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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 34 KB, 400x400, Bluht2gc_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42394646 No.42394646 [Reply] [Original]

I like everyone from Idol so far, but I keep seeing messages in chat (and they keep reading it out loud so it's not like they're hiding it) that people are coming in because they saw an ad. So literally WHILE someone is streaming, they are running ads for that exact stream. It's making me realize you can apparently get good numbers just from aggressively advertising. Like apparently all you need to make a successful VTuber is someone rich enough to just pump constant ad money in. It really makes me realize that numbers aren't really worth that much because all it really means is "How rich is the company you work for, and to what level can they afford to artificially make you successful."

>> No.42394723

this is what /#/ brainrot looks like folks

>> No.42394858

thanks for your effort, was really starting to feel Rin ads were underappreciated. In answer to your question there are obviously rapidly diminishing returns from advertising, it's a good way to advertise new talent that people haven't heard of

>> No.42394864

>anon finally realize that you need to spend money to make money

>> No.42395082

Ads are literally the reason idolEN succeeded OP, that being said, holy shit I wanna fuck Rin so badly I need to cover her flat chest with cum

>> No.42395093

>anon learns about the concept of marketing

>> No.42395260
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All big twitch streamers use bots so it doesn't surprise me.

>> No.42395309 [DELETED] 

>loves troon shark
>calls herself 'Prince'
>calls herself an 'Alpha Male'
Your oshi is a troon, anon.

>> No.42395358

Actually my oshi is just a little guy and it is his birthday

>> No.42395406

No (s)he's a sexy reverse trap who likes maintaining kayfabe

>> No.42395599

Wait so is the character actually supposed to be male? The company called "Idol" introduced a male right off the bat and he collabs with the girls? Unicorns BTFO?

>> No.42395673

Nah she's refered to as a woman constantly by her genmates and stuff, she's just a somewhat androgynous tomboy. That being said she's flat out said she hopes idolEN has men in the future so she is disliked by unicorns

>> No.42395702

>Unicorns BTFO?

>> No.42395725

>you can apparently get good numbers just from aggressively advertising
Businesses have known this for years and it's why they pour 50% or more of their earnings into marketing.

>> No.42396031

Her favorite toy is the IKEA shark. Has a weird name. Google "IKEA shark" and you should find the necessary information eventually. "She" is absolutely what you think "she" is, but don't go too overboard here or you will get banned.

>> No.42396083

Nah she identified as female in PL too
I think she just loves the shoujo prince trope

>> No.42396300

Explain the shark, then. Is that just a coincidence?

>> No.42396349

personally I don't care that much

>> No.42396412

It's autism

>> No.42396423

She's probably an ally regardless. 99% of VTubers are since they aren't sociopaths like you.

>> No.42396474 [DELETED] 

YWNBAW, child groomer.

>> No.42396475

it's a cute toy shark who cares? I have literally never heard of it being associated with that

>> No.42396582

>fan of Mori
>least liked of her gen
like pottery

>> No.42396650

She's right in the middle in terms of numbers and makes a good amount in supachas

>> No.42396709

she also has more people that dislike her than anyone else which was my point

>> No.42396727

The thing on her stream says she made $10,000. That is a fucking insane amount of money for one stream, I think people are underestimating just how much of a hit that Idol is.

>> No.42396799

She was most popular in JIDF at debut but soon after me and I assume a lot of other Rin lovers stopped posting there, so she looks a lot less popular than she really is

>> No.42396815

Nobody that's actually a fan of Idol EN dislikes her

>> No.42396831

Not really, that's just you. I'm pretty sure Yuko has more haters even if she has more fans just because her fans are her most annoying.

>> No.42396859 [DELETED] 

/vt/ trannies aren't people

>> No.42396879

I don't go in that thread but I'm guessing it's the usual situation where there's some dedicated schizos who shit on her every time anyone says anything positive and eventually the fans just stop posting and enjoy her quietly?

>> No.42396984

Hell she talked glowingly about her male "best friend" who "always takes care of (her)" at the start of the stream.

>> No.42397009

I am 100% confident the first real yab the company has will be from her.

