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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42456968 No.42456968 [Reply] [Original]

What now unicorns? Is she still "based"

>> No.42457204

what the fuck does it mean

>> No.42457207
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>> No.42457264

Video link or kys

>> No.42457268

Confused and needing shock correction

>> No.42457276

She might not be based but I mean... being a human sure is tough.
Which reminds me, I hope you have a good day anon.

>> No.42457284

>Bait thumbnail from a clip that's just Kanata saying she likes that she can get away with staring at tits on the train because she's a girl
Kill yourself

>> No.42457357

i fucking hate clippers, this bullshit needs to stop, and the fact that these assholes cope by saying "oh we are the lifeblood of the community, vtubers need clippers", that's bullshit, the holo girls should just hire someone part time to clip shit for them like kiara does

>> No.42457418

I blame Hikaru Utada for bringing this to japan in 2021.

>> No.42457461

that clipper mostly times makes bait thumbnail, also makes some mistakes in the tl, and even dares to use ojou as pfp...

>> No.42457566
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oh nononono, polbros on suicide watch

>> No.42457633

Didnt a bunch of twitch streamers force clippers to release clips on youtube channels they control? Cover could do the same

>> No.42457635

The clip is this one since OP isn't going to bother for the bait thread.
She mentions this non-binary thing twice but the clip is more about her being grateful of being a woman so she can ogle at other women and touch their butts without being called creepy.

>> No.42457636

>say males have it tough when you hand touches someone by accident that girls don't have to worry about and how everyone has their struggles
>clipper add burger degeneracy for no reason

>> No.42457641

more like futabros just keep winning

>> No.42457705

rightoid kryptonite

>> No.42457712

they contro they own "name" clips channel and dmca the fuck out of everyone else
cover could do it too, but they are probably too lazy for it

>> No.42457739

>hire someone part time to clip shit for them like kiara does
Oh shit, seriously?

>> No.42457788

Vspo makes clippers sign a contract with a bunch of rules, which means they have very few clippers but the ones they do have are all high-effort and not bait

>> No.42457837

yes. more clickbait. make everyone seethe. just what i like to see.

>> No.42457851

Op got assblast by yesterday, he didn't even bother posting link because he gonna get assblast by today too.

>> No.42457871
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her being so damaged make my cock a doodle doo diamond

>> No.42457948

Technically Cover had this back with HoloCN days.
They had people in the community translating and restreaming on a bilibili channel.
That's partly what led to the issues with Coco, the live restreaming. The realtime meltdown when they saw the Taiwan flag sure was funny. I wish i recorded it.

>> No.42457976
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Get out of here clipnigger

>> No.42458014

not male or female

>> No.42458017

OP is full of shit. No surprise.

>> No.42458069
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If your oshi were born in the west she would be part of every LGBT parade and you know it.

>> No.42458122


>> No.42458158

>burning it up like a gay parade

I want to peropero the inside of her ears, to inspect whether she's washed her ears thoroughly

>> No.42458179

Hold on a sec OP okay HOLD ON.. You said the "b" word, so I'm obligated to ask you something. B-b-b-based on,,,, what?!?!? WHAT IS IT BASED ON? HAHAHAHA

>> No.42458189

people who can not do simple math

>> No.42458202

>If she were indoctrinated, then she would be indoctrinated.

>> No.42458214

Why do you keep making bait threads about a branch that no one here watches?

>> No.42458227


It’s funny how different are those two clips from the same rant in the same stream. Everything from the title, to the thumbnail to the parts cut at the beginning or the end, everything is different.

>> No.42458240

do you know how some people vote independant?

>> No.42458258

it means not a robot

>> No.42458282

As harmless as it gets

>> No.42458284

Do your chromosomes have the ability to choose?

>> No.42458312

Thanks, anon. I try.

>> No.42458317

you remember that one clipper kowkarot? he posts clips on kiara's channel now (he might still post on his own channel too but it'd be way more awkward for him to clickbait with them if he works for one of them)

>> No.42458320

What's this? A clipper made a clickbait clip to push his narrative, and another clipper makes another clickbait clip that shows what was actually said?

Yep, just another day on the Internet.

>> No.42458334

Extra special faggot

>> No.42458350

KFP don't read...

>> No.42458409

uhh what? he's not talking about holostars dude, he's talking about the main hololive branch

>> No.42458443
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>his don't

>> No.42458465

Rare genetic defect.

