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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33494640 No.33494640 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.33494682

LMAO I love her

>> No.33494784


>> No.33494809


>> No.33494868


>> No.33494882

STD with YMD

>> No.33494895

*drops pants*

>> No.33494981

nice, i got some too, lets exchange the species so they can make more little mutated herpes babies.

>> No.33495047

Is worth it line up boys.

>> No.33495157

I'm ready to do some kissing.

>> No.33495806

but laplus, covid :(

>> No.33497174


>> No.33497564

Reminder that herpes stays with you forever until you die. There is no cure. It ain't worth it lads.

>> No.33497772


>> No.33497870

oral herpes spreads so fucking easy its not worth worrying about. im pretty sure i got it from my mom

>> No.33498249
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>> No.33498378
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>> No.33498477

>anons were never kissed as a baby

>> No.33498496

>a part of la+ sama will be with me forever
Sounds like a win win to me

>> No.33498587

>Thus shall you serve Nurgle best. Thus shall you spread his virulent gifts across the false Imperium, and watch its final rotting...

>> No.33498809
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Reminder to those with burger tier sex ed

>> No.33499059

it's hilarious when people are highly aggressive against people with herpes, calling them all sorts of derogatory terms etc. then you ask them "ever had a cold sore?" and they reply "yeah of course". lmao.

>> No.33499409
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I'll still make herpes babies with Lapregg UUUOH

>> No.33499472

You can get it just from sharing a drink.

>> No.33499575

... someone gonna tell him?

>> No.33499652

>herpe cucks trying to normalize herpe lol
>off to lgbt with your aids

>> No.33500203

Im legitimitely scared to get these things.
These sex disease are the major reason why I will never become a sex addict.
I dont want none these incurable disease bro,herpes is not even that bad you would say but shit from what I've heard its really annoying and it can be painfull too

>> No.33500259

Fuck it. Pretty sure I already have chlamydia anyway

>> No.33500533

The one she's talking about isn't the STI version, it's this one >>33498809 You really think she would say on stream she has a STI? The English world just started calling it "cold sores"

>> No.33500892
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What if...
>your oshi wants to have sex with you RAW and DAILY
>but she has HIV
Would you do it, lads?
There are meds to manage hiv so you can still live a long life together with your oshi.

>> No.33500950

I've got hemorrhoids something fierce. There's no way herpes is as bad as what I go through with those, especially if it means Laputan will spit in my mouth

>> No.33501251

Based rubber doughnut sitter

>> No.33501471
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>> No.33501716

>she got it from her mom
yea im her mom (male)

>> No.33502223

I wouldn't mind getting herpes type 3 from La+

>> No.33502253

What a whore!

>> No.33504003
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>> No.33504178

But you would also get it if you had sex with someone who has it, and she somehow just happened to also have a UTI at the same time.

>> No.33504753

Girls get UTIs so easily. Evolution fucked up putting all their holes so close together.

>> No.33504847

Sure, but having it right as she's also having herpes? Very suspicious.

>> No.33504911

I've seen a horror movie start out this way.

>> No.33504977

You ALWAYS have it once you catch it. Things that bring your immune system down (like a infection, say a UTI?) can cause it to break out. That's probally why they started getting called cold sores since they would show up when people caught a cold or got sick and their immune system goes down.

>> No.33505129

how to detect a virgin

>> No.33505207

Whenever I get a high fever my oral herpes comes back and it hurts bad. I also get it when I get stressed during exams and finals. It's like clockwork, I'll have to do an exam and the day after I wake up with these stupid sores on my lips.

>> No.33505376

who let the normalfag in?

>> No.33505381

How many times do we have to tell you oral herpes is not a sex disease?

>> No.33505445

I already have it anyway kek

>> No.33505458

Most of this site seems to have not had even basic biology classes in high school. I learned about this type of stuff in grade 7.

>> No.33505461

i hate whores so fucking much

>> No.33505515

Female to male HIV transfer is significantly rarer than the other way around, and PReP exists for the uninfected. Just force your oshi to take her meds daily (I'd wait for her viral titers to drop to undetectable levels to be extra safe) and remember to take yours too and you'll be good to go.

