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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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33004614 No.33004614 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for 潤羽るしあ, みけねこ and 飴宮なずな

Previous: >>32783884

>> No.33004643
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/95rn16
Fanbox: https://mikenekoko.fanbox.cc/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC54JqsuIbMw_d1Ieb4hjKoQ
Twitcasting: https://twitcasting.tv/95rn16
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeneko.x/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@minyan84

>Nazuna Amemiya
Profile: https://www.vshojo.com/talent/nazuna
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5gs8EbpwbfQvrhizJx60TA
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/amemiyanazuna
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmemiyaNazuna

>> No.33005482

I want to be her Akemi Homura

>> No.33005690

Cover is a black company

>> No.33006320 [DELETED] 

cover doesn't hire niggers

>> No.33006372
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>> No.33006521
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love only wife
love her a lot

>> No.33006901

I hope she fixes her sleep schedule...

>> No.33006911

Hololive is a company
Vshojo is a company
Nijisanji is a company
Nazuna is accompanied(by me)

>> No.33007275

She should have slept through the night, if she hasn't said anything yet it means she has been sick because her body is not used to it

>> No.33008244

Guerrilla incoming wake up anons

>> No.33008869 [DELETED] 

Tangential news but...

AYYY LMAO crawled out of hiatus to post an update on why he went into hiatus.

Long story short:

>Says he's been harassed for the last six months. (Interesting time frame, I wonder why?)

>Felt that his life was in danger so he went on hiatus.

>Harassment is still ongoing but reached a point where it's now considered illegal.

>He retained a lawyer and filed disclosure of information for those who were doing the harassment.

>Is preparing for the court case now.


>> No.33009083
File: 198 KB, 2048x1556, FYIwYb9aUAA1Dpj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be splatoon

>> No.33009100

Why does this need to be posted in our thread? That sounds like a him problem not an our problem.

>> No.33009191

did you actually think that the lack of discussion about this ITT was because we didn't know and not that we didn't care?

>> No.33009485

Considering it came out an hour ago, the former. But I'll remove it.

>> No.33010497

>hour ago
unless he made a new post an hour ago that re-stated the same info contained in his literal blogpost, the news is 20 hours old anon

>> No.33010587

I'm not surprised if his harassers aren't even the fandeads and are actually just vtuber antis who just want to troll both sides.

>> No.33010856

is it really going to be guerilla streams from now on?
Nazu please...use the schedule again...

>> No.33011103
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yeah I don't think I'm gonna catch this stream, if it even happens
I really hope this won't be her new time

>> No.33011143

Honestly it was 6 months of guerilla after feb so that part isn't too bad
its the time of her last two guerilla streams
it's fucking 2 AM here
Even 5 AM is okay for me normally as per る! but with 2 AM guerrillas she's catching me off-guard and tired as fuck+on sleep meds...legitimately the only super troublesome time span for me that she reliably never streamed in was ~10PMish to 4AMish EST but now I don't even have that, is nothing sacred

>> No.33011630

I liked her original nazuna stream schedule. I don't like this new one. I fucking blame her JP management for suggesting her to stream more during burger hours. Not only is it inconvenient for me but it also fucked up her sleep schedule.

>> No.33011702

I think she wants to go back to the 6pm schedule, maybe with some guerrilla in the mornings

>> No.33011715

her sleep schedule was already fucked

>> No.33011724

Its 2AM in the east coast what are you talking about

>> No.33011950

He probably means that Minecraft stream where she streamed at 9am JST after not sleeping

>> No.33011993

Honestly I think she choose those hours herself for some guerilla but if management did suggest those hours then they really are retarded.....like they want to break into the JP market but they choose some of the worst hours for her JP fans....doesn't make sense, at least she's somewhat getting back to her usual hours now.

