
you know the one

>> No.4297378

Why do you want to see ugly thing

>> No.4297413

>So cherry picked media means the whole country does the same shit?
Did I say that anywhere? I'm just saying it happened and people were calling it patriotic.

>> No.4297444

>maybe don't beat policemen with flag
behold, the american

>> No.4297523

Trips of truth

>> No.4297535

t. chicano

>> No.4297579

Fuck you commie that's how.

>> No.4297599

You know you won when they resort to buzzwords kek

>> No.4297600

The funniest shit about whole Taiwan arc is how you can't find group hololive fanarts that include holochink. Some of them streamed for over a year yet artist would rather include Aloe that did like 3 streams under hololive. Literally no one want holochink back or even remember them except chinks themselves and chink apologist/shartia discord.

>> No.4297630

Now that you said that yeah, even aloe gets fanart but noone cares about CN anymore.

>> No.4297675
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> just want to sing
> the woman next door is mad at orange dragon
> continue to have fun
> get told I'm out because of the woman next door

Yogiri did nothing wrong

>> No.4297680

From a bug to a retard burguer, you're not getting better anon, I recommend meds, the kind that when taken will make you sleep forever

>> No.4297692

I don't need to explain myself to anti Americans. Eat shit faggot.

>> No.4297731

So how many get raped doing this?

>> No.4297823

you can't complain when her actions caused it all.

>> No.4297840

Where can I watch artia face reveal? Just to make sure if she's worthy of my friend's "d"

>> No.4297902

just do reps. no one will risk a ban for some ugly whore

>> No.4297905

Coc really is the ideal white fantasy. Go to foreign land, save the people, take their girl and leave.

>> No.4297941

OMG stop being a wuss, she's back to streaming with an avatar better than that derpy gremlin she was

>> No.4298011

Woah, she's really that ugly? As Coco's reference, rate artia from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)

>> No.4298110

3 or 4. Just google it and you'll find what you want

>> No.4298126


>> No.4298164

true, it's honestly a shame what happened to yogiri, she wasn't my oshi but i think out of the cn branch she was the best.
she's also the only one that stayed silent on the whole thing and just did her own thing, honestly really wish she was incorporated into a different branch, especially because she isn't actually mainland.

>> No.4298227

So I don't understand Chinese.

Tell me, in all honesty, some of you *actually* understand Chinese and not just repeating shit, and no that translated video (poorly, btw) of "proof" she was bad all along doesn't count.

I lurk in her discord but I'm autistic enough to stalk her and again, I lack the ability to read noodles.

What's the go, I don't like being on the fence since I did want her on coco's reddit meme review at one point, push me over the edge, she evil, was this anti's narrative, or did she have no choice but to do the things she was alleged to have done?

>> No.4298278

Ohh I already saw it. I'm a seanigger, her face is quite common here in asia. Not that extremely beautiful as Coco's but I think she's acceptable as a breeder.... for my dog....

>> No.4298327

The brainwashing is hard to break and runs very deep, it's really a shame because it's possible for good things to come out of China if they just learn to stop sucking Pooh Bear's tiny dick for 5 seconds. I liked getting sloppy wet kisses from Civia.

>> No.4298367
File: 21 KB, 350x339, EcnQBqbUYAAyYnW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one cares faggot , go outside

>> No.4298387

God damn those were the best things I heard from her, was hoping she would do some kissing asmr on her youtube channel

>> No.4298447

>Tell me, in all honesty, some of you *actually* understand Chinese and not just repeating shit
Do you really think anyone here actually speaks Chinese? Do you really think that, even if they did, they'd even be trustworthy enough to give an unbiased opinion on the subject, considering how volatile it is for both mainlanders and the Taiwanese? I don't even know why you'd ever expect to find reliable information here of all places, let alone on this particular landmine of an issue.

>> No.4298456
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Please. All of you. Go back to /pol/. Leave my chuubas out of your dick measuring contests. You're not going to change each other's opinions and you're not going to affect change in your countries so why bother.

>> No.4298470

Coco normalizing redditors as THE hololive community has been a disaster for vtubers in general.

>> No.4298495
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>> No.4298509

as opposed to? this place? kek

>> No.4298568

Damn, kinda shame that she's like that.

Her accomplishment of bodying Nijikeks would've been a great resume for Holotards

>> No.4298576

As opposed to nothing. Simply tune into your favorite streamer and talk about it whenever you want, if you want.
A twitter hashtag is and would've been preferable to reddit for this particular topic and community.

>> No.4298585

Maybe because reddit mostly filters all other topics that are in negative, unlike on twitter, facebook, 4chan, or other social media platforms, soooo, for me reddit is better.

>> No.4298621

As opposed to fucking nothing. Just letting the algorithm do it's job and having people trickle their way in was good enough.
>He likes the hugbox where nothing of quality can ever be made since no one can have a real opinion on there
Go. fucking. back.

