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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33050512 No.33050512 [Reply] [Original]

Why do they always talk about sex?

>> No.33050594

Thier job is to sell sex for coomers, their personnal life is sex. They whole life is sex, they have nothing else to talk about.

>> No.33050622

because they have a lot of sex (with me)

>> No.33050651

Hi clip watcher.

>> No.33050670

Why don't (You)?
captcha: x4y4x

>> No.33050680

because your only exposure to them is through 20 second long clips and fake outrage on /here/

>> No.33050730

they are a very small company, they have to bait coomers to stay afloat.

>> No.33050732


>> No.33050796

I didn't know there were so many of them.

>> No.33050902

the whole point is that they don't talk about it, clipwatcherfag-kun

>> No.33050978

Well Vei only streams when she wants money/her boyfriend is busy.
Nyan only streams when she wants money/her boyfriend is busy.
Froot has her real job as an artist.
Hime streams 4 times a year.
Mel splits her time between 2 websites.
The only once that have a consistent schedule are zen and mouse.

>> No.33051030

you forgot silver though.

>> No.33051037


>> No.33051089
File: 1.02 MB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_2022-09-13-08-34-32-995_tv.twitchmod.android.app.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch her play WoW and find out :)

>> No.33051145

only 11k kek is that the best vshojo can do?

>> No.33051188


>> No.33051228

That's all that's left of WoW's playerbase.

>> No.33051260

Because several of the company's founding members become popular due to discussions of sex. Melody rose to fame because she was a hentai camgirl. Then she started a podcast with Ironmouse and Silvervale, which naturally tended to be about sex because of her involvement. Those three formed the core of what would become VShojo, and everyone else ended up collabbing with them.

It was always about sex. Those who watched VShojo at any point in their development have always known this. That's their selling point. If you want a vtuber who's genuinely seiso, you don't watch VShojo. If you want a vtuber who can hold a serious conversation about dicks... well, you watch Melody.

>> No.33051821

>jokes are the same as talking about the actual sex you have

>> No.33052071

>If you want a vtuber who can hold a serious conversation about dicks... well, you watch Melody
This. Unless you're a horny teen who thinks brainlet sex jokes and desperate innuendos are funny, you watch Melody for candid adult zatsu content (and to nut...mostly to nut). She's the de facto not as much nonsense headliner (for anyone over 20) and gateway to the rest of Vshoujo, and from her you branch out to whichever of the sillier caricatures you happen to like.

There's actually a method to approaching vtuber groups, and going through gateway chubas usually provides the best onboarding experience to their various derivatives. This is why some chubas in a gen or brand may stand out for whatever reason. They effectively serve as landing pads for audiences to acclimate to the brand's culture.

>> No.33052293

Why is the color palette so trans?

>> No.33052645

>Unless you're a horny teen who thinks brainlet sex jokes and desperate innuendos are funny, you watch Melody for candid adult zatsu content (and to nut...mostly to nut). She's the de facto not as much nonsense headliner (for anyone over 20) and gateway to the rest of Vshoujo, and from her you branch out to whichever of the sillier caricatures you happen to like.

Imagine talking about this whore as if she had any value, intellectual or otherwise, other than being a sexworker.
Melody seems like a nice person, but she's still a prostitute that streams herself putting sex toys in her pussy. For you to then say that she's the mature man's choice is beyond ridiculous. The average age of Twitch's audience is 14 by their own admission, and Melody's viewerbase is no different. You're a coombrained retard zoomer with no tastes or interests outside of prurient ones. You have such little life experience that you have no business telling others what adult topics are or should be.

So shut the fuck up kid and enjoy you're whore, but stop looking down on others just because they're capable of consuming content that doesn't revolve around touching themselves.