>> No.33012013

She will end up choosing the schedule that best suits to jp and that will be the one she had as rushia

>> No.33012159

It is the same management that put the debuts at bad times for jp and eu

>> No.33012265

literally any other usual time of hers is better than 3 PM JST
for JP and US alike
Hell it's 3 PM JST on a weekday, nips are still working

>> No.33012431

The schedule she had as rushia was 6pm, but if she wants to find a good schedule for jp and us it's going to be impossible

>> No.33012529

I know it was, I just hope this two in a row 3PM timeslot is some kind of test

>> No.33012550


>> No.33012820

The more I interact with the average western Twitch viewer, the more I don't want them to form any significant part of her audience
Those people are proud that they only treat their streamers as entertainment. I'm really hoping she'll eventually start to filter them with her lovey dovey chats

>> No.33012857

I hope she settles on some time or at least sets a weekly schedule, I don't want to be waiting all day for her to feel like doing a stream at any time of the day

>> No.33013120

most likely isn't considering how unhealthy it as been to her sleep schedule and she knows it

>> No.33013499

that's always been the case even with the youtube EOPs anon

>> No.33013684

At the very least, we never got that "you can collab with anyone you want" shtick on YouTube. With the translator only translating chat's comments that were in favour of male collabs
I still see normalfags hoping for her to collab with guys too

>> No.33014422
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I prefer she'd stick to her Rushia schedule too. I've also missed the last 2-3 guerilla's I've been watching bits of those I've missed and my sleep times been fucked up too since that first guerilla to that last stream (the lamb cult game) I saw where she got sick after the stream. I literally cannot remember if that was a guerilla or not. Think I slept 4 hours that day. The waiting all day is getting to me too. Right now I would be sleeping that's how my sleep schedule's been since that first guerilla to that last stream and thanks it's the weekend I been able to try to correct back my normal schedule and also her not streaming also helped get me back to it.

No disrespect to the EOP's on this thread, elsewhere and on stream but I kinda don't care for her to stream at later times (or earlier times) to get you guys in. She is in the Japanese branch after all not the EN side but I do feel bad about the subtitling going to full waste and being useful during hours closer to EOP's and I know how important it is for her but still. I would say if she wants to guerilla I'd be cool with it if she keeps her schedule too and if her health is good but this is the wrong girl to expect that kind of consistency especially when she's going menhara too.

She was doing that on that lamb stream talking that way. I literally read a comment by some guy on there saying "No Nazuna, friend not wife" when she was calling herself a wife to us. And true facts dude. Westerners see these streamers as mere entertainers.

>> No.33014655

Some EOPs are desperately clinging to the thought that she's just acting and that they can change her into not being chats girlfriend and wife. A lot of them though realize it's futile to try and convince her of giving up her Gachikoi and GFE.

>> No.33015210

I think the most retarded comment I ever saw was someone making a comment about her game streams saying something like, "this is a lot better than that GFE she used to do"
Some of these people literally think that Rushia didn't play games on stream. I wonder if these were the same people bitching when Mike did the Valentine's Day chocolate stream.

>> No.33015440

>Westerners see these streamers as mere entertainers.
and thats fine

>> No.33015546

Anon I can guarantee most EOPs only ever heard of her through either clips or the Feb Yab and haven't watched any of her main content before Nazuna much less her roommate content. I don’t even get that comment either "this is a lot better than that GFE she used to do", like she "used to do"???? Do they genuinely not watch Nazuna streams either, like that's a serious question btw do they genuinely not watch her either or do they have tunnel vision and only see what they want to because saying Nazuna doesn't do hard-core GFE is like saying the sun doesn't exist, how blind are you???

>> No.33015618

I remember her retweeting something with a Rushia reference (forgot what) but I think this is the first time she retweets something with a full body Rushia reference.

>> No.33015627

It's fine until they start trying to force things on her, or her fanbase. Nothing wrong with casual viewers who understand the concept of lurking in her chats, but how do you defend something like
With someone outright telling her not to call herself the wife of the chat

>> No.33015712

It's fine so long as they don't try to force her out of her relationship with chat. It's clear this is what she wants to do and her relationship with chat is something she cherishes so trying to force her to give it up is retarded, essentially it's fine if they lurk and send supporting comments but when they start crossing the line and trying to get her to act like the average Western streamer who doesn't care for chat is where the line is crossed imo.