>> No.42397037
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God I love this little guy, remember to wish her a happy birthday while you're at it

>> No.42397089

Why? She doesn't even swear, she is very well-behaved.

>> No.42397094

>advertising is... LE BAD!
This is why your 2view oshi will remain a 2view for life.

>> No.42397143

What would she even yab about? I don't see it.

>> No.42397205

I think she wouldn't appreciate that very much, anon.

>> No.42397207 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 372x208, 8AFED0B0-19CD-416D-8865-0EF7D73B64EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys please don’t tell me she’s a tranny. I actually like this one

>> No.42397240

Was a feminine girl in PL
She just has fun with her character, don't worry anon!

>> No.42397248

NTA, but she's said fuck like five times I've only been watching her stream for about half an hour.

>> No.42397340

I don't see many negative posts about her anymore. A week or two ago though there were some people talking shit and then someone got banned for posting NSFW and all their posts were deleted revealing it was literally one guy instigating it.

>> No.42397420

The only real yab she could cause is something related to male vtubers. But she also literally said the only thing stopping her from male vtuber collabs is not talking to any yet, so it shouldn't be a surprise. She's a male vtuber simp and she hasn't exactly hidden that(other than unfollowing Tempus for some reason). I personally don't watch her for this reason so I just hope when it eventually happens it doesn't cause a bunch of drama that ruins the good vibes IdolEN has had to this point.

>> No.42397437
File: 31 KB, 347x464, Over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>said fuck five (5) times
It's over

>> No.42397448

She isn't, they wanted her to be a royal character, specifically a princess, she didn't want to be a princess so she said what abotu a prince. She is 100% female, doesn't use male prononuns. The "little guy" thing is just something she says over and over again. Whenever she is talking about something like a plushie she will say "he's just a little guy" so it kinda took over.
Also as to why she had so much say in the character, she was scouted, didn't have to audition.
Also this isn't an EN thing, Suisei from holo is prince type as well, stellar stellar (the first take song) is about not wanting to be cinderella, but the prince that saves her. It's like that. Just a trope.

>> No.42397496

The adcomers were the true Raid Shadowlegends all along

>> No.42397503

The thread is actually surprisingly good, enjoying it before the eventual schizos arrive

>> No.42397556

It's all inflated numbers anyway, they just have to make throw away accounts that put money back into their pockets to bait for more people to join

>> No.42397591

Costs money to do that though. If you're spending $1000 to make $100 you won't be in business very long. But yes, there is a reason people do advertising.

>> No.42397615

Juna will be the first one. She just radiates roastie energy.

>> No.42397657

meant to quote >>42397009

>> No.42397679

The ad for this chick literally says that she's streaming at the moment. It's actually one of the few ads on YT I don't skip, her voice is nice. I also don't see what's wrong with that.

>> No.42397689

So that word really is banned all across 4chan huh? Never thought I'd see this site pozzed.

>> No.42397729

A few weels ago Hakka (the homo spic) appeared on chat and attempted to derail stream, she kept quite composed and stayed doing her thing. She's okay in my book

>> No.42397755

Hakka doesn't intentionally detail he's just Hispanic

>> No.42397788

Some anons here don't like corporations advertising their talents, I think we'll see more ads like this in the future given the success of Idol

>> No.42397871

Nah its fine
a lot of Rin fans were unironically cuck posting there for a while but they were all bullied out
the Rin fans that are left are cool though

>> No.42397888

She's the first VTuber for me in a long time where I instantly recognized her and didn't have to look it up. I'm so happy for her that she finally made it big, she really deserves it.

>> No.42397912

>you can apparently get good numbers just from aggressively advertising. Like apparently all you need to make a successful VTuber is someone rich enough to just pump constant ad money in
your chuuba has to be entertaining tho

>> No.42398154

Do anons expect new VTubers to just get gospeld to them in their dreams?

>> No.42398365

I got an ad for this bitch just a few hours ago, I don't like her accent

>> No.42398551

You make it sound like you don't

>> No.42398824

I think what he meant is that something like Hololive got popular basically through good word of mouth, clippers, the YouTube algorithm, and so on, rather than specifically paying YouTube to run ads. So people don't like this because they see it as artificial. Now me personally I don't care, I think Hololive has cornered the market so much that an upstart is going to need any advantage they can get. And really it's not even the first time a VTuber company has tried running ads, Shiki from Prism Project is one of the most popular ones and this is because they used her as their guinea pig for ads.

