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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38092278 No.38092278 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter Networking: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Social media branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Take with a grain of salt Parasocial Guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg

Hololive auditions are permanently open!

Phase connect auditions are now open!

Kawa Entertainment auditions are now open!

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.

Previous Thread: >>37971282

>> No.38096405

So you're back

>> No.38099335

AkioAIR Season 2 Audition Talk with their manager
You can submit questions for another half hour

>> No.38100593
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by the emperor, let this game run on pupet pc i beg of you

(darktide tonight)


>> No.38102799
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Playing Fallout New Vegas as a happy merchant.
Chaos is a ladder!

>> No.38104406

Hello, I am looking to become a vtuber so I can groom male chuubas and viewers.

Does anyone know any riggers? I have a design ready with all my layers sorted I just need to find a cheap/cooperative rigger.

>> No.38105622

if you go on twitter there's probably some tags you could search for cheap rigging commissions

>> No.38105693

Can you suggest me some tags to look through?

>> No.38106351

you could try #live2d or #vtuberrigging
alternatively if you search "live2d rigger" on the people tab you'll find a bunch of riggers there as well

>> No.38107168

Eww, why do you want to groom males? What is wrong with you?

>> No.38108243

I'm always watching you, /asp/ies. Even now. You'll forget me soon enough, but I'm watching you. Don't fuck up.

>> No.38110501


>> No.38110819

I don't wanna do twitch raids because I don't want to help my viewers find someone other than me to watch

>> No.38112491

I don't want to do twitch raids because it feels dishonest to use my viewers as pawns for networking.

>> No.38114122
File: 997 KB, 845x1200, dorothy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know a ton about vtubing but.. I'm thinking about making my model a robotic girl and using a voice synthesizer thing. Like one of those fake text to speech voices but I'd talk instead of text if that's an option. Are there a lot of vtubers who have done this? Is hearing a fake voice like that grating and obnoxious after a while?

>> No.38117849

y thread so dead

>> No.38119238

Why was the thread alive in the past? What changed?

>> No.38119579

Gen 3 had menheras like ain, alto and kaiser who wouldn't stop blogging or reacting to every mention of them.

>> No.38119894

Where did our menheras go?

>> No.38120219

There were also a couple vtuber schizos that never really used their names when posting.

>> No.38120287

Was my robot post a faux pas

>> No.38121467

You just came at the wrong time.
People have done that, I can name about 2, it shouldn't be too grating unless you go to extreme. People will still watch you because you're a girl, no matter how off-putting your model or voice is.

>> No.38122015

Why it feels so hard to stream? I'm not even putting my voice on it out of shyness, yet I'm a pile of anxiety every time I start and later after I stop thinking if what I did was worth shit

>> No.38122420

Can something like that be done without it being off-putting at all?

>> No.38122997

There was actual discussion taking place before the Discord shills started promoting and namefagging everywhere.

>> No.38124640

Yeah, like whether you should be streaming on twitch or youtube.
Stimulating and life-changing conversations.

>> No.38125263

I'm sure the Discord shilling and namefagging brought much more life to the threads with the circlejerking.

People actually posted advice every now and then. You can tell there's little to no value added to the threads after the /asp/cord and whatever other faggotcords because nothing else of value was added to the OP.

>> No.38125335

You should try looking for Marburg he's in these threads. He's cheap and good.


>> No.38126111

Sorry sister, as a male, I would only accept other males to groom me

>> No.38127092

they either had sex or got driven away from the threads.

>> No.38127354

Being menhera is not sustainable, some of them probably broke down.

>> No.38127694

Is dick and/or pussy really the cure for menhera?

>> No.38127878

I think there will always be a pretty significant amount of people who would rather hear a natural voice. But it probably is possible to have it be a niche that will overall help you stand out and grow faster than if you just did your natural voice.

What I would worry about is people thinking you were some sort of tranny. That would probably hurt viewership more than you might think.

>> No.38127998

What if my vtuber gimmick is that I'm a normal girl with no unusual / fantasy physical features or weird story background or anything

>> No.38128103

voice filters are inherently offputting in my opinion but if you're gonna go that route it might be better to do less of a synthesizer thing and more of a medabots thing

>> No.38128131

>normal girl

>> No.38128238

Dick seems to work, but we'll never know about the pussy because menhera males are terribly unattractive.

>> No.38128277

This is what zentreya does right?

>> No.38129029

i'm pretty sure this was the original meaning of it. just that she had no fantasy elements or gimmick

>> No.38129857

I mean there's a lot of chuubas whose fantasy elements begin and end with "has animal ears" so there's no real good reason you couldn't avoid that and go entirely normal.

>> No.38129917

I'll take that as an offense

>> No.38131563


>> No.38132649


>> No.38133831

Oh snap. She failed college and now she's back.

