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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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3770773 No.3770773[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Decide to make a bilibili account to get closer to fans around the world
>still steams and posts on YouTube
>Chinese Taipei fans chimp out and mas dislike her videos
What is wrong with these people? Literally almost every single Japanese vtuber has a bilibili account

>> No.3770806

kys zhang

>> No.3770882

Prove me wrong
She's literally streaming on Youtube right now yet Chinese Taipei antis are mass disliking her

>> No.3771033

>From the previous thread
Some history of her company for context:
About half a year ago when ProPro was much smaller, another member Yumesaki Mia started getting clipped by a Taiwanese subber. She thanked the subber and said "I love Taiwan" on stream, which then got posted on some zhang forum, and she ended up suffering some minor chinkspam on like one stream. Taiwanese fans ramped up support in response to this, and she went from about 3K subs to over 30K within a couple weeks. Fast forward a few months and ProPro is debuting their second generation starting with Koinoya Mai. The existing fanbase plus being pretty cute and having an amazing live2D model made her debut successful beyond expectation, reaching 100K subs in about a month. Chinese subbed clips from the Taiwanese subbers got posted on bilibili without permission where some of them racked up I think over a million views. This is probably what caused the company to decide she might be popular and open up a presence there, but it seems incredibly retarded considering that perhaps the majority of the support for the entire company's talents (at least in terms of superchats) comes from Taiwan. Honestly ProPro is the last company I'd expect to attempt streaming on bilibili given everything that's happened, but vtuber companies are notorious for terrible decisions. Pretty unfortunate if this kills all their momentum and especially bad timing since a new member is set to debut tomorrow

>> No.3771207

This has nothing to do with what I said
She still steams on Youtube, she literally just made a bilibili account and Chinese Taipei antis are chimping out

>> No.3771251

>but it seems incredibly retarded considering that perhaps the majority of the support for the entire company's talents (at least in terms of superchats) comes from Taiwan
Man redditors are retarded
She literally has nearly 300k followers on bilibili and her first video gained 1million views

>> No.3771262

Taiwan heroes are just helping her not getting a chink yab especially if she seldomly stream there. Also taiwan is a country supported by the greatest country of all the United States of America fuck yeah

>> No.3771311

>Taiwan heroes are just helping her not getting a chink yab especially
It was literally nothing tho

>> No.3771318

samefags, IP didn't increase

>> No.3771351

No shit you retard

>> No.3771357

>300k followers on bilibili
doubtful because of how that site counts stuff

>> No.3771364

Dance for chink, get the stink

>> No.3771381

You do know all the followers are pretty much little pinkies following her because of taiwan being ntred instead of genuine fans. Give it a few months they will drop her like a sack of shit and flame her for fun. Look no further than the hiseki erio case.

>> No.3771387

>Chinese Taipei
Come on Zhang, at least try to not out yourself like this

>> No.3771389

The site counts viewers weird, subscriber count is just like Youtube
She's doing the same thing every other Jap vtuber does

>> No.3771435

>You do know all the followers are pretty much little pinkies following her because
This isn't true tho
She had a pretty big following when translated clips of her were posted on bilibili
What did I say wrong?

>> No.3771462

>It was literally nothing tho
tell that to those other vtubers who streamed on bilibili before where they got attacked by zhangs after they streamed less there

>> No.3771473

this is the tard that decided to NTR her paypigs right?
i was wondering what happened to her
way to shoot yourself in the foot lmao

>> No.3771509

I feel sad for her. She will experience what Erio experience there after she took a break to take care of her pet

>> No.3771510

>that to those other vtubers who streamed on bilibili before where they got attacked by zhangs
Except this makes no sense
Because literally every Jap vtuber er has a bilibili and Youtube account and streams on both including Mai
>way to shoot yourself in the foot lmao
She didn't really shoot herself in the foot
She'll unironically make more money now and get rid of antis

>> No.3771521

Get your facts straight, its because a taiwanese cuck translator posted a clip of her into bilibili because he fear she cannot survive with taiwan sc alone. It got popular because >taiwanese cuck. Also said translator already regretting it deeply. I can even give you the translator channel and chat logs.