>> No.42399081

>See thread
>Check stream
>She's literally doing jigsaw puzzles
What's the scheme here, am I missing something?
Is she just really autistic?

>> No.42399098

that's true, i like her but i hate yuko (thanks shillers)

>> No.42399141

ads are not expensive.

>> No.42399346
File: 761 KB, 1915x1082, ikeashark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is she just really autistic

>> No.42399999

>Is she just really autistic
Really is an understatement, she is absurdly autistic, actual womanchild (but cute)

>> No.42400863
File: 10 KB, 331x100, 1651726910138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird superchat...

>> No.42401102

Yeah...advertising works. Go figure.

I lovvveeee RIN!

>> No.42402068

Does she live with her family? I notice she has a few streams with her mother. It seems that absurdly autistic people tend to live with their families a lot.

>> No.42402182

You don't have to be a troon to like the shark, dipshit. You can just have troon friends. Which as >>42396423 put it (tourist as they are), is like 99% of vtubers

>> No.42402241


>> No.42402373

oh wow op... you mean every company on the planet hasn't been throwing money down the toilet for the past 200 years on marketing? you mean that all that money sent... actually does something? i can't believe that, where's your source op?

>> No.42402418

Yes she does live with her family, her mother is quite entertaining on stream

>> No.42402527

W-w-what??? You're telling me paying for exposure helps you get exposure..? Tell me it ain't so!

>> No.42402596

The closest to that happening irl is finding out about someone /here/. And God knows how hard it is to get anybody to talk about someone other than the ones everybody knows. I've only seen small corpos start taking up the catalog within the last two months or so. And even then, it's the ones that most people who are /here/ would already know.

>> No.42402795

>every single one of the IDOL groups youtube accounts is sourced in isreal

>> No.42403232

Wait until you learn about the donation seeding.

>> No.42403408

Isn't that super obvious? No fresh-on-the-scene streamer is going to be getting $30k in donations without a blue arrow on their name. It's a good idea, even if a bit Jewish. Like placing a few of your own dollars in the tip jar so more people feel like they should tip.

>> No.42403463

I wonder if early holo put on ads for the girls when they were 3views, or if the growth came mainly from the clippers and algorithm

>> No.42403519

Found the link to ad 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJUBmdKpLJQ gotta go fishing for add 1 once my "I watched an add" immunity goes away

>> No.42403757

I've been using this site since before you were born, kid. You are the outsider here.

>> No.42403889

go back to /a/ and retire in sluice then, nobody gives a shit about tranny baiting. I want to think about trannies zero percent, and if i you do there are boards for that

>> No.42404281

Thanks for the link. I was curious about what the ad looks like.

>> No.42404630


She is a reverse trap you absolute fucking mongoloids. Do you faggots know what that is? Or are you giga tourists?

>> No.42404711 [SPOILER] 
File: 60 KB, 298x466, Rin in a bin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin in a bin...

>> No.42404929

>Anon BTFO?

>> No.42405037

Sexually arousing english accent.

>> No.42405380

her ads are interesting

>> No.42405715

only in your troon head this tweeter retoric works.

>> No.42405868

Aviel spreadsheet actually works

>> No.42405936

She just sounds like someone from my neighbourhood, it's kind of calming to listen to now that I live on the other side of the planet. Is it that hot to some people?

>> No.42405962

you clearly don't watch her
hope it stays like that

>> No.42405987

what's wrong with the ikea shark?

>> No.42406148 [DELETED] 

Just like everything, the new state religion attempted to claim it as one of their symbols of worship.

>> No.42406569

You sound like a whiny faggot.

>> No.42406727 [DELETED] 

filthy joos and their money...

>> No.42406832

You spell neighbourhood correctly...

>> No.42406888

i also think you sound like a whiny faggot. stop talking about troons you boring fuck

>> No.42406901

Well he'd be quite an odd American to have a neighbour that sounded like Rin

>> No.42406957 [DELETED] 

Woah woah woah watch it with that kind of language. You're going to get a Rule 1 vacation.

