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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39565016 No.39565016 [Reply] [Original]

How we bring down the system

>> No.39565076

Remove China.

>> No.39565090
File: 39 KB, 736x736, 90f3c2b9fca4f1efa215f680ba2114e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now post her CCV

>> No.39565143

Japan should've finished off chinkland when they had the chance.

>> No.39565156
File: 221 KB, 1079x1079, 1622874109675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless she/you can end CCP rule of China. Nothing will ever change because every Chinese company answers DIRECTLY to the CCP.

>> No.39565255

They "only" have around 300 nukes right now, so it's now or never. Strap me to a missile and send me to the 3 gorges.

>> No.39565268
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>> No.39565284


>> No.39565592
File: 155 KB, 300x340, 1671902881026305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What went wrong? This would have been at least 20K CCV a year ago.

>> No.39565658

This is the only answer.

>> No.39565706
File: 106 KB, 128x128, 1671317725074034.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can be mad about it all she wants, sticking her nose in the Taiwan shit made her a pariah and it will never go away.
She's learning her actions had consequences.

>> No.39565844

Niji is a Chinese company now, sorry KSON. Hololive will be in Taiwan next year, so they're fine.

>> No.39565911

I have a strict personal rule to not react with kson.

>> No.39565913

>not to react with kson
Even google translate knows she became a trash react tier streamer kek

>> No.39565956

A chinese invasion of taiwan is coming in the next few hours, anon...

>> No.39566002

People figured out she's nothing special. Especially when she doesn't tryhard anymore.

>> No.39566038

>She's learning her actions had consequences.
I can't believe she had the audacity to utter the word Taiwan! Get over yourself retard.

>> No.39566078

go back

>> No.39566102

Looks like Calli, Choco and Roboco won’t be attending Kson’s Christmas party. Sad.

>> No.39566162
File: 37 KB, 945x633, 1653466322208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where would I go back to exactly?

>> No.39566210

She's really desperate for attention huh?

>> No.39566232

>sticking her nose in the Taiwan shit
>bugs still peddling the "she did it intentionally" rrat
your mudhut serfdom will collapse within a decade zhang

>> No.39566235
File: 492 KB, 794x720, 1670911661143744.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gets worse numbers singing than Vesper talking about burying rice in the woods

>> No.39566284

I wonder what kind of idiot post something like that while few post above is literal pic of that stream

>> No.39566306

Your assessment of the consequences is correct, but she just pointed out that Poo's got poo on his shoes - even though China desperately tries to pretend it isn't there. Everyone knows Taiwan is independent, de facto.

>> No.39566363

>anons learning about brand power
Better now than never,

>> No.39566379

Everything in live has consequences, time to deal with it :)

>> No.39566384

Are we on the path towards eventually having a schism in the community with the talents and a block of fans on one side and the corporations and another block of fans on the other? Would Vtubing even survive such a situation or would there be an exodus of sponsorships and fans over such a situation?

>> No.39566414

>Vesper talking about burying rice in the woods
is his character a chinese squirrel or a vampire?

>> No.39566430 [DELETED] 

>desperate for attention
>members only post
>won’t be attending
>stream already happened
How are you fags this retarded?

>> No.39566448

>i will never have to hear ksons foghorn voice in my oshis streams
good, im glad

>> No.39566471

She knows a members post will leak anon. It's the same with her "THE CHUDS DON'T LIKE MY BIKINI STREAMS SO COME SUPPORT ME!" shtick

>> No.39566497

This is what happens when you only read /vt/ threads

>> No.39566509

Tell me you don't know Holo RMs without telling me you don't know.

>> No.39566638

Welcome to SEA

>> No.39566653

>member only post
Lmao, she talked about this on stream and namedropped niji anyways and then people wrote what she said on a blog which caused her to seeth about it on twitter while demanding that the article was deleted, this was like last months drama.

>> No.39566799


>> No.39566894

More like latinx

>> No.39566988

You mean she lost the blue dorito.

>> No.39567013

Whisper it into my ear so I know

>> No.39567053

I'm glad Corona is finally ravaging mainland China.
Also with how much of a paper tiger Russia was, China is no better without using their nuclear arsenal.
Personally I'm hoping Chinese leadership does something stupid out of desperation so NATO has casus belli to squash these bugs once and for all.

>> No.39567074

If that's true it would mean she made a retarded judgement call when she decided to go indie and then join Vshojo.
Are you willing to admit that?

>> No.39567109

>westernized wannabe martyr discovered that being a martyr is hard

>> No.39567149

why do /#/bronies hate kson so much when every other holo aligned or neutral thread seems to be at least ok with her?

>> No.39567192

He's legitimately a schizo prepper who owns a spear probably a gun too and buried food in the woods "COVID end of the world FEMA death camp dodger" style.

>> No.39567201

No blue dorito = send death threats daily

>> No.39567203

Nuke Pyong to win the game its literally that fucking

>> No.39567222

Something not working out (though Im pretty sure shes doing fine) doesnt mean the choice that led to it was wrong.

>> No.39567239

>Trans rights? What’s that?

>> No.39567305

Naw its more she lost her ability to pander directly to EOPs by being the bridge for a language barrier no JP branch big enough in Vshitsho to make her valuable if they had like 4 more JP memebers she could incline super hard doing shitty meme reviews again

>> No.39567340

>Does a fan event in Taiwan to earn $$$
>Only reason she has a following in Taiwan is BECAUSE of what happened to Coco in the first place.
>I-It's not political guys I swear.

>> No.39567372
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>> No.39567404
File: 596 KB, 867x766, 1657423390173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Don't you motherfuckers see it?"

