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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41196797 No.41196797 [Reply] [Original]

Now that we know beyond the shadow of a doubt that most if not all chuubas at the very least lurk /here/, are you more careful or considerate with with what you say in regards to criticizing streams, corporations, or the chuubas themselves?

>> No.41196836

>a couple chuubas
>"that confirms EVERYONE!!"

>> No.41196843

No. The only reason I can think of to come here would be to get a more honest opinion. So i'll keep doing that

>> No.41197041

You can still do that without the baseless rrats, doxxing, and calling them whores anon...

>> No.41197071

>are you more careful or considerate with with what you say
No, Ollie must know that I would drink her indog piss straight from the tap

>> No.41197119
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Reminder that most big chuubas who come here literally just do it to laugh at us, not with us.

>> No.41197175

Yeah, they're here to laugh at us with us

>> No.41197213

>Axel comes to vt to laugh at fat burgers and south east asians

>> No.41197227

No, now that I have this information I'm going to amp up the vitriol to make them produce more suffer kino

>> No.41197257

Honestly I think this is the place where people can really speak what is in their mind, in every comment section of yt or in the chat it's always praises because there are only simps or simply they delete the comments. This place has obviously its flaws, there are degenerates here and a lot of people who talk shit, but I think there are also fans who speak what they think without being censored or cancelled. It goes both ways, but considering that in the official channels there are always only praises and compliments, I see this of more of a dark side of the moon

>> No.41197319

them being here or not doesn't change the fact that i'm anon so no

>> No.41197427

Where are they gonna find it though? All the doxxposting, calling fans niggers or ESL, calling any girl that collabs with males whores, etc. Isn't the most insightful thing when looking at what people truly think.

>> No.41197428

No one is forcing them to come here so i see no reason to change my posts. If they don't like it then they should stay away.

>> No.41197504

Hey axel, make a big yab next time so it will remind us why tempus are bunch of retard that walking on nda landmine.

>> No.41197563

There's a reason he's my oshi.

>> No.41197716

i've always known sana and mori to be /here/ and it never stopped me from hating them

>> No.41197724

Is the picture related?
Have been away from /vt/ for a while

>> No.41197981
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Well, let's look at it in practical terms, especially in regards to the corporate ones.
You can't really network with them in any practical way. You can't really become their friends. You can watch the content they put out and everything you'd normally do anyway.
Being nice to them doesn't help you in any way and having a laugh at their expense both makes you feel better and doesn't effect them.
So the real question is why wouldn't you roast the hell out of them? Most people have to buy an advertisement but they get a whole board.
Booli the Vtubers. It's your duty.

>> No.41197983

yeah. but it's also the only place where they can find genuine criticisms. They basically live in a bubble in my opinion because they are making money and also don't care. Above that they are also protected by the corps, I used to watch normal people on twitch before 2020 and they got a lot of hate just from chat and comments, because they are often by themselves. I see this place as a necessary evil for people who want to speak their mind, but ofc there is gonna be somebody who will just shitpost all day

>> No.41198043

No. Most of my "mean" posts are constructive criticism of chuubas anyway, even if the truth is harsh. Why the fuck would I do that LESS when I now know that the people who need to read it might actually see it? If anything, that's reason to do it even more. The only way in which I might be more "careful" is in the sense that I'll word my posts better to make sure that they get what I mean.
If I ever made it into StarsEN, I can guarantee that would still be here, laughing at myself laughing at you laughing at me laughing with you laughing at me laughing with you.
A few days ago, Axel accidentally confirmed that he's /here/ by showing his browser tabs and bookmarks.

>> No.41198093

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.41198099

Mori I could 100% believe to be /here/, but Sana?
I...uh...doubt that. Unless you got some source?
Pic related. He leaked his browser in a stream a few days ago and had the Tempus /vt/ thread favorited.

>> No.41198191

If anything the things I say here are things I really want my oshi to hear, but if I did outside I would get banned or push under the rug because I'm not saying in a "positive happy go lucky" way

>> No.41198197

I used to be more of an asshole before, I made fun of the girls, criticized them and made fun of fans of girls with boyfriends or ex-boyfriends(>he doesn't know)
After I realized they actually visit this place. I became protective of them, now I call out liars, and attack unicorns.

>> No.41198245

I know for sure that Pekora lurks and sometimes posts in /#/ as well as its equivalent in 5ch/matome, that much is correct.