>> No.42458492

More like two kinds of narrative.
One focused on the no male collab and went very quickly over stuff about what it must be to be born as the opposite gender and how to think about what other feels and skipped the two mentions of non-binary people.
The other clipped that part in it’s entirety, but skipped over the no male collab part.

Both are some truth, both are hiding stuff.

>> No.42458520

Oh no /pol/fags aren't gonna like this

>> No.42458527

They couldn't grasp there only being 2 of something. "If I make up a third thing, I can be special and people will pay attention to me!"

>> No.42458598
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I mean that's a good thing.

>> No.42458603

Creepy Weirdos trying so hard to be special that they end up all looking like a Kanamit

>> No.42458628
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>> No.42458639

that'd be mitochondria silly anon

that's the current day definition

>> No.42458728

Retard-chama, she said she has her own ideal for herself. She didn’t throw shade to anyone.
She also said she doesn’t hate male and she’s ok to collab with a babiniku.

>> No.42458740

especially that guy, he groomed ironmouse on stream for months and her viewers fucking celebrated it, he's the reason why i'll never watch ironmouse

>> No.42458779

Careful about speaking out against the church on this board.

>> No.42458793

Weird how the Jap side of the clipping scene doesn't care and it's only the EOP spics and SEAslugs desperately being the biggest piles of shit in every corner of the internet

>> No.42458842


>> No.42458913

Literally watch the clip.
It’s all there
>I don’t hate males
>I have my own ideal
>He has to become a babiniku

>> No.42458940

accidents happen

>> No.42458991
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>> No.42459007

a thing that rustles at least 27% of american's jimmies but that actually touches about 0.36% of them

>> No.42459104

Are you retarded or too lazy to watch a 2 minutes clip?
I think you’re retarded

>> No.42459137

It's pretty obvious if you watch any Coco or Kson clips about her that Kanata is non-binary.

>> No.42459270

Fuck off

>> No.42459274

They don't believe in 1's and 0's

>> No.42459283

Anon, it's fucking 2023. Even if you don't know what nonbinary means by now, you should AT LEAST know how to fucking use google by now.

>> No.42459408

You should know not to use google about anything politically loaded like weaponized LGBT unless you are only interest in regime approved propaganda.

>> No.42459451

yeah but google is a left wing apparatus that helped in building hillary and 5g and coronavirus mind control/death jab

>> No.42459475

non-binary siblings... we won

>> No.42459488

The hit movie of the Summer.
Nominated for three academy awards.

>> No.42459703

this>>42459408, also if you use twitter you should switch to truth social now, only a matter time before elon gifterat crumbles to the profit potential of appeasing to (((them)))

>> No.42459743

Whatever idiotic logic you're trying to sell me is just more copium and makes you look more desperate.
>b-b-but she said!

>> No.42459898

Look who’s coping now

>> No.42459904

the reason I can no longer watch her, for me

>> No.42459986

these posts are parody, right?

>> No.42460043
File: 217 KB, 512x512, 1652984232715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok retard

>> No.42460050

this one too

>> No.42460094

This entire thread is a psyop. And they're making it really obvious.

>> No.42460111

You don't think Google has a political bias?

>> No.42460231

Yea the branch none of you EOP monkies watch

>> No.42460256

>why don't my unpopular search results appear as high as the popular ones ree

>> No.42460301

Yes actually. Kanata saying that no matter who you are being a human can be tough sounds pretty based.

>> No.42460365

I think the anon is merely suggesting that while wikipedia appears as the first result, maybe conservapedia should be the second one, one being slightly biased to the left, the other one slightly biased to the right, otherwise all about equally informative, reasonable, no?

>> No.42460425

>clipper inserting xer politics
>kanata said it actually

>> No.42460441

ok then. A search engine staffed by liberals skews liberal and it's a coincidence. Not to mention all the interference that Musk revealed at twitter which totally isn't happening elsewhere.

>> No.42460456

Literally nobody uses that.

>> No.42460483

>slightly biased

>> No.42460509 [DELETED] 

>What is clickbait

>> No.42460519 [DELETED] 

lol /pol/ eops losing their minds over a 3 min clip that they can't even be bothered to watch

>> No.42460578

You need to have an extremely poor understanding of AI systems to think anyone at Google is capable of altering search result

>> No.42460713

yes that's totally what's happening here. None of the evil incel chuds even attacked Kanata here you're just trying to start shit because hololive will never be coed and you will never be a woman.