>> No.42407163

No joke, I had to double check, I haven't lived in bongland in a while and everyone who speaks English here uses the US standard. All the more reason why Rin's voice is kind of reassuring to me.

>> No.42407435

Oh, so it's not okay when a religion you don't like does it. I see how it is.

>> No.42407522

they aren't talking about joos they are talking about troonism. the guy is legit schizoing out. not worth it.

>> No.42407610

Thanks for confirming it is a religion.

>> No.42407962

Honestly you seem to live a pretty sad life, constantly obsessing over this stuff and spending all your free time trying to come up with witty retorts on 4chan. I sincerely hope you find something better to do with your life someday.

>> No.42408151
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>> No.42408392

Ah, you don't even realize that you're doing it. That's even sadder. I guess you'll just be stuck in a death spiral forever then.

>> No.42409669

I don't know how to explain it, but for some reason all British accents are hot to Americans, whether it's a posh accent or a working class one. It's like catnip either way. Applies to me too even though I can actually tell the difference, I can't get enough of her accent. In my case the juxtaposition between her noble aesthetic and her accent being decidedly not one of nobility, just makes it even better.
I always wondered why it doesn't work the other way and I never hear of Brits getting horny for American accents. Some people say it's because the British hear American accents all the time through TV and movies and stuff but it's not as if we don't get British TV over here. There's got to be something more to it.

>> No.42409773

She's the one with the most fragile body from idol, I wonder how long will she be able to keep streaming since she didn't set a limit

>> No.42409937

>threatens to report everyone in the thread
>get baleeted

>> No.42410224

She spent like 2 hours doing a stream presenting a her stuffed shark obsession in with a PowerPoint, yes she's autistic

>> No.42410491

>Ads are literally the reason idolEN succeeded OP
At the start it was the shorts, they didn't have ads at that point. It was only after they got to be 3view that Idol started investing more into them.

>> No.42410737

>all British accents are hot to Americans
most Americans have only really heard RP and maybe a London accent one time
I challenge you to find someone that thinks a Scouse accent is attractive in any way

>> No.42410746
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>> No.42410953

To be fair Rin's is some kind of weird Thames Estuary variant. But yeah you'd be hardpressed to get anyone to find a Boro accent attractive or whatever.

>> No.42411485

I'm pretty sure they made shorts and then used those as ads before debuting, tho

>> No.42411774

>Also as to why she had so much say in the character, she was scouted, didn't have to audition.
My understanding is that Idol has all the talents more involved in the character design process

>> No.42411875

That's what they say, and currently there is no reason not to believe it

>> No.42412010

Its a tranny status symbol.
If you own one you are either one or an LGBT+ supporter

>> No.42412056

What if you own 9?

>> No.42412145

You are on your hornones and look also for ropes

>> No.42412147
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>> No.42412186

Actually I'm a big fan of Paul Hollywood's accent on Great British Bake Off and I'm told that's a Scouse accent. It's very appealing even though Paul himself is just kind of a fat old dude.

>> No.42412210

Here from the ad, why are you like this?

>> No.42412278


>> No.42412418

Not a fan of donothons, feels like soulless moneygrab, esp when they do it 2 months in. But I guess their jew corpo mandates it.

>> No.42412450

Having never watched a donothon before I have quite enjoyed Idol's, don't ask me why people donate however

>> No.42412547

King Jewba said all the girls get to keep the full amount with no cuts for donothons.

But you are right in that they are getting very excessive and could burn people out. Donothons should have been spread out to one talent per month

>> No.42412615

That's a falsehood propagated here, Idol corp will pay for all the goals, which might very well result in them making no money from the donothon, but they take the regular cut of donations

>> No.42412972
File: 6 KB, 351x40, advice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuyo's comment on Rin's stream

>> No.42413106

I think it was mentioned on a stream that they take 10% which is lower than I expected, could be wrong though

>> No.42413144
File: 509 KB, 508x590, 1672441544465782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this green brat

>> No.42413230

I don't know what donothons are all about but she seems to be doing an assortment of things instead of following a strict schedule. I like that kind of stream, varied and entertaining.

