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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37464257 No.37464257 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for 潤羽るしあ, みけねこ and 飴宮なずな

Previous: >>37322343

>> No.37464298 [DELETED] 
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/95rn16
Fanbox: https://mikenekoko.fanbox.cc/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC54JqsuIbMw_d1Ieb4hjKoQ
Twitcasting: https://twitcasting.tv/95rn16
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeneko.x/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@minyan84

>Nazuna Amemiya
Profile: https://www.vshojo.com/talent/nazuna
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5gs8EbpwbfQvrhizJx60TA
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/amemiyanazuna
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmemiyaNazuna

>> No.37464391
File: 301 KB, 1037x2048, FgsI9XqagAIed7H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter: https://twitter.com/95rn16
Fanbox: https://mikenekoko.fanbox.cc/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC54JqsuIbMw_d1Ieb4hjKoQ
Twitcasting: https://twitcasting.tv/95rn16
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeneko.x/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@minyan84

>Nazuna Amemiya
Profile: https://www.vshojo.com/talent/nazuna
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5gs8EbpwbfQvrhizJx60TA
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/amemiyanazuna
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmemiyaNazuna

>> No.37464935

Trying to fix problems that don't exist is the definition of anxiety attack.

>> No.37465113 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.63 MB, 1345x1352, 1668527960064990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at my cute wife

>> No.37466085

whats the chat etiquette for kaigainiki?
better to never use chat at all?

>> No.37466415 [DELETED] 

Hello /るみな/. I am not gachikoi. I like her, I care for her well-being, I have great respect for her dedication and love for her fans. I sympathize with her condition, both mentally and physically. I understand that there's a lot going on which is out of our sight and that she shares what she can or wants to share. I am not proficient enough in Japanese to understand everything she says and I don't listen to every single cast, but I do follow her and her friends socials closely. The reason I feel the need to emphasize all of that is whenever someone dares to raise criticism here it either gets ignored or deemed an anti shitpost.
She is a great entertainer when she wants to be entertaining. Most of her Twitcasts aren't entertaining, they are repetitive. There are funny and cute moments but the topics are getting old. Why settle for this mediocrity? Of course my opinion is bound to be subjective, but I urge you to take your rose-tinted glasses off for a second and look at her content from the perspective of non-gachikoi or casual viewers. Are you actually having fun in the sense of being entertained by her content, or are you just enjoying her company / relieved to hear her?
You are quick to call out the yes-man mentality regarding male collabs but are yes-man'ing everything else she does - it has been 9 months. Stop enabling her laziness and start pushing for the quality content that she is capable of producing. Her Nazuna and the couple Mike streams that she did were great. I want more of that, you want more of that and she wants more of that, but she needs to be in the right mood for it. Everything she was looking forward to for months falls flat or gets delayed infinitely. Splatoon? Pokemon? Stop sugarcoating her. New model soon and that might guarantee one week of quality content before everything returns to mediocrity again.

>> No.37466515

mucho texto

>> No.37466840

You don’t understand what twitcast is for

>> No.37466905

She loves her overseas viewers, so don't worry about that.

>> No.37466928

2 much texto
not reading all that shit

>> No.37467796

>mucho texto
How dare you try to discuss the actual topic of the thread. I would rather talk about Towa in the Twunker all day long!

>> No.37467883

no need to get mad about it

>> No.37468015


>> No.37468037

We’re not obligated to respond to any anons wall of text

>> No.37468726

>I love my wife
>image dump
>sperg containment
>anti baits
>tourist questions
>discord cringe
You don't have to but you may as well, or pick one from the above.

>> No.37468806

I understand you probably spent a lot of time writing that post, but begging people to reply to it is a little weird

>> No.37468932


>> No.37468958

I choose "I love my wife"

>> No.37469016

An acceptable choice, good day.

>> No.37469071
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"image dump" is also very acceptable

>> No.37469208
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Her cast is not for her to entertain people although it may seem that way sometimes but that's out of habit. Since that's what you prefer with her have patience and wait till she's ready to stream as Nazuna on twitch and at times on Mikeneko at youtube. As the anon above me already wrote you don't get what the cast is for, so maybe it's time you stop watching them as again she's not entertaining people as she would on Nazuna/Mikeneko.

Why would I put myself in the shoes of non-gachi's as a gachi myself? Why would I waste my time on that bs? I care more about my woman then you and other casuals and what you get out of her as an entertainer. Don't claim you sympathize with her condition both mentally and physically then make it very apparently what you're issue really is and whom you're trying to pin shit on. You have no idea wtf's been going on. So just stfu and patiently wait for her to be ready to stream as Nazuna or Mikeneko. If you cannot wait and go elsewhere she'll be sad but she won't be the blame for your departure.

