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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37101871 No.37101871 [Reply] [Original]

Based /vt/ anons.
Post some old ones

>> No.37101949

Stop reading at
>Sigma men

>> No.37102034

Nah. This one belongs in /s4s/. Funny to read.

>> No.37102093

americans, lmao

>> No.37102138

More like mentally ill anons.

>> No.37102178

yeessss love me some deranged destructively antisocial people, miyazaki is a moron, these people are the best

>> No.37102443

>sigma men

>> No.37102561

people are weird, shit reads like a serial killer/stalker

>> No.37102726

kek. based ignorant schizo, living his illusion to the fullest

>> No.37102837

Ya know whats fucked ive seen enough delusion twitter tranny types that talk exactly like this and it seems to be the same strain of mental illiness just landing in a different demographic. This might not actually be a joke and thats kinda sad

>> No.37102933

The only thing men and women should collab in, is procreational sex.
Other than that women and men should be separated in all activities. Job, hobbies, interests. Mixed gender only leads to degraded enjoyment.

>> No.37102992

Holy shit, I expected 'muh based OP' or gigachad reaction image spam from this thread. Didn't expect to see anons reacting like sane people.

>> No.37103040

Horseshoe - both extremes are basically the same.
That's why you see both the alt-right and the progressive kind advertise against free speech.

>> No.37103095

This is a good troll post, although the sigma part gave it away too early.

>> No.37103132

>posting based and gigachad non-sarcastically

>> No.37103145
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Calling him a schizo when he's the most based anon of /vt/ right now.

This place fell off

>> No.37103150


>> No.37103206

This place was created during the free fall of vtuber fandom, as EN started popping up. It never fell off, it's always been falling.

>> No.37103302

keked at the
>sigma men
But he's very correct about everything, read between the lines.
The sheer amount of retarded posts here are proof we have literal troons, sois, femcels and degenerates from twatter shitting up the board, trying to subvert one of our hobbies.
Men are wired this way. Do you not have any male friends? Men change when there's a woman around. If there's pussy involved, men will fuck over their friends. We can be friends when we're with the boys, but men are wired to compete with each other, and if you like the same girl in the room, things could get sour real quick. On a subconscious level, even if we don't think it, we see the girl on the screen as a potential mate, or something we need to protect, like a daughter or sister. This is the essence of CGDCT. Other men have no business being there, we're not here to watch them, and they create tension. The only exception is bro women that you just watch to see them fuck around in a game.

>> No.37103384

based. Eddy and Jay probably don't want anons sniffing around their women either

>> No.37103402
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I physically cringe reading this. What is this "Simga male" BS, just admit you're a unicorn.

>> No.37103418

This would have been applicable if the men on the screen were after """"""""your"""""""' women in the first place. You might as well compete against your fellow chat members because you're all chasing after the same woman.

>> No.37103422

>a serial killer/stalker
I imagine you're already cumming, wishing this anon would chase you home and rape you, sis.

>> No.37103599

You just know this post was made by a woman or a """woman""". Fellow chat members can interact with her on the same level as you, whereas the men on the screen are in the same "room" and are directly engaging them. It's as retarded as watching a man flirting with a woman from a distance, that's not what we're here for.

>> No.37103626

He had a typo he meant he's a smegma male. Autocorrect and all that

>> No.37103646
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Holy based

>> No.37103688

this post is made by a woman or a "woman". don't fuck around with other men's woman. these 2 girls are taken i suggest you leave them alone

>> No.37103706

>Men change when there's a woman around. If there's pussy involved, men will fuck over their friends.
This is why Tempus aren't brotubers, They keep ditching their brethren to chase pussy constantly.
They're no better than the common man

>> No.37103752

90% of the replies ITT are proof that this board (this entire hobby, really) has been lost to twitter and reddit

>> No.37103838

do you have any examples?

>> No.37103841

Exactly this.

