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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38922160 No.38922160 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.38922209

They have to go to dance lessons because the 4th Live is coming, there's a flu going around, sasuga

>> No.38922228

Bad management that lets them get away with anything and refuses to launch EN3 despite no streams.

>> No.38922243

>They have to go to dance lessons
I know this is false because I've never seen a chumbud use it as a coping excuse.

>> No.38922321

People usually get sick in winter.

>> No.38922359

Cover launched Tempus instead of EN3, and this statement is as factual as saying the sky is blue.

>> No.38922384

It's sad how fans aren't even worried about them because they took so much time off that they've eroded all their good will.

>> No.38922503

Brian, it was all Brian.

>> No.38922545

EN3 isnt going to fix anything.
HoloEN in general is in shambles, introducing 5 new girls will just make things worse.

>> No.38922961

I've never caught covid despite going to family gatherings, how do you even get sick if not going out to crowded public places with 100s of people in the city?

>> No.38922997

Kind of crazy how much Mori is able to stream when she's got albums and concerts to prepare for and more new lyrics for songs to write.

>> No.38923012

Let's see how the girls who are left are doing
>No stream for 6 hours - is just the lazy go-to karaoke option
>A stream in about an hour and a half - is just the lazy go-to ASMR "whisper and make some noises" option
>Members-only stream - is just the lazy go-to watchalong option, literally no content
>A stream about 3 hours ago - is just the lazy go-to "chatting" option
EN are so boring, goddamn

>> No.38923061

If you saw your coworker milking it wouldn't you get jealous and want to do the same when there are no consequences

>> No.38923866

>these streams don’t count because I don’t want them to

>> No.38923904

Because they aren't sick.
Think about what time of the year it is. There is literally less than 2 weeks until Christmas. They're making plans and or visiting loved ones or possibly even spending time with their significant others (if they exist), who have gotten time off from work because of the holiday season. You're an idiot if you really think that 7/10 of them are all sick at once when most of them don't even go out that much compared to most other people.

An alternative explanation is that because Myth is all "sick" at once except for Mori, it might be because they are all flying to Japan and didn't want anyone to try and track which flights they are taking. Gura said that she would probably have to go to Japan sometime in November or December and it would make sense if they are all there recording segments for their 3D "debuts" at the studio since we know those are coming soon. The exception is Mori because she was already there in Japan. This doesn't explain Irys getting Covid, but that might have actually happened since she has to go out in public to take the trains to the recording studio all the time.

tl;dr: They're lying because of the Holidays OR they're lying because Myth is on their way to Japan.

>> No.38923985

>EN3 releases, hooray! more girls to watch they better not be lazy
>2-3 months later they start burning out
you're not content with anything these days

>> No.38924159

Which is stupid, because people would understand if they were truthful and said they wanted to spend the holidays with family, but lying about being sick, and doing so in such an obvious way, is going to get under the skin of everyone who isn't a completely dedicated fanatic.

>> No.38924273

Only thing that debunks it is Mori flying to America next week.

>> No.38924458

Are you sure? Isn't she going to be part of a certain Christmas Eve off-collab in Japan?

>> No.38924519

People would give them them the benefit of the doubt if they all streamed as much as Kiara or Fauna does.

>> No.38924790

Viruses transmit through their computer from youtube streams. It's a bad youtube bug that they have yet to fix. fuck youtube. Thousands of people watch them so there's a higher risk of STDs bypassing their security protocols and AES. They need to use 512-bit keys to properly stop COVID spread. ICANN is not responsible for any of this, it's purely youtube.

>> No.38924903

Keep believing the "alternative facts" that 4chan tells you, while the actual thing is her saying that she'll be visiting family during the holidays.

>> No.38925186

Historically there's been a couple of discord servers where people that auditioned for corpotuber jobs hung out and made friends.
After the myth auditions were over the biggest auditions server formed, and it was the largest source of higher quality EN tubers for a couple of years, until very recently. This is where Mumei and Selen met, for example. If you were a recruiter you knew you could just go there and scout a girl by her past audition reels and chat history before even opening your own auditions. This is more or less how nijiEN has been hiring people post-lazulight, they dont even need to open auditions, they already know who they want to hire and if they have a couple of extra slots they'll ask Elira (basically ran the server).
Every post-myth ENtuber that isnt terminally autistic is already pre-approved, very little exceptions.
The problem now is that myth debuted 2 years ago and the number of people that: a) is still into vtubers enough to be a vtuber themselves, b) is good enough to actually be a succesful streamer and, c) isnt already locked into a corporate contract; is very slim.
People that applied for but werent hired for myth, niji1, niji2, council,... just moved on.

>> No.38925362

Do you not know what I'm talking about?
A certain dragon talked about possibly having her over for Christmas.

>> No.38925639

While I don’t necessarily disagree with that last paragraph, do you have any proof of the existence of an auditions discord server?

>> No.38925769

They can stream properly for 6 months maybe?
Unless somehow EN management can get a good gacha pull and hire new members with good work ethic

>> No.38925854

For any people trying to excuse this, why is NijiEN completely fucking unaffected not to mention all the other small corpos? That's a sample size of like 70 people, if there was a statistical uptick in something "going around" we'd see it for anyone else in North America including random indies and such too. We don't. It's just HoloEN.

