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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42898492 No.42898492 [Reply] [Original]

But vt told me she is based...

>> No.42898534


>> No.42898643

I have never seen a single positive thing posted about this girl before

>> No.42898661

who? (no really not even kidding)

>> No.42898773

never heard anything positive about this commie whore here

>> No.42898839


>> No.42898869
File: 114 KB, 699x848, 1614235472373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So? Commie cunt got assblasted over some lazy ass shitpost again. What's new?

>> No.42898886

vt is now telling you to kill yourself

>> No.42898992

Maybe stream instead of nuking your discord to dox....what a fucking month can't keep up

>> No.42898998

>detached from reality
Classic. Good thing I’ll never listen to this fag, with or without her being a chuuba.

>> No.42899139

Found one of her covers through Spotify, enjoyed it. Checked out her Youtube, seemed okay on the surface. Checked her twitter, non-stop commie bullshit in her comments and likes. Damn shame she's a cunt.

>> No.42899242

Mana is what happens when Filipino schizophrenia and the west's most retarded ideologies are allowed to mix.

>> No.42899259

If you read/listens to what she says for like more than a few minutes it is obvious she has drank the woke koolaid.

>> No.42899262

>Makes retarded form
>Suprised it gets retarded answers
Why are women like that?

>> No.42899366

Eternal victim complex

>> No.42899369

Calling her a commie is giving her too much credit. She's a tankie.

>> No.42899621

They're young and single. It's a phase. The same goes to far right women.

>> No.42899671
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>> No.42899782

she is a commie? she defends putin's russia right? wouldn't that make her right wing?
i don't get burger politics
regardless, that model and voice is wasted on someone who wants to make vtubing political for some dumb retarded reason

>> No.42900000

> wouldn't that make her right wing?
No, putin's russia hits all globalism checkmarks, they just hate gay people. I don't know how it coexists in her head, though.

>> No.42900076


>> No.42900147

>they just hate gay people
anon... the entire country is built on faggotry
it has equal or more HIV/AIDS (from gay buttsex) compared to african countries

they just dont consider fucking ass and catching AIDS gay instead its dominant and manly as long as you arent on the receiving end

>> No.42900190

>she is a commie? she defends putin's russia right? wouldn't that make her right wing?
She's a tankie. People like that defend authoritarian communism ("sending tanks to Czechoslovakia"), and by extension the CCP, Putin's Russia (USSR nostalgia), and even North Korea.
They're pariahs even among leftists and mostly stick to their own twitter/reddit bubble.

>> No.42900272

>they just hate gay people
So like every commie place ever? From Cuba to the USSR, faggots were never welcomed

>> No.42900446

They actually were after the Revolution, but Stalin prohibited that later.

>> No.42900615

>Getting this triggered over lazy bait
Now imagine if he actually tried.

>> No.42900670

I remember back when she was shilling palestine, /vt/ was shitting on her for bring politics into vtubing. Who the hell told you she was based?

>> No.42900809

>I have never seen a single thing posted about this girl before

>> No.42900856

I barely remember anything about this bitch but isn't she a flip?
No one would call a fucking flip based, you retard OP

>> No.42901130

imagine triggering a vtuber this hard just by filling out a jannie form or some shit lmao

>> No.42901208


>> No.42901304

I like her King cover. Other than that I have zero exposure to her outside of whatever gets posted here when people have an issue with something she has done.

>> No.42901463
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"""We""" only call her based when she shits on jews whenever another muh palestinian durka durkerino dindu nuffin episode happens. Gets under her thin tankie skin pretty nicely, it's pretty funny.

>> No.42901816

Imagine being in your mid 20s-30s as a woman and still not having children. Why would anyone waster their fertile years chasing a career in an autistic entertainment field that's already starting to die down in hype instead of shitting out a few children and only focusing on a job afterwards?

>> No.42901866

Tankies are usually against modern left identity issues though.

>> No.42901885

>But vt told me she is based...
no they didn't lol

>> No.42901915

But the jews are the based ones in that scenario?

>> No.42901924

Most communists are, unless they're fashion commies like in America.