>> No.3771556

>its because a taiwanese cuck translator posted a clip of her into bilibili because
And you're getting this info from where? Lots of vtuber clips are translated and posted on bilibili

>> No.3771577

Here's proof
This guy has been posting Mai stuff way before the announcement

>> No.3771579

>Except this makes no sense
>Because literally every Jap vtuber er has a bilibili and Youtube account and streams on both including Mai

Yeah and look at those channels where they streamed less on bilibili, they get spammed by insects

>> No.3771590
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>She'll unironically make more money now and get rid of antis
Until the mainlanders find her co-worker's "i love taiwan!" vids lol
Pic related: she's getting monopoly money as that's all the chinese government will allow to trickle out.

>> No.3771602
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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.3771615
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>> No.3771633

>Yeah and look at those channels where they streamed less on bilibili
You do know the most popular vtuber on bilibili streams on twitch too, right?
>Until the mainlanders
Why would they give a shit about her co workers video?
You're thinking all the mainlanders have one mind, a few antis might give a shit but the majority only care about Mai.

>> No.3771643
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>> No.3771667

are you stretching your goalpost chink? a very good prime example of your zhang toxicity is Erio

>> No.3771676
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>> No.3771706 [DELETED] 

Why would they be mad over someone saying they like a Chinese province? I like Taiwan too, but I'm more of a fan of Shaanxi

>> No.3771825 [DELETED] 

>Why would they be mad over someone saying they like a Chinese province?
why would they go absolutely apeshit psycho for months and months up to the present day in a hololiver's streams because the word "taiwain" came up once?
you're not fooling anyone john chinaman

>> No.3771891 [DELETED] 

>why would they go absolutely apeshit psycho for
Same reason people mass dislike bomb someone for making a bilibili account
Same reason you'd dox someone and call their home for having an ex boyfriend
Autistic antis exists everywhere

>> No.3771898

Taiwan vtuber translation scene is pretty closed and small, i lurk in that group.

As for vtuber tl clips on bilibili, there are official translation group representation for a certain chuuba, there are also unofficial groups that fail to get the power to represent a certain chuuba and lastly there are groups that steal taiwanese tl on youtube and upload to bilibili.

You don't really seem to be that knowledgeable about the bilibili and china weeb scene, do more reps first.

t.old bilibili user and uploader

>> No.3772063

>You're thinking all the mainlanders have one mind
Oh but you do. You wouldn't be living in that dickensian/orwellian hell fusion nightmare if you didn't.

>> No.3772075

I literally linked to a bilibili translator you autistic ape

>> No.3772129 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 446x490, 4f69e3da59a1d06880021aa248cd695b-imagepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do love seeing western fags seethe like this
>You wouldn't be living in that dickensian/orwellian hell fusion nightmare if
580K dead

>> No.3772205

reminder that the OP isn't actually a mainland chink but a Malaysian Chink from the slums of kuala lumpur

>> No.3772237

>the face of a girl who regrets many things, but is required to smile anyway

>> No.3772255

She literally made the decision herself

>> No.3772350

That is her official group. Before those, there is one taiwanese tler who posted his clips on bili and asked china to promote her.

I think i have seen your posts before, are you the one who keep defending about bilibili but keep using semi accurate info?

>> No.3772356

What compels such a creature to be so pro pekingduck? What do they get out of it? Malays truly are the worst of SEA. Prideful about zero achievements. Internationally irrelevant. Shit food.

>> No.3772396

You can willingly make decisions and regret them later, anon. Mind you, management could've stopped her and offered an alternative way that didn't bring up a shitstorm (she was already doing Chinese learning streams before this) but didn't so it's not like she's the only one at fault here.

>> No.3772425
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>tfw still membered to her and still enjoy her
>will have to live with the fact I'm a traitor because of her pandering to chinks

>> No.3772481

>You're thinking all the mainlanders have one mind,
says the literal hive mind insectoid lmao

>> No.3772568

outsiders who don't live in their shit countries of origin are extra loyal because they didn't experience life there but feel connected by their fantasies of how great their culture is without the reality of living next to a designated shitting street

>> No.3772578

>Chinese Taipei
turn off your VPN zhang

>> No.3772650

Different anon who is arguing with him. We have quite a bit of chinese malaysian who is pro china, even my parents are pro china kek. It is mostly due to our shit and racist government.