>> No.37103869
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>> No.37103904

>a thread for twitterniggers and dramaniggers to make a content out of

kys nigger

>> No.37104026

holy shit, do you know how incomprehensible and insane your post is? I still deciphered what you meant, and you're retarded if you think this "morality" applies to me, a viewer consuming the product.
I fuck women with bfs and husbands, but when I'm watching this shit, this is a product that caters to me, I don't want them around the women I'm watching. It's the same for other men - fuck other's women, protect yours, that's why we don't want male on the screen.
There's wiggle room for other posts, but this is so retarded that you're definitely a woman. If you're a man, you're an honorary woman from now on.

>> No.37104067

Kek undeniably baste unicornbros. Twitter troons are still SEETHING

>> No.37104475

>fuck other's women
are you a woman? or are you a faggot tranny growing up without a father? because this is not how men suppose to act. respect your fellow men, don't cheat on other. whatever you do to other will one day be done to you.

>> No.37104616

how the fuck is this based, motherfucker is "emotionally connected" to a streamer, this is the most pathetic shit I've read today

>> No.37104877
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Yes, I indeed consider every woman I watch online as my property. How could you tell?

>> No.37104918
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so am i anon, so you keep your dirty hands away from them ok?

>> No.37105455

That's a very admirable way of looking at things, and the world would be so much better if everyone adhered to it, but that's naive. I've come to realize that there really are people that give, and ones that take, and it's better to take, because the mere existence of the latter group, no matter its size, puts you in jeopardy, so you're better off playing for that team. Not just romantically, it's in everything. It's better from an individualistic perspective. I don't fucking hunt taken women, some of them just happen to be married or in a relationship, so the responsibility is on them, not that I give a shit. People are shit, if you really didn't know. Homo homini lupus est, and all that. I don't actively search for ways to fuck people, it's just opportunism. If we lived in the paleolithic, we'd be bashing each other's skulls in with a rock to take each others possessions and women. Nothing changed, we just can't kill or rob each other now.
>whatever you do to other will one day be done to you
My personal philosophy has nothing to do with this, you're at risk of getting fucked over no matter what you do.

>> No.37105642
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>especially sigma men

>> No.37105676
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>> No.37105912


>> No.37105937


>> No.37106159

>le sigma male
Reminder that Christian Bale himself called you a fucking loser.

>> No.37106168

I didn't know vtuber stood for idol. Why is there no I in vtuber then?

>> No.37106320

yeah, it's disgusting but I still come here hoping there will be a good thread at least once

>> No.37107398

>This is the essence of CGDCT
toddler genre, its made for little children, you could take any episode of a toddler show like backyardigans, remake the episode exactly the same, but replace the characters with generic moeshit girls and fat faggots would gobble that shit up and be autistical shits about how its the best anime of all time, no wonder cgdctniggers overlap so much with ponnyfuckers, and you faggots will cry about how isekai is killing anime while coomsuming that flamming garbage
CGDCT discussion should be banned to a separate /mlp/ like board so it gets the fuck out of /a/,/jp/ and /vt/
>inb4 you're gay1!!!!1 cope
you act like a literal tranny, i bet you want to be a little girl too you massive faggot

>> No.37107474

Nice farm thread for your twitter account

>> No.37107514
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>they want us to be their lovers

>> No.37107844

This is not fair to Pre-school programming at least it tries to have educational content for its target demographic, while CGDCT does not have that

>> No.37108005

>Isekai enjoyer
I don't know why you think that people who do not like CGDCT would accept you into their midst, since they hate isekai too

>> No.37108247
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Let me just say this based.

>> No.37108309

for clarification, i don't like isekai, since its mostly self insert power fantasy bullshit (sometimes for the authors themselves), but seeing CGDCTniggers laugh at people eating trash while consuming garbage is just something i like to call out

>> No.37108554

friendly reminder everyone virtuesignalling is a pedophile

>> No.37109794

I find it funny how redditors accuse unicorns of not having friends. In reality, everyone who has a social life knows how uncomfortable it is to be in a third wheel situation, even if you don't have any feelings towards the female.

>> No.37110027

>we don't want other males sniffing around our women
>>>15k watching