>> No.33052953

Everyone does

>> No.33053564

Fine, I'll bite.
>Imagine talking about this whore as if she had any value, intellectual or otherwise, other than being a sexworker
Life experience makes chubas more worldly and less obnoxious.
>Melody seems like a nice person, but she's still a prostitute that streams herself putting sex toys in her pussy. For you to then say that she's the mature man's choice is beyond ridiculous.
That's exactly why. She cut her teeth on cultivating a parasocial eGFE relationship with an adult (male) audience. That experience translates directly into vtubing. While other chubas are trying their best (with sometimes hilarious results), Melody usually seems to knows what she's doing...except when it comes to technology. For an older guy living in the real world, that's a far better entry point to vtubing than childish zoomer antics or chubas who condescend to their chats like babysitters.

On the other hand, if you go right into other vtubers doing and saying silly things the medium comes off as some stupid nonsense for tweens, and you're probably gonna go watch some twitchbros play shooter game instead. There really is something to be said about women who actually know how to handle men online, a skill other vtubers...don't always have.

>> No.33053751

Because young men have a sex addiction that is ruining their chances to actually make meaningful relationships and pursue real women, and these manipulative cunts are taking advantage of that for profit

Most vtubers are just the new age of camwhores, and that goes for almost all female streamers right now,

Stop simping boys

>> No.33053980

Sex good

>> No.33054230

tell them that twitchfags are nothing but virgins.

>> No.33054258
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Why are you trolling?
>Because young men have a sex addiction that is ruining their chances to actually make meaningful relationships and pursue real women
That's actually the empowerment of women resulting in the 80/20 becoming overt social reality. If young women reject them, what can they do?
>and these manipulative cunts are taking advantage of that for profit
Both a symptom of the problem and a business addressing inefficiencies in a modern sexual marketplace that greatly skews towards benefitting women on average.

>> No.33054305

Its unironically twitch meta. Amelia had a clip blow up in twitchsphere other day because of a 'cum' joke unintentional or not. Its just what gets clicks with twitch.

>> No.33054310

They're women? What else would they talk about?

>> No.33054445
File: 59 KB, 480x360, ta-qvv7CrPe9BGi8d_7CDegbd3tNBL8pniY9MDODwHw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they always talk about sex?

>> No.33054550


Show me a Vtuber outside Hololive that gets 11k

>> No.33056149

Their hobbies? Their interests? Their experiences?
What do you think the Hololive JP girls talk about during their multiple hours of streams? The ENs and IDs hololive girls don't talk about sex either.

Only western women become indignant when they are asked to talk about something other than dating and sex because most of them literally don't know anything else.

>> No.33056325

People seem to forget that women outnumber men, men arnt the choice, they're the prize, we've just become so weak and neutered that we stopped recognizing our own worth

We have so many men who are depressed and weak and vulnerable and these people are keeping them that way, you can say that they're helping make their lives happier but they're giving them false validation, the feeling of donating and hearing their name said gives them a false sense of pleasure and keeps them addicted in financial succubus is who prey on that stimulation and pleasure

Women ask where all the good men have gone, there aren't good men anymore, and there won't be again if this goes further

Stop simping, work out, cut your fucking hair, and do something with your life, you are not donating because they are good at a game, or funny, you're donating because you're a horny little monkey

>> No.33056550

average content of vshojo

>> No.33056788

They do talk about that. You're just a retard who has never actually watched a vshojo stream

>> No.33056826

>why is the company founded by a camwhore about sex
Good question and not a bait post

>> No.33056959

>You've never actually eaten a turd. How would you know it tastes bad? Checkmate, incel.

>> No.33057208
File: 2.89 MB, 1000x556, 1648436240280.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simple as

>> No.33057233

Maybe if men weren’t treated like shit from birth they would have more confidence in themselves. But sure bro just cut your hair and lift heavy thing

>> No.33057368

What the hell is sex?

