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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42450951 No.42450951 [Reply] [Original]

Now 1800+ comments on a 54k clip. Will management listen? Will they push harder for EN3 after this reaction?

>> No.42451096

>Now 1800+ comments
Post some screencaps

>> No.42451349

Don't worry Yagoo has personally requested that EN management speed up the release of Tempus 3.

>> No.42451390

>Will they push harder for EN3 after this reaction?
the requirement for a new gen is having someone from the previous gen reach 1m.
HoloX has no 1m members = no jp
HoloCouncil has no 1m members = No HoloEN3
Kobo from HoloID3 has over 1m = HoloID4 soon.
Stars are working under different rules.

>> No.42451622

Imagine op just constantly refreshing this video, trying no to cum every time he see another view added. Always ready to make yet another thread to get his rocks off to the only thing that excites his old broken heart any more.

>> No.42451702

lmao you dumb fucking cunt

>> No.42451937
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>trying no to cum every time
Nothing makes me cum harder than seeing so much (public) male vtuber hatred which Hololive can't hide or take down. They did this to themselves by shutting everyone down for so long. I hate reddit but that was fucked up what the mods did.

>> No.42453023

Kanata isnt in the EN branch retard

>> No.42453581

An unwatchable struggle between unicorns and non-unicorns.

>> No.42453700

I choose to believe in this rrat

>> No.42453933

Chloe is gonna hit 1M in a matter of weeks

>> No.42453977

No. JP management does not give a shit about comments on an EN clip. Nor should they.

>> No.42454131

And within a month you'll hear about JP auditions.

>> No.42454370

I've still never seen a link to this video.

>> No.42454390

Why the fuck would management care?

>> No.42454488

>Will management listen?
listen to what? all the comments are saying different things. they're obviously aware that its a controversial issue. if anything, this will motivate them to avoid controversy by abandoning the EN market completely.

>> No.42454502

I searched
>kanata men
1st result https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6AQZdGyQmU

>> No.42455083

After TEMPISS and TEMPOOP? They'll push for T3MPUKE instead.

>> No.42455627

Except you won't because you couldn't point me to when the supposed auditions for holoX were first posted.

>> No.42455748

She didn't really explain much though, other than that it's just her image of an idol. But maybe she touched on it earlier so she didn't elaborate.

I'm totally fine with whatever she wants to do, she is the content creator after all. She should never feel pressured if she doesn't want to collab with dudes.

I think the main issue with this discussion, is that more and more people feel that her 'image' of an what an idol should be is, in fact, strange and outdated. And that the girls who use this reasoning for not collabing are selling themselves short, or at least 'knocking it before trying it'.

If she just doesn't vibe with this kind of content, or feels awkward with some turns that guy/girl convo's can take, that is a solid reason. But just saying 'an ideal idol is only an idol if she doesn't collab with guys', is, to many fans, just bullsh*t. That's not a reason, it's just vague idealism. How would talking with a dude sometimes and having fun make it impossible to create fun content, and inspire people and uplift their mood? That is also what an idol does.

Again, that does not mean Kanata must do it. But i feel that fans are ok to push back a bit on such simplistic reasoning, since it is a relic of traditional (toxic??) idol culture that many want to leave behind, esp. since that culture has not been kind on women. It's mostly born from a genuine desire to see these girls have fun in more ways, and not limit themselves, since other vtubers have shown it makes great and sometimes even wholesome content.

>> No.42456149

You are not fans of Kanata and she knows that. You want her to alienate her actual fans to appease your ideology and she is smart enough to ignore you and take the preferences of the people who actually watch, subscribe and buy merch into account.

>> No.42456219

You mean Tempus 3? Frick yeah

>> No.42456276

>Same stream
>Same tangente
>Different clippers

>Ignores everything about the male collabs
>Include the part she talks about non-binary people

>Include the part about male collabs
>Completely ignore the part about non-binary people


>> No.42456672
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>This one youtube video that's being recommended to other incels like me proves that every Hololive fan agrees with me!

>> No.42456797

>Will management listen?
Yes they will listen. They will listen to all nijiniggers that want Hololive to die and release Tempus 3. Because EN management is only listening to them.

>> No.42456804

We must own those incels sister!

>> No.42457098

It's not vague at all, it's a perfectly fine reason. "I have an ideal that I aspire to, and doing x is counter to that". I might agree with you if she said "I want to do them, but as an idol I'm unfortunately not allowed to", but she didn't say that.

It's her image. It's her ideal. It's her personal standard. She's really into idols herself. Kanata has given no indication that she dislikes or wants to abandon that part of the culture, and the clip is evidence to the opposite. We can't just assume her reasoning isn't thought through at all, and we have no place telling her the 'right' way to live her life or what the 'right' personal ideals and goals are.

>> No.42457719

>starts the rant by talking about non-binary
>ends the rant by saying she can collab with babiniku (male who use female avatar online)
Is this really the based take /vt/ thinks it is?

>> No.42457772

Jesas IRyS please save us

>> No.42458677

Chatgpt post

>> No.42458817

Gen 3 in 2025 when council hits 1m lmao

>> No.42459130
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>> No.42460743

Who is that? Is she hololive?

