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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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3717601 No.3717601[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Kiara has said the N-word before and this time with a hard r.
It's kinda hard to excuse it as an accident when its happened on multiple occasions and she didn't even apologize or hesitate after saying it that time. I'm surprised this clip never mustered a reaction like the accidental lyrics. It's obvious she uses it often from how comfortable she was saying it here.

>> No.3717674

based chicken
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.3717678

Look man maybe she has Tourette’s or something I say nigger all the time and I’m not racist. Just like some people can’t help it ya know it just comes out I think it’s a m-nigger . Sorry I meant I think it’s a medical condition

>> No.3717681

Yeah I'm thinking based.

>> No.3717700

Watch Cover interns deleting this thread

>> No.3717754


>> No.3717765

I want to be Nene's nigger...

>> No.3717771

getting membership now

>> No.3717896

very interesting thread. what's your agenda?

>> No.3717932


>> No.3717981

Is this an op to make Kiara more popular on /vt/?

>> No.3718058

Yes and?

>> No.3718079


>> No.3718318
File: 136 KB, 280x360, kiaritler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kicked out of art school
>went on rants about the uselessness and incompetence of Italians
>detailed her fantasies of genociding the Mushroom Kingdom
>abstains from drugs
>built a concentration camp for chickens in MeinKraft
>excellent public speaker
>made Gura do the Roman Salute
>was unjustly imprisoned by Jewtube for a period, during which she created her anti-Jewtube manifesto
>keeps sneaking extreme racist pejoratives against blacks into her streams

>> No.3718420

You forgot she’s also a leader or “director” of a cult that is fiercely loyal to her. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more dedicated fanbase before when it comes to KFPs, the only ones even coming close are Takodachis. They’re borderline Scientology level committed which is both admirable and scary at times.

>> No.3718457


>> No.3718462

It is a bit weird how she only pronounced nigga perfectly but fucked up the other lyrics

>> No.3718470
File: 10 KB, 225x225, rrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara has had a breakdown after all the spam about her on /vt/, so she asked the other girls on what she could do to improve her image. All attempts did not work, until Gura had the genius idea for her to sneak "nigger" a few times into her videos. It worked like a charm, now she is racist and there are barely any hate threads in the catalogue.

>> No.3718509

>be me
>start watching Hololive in early 2019
>fastforward, HoloEN debuts
>not a fan of english streamers so I pass
>Kiara says "nigga"
>Instant sub, member and aka in her next stream
So fucking based

>> No.3718575

Kiara's mad that all the attention she got from saying 'nigga' got stolen by NijiEN and now she's trying to take the spotlight again

>> No.3718683

schizochaama... she clearly said rigger

>> No.3718945

She's not gonna get punished for it anon. You can stop trying to get her fired and get over it.

>> No.3719003
File: 34 KB, 773x359, NIGGER [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4zgnz3.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3719060

Bigger Rigger Nigger

>> No.3720285

so don't don't get your snatch all over my chicken you dirty little nigger chicken chicken

>> No.3720521

Not even a kfp and this just makes me like her.

>> No.3720708

Can you fucks stop? Because of you I am now obsessed and hear the N-word everywhere. Like in Spiral Tones I hear Calli say Niggers at least three times...

>> No.3720734
File: 1.92 MB, 2000x2500, 27D143A7-E7EA-410B-933F-6B93AF078F6D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot that one stream where she slipped up and referred to the KFP as a superior race.

>> No.3721330

Funny, how only one's seething are 4chan trannies.
The first clip is months old and she just rebroadcasted the second nigga just so the one's who missed it the first time could hear it. Zero backlash from actual people.
Chicken is just that strong and you trannies will be kneeling.

>> No.3724222

It's probably the chink larping as a kraut from that discord and their /qa joggers.
It's kind of sad actually. At least the Orc-schizo had a redemption arc. The only thing you should feel towards these shitlets is pity for their inability to accomplish anything in life.