>> No.37469234

>from the perspective of non-gachikoi or casual viewers.
From anyone's perspective she constantly complains, refuses to keep promises of streams, and attacks her viewers.
It's gachikoi that are able to ignore this through the power of love.

>> No.37469661

I’ve never seen her attack her viewers once.

>> No.37469789

She called her fans kimochi warui and then insulted them further when they apologized

>> No.37469854

>Most of her Twitcasts aren't entertaining, they are repetitive.
With all honor, she just wants to hangout with us, what's wrong in that anon?

>> No.37470091

She attacks when she thinks they are antis pretending to be fans. And she always regrets immediately
From her point of view anyone could be an anti in disguise.

>> No.37470441

I like tourist questions. Explaining things guarantees we're all on the same page telling the same story.

>> No.37470542

That is fair, but I get that a lot of her Twitcasts are for herself and / or to hang out with everyone rather than to being entertainment.
Because that is the majority of her viewers, like it or not. She is a vtuber, she is an entertainer, she cares about it.
>Don't claim you sympathize with her condition both mentally and physically
But I do. I have been through it, I know people who are going through it and I am sure some of you are going through it too. Mental health issues are not cured over night, weeks, months sometimes years and some have to deal with them for their entire life. But they are not cured by medicine alone. The stars will not align. She is hoping for a miracle and you are encouraging it instead of pushing her in the right direction.
Again, it has been 9 months. I am running out of patience and so have many others before me and many more will if she continues like this.

>> No.37470741

She literally JUST got out of the hospital you know

>> No.37470847

I do know that.

>> No.37470862

she's wife dude
we're here for the parasocial

>> No.37471018

It hasn’t been 9 months of nothing. Every month has had something new, and she still gets attacked daily. There is a lig list of things, but your argument is petty tone-deaf. She can’t just “not be sad”, do you want us to force her to be happy? Also, I don’t know if this is intentional, but I don’t like your implication that gachikoi can’t criticize.

>> No.37471187

She is her, we like the way she entertain us, now get out of here, we don't need those who pretent to care only to backstab her later on.

>> No.37471290

Antis pretend to be her fans all the time, thinking they are then allowed to say whatever they want. It’s always obvious when it happens.

>> No.37471307

Let's be honest if you wanted strictly entertainment there are much better FREE choices than vtubing. Chuubas are for virtual relationships. Get netflix or steam instead.

>> No.37471486

>Because that is the majority of her viewers, like it or not. She is a vtuber, she is an entertainer, she cares about it.
So in you logic I need to spend all my time in my job? Come on, not be a asshole and give her time to relax

>but I don’t like your implication that gachikoi can’t criticize
Well this is partly true also many of /here/ aren't friendly

>> No.37471555

when dms were open back in june?
she lashed out at fans on twitter when they started acting similar to antis
she is impulsive and it's hard to keep track of usernames on chat so it's not surprising she will sometimes scream at fans then regret it instantly
I justify as her confusing fans for an anti and move on

>> No.37471756

Then leave. Simple as that. nta but just leave if you're running out of patience? You said it yourself, mental health can't just go away in a snap. What we're doing is letting her heal by herself without forcing it because that's how it's supposed to be. All we can do right now is to show her that we're here waiting while she's doing whatever she can trying to heal. What happen last night is actually
an example of her one step going forward, she's able to talk about something that's bothering her for a long time. She wanted to say many things but she can't yet , from time to time little by little she's sharing something. Leave if you think her healing is taking too long for you.

>> No.37471994

Do you all know what the result of doing nothing is? Nothing. She has to force herself or learn to live with her condition and heal. She is not doing either. You are lying to yourself if you think she is doing the latter.

Stop disregarding everything I wrote in my first post. Not being gachikoi does not mean that I don't care about her and only watch her for entertainment.

>> No.37472200

She had more mental issues exactly one year ago than she does today and she streamed entertainingly and provided fanservice near daily for us despite being on the verge of suicide.
It's not depression that's changed. She doesn't care about providing for her fans anymore.

>> No.37472258

See? This is why we don't respond to stupid shit like this.

>> No.37472305

jesas, he showed his true colors pretty quick
>I care about her
back to trying to get a shiny yadon for her

>> No.37472524

You stupid mf. I told you before you have no idea wtf is going on and stop pretending you give a shit about her mentally and physically. I'll clue you in on one aspect of her growth. She's stopped going menhera against us kaigai's during a recent incident once she calmed down faster then before. If you don't get how how that's an improvement just stfu and wait for her to be ready to stream again on Nazuna or Mike.