>> No.33016164

I wonder if she read my dm telling her to do asmr sucking a dildo

>> No.33016340

she did liked a few mike arts with a green butterfly or an angel halo sneaked in before that oyakodon Rusia fanart happened.

>> No.33016760

True dude. I saw some of these guys on clip comments too. These arrogant guys have no clue how far this goes. Some talk as if they know Rushia from clips but disprove that with their own words. Some think Nazuna doesn't do it either. I lost my temper on like two of the many I've read and in vague words let them know it goes further but that's all I said as I don't want these people anywhere near her.

>> No.33016817

I think another egregious thing I noticed is people talking about "talent freedom".
Now I know that's a buzzword on here, but I'm talking about people using it entirely as a compliment.
I saw one comment where someone noted that Nazuna's voice is a bit different from Rushia's and said that it was probably due to her new talent freedom. Some of these people literally think that Cover was over her shoulder telling her what voice to use on stream

>> No.33017015

That's interesting view. To me I been wondering if these guys will start using this "talent freedom" in a way to set Nazuna free from us. With the shit going on over at hololive en it got me wondering. I see how quickly they'll use the gachi's and throw them under the bus.

>> No.33017188

That's what happens when there are people who by watching two clips of rushia screaming and the one of bruh think they have seen everything about her and believe it when a random makes a video saying her fans are toxic for not knowing she was roleplaying a girlfriend while she was living with mfmf.
Plus I hate clip channels that since the incident are only dedicated to upload Mike/Nazuna stuff even if it's nonsense

>> No.33017320

She knows who her real fans are, she won't care if a person who isn't even a sub tells her to collab with Connor for example.
It's another thing if management tells her that she's free to collab with males and that it helps her make friends and have a bigger audience

>> No.33017500

>It's another thing if management tells her that she's free to collab with males
There's no way they haven't told her this at least once considering that the alternative (no males) actually requires various accommodations to be specifically made in order to help her keep men out of her streams. Of course, I also agree that she's definitely noticed the difference between her Twitch and her core fanbase, and it looks like she's decided that the core is far more important to consult.

>> No.33017534

I seen clips that show Nazuna being lovey dovey to us, so I won't go that far against clippers. But yeah I still see those retards and bringing up "that" maid cosplaying weirdo. I can't stand fake fucks when they pretend they care and in that same sentence or paragraph show their true colors. That is the sickest shit I know besides these anti's. I literally want to beat the faq out of them.

>> No.33018289

Almost 6 pm jst and no announcement. Please don't tell me it's later today? orz

>> No.33018453

I would wait a bit more because she could be doing a late night stream but yeah, if it passes this hours it's less likely she would anything other than a twitcast maybe.

>> No.33019002


>> No.33019352

Maybe she can start stream between 8/11pm

>> No.33020589

>want to plan the optimal time to go to the gym
>still no announcement for when her stream begins

>> No.33021019

I made a mistake staying up, I should have taken a nap earlier

>> No.33022454

Wife love

>> No.33023172

>downturned eyebrows
右 in the 心

>> No.33023513

I think I should of taken a another nap earlier too... fuck it. I'm napping. If I miss another guerilla again I miss it. All this waitin around fucking sucks! Is she playing splatoon 3 or somethin?

>> No.33024921
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>> No.33025614

If she hasn't announced anything, I don't think a guerrilla will happen today

>> No.33027140

It makes me happy to discover new Rushia art these days

>> No.33027174

Not enough Nazuna lewd...

>> No.33028084

I see she changed her Twitter banner

>> No.33028275


>> No.33028395

What are the chances of her doing a JST midnight stream?

>> No.33028678

If she's really trying to fix her sleep schedule, unlikely

>> No.33030523
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>> No.33032015

English class with Nazuna and Akari on the 17th according to Kson. This is from her Twitter space

>> No.33032782

Nazuna is listening to Kson’s Twitter Space

>> No.33033072 [DELETED] 

I am now a Nazuna anti

>> No.33033865

Nazuna is going to stream in 10 minutes. I've been free all day, literally the only time I'm busy is in ten minutes...
I'll at least get to catch the end of her stream, lads.

>> No.33033930

Where did she say this?