>> No.38925863

Depends on each people imune, but this HoloEN sick fest is kind of sketchy

>> No.38926327

>nijiEN gets the drop on anyone they want
>picks incredible trash for ethyria onward

Literally a self-made problem and/or unsurprisingly a girl is going to be a poor judge of what exactly-exactly guys want most in a vtuber.

>> No.38926409

And you're too easy to please nowadays
Have some standard
People are hoping for any chance that they will recruit girls who will actually stream for EN3
Or what? Should people wish these ungrateful girls would suddenly throw away their laziness and stream?
But it won't work that way anyway, EN3 girls will be lazy because management and faggots like you will keep enabling lazy behaviors

>> No.38926602

>I know this is false because I've never seen a chumbud use it as a coping excuse.
Now you just did anon.

>How does 70% of your staff end up sick at a fully remote job?
Saying that most of them don't go out. Op they have lives outside vtubing.
And this aint a full time job, It's a part time with a good pay.

>> No.38926721

this is a Cover problem through and through, there are girls out there who have been going for like 4-5 years, there have been randos on Twich going for over a fucking decade. We are used to people going for more than like 3 months and then crapping out because that is a fucking fact of life that big streamers go for years no problem.

The "entitlement" accusation is more on HoloEN's end, THEY are fucking entitled for thinking they can do almost nothing and that nobody is going to nor allowed to dare point out that literally everyone else puts in a fuckton more effort than them. Why do they deserve that special treatment exactly? What did they do? Be associated with a name that already built up a huge stock of goodwill in Western fans off its JP branch. HoloEN is the Lexus to HoloJP being Toyota, only in this case the Lexus keeps breaking down and we're confused is all, we fucking expected better, and we see other cars on the road doing just fine.

>> No.38926772
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Vox absolutely crushes holowhores in superchats and 2 of their 3 views make a ton of money as well.
Keep coping brony chama, even NijisanjiENs bottom of the barrel talents are better than any EN girl by virtue of the fact that they ACTUALLY FUCKING STREAM.

>> No.38926807

>in superchats
>He thinks superchats are the largest sum of income

>> No.38926867


>> No.38926893

>why is NijiEN completely fucking unaffected not to mention all the other small corpos?
Cause there's like hundred of those niggas nobody really cares about enough about any of them to complain when they're gone
Also the framing of this conversation is inherently skewed to make HoloEN looks worse than what is actually is. Half of the absentees here have been gone for 3> days, and the ones who have been gone for longer aren't really "sick" by normal definition

>> No.38926897

Ethyria onward is a consequence of the problem. There's simply not enough old mythwave quality auditioners. Two years ago "big indie" meant maybe 10k subs and your only reference was girldm (insane rig) and ironmouse or pikamee (seniority). By now there's been enough Baos and Lilys and punkalopis and non-holoniji agencies that any prospective EN3 is comfortable enough being an indie and doesnt even want to join a corpo.
There's not enough people for hololive to make EN3, there's not enough for niji to make two separate male and female waves. Lazulight and Obsydia had insane quality because they could just poach the 6, 7, 8th,... would-be myth members.

>> No.38926957

all she said was she wanted to invite her

thats literally it. and she won't be able to, because she won't be in the country

>> No.38927257

How does 6/10 = 70%?
Who is the seventh member that is sick?

>> No.38927323

EN should straight-up poach small corpos girls if they're already "taken" by them. The girls quit, couple months months later they reincarnate. Bae came from one in fact. Not like she's particularly good, but there are good examples going around.

For example Cyberlive collapsed, several of them went to Phase but some of them are just floating around as a loose association (menace/chapipi etc). They'd pick up the phone if someone gave them a rang.

>> No.38927415

I don't agree with everything you said, but you're right in that most indies that are comfortable really don't feel any need to "move up" to holo-niji.
For someone that's /lig/ tier, they probably make enough just from streaming and donations to live comfortably. If you're a decent enough indie, would you really want to trade your grassroots community and freedom to do basically whatever you want, for a slightly better paycheck, ridiculous corpo restrictions, needing to deal with JP management at awkward hours of the day, and much, much more red tape associated with the big corpos? There's no surprise why the more recent niji waves have been so weak, and why EN3 is seemingly MIA.

>> No.38928076

why did you edit Mori's stomach to be bigger

>> No.38928119

Holy shit why is holo full of such lazy whores?

>> No.38928705

Let's be real, Vox's merch sells incredibly well too. And female fans are notorious for spending on merch.

>> No.38928760

she's preggers again

>> No.38930940

NijiEN forces their talents to stay on their feet by constantly releasing new groups.
The old talents will lose their audience if they slack off like HoloEN, but the company keeps their audience inside the branch.

>> No.38931363

With Fauna soon to join them, could this be an orchestrated silent strike?
Too much of a coincidence. We'll see if something happens to Mumei to make these at even greater odds.

>> No.38931657

>People get sick
How shocking

>> No.38936116


>> No.38936328

>Unable to comprehend a life outside of your room

Sounds on par

>> No.38939644