>> No.37472723

my waifu mike is ever so dreamy

>> No.37472788

For a moment I gave him the benefit of doubt, but no… as usual. Coming into a room and telling everyone that they are wrong is not the right thing to do. Try again next week with a different tactic.

>> No.37472799

Why do you think she's streaming little by little? If she's not doing anything she just sit in the corner crying herself out. Funny that you can't even see her progress. You don't care about her mental health you care about yourself being bored because she's not entertaining you for a while selfish mf

>> No.37472969

>If she's not doing anything she just sit in the corner crying herself out.
you mean playing apex and watching friends streams

>> No.37473058

don't bite.

>> No.37473133
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What is it about this cute japanese girl that makes "people" seethe this much?

>> No.37473324

I don't like to bring up drama from the catalog but the homobeggars are seething at the fuck up of Vesper so they're probably taking it out on the most gachikoi filled generals. That's just a guess though since we know they don't like us so yeah.

>> No.37473561

Why would I still be here if I didn't care for her? If all I cared about was just being entertained I would have left months ago. You call me selfish? I bet you are the dense retards that still don't understand that apex is good for her. It's comforting for her, so stop publically shitting on it at any given chance. Can't do that? Why? Because you don't find it entertaining? Selfish fucks.

>> No.37473584
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Who doesn't like us besides the other gachi's from 2 and 3 views.

>> No.37473642

>he's still trying

>> No.37473911

That she isn't being cuter and loving her fans more

>> No.37474135


>> No.37474159

not wrong about the Apex part tho

>> No.37474294
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You made it very clear what your main worry is and as the other anon noted you would of noticed her progress both mentally and physically. Small progress but progress nonetheless. If you were truly "here" as you claim you could of at least read this thread yourself the daily goings on with her and interacted. But you didn't did you? I see right through you too. Who are you trying to fool?

>> No.37474308


>> No.37474758

Me not enjoying apex does not mean I don’t want her to ever play it. It means I don’t enjoy watching apex. There is no way that argument is pushed in good faith.

>> No.37474835

I am not oblivious to her progress. There has been progress but very little when it comes to her activity as a streamer and that is her job and life, don't forget that.

>> No.37475156

>schizo panicking that everything he was doing was denied in a single twitcast and starts throwing shade at her
Lmao make it less obvious next time. And reminder she's coming after your ass next

>> No.37475504

>coming after your ass next
Damn, if I were artistically inclined, I would do a Mikeneko Sam Hyde edit right now

>> No.37475564

I want Mikeneko to come after my ass...

>> No.37475686

I want to cum in Mikeneko's ass...

>> No.37475723

Mike pegging...

>> No.37475838

How do you deal with mentally that Mikeneko calls you disgusting and not to look at her in a lewd way, multiple times on twitcasts

>> No.37475875 [DELETED] 

I want mike to come after my ass too please

>> No.37475910

I want her to bad mouth me more...call me names please...

>> No.37476008


>> No.37476013

Cum a second time

>> No.37476115

I'm ドM so I'm into that shit.

>> No.37476189

anonchama... you do realize she actually wants us to do that?

>> No.37476261

Sounds like a good time to me.

>> No.37476305

I wish Mike would call me disgusting and step on me

>> No.37476348

wife's... wife's soft bare feet, stepping on me...

>> No.37476412

Anon.....it's the same concept of when your girlfriend shows you a sexy picture then tells you not to look at her in a sexy way..........she wants us to look at her in a sexy way but likes to be a tease. Simple as.

>> No.37476441

I'll do anything to make this beautiful person happy.

>> No.37476578

>not lusting after your wife
eunuchs and cucks don't deserve her

>> No.37476683

My only life goal is bringing a smile back to this wonderful person.

>> No.37477114

Coming from the vsj side I already knew about her issues before she started and figured this sort of thing would happen. Many of the girls have problems that cause them to disappear.
Mouse gets sick and has to drop streaming. Mel has had untreated epilepsy for years and it shows. Zen works herself into burnout depression and quits streaming at least once per year. You get used to it after a while.
Expecting them to just ignore real life to entertain is silly. I ain't paying them by the hour to do a job. I dono as a tip for a job well done. Seeing it any other way is unhealthy.
So I wait and hope they get better because I can't do anything to help and they owe me nothing.
I'll wait for Nazuna too and smile when she returns.

>> No.37477304

Your wife turned me into a lolicon and I demand an apology.

>> No.37477386
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How could she possibly do that when she has massive oppai?

