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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39577337 No.39577337 [Reply] [Original]

Happy Padoru Day! Edition

>What is /warkop/ about?
A place to chill and talk in-depth about behind the scenes of Indonesian VTubers in general. We also talk about the Indonesian VTuber market, whether it be rumors, numbers, demographics, auditions, debuts, graduations, etc.


Previous Thread: >>39310332

>> No.39577882
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I'm not the usual OP but I'm opening up this thread because
>I'm bored
>I've been waiting for a thread for timnas purposes but nothing came out so yeah..

Anyways for timnas, here's the provisional friendlies roster, plis reply with any changes you wanna see, so that we can confirm this with the league team ASAP, also remember that this roster will be an one-off since we'll have our musyawarah for next league by either Jan-Feb

That's it for now, have a great Nataru /warkop/!

>> No.39578088


Ooooooo 4chan God, i pray to Thee. Please let this thread be free from any schizos.


>> No.39579542

Thoughts on this awanama?

I wonder if this insight will give paid clipping more relevance in 2023 as it is more directly targeted at vtuber fans and gives their talents new yet civilized viewers compared to your usual ads

>> No.39584202
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Thanks for the thread;
Gotta love Miti for doing this again (she did something like this before on Eid).

>> No.39586519

It seems relatively cheap to pay clippers, but the potential reach is insane. Should this be the norm, I hope clippers will actually filter which VTubers are clip-worthy and which are not.

>> No.39589157

Well, clippers are curators, in a way. I'm sure they pick vtubers that are at least in the same spectrum of "flavor", even tho some are commission-based when some are just clipping purely as a hobby.

>> No.39589483

Oh fk i just remembered something;
iirc VRchama is going to add new section to his vtuber.asia : "clippers". I wonder how will it go, and how will the data look like

I lowkey think "why not just collab/integrate to a vtuber database wiki instead?"

>> No.39590412

Another one swallows the hybridpill


ngl looks kinda qt

>> No.39591992

He looked chubby but still pretty cute.

>> No.39596003

>you need mods
Of course, why is it so hard to understand?

>> No.39598597

The added complexity of making and maintaining a wiki might be too much for VRchama. It's also easier to scrape and analyze data from a spreadsheet, and VTuber agencies actually did so from the ID VTuber spreadsheet.

>> No.39599440

I wonder which type of moderating works better for locals between these 2
>silent mods
>vocal mods

>> No.39599653

Both could work, just need to do it right. I thini it depends on how fast the chat is. If it's a slow chat vocal mods can help to help newfag to learn and behave. If the chat is really fast i think silent mod is better to not ruin the chat's mood.

>> No.39600497

>>39599653 (me)
Basically if you're small, you want to teach newfag and convert them, not gatekeep them (unless it's clearly a troll/anti). Vocal mods will help since you can't always look at chat.

But if you're already big, trying to teach every single newfag would be too much and would only ruin the chat and stream experience. Like vrchama said as long as they have good intention (just not familiar with the rules) they might learn from other chatters themselves.

>> No.39603128

Hmm.. How bout modbots tho, I checked out Cupang the other day and she has nightbot, I wonder if that helped her chat or not?

>> No.39603986

Basically the same as vocal mods imo. It's good for slower chat but it could feel spammy if too much.

>> No.39604325

Nice, hopefully Cupang could play better than Windah. Also do we need a goalhorn for her too replacing windah? Or maybe just use our normal goalhorn, we never hear it once kek.

>> No.39607269

What the fuck. A mod for Miti (and Maha5 members if I'm not wrong) admits that she's lying about having spondylolisthesis. A lot of VTubers sympathized to this girl, even Miti herself. Even I donated to her.

>> No.39607464
File: 167 KB, 1080x916, luthfiahdonation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>39607269 (me)
She opened a donation for her "surgery", and 7 millions Rupiah is not a small amount of money for a scam like this. Christ.

>> No.39607565

What kind of disease is that? Qrd?

>> No.39607650

According to halodoc:
>Spondilolistesis adalah gangguan yang terjadi pada tulang belakang yang memengaruhi vertebrae bagian bawah. Penyakit ini dapat menyebabkan salah satu tulang belakang bagian bawah bergerak lebih dari seharusnya. Hal ini dapat memberikan tekanan pada saraf sehingga menyebabkan nyeri punggung bagian bawah.

>> No.39607656

Spondy what (TuT)

>> No.39607730

>Kobo sing Silent Night and Hallelujah
I thought she's muslim

>> No.39607944

>Tulang punggung bawah
So like that botak? No wonder many people sympathized with her. Btw has she already give the reason why she's lying?

>> No.39608217

>Aku sampai nekat berbuat hal ini karena untuk suatu hal yang aku hampir buntu menghadapinya
Something related to financial issues? I don't know, it's still very vague.

