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File: 330 KB, 640x998, What the Koreans doin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33760918 No.33760918 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone educate me on this topic? Like bro I know that Korea was colonized in the Taisho period, but I am sure animes like Demon Slayer which is based on that period still got pretty popular? Any clue?

>> No.33761009

Wouldn't be this like "don't do steampunk outfits because that romanticizes British colonialism"? That's retarded.

>> No.33761058

not to say Vox quite literally mourned for Lizzy's death who is literally a colonizer lmao

>> No.33761073

I am laughing out loud right now. These kinds of people do not have jobs or talk to very many people in real life.
If oomfie actually gave two shits about anything in earnest she probably wouldn't spend her time emptily QRT'ing merch for a vtuber company.

>> No.33761101

>twitter shit takes

Yeah, and?

>> No.33761170
File: 561 KB, 2528x2600, EoKuWIAUYAEFFUI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we really going to discuss twittards and their unwanted opinions here?

>> No.33761217

yes this is actually comedy materials

>> No.33761285

Yes this is so much fun lmao I love when ppl mald

>> No.33761369 [DELETED] 

Anyone who says “oomfs” doesn’t deserve any rights

>> No.33761406

>lorded over the greatest decolonization period in world history

>> No.33761415

there are always some gooks trying to cancel literally every vaguely taisho setting, and it's always the same line "yoooooooo isn't this like kinda super fucked up?!", and the response is always nothing because nobody is falling for that retarded bait

>> No.33761491


>> No.33761568

no I would actually like to see how Tazumi react to this lmao, the qrd's already crazy on this and that gif (a dude destroying a Jap flag) those Koreans used is so mood, can't wait to see everything burn

>> No.33761591

Big oof. Going woke was a mistake.

>> No.33761757
File: 1.09 MB, 1123x1296, 1660279284541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Romanticizing the period where many koreans suffered under the japanese rule

>> No.33762092

This happens every time there is a taiso theme in something popular. Project Sekai had taiso costumes announced in-game and some players wanted them to change the clothes

>> No.33762276

twitterfag do it for their own moral superiority

T. gooks

>> No.33762345

they say that too though lol

>> No.33762379

This is why they should never pander to the twitter crowds

>> No.33762463

>>33760918 use
>Can anyone educate me on this topic?
koreans seethe to this day about their japanese overlords

>> No.33762519

Educate yourself.

>> No.33762623

Maybe the anon meant that Lizzy colonized in a sexual manner

>> No.33762651

do gooks care bout this shit? their board is dead af https://arca.live/b/nijisanji

>> No.33762719
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>> No.33762769 [DELETED] 



not there

>> No.33762815

Twitter and Reddit neither know nor care what any of those words mean. It's just a bunch of spoiled, overeducated faggots jerking each other off over shit that doesn't concern them.

>> No.33762853

This is like the time white people got upset about the sombreros in Mario.

>> No.33762858

I think only a portion of them care, most likely nationalists and femaletard. MHA used to get boycotted because it used a war criminal as the name of a character but it soon became a nothingburgor in Korea...

>> No.33762922

>wow this taisho shit sucks! I better give it some free advertising

>> No.33763003

Many british monarchies actually did nothing, just figureheads, just symbols.
However as symbols they embody both the good and the bad regardless of whether they did anything or not.
Lizzy didn't colonize or decolonize, she just said words about it the family has 0 legitimate world scale political power the way politicians do.

>> No.33764459

if you unironically use this pls end your life

>> No.33765953

Another way to say your island country spent about a century getting bodied on the world stage so badly that you had to retract your tendrils here and there to consolidate strength.

>> No.33766097

What is a /pol/ style shill slide thread doing on this board?

>> No.33769133

dumb gooks had their chance when the mongols helped them but still failed.

>> No.33769376

>spent about a century getting bodied
They willingly followed that drunk Churchill into WW2 for no good reason and the permanent decline followed immediately afterwards, can't say I feel sorry for the anglo.

>> No.33769522

absolutely baffling post

>> No.33769868
File: 671 KB, 598x2038, 1637932481703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLY BASED, when will Ayame get her costume from the same era?

>> No.33770334

>They willingly followed Lloyd George into WW1

>> No.33770871

The "At least I lived as a Lion" parable applies. The only reason people note and celebrate a big fall is due to the heights that were achieved by the one falling

>> No.33770929

Churchill wasn't even PM when war was declared

>> No.33771107

Chamberlain declared war though, dumbdumb.

>> No.33771320

the difference between taisho roman and other colonizers is that they actively destroyed korean culture and forced koreans to wear taisho clothing, hence the clothing itself being controversial. I don't really give a shit if people are offended or not, but it's not exactly the same as british colonization. Honestly it's a shame they didn't use noctyx for this since they have 2 korean members the twitter spergout would've been even funnier to watch

>> No.33771384
File: 1.34 MB, 1200x900, 1635031769038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well they clearly didn't destroy it hard enough.

>> No.33771841

Yes, beging forced to wear their clothes is totally worse than some dude coming over, kill a bunch of people, take your farm land as your people starved, take / destory all your culturally significant valuables, and bring your people back as slaves.

Look I'm not defending the Japs, but it's stupid to get offended over period clothing because of what happened during that period.

>> No.33772438
File: 1.54 MB, 849x1200, DSRKCoverArt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine cosplay as Raidou and terrorize the gooks

>> No.33773343

Koreans whine about everything that has to do with Japan

>> No.33773429

>never gave back the jewels the crown stole

>> No.33773522

Retard, that happened too, alongside forcing them to dress like that

>> No.33773807

I guess they have to somehow pay back a thousand years of taxes too then right?
Where does it end and people finally say "they are forgiven", never thats when. So why bother trying?

>> No.33773841

Isnt mumei's kemono taisho? Dont koreans love her and her dos dons?

>> No.33773918

The loudest one isn't the one buying shit anyway

>> No.33774115

Reminder that Koreans have no culture and identity. Every "culture" they have is just stolen from other Asians. Koreans are the blacks of Asians.

>> No.33774125
File: 150 KB, 616x616, 18E178D5-9E2F-4E76-A509-742188F01D00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina and Kronii ruin HoloEN
>Luxiem proceeds to promote gook genocide
Why are they the villains again?

>> No.33774559

Bongs are the only ones not returning the stolen treasures from their old colonies. Tell me what's the fucking Parthenon doing in UK?

>> No.33774853

I swear fags that can't separate fiction and reality need to rope

>> No.33774972
File: 296 KB, 764x764, 1634358821217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gooks seething

>> No.33775000

I would tell you not to do steampunk outfits but only because it's garbage.

>> No.33775049
File: 148 KB, 457x325, 1663264097627534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething gooks

>> No.33775118
File: 28 KB, 400x400, FdPpBU9aUAYTqti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33775138

must have been traumatic for the gooks to exit the caves and have to wear clothing
that's how things work in a civilized society so it's nice that japan gave them a little push

>> No.33775299

Guess it's time for a strike back then? Japan hasn't advanced anything since the 2000s, maybe Korea should invide Japan to help them modernize a bit.

>> No.33775599

Korea has the most advanced suicide rates in the first world, I'll give you that.

>> No.33775769

>bringing up suicides as a defense argument for Japan
Hooray for being number two I guess

>> No.33776091

who is Lizzy?

>> No.33776154

Korea is not first world.

>> No.33776332

I thought women wanted to be colonized by Vox, why is it suddenly wrong when they capitalize on it?

>> No.33776408

Based Based Based

>> No.33776895


>> No.33776927

They want to be colonized by big British cock, not small Japanese chinpo