>> No.3772686

Have you considered finding someone else?

>> No.3772692

Could you link the Taiwan clipper's channel if you don't mind?

>> No.3772725

Yeah, but its one of those instances where something hits all your buttons the right way its nigh impossible to find something else that does the same if not better

>> No.3772751

>and regret them
Why do you think she regrets it?
Because of autists like this who think they've been betrayed?

>> No.3772786

Didnt she mass unfollow all the Holos after metatagging them all to gain popularity when starting out? Only briefly went over the last thread.

>> No.3772833

Sorry anon, guy already seem to regret his decision and already flamed so much, don't want to cause any more drama. He is stopping all translations that involve propro.

>> No.3772842 [DELETED] 

I read about this. The ethnic malays slaughtered a lot of you way back and the smart ones fled to singapore or something. I guess that's a reason to look up to china if any.
It's a shame that I think she'll tank due to the pressure of antis or because she'll find that the chinese fruit was not actually worth the squeeze in the end. A shame because her model, rig and voice are actually kind of nice.

>> No.3772853

Imagine betraying your entire fanbase just to pander to chinks lmfao

>> No.3772897
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>chink has to use a VPN to post here
Chang, I...

>> No.3772958

To be fair you deserve to get shat on relentlessly if you support someone that supports or panders to chinks in any way

>> No.3773109 [DELETED] 

Fuck off bugmen chinks go eat a dog or fuck a bat somewhere else

>> No.3773151

Someone asked her why she u followed Coco in bilibili chat and she said she was never following her in the first place
Pretty sure she's still following Okayu
See this is why you're autistic
What's wrong with reaching out to fans from other counties?

>> No.3773180

China bad

>> No.3773199

Yep, she did. Even tried to explain it as "I didn't want to give the wrong impression that we know each other by following them." which is the lamest pot of bullshit I've ever heard.

>> No.3773215

>Imagine betraying your entire fanbase
She didn't betray her fans
She betray the autistic antis

>> No.3773228

Management was the one who brought up the idea in the first place, and she agreed.

>> No.3773265

Your yellow hands are showing zhang.

>> No.3773316

Yes, she even gave some pretty shit excuse on her last stream about the unfollowing. If it is just about going to bilibili, some might be mad but the mass holo unfollowing make taiwanese even more mad. Her actions during this whole debacle don't paint a good light on her. She said she loves holo in her earlier days, conveniently forgot about it and then give a shitty excuse she is just following holos to learn how they tweet and don't really know anything about holos. Her tweet ignoring anyone who is criticizing her and treating them as antis when some of them is her loyal fans. All of these just make her look like a greedy bitch.

>> No.3773321

Is it really that hard to understand that fans from other "country" will force you to choose to stream more and more in bili? TW fans know this, and they are just damn tired getting into drama with their retarded cousing

>> No.3773353

I think he is referring to this guy.

>> No.3773417

I don't even watch her but made sure to dislike her videos since the announcement.

>> No.3773449

>it really that hard to understand that fans from other "country" will force you to choose to stream more
Except she's literally streaming on YouTube right now and has only done one stream on bilibili
Maybe you're just autistic
>TW fans know this, and they are just damn tired getting into drama
They're tired of getting into drama so they decide to make drama?

>> No.3773473

>vtuber (sensibly) doesn't want anything to do with a geopolitical battle
Wtf I hate that bitch now

>> No.3773507

>She says, while riding head first into a geopolitical battlefield.

>> No.3773519


Choosing china is picking a side, the wrong one I add

>> No.3773570

Of course its going to be gradual you retard. Give an inch and they will take mile.

>> No.3773598

>Choosing china is
She didn't choose China
she didn't delete her YouTube account
You people are legitimately autistic
Whatever you say

>> No.3773619

To be fair, the ones who are spamming her are china falseflaggers (coco wheelbarrow users) and taiwan /pol/and some of her fans who felt extremely betrayed. Major tw vtuber boards seem to be eating their popcorn watching this shitshow just like us.