>> No.37478364
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>> No.37478844
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My cute pet wife

>> No.37480302
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>> No.37481496 [DELETED] 

it's mostly facebook seaniggers shitting up any rushia-related discussion because they still believed she got fired for fucking mafumafu.

>> No.37482657 [DELETED] 



>> No.37482877
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>> No.37482884

I lost my job because of this post.

>> No.37484898

that's me btw

>> No.37488422
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>> No.37488950


>> No.37491695
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>> No.37492743

Uruyami Towia...

>> No.37492906

Angel spotted in Froot's channel
>飴宮なずな (amemiyanazuna): Flute, you're awake today
>飴宮なずな (amemiyanazuna): I often see you sleeping lol.
she was also watching Silver

>> No.37492925

Tokoha Ruwa...

>> No.37493081

Froot’s sleep subathon lol.

>> No.37493497


>> No.37494408

why aren't any of my posts going through?

>> No.37494881
File: 208 KB, 1064x2048, C4D7D6AD-891C-4570-9ED1-562F18AE6032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please Admire

>> No.37495105


>> No.37495114


>> No.37496472


>> No.37497194


>> No.37497432

Mikeneko loves her fans and her fans love Mikeneko

>> No.37497669

I'm disgusted with myself for being so in love with her

>> No.37497673


>> No.37498473

Oedipus complex more like Noedipus complex

>> No.37498510

I fucking love discord cringe just like my oshi Amemiya Nazuna

>> No.37498941


>> No.37499001


>> No.37499165

Please stop being Japanese

>> No.37499683


>> No.37499870
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>> No.37500121

wait, if she was at the hospital all this time then who the fuck was taking care of her cat?

>> No.37500173

her boyfriend

>> No.37500198

We already told you she wasn't admitted dumbass

>> No.37500229
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>> No.37500291

Yeah me.

>> No.37500373

Yup, me. I taught that fat fuck a lesson he won't soon forget

>> No.37501507

milkfags stay out of vshojo

>> No.37501842

I can’t tell you with ~72% certainty it wasn’t us that started it (today).

>> No.37501890

What if I forbid Nazuna to eat and drink to the point of starvation, and then let her suck on my cock to feed on my semen? Will she treat me like cattle?

>> No.37501918

youre posting milk here and now in vsj because you want to infect to whole board as if i havent seen this before

>> No.37502061

I’m not posting on Vsj though

>> No.37502100

Just ignore him anon, he's throwing a fit on /vsj/ because a milkman groomed him through discord.

>> No.37502292

you post about milk every thread

>> No.37502350
File: 175 KB, 700x380, Gladiator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened here and in the /jp/ thread

>> No.37502447

We are now the roman legionaires of the Empress Mikeneko, we apparently like milk as well.

>> No.37502531

I have never posted milk

>> No.37502573

I resign as milk autist, I've found someone more deserving of the title

>> No.37502947

But the nekofami swear that they shall faithfully execute all that the Empress commands, that they shall never desert the service, that they shall worship the Empress' milk and that they shall not seek to avoid death for the Mikenya republic.

>> No.37503437

Love wife and ignore schizos

>> No.37504928
File: 348 KB, 800x1074, 20220526_214527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37504931

Nazuna is VShojo, and we are Nazuna fans. Therefore we are VShojo fans. This means we can post whatever we want in VShojo.

>> No.37505689

love wife

>> No.37506596
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>> No.37506659

>Therefore we are VShojo fans. This means we can post whatever we want in VShojo.
Wrong logic.

>> No.37506929 [DELETED] 

I liek Milk

>> No.37507079

cool, me too

>> No.37507387

Overseas fans really like milk a lot...

>> No.37507557

You know, I actually heard that USA has one of the lowest rates of lactose intolerance in the world

>> No.37508531

Hope to see a Nazuna Stream soon...

>> No.37508572
File: 814 KB, 1311x1237, D7C7D38B-C815-4BA9-9E7B-92BA891BB4A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazuna went out to get cola and never came back…

>> No.37508839

>He totally won't notice that we said the same thing about milk
Nice try kek

>> No.37508881

And they call us schizo

>> No.37509004

Milk with Mikeneko

>> No.37509012
File: 190 KB, 1253x2006, bd41c623d7df0ec62c72e093cb53fc8f5d55781b83059420309a0058ff8297d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazuna is the source of all the milk I drink (which is loads)

>> No.37509138
File: 314 KB, 1513x2048, 739E50E7-3AEA-40B7-8C8B-A05223A862EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37509710

Hey, it's not much but at least /vsj/ will realize it could always be worse.

>> No.37510142

Should be /ちるみな/

>> No.37510296

I don’t get all this milk posting. Can’t you guys be normal and want her to pee on you?