>> No.42413299

I haven't seen a source for 10%, my headcanon is more like 25% since 30% seems to be fairly standard

>> No.42413325
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Get into the Jar, Fuyo

>> No.42413371

You've described it quite well, all that technically makes it a donothon is having goals that can be hit by reaching certain donation milestones and Rin really did not make those the focus of the stream

>> No.42413430
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Cant we keep her for a bit longer? Look at how cute she is.

>> No.42413548

It's just an excuse for them to stream longer than usual, they sure aren't expecting to hit half of the goals and mainly let their autism run wild while they receive more tourists thanks to ads, becoming a familiar face it's worth more than actually achieving the goals in my opinion

>> No.42413611

Yuko exceeded her max donation goal of 20k by 15k, totalling 35k. But I think you're right about them not expecting that, even after Yuko. The subs are probably the most important part, advertising an ongoing stream is brilliant

>> No.42413618
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Sure, but one condition

>> No.42414102

As a deadbeat, I now like her. The good stream and ads helped, but this seals the deal.

>> No.42415432

based green yeetable gremlin

>> No.42415582

there was one picture of one trans with a stuffed shark so all shark plushes ever made ever are only owned by trannies forever because people on 4chan have brainrot

>> No.42415636

>Kronii but no big titty model
I want me 5 mins back from watching this garbage

>> No.42415696

Man my little sister got one for Christmas, should I be worried?

>> No.42415725
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nah theyre using them to keep the hype up after things had died down a bit post-debut and will roll it into the STAR debut and then keep going after probably into either the Jew Gen redebut or EN2, its a pretty smart plan
once theyre more established and have a few 4views with 100k subs spacing them out will make more sense, maybe next year

>> No.42415832

sorry, no refunds

>> No.42415854

trust the plan

>> No.42415914

Keep an eye out but I'm pretty sure only the male trannies associate with it

>> No.42415984

Oh fuck, Actually makes sense with the debut coming up to bring more eyes with an big event type of deal, they know what they're doing

>> No.42416039

How is Kronii your first thought? Rin literally cannot stop talking. That is the complete opposite of Kronii.

>> No.42416382

If I have one problem with Rin, it is that she chose the name "Rin" when she cannot pronounce it. You get to choose your name, you need to choose something that you will consistently be able to pronounce correctly.

>> No.42416465

Rin you're meant to be streaming right now

>> No.42416563


>> No.42416803

Don't even try to have a proper conversation with holo brainrot, they can only associate Vtubers to the ones they previously know instead of acknowledging that there's actually more outside of their bubble

>> No.42417026

I like heterochromia, simple as

>> No.42417062

Patrician taste

>> No.42417611

I hate heterochromia but her design pulls it off somehow

>> No.42417733

The hair perhaps?

>> No.42418802

Correct. The biggest draws are events. Debuts, their first alternate outfit, 3D, tournaments, and graduations. If you only have one of the above a year then good luck growing.

>> No.42419069
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I hate asymmetrical character design in general actually, so normally the hair would bother me too. I guess it going all in on it but maintaining a reserved color palette (instead of something like pic related) and having a solid base design makes the difference.

But I also don't care for reverse traps and I still want to fuck her so idkwtf

>> No.42420607

Not that massive.

>> No.42420983

I don't want to assign anything to Rin that Rin doesn't want to discuss, but as a Troon myself, Rin dogwhistles, at the very least, blatant allyship for trans individuals. It appears to me that Rin is one of those very good allies yes, 100% good ally.

Love Rin btw happy birthday!

>> No.42420987

You list some strange symptoms and in the end I'm afraid I'm going to have to diagnose you with a severe case of cultured taste

>> No.42421012

Like how you guys are talking about not understanding the IKEA shark? They might as well put the IKEA shark on the trans flag at this point.