>> No.33505897

Its because cold sore has become synonymous with any sore spot around the mouth. If you bit your cheek you call it the resulting wound a cold sore, same with any other sore in your mouth most of which are actually herpes.

But because everyone just calls mouth sores "cold sores" its just what people say even if they don't have it.

>> No.33505953

thats a rude way to talk about your mom

>> No.33506542

>If you bit your cheek you call it the resulting wound a cold sore
No, you call that a kanker sore.

>> No.33506651

Maybe that's the actual term, but everyone just calls it a cold sore.
I get them all the time. And saying cold sore is just 100x easier than saying random ass german words.

>> No.33506826

>If you bit your cheek you call it the resulting wound a cold sore
No no no, that's called a canker sore and it's more like a faulty immune response. The white tissue that sloughs off from biting is like leukoplakia, and has a very very tiny chance of being cancerous if you're a big tobacco chewer. Not contagious though.

Herpes 1 is just lip blisters around the outside of your mouth and those ARE called cold sores. If they were inside your lip it probably wouldn't spread as easily, because almost everyone has it.

>> No.33506829

I don't care what the WHO says I don't know anyone with oral herpes

>> No.33506869

is it true you can get genital herpes from oral with someone who has oral herpes?

>> No.33506909

>almost everyone has it
In my extended family of 100 people I can't think of one person with if

>> No.33507238

if i cut her lips off and kiss her cut-off lips will i still get it?

>> No.33507312

I'm going insane
How do so many people supposedly have face aids but I've never seen a person with it

>> No.33507323

Not if you boil them first.

>> No.33507725

>everyone just calls it
Ok sure anon, "everyone" gets it wrong then. You know you're anonymous here right? It's ok to be a retard. I probably used wrong terms for words when I was a toddler too kek.

>> No.33507823

Because it's not a big deal 99% of the time and aside from rarely ever appearing it usually only forms a little bump like a pimple.

>> No.33507922

What does it look like?
Like once a year I get a sore spot at the corner of my mouth that will break open and bleed all over the place. Its kinda like a sore I guess, but I always figured it was just dehydration or dry mouth.

Not many places I could have picked up herpes from but my ex was a bit of a slut and had kissed men before me.

>> No.33507993

Incurable disease that marks your face for life isn't not a big deal

>> No.33508138

This anon is going to get oral herpes from a public surface and will lose his mind.

>> No.33508201

I'm 30 so if it hasn't happened yet I think I am ok

>> No.33508313

its like a single pimple that appears for a 4 days and then goes away, and it rarely shows up
thats just cracked skin

>> No.33508402

Is cracked skin related to crack, and is it possible to have it passed on by relatives? My sister used crack in the past and it might have infected me.

>> No.33508431

Ive googled it an it's not a 'single pimple'

>> No.33508531

that does sound like it. External (not inside your cheeks), dry, cracky, bleedy, couple times a year

>> No.33508543

Bitch it literally is. That's why you've "never seen someone" with it, because you're being too retarded to recognize what it looks like for most people most of the time.

>> No.33508606

Ok retarded herpes incubator

>> No.33508622

>look up cold sore
that's just literally all the skin on my face.

>> No.33508872

Should we put the oral herps in camps? It would be gone in a generation or two.
Similarly, if 50% of adults have it, how has it not just infected everyone yet?

>> No.33509028

>oral herpes
How the fuck did she even get it? Did she munch too much carpet or what?

>> No.33509165

Being a virgin >>> catching STDs or worse, unplanned children

>> No.33509394

That's because 99% of the time it never flares up.

>> No.33509582

>all these underages itt that don't know what HSV1 is and how it works
Just nuke /vt/ already, the site will be better off.

>> No.33509715

I'll never accept you diseased freaks

>> No.33509728

in the clip she says she got it from her mom

>> No.33509795

wait, i've been kissing her mother too, that means..

>> No.33509938

La+ was munching her mom's carpet??? Yab.

>> No.33510009


>> No.33510031

I got it because my dumbass cousin stole a sip from my drink

>> No.33510075

This is how we can save Hololive: Covid 2

>> No.33510084

Was she cute though?

>> No.33510104


>> No.33510117

partying every day has its consequences, she is still not back so i guess something have to hit her harder than some stomach problems and herpes.