>> No.41198322

Throughout all of human history fame has come with this sort of shit. Your reddit school-marming won't change that, "can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen"

>> No.41198938
File: 183 KB, 700x394, everyone is here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're a big EN chuuba, this is pretty much the only place on the internet where you can get some brutally honest opinions about yourself. Your chat will always be yes-men, reddit will always be moderated to shit and users are scared to lose their precious karma anyway. You may get something out of twitter but not as much. The temptation to know what people really think about you is too great, so I've always posted on the assumption that most EN chuubas are here, or at least check here every once in a while (but are likely too scared to post and give themselves away). Some might even search the archives if they're savvy enough to know about them.

>> No.41199170

The only honest opinions are from the schizos and you really can't tell those from the shitposts most of the time.
That's why most people don't bother with anything on 4chan other than getting a laugh or using it as material for their YouTube channels and Twitter.

>> No.41199269

I hope they stay in their mains then. Because while I agree with your points - 4Chan outside of their mains I feel is the polar opposite of their chats. Most just shitpost/hate just for the hell of it.

>> No.41199726

Mori is (or was) definitely /here/ for a long time. She's highly suspected of being in this /a/ sings video

>> No.41199942

5ch dudes proved many times that jp holos post on 5ch all the times. no one care.

>> No.41200242

Which JP holos aside from Laplus?

>> No.41200956

5ch is pretty tame compared to this place. Even the newsoku boards can't compete with the insanity from the gaslighting schizos of this board alone.

>> No.41200961

you can give genuine criticisms even in yt, if you think giving hate message is genuine criticisms then idk what to say, this place is just another form of hug box and echo chamber, with anons sucking each other dick, and most of them are just either antis or troll falseflagging as a fan and let's say they genuinely just want to give criticism for their oshi to improve, posting here would be pointless since it's even more likely your message would be read by them unless you really believe they are going here wasting their time scrolling in pile of garbage to find legit criticism and not to just laugh at anon's shitposting, also if you're not a regular viewer then your criticism means nothing which is why people who legit want to give valid criticism don't need to hide behind anonymous mask but anon need to hide behind it because they can get easily outed as falseflagger

>> No.41201050


>> No.41201104

>constructive criticism
4chan is so funny sometimes, this is why i come here, for the best satire.

>> No.41201150

Actually pathetic. Grow a pair, you manbaby.
>others are gonna make fun of me if I say that!!

>> No.41201277
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Nah if you try to be mean on YouTube or Twitter they reserve the right to block you. With that in mind, especially if you like the performer on any level, you're going to be cautious about what you say and self censor. Early on we had a laugh about Amelia snubbing criticism and that set the tone with these corpos.
There is this mistaken miasma floating around that everything has to be positive, that you must agree with everything someone says.
To fit in! To be accepted!
That is not the case. Take away the business and their employees to moderate what is being said and wow, amazing, you have people speaking freely.
TL:DR A hate message can very well be genuine criticism. Just like calling someone a faggot can be genuine criticism. It generally means you don't like that person and you would like them to know that. I hate this world of fake smiles. Let the truth be known. We'd be better for it.

>> No.41201339

more like you're afraid other people make fun of you because they don't agree with your opinion that's why you choose to hide in /here/

>> No.41201697

Their mains are usually just as bad as reddit/twiiter just with more posts about wanting to fuck them.

>> No.41201843

Except it's true. 4chan is, for better or for worse, still the best place to find honest opinions on most topics. Not everyone here is as jaded and irony poisoned as you, faggot.

>> No.41201905

if you can't give your criticism without being mean and hateful that seems like your problem, and again even if you give your genuine criticism, again doing it here is pointless and achieve nothing, if you say other people just saying nice things to fit in then you just saying different thing to be different, if you're not a pathetic coward you shouldn't be afraid to give your criticism just because other people disagree with you even if your oshi ignored you at least you show them that you're legit their regular viewer not just some anon hiding in anonymous board being contrarian

>> No.41201960
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/here/tubers are always the worst. Have you ever met a /here/tuber that fit to your standards, that did what you asked for, that showed you any sign of wanting to cooperate with you? The answer is no because everyone who comes to this website is a mega-contrarian that wants to have completely unique and special opinions on everything. They'll even contradict other contrarians. As soon as they catch whiff of you wanting something out of them, they are going to instinctually contradict you just out of habit. And don't act like any of you don't know this because you and they are the exact same people. Everyone /here/ is a bunch of cannibals that just want to tear each other a part. This place is the exact opposite of a community. It's an anti-community. Don't trust anyone that goes /here/. Don't even trust me, and especially don't trust yourself.