>> No.42421341

that's actually pretty based, i think she at least has a basic understanding of her audience since idol is pretty clearly on /vt/, and she was always the main punching bag cause she was basically mori 3.0 right out the gate, so i imagine she pivoted a little bit since then (especially cause she said she's a fan of them in the past, it probably took some real self control to not talk to him)

>> No.42421381

i love idol and i fucking despise her, members to both yuko and pochi, but i don't fuck with rin at all, she immediatly tainted idol-en right out the gate with her homo shilling

>> No.42421463

Kinda crazy how /pol/tards obsessively memorize dozens of buzzwords and pointless information for the sole purpose of... imitating how they think a liberal talks, apparently?
Also pretty ridiculous to see what is very obviously the same poster coming in, making posts over and over again about this shark thing no one cares about, getting deleted, and repeatedly coming back again and again, many times over the course of the eight fucking hours this thread has come up. The sheer level of schizophrenia this board attracts is frightening. The posts about Hololive are bad enough, but then you get these people who think "No, I don't want to attack Hololive. I want to attack this small corporate VTuber with 30k subs." In a way I understand why they're so persistent, because you have to be a truly psychotic person to think that to be a valuable use of your time. There's no giant fanbase to piss off, just a couple people on /vt/ and that's it. At that point it probably doesn't even matter to you if you get a response or not, you get that rush of endorphins just from spewing your shit.

>> No.42421916

I'm not attacking Rin. I love Rin! Rin is for all.

I AM attacking these handful of vt users that are speaking so confidently about something they don't understand because, like you said, they memorized (different) buzzwords and pointless information. It's like people speaking different languages but thinking they're communicating effectively

>> No.42422491

Yuko and Pochi wouldn't like that Sheeboobro

>> No.42423040

Anyone familiar with kpop knew this already. It's not foolproof, but it gets you 80% of the way there.

>> No.42423421

except it's not what happened - they talked during that stream and interacted afterwards.

she's only of the girls having clear stance on male collabs and often mentions her male friends, so I think she did pretty good job in filtering people who could have problems with that.

>> No.42423618

You have to be a zoomer to enjoy IdolEN I feel. They all have that vibe to them

>> No.42424489

>That's a falsehood propagated here,
I've been seeing this a lot from Idol fans. They often seem overly generous with their interpretation of numbers and the like.

>> No.42424623

>thing has existed since forever
>some people who belong to this particular group pick it up
>now a bunch of retards insist it has always been a symbol of that group
I hate you and your kind so fucking much.

>> No.42425074

Are the ads still running or have they stopped them for the time she sleeps?

>> No.42426098

Girls like plushies and are not troon obsessed to know shit like that retard.

>> No.42426875

Nice numbers

>> No.42431662

Ads is literally pickme strategy
Holo and niji (except Salomewho) grew naturally via yt discoverability

>> No.42431767

Jews are fucking great with money.
Shocking, who would have ever thought?

>> No.42431772

>Noooo you can't run ads to grow faster, you have to do it slowly through yt algorithm
cope and seeth

>> No.42431783

I want to pat this cute Kishimen

>> No.42432051

it was stoped while she slept

>> No.42432057

how tell you have no idea about vtubers without saying so.
learn a bit and then comment.

>> No.42432322

tomboy and NTR is a good combination desu

>> No.42432642

It literally is, since you're asking people to watch you, but that's innocuous.

>> No.42432713

If you mean this one, the name is literally just "Blue Shark"

>> No.42432794

>no you can't advertise to grow, you need to... advertise
Genius. You will be the new CEO

>> No.42433192


>> No.42434700

Why does she only play Nintendo games?
Yesterday it was Animal Crossing and now Splatoon

>> No.42434822

>shark bad
why are cuckmates like this?

>> No.42434873

because shes just a little guy, and its her birthday, anon

>> No.42434896

I believe her most played games are Nintendo and she's sticking to her favourites for the donothon

>> No.42434985

just saw an ad for this bri'ish fella and now I'm watchin' 'em play splatoon 3, what am I in for?

>> No.42435064

She's also just about the most unrelatable of the bunch

>> No.42435281

I think the ad gives as much of an indication of what you're in for as you can get, since she wrote it

>> No.42436321

you guys weren't kidding though, tons of people in the chat came from the ad. good for her for being entertaining enough to get so many eyes

>> No.42436668

Yeah, normies or whoever this thing is targeting seemed to enjoy the ad

>> No.42436809

It's almost certainly targeting vtuber viewers and people watching vtuber videos, ideally both

>> No.42436875

t.seething 2view

>> No.42437408

I don't know why I expected better of a Mori fan.

