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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39427497 No.39427497 [Reply] [Original]

A notice to all residents: Please do not force entry into Gura's apartment, she will be unable to focus and keep her fans updated on twitter.
Additionally, "Me's" of her significant other will be killed on sight effective immediately. I do not appreciate residents disturbing her or our five children.

>> No.39427834

I posted this

>> No.39428594

To the tenant who currently holds the monkey paw: Please return the reality bending artifact to the reception. Thank you for your cooperation.

>> No.39428676

Fuck you. You said no homo collabs? Well there you go.

>> No.39428784

how do we solve the nijinig problem? they're driving property values down by constantly having everyone hanging out on the floor at all times and just stinking the whole damn place up. even the vshoujo floor isn't this bad because they stay in their rooms

>> No.39428908

Will somebody PLEASE get these rapists away from my room? All I can hear is "sapling rape, sapling rape" outside of my door every night and it's getting to the point where I can't sleep. Who let these retards in anyway?

>> No.39429013

Where's the /meat/ floor? I swear they were at the 54th floor last time I checked.

>> No.39429308
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Dude there's this guy who keeps banging on my door and begging me to cosplay as his oshi. I don't know what to do to make him leave. He's been doing this for weeks now.
Should've never moved into floor 40.

>> No.39429540

Where the fuck is Risu? I saw her on floor 34 last week and she was sighted on floor 5 the week before. How has nobody seen her since?
Wasn't she evicted or some shit? How does she get away with this?

>> No.39430218

I get that you're dirty fucking monkeys, but can you AT LEAST flush the toilet when you take a shit? the stench from the 41st floor goes all the way up to the 45th

>> No.39430356

all me

>> No.39430749
File: 98 KB, 956x1180, 2022_12_19_002_Kleki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please let me stay in their apartment
I got locked out of fauna and the saplings condo
uuu I don't want to be homeless

>> No.39430848

I heard the lamys are accepting tenants. Just strengthen your will against their invitation for alcohol and sex.

>> No.39431759

Day 8, a quarter ‘til Noon: I’ve been hiding out in my apartment ever since the incident. The other tenants on my floor have all ceased to make noise, and I know why. They’re definitely dead; there’s no other explanation. When that...thing came down from Floor 72 and started to squeal, I was fortunate enough to make it back to my room before it saw me, unlike the others. I heard their cries through my locked door, and could almost feel the snapping of their bones as that behemoth slaughtered them. Unfortunate for my sanity, I did catch a few glimpses of the beast before sealing myself away: It’s eyes were pitch black, and it’s clothes reminded me of a sleuth of some sort...but I know it wasn’t human. It looked far too stodgy, its bulky arms taking hold of Anon before tossing him to the ground. A great leap followed, and the very earth seemed to quake as it slammed down, full force, painting the walls with his viscera. The horror will never leave me, same as the image of its red tie is burnt into my retinas, akin to staring into a vengeful sun. I just hope I will live to tell my stor—

>> No.39434185


>> No.39434316

Can a good Samaritan deliver my parcel to floor 21, blue door number 17
I promise that your generosity will not go unrewarded!

>> No.39435982

Ever since all those Tempus fags got invited everyone on my floor won't stop shitting and crying.
If you can't make them shut up, can you at least call a janitor?
Floor 29.

>> No.39436382

I don't know if I can trust those Lamys. It might be alcohol or Lamyfication serum.

>> No.39436512
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>dragoons accosted me again at the vending machines for "protection money"

>> No.39436632

uh guys the kfp on floor 88 have started wearing fancy uniforms speaking only german

>> No.39436638

Floor 29? Try a transfer to floor 35. A few rooms opened up after those 3 chum buds committed suicide.
Though, you have to deal with the /jidf/ bitch that keeps going on about how much they love bukkake.

>> No.39436773

Or you could go to Floor 11. Heard that fandeads there are literally dead.

>> No.39436902

don't worry, they're about to be destroyed by the Soviets and the Allies anyway

>> No.39439530
File: 133 KB, 850x1202, towa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in /vt/ tower

>> No.39439562

She's faking being sick to dodge the Holostars collab, she needs to stay pure for the unicornbux

>> No.39439566

the courtyard is filling up with dead cats, what do we do?

>> No.39440372

Find the witch

>> No.39440733

uhhh guys... these takos just won't stop partying ever since Ina announced her comeback few days ago. I can't even get an ounce of sleep for the past few nights. Any vacant room that I can use temporarily until these fuckers stop partying and went back to normal?

>> No.39440888

The ai cult guy in the window opposite mine has been gettingg weirder and weirder with the dolls he's making. Every now and then he seems to be coming up with some new strange idea, and inbetween he just keeps building variants of the same chuuba in slightly different variations. It's not made better by the use of premade parts either, it doesn't always look natural.
At the same time... Man, some of his creations are really good. I don't know how long it'll take before he makes something that appeals to me specifically, or what I'll do when that happens. Would the floor 56 horni group be able to help me, you think?

>> No.39441494

The vesplings will probably accept you but be wary once you get addicted to having both mother and father type parental figures your mental capacity will even further decline than they have already have

>> No.39441792 [SPOILER] 
File: 87 KB, 1000x769, 1671617203093702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moment you come to a unfamiliar floor with the markings of /mans/ upon it turn back immediately if you value your life and your dignity, and if you ever see that terrible puppet run for it is for your very soul that is on the line aswell

>> No.39442114

Bros i'm still oshiless and floorless after my past oshi cucked me.
I'm living on the corridors

>> No.39442579

Notice to all chumbud residents: Mossad has allegedly black bagged the shork and is now trying to infiltrated the tower.
Do not open your door for any female chumbud clad in a ghosthoodie.

>> No.39442833

Are they shooting a movie or 3Dlive at floor 71? Why is there fake blood everywhere?

>> No.39444529


>> No.39449669


>> No.39449999

dumb tower...

>> No.39451426

Just report the room to the local SSRB and they KFP will be dealt with. Ignore the gunfire and explosions.

Unrelated: always accept gifts of Alcohol. Nothing bad will happen.

>> No.39451532

I'm on to you /become/ scum. Don't think we don't see your kind in the lower floors offering alcohol to new tenants.

>> No.39452002

Shit when did I end up in the basement sublayers. Or is some weird cultist setting up some sorta traps to abduct people.

This is why you kill the chaos rratlings as soon as they show up

>> No.39452325

To whoever is walking up and down my floor shouting with a megaphone about Gura's funeral while the neighboring chumcucks scream and shit their diapers, you're pretty based.

>> No.39452819

Can someone get management to check out the Kronies apartments? It smells like something died over there.

>> No.39455984
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Time for some tunes.

>> No.39456331

They ate the sandwich slurry.
They are suffering the consequences of their mistake.
Only enter those rooms with a hazmat suit. And maybe a shotgun.

>> No.39461342


>> No.39463238

Someone left an alcohol with a merry christmas message in front of my door. Is this from management?

>> No.39467592
File: 183 KB, 327x372, Screenshot 2022-12-22 153450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Auntie Risu will always give you saplings a warm bed to sleep

>> No.39468320

No, it's from me.

>> No.39468458
File: 86 KB, 1520x1080, 1667543045792594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to kill the last deadbeat...

>> No.39468497
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 07A6064E-042A-40E5-BF4D-D1BAC029B056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vt tower is back!