>> No.42462378

>She didn't really explain much though
All those lines of text and you blew it in the first sentence.

>> No.42462978

Does Connor really count as a male? Hes the most whipped bitch I've ever seen. Following around Ironmouse like a dog starved for exposure

>> No.42463112

>I'm totally fine with whatever she wants to do
It's always the "but"

>> No.42463483

if you email the clip to them maybe

>> No.42463518

Y'all seethed when he collabed with Calli.

>> No.42463632

Try not to choke on all that cope. She was very clear what she meant.

>> No.42464048

Get lost reddit faggot, she already explain it perfectly, "it my ideal" she doesn't force it on anyone, so she doesn't need you version of "but..." excuse for explanation.

>> No.42464167

I laughed

>> No.42464273

It was never about male collabs. You people just want something to gossip and dramafag at.

>> No.42464322

A discussion between seething homobeggars and gloating unicucks on a EOP clip about a JP chuuba isn't going to do anything. Not even a tenth of everyone involved in your "1800+ comments" even watch her. So no, nothing will happen that wasn't going to already.

>> No.42464385
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>> No.42464422

The clip getting posted on /#/ very early probably helped

>> No.42465179

>And that the girls who use this reasoning for not collabing are selling themselves short, or at least 'knocking it before trying it
You are quite literally a kike.
Imagine this kind of rationale around heroin or meth
>bro just try it once, no harm?
You are a terrible person who just wishes harm on to these content creators, you fundamentally misunderstand why anyone watches female streamers in general.
Just because you project your favorite streamer as your daughterfu who you want to date other men doesn't mean the other 95% of the paying audience is on board with that.

>> No.42465225

This is a comment posted by average KFP on the video.

>> No.42465843

It's crazy how having ideals is so frowned upon nowadays. Whenever someone doesn't act exactly how the hivemind wants them to they automatically are either victims of some made up conspiracy or the perpetrators themselves.
>since it is a relic of traditional (toxic??) idol culture that many want to leave behind, esp. since that culture has not been kind on women.
>that culture has not been kind on women.
These girls prior hololive were absolute nobodies trying to get by. Some of them had their dreams crushed on their faces and some of them were simply struggling in shitty jobs working insane hours for pennies; then hololive appears, gives them a chance and they suddenly became millionaries solely because of the insane amount of love and support their fans gives them.
I would love to also be so oppresed as to receive insane amounts of love, support, money, kindness and admiration from a ton of people who are there for me everytime, because the actual fans of hololive are with their oshi not only to watch her play the flavor of the month but also to make her feel better when she's feeling down. Do you think someone like Miko sings well enough to release an album succesfully? Do you think Watame sings good enough to hold concerts? Do you think Koyori is proficient enough in games as to provide entertainment expected from someone who makes a living out of them? The answer to all of those is no; yet they can do it. Why? Because beyond all that there are people who want them to achieve their dreams and supports them even though there are people who are better than them at those deeds. And they know it, that's why they unironically love their fans and try to give back to them even if sometimes means doing something they don't like too much.
I'd call you a retard and call it but honestly that doesn't suffice. You're just incredibly oblivious on the topic you're talking about and you're talking about it based on the leftovers you get in the shape of mistranslations and biased comments from people who, like you, don't even speak the language these girls and their fans speak.

>> No.42465943

go fuck yourself redditspacer

>> No.42467036

women love nobody but themselves

>> No.42467203

explain jp gen's 1 - 5 then since gura was the first to hit a milly

>> No.42467300

>if anything, this will motivate them to avoid controversy by abandoning the EN market completely.
My rrat is that they already basically have which is why EN management managed to con JP management into giving them resources for tempus instead of en3 by pointing to Luxiem and saying the girl market is tapped out and dead but the male market is ripe for another smash hit.

>> No.42468179

>I hate reddit but that was fucked up what the mods did.
QRD? I don't go there.

>> No.42468269
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>> No.42468361

this >>42455748 is a copypaste of one of the male collab beggars on the clip channel

>> No.42468410

EN is filled with menhera wannabes. there will never be an EN 3

>> No.42468472
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Another example of /vt/ being extremely easy to bait. Just add "homo" or "unicorn" too your posts to get easy (You)s

>> No.42468558

They're not going to push for lazy western women anon. If anything they'll release JP7.

>> No.42469438

>I would love to also be so oppresed as to receive insane amounts of love, support, money, kindness and admiration from a ton of people who are there for me everytime, because the actual fans of hololive are with their oshi not only to watch her play the flavor of the month but also to make her feel better when she's feeling down.
It would be great if fans truly followed such an altruistic concept but lets not pretend there aren't certain red lines that are expected to not be crossed or else the support of a sizeable portion of those fans will melt away like snow in summer. For sure their lives are made but at the same time there is always a nagging concern to not misstep over those red lines or else it will all crumble down swiftly. Support is not unconditional but transactional and to pretend otherwise is as stupid as the guy you lashed out at.