>> No.33034019

Kson space, collab apex

>> No.33034066

I think she said 家事

>> No.33034985


>> No.33035142
File: 3.03 MB, 3840x2194, b0ad34442cd041dfd78d731d6d4d9532aecb8008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not simply that but great looking Nazuna art altogether like that Rushia >>33024921 and many more like it. It's probably because of exposure. Lack of clips, inconsistent streams, maybe being on twitch?

>> No.33035747

You mean Mirai Akari? One of the 4 great daisenpais?
It's kinda wild how all 4 of them got basically rolled over by (then) newbies, btw. Like they put the foundation but couldn't enjoy all the benefits.

>> No.33036075

Yes Mirai Akari

>> No.33036998

So is the Apex stream today?

>> No.33037106
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>> No.33037247

>that manaita

>> No.33038002

She changed the stream title, stream any minute now

>> No.33038123


>> No.33038183


>> No.33038245

Nothing like watching twice the amount of people playing badly at Apex.

>> No.33038314
File: 31 KB, 266x324, 1660495397024170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yeah

>> No.33039869

long life hope

>> No.33039885

Please don’t donate today to get the point across that we don’t approve of lazy apex streams. Unleash your inner jewpanesee

>> No.33040167

>please let her know we want less streams
Why dont you kys or go watch something else fag

>> No.33040178

Nazu...your numbers...

>> No.33040185

Please donate 2x as much today, to show her we enjoy her streaming her favorite game

>> No.33040334
File: 239 KB, 2048x2048, FX4N55rVUAIxLPX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you're trying to do, I won't fall for it
I'll donate three times as much instead

>> No.33040358

How havent you yet learned that Twitch viewers dont all just come in at the start but trickle in as time goes on. Also her average minus debut is rather consistent around 5k which is pretty top tier on twitch.

>> No.33040627

I fucking swear Kson if you try to get her to play with RPR...

>> No.33040700

You are enabling shit streams. Have fun being stuck with an apex addict who will degrade to 500 ccv. Guide her out of the wrong path instead like a proper husband

>> No.33040722


>> No.33040726

not your personal army faggot

>> No.33040772

But towa?

>> No.33040838

Have fun then with shit streams, you contrarian zoomernigger

>> No.33040875

Yes, towa can keep her apex husband
please keep him away from my wife

>> No.33040951


>> No.33041020

We don't like him either.

>> No.33041253


I see a lot of numberfags saying she will go down but according to this she is the 19th biggest jp streamer on the platform (she was 22 not long ago) she's doing pretty ficking good imo, only thing im curious is her subcount since there is no site tracking that reliably, this site tracks nice for the top sibbed but it's trash for normal streamers but it seems to me she gets plenty subs and bits.

I will stop numberfagging here now, it was just to stop these retards doomposting with made up numbers

>> No.33041328

I really really don't understand why we have to deal with this bullshit every time. Can't people just leave us and her alone for once?

>> No.33041352

who is we in your case?

>> No.33041412

I can't really watch the stream rn. Is Kson suggesting anything?

>> No.33041433

Did Kson ask her if she wanted to collab with RPR? if not then calm the fuck down, don't be such a whiny bitch

>> No.33041450

Even Veibae is able to get 9k ccv…
Wasn’t she 15th at some point?

>> No.33041505

to this board if you're not at the top then your numbers are trash, it's not worth taking them seriously

>> No.33041512

Pretty much, from what I've heard. I've only just started watching.
Nazuna obviously wasn't a fan

>> No.33041539

>Is Kson suggesting anything?
she just mentioned that she's collabing with him later this week

>> No.33041567

Okay, I'll watch the VOD of it later, can you tell me around what time?

>> No.33041656

She invited her to the Japanese class and she said no

>> No.33041674

Looks to be about 0:47 in, in and around that. Again, I didn't catch it but a few others seem to have.

>> No.33041688


>> No.33041711

read the post I am replying to

>> No.33041737

No, that's the English class with Mirai Akari.
Kson is doing a Japanese class with rpr

>> No.33041778

>Kson invited her to the collab
>Kson just mentioned the collab
this is why I can't take you guys seriously, which one is it?