>> No.42439142

I think used ads on songs for a good while, that's the reason I subscribed to most holos aside from EN

>> No.42441297

Caught another ad


>> No.42445844


>> No.42446815

Is Rin the only one in her corpo who runs ads? If she's not link the others.

>> No.42446959
File: 2.85 MB, 2581x3416, 1673554467117864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all will have ads.
People were making these same posts but with Yuko instead a few days ago.

>> No.42446970

Lol failed twitchkid cope

>> No.42447102

Have you considered, however, that bin is very cute?

>> No.42447295

Here's a list

>> No.42447376

>>42447295 (me)
list is from Yukos donothon, the other girls haven't had their donothons yet

>> No.42447425

Yes that's most most industries. Talent doesn't succeed, it depends on who is backing you and how much money they have.

>> No.42448352

I caught one of these ads for the first time this morning, and I have to admit it worked. Instead of watching the stream I was going to I went and checked out the british one. I dug what I saw, but I dont have time to pick anyone new up right now. It was a bit scummy that the ad was saying she's live now switch over to watch and it was running over another vtuber who was live. That's just stealing views instead of advertising.

>> No.42448511

>stealing views instead of advertising
it's still advertising, it's just more obvious that it's a zero sum game

>> No.42450419

rin donothon is going on now...

>> No.42451156

>rin donothon is going on right now
>posted in a rin donothon thread

>> No.42451764

Funny you say that, the Fire Emblem MC had a prototype design with black and silver as their color scheme

>> No.42451968

Are you learning the power of marketing from vtubing industry? Anon you need to pay more attention to the real world. It is the oldest trick in the book.

>> No.42452382

Getting growth for small corps and indies is really tough. People are drawn to events, and for better or worse twitch has trained audiences to treat begathons as events.
Even if there were no money involved at all, having a long running stream with an event feel that you can aim ads at seems like a really good concept in the vtubing space. It's something you can actively do to support growth, rather than just trudging along hoping for some viral lightning strike.

>> No.42455006

This seems like a good analysis

>> No.42457927

Dude. As a bong let me assure that you do not want to put your dick anywhere near that.
It will rot off.

>> No.42462996

What’s wrong with bong girls anon?

>> No.42463151

Can't wait to see how fast she drops IdolEN when a bigger opportunity comes along. Done it twice now in both her PLs.

>> No.42463487

Anyone smart enough would do that if they got the chance, but it's also smart to try to establish yourself as the first talents of a successful new corpo, it's their decision at the end of the day

>> No.42463561

Fuyo is the best IdolEN because she plays porn games on stream

>> No.42463684
File: 298 KB, 2048x854, E4hi5-Hy-WUAAIJWy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture this.

You are walking down the street when you see something shuffling towards you. A heaving mass of tanned flesh stuffed into a tube dress three sizes too small.
Staggering in your direction due to the high heels it is wearing and its refusal to tear its eyes away from the smartphone in its hand. The other hand carrying a bottle of alcohol.
It stops and looks at you through bloodshot eyes, impossible to tell if this a consequence of drugs, alcohol or its thick makeup getting in its eyes as it melts. You look at its chins and realise it does not have a tan, it has smothered itself in fake tan and the product was not only applied unevenly but it is melting and pouring out from between the folds of its flab. It has left a trail of bronze droplets behind it.

It mutters something about clubs. It drops its phone, it's fine the screen is already shattered and only held in place by the screen protector. It bends over and picks it up, a man on the other side of the street behind it looks and vomits.
As it lifts its head back up it notices you're carrying something other than alcohol or a phone. It stares at you with its bloodshot eyes caked in melting mascara and opens a mouth crusted shut with herpes sores mixed with lipstick and says: "Ere yer a queer one aintcha?"
Then it waddles off. Leaving only an overpowering smell of cheap perfume and fake tan. Also you have chlamydia now.

