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39554904 No.39554904 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it ok for her to make fun of Christianity?
You think muslims would allow something like this if she pretended to be an imam?
Or chinese if she pretended to be a CCP leader?
Hasn't the christcuck meme gone too far?

>> No.39555002

>Why is it ok for her to make fun of Christianity?
Because she's sexy.

>> No.39555013

Nuns are hot stop being a faggot

>> No.39555070

She doesn't make fun of christianity

>> No.39555145

God will punish Marine if she has been a heathen but she hasn't that's why her streams get good numbers and have no yabs or glitches, now kill yourself

>> No.39555233

Christianity is the cuck religion
its virtues are forgiveness, humility, temperance, generosity
so be a good Christian and forgive, because she doesn't know what she is doing

>> No.39555321

It's called "turning the other cheek", only mentally weak people get butthurt about being made fun of, hence why the chinks and Muslims do it. Also >>39555013

>> No.39555448

Catholics aren't Christian.

>> No.39555559

Cope. Your subhuman subcultures will never be relevant

>> No.39555567

>because she doesn't know what she is doing
She needs to KNOW that this is wrong. How that she not realize she is hurting the feelings of bilion of people around the world? How is she ok with it? She is evil.

>> No.39555726

What enemy should I fear with God as my ally?

>> No.39555811

>hurting the feelings of bilion of people around the world
Go back to math class retard 1 (You) does not = a billion

>> No.39555869

It's almost as if Christians are civilized enough to recognize jokes while 3rd world religions will chimp out at any moment.

>> No.39556410

you forgot to tip your fedora beardneck

>> No.39556474

Ahh, indog jealous because they can't shitting on islam

>> No.39556499
File: 32 KB, 271x403, 1612037440621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they can't shitting

>> No.39556508

This. Marine's success is divine providence, and proof of her devotion.

>> No.39556589

How is that making fun of christianity anon?

>> No.39556604

Because Christians don't acid attack people and bomb shit over lighthearted jokes.

Make of that what you will. I will continue to enjoy her slutty nun schtick very much.

>> No.39556684

You forgot to wipe your tears bitch

>> No.39556819

Wipe this
*cums on you*

>> No.39556938

Christcucks don't have enough self respect to defend their beliefs unlike other religions, hence why it is dying out globally

>> No.39557133

Why would you want to put yourself on the same level as a Muslim or a chink? Have some self respect, man.

>> No.39558553

they will survive while christians are dying out
so i dont know about that

>> No.39558615

Sure they will, seanigger-kun.

>> No.39558629

the true religion of peace

>> No.39558804

>How that she not realize she is hurting the feelings of bilion of people
>hurting the feelings of bilion of people
Spotted the Chinamen, no one cares faggot. Nuns being used for erotic titillations has been a thing for decades, now post the chuubas you watch so I can mock you for your choices.