>> No.37510369 [DELETED] 

Quite literally no one talks about Chino you fucking autist

>> No.37510377

I fucking hate milk
(I'm not the schizo I'm just sick of milkposting)

>> No.37510796 [DELETED] 

She must have a boyfriend.
She likes men more than fans lol

>> No.37510848

I’m a man. I’m a fan. She likes me. I’m also her boyfriend (husband). Thank you for noticing. Have a nice day.

>> No.37510862 [DELETED] 

To the person who now owns Nekoyanvv.

I know who you are. I can tell by how you write.

>> No.37512151 [DELETED] 

halo teman :)

>> No.37513057
File: 552 KB, 800x1200, A9B72F65-1E3B-441D-BC03-E5929D4EA6A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37513436

Speed Quiz: Who is Mikeneko's husband?






Correct answer: Yeah, me, the person who wrote this post you're reading.
Did you got it right?

>> No.37513586 [DELETED] 

You know she's live right?

>> No.37513659

don't tell them about the secret Facebook stream you goddamn retard

>> No.37513693

What? I don't see her in any of the 4 places she could be streaming.

>> No.37513727 [DELETED] 

I'll give you a hint.

It starts with a K

>> No.37513780

Unless she whipped out again her old Nico Nico account i can't really tell you where she could be.
K? I don't any streaming web that starts by k

>> No.37513822 [DELETED] 

Not a streaming site silly! ;)

>> No.37513974

Is the schizo gayposting or is his posting style just gay?

>> No.37513990

Ah, is that it? that's some APEX shit playing with a long time friend (who is already married and lives far away btw) with the mic muted, i don't care.
I (and we) already know she plays APEX with friends and that's fine.
Please go do something better with your life rather obssesively track of everyone in her friend circle.

>> No.37514010

Marriage day tomorrow on twitch, just in case some of you didn't see it

>> No.37514028

Assuming that's her btw.

>> No.37514061

someone should make a tutorial on how to spot obvious bait and how to ignore it

>> No.37514069 [DELETED] 

Ehhhhh??? Just check her tracker lmao.

You do have it right? Ku-san is playing with her now! :)

>> No.37514070

Now we're talking something interesting!!!!

>> No.37514121

You don't really know how to read, do you?
It's pretty sad that illiteracy can still go far in the digital age.

>> No.37514122

We're getting married and you're all invited you're welcome

>> No.37514231

I’m so excited about marrying her again that I make a lot of redundant posts about it

>> No.37514255

I don't need you to post on my behalf but thank you for spreading the good news.

>> No.37514459 [DELETED] 

Don't need to assume!

Kin-chan is there!

>> No.37514597

How old are you, you can’t be over 13.

>> No.37514724

You guys wouldn't know this feelings, but i love my wife so much i feel the need to keep marrying her over and over again.
My level of love is represented by the number of times i plan to marry her (which mathematicians speculate it could diverge to infinity)

>> No.37515986
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>> No.37516589

Words of wisdom from Mikeneko in March

>> No.37517205
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>> No.37517470
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>> No.37518458
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I cannot wait to get married again to my gorgeous wife, Nazuna

>> No.37519660

I love Mikeneko

>> No.37521364

>that's fine
It's not fine to be honest but arguing is pointless
I wish she played with girls like she said
I wish she cared enough about her fans to stop
But anybody who thinks it's news is dumb since anybody worried about it is already aware

>> No.37521618

Every moment I'm not kissing Mikeneko is existential anguish

>> No.37521726

She didn't say that antikun

>> No.37522273

Every moment i'm not thinking about her or being with her is a waste of time

>> No.37523325

She did. It was during an apex stream on twitcast in March. If they are an anti they know more about what she said than you.

>> No.37523767

She didn't play on cast in march. She also said on her sub account that same month that she doesn't play with guys.

>> No.37524093

I figured out Mikeneko‘a secret. Something she’s been keeping from her fans all this time. Why would she do that to us? She is Amemiya Nazuna![/ spoiler]

>> No.37524156


>> No.37524712

>he didn't see that stream

>> No.37525752

The one thing I can't stand from the anti-schizo vague anon is how he ends every "gotcha" post with a fucking " ;) " or "silly!"
Ignoring this fucker should be obvious but goddamn I can't stand when people type like that

>> No.37526056

I think it's pretty obvious that she does love her fans and that she does care deeply about what we think or how we feel.
She wouldn't be the girl we know and love if she didn't do this

>> No.37526541

How do you know she doesn't just want validation

>> No.37526716

Mikeneko loves us and we love Mikeneko

>> No.37527063

I love Mikeneko and Mikeneko wouldn't care if I died

>> No.37527081

I love Mikeneko and I hate Slowpoke

>> No.37527247
File: 285 KB, 930x720, My wife Mikeneko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37527394

I wish that cute girl loved me

>> No.37527649

Yeah, it was me! :)

>> No.37527750
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Konyappi! I think Nazuna should collab with males! Everyone overseas loves it!