>> No.42463699

She does that offstream, and once on a twitter space. Although she mentioned the spaces might become a regular thing on Thursdays

>> No.42463831

Great now I'll have to jerk off

>> No.42464093
File: 160 KB, 709x399, SIGNALIS-is-inexpensible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Point is this Penrose girl (boy?) almost certainly has a few sexually transmitted diseases and started having sex around age 12. Also she's fat or working on it.
Because thats normal for English girls now. Your dick will rot off if you touch them. But if you truly want to experience coitus with such a creature then they'll generally suck your dick for a cigarette and if you liquor them up beforehand they'll happily fuck you for free.

>> No.42464157

Idk man you can find trashy girls in every country. People say western girls are too masculine and trashy or whatever but as someone who has travelled around girls/guys who party and club a lot don’t tend to be the greatest partner choices

>> No.42464243

>>42464157 (me)
The only thing that I would say is really true is that western girls do tend to be fatter on average

>> No.42464381

Bruh you don't understand. I get it yeah women who party/club aren't good. This is obvious.
The issue is ALL British girls do this. There are literally no exceptions only differences in frequency.

>> No.42464671

But Rins a turbo autist who takes her plushies to McDonald's, and otherwise doesn't leave the house. She's probably the exception

>> No.42464904

All bong girls are all "Oh I'm not like the other girls teehee. I soooo hate drama"
Then they immediately pull out a vape to suck on, start talking shit about literally everyone they've ever been in a room with and demand alcohol.

>> No.42464918

She's a malnourish victorian child and barely goes outside of her home, lives with her entire family and her mother who has appeared on stream has pretty much made fun of her for this exact same reasons, also her genmates have mentioned how easy she would be to just pick up and throw around

>> No.42465222

Then its a man.
British women do not come in this variety, not anymore.

>> No.42465421

>t. man who has never had sex

>> No.42465544

Ain't since I lost my dick.

>> No.42465653

She has always called herself a she, even before idol. She's just really into the prince kayfabe

>> No.42465686

Rin isn't a commoner. She's an actual member of the upper class. You should check her out anon, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised when you see she's the real deal.

>> No.42465895

The upper class are much much worse than the commoners. They're just a lot better at hiding it.

>> No.42466442

Numbers do matter but only long term ones

>> No.42467078

Mate your only mistake is calling her a woman, she's a sheltered British child with rich parents. If you know her PLs at all then you know she's a scrawny hyper-autistic screech-goblin whose mum gets her McDonalds whenever she wants. The only thing keeping her from being a vape-sucking fatass party girl is that she's too scared to go outside to do any of that. She's so scared of going outside she branded herself aro/ace

>> No.42467202

Wow, she's perfect.

>> No.42467303

Some of these comments are fucking mean. The fuck did British chicks do to you?

>> No.42467489
File: 145 KB, 640x853, 1126469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's kind of hilarious and only reinforces how fundamentally all English girls are broken.


>> No.42472315
File: 1.99 MB, 3200x3200, 1675568120427992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42473138


>> No.42473189

Reminds me of a much smaller attempting Vtuber but only difference is her being American and not having a rich parent

>> No.42473318

Please I need to know who

>> No.42473408

I find it so funny how much her vtuber persona fits her IRL situation, she's just self-insert the vtuber

>> No.42474234

Ew is she actually a toff?
If so that's beyond disgusting, last thing we need is their kind in vtubing.

>> No.42474486

They have really hot accents though

>> No.42474581

Its fake though.
Its also referred to as BBC English and can be fairly easily learnt. They just learn it a lot sooner at public school (public school in the UK = private schools for the rich)

>> No.42475641

Much smaller and independent, streams stopped for 3 months but was cause she got fucked by a hurricane, but maybe she gets back on a schedule soon.

>> No.42475964

That artstyle just screams autism, I'll check her when I find the time

>> No.42476016

They would probably bond over Splatoon autism

>> No.42477151

if you already are worried about your sister then you should

>> No.42481900

>How rich is the company you work for, and to what level can they afford to artificially make you successful.
fake it untill you make it

>> No.42483374

It'd be stupid to gamble on making it big without tipping the odds in your favour, after all.

>> No.42483665

I watch Rin because I want more Ikemen shoujo vtubers.

>> No.42483837

this has to be bait, I refuse to believe some retard is explaining marketing like some illegal practice vtubers companies invented

>> No.42485598

Excellent taste