>> No.3773721

>be fair, the ones who are spamming her are china falseflaggers

>> No.3773728

Nothing substantial it's just gonna end in the usual shit
>anti chinks, /pol/ and taiwanese fags will seethe for a few more days, mai will get 150k subs again and everyone will forget about it except this place and maybe/jp/ because of all the chink larpers mixed with actual chinks (be it Taiwan or mainland)

>> No.3773852

Just check her chat, the spams are similar to the one coco got, they have a pattern, i counted about 3 bots.

>> No.3773930

>Just check her chat,
I don't even see any spammers

>> No.3774019

>making a bilibili account means you've joined the CCP

>> No.3774042

>No I'm selling my soul to the devil, I'm just selling a little bit of my soul, it's fine.

>> No.3774060

I mean the previous stream anon.

>> No.3774089


The moment she put up the frame + waiting room she immediately had members only and slow mode on. So that pretty much kills any form of wheelbarrows unless people are retarded enough to member her so they could do that

>> No.3774104

This but unironically.

>> No.3774111


>> No.3774169

a chink-made spam tool used to spam on coco's channel before.

>> No.3774181

Basically a bot account to spam and "harass" streamers with

>> No.3774196

It's the nickname of spam bot used by Chinese NGA members that use to spamming Coco's channel.

>> No.3774218

I find it funny how Chinese spammers are seen as god awful and the worst thing that can happen to a vtuber when a Jap anti literally doxxed someone and called their home

>> No.3774238

Ah ok. Here I was thinking it was some kind of emote and I was scrolling up and down chat trying to find that shit.

>> No.3774321

It's weebs defending their favorite anime's homeland.

>> No.3774342 [DELETED] 

taiwan is a sovereign nation. the ROC is the legitimate government of china. the PRC/CCP is not legitimate. neck yourself, drone.

>> No.3774388 [DELETED] 

poo poo peeepee
See? I can spout random shit too

>> No.3774438 [DELETED] 

a filthy bat soup eater wrote this post

>> No.3774477 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3774528

You do realize pretty much every company does business with or within the PRC, right? Why should a vtuber of all people refuse to accept their money?

>> No.3774557

How sweet is the Chinese fruit? What are the negative effects of this fruit? Smells really bad or makes you shit uncontrollably?

>> No.3774564

its because chink spammers face no repercussions. jap antis can get the cops called on them. you retarded or just zhang?

>> No.3774633
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>> No.3774640

Yeah spamming a live stream chat and literally calling someone's home and potentially threatening them are the same thing

>> No.3774651

People shit on the schizo jap antis too, chang

>> No.3774684


>> No.3774709

>But what about
fuck off

>> No.3774733

The /jp/ holothreads and a good portion of this board arent afraid to call out japs being retarded, especially during the aloe bullshit

>> No.3774748

It just shows the autism of this place whenever China is mentioned

>> No.3774785

>this place
No one fucking likes dealing with china in general, that's not exclusive to this fucking website

>> No.3774828

This is the projection I'm talking about

>> No.3774877

But it's not, Zheng
>Australian seething they're getting flooded by chinks and having their ehit balkanized by them
>burgers hate them
>being responsible for the kung flu getting out because they kept fucking flying outside of china
Yes, its true

>> No.3774882

>look at le dead people
Meanwhile every large Taiwanese company has operations on the mainland. You're holding a foreign vtuber to a standard that even locals aren't held to.

>> No.3775000 [DELETED] 

But this isn't everyone
>burgers hate them
Of course mutts are mad at China, their numerous attempts at trying to slow down China's growth, destabilize and break it apart have all failed
>Australian seething they're
Literally shooting themselves in the foot to please America
>being responsible for the kung flu
China isn't responsible for your government's incompetence
>kept fucking flying outside of china
Reminder, the only people who flew out of China were foreigners going back home

>> No.3775081

>Zhangs limit themselves to spamming chat
Nice revisionism.


>> No.3775164

I was talking about vtuber, but yes there are obsessed autists everywhere in East Asia

>> No.3775183

>Reminder, the only people who flew out of China were foreigners going back home
This is what zhang hands believe

>> No.3775205

Can you prove otherwise?

>> No.3775393

It's literally the same group of people.