>> No.38134763


>> No.38135097

sorry xiachuds but she sold her account to fund a volunteering trip to columbia to look after orphans after she became a born-again christian. come debut you'll be in for an unpleasant surprise

>> No.38137772
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>> No.38139608

Delays for months and I was on the verge of giving up...my model artist just got back to me with the first draft and it's perfect. Better than what I had imagined on my own. There's going to be almost no revisions. I'm so fucking excited. I just needed to share; I really needed a win and this one came out of nowhere.

>> No.38141250

Nice! It's always nice to see all your work starting to come together.

>> No.38141816

All the work, not your work. Two totally different experiences.

>> No.38141869

>Gen 3
so what gen are we at now?

>> No.38142210

Good for you anon, do you have all your other assets yet?

>> No.38142345

Gen 4 failed to launch because there were massive schizos in the thread and they became too afraid to ever post their links. The missing gen.
If a bunch of new /asp/ies appear at once I'll call them gen 5.

>> No.38142890

my lawyer is advising me against posting my link
maybe i'll be fortunate enough to catch the next wave. if it ever comes

>> No.38142933

so I've kind of achieved most of the goals I had for vtubing and I'm confused on where to go next

It's not like I don't have goals at all anymore, but they feel more like pipe dreams. The fire I had in me trying to achieve the first few feels like it's gone since I achieved everything so fast. (1 year goals in 2 months) I'm pretty down about it even though I technically won.

>> No.38142974

What were your goals?

>> No.38143109

I had low expectations, so it was 5+ CCV, 200 twitch followers, 200 twitter followers, 200 youtube subs, etc etc.

I ended up riding the wave for a game that was blowing up and got that super fast. Now the game is kinda dead, so I don't pull in the numbers anymore, but that's really not the issue. My plan now is just to take a break and then come back with a different approach if I want to keep VTubing.

>> No.38144516

this happened to me. i was so caught off guard, i felt like i so many eyes on me while in my head i hadn't even really started yet!

the two things i would recommend are 1. make friends with cool and fun chuubas that you think are cool and enjoy their content! they will inspire you and keep you positive. 2. start thinking about creative stuff to do! collabs, creative streams, recorded content... branch out, try new things, and push yourself! numbers shouldn't be your only goals in vtubing!

>> No.38145294

THOSE were your goals in one year? Of course you would achieve them in two months. You "technically won" by default kek.

>> No.38147250

Thanks anon, maybe I should probably focus more on workshopping new ideas and finding new chuuba friends. I spent too much time just grinding streams and not really improving my content. Numbers really shouldn't have been my goal, but now that I'm at this level, I can really focus on other things now without worry!
In hindsight, you're right. Then again, I had super low expectations for myself. I'll probably not put any number goals for the next year.

>> No.38147488

Easy goals for a female vtuber, but I think most males would struggle to get those numbers.

>> No.38147493

If it helps, I am a male.

>> No.38150599

to be fair I've seen people unable to hit 200 followers in a year so i could see why someone would set that as a goal

>> No.38151346

Thank you!
Some assets are done, not all. I'm planning to go with pretty simple free/cheap stuff to start.

>> No.38155117

Honestly those are pretty good numbers for a male in 2 months. Though like you said it wasn't really sustainable.

>> No.38155169

I helped a work colleague to make his indie videogame and he's asking me if i want to appear in the credits, would it be a bad idea to ask him to list my chuuba name instead?

>> No.38156597

>interested in being a chuuba
>have a YouTube channel with 10k dead subs I got from posting anime clips when I was a dumb teen
>unfortunately I am a male
Do you guys think those dead subs would help me in any way? I don’t know if I should try being a chuuba or just make it into a normal YouTube channel.

>> No.38156951

they're dead so it would not help one bit. Infact it might even hinder you since youtube doesnt promote dead channels as much.

>> No.38157084

Sounds like a good way to be potentially doxxed. Might be worth it if you were doing voice over work or maybe art.

>> No.38157875

I mean it was practically impossible to get negative feedback that was basically just trolling in any /vt/ thread except this one so can you blame us?

>> No.38158637

If you set the bar low enough you can never lose.

>> No.38159991

It will make your channel look abit more professional but like

They won't directly hurt you by being there but if a person still uses the account and they swipe past your video instead of viewing it that could hurt u

>> No.38160034


unless you do lose

then kys

>> No.38163483

Yeah, in my opinion I just got kind of lucky. Rode the wave on a game blowing up and ground out tons of streams. I didn't really do any typical vtuber stuff though outside of the avatar, so now I'm kind of lost after the game started dying and I hit my targets so fast.

>> No.38165470
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Uhhh car dude. PokeWilds. Adveturequest. Sumthin. Yeah.