>> No.33041844

Okay I'll focus on that portion. Based if it happened the way >>33041656 described it.

>> No.33041937

>"I'm teaching Japanese class to RPR this week, he's an Apex pro"
>"Oh I know him"
>"Wanna join?"
>"No thanks"
the conversation summarized

>> No.33042121

Hopefully this will calm down the paranoid retards on this thread, she's not gonna collab with guys even if Kson invites her

>> No.33042220

>kson mentions the collab
>says he's a pro and would make a good person to learn apex from
>hints at whether nazuna wants to play together (to learn more about apex)
>nazuna tries to reject it nicely
Also rpr just came up again and kson didn't try to invite her to play this time

>> No.33042236

Anon, to be clear, I'm >>33041328
I'm not worried about Nazuna doing it, because I trust her. But you have to at least understand that it's actually a bit annoying to hear someone who really SHOULD understand Nazuna's entire situation casually suggesting a male collab. That's all. It just annoys me and I'm frustrated, but not with wife. I love wife.

>> No.33042273

Maybe she was 15 with debut buff but not in the last few months

You compare her to vei like she is a 2view lmao, before she stopped streaming consistently after her redebut she was getting 12-15k ccv almost every stream, she's one of the biggest females on twitch, 9k after ditching for weeks to brainrot on WoW is pretty nice even with bf buff in her case

>> No.33042384

I've been trying to tell people for weeks, months even that Kson doesn't actually understand nazu's entire situation with her gachis. She's so goddamn extroverted that it sometimes conflicts with Mike's personal beliefs.

>> No.33042442

It's just a casual invitation that Nazuna can always reject

>> No.33042481


>> No.33042631

I love my wife for being able to say no even if itnwas difficult and awkward
kson, I had faith in you, so please don't so this kind of thing again. I want to be able to trust my wifes friends too. please dont give me another reason to stress.

>> No.33042648

so dramatic

>> No.33042699

Post this in their thread too

>> No.33042793
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>i trust my wife only when I'm able to confine her
nice "love" you have there lads

>> No.33043058

I didn't actually expect them to get Champion
I kneel...

>> No.33043184

Inviting people to stuff is considered good manners.

>> No.33043199

Can't believe Nazuna unironically carried Kson

>> No.33043233

Some of us here are the extremely possessive type ngl.

>> No.33043420
File: 301 KB, 438x455, 6758764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazuna...splatoon onegai...

>> No.33043479

It's also considered good manners to understand that one of your best friends doesn't interact with men on stream, and that any invitations to a stream that would have a guy in it shouldn't be made publically, where there is an additional pressure to accept due to an audience watching who may judge her choice. Especially a Twitch audience

>> No.33043499
File: 238 KB, 345x396, 1662043554637705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Splatoon next stream
thank you nazuna

>> No.33043542

Nazuna....surely you know splat 3 released....right?

>> No.33043642

Couldn't even break 4k today... and it was a collab...

>> No.33043684

doesn't seem like Nazuna felt pressured
you really need to calm down, being this stressed out about inconsequential stuff isn't healthy

>> No.33043704

I disagree. "Wanna come?" "no thanks" is not hard. That's how normal people act. There's literally no issue except for you schizos schizing out.

>> No.33043724

yeah some here are pretty much the menhera boyfriend type. Kinda fitting I guess.

Just out of interest:
So the kson friends server/collabs would also be taboo?

>> No.33043723

This is stressing me out a bit

>> No.33043743
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>> No.33043802

dunno, I'm not the resident psychologist here

>> No.33043836

It was a guerrilla
It's 3am
Stop being so fucking retarded

>> No.33044181


>> No.33044207

No collabing with guys. Why would I make bizarre exceptions to something like that based on who it is?

>> No.33044441

My dream is for Nazu or Mike to open a minecraft server where she can play with her fans.