>both caused by simping for 2d too hard
>both had the same tactics and ultimatums

Heck, most of Chinese internet is comparing the two incidents. Like half of the recent comments in that infamous "hololive is dead" bilibili video is talking about it.

>> No.3775451

Well you let me know when a mainland anti flys to Japan and attempts to kill Coco

>> No.3775494

You act as if they haven’t tried. Thank god for Covid lockdown.

>> No.3775527

There's Chinese immigrants in Japan right now... I'm waiting for em

>> No.3775544

reminder to you fags to stop replying to it as literally doesn't do it for free like you and gets paid 80 yuan (12 bucks) per post

>> No.3775549

Wasnt there literally an aquafag artist in japan who hid a coco death threat in one of his images and got outed as a chink?

>> No.3775582

Man I wish got paid for shitposting

>> No.3775641

The extremely nationalist ones (aka the ones insane enough to try) would never immigrate out of the mainland.

>> No.3775804

Anyone else still watching her despite what's going on?

>> No.3775941

No. If she like bugmen money so bad she can slurp bugmen dick for the rest of her life

>> No.3775948

What happened? I only follow her on YouTube. All I know is that she is surprisingly big in China.

>> No.3775979

She got pumped by the chinks to show hololive what they are missing out on by leaving china, and then predictably dumped after a month. Then she took a break to take care of her sick bird and the zhangs started spamming her twitter with stuff like "So your bird is more important than us" and generally acting as bugmen do.

>> No.3776092
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>> No.3776155

There are other better ASMR girl for me.
I don't like NTR.

>> No.3776252

This is an autistic theory because they Mai genuinely has fans

>> No.3776306

Anon, she is getting pumped as we speak. It's obvious if you visit her Bilibili page that most people only subscribed to ntr the Taiwanese.

>> No.3776314
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I fucking hate vtuber's fans.

They are all autistic.

>> No.3776335
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>> No.3776337

>if you visit her Bilibili page that most people only subscribed to ntr the Taiwanese.
Yeah I'm not seeing this

>> No.3776409
File: 1.80 MB, 1284x2529, 1614166628483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are blind

>> No.3776447

90% of the comments is about them cucking taiwan, you're either blind or lying through your bugmen mandibles.

>> No.3776487

Man they are spiteful cunts.

>> No.3776507
File: 678 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210516-114156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most liked comment is talking about to support her against anits
I'm not denying there are some out there who only subscribed to own the Taiwanese cucks, but saying
>90% of the comments
Is just dumb

>> No.3776528

You just want screenshots don't you

>> No.3776548

>She got pumped by the chinks to show hololive
I'm sure she got pumped because she is cute and talented. Not everything is about Hololive. Sucks that she got harassed though. Typical antis. She seems to be doing fine though.

>> No.3776554

No? I can just go to bilibili and look at the comments myself
Most comments are talking about supporting her against the antis

>> No.3776582

Nah she happened to get lucky by debuting right when the shitstorm was getting out of control. The pump could've happened to anyone.

>> No.3776594

>I'm sure she got pumped because she is cute and talented.
Sure that'll be why her income halves every month and her valentine's stream, that stream that usually get massive amounts of views and income, gets a quarter of the engagement she had in november.

>> No.3776637

why is she fat

>> No.3776776

Goblin seed got her pregnant

>> No.3776786

>you're thinking all the mainlanders have one mind.

God damn you really dont have to out yourself like that zhang

>> No.3776806

580k dead

>> No.3776843

remember when this fag made this to "BTFO hololive" but stopped after the chinks stopped pumping erio?

>> No.3776924

>Of course mutts are mad at China, their numerous attempts at trying to slow down China's growth, destabilize and break it apart have all failed
KUSA the most cringe thing i've seen this year

>> No.3776993

She's pregnant

>> No.3777059

this stink so much zhang that i feel the faint stench of dogs getting boiled alive in sewage water emitting from this post

>> No.3777327

Sounds like a massive cope to me. Do hate indies doing well so much?

>> No.3777502 [DELETED] 

This is what the Americans tried in Vietnam btw

>> No.3777616

Isn't BB not very profitable anyway since China is massive and adsense pays bad

>> No.3777942

the cut is bad and is already bad trying to keep the money
is a loss for anything that isnt manufacturing.