>> No.38165590

Its something every streamer has to deal with to some extent. Very few people will watch a streamer no matter what they stream, especially not until they get to know them over weeks-months. But if its any consolation I don't think there really is such a thing as dead followers, they will always be potential viewers in the future so you still got quite a lot out of that little burst of popularity with that game blowing up even if it feels like you are at square one again. You just gotta work at winning them over and turning them into more hardcore fans.

I did a very similar thing when I started out, got a few huge raids a few times just because I was playing a particular game. If I played anything else my viewership went down to what felt like zero (and sometimes literally zero) but eventually I turned some of those initial follows into real regulars who will turn up to watch all sorts of weird things that I play these days. I mostly just stream for them these days. Its fun having people that you have known for a long time come by to your stream a lot.

>> No.38171754

did you
did you forget your link

>> No.38172027

>Very few people will watch a streamer no matter what they stream
pretty much the closest guarantee to this is to get a strong enough community going around you that they'll show up to see your other viewers instead

>> No.38172900

I did, crud. Here's the link lol.

>> No.38173710

Nigga go shill yourself to /wvt/ or /mvp/.

>> No.38173905

Alright alright, will do :o

>> No.38180257

hopeful schmooving

>> No.38181046

xia will come back for christmas break and then leave, don't get attached.

>> No.38181124

Viewercord will keep her in line

>> No.38182597
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Parts of me feel like I am inching towards /lig/ slowly.
83.8K subscribers, 38.2K Followers on twitter.

Sadly I recently had to pick up two jobs so I can provide for myself.
Due to one being a unpaid internship for uni.
Also Pc kinda shitting the bed.
Life kinda suckin right now.

Don't quite know what to do.
Any suggestions?

>> No.38182718

>My mic and audio interface still haven’t arrived two months after ordering them
>My laptop stopped recognizing an operating system in my hard drive
>I have shifted to using the underpowered laptop I installed Linux on
>Can run, at most, word processors and 4 tabs of Firefox
>plus it’s Linux so I don’t understand how to do basic shit like installing an application like Aegisub or Blender
>Started to spec my stats into writing erotica
>I have put being any kind of YouTuber on hold until I have the money to get a new PC
>asked a few people for collabs months ago but was waiting for my mic to arrive to proceed with them, feels so bad to not follow up on the ideas after months
>looks like the shipment won’t arrive until mid-December. What a pain in the ass
Feelin absolutely awful, sang a song called “Loveless”


Does your lawyer happen to work with a dark skinned demon with glasses and white hair?

>> No.38183081
File: 315 KB, 498x287, Dancepepo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dam your voice goes hard.
I belive in you anon!
Good luck.

>> No.38185246

So what happened to Ain? I liked her streams

>> No.38185473

I don't want to be gen 5. Just call me gen 4 and have a null gen in the middle.

>> No.38186372

Are you black?

>> No.38186834

Ye why you ask?

>> No.38187330

Figured, thanks

>> No.38187419

Probably because he can't recognize you by voice and wanted to narrow it down.

>> No.38188014

are you coming back as a lawyer or something, buitre?

>> No.38189758

Are you not able to monetize your streams? At your size you can have a patreon for a more stable income. I know people with a few hundred CCV that are living comfy by monetizing their streams well.

>> No.38190979

I was talking about Arata from SuperKrunch. Only thing that's changed on my end is my bank account balance (to $0)

>> No.38191219

my rigging is getting much better, and I want to offer commissions but I don't have much ot a portfolio. does anyone here want a rig free of charge?

>> No.38192066

Just go find some character sheets and rig some random anime girls, anon.

>> No.38192203

I just literally hear it in your voice kek. Very obvious.

>> No.38193214

>want a free rig
>don't have riggable art
No handouts for me I suppose

>> No.38194141

There's three sets of viewers.
Your goslings. They will watch whatever you put out because they love everything you do.
Your fans. They will watch whatever you do, if there's nothing else they want to watch on. There's sub-groups here, but that gets beyond the scope of a single post on an Uzbekistani Pony Trekking imageboard
The category fans. They'll watch anyone in that game, and only in that game. They do not like you, they like what you're currently doing. ASMR, minecraft, or people chasing drops.
Your goal is to make people move up levels. If you notice that you have a larger viewership when playing Uno than Call of Duty, you need to recognize the names that only come for Uno, and start being extra nice to them.

MissFushi did this with her ASMR games streams. She'd play Kirby, but "in an ASMR way". So quietly, with in-game volume super low, sound redeems off, etc. It kind of helped.

>> No.38194189

They joined the navy and got a BF. They were a big fan of GFE videos, and hated the hypocrisy of vtubers who did that with a partner, so stopped.
Navy also won't allow time off for streaming.
Also, I think they said starting test?

>> No.38196353

>gets bf
>takes test
So is the bf a, you know, the reverse of Ain?

>> No.38198182

Hmmm, what do I want to play. I want to get good at a game, but I'm tired of dark souls/sekiro's design flaws.
What to do.