>> No.33045805

Cute wife doesn’t want to stop talking with us

>> No.33046219
File: 434 KB, 265x360, 1658178963889503.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But then she'd be collabing with guys

>> No.33046267

yeah, me
and (You)

>> No.33046955

holy shit she really went hard with the porn BGM and erotic noises

>> No.33047020
File: 243 KB, 1265x1231, 9214B9BB-D74E-4CB5-8E96-9A63CDC02435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33047036
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>> No.33047156

Holy shit 4AM for her there goes her sleep schedule

>> No.33047206

It’s ok if she ruins her sleep schedule to talk to us (probably)

>> No.33047319

>ends up talking to us for hours and goes to bed super late
>doesn't stream
>ends up playing APEX for hours and goes to bed super late

>> No.33047405

Bathtime with wife Nazuna (lots of kisses involved)

>> No.33047495

What a tease contemplating doing a bath stream right now.

>> No.33047662

I'm so happy to be cohabitating with my wife.

>> No.33047719

Cohabitation play?

>> No.33047755

Cohabitation = living together

>> No.33047818


>> No.33047908
File: 61 KB, 800x800, FbAi2vqVsAE_f1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a good bgm

>> No.33048048

anons...she's teasing us with bath description in chat... I'm so fucking hard

>> No.33048049

And you faggots will still believe that she's getting advised/forced to not have a relationship with viewers after this

>> No.33048141

I'm washing my wife's back...

>> No.33048188

She could have put up some video or something while we wait

>> No.33048203

She’s in chat

>> No.33048287

I guess it's harder to do from her twitch account because she did live bath stream on twitcast at least once.
They're intimate but surprisingly mundane for those getting excited there.

>> No.33048327

she must be really horny today if she's doing this for us

>> No.33048515

She even bother to write one message in English.
My wife...

>> No.33048773
File: 9 KB, 152x143, 1661763164152951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I washed my hair~~~ It feels good~~~ I'm taking a bath again
>bath now

>> No.33048820

I've held it in for 6 months.....I fucking can't do this anymore....this may be my biggest load in history

>> No.33048895

>体洗ってくるね BODY WASH NOW

the teasing...

>> No.33048974

This is going to make the minds go 100% for those with great imagination.

>> No.33049091

Ah, that girl had to go into chat, now the mood will probably change a bit.

>> No.33049272


>> No.33049318


>> No.33049369

If she's doing this ASMR is only a matter of time.

>> No.33049530


>> No.33049546

They have this bad behaviour on twitch of some streamer friend getting bored and deciding to squat in another stream chat so they can get some attention.
Anyways, the whole situation was kinda nice.

>> No.33049603


>> No.33049900


>> No.33049968

I don't think I've ever been this hard in my entire life. She's completely draining me anons...

>> No.33050474

She was using 恋人 to explain what we were in the "cohabitation play". My heart.

>> No.33050715

She's wondering what do we overseas people use for body wash to smell so good.

>> No.33051387

Ah, it's the Advised/Forced schizo

>> No.33051470

>replied to the wrong clip

>> No.33051548


>> No.33052544

Is this gonna be her longest stream to date?

>> No.33052707

No, her record is 6 hours and 34 min on Monster Hunter Rise.

>> No.33052926

So why were her numbers low?

>> No.33052990
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amazing stream like always
I love her so much, she's so cute

>> No.33053000

I love my wife

>> No.33053029

Guerrilla streamed from 2AM to 6AM JST time you tell me

>> No.33053089


>> No.33053108

can you ignore the obvious numberfag bait already?

>> No.33056535

She was so cute today that I can almost forgive her for not fixing her sleep schedule

>> No.33062752

Do you think she’ll ever get 1mil Twitter followers like Rushia?

>> No.33068756

Aaah I’m still happy from the stream, it went from something I didn’t really care for to one of the best streams. She was so cute. She didn’t want to stop talking to us. She kissed me. She took a bath with us. She called us her lover. Ah it was so good.

>> No.33072804
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>> No.33074742
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>> No.33078147
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>> No.33081054
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>> No.33082927
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>> No.33084553
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>> No.33086512
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>> No.33086714

A nazuna Bathtub stream. Imagine, she gets inspired by twitch whores and does one herself but it’s really cute instead. It’ll be a step-up from the twitcast

>> No.33086876

splatoon sounds better

>> No.33087515

My Necromancer…

>> No.33088272

Why no both. The switch is portable after all

>> No.33089958

I love her so much

>> No.33091133
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>> No.33091370
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bath streams

>> No.33091652 [DELETED] 

>Implying she's never done a bath stream before
How fucking new?