>> No.42460761


>> No.42460763

don't care, didn't read, eop

>> No.42460905

Truly an angel, she cares for everyone

>> No.42461152

>if you feel

For you slow niggers, she's acknowledging its a mental illness, but still being empathetic. She isn't agreeing with your crazy troon rhetoric.

What a sweet and based tenshi.

>> No.42461479

Yes, still based. It's the Taso's default state.

>> No.42461586

>That didn't happen.
>And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
>And if it was, that's not a big deal.
>And if it is, that's not my fault.
>And if it was, I didn't mean it.
>And if I did, you deserved it.

>> No.42461655

She's a lesbian, she was always part of the weird alphabet people, I don't know why you're surprised.

>> No.42461797

The mental gymnastics that the heimin go through is astounding.

>> No.42461869

feelings are not facts

>> No.42461908

>grateful of being a woman so she can ogle at other women and touch their butts
>totally not a lesbian by the way

>> No.42461974

>man-hating dyke is also an alphabet zogbot
gee what a surprise. i keep saying it but the cucks here refuse to listen. "unicorn" vtubers are just a front for misandrists and "unicorns" are self-hating men/alphabet people who wants to push anti-male agenda.
any vtuber who support unicorns are a man-hater and no self-respecting man should be watching them.

>> No.42461998

You lost the culture war.

>> No.42462220

first war in history where the side getting their cocks chopped off are the winners

>> No.42462227

Hermaphrodites happen on rare occasion. You have a peepee and a pussy. One or both will function to some extent. But it's not a third or non-binary gender. It's an abnormality and a genetic defect.

>> No.42462329

largely straight girls who want attention and social credit with minimal commitment

>> No.42462412

I will always dislike and block americunt clipnogs who pull shit like this.

>> No.42462564


>> No.42462703

TLDR for me, did ppt wade into the US culture war as pro trans?
Don't these dumdums know you don't pick a side and just carry on role playing an anime girl? They should learn from Kiara.

>> No.42462919

Japan is both a lot less political and a lot more open about this kind of stuff.
They will never drop words like "genderfluid" or "non-binary" (The thumbnail is clickbait), most people on the street don’t even know what "LGBT" means. But they’ll drop casually "oh I guess some people feel like neither men nor women" and literally no one, not even the most right-wing people will bat an eye.

That’s what happened, she didn’t say "non-binary" nor any equivalent, she just said men, women and other who feel like neither.

>> No.42462999
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explain why this is bad

>> No.42463542

Good. Safe. We don't want any of the pollacks invading chuubaland.

>> No.42463587

Kek bro you just fucking killed- (ACK!!!)

Nevermind it just killed itself

>> No.42464339

>faggot living in a dimension with only yes and no with no counter argument
Roru, another turd burger discovered.

>> No.42464454
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>he's still coping

>> No.42464635

/pol/ bros we lost...

>> No.42464660

who else are the pro-LGBT holos?
who else?

>> No.42464810


>> No.42464854

All of EN

>> No.42464860
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>> No.42464925

but not T, I like LGB but T is disgusting, it should be a separate movement

>> No.42464979

>he's the reason why i'll never watch ironmouse
Anon, there are many reasons to not watch her

>> No.42465155

developing love and affection is now called grooming?

>> No.42465443

This is the normal stance for first worlders who respect other people.

>> No.42465516

I don't respect troons

>> No.42465553

You’re also not a first-worlder

>> No.42465971
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Mutts and their asslickers can't comprehend this because they're too far gone

>> No.42465982

Didn't people already coined the word "intersex" for that?

>> No.42466079

First worlders know best how degenerate trannies are so I'd expect them to hate them the most. The rest of the world is simply blissfully unaware of the troon meanace

>> No.42466227

You will never be women. Do society a favor and commit 40%.

>> No.42466420

All I know is that Pekora hates faggots and trannies.

>> No.42466544

I've never met a non-biney that didn't have bigger mental health issues that warranted more discussion than their stupid as fuck views of sex and gender

>> No.42466671
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Only L.

>> No.42467074

Has any other chuuba made a comment like this on stream?

>> No.42468057

The Simple And Clean lady?

>> No.42468566


why did you quote me you stupid fuck?

>> No.42468788

>trying to be considerate of kronnii
>unicorns seethe

>> No.42471186

Clipwatchers probably don't know but Kanata was also on a show hosted by a man like a year ago.

>> No.42471314 [SPOILER] 
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>what the fuck does it mean

>> No.42471336

Encoding is other than binary, like decimal or hexadecimal
