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File: 403 KB, 1080x1666, kroniichiwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33964492 No.33964492 [Reply] [Original]

the fuck happened to kronii?

>> No.33964576

She was always like that, the model just hypnotized her viewers.

>> No.33964621

Carried by her voice and model

>> No.33964642

she was always like that you just hate her now because of the male collabs

>> No.33964653

Wdym? She was always depressed and made jokes about it since debut

>> No.33964935

If Kronii actually got help, stopped hating herself, and learned how to cook would she incline or recline?

>> No.33965001

She’s been making those jokes since her debut. Are you a newfag or your just upset she collab with males?

>> No.33965038


>> No.33965076

Nothing happened. She's always had something off about her, which is slowly coming to the surface as she releases limiters (which every chuuba does after 1 or 2 years)
Personally, she's the only HoloEN I did not sub to right after debut, because her debut put me off. Which is weird, because even Mori's debut was funny and endearing.
I think Kronii is the most unstable menhera in all Holo EN + ID (dunno about JP, they have / have had some real nutcases over there)

>> No.33965440

Just craving for cock and attention like a whore she is ...

>> No.33965550

I love her

>> No.33965617

We get it OP. You've never watched her and you just want the gift card.

>> No.33965957

>Kronii has low IQ, so her grades couldn't satisfy her Asian parents
>Gooks are known for bullying and sexist
>She learned to bite back, but she's incapable of improving her IQ. Therefore she can only think with her ovaries hormones
>She watched animu as a way for escapism, but never showed more interest than just "I watched this series and I like it" like an ironic weeb
Deal with it. She's just a depressed normie who made it into EN

>> No.33965995

Mori’s debut was cute in a “dear lord, this is a disaster, but she’s trying her heart out” way. I think someone on /jp/ once described it as “helpless moe.” Now she’s just kind of a bitch, but it’s whatever, those first few months were her best effort by far.

>> No.33966078

Women need beatings

>> No.33966112

>kinda like the joker

The Joker is never intimidated by his own henchman, nor was he whiny, bitchy and needed twitter to defend himself.

>> No.33966540

Kek true

>> No.33966968

yea kronii is like the penguin

>> No.33967167

When you remove the gfe aspects, as little of it as there was, and now that she is trying to actively force out any “unicorns” or gachis, all you have left to evaluate her is on her merit as a performer. Truth be told, she was never particularly talented to begin with

>> No.33967209

She stopped faking it.

>> No.33968502

Recline. People always complain when a chuba exits their depression arc, unless they do something impressive with their new found happiness.

>> No.33969105

She mindbreak her fans into liking male collabs

>> No.33969116

if we are talking about the joker, she's the female Thomas Wayne. She crys on TV and the normalfags are moved.

>> No.33970398

Very cool linking to your own post, but you can't get gift cards with that approach

>> No.33973973

People can't really fake a personality for more than 3+ months, more specifically in relationships, but when you're streaming all the time, eventually your true colors show. She seemed interesting at debut but is honestly strange now, her sense of humor literally being adam Sandler movies and shrek--fine for a mildly online late 20s girl but unwatchable in terms of entertaining personality.

>> No.33974037

Fucking disgusting. Not an ounce of self-respect out of anyone there.

>> No.33976023

I wonder if other people started getting filtered when she got her first outfit, like me

>> No.33977438

She doesnt do enough RP prerecorded content

>> No.33979301

She's in her best era right now. The stream was vesper was just the beginning of things to come.

>> No.33979513

Your oshi’s not gonna fuck you bro

>> No.33979596

Don't bro me cuck

>> No.33979785

Good luck with that, homie

>> No.33980198

Dont forget the lolsoramdom screaming. What the fuck happened? I used to like her especially in collabs.

>> No.33981892

>the fuck happened to kronii?
She's been that way since day one

>> No.33984516

She's allways been like this...
I love her...

>> No.33984562

So what did kronii actually do. Someone give me some info

>> No.33985129

Nothing that hasn't already been spammed in this board,twitter,ect. People are just know realizing she's pretty weird

>> No.33985159

faggot OP exposing himself as not having watch stream and is a catalog reader.

>> No.33985405

is she even that weird? shes just a bit autistic and anxiety prone

>> No.33985415

ESL much

>> No.33986108

Just weird enough for catalog to complain about it. So not that weird really...

>> No.33986628

she bought her own home and once again it turns out women are better when living under oppression

>> No.33989841

You guys no longer find that side of her charming? What changed?