>> No.33091707

>Implying she's never done a bath stream before
How fucking new?

>> No.33092208

Nvm read the rest of the post but it probably is going to be exactly like the Twitcast or a little bit lewder.

>> No.33093410

Is it ok that her videos don’t pass 100k views?

>> No.33094510
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>> No.33094579

The ccv/views/etc do not affect my enjoyment of her streams

>> No.33095034
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I love this necromancer
I love Mikeneko
I love Nazuna

>> No.33095051

Do you mean the YouTube ones?
If I remember correctly, she has absolutely nothing to do with the YouTube channel. That's presumably VShojo staff making those.
They can figure that out themselves, but her YouTube channel feels like massive wasted potential

>> No.33095316

What's the lewdest ASMR-type content she's ever done?

>> No.33095340

damnit. this one hurt me

>> No.33096167

The last one she did as Rushia, the most lewd was ear licking

>> No.33096644


>> No.33096788

She didn't used to play rpg so I'd like to see it, although I hope it's not undertale

>> No.33096932

It's 6pm JST. If nothing in 2 hours it's another lucky day for EOP's.

I'd be surprised if what she considers Undertale to be a relaxed rpg. I don't think it's Monster Hunter RIse. I wonder what it could be. Maybe it's a indie rpg game or weird obscure rpg.

>> No.33097109

Yesterday kson recommended hades to her

>> No.33098209

Would be nice if it was persona 5, the theme should resonate with her pretty well. Guessing it'll be a final fantasy title though

>> No.33099693

Cute feet

>> No.33100322

rpg ikz

>> No.33102066
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>> No.33102166

Maybe she's not doing it today unless she somehow wants to start being the streamer after midnight.

>> No.33103588
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>> No.33104759

Can't stop thinking about her saying
"Do you understand what it is this sound?
This is the sound of (my) clothes being unbottoned
From now on since i'm going to take a bath"
at 3:07:00 in the last VOD.
I love that she can get away with a lot of fanservice by having a character that sets this up often as a joke to get tsukkomi'd for being out of place or over the top.
If she was direct with this ecchi parts she would get complains from normies. This way they fall into the net before they realize it.
I love my teasing wife.

>> No.33106484

love wife

>> No.33110255
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>> No.33112427

Kson, nazuna and Zentraya Apex collab soon, from kson stream, still in the works

>> No.33112963

glad she's finally getting that collab

>> No.33114272
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>> No.33115536
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>> No.33116898

It is almost comical about how we find out news in relation to her through an extended information network

>> No.33120002
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>> No.33120771

Some of her numbers that I can endorse is her Twitter interaction. Whenever she posts her model she gets like over 20k likes. Very few other VTubers can do thats.

>> No.33122817


>> No.33123503
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At least post an image

>> No.33124421
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>> No.33125521

Do you think Rushia would’ve been in the amogus collab if she wasn’t fired?

>> No.33125588

Do you think I care?

>> No.33125634


>> No.33125991

It feels like she should still be with everyone

>> No.33126113

It's been over 7 months since the last Rushia stream.
It's not healthy going over what ifs, for your own sake, our sake and hers

>> No.33126151

Yes but speculating on what could have been isn’t helpful, it’s avoidable sadness. Yesterdays stream was so good that I’d rather work towards a happier future than think about what could have been now.

>> No.33127121

>peepee tenshi

>> No.33127369
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>> No.33128741

That's up to her old friends, they could ask permission to collab on main but thats unlikely to happen.
Or they could just do like mori with mouse or mel and someone else i don't remember with kson and collab on their other persona with no consequences and no chance of getting shut down

>> No.33129323

>no chance of getting shut down
At this point, I genuinely doubt that Cover would just let the Holos collab with her on their roommates. It's just a feeling I have.
Besides, Holos collab with Mouse anyways, so I don't think Cover would have an issue with Mori doing it as Mori

>> No.33130052

Kson collabed with multiple holos using roommates and also posted a cover of KING on one of their channel iirc, i really don't think cover can do anything about roommates anyway, mori and mouse was just an example but mori collabed with moistcritical too, i don't think cover would allow that

>> No.33130367

X roomate and Mikeneko collab could definitely happen, but I doubt it's worth it for them. It would stir a lot of shitposting (not just here) and although cover couldn't put a full on stop to it, I'm sure they'd still try something petty behind the scenes.