>> No.42902201

That guy's obviously baiting, but also, what the fuck are some of those questions?

>> No.42902299

She doesn't support China. It's kinda cringe of her. Also read Engles On Authority.

>> No.42902375

Not against. We're against the liberal perversion of idpol which ignores class. Putting black people into Star Wars does not change the fact that they are a hyper exploited member or the proletariat.

>> No.42902447

Is that the "race is itself an economic factor" guy?

>> No.42902711

The GDR had same sex marriage and state funded gender affirmation surgery.

>> No.42902747 [DELETED] 

https://discord.com/invite/r3uupPzy go nuts

>> No.42902783

What happened in her last discord

>> No.42902850

>fails at cheating the exam
>hurrdurr im the based one

>> No.42902865

I'm pretty sure I still have have access to her discord from before she went insane with all these rules. It's also hilarious to me how she claims to be such a commie supporter and then constantly shows off her paypigs and flaunts her wealth and successes. Where's my slice of that, Mana? Commies for life, right!?

>> No.42902943


>> No.42902980

I like some of her songs and she knows capitalism is shit. Shame she's an authoritarian, she'd make a decent anarchist vtuber.

>> No.42903002

Who actually told you that anon? She has constantly, uninterruptedly, for years, been an insufferable bitch on her Twitter.
Like, you do realize that /vt/ and the voices in your head aren't always the same people right?

>> No.42903059

Sorry she doesn't support CIA bullshit like you guys all do.

>> No.42903204

Underage vtubers aren't very common, so there's no anarchist vtubers

>> No.42903389

The CIA could make a killing if they started one.
>See guys I hate cops too but this important we support the neo Nazis in Ukraine, I'm glad the CIA killed Gaddafi and destabilized the entire region leading to extremely high levels of poverty, brohs Assad totally does have chemical weapons he uses on civilians just trust me same with the Uyghurs they are def getting killed.
>No states but support western imperialism. The goal of anarchists

>> No.42903786

Only negative things posted about here and her commie father.

>> No.42904828

Teenagers follow whatever seems appealing at first glance. The realisation that you can't trust any mighty organization with power over you usually sets in at an older age, when you notice every promise to use power for the greater good of all are bs - whether from Presidents, Worker's Parties or CEOs.

>> No.42905068


>> No.42905090

Yeah just be completely unorganized worked really well for Makhno

>> No.42905327

>the proletariat

>> No.42905344

fuck off to your jew corp general

>> No.42905450

That's Hana, this topic's about Mana.

>> No.42905516

>imageboard vocabulary
kek is this what normalfags think about this site?

>> No.42905570

The only thing that made me reply to this shit thread about Mana because it actually made me laugh. Why hasn't this pinko scum killed herself already? The narcissim must be too strong still.

>> No.42905611

>she support LGTBQ+

kek fucking lmao

>> No.42905614

Holy shit based CIA??

>> No.42905616
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Israel did nothing wrong

>> No.42905632
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vt never told you an unironic commie pinko tankie is based.

>> No.42905636

No, the Js are the bourgeois

>> No.42906143

I don't think cheeseburgers are kosher, they can't put dairy on meat

>> No.42906508

>anarchist vtuber.
The term for that is GTuber.

>> No.42906548

oh wow my speedreading ass thought that was her application, too bad

>> No.42906582

They already tried that with BreadTube.

>> No.42906752

In my experince the tankies on twitter/reddit/youtube are very big into idpol and talk about cringe things like how communist society should support transexual surgery as part of healthcare systems even though American doctors talk about how profitable that entire thing is. They also sucked off big pharma hard during covid.

>> No.42907223
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, 6F93BB95-131B-4658-A981-5FD440B15E76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I remember about this chick is her doing an okay song for a Death Battle episode I didn’t care for
I’m surprised she didn’t get vanta-blacklisted from everywhere after that “putin dindu nuffin” stream

>> No.42907316

Internet leftists get some kinda special privilege. For half of the internet it's jesters privelege, for the other half it's just flat out ignoring them usually being horrific sex pests and pedophiles with no real justification or defense

>> No.42907726

I thought this was another Zaion thing but it's a literal who

>> No.42907795

The only positive thing I can say about her is her choice of genre for her covers. Holo/Niji should get a vsinger chuuba that covers that part of the market so I can forget this bitch exists

>> No.42908071

V*ush had to figure someway to avoid the pedophilia charges.