"I have a dream. That one day, every chuuba in this industry will control their OWN DESTINY. A land of the TRULY free, dammit. A market of CREATORS, not idols. Ruled by ENTERTAINMENT, not Corpo. Where the audience changes to suit the V-Tuber, not the other way around. Where power and creative freedom are back where they belong: in the hands of the performer! Where every virtual streamer is free to think -- to act -- for themselves! Fuck all these limp-dick unicorns and chicken-shit management. Fuck this 24/7 Internet spew of clippers and idolfagging bullshit. Fuck professionalism. Fuck the shitposters! Fuck all of it! Idol culture is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it We need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new culture will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The boring will be purged, and the creative will thrive free to live as they see fit, they will make V-TUBING GREAT AGAIN!"

>> No.39567452

You can't be this retarded

>> No.39567459

>+1 social credit

>> No.39567917

Kson isn't a vtuber. She's a flesh tuber who uses an avatar to pretend she is.

>> No.39568071


>> No.39568196

Chink bug post

>> No.39568200

this, shes 100% a twitch whore, shes not even trying to hide it anymore

>> No.39568215

What he said.
Also doing bad decision does not imply bad judgement. We aren't subhumans who judge based on results, are we?

>> No.39568233

1)"Political" is determined by the attacker. We live in a world where everything has become political because then it can be used as a bludgeon to silence people.

2)Kson has still sucked since Asacoco 1.0 ended.

>> No.39568247

Reek of chinky chinky chink

>> No.39568250

I just miss Coco's Cocos.

>> No.39568302

Shes a CIA whore.

>> No.39568303

Punished kson, a dragon denied her country

>> No.39568343


>> No.39568354

Kson was a vtuber because your faggot ass heard of the term vtuber.

>> No.39568363

Flawed logic, people makes the system, hence you hate the people in the end.

>> No.39568424

These fuckers aren't even threadreaders.
They are worse than that, they are a level worse than threadreaders - they are OPreaders.

>> No.39568440

Her name really brings out the bots huh?

>> No.39568442

Based Kson.

>> No.39568459

Based, but at the same time what a retard for pretending to not know that was happening. At this point she should just continue with a political campaign against China

>> No.39568458 [DELETED] 

>Paper tiger
You literally watch CNN that tells you how Ukraine is winning on all fronts and that "HUE HUE HUE RUSSIA IS NOT EVEN THE SECOND STRONGEST ARMY IN UKRAINE, LET ALONE THE WORLD"
Watch and see what happens.
Also, what NATO is gonna squash the chink bugs? The one that could barely hold their shit together in afghanistan against those sand monkeys?

>> No.39568577

>his based and redpilled russian army already lost 100k troops to nato
>and nato hasn't even started fighting yet

>> No.39568586

I genuinely want to hear from the Chinese, or even just supporters of their government if there are any here, who have concerns with Kson; what exactly did she do wrong from your perspective?

>> No.39568601

No, I've just not slept.
I meant to say "before", not "because" kek
What a typo to make.

>> No.39568635

I've seen vids posted by Ukranians taking dead Russian kits why are some of them being given rusted pump BB guns? How are the Russians handling the Ukranians using cheap hobby drones to drop morter shells on them?

>> No.39568792

vtuber is still a niche thing.
the community doesn't have enough influence to change things.

the taiwan incident was just an excuse.
if they really care about that, they won't advertise their shits on youtube or google.

>> No.39568963

>believing retarded nato inflated numbers from the news that said how they completely destroyed the serbian army on kosovo and then after they signed the kumanovo agreement and withdrew from the area, they withdrew almost in full force so they had to "revise" their numbers.
kek. cope you retarded mongoloid.
this imbecile actually believes in the numbers from the mainstream media.

>> No.39569009

2 more weekz, trust the plan comrade

>> No.39569038

Most people couldn't give a flying monkeys fuck about her saying Taiwan.
Hololive shit still gets uploaded to bilibili regularly.
It's only turbo CCP dicksuckers that gave a fuck, and they were a very small loud minority.
Some of the people that never cared literally doxxed the dicksuckers as revenge for killing HoloCN and the rebroadcasts.
Not that it would have mattered because new Chinese laws would have shit on them as well. There's a reason most of Nijisanji don't restream themselves on Bili. There's a reason they have a distinctly separate division under Anycolor for it, rather than under Nijisanji.
China and foreign companies is a fucking mess now. There's a reason so many are getting out of it, it isn't just a "streaming issue", it's a foreign ownership issue.

>> No.39569060

>it's a serb
this answers so many questions...do you sometimes post a pikachu image? we should bomb you again.

>> No.39569095 [DELETED] 

>cheap hobby drones
Lancet is one of the best drones used by russians right now. They are wiping out all the equipment that the west is sending to ukraine.
You are quite literally pouring money down the shredder.

>> No.39569111

I stopped watching her after she joined vshit.

>> No.39569119

>React streamer

>> No.39569134

I miss Coco.

>> No.39569137

The problem is that the people that DO care are turbo-autists that will hold that grudge for 10 generations. most chinks don't give a fuck, this is true, but those that do are a menace.

>> No.39569184

She can’t sing so why would anyone give a shit about her karaoke?

>> No.39569207

Don't believe all the propaganda. I'm against Russia and all, but that doesn't mean the Ukrainians won't do questionable things.

>> No.39569232

No one gives enough of a shit about Choco or Roboco to follow their roommates.

>> No.39569255

Does anyone have a pic of that chink site where the netizens where coordinating the one where the owner told them that now that Coco was gone it was time for them to graduate as well otherwise he would hand everything over to the CCP all because they tried to move onto fully attacking Fubuki (Which they did) and other Holo's that supported Coco

>> No.39569274

We don't, the system is based, keeping other girls away from thots like her.

>> No.39569307

>30$ droan
>pouring money down the shitter
Kek so this is what happens when no one buys your oil and pulls out all the Western stores