>> No.33057687

they are western women and western women exist to pump and dump

>> No.33057720

>just hit the gym and take a shower bro
>just become a billionaire bro
>just get taller and grow the size of your dick bro
>just get a nice face and ass bro
>just stop being autistic bro
>just act like you're a chad who's lived a lifetime of positive reinforcement bro
Every time

>> No.33058202

300 lbs at least

>> No.33058755

Too much inspiration from Hololive

>> No.33058785

That's not how it works at all lol

>> No.33059115

Quit being so fucking weak about it, men have taken shit for years and it's only recently we started breaking down, you have no fucking purpose in life

You don't need positive reinforcement, a nice face, or a big dick, be a fucking man, push back against the negativity and the things holding you down, make it your mission in life to better yourself and the confidence will follow

Used to be, then I changed my ways, you could easily lose 10 lb a month if you're not whiny little bitch who complains about how hard or impossible it may seem, grow a pair, get off your ass, stop talking about it and do it, dedication and drive is what makes the difference between a man and whatever the fuck we've become

>> No.33059695

>just be a man bro
>just ignore genetics bro
have some respect for reality and stop this absolute behemoth cope

>> No.33060530
File: 35 KB, 500x500, j34g575jwna61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they want it.
Now hand it over.

>> No.33060735

What the fuck does genetics have to do with anything, I'm saying quit being a basement dwelling sex addicted simp, go outside, get some purpose, and better yourself,

If you're blaming your parents, grandparents, upbringing, you're not looking for a solution, you're looking for an excuse to stay the way you are,

The only cope here are the delusional kids who want to justify their way of life by claiming they have no other options, there's always options, it's just those options are hard and people don't want to do anything that takes even a little bit of effort

Change is easy, being dedicated to that change and betterment is the hard part, it can be weeks, months, years of work, but at the end you'll be able to look back and be proud of what you've accomplished and how you changed, just how much better your life and Outlook has become

>> No.33061246

Literally doesn't matter. Modern western society is full on anti-autist. Doesn't matter how much you lift or shower. If you don't have genetic and circumstantial factors to offset the tism debuff and attract women to (You), you're just an awkward guy randomly bothering women.

Nobody cares about pyrrhic victories. Bettering oneself for the sake of bettering oneself is a pointless waste of time. It's always been about whether or not that gets (You) laid. If you spend years bettering yourself without getting laid and then you still don't get laid, all you've done is waste time that could've been spent enjoying your life and pursuing your passions. Man needs the occasional bite of a carrot to keep him going. No carrot, no deal.

>> No.33062274

In actuality, there's nothing to do about a useless, recurring depression. Most people will just die of heart failure with a wife who doesn't love them or kill themselves before that

>> No.33062430

It's not as hopeless as It seems from, you're depressed, you feel dejected and like nothing's ever going to make the change, my guess is youre friendless, you do your job, you immediately go home, and then you play video games and watch your favorite YouTuber because it's the only social aspect you get

I understand, covid nearly killed me, I was worse off than I'd ever been, I got to the heaviest of my life, I was ready to ended on stream,

I'm not talking about getting laid, and if that's the only mentality you have about it then I can't help you, you're still thinking like a sex addicted simp, I'm talking about bettering yourself, for yourself

Get your body to the point that you're confident, develop a skill that you've been wanting to use, get some purpose in your life and do something you can be proud of, you are in a spiral of negativity that will never end until you make the active decision to get out of it, and you have to keep with that decision, you have to keep climbing because if you let up for even a minute you'll get sucked back in

There is no magic button to get you laid, if that's all you want go buy a prostitute, but I'm saying is put in the work to be better

>> No.33064004

>if that's all you want go buy a prostitute
Can't. American. This is why we have mass shootings.

>> No.33069367

No Mouse, you can't handle it!

>> No.33070337

I wonder how the new Youtube Policy is going to affect that group of whores. I can't wait to see it.

>> No.33070419

Not much.

>> No.33070710

I love these whores, anon

>> No.33070933

Ah... You're actually right, my bad.

>> No.33071170

>watch vshojos' non-collab stream
just plain boring