>> No.33989991

the fact that she used it to outright replace her much better looking base outfit was what pissed me off
>cool reaper
>wigger rapper
and we all know which one she picked
much like with kronii, mori's og design was wasted

>> No.33990703

>You guys
her old gachis left. it's her new reddit zoomer fanbase who realizes how weird she is. the people who found it endearing were driven out, while her new fanbase will slowly shrink. oh the irony

>> No.33993474

honestly that was the first sign that she wasn't really with it
instead of playing to her lore with her og model, she just wanted to look like a regular rapper with her second outfit and only ever used that

>> No.33994970

>.05 has been deposited into your Steam Account

>> No.33995038

Either a nigger or an zoomer wigger, in either case you should kys now

>> No.33995341

She couldn't take all the hate she was getting. Now she's weird af.

>> No.33995420

He's a Mori fan I bet

>> No.33996189

>When you remove the gfe aspects.
What GFE aspects? She doesn't have any.

>> No.33996368

It was funny. What's your problem? Can't understand a joke?

>> No.33996463

It was implied, because she never had a hard refusal of that kind of shit until just recently. So some of her appeal was to people who would consider themselves unicorns, or gachis, or goslings. You could describe some of the banter as being akin to it, some of the asmrs as well as the daki merch.

>> No.33996566

Imagine getting this angry over a word
Kill yourself homie

>> No.33996664

do a flip on the way down, homie

>> No.33996819

>no u
Found the cuckbeats

>> No.33996863

I hate Mori and Kronii I just think that faggot is retarded

>> No.33996881

>this upset at being called homie
Damn, home-slice take a chill pill

>> No.33997027

>L-look at how mad you are
What a dismal performance

>> No.33997054

She never did real ASMR (unless you count the times she got drunk/high/off her tits on pain meds and rambled on twitter instead of booting up streamlabs), she baited and switched every single time.

>> No.33997208

>real ASMR
She did in her members only and if we are gonna start qualifying shit with “its not sufficiently gfe content” will be here all day. The point was that since her debut up until this point her content was oriented in a way that would appeal to the typical hololive audience. If you remove the parts that are meant to encourage parasocial fans, there isn’t much of substance left

>> No.33997233

I don't get why. She's a stick figure with boobs stapled on. Gura was 100% right when she joked about her being 70% leg.

>> No.33997373

>they hated him for speaking the truth
Don’t speak like a nigger/ wigger and you won’t get shit on, simple as

>> No.33997600

That's what you get when you hire someone with crippling depression.

>> No.33997624

Stop being a snowflake faggot and go back reddit
Dumb ass nigga

>> No.33997793

>shitting on subhuman niggerspeak
Do you even know where you are faggot?

>> No.33997994
File: 291 KB, 308x831, 1649352933786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it isnt. this is

>> No.33998001

>Do you even know where
2016 electionfags are the fucking worst
This isn't some super secret racist hivemind website you dumbass newfag

>> No.33998066

Coombrains that only care about big tits. Go back to Kroniis debut a pay attention to the talk and fanart she got during her brief incline: it's all about her tits and her voice.
Wada's art is horrid, but the people that consume it have very low standards.

>> No.33998114
File: 45 KB, 800x591, 1664091852478166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe genuinely She grew up in a highly neglectful house hold there's no other reason why she'd do something so weird and disgusting with her eating habits

>> No.33998248

>election tourist
Shut the fuck up you fucking pretender, it also isn’t a hugbox for your faggot reddit sensibilities you oldfag Larper. Sperging out because you got told to kys. Grow thicker skin since you obviously can’t handle babies first bantz

>> No.33998365

>grow thicker skin
You got mad over the word homie

>> No.33998497

Again with the cope “look at how mad you are” I told you to kys for your gay wiggerspeak. I tell alot of people “kys” most of them don’t cry and shit their pants screaming “election tourist” like you do. Maybe you need to be less of a faggot anon

>> No.33998501
File: 555 KB, 742x565, 1639841470700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's always been a huge menhera. It's just that there are more eyes on her now due to the whole male collab drama.

>> No.33998549

Polka has a natural talent for being an entertainer. She can make something good even from a bad situation. She is feeling down? 8am Karaoke.
That's something that Kronii lacks.
Depression jokes can be fine once in a while but they get old and boring fast.

>> No.33998580

You need to grow some thicker skin

>> No.33998606

Kronii isnt a menhera, just a retard

>> No.33998634

Polka has a real knack for being a genuine entertainer, her ability to mesh in collabs and converse with senpai about all sorts of topics has been pretty endearing.

>> No.33998714

>no u
80iq in action

>> No.33998748

Why is the way she laughs so different and more powerful when she's laughing at men's jokes compared to women's?

>> No.33998839


>> No.33998870

It baffles me how bad these girls are at lore and kayfabe. Isn't lore supposed to be their entire selling point?

>> No.33999752

Except Polka had good reason to be depressed. Anyone could have figured she'd get progressively better doing what she loves with people that care about her.

>> No.34001827

Pathetic bunch