>> No.42909710

Read The Gulag Archipelago btw.

>> No.42910568

I will never understand why there's so many tankies among the LGBT. Do they really think they would live better in USSR?

>> No.42912848
File: 751 KB, 3329x4096, 1648228837096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a minute since I've seen Mana mentioned on /vt/. Fairly certain I argued with her in one of her own threads once.

>> No.42912916

I will correct her bros

>> No.42912960

/vt/ never said she is based. She is a known extreme left winger and a communist.

>> No.42912983

I don't like jews, I just hate muslims.

>> No.42913033
File: 1.06 MB, 498x278, satanya laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you expect upon joining the server?
>to shit on troons

>> No.42913050

I forgot about her shortly after she exposed her political leanings. A real shame since she has really good taste in music and and an amazing voice. Wasted on her brainrot. Oh well.

>> No.42913051

Don't care, she objectively has the most unique voice in the entire industry. Genuinely qualified to be considered the best singer in the VTuber world.
But that is based

>> No.42913108

She is based though. Both leftoids and rightoids hate her fourth positionism and she's hands down the best VSinger in the world. /vsinger/ agrees with that take btw

>> No.42913126

Anon, she's a literal communist. What did you think she was going to say?

>> No.42913136

Insert the image of the guy pissing himself and acting smug while everyone laughs at him

>> No.42913146

Why are so many young women commieshitters like this?

>> No.42913152

Go to /vsinger/ then. She has a few dedicated anons that post her every day.

>> No.42913164

>unique voice
>best singer in the industry
no. not really. you just don't know what you're talking about because you only watch hololive.

>> No.42913191

Can you rape the communism out of someone? Asking for a friend.

>> No.42913192
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no she doesn't

>> No.42913198

Anti-Yakubites will never be based, Shlomo
Idol isn't Jewish

>> No.42913208

How can you be a communist and love troons? The first order of the day for Russian commies was to kill fags and deviants because sodomy can only really flourish if the idle upper class is backing it.

I'm not even a leftoid and I get this, it's basic history.

>> No.42913242

Europe will never belong to you

>> No.42913259

Normies think that you are required under threat of ban to sign every post with slurs

>> No.42913268

This post was made by Mana btw.

>> No.42913285

you will never be a real leftist, anarkiddie

>> No.42913347

Based. You all right.

>> No.42913404
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>LGTV4K+ schizo bullshit

>> No.42913448

Counter with The Conquest of Bread

>> No.42913473
File: 37 KB, 945x633, 1670003452788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this is literally Mana or her manager. You came here a few months ago and tried to pull this same exact shit. Remember when I called you out when we all knew you were F5ing /vsinger/ waiting for someone to fall for your transparent samefagging plan? It's not going to work. Not even /vt/ SEAniggers are that dumb.

>> No.42913518

Because any "communist" that's under 40 years does it to own their conservative or "too soft" liberal parents epic style

>> No.42913556

Mana doesn't post on 4chan but if she did you probably got BTFO hard kek

>> No.42913579

>t. Mana

>> No.42913615

Don't watch that bougie crap. Never imply I do again.

>> No.42913689

im sorry go back to idol/pkg/niji/vsj+/whatever shithole you came from

>> No.42913715

ok Mr. CIA

>> No.42913770

I only watch Indies. ACAB

>> No.42913915

I don't know you know what makes something based. Shilling that shit is troon behavior.

>> No.42914266

It's actually kind of funny that the more socialized healthcare systems are turning against transgender healthcare because it is starting to cost so much money and have huge waitlists. Like what are you going to put resources towards in a social system cancer patients or trannies?

>> No.42914405

those are germs, they invented tranny shit

>> No.42915019

No, rape and communism are inherently tied together, she'll only become more communist