>> No.4298622

Plus isn't the Hololive subreddit mostly run by Cover themselves?

>> No.4298678

When are you getting chinese citizenship?

>> No.4298716

>nothing of quality can ever be made since no one can have a real opinion on there
Translation: I'm not allowed to post actual hate about talents I don't like so it sucks.

>> No.4298718

Having no place for them to stay would just mean they are trickling in and then trickling out. Take this board out and I guarantee none of these faggots will watch chuubas in a week

>> No.4298756

Nothing of quality is made here and its the opposite of a hugbox.

>> No.4298783

I've gotten good at filtering, at the least I'll have a laugh
Someone actually asked her this, her response was as expected, doesn't know much but knows its a shithole

>> No.4298836

>he doesn't go to the T3 member groping events

>> No.4298868

>Newfag wasn't here when it was ONLY /jp/
Jesus, you people...
Nothing NEEDS to get made either. But because of those faggots we get jokes run into the ground and try to use that shit on other vtubers that have nothing to do with hololive. FFS during the keyboard rating stream for one of the nijiEN girls you had faggots blatantly showing off hololive merch. Have some self fucking awareness (Yes, it was reddit fags).

>> No.4298889

>doesn't know much
Lying through her teeth.

>> No.4298930

You are trying way too hard.

>> No.4299012

But I like hating zhang.
I wonder if they were harassed like coco was or did no one give a shit? I did not and don't understand chinese.

>> No.4299034

They weren't harassed at all

>> No.4299243

It's in the archives, I got banned for posting it before even though it makes NO FUCKING SENSE on account that she revealed her face on her fucking vtuber account.
Just imagine a skinny and very below average looking fujo asian with incredibly greasy skin and hair. She clearly has very poor hygiene.

>> No.4299442

Good to know. They are fine then. If they had stayed silent and cover did not fire them, they might be harassed by chinese too for not being patriotic

>> No.4300298

I would advise you to not go looking for it and just take what >>4299243 decribe. Because after I look at it, there's not better word to describe her other than 'bug' even tho I hate how /hlg/ and /hlgg/ use the word to describe all the chinks.

>> No.4300459

go to /trash/

>> No.4300633
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>> No.4300986

A pro-chinese cunt that was riling up people to harass Coco while she was laughing at non-Chinese viewers being supportive and nice towards her.
Genuinely horrible, disgusting person. I should not be saying that but i wish her the worst in life.

>> No.4301021

You do realize that Artia began using reddit before Coco, right? She was literally the first one to start doing so, she was the top mod on the subreddit besides the hololive account (look at the moderators box at the bottom of the page, it's sorted by when the mod became a mod)

>> No.4301168

Original Andy is translator in Artia discord and her mod are accomplised.

> Artia was killed by her own fan

>> No.4301284

Me too, I never got Coco's appeal, her voice is unpleasant to hear and her humor is Amy Schumer tier.

>> No.4301361

tbf due to the social credit thing in china, you can literally lose basic human necessities for having any kind of criticism, video related is a good example of what happened to someone anti CPP

>> No.4301737

Artia being the first one to use the subreddit only for Coco beingbthe one tonget the most use and support from it will never be not funny.

The universe is not without a sense of irony

>> No.4301747
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>> No.4301814
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No one actually knows where she's from, just that she apparently has family in Taiwan. In any case, she couldn't be saved. She can speak some Japanese but not enough to be incorporated into HoloJP, meaning her only chance to stay somewhat relevant is to stay in Bilibili and she'd be harassed non-stop by mainlanders if she kept working for Hololive when the rest of the branch was getting canned right after their Wolf Warrior watchalongs. She was already the least popular in China because she was openly buddhist, would sing songs from Mulan and played APEX on the Taiwan / Hong Kong servers; her staying with Hololive would have made her life hell.

>> No.4302095
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>> No.4302452

Link to the stream where she found out she wasn't keeping shit?

>> No.4302526


>> No.4302590

man that's sad, i hope she's doing well.

>> No.4302770

Did she make "reading reddit comments" her channel's flagship content?

>> No.4303075

She's in an abusive relationship with her boyfriend. She suffers from Stockholm Syndrome.

>> No.4303243

This. Coco has made reddit her whole persona.

>> No.4303420

I don't feel sorry for the Wolf Warrior.

>> No.4303461

Couldn't believe how anyone can still defend this bitch after all the drama leaks.

>> No.4303501

OK Scott

>> No.4303681

She just got her new swimsuit, her membership count is healthy, her model is great, and she is in a good place working with Niki and Rola. She has a stable base of captains and admirals. She lives rent free in your head, but you know she really doesn't even think about you at all

>> No.4303893

True, It's so sad about her EN discord fans that she doesn't really think about them at all.