>> No.41202066

>are you more careful or considerate with with what you say in regards to criticizing streams, corporations, or the chuubas themselves?
lol lmao

>> No.41202134

honest =/= correct

>> No.41202191

Why would I? If they are /here/ they know what to expect. If anything I try to shitpost harder.

>> No.41202203

>Most of my "mean" posts are constructive criticism of chuubas anywa
yeah sure buddy

>> No.41202222
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Yeah but the topic is if we'll change the way we post just because the Vtuber may be watching.
I'm just saying no, it won't. I don't give a shit.
To address your point however, I do show up in chats and I'd say I'm genuinely nice. I have however had trouble with two of them and I'm playing real soft on YouTube. I know I'd absolutely break them if I spoke freely. So in that way I am being very kind, not a coward by any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.41202481

I honestly believe we should just go business as usual, regardless of whether or not the chuubas are /here/
I mean, there's absolutely no way we can find out who they are whenever they post (even if they say they are who they are, it'll still be regarded as schizoposting/false-flagging/etc)
That, and they're here despite /vt/ being in its natural state. Meaning, they're here for how we've been acting so far, not how we *should* act now that we have knowledge of their presence

>> No.41202852

well i mean i'm not replying to OP, only to anon who think this place is any better when it's just another hug box and echo chamber

>> No.41202928

I know that a certain HoloEN girl has come here recently

>> No.41203084

Quit projecting.
Here's one of my recent posts. Explain how it's not constructive criticism. It's literally just Perceived Problem -> Proposed Solution

>> No.41203085

No cuz I don’t give a flying fuck. If he's lurking, then he ought to put up with the criticism.

>> No.41203138

Honestly thats 99% of 4chan existance. Ussualy people on this site are outcasts that cant say anything on other sites because they know they will be roasted to the ground. So since here theres both no name or up/down vote they dont have to feel the backslash of their opinions and ofc they will defend it saying crap like "im being honest" or "this place is where people say whay they really think. You can insult, difamate, pull a crazy theory and/or a controversial stories right out youre ass and dont have to pay for that. You can act like a manchild or a parasocial freak and dont drag shame all year. You know im telling the truth thats like 95% of /vt/ threads.

Anyway personally i find it fun come here and laugh at the crazyness of this people its like a salty zoo.

TL;DR: Exactly this site is for hiding or avoiding reality.

>> No.41203318

a few holos had 5ch in their firefox/chrome homepage bookmarks/most visited websites.

>> No.41203400

Shion, Akai Haato (iirc, she even used screenschots of 5ch in one of her videos).

>> No.41204829

Do they read catalog shitpost threads, or do they only follow the generals?

>> No.41206381

On the contrary vtubing in particular is an unusually over-controlled space in terms of critique where people really really overreact. Name me one (1) other place people can even -sometimes- have an open honest conversation about what they like and don't like about chuubas. Discords are either 0% there hugboxes or 1000% hate circlejerk doxfag hellholes. Twitter isn't people actually-talking, just antis popping up out of the woodwork to jeer at people and try to zing each other before they sink back into the murky depths. Reddit and youtube comments = you are not allowed to say anything other than praise, period, and obviously only a schizo superhitler would dare not be 1000% satisfied at all times from all vtubers, no that's not artificial at all.

Think about it, this space is fucking FUCKED in terms of what constitutes normal. People vying for goodboy points from their oshis are just chomping at the bit for the first opportunity to whiteknight and demonstrate how worthy they are. People get pushed to /vt/ because they get sick of dealing with that because it just shuts off normal discussion when everything is steered towards how great and perfect everything is. No, no it is not actually like that. If everything was perfect all the time the HoloEN girls would have infinite growth and income increases because hey everything's perfect and they're doing everything right, right? Oh wait, they've all sunk dramatically. We should be allowed to state why we've lost interest in some and what we ideally would want to see or long for in a chuuba, who gives a fuck what the chuuba herself thinks, the fans are what make her and the fans have a right to have their own preferences instead of be told "accept it", this isn't a fucking dictatorship.

You can criticize movies, shit on actors and TV shows and video games all day all over the internet. Nobody really cares. It's fine to not like something and have a strong opinion why and be able to state what you like most out of a medium. Vtubers? Somehow, this breaks down. You can't. Not outside here at least. That's why /vt/ is so big really, the broken state of "discussion" about the subject elsewhere funnels people here. Lots of undesirables yes but also people who just have an actual fucking brain and aren't satisfied with having to act like a preschooler to "participate."

>> No.41206555

>They'll even contradict other contrarians.
Case in point >>41198197