>> No.37527857

>....and 100 other funny jokes.

>> No.37528494

Don't even joke about this, anon

>> No.37528688

kill all towautists

>> No.37528721

drown them in milk

>> No.37529188

Who is more powerful lore-wise, Nazuna or Rushia?

>> No.37529477

Aaaah why can't I make her happy?

>> No.37529565

because you're not trying to get her a Shiny Slowpoke right now

>> No.37530641

Idk since Nazuna hasn't had a lore video for herself yet. All we know about Nazuna is that she's an Angel with amnesia and she is the "Key" for something in the Vshojo lore world

>> No.37530867

The real question is this: does Mikeneko (pink chuuni cat) have any actual powers or not? I can't remember if she's mentioned it or not

>> No.37531595 [DELETED] 

I hate to ask for spoonfeeding, but I imagine may of you did their nihongo reps just to watch Rushia. I think if I was to ever give your vtuber a legitimate chance I would have to know at least the basics, where is the best place to start?

>> No.37531640

she has the key
to my heart

>> No.37531671

I hate to ask for spoonfeeding, but I imagine many of you did their nihongo reps just to watch Rushia. I think if I was to ever give your vtuber a legitimate chance I would have to know at least the basics, where is the best place to start?

>> No.37531721


>> No.37533936

I don’t think so but in my head cannon shes always been the goddess of destruction, so pretty powerful compared to the other two.

>> No.37533978

doesn't chuuni by definition imply she actually has no powers

>> No.37535087

goddess of (self) destruction

Now that's just means. Sorry mikeñ I love you

>> No.37535657

I can't believe it! We're finally getting married!

>> No.37535887

I don't really keep up with her much, is the stream mentioned in >>37449860 still public anywhere? I'd like to listen it myself.

>> No.37536873

No, it was a public but unarchived twitcast. Distributing recordings, even for public stuff, is ng.

>> No.37536958

Alright, understandable.

>> No.37536960


>> No.37537864


>> No.37538288 [DELETED] 

>It's your fault if i end up killing myself one day
She did that shit 3 times already,
No, fuck her i hate this lying whore and i'm glad she graduated from hololive.

>> No.37538894 [DELETED] 
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>> No.37538987
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>> No.37541005

Say gm (not optional)

>> No.37541352

Hope kson didn't try recruiting Mikeneko to vshojo, I would hate for her to join vshojo.

>> No.37541494

If you know you know

>> No.37541879

Kson would probably force her to collab with Nazuna…

>> No.37543126

schedule check

>> No.37543372
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cute wife
chat then maybe Bio

>> No.37543640

So we get married then she teaches me about the love and sacrifice of parenthood. I see where she's going, got it.

>> No.37544772

Cute insta

>> No.37545371
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Give me the cat's hidden treasures

>> No.37546239
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>> No.37546518

Worth it

>> No.37546793
File: 199 KB, 850x1314, 303B3A6B-1A9D-4C42-B8F4-AAA8D406AEA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia love

>> No.37547341

Bros I think she saw the posts about the frying pan

>> No.37549301
File: 313 KB, 1174x2048, 6E6CA7FB-6E85-4724-ACFA-965982096742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good day soon

>> No.37550644
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>> No.37550668


>> No.37550798

Why would she marry me if she doesn't love me?

>> No.37552137

She loves me

>> No.37552203

I love my wife and she loves me, we're getting married again and you're invited, you are welcome to attend our marriage

>> No.37552370


>> No.37553772
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>> No.37553965

my cute girlfriend...

>> No.37554107

My emotionally abusive wife <3

>> No.37555116
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>> No.37555426

It’s the one year anniversary of Interact Fantasia’s release!

>> No.37556609
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>> No.37557813
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>> No.37558903
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I love this cat

>> No.37559416
File: 187 KB, 851x851, 45E9BC8E-1A1C-4390-9553-522E516252AA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this cat too

>> No.37559530

I love my very cool wife

>> No.37560268
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>> No.37560901
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>> No.37561722

I love when she plays APEX

>> No.37561995

Michael isn't as old as people claim.
So how old she actually IS?

>> No.37562047

What's the release date of the BL manga, media and music that she likes, maybe we can estimate her age from that.