Again, I left this out: https://twitter.com/Luthfiah_K04/status/1606909366539812864
She falseflagged to "terrorize" VTubers with links to her donation. This is going to be very messed up.

>> No.39608837

>tai mau gimanapun caranya ditutupin bakal kecium jg kok akhirnya, makanya jgn cepirit yh

>> No.39609692

That's... nasty as fuck. Did she say how will she handle this like will she return the money, etc.?

>> No.39609907

Nope, she's going to deactivate in 2 days. And apparently, she's pissed off at Miti because Miti ignores the donation; feeling that the donation is sus.

>> No.39610841

Stern response from Andi on le fake donation. Your oshi sure is based, Andi femanon.

>> No.39610881

That's messed up

>> No.39610977

So she will just run away...? Makes me wonder has there been someone who doxx her so far?

>> No.39611131

Either you're a newfag or you don't watch kobo enough

>> No.39611170

the more reason to not care about indie related vtuber in indo, too much shit

except miti, i love miti and mita

>> No.39611409

Not to worry, this Luthfiah person is not a VTuber. She's mostly a cover translator and mod to VTubers. Most indies are still worth it to watch.

And now, she posted her reasoning behind the scam: https://twitter.com/Luthfiah_K04/status/1606936814522355713
It's all nothing more than a sob story to appease everyone. A failed one, even. Not everyone in the world is born with perfect parents (ex. Miti's father), but it's not an excuse to scam others. If she's being honest with her situation, I'm sure people will still sympathize to her.

>> No.39611656

Good thing I don't watch ID indies, only JP ones.

>> No.39612285

wait, how tf a nobody like him could gather that much sum of money?? do people really being generous nowadays? baka

>> No.39612940

Problem is, she's not just a nobody. She is well-known in Maha5 and Miti's community, to the point where a lot of people inside these communities donated to her. Not only that, ID VTubers commissioned her to make custom translation CCs for their covers. Take a look at this: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMYoF5whNKadMswdf3SMEiYlwvHBPsjX_

This is why a lot of people fell for her scam; she was seen as a trusted VTuber community member.

>> No.39613315

Oh wow, that's a lot

>> No.39614861

Bump, merry Christmas /warkop/

>> No.39616394


>> No.39616707

She is a muslim.

>> No.39617267


>> No.39617429


>> No.39617474

the similarity is really uncanny ngl

>> No.39618135

What's the consensus on most stable internet provider for streaming? I'm pretty much done with first media and their bullshit

>> No.39618748

I used Balifiber. So far it's okay. https://www.balifiber.id/home

>> No.39620187

Holy moly..

>> No.39620299

Looks good to me. But...
>Drama Mastermind
Is that M*ne?

>> No.39621077
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>waiting for a thread for timnas
Meanwhile, I'm waiting for the thread to post this. https://youtu.be/RBQ0WToKvQ4
It can be a chant for /warkop/ awikwokawikwok

>> No.39621255

And don't forget about the cinnamon roll epel

>> No.39621326

Also she used some fake account to force people to donate her

>> No.39621898

Fresh from the oven, new VTuber from Gravity Project (an agency by Miti old model's papa). It seems that the model is not front-facing, but rather side-facing like Shigure Ui?

>> No.39622083

Ateast you have a choice. me? Stuck with indigo. Mfs deliberately preventing other providers to compete and the weak local town government just keeps silent.

>> No.39622114

>Happy Padoru
we don't celebrate this right?

>> No.39622398

https://youtu.be/wmFLLUJnExM jowo sex

>> No.39622875

>it's literally just bikini
i hate women so much

>> No.39626094

Besok senin

>> No.39627270

WARKOP PLS INVITE ME TO SGV I need to shitpost more

>> No.39627337

Just go to Sisi Lain VTuber.

>> No.39627420

I wanna see bocah indon gak bisa ngomong enggres in full force

>> No.39627867

That's literally the place you want to be in. They think of /warkop/ as the same as the rest of /vt/, when /warkop/ itself is an anomaly.

>> No.39627917

what the fuck are sgv and sisi lain vtuber?

>> No.39629326

Masha Allah

>> No.39629570

Ah good, it's like epel

>> No.39629597

Privated :(

>> No.39629681

MyRepublic is decent I think I used to subscribe to their service in the past tho rn I'm using Indihome which is also decent for me but it's basically like gacha when you won't know whether you will get a decent network or shitty one in your area before you use it

>> No.39633365

Man.. I hate it when a notable fan fucks it up like this

>> No.39634327

What was that about?

>> No.39635821
File: 61 KB, 445x690, images(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao the absolute lack of schizo shows
SGV and Sisi Laim VTuber brats, if you're seeing this, LEARN ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKERS

>> No.39635844

I feel ya.. Having other ISPs is a fucking privilege at most of our land...