>> No.4303897

The only thing she didn’t deserve is having you as a fan. I mean you are so great that you fucked jp her career over one fucking word, kinda surprise you are here and not in twitter spamming John Cena.

>> No.4303977


>> No.4304005

All the EN discord fans worth keeping watch her on bili anyways. She's just doesn't have enough time to stream to both platforms and bili memberships are worth more

>> No.4304114


>> No.4304123


>> No.4304139
File: 488 KB, 1420x1319, IMG_20201110_021635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha we conservatives are angels and anytime we obviously fuck up it's actually the liberals and never us
>oh you caught us acting like dicks nah it can't be us is muh liberals
I'm surprised politicalfags want the other side gone for good. Who else are they going to use to scapegoat everytime they're acting like idiots?

>> No.4304556

This is the daily chink falseflagging thread huh ?

>> No.4305771

Yea, I just report these threads now. No need to keep them up shitting up the catalog.

>> No.4306008

black and white get fucked over just the same, but the media only cares about the black cases because that's what supports their rrat.
you know, /vt/ is very much like the mass media in that way. everything is about rrats. so many rrats, and no rrat poison.

>> No.4306015

i liked civia, her singing was divine
plus she was an eop/esl shill
she was the perfect holoEN candidate desu

>> No.4306066

>give aqua back
kek i still don't know how aqua amassed such a loyal chink fanbase

>> No.4306137

>The Dragon girl said Taiwan, fire her or let us leave.
>Ok. *Chinese branch is closed*
>Why would Cover do this to us?
She got what she wanted, right?
Move on.

>> No.4306154

t.faggots who don't watch anything but the shitpost review shit and then whine about what they choose to watch

>> No.4307181

She's a backstabbing, untrustworthy menhera and not very bright. It's only a matter of time before she turns on Civia too.

>> No.4307502

>She was being patriotic.
This dumb argument again. Her and her unicorn friend studied abroad in a western country for a better education and adapted to said culture instead of going for the colleges in their own damn communist country, yet are shocked that being nationalistic has repercussions?

>> No.4307885

But she never left

>> No.4309249
File: 671 KB, 1366x768, yogiri1836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We reaching to 6 month mark of HoloCN closure
>Majority of the girl has changed much since then
>Civia went from our cute affection unicorn princess to sexy corrupted demonic princess. Distance herself from Artia and any outside exposure after the results of antis in youtube chat.. You will never get kisses from her or hear her english voice ever again.
>Spade echo became a small indie french fry cat that rebuilding herself up from the ground with a low budget. She been working hard on getting her equipment and new model which she finally did.. She finally a french fry cat on catgirl maid atm.
>Yogiri took a break and decide her dream would become a Virtual idol like Sora or Azki or Miku after graduation. She start working on her singing and learning how to make her own music/song. Later on, she got a big offer from the same vtuber company that helped her with her 3d graduation stream. She accept the offer and been getting big constant pushes to point she already got a 3d model before hitting the 4 month old of being a cute adorable nerdy chestnut girl. She been more happier making new friends and playing guitar/ukulele on stream.
>Rosalyn got her new model made by the same mama. She didnt change that much except other than being more nationalist and getting into the mecha. She start to build gundams model kits and watch mecha animes. She works in the same company with Artia.
>Artia went full Judas/Eren Jager. She wanted to make a new group with her previous peeps but didnt work out and everyone except Rosalyn went their own ways. The rest is stuff everyone already knows. She tried to do english streams on twitch but got snitched out by her chinese fans. Currently she's strict to only streaming on bilibili.
>Doris turn out to be a Backstabber with dark shady history and was ready to backstab her former peeps but got exposed after trying to backstab Echo. Her escape plan was elope a american anon in order to escape china and being cancelled, it failed. She scraped her comeback, retired for good after the whole exposure and went off the grid since. There was a Doris anon who wanted to be that lucky american anon to marry her even after her downfall, he didnt care and just wanted to give doris that happy american life/family.. He hasnt appeared since last year. I hope he doing okay and managed to find a good lead or found doris.

Cant believe how fast time goes....

>> No.4311014


>> No.4311039

C-Can we write her a better ending?

>> No.4311105

why stream on twitch unless you desperately want a non-Chinese audience as a Chinese person? It would seem like she has something of a soul left inside... and why is no one beating the shit out of those snitches?

>> No.4311121
File: 390 KB, 596x640, 1287434838348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ending was fine.
I liked it.

>> No.4311200

So that's why Shartia threads stopped showing up. Good riddance. Happy for Yogurt. I'd actually like Rosalyn if she wasn't a brain washed bitch.

>> No.4312795

I'm not baiting anon, this event changed her
her new content just isn't the same

>> No.4313029

I don't like her new avatar, the old gremlin l2d fit how she acted during her EN streams perfectly
her new content isn't what it used to be, she was better before.

>> No.4313030
File: 275 KB, 506x567, 1611269070439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bias here at all...