>> No.33510162

Your mom also gave them to me.

>> No.33510236

He was a fat lard

>> No.33510394

how to detect a retard

>> No.33510428

There's a vaccine you can take to prevent catching AIDS from your partner when you fuck and a procedure so your children won't have it either.
I'm game.

>> No.33510563

I would happily take any STD to have sex with La+

>> No.33510716

Did you take ccvid vaccine jab?

>> No.33510805

I took the first out of pressure. Bunch of shit began requiring it (uni, gym, restaurants, job) until it didn't. Never took another jab.

>> No.33513392

Rip anon, the spikes are shedding inside you, you have a week left.

>> No.33513465
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>> No.33516037

this isn't even ". posting"
OP is legitimately speechless

>> No.33516211
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>> No.33516288

>All the cope ITT by people with herpes
lmao gross. Go member Laplus.

>> No.33516436

t. STD riddled whore

>> No.33516503

Based and redpilled

>> No.33520389

>get in the fucking pekodam mumei, or kronii will have to do it again peko

>> No.33525547

There are two kinds of herpes, HSV-1 (aka cold sores) and HSV-2 (aka genital herpes). You can be infected with one or both of them, and both of them can infect your mouth or your genitals. Thing is, most people have HSV-1 (often it's just one cold sore), so there's a very high chance you'll get HSV-1 on your mouth from someone in your lifetime before you ever have a chance to get it on your genitals. Because once you develop an immune response to HSV-1, you can't be exposed to it again in a different area, and chances are someone's kissing you long before they go down on you. That's why most people consider HSV-1 no big deal. With HSV-2 the risk is that you probably won't be exposed to it until you're sexually active, so your first exposure could well be someone rubbing their infected member all over your face and genitals. That's where the idea everyone has of a hooker with herpes all over her face comes from.

>> No.33526146

When I was younger I would probably be horrified at the thought of herpes, but now my body already has so many other self-inflicted scars and impairments that it doesn't seem like it would be a big deal if I had it

>> No.33526512
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>> No.33527345

Any of you who had the chickenpox as a kid also have a kind of herpes virus in your body for life and any time your immune system is compromised you will have a chance of redeveloping it as shingles.

>> No.33528183

Bitch, you know coddamn well its not the same thing

>> No.33528586

It's almost the same thing. It's called Herpes/Varizella Zoster.
>VZV is closely related to the herpes simplex viruses (HSV), sharing much genome homology
The mechanism is the same, you get it once and it stays in you forever and occasionally flares up whe your immune system is weak.

>> No.33528797

>As a result of primary infection, the body produces antibodies to the particular type of HSV involved, preventing a subsequent infection of that type at a different site. In HSV-1-infected individuals, seroconversion after an oral infection prevents additional HSV-1 infections such as whitlow, genital herpes, and herpes of the eye.
She is gonna be immune to STI herpes forever, fags.

>> No.33529738

like monkeys are almost human.
yeah no

>> No.33529909

ITT: Anons still don't understand that oral herpes isn't an STD.

>> No.33531492

She got cooties from kissing a boy.

>> No.33533378

yeah me

>> No.33534016

how did she got herpes?

>> No.33534869

You can get it from kissing or sharing food utensils with your parents.

>> No.33534894

eating out her dyke gf

>> No.33534959

My dick

>> No.33536105

I can hear her evil otaku laugh

>> No.33536465


>> No.33536703

I don't think you faggots actually know what "oral herpes" even mean
Its just those white spots you get on your tongue or maybe under your lips when your hand is dirty and you touch your mouth or if you eat something that's actually dirty, like with actual filth on it
Though it mostly lasts for a couple of days, I have no idea why she's lying and saying that it hasn't recovered yet, there are ointments that can get rid of it in the same 24 hours

>> No.33538236

yeah, me

>> No.33538867

baffling post

>> No.33539001

ITT: American education

>> No.33539268
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Amazing how this thread is better than 99% of threads on catalog atm.

>> No.33541030

has a nice ring to it

>> No.33541122

I'm not a virgin but I'd say STD-ridden sex isn't worth it. Have you smelled what pussy with STD is like? BRUH.