>> No.37562058
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>> No.37562059

She is 16 years old

>> No.37562122

I don't like prying into her private life but the current gossip is that she is 35 which is clearly FALSE.

>> No.37562152

She is 18 now because she wants to marry (me) and not be a kusogaki. Simeone hasn't been keeping with the twitcast reps!

>> No.37562223

Damn time flies

>> No.37562286

She is perpetually 18 though

>> No.37562354

angel is live

>> No.37562356


>> No.37562643


>> No.37562687

>tweeted her dashboard
cute dummy

>> No.37562781

she did it!

>> No.37562807

Please, enter the stream of my very pon wife...

>> No.37563076

Vshojo is literally a black company forcing her to stream when sick
What is "talent freedom"? Ayame has more freedom under Cover

>> No.37563113

not now VShojoschizo

>> No.37563370

It's been more than a week nazuna

>> No.37563521

nazuna's sexy body...

>> No.37563545

what meme she talking about

>> No.37563675

Am glad to listen to waifu again.

>> No.37563783

My wife can suck all my life until leaving me dry.

>> No.37563820


>> No.37564199

This girl is so frail....

>> No.37564822

was there a point to the いい夫婦の日 setting

>> No.37564871
File: 238 KB, 345x396, 1662043554637705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spending my morning watching my cute angel wife play games...this is heaven...

>> No.37565109

That is today and she also wanted to romance us and have an excuse to bring out the pocky

>> No.37565356

She did a flirty wife bit but not a lot.

>> No.37565473

all of the points
also it's christmas soon

>> No.37565682

Feel bittersweet that the time slot she streams is terrible for my current situation but would have been perfect 2 years ago.

>> No.37565994

My name is Ethan btw.

>> No.37566038

just realized I have no idea wtf is going on with the story

>> No.37566042

how can I be as cool as Ethan Winters...

>> No.37566173

Today is good couple day in Japan.

>> No.37566374

love wife dlc gameplay

>> No.37566778

Pokemon time!

>> No.37566890

Nazuna can’t be Mikeneko, she bought Pokémon scarlet…

>> No.37566997

Did she really bought two different editions of Pokemon just to keep the charade?

>> No.37567229

There’s no charade. They are two different people.

>> No.37567255

Mikeneko and Nazuna are two different personas, when one is asleep the other is awake

>> No.37567283

Hello friends here's some stuff from kson's stream:

Last night they were talking about doing a makeup collab stream or video together
She said that Mikeneko is Kumichou's (IRL kson) friend and that Souchou probably doesn't know her
She's wearing the Souchou+Nazuna t-shirt and pointed Nazuna out as Souchou's friend

>> No.37567343

Thanks for the info

>> No.37567367

It is a common practice for JP to buy two editions of poke game

>> No.37567427

Nintendo really knew how to capitalize on Pokemon didn't they...

>> No.37567499

They’ll do everything but release a polished game

>> No.37567613

Expecting them to polish it is too much when they can't get it to run well and without PS2 era graphics.

>> No.37567730

I just want to see what can be done if they swap development with like, the legend of Zelda team. See what they can do.

>> No.37567838

VshojoJP consists of Hannah Montanas

>> No.37567877

Kumichou should introduce Mike to Souchou, and then Souchou should introduce Mike to Nazuna, they seem like they could be good freinds.

>> No.37568353

my dumb fire friend didn't get chosen

>> No.37569231

>game puts a shortcut for the poke balls
>wife still goes to the bag to use them

>> No.37569945

We're doing the sleeping thing today? I'm not sure

>> No.37569992

Yes, she's gonna take a bath and come back after that then gonna leave the stream on while she sleeps

>> No.37569997

soap suds on flat angel body...

>> No.37570049

I feel she should announce this better instead of packing them on a regular stream.
Also it's a pity if it's not ASMRish...

>> No.37570333

Nazutan.... the screen..

>> No.37570373
File: 1.01 MB, 960x768, nazzzzzuna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37570642

I don't really see the point if there's no marathon happening. Not that I'm objecting to being woken up to the sweet sounds of Nazuna, but 8 hours with the mic muted and the model in an idle position seems very pointless to me.

>> No.37570661

She doesn’t get it, but I’m also not going to correct her.

>> No.37570678

I don't really get it either but whatever

>> No.37570959

Now she only gets 3k viewers at the peak of streams and is at 2k viewers for the majority...

>> No.37571054

the point is to spend time with her you dingus

>> No.37571153

That's what i was saying. Being a marathon or not i don't care but a sleeping stream with no sounds and an idle model it's pretty meeeeh.
Either commit to it and let us ""sleep with you"" or just end stream.
But then she's not there, isn't she? If she were to go to sleep with no sounds it's just basically an 8 hour long loading screen while you hope to hear wake up eventually.