>> No.33130552

I hate to use that faggot as an example because I think he's scum, but her ex-manager gave her shit for messaging Kore2 a New Year's Message on Mikeneko.
If they're that petty over a New Year's message, how much worse would they be over a full blown collab.
Kson still techincally left Cover on good terms

>> No.33132506


>> No.33133215

Didn’t cover make them all unfollow Mikeneko on their roommate accounts? If they went through that trouble I doubt they’d allow a full blown collab.

>> No.33133778

Only two followed her, and unless I missed something one still does.

>> No.33135173
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>> No.33135494

As far as I know before the yab a lot more than 2 followed her. Unless I’m wrong.

>> No.33136436

Why don't I feel how I felt about her just a few days ago

>> No.33136714

your balls have dropped

>> No.33137157


>> No.33138056

you forgot your meds

>> No.33139180

Mouse is getting Nazuna a slowpoke on stream right now lol if you guys care

>> No.33139510

that's pretty cute

>> No.33140543

Yadon wins again

>> No.33140785

kek, it's the same exact crane she's failing at too

>> No.33140863

menhera moment tabun

>> No.33141508

Mousey got the yadon for her

>> No.33141515

She did it, she got the slowpoke

>> No.33142080
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>> No.33145629
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>> No.33147015


>> No.33147415

only n*z*mi unfollowed her. R*kka IIRC still does, but mike unfollowed her.

>> No.33147439

No it's only 2 Matsuri and Mel, Mel haven't unfollow. Roboco used to follow her but somehow unfollow her before everything happen

>> No.33151014

wife status???

>> No.33151156

me on the left

>> No.33151471

Faking the correcting of her sleep schedule

>> No.33152536
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>> No.33154382

Wife doko?

>> No.33154842

Sleeping peacefully next to me

>> No.33156697

If she is doing that I am not surprised. From one insomniac to another this is to be expected. Despite correcting my sleep schedule I've only gone and ruined it myself again sleeping 4 hours today. Not something I'm gloating about as I been passing in and out throughout the day. Good thing I don't drive.

Is she on apex?

>> No.33159238

So which one of you is the retard who said she abandoned the cat model?

>> No.33159312

It was that guy Anonymous.

>> No.33159589

There were a few anons going menhera because her past 4 twitcast thumbnails have not been neko

>> No.33159939

member Twitcast

>> No.33160704

She finished already. I wonder why she was in such a hurry, she didn't even announce it on twitter.

>> No.33160832

She said it was going to be a quick cast.

>> No.33160975

why's that guy always such a dweeb?

>> No.33162259
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Michael Neko is my wife and she is the cutest

>> No.33163382
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>> No.33164256
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>> No.33165187

is she still collabing with men?

>> No.33165721

At this point i gave up at guessing when she's going to stream again...
My sleep schedule is also all over the place

>> No.33166333

She loves us

>> No.33166452

Jag skall slicka Nazuna’s mussla och dricka allt hon sprutar ut från sin söta lilla snäcka

>> No.33166491

Love my really considerate to her fans wife and want to see her smile.

>> No.33167083

shes collabed with men a few times but mostly just offcollabs

>> No.33167538
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>> No.33167831

>Nazuna red and blue eyes
What emotion does this provoke?

>> No.33167993

offcollab means shes having sex with them, right?

>> No.33168426


>> No.33168443

What she means by 開示依頼等 boys? That's the only part i don't get fully. Without spoiling the tweets, of course.
I'm so happy she is so energized to try be in her best form just to not make worry the fans she loves so much.
It shows both how considerate she is and a great effort to get mentally better.

>> No.33168514
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members twitcast