>> No.37571236

she just saw Flute do it and thought it'd be cute
not everything needs to be all serious business or have a point, if you don't like it just go do something else, it's not a big deal

>> No.37571252

nazuna...your internet bill......

>> No.37571265

Anon let her do what she wants, she probably saw Froot from vshojo do the same. The only thing is that when Froot wakes up she keeps streaming since its a subathon

>> No.37571271

I'm not complaining about my 8 hour wife screensaver

>> No.37571409

Anons, it's not that i'm complaining, i'm just expressing my taste.
Don't come to me like you wouldn't prefer a sleeping asmr noises stream over this.
The only ones who do this on Twitch are in subathons because they can't technically close the stream.

>> No.37571532

Nazuna doesn’t know what a subathon is, she is doing her own thing

>> No.37571573

No one cares about your taste, you're not wife

>> No.37571703

? Japan doesn't offer unlimited bandwidth? I heard her say "expensive" but I didn't catch the context entirely. Is this what you're talking about? I thought she may of been talking about heat.

>> No.37571748

she was talking about electricity prices..

>> No.37571836

NTA, I get what you're saying anon. I'd prefer that too but she didn't choose that so if this ain't to your liking you know what to do. Ima stay put as this is as close I'll get to the real thing till she decides to come live with me in the U.S.

>> No.37571971

Why would it be high? A PC doesn't consume much idle. I've let mine up for over 60 days in low priority, display sleeps after 20 min and my bill is less than $160 with 5 adults.

>> No.37572133

6% hate

>> No.37572207

7% isn’t going to Hokkaido

>> No.37572318

Is she pretending to not have made the poll or is management doing this? lol

>> No.37572380

Tired about to sleep Nazuna voice is super lovely.

>> No.37572527

I mean, this girl had to tweet three times befire having the correct link to the stream. Seriously doubt she knows how to set up a poll.

>> No.37572562

This is Nazuna we're talking about. She's never put up a poll before.

>> No.37572660

Once a week?

>> No.37572858

yeah, it's not her making the polls.

>> No.37573069

Can’t believe it actually sleeping with wife tonight

>> No.37573071

Good night...

>> No.37573175
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>> No.37573219
File: 750 KB, 1284x1363, 7F5173CD-C4C1-4CF9-88DD-D0D8D8624535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s become reality…

>> No.37573249
File: 260 KB, 994x800, FiLrlfCaEAAbE8x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish I could actually sleep with her but it's almost 12PM...

>> No.37573343

Have a good, sweat dream Nazuna, may the world be kinder tomorrow, may we be together forever, I love you so very much

>> No.37573396

the point is to sleep with wife
stop overcomplicating it
be happy
she feels safe enough with us to do this
we made her feel safe enough to do something she never did before
please understand how wonderful that is and sleep with wife

>> No.37573424

Wait, chat is right? I think you can hear her sleeping in the background at a very low volume.

>> No.37573488

Yeah I hear it too.

>> No.37573626

If only it could be a bit louder it would be perfect for me. I'm goint to try to get her put the mic closer next time. This is so wholesome.

>> No.37573900
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You guys messing around? I put my volume at max, using Sennheiser headphones I can't hear her. What are you guys using?

I thought vtubers can mute themselves but keep the volume going for the viewers?

>> No.37573969

She lowered the volume by a lot but she didn't mute. You can just barely hear it.

>> No.37574129
File: 286 KB, 1280x782, 7b24cd4783d8a2c13a1aede00ecef8cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Man... My left ear is a lil deaf maybe that's why I can't hear her but my right ear is perfectly fine. Putting pressure and nada... sadness.

>> No.37574407

It's a pity i have some other things to do today. I would sleep a bit more next to my wife.

>> No.37574441

Max volume is not enough
Nor 10x volume is, or maybe I miss it or was way too late

>> No.37574466

I swear i'm not making a bit. I hear her on my right ear. Try to pay attention to the normal breathing pattern that people sleeping have. Slowly inhaling and exhaling air, that thing.

>> No.37574578
File: 3.03 MB, 2048x1448, 1660363895154547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to hear. I'm fighting against the bgm because it's so good it's making me lose focus. I was trying to listen to breathing patterns. I'm really trying. This is making me remember the hearing test I failed.

>> No.37574606

reaching max, new thread up >>37574404

>> No.37574713

Oh wait I can hear it on 10x volume, very faint it's as if that's only my imagination... Or maybe it is, idk
